12 Polly and Her PalsWhat Chance Has Poor Pa BGwwt! rr3r J tW DAW6oULll I , , tf yV-nTT V"' " AiKt , 71 RwHTT LITTLE BUM ou! WANT ADS Want nds recelrcfl at any tlmo, but lo Insure pror classification must ho presented before 13 o'clock noon for the evening edition and before 7:30 p. in. for the morning and Hun Jy editions. Want nils received after such hours Kill have tliolr first Jnsortlon tinder tho licndtnz, "Too Tjite to Classify." OASir KATE FOIt WANT ADS REG UL A It CLASSIFICATION: One insertion Iff cent pbr line. 'no or more consecutive Inser tions 0 ccnt per lino. Olio lino per month, $1,80. Twenty cents minimum charge. AdrcrtlseiDonU charged to patrons baring accounts nre measured by the line, not by the word. OIIARab RATES. . Sli words to tho line. One Insertion 12 cents per line. Two or moro coiuccutlvo lnsw tions 0 cents per lino. One lino per month, $1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. NOTE Tho licowIll not lore Bpdnsible for more than one wrong insertion due to typographical error. Claims for error cannot bo allowed nfter tho 10th of tho following month. An advertisement inserted o bo run until forbidden must bo Mopped by written order. Verbal or telephone cancellations cannot bo accepted. Dealers In Omaha are: keo. A. Hoffman, UlU and Dodge. M. L. Dodder. 23d and Cumins. N. P. Hwanson. 17th and Cumins, O. II, Brewer. Ktt North Hth at., South Omaha. Vju can order SARCOPHAGI fro th tcllnwlng CEMETERIES! Forest Lawn. Phone Florence 134. I'rokpoct Hill. Fhouu Webster not. West Uwb. Phono Douglas I2. Wount Hop. Phono Benson HUW. Qracrland FarK. Phons Douglas IMC Holy Sepuluher. 311 Darker tilde. Ur, order direct ireni tho AMERICAN bARCOPHAUUtt .COMPANY. Douglas 2412. Office, 301 First Nat. iJank Blag. MIKTHH AMI HEATHS. BirthsGrant and Kdith Baumwart, B216 Bedford, boy; II. and Elma Jonoi. 2i8 main, pay; II- and It. ivuhtman, tciS Marcy, boy: C. and Olivia Klrtley, 2101 ISorth Twcnty-tltth avenue, boy; Henry and Anna JUeb, 414 brands, boy; Henry and Ltbble Mnlei, 110 itriggs, girl; O. A. and Mario Millsr, S113 South Second, Kirl, Roy and Lota Pierce, 4103 North 'a'lilrty-sixth. avenue, Kirl; Henry F. and Onna Huemplng, iXS U street, South maha, Kirl; Josef and Mario BplteJnlk, 14S South Seventeenth, boy. Deaths Frcderloka Anderson, 37 years, hospital; Dolly Zlegler, 63 years, ml bherman avenue; W. Arnold, 84 years, 23 North Seventeenth; IS. It Morse, 4 fears, hospital i Vlnnio II. Sinclair, li vears, hoipltal. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following couples have been licensed to wedi Name and Residence. Age. Orajlo Serluca, Omaha . 25 Urovunnl Vaclrca, Omaha to Mike Oraovac, Bouth Omaha , 34 Annie Kovachtrtg, Bouth Omaha 30 Ralph Piper, Bouth Omaha 21 Hasel Roper, South Omaha 1 Glnn D. Hewitt. Oreenleaf, Kan 24 Either C. Mullery, Omaha., ,. 24 4 Francis V. Urlggs, Omaha js Kdlth Richards. Omaha a Karl P. Hoffman, Junction, Vyo 27 Ursula Schmidt, Omaha . 25 Wilson Weateraon, Omaha 25 Oertrude Lawless, Omaha 20 lo R. niers, Omaha.. ji ilartha U. Thomsen, Omaha ," BUILDING PKUM1TS, Mrs. C. Oreen. 1S Dlnney, rram 11.000; Mrs. U Owen. 4422 Parker, frame una James bilhacok. 1IH South eftth,' fS. UEL1 WANTEI KEMAI.M. Vaotury Had -, 'WANTED Five-piece ladles' orchsstra tor Uoyd theater. Apply to Oeo. w. liarbltr. tIonaekeeMira and ioueatl. TUB SERVANT Q1RL PUODLKM SOLVED The Ut will run tt Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Illufls. Bring your ad to The 13ee oftlce or telephone Tyler lO&a WANTED-Neat country girl for gen eral housework; wages 125 per month. X Lincoln Blvd.. OmahaT AinfluS: tity mhs. WANTED Olrl for general housework: nwnium icyuirou. iiarney 644S. U'iNTvrvjiiri tn ...1.. . - " -' . mill flDUH. vork; good home. KX N. th 8t Tel. OOOD girl for general housework; mall family and good wages; laundry WAN'THtl - it WANTKIWJtrl fnt. i "J.T small family: highest wages: private 'vuui ww IMIIL DO, Jain HL WANTED-Competent girl for general VAtVTKhaMtMl.n -.1.1 . Johaw: BlldwTnV 40CBo 7oth sT II. 10s -ANED,0Od ,l,rt ror general housed SIk' ? r flohemlaii preferreun in tamllr. Hit Leavenworth He. ' POUPETRW uhIi v : " work; am ail family, mo Harney BL NKAT white girl to assist with general housework. Phone Harney S&91 r"" 1 . HELP WANTED FEMALE. Housekeepers and Domestic. WANTED A girl to do housework In a cottage. 415 N. 29th Ht. Tel. H. (022. 41S N. 3th St WANTED-Competent girl for general nntlBAWnrl .hit rmnUlnM tiahah quired. AIr. 8. ropilotori, ?04 So VAVTKn'P'nai.Ue.n..t A- eral homework: ffood v.-a gen; no wanh- John N. Baldwin. 06 Bo. 40th. liar. IXW1. WANTED Olrl for nencral housework. (Ml . I I .... . .. An . . WAVTffnJ.Tw" C . .ill-' .. ...... uwr . nu uiuicil .,1110, lllCUUn or sisters, for rook and housemaid. Mrs. U T, IS . I - . - . . .mm WANTKIWlimrl fnr ir.n.rol V,oii.r! work; 3 In family; wages id per week. ?i'i'iy ui once. veoster sow. rnfll"ri?W'n -. ... , . work. Small family; good wages. 3318 WANTED airl for general housewora: no washing. Jlrs. J. H. Hussle, 3621 La fayette Ave. WANTED Olrl to assist with house work. No washing or cooking. Harney 176. Sliaueltitaeoak. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young mptowbuuii umiiuiuu ?t Ht Mary's Ave and 17th St., whoro Ih.ir mill 1. .. .il.....j . . . . i . . . "n uiibcigu io suiiauio Dualizing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guldo at the Union Station. WOMEN Oet government Jobs. Big available. Franklin lnstltuts. Dept C6J ti u men hit uii.iitv ..Jui , - - ... . . . n,iu nuiuuuimi commission paid woman In each tBwn to distribute free clrculsrs and tako 'orders for concentrated flavorings, J. S. Zleg ler Co.. Chicago. FOR day, woman. Call Doug. 881. I1KLP WANTED MALE. Asrentn, Salesmen ana Solicitors. WANTED, ; A good salesman 'with an . established trade In the liquor lino In Iowa and southern Minnesota, Liberal salary or commission to a v man who can, produce re , suits. , y All correspondence strictly confidential, FERDINAND WEBTHE1MER i SONS, St. Joseph, Mo. WANTED 4 neat appearing young men to travel Apply W Urandela The. Bids. HALKSMKN-110 pur day commission from the best jmncn board line on the market; weekly suttlemont; write Imme diately. American Factories Co., tit Louis. 2407 8. 16th, &-r.. brick, hot water heat, very desirable, 23. HINUWALT, Brandels Thea. Dldg. WANTED Financial agent to sell first mortgages on Improved wheat lands In the state ot Washington. Banking refer ences will bo required and given. Ad dress K. M. Jernlgan, Davenport, Wash. Traveling Bhoo Salesman Watned. By western manufacturer with large general line. Ono with a successful road experience than can report when noti fied. State age, experience, reference, etc Write fully. Correspondence confidential. Address Y 20S, care Bee. AGENTS Do not accept any otter un til you have ours. Write for free sam ple and fall catalogue of whirlwind sell ers. Jewelt Specialty Co., ICth and Stouts Ets.. uenver, uoio. PAlMHUAil IU l ll W 1 4 fl.J .IVIMII. , VB.MW- llshed trade; expenses and commission. Also one for central Nebraska and west ern Iowa. Postoftlce Box 121, Philadel phia. UlVllltlU ... n ntlWBlAl.nHi WANTED Ten oil salumien. Will pay high wages. No man noed apply unless he has been selling oil to store trade only. 307 First National Bank Bldg. Kaotorjr and 'trades. Wo Ilavo a Position Waiting for You as a E. R. Telegrapher Our school Is the Official Training school tor telegraphers for the Union Pa cific R. R. and Illinois Central R. R. Both these railroad companies abso lutely guarantee to give permanent positions to all our graduates. Every railroad centering In Omaha em ploys our graduates. 3.60 to $160 per month covers the range of salaries of railway telegraphers and station agents all over the west. We will secure you a place to work for your board while attending and free transportation to your post when your course Is completed. Tuition fee very low. Send tor catalogue at once, mentioning this paper. Boyles College, Boyles Building. Omaha. Neb. GET Into the most profitable business ot today, the automobile business, and become Independent. Our large, well equipped shops offer the opportunities ot learning the burJness by actual experi ence on different makes ot cars. Our terms are moderate. Write or call, Na tional Auto Training association. 2S1I N. 20th St, Omaha. Neb. Tel. W. &SIJ. Tri-City Barber College. Learn the barber trade; tools furnished; wages paid; electric massage; hydraullo chairs. 1UO Douglas SL WE TEACH you how to clean and block hats. Address Lincoln Hat Works, Lin coln. Nob. Drug s'jre snaps; Jobs. KncUU Bee Bids, HELP Call Omaha KmpToyinent Bureau. WANTED Horse collar 'cutters, thong stitchers and buekters. steady work for good men. Vodon. Fisher. Brockmann Co.. Minneapolis. Minn "we wantTmen anTJb6ys Jn the city and out to learn baibor trade. Qual ify you In few ueefcs (or best position. Wages while learn ng. Tools given. Call or write Mnler Barler CoUese. 110 3. Hth, TILE BEE: HELP WANTED MALE, Mlacellaneau. TOUNO MEN to learn automobile busl. nces without losing Umo from regular employment Business pays BIO HAL ARY to stnrt and rapid advancement is SURE. We have had so many applica tions for night course of lat. that we havo decided to start a night class. Monday, October 13. Young working man, this Is YOUR chance. Como In or write for special offer. Nebraska Automobile School , vmt pi st RAILWAY MAIL CLKRK8 WANTED Commence $73 month. Writs for par ticulars. Franklin Institute, Dept. 212 G., Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Names of men, IS to 45, wishing to be Omaha mall carriers, 201 month. "Pull" unnecessary. Address Y 281, Bee. WANTED FOR U. B. ARMY Able- finrll srf llMTVto rrHswl fr......., r him mem uchncfu lit en ui 18 and ST, cit.en of United State. of Kuuu nmrniifr nna temperute imlilts. who can upeHk, read and wrlto the Bnflf. llKh.laniruaKe. For Information apply to Rerrliitlnir Off(rr Armv tiih. ir.. Dodse SU,, Omaha, Neb.i COCi 4th St., Neb ' L,PColn. HELP WANTKD. JIAI.K AND FEMALE. MAKE MONEY mailing circulars; full PtaJ.t,K,,ft,, r?J a etomp. Courtney, Hutchinson. Kan. PLEASANT, profitable work for one of good address and education, Teaching experience unnecessary, but preferred. Address, A 421, Bee. WANTKD K1TUATION8. HIGH Krlmnl sstitrl.n .1 JiMifdlih04 il0Uft !cmllK urnaco and t ,J1V;D lor UOftr ona room. Ad- svsil AJ iiefl, XJQOt TZl"l, "K";"; a".e u- desires work ?i,y vS1 w,holealo drug concern pre- EXPEIlIRNfiffn .i.,Cm wants position with largo corporation. Address P 438. caro Bee. Wa NT v. 1 1 1 1 . i7Tl.. ..." ... 11 m.r.'."""."!1. """'cri reier- ,,uc, a ci. Touaier WIT. Wanted posit, as practical nurse. W. ------- iu.ui.iim, uun nouee, wio.0nJSh.a Employment Bureau, Ul N. ... .... ..II wuumu I I . wNTi'i.ii.in.. . ' - """"I u uuuHHeeper oy married man, 32 years, of age; several V vuic uon, YOUNG nmn nttssnr11s. ti..-i-. 1 ' A MAN tit TS wnn1 Ih.1,1. - , " I " " w . nvww iiioiuu LUI JJCIilCr Mild Painter, wnntti . i.. : uuicna, x caro HOC. feL,eLr. B"t ot references. POSITION d'. v, .Jl . "y ph.uduiiiiiiiu, cjj u L years In gamo; two Vears city experience; best Address i C Si, : Bee. " lore"00"' ANNOUNCK5IUNTS. K. M. E. J?i5,or.c.y S.'6 "iMsengor service, P. B. Griffith, wig mtr. 13 Frenser Blk. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co.' HAZEL. I.ICAk" mt. in rrKiuo" remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding R"tlad; samples fre. Slier- ...... ...v.uiiueu unit (.-o.. tJinaha. flTCT n It , 1 iri.-,.t..f ....... nOAAlTp's'AT ."8?. CROWN, up the GOLDEN status m.i. n& Douglaii. ATTRAOTlONa. Omaha film exch., Hth and Doug, Mo tlon picture machine and iim bargains. AUTOMOBIUCM. ii??- r?IvTl,ra r.0 "" nij;ueto w can't re-' s- . wvn 4an iis. jnt,yMiinrir. 310 N.IR Wt.0,,n.b'l.ei "J"1"1.. Jiollshed here. DRUMMONDS' Big ow garage at 26th and Farnain. F011E DOOKS 8EAT COVERS. Motorcycles. nAnriAivn in ii - . 5i'CIeJr Slct?T Ko. "I'ne MotorcycU Man." 2703 Leavenworth St. write run titst OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLE! MICKELS' NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. HTH AND HARNJ2T SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES. IF YOU want anything In the way of Votor Car Cq. 1115 Oodg BU UUBINKSa GllAINCKS. 10 On Your Money We are offering a limited amount of 10 per cent stock for sale guaranteed. Divi dends payable quarterly. Redeemable In 60 days upon demand. Why look for bet ter Investment See us at once. J. A. Abbott & Co. Real Estate Advertising 604 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Omaha. Neb. TO gel in or out of business, call on OANQEaTAD. 404 Bto Bldg. Tel. D. 347T FOR SALE Hardware and Implement stock, nice clean stock thst will Involcs about (7,000, In a good country 14 nillvs south of Lincoln. In a town of 200 inhabitants-, reason selling, other business. Address Y 213 Bee. Spuctal plans for selling your buslnsst or real state. Keonsbeck Co.. Omaha. DRUG. STORE OPPORTUNITY Opening for a live pharmacut to estab- iisn mmseii in one or me most flourish ing towns In eastern Nebraska. Building 22x54 already built and awaiting occu pancy. Call on or write Langdon Bros.. Orutna. Neb. ' DENTIST Best central loeatlon in Omuhu; nonadvertlslng olfice: business last year It.OuO; for sale at Invoice price ot fixtures and material at hand. Rea son, am leaving (lty Address M 33, Bee. OAfAHA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1913. A. B. C. of Omaha A RKIN'S KOSELKK CAFE stands for quality, uuantlty A econ omy, 215 8. ISth. middle of block. 2d floor. TJTJTvTvT7 For 11.00 per weelt rSn, I 1 1 I p.l 1 clothes tho entire -A-'--,A--1-'v-f lamlly 1417 Douglas. BELL DRUG CO. New location 1318 Farnam. Everything new. Old Phon. D. 1"623. Come, call or write. Rubber goods. Empress EXCELLENT VAUDEVILLE AND PICTURES. K ERR Abstract Co.. SOS 8. 17th St. Better be safe than sorry. Have Kerr do your title wont. LINDSAY, TUB JEWJ5LER 221H 8. 16th Pt. High grade Jewelry. AK-HAR-BEN Souvenirs to visitors. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., "Mlckel's," ISth and Harney. Douglas 1C62. Wo rent, repair, sell needles, .parts of all sewing machines. V ACL'UM cleaners sold and rented. Vacuum cleaning done in tho home, banltary Service Co. Tel. Doug. 2904. BUSINESS CILANCES. mmmm j Wx have for sale choice f Try mortgages on Improved L Nebraska farms bearing it 7 Per ceIlt' ranging- In V M S umuunts from S3j0 to 15,000. None of these mortgages exceeos 30 per cent of market value ot the farms. Call on us for further par ticulars. U'TIK'T."? IMVUDWrrvm rr 801 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb NK II HA ft If A rnrnnriilli.., ...-.i.i - - . " 1 1 .o l UllllDlll f.0"1'0" tor right party who cun Invest I1.C00 or more. Address L 367. Omaha Bm HOTEL FOR SALEHotel. ISO rooms'; cafe In connection; long lease, good loca tion, excellent patronage; splenuld oppor tunity to secure a well-established busi ness at a bargain price. Only part caih necessary. No trades considered. F. D im x- oi., i.i n coin, rse d. clean stock. In eastern .Nebraska county fwnt t n WTi Rtnlr nnil Mvtti... ...mi " "111 i 11 UILO about 13,000. Yearly business $20,000. Rea son tqr soiling, something else in sight Address Y 301, Bee. BUSINESS PERSONALS. Brass Foundries. Paxton-MlfchcU-Co.. 27th and Martha Sts China Pnlntlnir. CHINA tmlntln. .,.J. .i.i j Mrs. F. C. Haynes. 1KB S. 26th St. D. 4m China orders, lessons and firing. T. 1221 Chiropodist! DR. ROY. I EOS Farnam. Douglas 6197. Chiropractors. i J. C. Lawrence, D. C. 2323 Howard. D. 8161. airs. Rosa Boesen. 1823 Lake. WebT 479iT Cos tu m era, ' FTTTiT, rtrnaa .,,11.. '.., j, , . tenJ',il'W pSLnJ.Knt Pn evenings. John Feldman, 208 No. 17th. Doug. 3128. Crruuierlcs, Dairies and Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Dressiiinklnir. TcrryDesrnkg. college. 20th A Farnam. BE your own dressmaker; easy method; unj- una niKiu coune: special Induce "i01 . sfuenU enrolling during month . ."uni uressmaKing uol lege, 804 Patterson Block, Omaha, Neb. D9.ESMAK1Nabr day.-MIsTllTunT Is, UO 11. Bjhmars dressmaking school. Flo. 176, F1R8T-CLAB8 dressmaklngTTel. Har. 259. Danclnur Academlca. JEWELL SIMPSON. Douglas Audlto num. Monday evening. Webster 2491. DON'T you danceT Go to Mackte's, 1816 Harney St.. whero all the others learn. Douglas 6446. Detectives. Omaha Sec. Ser.Agcy., 4M Paxton. D. 1319. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. EvlT dence secured In all cases. Tyler 113C DrusTs. $10 onlers; catalogue free. Sherman & a i en. i! . 1 1 1 - v. 1 . AIC-8AR-BBN souvenirs to visitors. EverythtnR for 31-n. AK-SAR BEN VISITORS. For the best whisky on the market at U per gal. and for port wine at $1.60 per gal. call at C. Schlank & Co.. 1307 Douglas. Gibson's Buffet 322 South 15th St. KING .JOY CAFE "SmSS; Omaha's most exclusive Chinese and American cafe, open to the publlo Sept -v. cteaKS. cnop suey. music evenings. HOTEL IIAliNEr rooms with or without bath. HORSEMAN BAR AND CAFE. 1419 Dodge Finest liquors. Excellent cafe i-unnccuon. visitors always welcome. FOR TUB FIVKHT l.iniinna r-ii V AT KLEIN'S LIUUOR HOUSE. 622 N. 16T1I ST. SOUVENIRS TO VISITORS. HENRY POLLACK'S LIQUOR HOUSE. Inest mixed drinks; liquors. Fine lunches Kaw mnnn&'AmAnf T, a v on..H.. i ..... i . -. - a ..... .. . v a vl. tt,uj tlUICIS, return. & renovated; mod. conveniences. Everything; for Women. flT .Tl nllim.. , n if .. ... - 1 1 . , trlch Plume Co.. 306 Neville Bldg. D. 6010. DRES3 pleating, buttons covered, all sixes and styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT INO CO., 239 Douglas Blk. Douglas 1936. A!Lk,nd" of Kwn; expert, workmanship: FIT GUARANTEED. Prices $3i to $. S. KENYON. 323 Cuming. II. 3037. Plumes made over, clianwl. dyed, curleiL Berthu Kruger. 429-A. Paxton Blk. D. 83a 1. Sandberg & Kltner. photos. 107 8. ISth. U A. Borshelm. jeweler. CM 8. 16th. " Insurance. TORNADO INBl'HANCB. Call Tyler 10.1. O Nelll s, 10O5 Farnam St. Drawn BUSINESS PERSONALS. Fornace, Stores, Itepnlra. REPAIRS In stock for all makes of stoves and heaters, furnaces, steam and hot water boilers, new furnaces, wrought Iron and cast. Empress and Sultan water and steam boilers, thermostats and tank heaters. 1 Omnha Stove Eepair "Works 1205-8 Douglas St. Tyler 20. Furnace rep, and cleaning expert. W. 7773. Florists. 'A. Donaghue, 1 007 Farnam. D. 1001. HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. St. L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnahi. D. 12jS. BATH'S florists. Boyd Theater Bldg. Mattresses nnd PI11oyt. Have your feather mattresses & down covers made at Omaha Pillow Co. Feath- era renovated free. D. 2467. 1721 Cuming. Nurseries and Heeds. STEWART'S SEEDMAN. 119 N. 16th. Osteopathy. Alice Johnson, 30S-9 Brandels The. Bldg, Patents. H. .A Sturges. 630 Brandels Thea. Bldg, D. O. Barnell.Paxton Blk. Tel." Red 711i IMumblna;. Plumbing and heating. Fischer & Con- non, uis wiiuam Bt. Doug. 6737. Printing?. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 641. RABER PRINTING CO. Doug. 1018. WATERS-BARNIIART Ptg. Co., qual Ity printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 S. 13th. Sheet Hetnl Works. Carter Sheet Metal Works. 110 S. 10th. Store and Office Fixtures. DESKS, safes, scales, ehowcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, we sell. Omaha Fixture rtnd Supply Co.. 414-16-18 8. 12th. D. 2724. Sterol Doors and. Windows. Welrlch. storm doors, sashes. 1317 N. 24. Trunks and Suitcases, FRELINGa STEINLE, 1803 Farnam St Wines and Llauors, WILLOW Springs beor, liquors, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes. 201-3 S. Hth St. - EDUCATIONAL. Y. M. 0. A. tfight School New Classes Opening . Carpenters' Arlth., $3.75; Commercial Law. $10; Electrical Testing:. $16: Eleu. Engineering, $15; Freehand Drawing, $7; Gas Engineering, $7.60; German, (ask); Plan Reading and Est., $7; Publlo Speak ing, $7; Salesmanship, $25; Showcard writing, $7; Steam Engineering, $15; Speed Shorthand, $12; First Aid (ask). Enroll now. Extra fee of $3 charged nonmembers. 16 classes opened Sept. 15. Now Is a good time to enter. Inquiries cheerfully answered. Call Tyler 1600. EDUCATIONAL DEPT. Y. M. C. A., 17th and Harney Sts. MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE. Unsurpassed classes. Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good positions. Work for board. For free catalogue ad dress Mosher-Lampman College, 1815 Far nam St. Omaha. Neb. BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR. Complete courses In Business, Book keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy. Civil Service and Salesmanship. The catalogue is read. Call, write or phone for It Boyles College, 18th and Harney Sts., Omaha, Neb IAVE STOCK FOli BALK Horse and Vehicles. Heavy teaming gears and wagons; best makes anil largest variety in the city, TohnBon-Danforth Co.. 10th and Jones Sts BARGAINS Must sell 12 head of horses and mares; 1.000 to 1,300 lbs;, been used on piano wagons reason for selling. We have purchased autos. Call at stables, 313 No. ISth St FOR BALE 100 farm wagon boxes with sideboards and spring seats, $15.60. Stroud Co., 20th and Ames. Tel. Web. 2993. LOST AND KOUVD OMAHA St COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office ot the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway- com pany to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. LOST Friday afternoon, a diamond bar pin; a large diamond In center with two smaller, $60 reward If returned to Chas. Syrop, care Lindsay, Jeweler. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. Jt Terry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without .surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Dr. Bakor Medical Offices DISEASES OF WOMEN. Consultation and examination tree. 210 South 14th Strett Omaha: Nab. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY FURNISHED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names, cheap rates, easy payments. Nor ton & Co.. 335 Board of Trade Building. OFFERED FOR RENT. Apartments and Flats. GordonVanCo. g. 219 N. Hth St . or 210 8. 17th St Tel. D. Sal. for The -Bee by - - mti II Tl J OFFERED FOR RENT. Apnrtmenta nnd Flats. THE STANDARD STEAM HEATED CHICAGO FLATS. BETTER THAN SEPARATE HOMES. 6-r. besides hall, bath, pantry, closets; fine woodwork and decorations; fire proof walls and stairways: range with suction hood that kens nil clpnn. Purn air and cleanliness a feature: hot water all year; janitors, you won't pay 340 to $60 ii you see mese at s to in wjnter and 310 less summer, with bonus to yearly tenants. You may as well savo this money, with a cold winter coming. PAYNE & SLATER CO.. Om. Nat. Bk. mag., or HOOK. 1101 N. 18th. i cyr witivAM e 1 .... i .. . ern, suitable location for offices,' studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc., for tenants wishing homes adjoining. Hall Dlst. Co., 433 Ramge. D. 7405. STEAM heated apartments of 4 rooms; every Improvement: em raniiea; tls.En tn .222.60.. THOS. W. IIAZEN. 207 McCague. D. 1300. RTtllPTI.V flra,.nl.-. llltlltll! ...... .ui:. cuvo. XU&A.AWU C'nill.l.ni... . . . . . . . nunniiocin, via city INat. 11K. U. bii. 3-ROOM mod. flat. Scnrao Tilde.. BlfiU No. 2Uh St, South Omaha. Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. Doug. 7406. FOR RENT Ten-room modern brick flat; partly furnished. 520 N. 23d St. H. 4141. MODERN 9-room flat. 2203 Cass St. THE HOLLYWOOD. Very choice. 3-room apartments. Just completed; located near Harney and 25th Ave.; large living room, large closets, gas range, Iceboxes, shades and curtain rods; best of Janitor service. Everything high class at reasonable prices. Apartments only $33, with $5.50 extra for heat during winter. The building Is filling rapidly. Sea It today. ERNEST SWEET, 123S City Nat. D. 1472. FOR RENT Four-room modern apart ment. 665 S. 28th St H. 414L Reasonable. FREE TO NOVEMBER L Call D. 4512. $20-6-room flat, 1202 N. 24th St Beautifully papered throughout. STEAM heated apartment In Troy, 8009 Harney, of 4 rooms .v.rv imnmvAm-. $27.60. " THOS. W. HAZEN, 207 McCague. D. 1300. 6-r., modern apat tment, . 1112 So. 11th. THR Tir U'tinnn at 2011 Harney; living room, with gas muse, muiscmiur wa caoinets DUUt in; large and well equipped bath room; fine rlOthAS rlnAAt Wllh1 l.hvnl .-.Imw.-.. -vate balcony, with French windows. irriuu ov aim n.ou ior neat during winter. ERNEST SWEET,. 1236 City Nat D. 1473. .Board and Rooms. BOARD- and room In private family. Webster 6720. furnls'hed stooma. FUR'NISHED front" rnnm t , . ' , . . u V ... .VI' .kill, 3132 Park Ave. ai. A.cliBL?H apartments tor two. beau tifully furnished, private entrance, mod ern conveniences, price reasonable, block Suth26th80Stfr0m LeaVenworth car 906 1401 R 1lTllxrii.. . furnace heat ' lnoaern' N If!T7TV T11tlsirifw 4AMa T"' wuieuvu 4IUIIL sTUUIII. XIOW house, private family. Close to Hanscom "i io car, jiqrney 050S. Faralsbed Housekeeping Xtoons. IfiTIf flnrl ITnwnnm 0 1 - . m ----- --M.aiii ova., LWU lUUIilS ZUOU- prn fnr llirh v,n,i..lr..nnH. . ' --- .... m , . 'L l.'B f lOlClCUbQ. Apt 5. Davldge Bldg. Hotels and Avartaeats. DODGE HOTEL Modern, reasonable. Furnished lo- winter; no children; referenct-s. West Farnam district Add. L 45L Be. THAT larire new houirn At- am m S8th Ave... having 6 bedrooms and 2 baths, for 6 months or moro. D. C. Patterson, Tel. T Unfurnished Rooms. a RTniHTT.V . .. , . ,rZ ..iwv4c., iiniuis, Jinvaio famllv! wnlklncr il .t.tii., .i 719 N. 25th Ave" "MU TIIT1I1 llnfnn,!.!, . "11'uiiii.iicm iwiiia, jrivuia bath; modern except heat 2617 N. 18th St. Houses and Cottages.- FIDELITY tnoraeo and Van Co. Ooods stored, moved. narlfn.1 shipped. 16th and Jackson Sts. Doug 1511 8-ROOMS: modern; reasonable. 2529 Davenport. -.- , a.c. .. u . d l rooms, modern. MnVfr ("n icm u... nam 8t. boulevard; 4 nice bed rooms and bath uijs.aiin, d luuiuo unu large reception nail downstairs; all cement basement; near Fit. .Tnhn nhnrrh tv m , t, n Boyles. D. IBS. ' " "' ILnnnM nil nM.m f . n ... T. i . floors, nice lot, near high school, to small isinujr, tat, aa wap. Ave. Tel. D. 67J 602 N. 22 D ST.. S mnmc rir.. all mod.: $22.60. Bemls-Carlberg Co., 312 t A riO A ni VIM 1XTM cnu...... . -A " T m tr m nt it t. .. n .1 v. i ...... , . . .vwih. aiiu Mill tm uuuavuolQ 401 N. !lst 10-r., strictly modern, $50. 3014 Vlhtr 7r . trltlv mnAAvn CC 12 N. 22d, 7-r., modern, $35. 24C9 Capitol Ave, 7-r., modern. $35. 4401 Farnam. 7-r., modem. $30. RING tVALTT Brandels Thea. Bldg. NINE-ROOM modern house; good loca tion, ijj a. jiiii, i.w. weo. aflo. J. C. Reed Ctx- '"rnlture moving. ccv Two men. 31 hour. D-8141 tlnnciui 'n all narts or tiit ritv ""Ul1" CrslxtT Son. ru"H, BU.- 9-ROOM house for rent. Purnlshij or unfurnished. 1803 Wirt. Web. 066. FOR RENT Two-story tram dwelling co Cuss, near Xth. modern Creisuua university. Douglas 2120. NEW 6-room, incxten. witbout heat Atiingr. rnwiB iiarney 71, KV1 IIPV i. i. . Podge St Apply W. N. Chambera. 31 Brandels Theater Bldg.. Phono Douglas N. FOR RENT 6-room house, all modern. In good condition. 1418 Ohio Ht. Inquire 1813 Lathrop St Key2il4 North th St A W1MP1.11TO II.. . ...... w apartments and flats that are for rent ! "i iuiuiueu uaiiy ana flan do seen free of charge at 309 South 17th St fill A IT VIM V.r. Mn . . S-r. mod. hour., li S. ftb J). U7 i , Cliff Sterrett OFFERED FOR RENT. Houses and Cattnges. 672 SO. 28TH St! 8 rooms completly mod., $32.60. Hall. 433 Ramge Bid. D. 7406. 1515 HALL AVE. 7 rooms completely modern, $30. Hall, 423 Rnmgo Bldg. D. 7406. 2561 JONES ST 6-room cottage; $13. Louis Rubin, 602 8. Oth St 6109 UNDERWOOD AVE., Dundee, rooms, new; hot water heat; $65. Thos. F. Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 7106. . NOTHING Uko it; central; steam heat: 7-room house; halts, bath, basement 220 N. 23d. $18.007 rooms nnd bath. 3130 So. 18th St Telephone Douglas 7014. 2107 So. 16th, 5 rooms, brick, hot water heat, very desirable, $25. Blngwalt, Brandels Theater Bldg. 621 SO. ISTH ST., 9 rms. all mod. $46. 3610 Jones St. S rms., all mod., $27.60.. 1736 So. 17th St. 9 rms., all mod., $25. 2817 Popploton Aive,, 5 rms., all mod., $23, 2t02 Chicago St., 7 rms., mod. er. ht., $24. 4107 Izard St, 7 rms., all mod., $23. Btrkctt & Company, 423 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4754. NEW modern bungalow, oak finish, every Improvement, good furnace, full cellar. 21 south of Ames, $2,00. THOS. W. HAZEN. 207 McCague. D. 1300. FARNAM NORTH. 40TH LINE. Two short blocks west, close to Saun ders school and cathedral; paved; gar age; S rooms, modern. $35. O'KEEFH REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha National Phone Douglas 2715, Evenings, H. 338, or H. 5184. CALL Harney 1592 and rent the clean est, warmest and best located 6-room apartment In the city. I alsofchave a new 7-room modern house for $30 on Farnam St. SIX-ROOM cottage, modern except heat Inquire 2420 Seward St R-TinnM. mnil.rn. lntrln ranH vnniw -, .-, owwt. .cyan, S-room brick, modern except heat, 2400 Lake, $23. TURIC1NGTON. 602 Bee Bldg. 410 8. 24th St, 8-r., mod. flat, $50. 2622 Bristol St, 6-r,, mod. ex. ht., $22.60. 2319 N. 27th Ave,, 7-r. mod ex. ht, $20. 230G Sahler St, B-r., mod. ex. heat $20. Bemls-Carlberg Co., 310-312 Brandels The. 2566 Spencer Bt, 6-r. cottage, modern except furnace; $23 per month. R- H. LANDERYOU. Doug 2151. 224 8tate Bank Bldg, Stores and Offices. NEW store Building, 2fiC0. steam beat 1708 Jackson. FOft BENT 1811 FARNAM STREET 3,000 SQUARE FEET Two and one-half blocks from 16th and Farnam. Ready for occupancy Novem ber 1st THOS. F. HALL. 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 7408. FOR RENT The office on gTOUnd floor of Tho Bee building occupied by the Havens-White Coal company. Frontago on Farnam St and occupying about 1,600 square feet, with extra entrance on the court of the building. Large vault Fine S.'t,l.ceflxtures 'or Balo- Apply N. P. Fell, Bee office. ' cF,li KENT-Large store. 615 So. 16th ou viiuiei iiomej, ia, includes light and heat Roma Miller. PERSONAIi. 30 SUBSCRIPTIONS TO " !'' K.H- Journal, $1.60; the S. E. Post I, .' Aho Cou"try Gentleman, $1.60, by Sept SO, earn, that $3,000 for the Invalids' Pension Aea n. Your renewal contributes 60c. Phone Douglas 7163, Omaha. uuitLiUM, THti MAGAZINE MAN, YOUNG women coml.ig to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women s Christian association building at 17th and St Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union Station. LAURA WILSON. Bath. Mass. D. 875L THE Salvation Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, mag azines. We collect We distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect the now home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. MAGNETIC treatment. E. Brott, umvjl1JJXJ.U 1829 Vinton. D. 0028. Miss Fisher, mas., bath. elec. treat D. 863. MASSAGrK Swedish movement 41i iiJ- Ok-UiUXj Bee Bldir. DoUKloa 6377. PA.HAV UT .r"il". nwirmnv Ptxten Pharmacy. 12th and Dodg. 2jjnx isti fat. I remove your aurpiua flwh -without arugg, massage or hard work; strictly Private. Pmf. r.vu. 101 1 ranm A CI J s voiio, s.llllIHTU ...HMmp, i7 I IQt. MASSAGE0,0 a?d hunlons treated. Mrs. Haynes. 707 B. 16th. OFFERED FOR SALE Fornlture. HOUSEHOLD! fiirni. t . Wh mc. ul BU-'0- iei. Maalcal Instrutuwuta. . ELECTRIC pianos, $128. 1 k. 15th. FOR SALE Instruments, paraDhernA. 11a and musio for orchestral Apply Pott Exchange. Fort Omaha. Neb. " I7perrrlter. "ci1.? en'lngtons. Ionarchs and Smith Premlers'ot their makers. The Rem ngton Typewriter Co.. telephone Douglas 1234. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma. chines sent out Rates, 3 mos. for $500 for understroko machines or $3.00 Dei month fnr Into., mnH., ..i.ili.' .V Vr tioime wniers. A T . T . mnk.ii v .in , ,.-t . .. . . " ' 7 wiv" , uci q lUllietl UIH1 FOliI ljutts' Typewriter Exchange lWo Farnam SL Hnni-u. am -"ase. TYPElVniTPTm . - . CENTiiAlVTYPEVRWER'X' r, ,r' aQ I?! typerturT TyrEWRITERS.sold and renUrtrr' h,r i. r . i'u rented every- CompanyTlSlO Farnam WaJ7J?I!'' - 'JmaniL iNeO. M. The oi Ver T -j-,. , , -,. unue. a MUcellnneous. FOR HALEXVw ..... carom and pocket bllfiafd tables bowling .alleys and accessories- K?r ?.nd $5.00 "y" t'oal t for ihe monTyT " 't veo. Harmon & Weethi i