Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 9-A, Image 9

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    THE OMAHA Sl'fclUY BEK: OCTOBER 5, 1913.
Council Bluffs
Next Convention of Association to
Be Held in Fort Dodpe.
.Afternoon Devoted to Speches,
After Wbloh Maajr of the Mem
ber. VUlt AU-Snr-lleu
i . lit Omnhau
K, P. Froonv chief of doIIcs a
Council Bluffs, was yesterday honored
with a re-election to the position of
President of the Iowa Association of Po
lice Chiefs. There was no opposition to
thfj suggestion of continuing Chief
Vroom at the had of tho organisation.
: M. J. Jordan of Fort Dodge was elected
'flee president and II. T. Wagner of
'Waterloo secretary-treasurer. There was
BOt a wry spirited contest for tho honor
of entertaining the next meeting of tho
association, . and when Fort Dodge mado
i known that everybody and everything
pointed to that city as the. proper place,
ttlicrs was none to say -nay. The date
.of the meeting will be approximately the
'same as this year.
The police chiefs put In a rather profit
able and busy day yesterday, and there
were a number, of, visitors during the
morning- session, and sufficient mental
exercise was taken to work up a good
appetite for the banquot that was spread,
at, the Grand hotel at the dinner hour.
Secretary O. B. Towno of tho Commer
cial club was the principal speaker at the
morning session and discussed "Co-operation
of the Public With the Folico."
He dwelt with particular force upon the
needless presentation of temptation on
the part of citizens, that encouraged and
invited thefts.
Men, tho speaker said, foolishly display
money in' the presence' of crowds; women
carry handbags loosely often open far
enough to disclose valuable contents, and
many1 other needless acts are committed
that simply lure their morally weaker
brethren to commit crime.
Mr. Towne felt confident that If
greater care, was observed by the people
there would be less crime' of' the' burglary
and larceny type. Ho declared the vo
cation of tho purse-snatcher was the'
product of the big purse and handbag
habit of the women. A mesh purse with
money discernible, the purse held to. the
weak wrist of tho owner by a frail
chain, offered every Inducement- to the
purso grabber who' might have otherwise
been an honest' man.
Chief Jermey of Des Moines sent a
paper which was read by Captain Wag
ner, tho secretary-treasurer. His theme
was "Co-operation In the Police Depart
ment," The best part of the paper' related to
tho necessity of eliminating tho posi
tion of police chief from politics.
Chlaf O'Shahnessey of Sioux City, who
was the only additional arrival yesterday,
talked on the Juvenile problem.. Ho ap
proved the present Juvenile lalw and the
children's court, but thought th'erpr was
room for much additional -legislation. '
After the. close of the convention the
visiting chiefs were taken in automobiles
over he city and given a'n Idea of .the
beauty , of the Clty Many
to Orhatia and'kjul few were
take the evening .trains .fpr .their. Hbrres,.
Good Places Come
to Men-of Bluffs
Mayor Moloney yesterday received a
letter from' President Ford, tho new
head of the League of Iowa' Municipal
ties, announcing thjat in the distribution
of the Important places. in the commit
teeships of the 'organization Council
Bluffs had received an important share
of the honorB. Mayor; Maloney has been
made the -chairman of the legislative
committee, City Solicitor D. E. Stuart
chairman of the committee on taxa
tion and City Auditor-. MeA.ncney is a
member of the committee on municipal
accounting. These are really the Im
portant committees fn the association
and Council Bluffs will thus have a
dominating Influence 111 the association,
and as the association is now generally
accredited -with being the greatest agency
for bringing about conditions that will
make possible the development of the
cities and towns of the state, the size
und character of the responsibilities that
havo been given become apparent.
The appointment of -J, M. McAneney
on tho municipal accounting co'mmlttee
Is in direct recognition of the, fact that
that system of municipal accounting
adopted by the state and officially ap
proved by the federal government was
practically evolved In the offices of City
Treasurer True nnd City Auditor Mc
Aneney, and .ail of the, city auditors of
the state have to, gb to school to the
Council Bluffs men when It hcomes to
learning the full details of tho account
ing system that has now become unt-
Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
Council Bluffs Office of
The Bee Is at 14 NORTH
Main St. Telephone 43.
Council Bluffs
Davis, drugs.
Victrola. 115. A. Hospe Co.
Corrlgans, undertakers. Phone 14J.
Woodrlng Undertaking Co. Tel. MO.
Blank book work. Morehouse & Co.
GARDNER PRESS, printing. Phone SX
lwts Cutler, funeral director. Phone 97.
Droge Elevator company, tho place to
buy your coal.
Bradley Electric Co., wiring and fix
tures. Phono 393.
The highest grade optical work In the
city is done at LeffertV
cation 340 Middle Broadway.
See Borwick for wull paper and paint
ing. 09 and 211 S. Main street.
Scientific watch repair work, the kind
that is appreciated, at Lef fart's.
Mutual Bldg. and Loan Ass'n, 123 Pearl.
BUDWEISER on draught. The Grand.
Budweiser in bottles at air first-class bars.
Having added new machinery we are
able to take care of your clothes quicker
and better than ever. Cook's Cleaning
works. Telephone 17. .
C E. Armstrong of Santa Cal.,
Is vBltnlg his cousin, Deputy) County
Clerk Roy Hardesty. Mr. Armstrong hus
been a resident of California for the last
fourteen years, but finds much pleasure
and considerable Inspiration in his fre
quent visits to Iowa, whoro he was born,
die has been visiting relatives at Guth
rie. Otis JVSpurgeon of Dcs Moines, who is
Said to be all orator and "speaker or
ability, will glvo a free lecture in th
Masonlo temple tonight on the. subject,
"Making America Catholic." It Was an-
TmllnrnA vnatnrdav that ha WOUld OCCUP1'
the pulpit of tho Kpworth church on
MaBonlc tcmplo hall on Monday evening.
Edward Schiketanz, HO Benton street,
who owns and operates a harness shop, in
Omaha, was tho victim of pickpockets
"who operated -while the crowds worn
waJrhlmr tho ftleetrlp narodo'on Thursday
Tilght. Ha lost 21 whtlo walking through
tno crowds wttn rus wne in uio vrami
of the Auditorium bluldlng. The money
wsa In a side pocket and was supposed
to be securely hlddan. He haB not tho
faintest impression . that . anything ' was
happening while the thief was going
throush his Dockots. Another of J35 was
overlooked by the adroit theft. '
Mrs. Mary Barcils, a. widow- with five
children, has. filed a. petition for aid un
der the widows' pension net. The' pitl-
lion sets forth that Mrs. Barcus is un
able to properly support the chiiarcn!
L-but Is' n proper guardian. Samuel Bar-.
cus, tne rawer, Tiieu January , wu, ana
.since April,. 1312. Mrs. Barcus has sup
ported the children by washing and Iron
ing. The petition asks for tlXo a week
for each child, making the pension t7.G0.
The' oldest Is but 11 years of ago. Judge
Snyder will probably decide on the mat
ter Saturday.
Auditor Hannan has secured from tha
state highway .commission a supply of
the June editions of the service bulletins
Issued by the commissioners to aid In the
understanding of tho new road JawB. The.
book contalnes copies of the now. road,
tho weed measure, the 1913 gulvcrt fund,
law, and tho laws covering the oponlngs
of gravel pits, registration of routs,
fraudulent contracts, patents and super
visors bonds, together with opinions of
tho attorney general thereon. He has
mailed coDlca to the- various township
clerks', arid 'win furnish - trustees with
copies upon application,
rinlv liovn from tho- Washington ave-
miPL ninnrnoi and Plerco street schools
wliL-be Included. In, the reception at
the Trung MenaJChHstlan Vasoclatjorf
niio -nffpmnnn. ' li(iVBtrom these schoola
of them .ejuJjoaxaiiosiTWVrfi of nBadlUo.
ero ready ..laThove received a -tfcaeCfrom Iheir princW
HM StiZ WwiUHtfaWinvedthe use, of theBwim-
xmnR'i'uoi -taino. iuvuio uu. ...b , -
ernoon -os follows!; Washington avenue,
2'to'3 o'clock; MWcq stree, 3 to 4 o'clock!
Bloomer, to 5 o ciock. umer euuuuio in.
which clubs are being organized in con
nection with the. membership campaign
of the boys' department will be received
at the building later.
Proprietors and omployes of the Clark
Drug company's store were given an In
teresting five minutes last night when a
well-dressed woman discovered, while .In
tho act of paying a. bill, that her dia
mond ring was missing from her finger
Bho was sura it must have fallen on the
floor and clerks and others engaged In
the search for It. After flvo minutes'
vain search the ring was found In the
pocketbook which tho woman was hold
lng in her hand and Which sho. had.
opened to pay the bill for the goods
purchased. Whether it Bllpped from her
finger at the moment or had been .absent-mindedly
taken off and pjaced there
is not known. ,
Miss Edna Hlk'o, who began a district
court suit against Chief of -Police Froom
f'esterday. Miss Hike was Instrumental
n tho recovery of a pocketbook contain
tip 3190 in cash nnd negotiable papers to
tho amount of 11, HO, which U S. Blump
of Chlllleothe, Mo., lost on September .
1911. Miss Hike promptly notified the
police, sho says, and the Valuable purse
was turned over to Detective Arnold.
After discovering his loss, Stump hnd
visited the pollco station and left an
offer of 3100 for the return of his prop
erty. Tho purse was scoured In a rcal
aurnnt where its' owner. .A left It nnd
the police claim that the cluo that led to
Its immediate recovery was In their pos
session beforo Miss Hike communicated
with tho central office.
Pollco Judge Snyder yestorday sus
pended the ono-jear setitelicu Imposvd
Humphries Adjourns Court After
Pardons and Remissions.
Meet Representative of Other Mem
bers Superior llcneli Jurist
in I.IUrnrd to 1'ontliia
SEATTLE. Wash., Oct. 4. Superior
Judge John IS. Humphries, who began
the day In belligerent moods, with his
docket full of contempt of court cases
. ...v , ......... ....... J ...-'..'. .Jl.lll,,,.,., .. 1 1 . I. 1 4 VI UVfiUII V 1 1 U
iwcvav-ssss? by jT",B .hl." broU,er J,m:r-
sent down to tno county Jail on August
ard pleasing appearance , Mrs. Katharine ,
Sllrtan, who llkcnml thu court to I'nttus 1
Pilate; Mrs. Mlllnrtt Price, who snM arte, j
was from Missouri; Mrs. Annie Anderson ,
and Mrs. Mary Jarvls. i
It was agreed that Judge Kverett
Smith's grunting of writs of habeas
corpus was lawful, but not ctfilcat. nnd
that no mors such writs would 10 Is
sued. The dplnlon " Judgu was
that relief must come from the supreme
court, which has already Issued two re
straining orders against Judgo Humphries
nnd will pass upon appeals from sen
tences Imposed yesterday and todns .
After court adjourned Judge Humphries
said ho linil not decided what to do with
the hundreds of signers of tho "resolu
tions of dcflanco" whom he had not yet
3 tu sonve: uno year unless he could pro
euro a bond of -fM that ho would bo
como usefully employed. Weakness 'of
will to resist the temptations' of the drink
habit has been his chief fulling, and
Judge Snyder, whose only purposo was
to bring about reformation, believed that
one month of total abstinonco might be
sufficient to strengthen the young man's
courage to continue the fight against his
appetite. In granting the. poioolo Judgo
Snyder told McClelIandto report any sa
loonkocper who sold him intoxicants, as
suring him that they would bo procoedod
against under the state law. Buch an of-
renio can 'bring about a forfeiture of -the
saloon license. Violation of the parolo
will bo sufficient to cause McC'leland's
return to Jail to serve lout the remainder
of the year.
form in the, state.'
Saturday Specials, in
Our Sanitary Gropery
A few Elberta peaches left, at per
crate. 70c; wlnterpears, per bushel, $t5;
fancy blue plums, per crate. 31.15; home
grown grapes, basket, '20c; smalt basket
peaches, each, 2Sc; ripe tomatoes, per lb.,
lc; 3 quarts cranberries, 25c; home-grown
apples, peck, 2cj home-grown potatoes,
bu., 30c; Just arrived, New Pancake f)our,
per package. Ifle,. 2Sc; pure maple syrup,
quart cans, ,dOc; tt-gal, cans, S0c; sailer
kraut in cans, per can, 'JOoj large cans
baked beans, can, 10c; Juhe peas,, per can,
10c; Lily Cream flour, per sack, 31.25;
Marshall Blend flour, warranted, 11.16. L.
Oreen, 110 West Broadway. -Telephone 2710,
Majestic Ranges
need no stove blacking. See the new
models at P. C. De Vol Hardware Co.,
CM Broadway.
That the Iowa railroad commissioners
are giving attention to the Union depot
proposition at Council Bluffs has been
evidenced by the fact, that George L.
McCIaughan, secretary of tho commis
sion, stopped yesterday when he passed
through the city and called upon Mayor
Maloney for a map of the city to bo used
by the commission in studying tha depot
iltuatlon here. The request for the map
mls made with special reference to the
visit that Chairman Ketchum of tho
commission expects to make here before
the date is fired. for tho formal visit of
Iho whole commission.' The map was
furnished; him with additional detailed
Burglar Frightened
Away from House
When C. J. Luther returned to his
home, '25SS Avenue B, at 2 o'clock yes-
terday morning he aroused his mother In
time to permit her to see a big negro
standing by the side of her bad. Mrs.
Luther was awakened -by the. nots of
her son opening the front door and she
saw tho negro dart from the room and
leave tho house through a rear door.
The son also got a gllmpsw of the man
as tho latter fled.
Luther Is employed until late at night
by tho streot lighting company and his
mother has boon In the habit of leaving
the front door unlocked until his ar
rival. It is believed tho negro entered
tho houso by tho front door, and for the
purposo of making .his escape easy In
casa of necessity had gone through tho
houso and opened the rear door. If his
purpose was robbery It was not indi
cated by any search for valuables that
could bo revealed by disorder of the
articles about the house. After leaving
the houso tho fellow ran in tho direc
tion of tho Btreet car tracks on Avenue
A and disappeared before Luther could
get a gun and wing him.
Girls wanted for wrapping and packing
candy. Also experienced chocolate dip
pers. Do not apply unless you want
miwuy employment iur iau anu winior.
John G. Woodward Co., "The Candy
Men," Council Bluffs, la.
Gnlrttnlzed Stock Tnnkn.
We have the most complete lino of gal
vanized tanks carried by any one con
cern and get up any special tank, .an.
short notice. C. Hafcr Lumber Co.
Ileal Estate Transfers.
The. following ren estato transfers filed
Friday -were reported to The Bee by- the.
Pjotjawattamle County Abstract com
pany: Orwell B. Towns and wife to Ro
bert B. Wallace, lot 5 In block 2.
Turley & AVhlte's subd., Council
Bluffs, w. d , U.OOO
H .D. Anderson and wife to J. A.
and B. G. Stonebraker. ne. U of
nw. ',i of the se. X of 27, 75, 40,
W. d '1
Sarah B. B. Bohrer and husband to
Frank Melroy, lots (i and 2 in bilk.
7, Beers' subd-i Council Bluffs, W.d. 400
A. A. Clark and wife to Peter Jen-
sen, lots 1, 2 and 3 In block 32 In
Howard's add. to" Council Bluffs,
w-.d 1,250
Sarah B. B. Ilohrer and huBband to
J. W, Bell, lots U and 13 In block
32 in Beers' subd., Council Bluffs,
w, d 400
Four transfers, total J6.651
Marrloicc Licenses.
Marrlago licenses were yesterday Jssued
to the following named persons;
Name and Address. Age.
William K. Gletvson, Kansas City S3
Martha Walz, Columbus, 0 24
who, ho asserted, had been plotting
against him, adjourned court Into today
after dispensing pardons and remissions
to all corners. His chnnge of attitude
catno after a consultation with a repre
sentative of eight other superior Judges.
Tho most remarkable feature of the
day In court was tho discharge of Vr,
Herman F. Titus, Knto Sadler nnd Mil
lard Price, tho citation of whom to
answer contempt charges because of
speeches they made In city hall park
July 24, led to the "resolutions pf do
fiance,' whose signers have been on
trial and a number of whom are In Jail.
"Warned Not to Be "Sassy."
Until the mtddlo of the afternoon
Judgo Humphries continued to hear the
cases of the fifty-five signers of the
"dcflanco" making frequent addresses to
the crowd packed tight In tho stuffy
llttlo court room. In the morning the
penalties Imposed were severe In the
afternoon mild. Tho court frequently
warned the defendants not to bo "sassy."
Those who wero "sassy" fared 111,
After the "defiant" persona hod been
disposed of the case of Dr. Titus on the
charge of violating an antl-strcet speak
ing injunction was called. Tho Judge
delivered a long address, saying ll had
wrung his heart to bo obliged to send
so many of his old friends to Joll, but
declaring he must enforco tha law, Ho
had been obliged, he snld, to send even
his old cook, "Bole," to Jul! for "getting
Tho Judge dwelt upon tho great power
he wielded, saying he had but to closo
his hand to put . his hearers In Jail
and to opon"lt to let them out. He explained:
"I hold tho koys. I have great power-
I am higher than the governor. I can
put you In Jail and I can pardon you."
Disohnrar" Hr. Tllui,
Then tho Judge discharged Dr. Titus,
to the latter's Intense astonishment.
When Millard Price camo forward the
Judge greeted him with a smile, flying;
AnMVinr frlnnil nf mlnn" TrlrA nn.
swered a few questions nnd was dis
Kato Sadler, a Btreet speaker, was
brought from tha county Jail, where she
had been confined for Interrupting tho
court proceedings yesterday. Questioned
by Judge Humphries sho declared sho
had not assailed him in ner spceohes,
but on the contrary had praised him na
an object lesson of tho need of recall
of Judges. To her amazement the court
aid he would reduce her $100 fine to
110. x .
"Til not pay It." she shouted.
"Don't get sassy," said the Judge, add
ing: "The fine is remitted, anyhow."
Waving his hand to the crowd, tho
Judge said:
i "You saw how easy It was for mo to
let' Kate go."
Woman's Fine Remitted
"What became pf the woman with the
two babies?" the court next asked, He
was told that Mrs. McNally would be
released from Jail .tonight- Tho Judgo In
quired about Mrs., Spencer, a woman
with four children, and remitted the fine
against her. Tho prosecutor objected,
saying:- "Sho was -very defiant, -your
.At the close, of court tonight the prin
cipals in the socialist contempt cases
wero free, and more than a score of per
sons were in Jail in default of payment
of fines varying from $5 to $300 for "talk,
lng back to the court." Three of tho lat
ter had been sentenced to six months
each in prison.
Five women ore In Jail tonight for non
payment of $100 fines. They aro Mrs. L.
F Iteod, a stylishly dressed young
woman, who resented a remark mado by
tho prosecutor about her good clothing
Inns N Xiites.
WOODBINR Domestic scloncs abort
course will bo hold In tho Baptist church
hero October 27 to 30. Tho Qui Vivo
club has tho matter In hand and a largo
attendance Is expected.
IOGAN Women of tho Logan Auxil
iary will entertain thn members of tho
other auxiliaries of tho county at tho
home of Mrs. W. B. Crowdnon at ljgati
Wednesday nftornoon, October 8.
LOGAN The. laU Mrs. Caroline llugg
bequeathed $300 for a high school library
nnd $300 for tho Christian Homo at
Council Bluffs, tho remainder to rela
tives and suitable monument for herself.
IDA anOV13-necausa Shenandoah haa
refused to provide outsldo officials, suoh
na they required Inst year when thoy
camo to Ida Grovo, tho foot ball gamo
which was to havo been played there
Saturday has been called off by Shenandoah.
IDA OnOVB Rev. William Amn anil
family left for Portland, Ore, where ho
has taken a church. Dr. Amos was nas-
tor of tho Presbyterian church hero and
rcsignea a snort timo ago. Uov. It. J.
Bluo of Kntd, Ok!., has como to toko
his vlac,
LOGAN The foot lmll lonm nf II, p.
Lokuii Hlsh school will ttlnv tit
High school team hero next Saturday
afternoon, Blair, Saturday, October 11.
and Rockwell City. Saturday, October 18.
ovemoor ja tno toam win KO to Denl
son to play the foot ball team of tho
high school there.
LOGAN A IllKAttnir r,t V,a Ttntn
Comnforcial club has been set for Tues
day cvonlng, October 7, at which tlmo
Dr. M. A. Humphrey, D. H. Seabury and
C. A. Bolter, dolcgates to tho congress
of good roads at Dotrplt. will address
ths club on the Detroit mooting and tho
good roads question In general.
WOOnniNB Tim I..
charge of tho locturo course for. the sea
son haa arranged for six numbers, two
Kctures, tlireo musicals with reading and
ono entertainment lecture. TUeodoro
McDonnell opens tho courso Monday
evening, October 13, Dr. B. C. Piatt,
lecturer, November, 7; Kstollo Gray com-
vmiy, January jo; u. ii. liraatoni, l-vo-ruary
S; John Itatto, February 23, and
tho Barnard Orrlinstrn. cntniinnv mi
March 31.
GLEN WOOD In district court. In m .
s.oii ncro, juugo iiocKatouow presiding,
Thomas IUca is on trial for assault. In
his first trial. October 1. the Jury Pro
nounced him sano. All tha witnesses
and parties to tho trial are Mexicans,
cmpioyea uy tno railroad companies.
Mrs. J. B. Mors ion of Qlenwood has
so far boon official Interpreter, In the
caso of Wallaco ugalnst tho Burlington
rnllroad tho caso has been continued
until next term. Wallace sues for short
weights on coal and sand shipments.
Tomorrow morning, Mon
day, Oct. Gth, begins our
ono week special factory
demonstration and sale
of tho
Great Majestic Range
Representatives of tho
Ma jestic factory will bo at
our store durinrr the entire
week showing the range
in actual operation, baking-
tempting biscuits in
thteo minutes, using mean
while stove pipo mado of
common wrapping paper. With ovory rango sold during
the week the Majestic representatives will givo a splendid
Bomcmber tho rango will not cost you a penny more.
Simply place your order during sale wcok and get your
namo on the premium list You don't havo to take tho
range at once. Wo will deliver now or later as you dosiro,
but you must buy during demonstration week if you wish
the premium. Tho Ma jestic is tho
Only Charcoal Iron Range Made
Wo'vo boon tolling you for ten years that rangos mado
from Bessemer steel could not last, that thoy would rust
out in a short time. Other dealers scoffed at this idea
but now they nro all looking, aroimd for a substituto for
the Bteol. Thoy are offering ranges mado of steol under
various high sounding names. Don't bo deceived. It's tho
samo old stcoVthoy nro offoring under a difforcnt namo.
Buy tho Genuine Charcoal Iron and you KNOW you're
right. Call this week whether you wish to buy now 6r
not. Cbffoo and bisouitB sorved frco to all visitors.
John Hussie Hardware Co.
2407-09 Onming Streot.
"If- you buy it of Hussie it's right."
ROOMS Tho Best Variety. Tho Beo classified pages
carry advertisements of tho bost rooms and apartments for
rent in tho city. Phono your ad to Tylor 1000. '.
The Most Sensational Hill Climbing
Light Six Ever Built '
Would 'you like to own a car that will climb the steepest hills easier and
withiess effort than any car you have ever owned or driven a strong and
sturdy six that'will travel all day long averaging 16 miles and more to the
gallon -of gasoline?
You can have such a car !n the Chandler Light Weight Six at J1785. Read what ihe
Boston Chandler agenthas to say about the hill climbing accomplishments of this wonderful car.
The Chandler Light Weight Six ulcei Cory hill, ai
every other local hill, better than any automobile telling
at any price in the city of Boston today. We can itart
at the loot of Commonwealth Ave., with a load of 5
people- with the' speedometer registering five miles an
hour and fizrith at the top regiitering the tame speed."
There it another hill jutt beyond which hat 4 'harp
curves and is about the same grade as the depot hill in1-'
Cleveland. The car climbed this hilUt least 20 succes
sive times on high gear, the speedometer registering
each time 16 miles per hour at the top."
"We have started on a 4 per cent grade from a
dead stop and reached a speed of 20 miles an hcui
in 10 seconds."
"On Commonwealth Avenue hill we can show a speed
at the top of 40 miles per hour. The belt speed we
. have ever seen over this hill by a 72 h. p. car which
we formerly sold was 32 miles per hour."
"Hill climbing is not the only accomplishment of the
Chandler Light Weight Six. On the lilghlandville road
we hare attained a speed of 54 miles per hour,"
'Come in and let us explain why such feats are possible with the remarkable Chandler
(Light Weight Six.' It is not only a six you can afford to buy but a six you can afford to run.
Factory Distributors. ,
The Chandler Motor Car Co., Manufacturers, Cleveland
mr I
f 4
Make Your
Dream of An
Ideal Home
a Reality
By taking advantage of the op
portunity to secure a lot in our
newly developed Home Building Tract
which will Boon bo ono of tho Ideal resldenca noctlonij of the city be
causo It offers an opportunity to peoplo to buy In an entirely now pom
munlty that offers all tho advantuBea of city life comblnod with tho
hoalthfulneBs of living in tho country.
Lots in this tract can bo bought on tho easy paymont plan, and If
you want us to, we'll build tho houso too, a houso of real quality, planned
according to your own Ideas.
But first buy tho lot. There are only 130 In tho tract and we're going
to reservo many of thom to build homes on them ourselves, so you'll hayo
to act quickly, and make your reservation early.
70 lota within a block of tho Bonson car lino on tho paved Military
Ayenuo Hoad no lot moro than two blocks from tho car only a .23 min
ute rklo to tho Omaha Business District.
Today Is Lot Reservation Day
Prices Range From $500 to $980 Per Lot.
This Price Includes Permanent Sidewalks.
nniCnlllUIl Ull uivumi A.iiaj auu ufti jr ibciuuuu j.aD iiucui
We will reserve a lot for you beforo opening date if you call at our down
I'll office, or telephone D. 8318.
oiiire, or uuujiuuiio v, oujo.
To reach this tract tako a Benson car and get off at 48th and Military
ankers Realty Investment Company
Ground Floor Omaha Bee Bldg., Corner 17th and Farnam Sta.
Omaha, Neb., Telephone Douglas 8318.
The Profits Derived By This Company
Aro distributed among hundreds of Omaha nnd NebrsJVa people who own shares In this
Hankers Realty Investment Company orrer the safest kind of an Investment because
the soourtty behind, this company la lilan ffrado real estate, anil the business of the com
pany whloh creates large profits for stockholders Is that of lnoreaslnu the vuluo of Its va
cant property by building substantial homos that produce Iotko ateady Income.
This company Is a home Institution, owned and managed by Omaha people.
We guarantee 7 lmvo never paid less thnn 8,, nnd our Inst sernl-annriftl
dividend was ut tho annual rato of 8 .
Stock now $1.15 per share. Will advance October 20th to $1.20 per share.