Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 8-A, Image 8

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,5, 1913.
What Is .Seme
Without an Appetite?
Many a Mlscrablo Dyspeptic Can
Quickly Enjoy n Good AppetHc
Vslng Stunrt'n Dyspcp
i!a Tablets.
There Is nothing so deplorable as a
home where at every meal one mem
ber of the family sits In silence eatlnir
a special diet while others are partaking
of the regular food.
Not only dors thin condition become
almost unbearable to the dsspeptlc, but
It throws am thins but a joyous spirit
over the ret of tho family
William Byrne, Grocer, Proposes to
Bring Suit Against the City.
Alleges that Torn Up Condition
of Street for Manilla Worked
an Injury to Ilia
To Child "Please eat some nice
chicken, papa."
Tne Fathtr "Wo. Duster, daddy don't
feel ilka gating."
Tho presence of dishes before him that
a stomach sufferer cannot cat. makes
him sick at his stomach and he Is act
ually doing himself an Injury when ho
eats at such a tnble.
A Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet taken
after each meal will excite appotlto and
In a short time one will find tho sight
of food becoming lees and less repugnant
until after a few meals one will take
courage enough to Join with the family
In the regular fare.
As soon as this Is done and there fol
nr a no evil effectaMhen by continuing
the uoe of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
jou will soon bo rcstoied to your nor
mal, healthy and vigorous appetite.
fine of the real pleasures of eating Is
the Joy of smelling and seolng food.
These qualities aro essential to the nor
mal digestion for they excite the flow
of nallva In the mouth, and the gastric
juices In the stomach and thus make
ready the digestive apparatus for the food
when It Is eaten.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contain In
gredients that every Bystcm needs. Weak
ened fluids of nature used In digestion
are quickly restored to their normal pro
portion, and In a short Umo are so evenly
balanced that the system can manufac
ture Its own pepsin and hydrochloric acid
as it should.
Uo to your druggist today and buy
a box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
?iiee, CO cents.
TheScienoe of Living
27 'Soars
In On aha
HcRlns In the
mouth. M0
to 40 of our
full efficiency
is lost unci our
ltvcN shorten,
cd tiO by no.
glcctltiK teeth
needlnfc atten
tion. Get the
IlnHoy service.
Experts only
In all depart
Bold Craw 13 Eft
Warranted Work.
BAILEY The De-tut
76 City Wstlonal Baas Bid.
"Sky Scraper."
Sr. Bailey. Sr. Hhtphsrd,
Sr. Jjudwiok, Orthodontist.
Sopper-Olid Ranges
All this weok a special factory
representative will demonstrate
tho special features and economy
of these ranges.
An $8.00 stt of Aluminum Wars
will be given with each stova sold.
Wo Invite your attendance.
Orchard & Wilkeln
William Byrne, a grocer residing at
Twenty-eighth and Q streets, has notified
the mayor and city council that he wilt
sue the city and the National Construc
tion company Jointly for damages sus
tained by reason of the tearing up of
the pavement on (i street, which ho al
leges was left In a dilapidated condition
for more than a year while the matter
was In court. Byrne claims $3,000 as
compensatory damages.
Q street was torn up In July, 1112, by
the National Construction company,
which held the contract for paving. A.
A. Wright, however, had attacked the
Htiht of the city to let the contract to
tho company under the existing law and
charter provisions. The matter was In
court for many months, during which
time the contractors did no work on the
street, nor did the city restore the pave
ment temporarily. September, 1913, the
work of putting down the new pave
ment was begun. Byrne contends he
lost trade and besides had his prpperty
Injured by ttus under drains caused by
the rain water flowing In the torn up
Thieves McKenna.
Thieves broke Into the store of John
McKenna at Thirty-third and Q street
Thursday night and stolo roods to the
value of Tho police believe the
thieves obtained entrance through a rear
door. Among tho articles taken vr
several cartons of smoking tobacco, a
n"mui ui piug luuacco ana a Droxen
gum machine. The police have taken
the matter up.
Murphy Point Ont the I.avr.
City Attorney Murphy has pointed
out the state law under which the Klre
and Police bourd lit supposed to con
fiscate the licenses of saloonk jtipra
who have screens, window shades or
barriers of any sort before the windows
of tho saloons.
In a letter to the city attorney Mayor
Hoctor asked for legal advice on tho
question. The mayor stated that Com
missioner Donahue wanted to know.
City Attorney Murphy quoted the sec
tion of the Nebraska statutes governing
the matter and says the law Is so plain
that It needs no elucidation.
A large .number of saloons, have pasted
paper or put screens up Inside their win
dows. This prevents outsiders from see
ing Into the places, which are said to be
occupied after hours sometimes.
Harry Trumble. for fifteen
ncctcd with tho Packers' National bank
ot south Omaha, has tendered his reslg
nation and will cngago In the hnii hu.i.
ness In Kansas City, Mo, Mr. Trumble
cent his rcsljnaUon to the directors of
tno bank some time nco. It wu tn iv
effect October 1.
Harry Trumble h hn
cashier of the bank for three years prior
to which time ha held other positions of
trukt In the Institution. Ilia successor
has not been named yet.
Mr. and Mrs. Trumble will leave In the
near future for their new, homo In Kan
sas City.
south (Imibn
nlry .Cntln Twenty-third
tor. Hiblo Bchoo at w. Communion and
fcermon at 11. Subject or surmun. 'Tho
sill of I Amintr rsA ....
Thnes" Tc""ne Tlmo or tne sln " '
c'iurh, Twenty-flfth and K
?l!.leUVIlv a"' fw n, pastor. Bun
day school at :. Morning worship at
Ji. . The holy communion win i.
i n'Vin mission nana at
thirVi Vfe,.byt!' Twenty
anJ 11 feet, rj lb o school at 9:45.
tlan union at K:3o. i 'nhif .
3 ' Christ
ofiimaiiPA nf .h. wursnip nt ll, Tho
obser vL-if1"?." "UPPor Will be
oiered. Young peoplo'M meeting at 6 30
Preaching at 7:30. subject. Thviue of
clean papers
for the home
The Youth's
and the
Evening and
Sunday Bee
Both for 55 cent's
' a month
payable monthly
The Bee office
5.I LI "". ouimay scnool at 9
2 r.ett5hiM u" Pastor at . UubJect
"is the Karth the Lord'
l-pworth league at 7 o'clock.
OMice For Rent
The large room on gi-ound
floor of Bee Building, oc
cupied by the Havens
White Coal Co.
Nice Farnam street front
age. About 1,500 square
feet of floor space with
iarge vault. Extra en.
trance from court of the
Pine office fixtures are of.
fered for sale. Apply to
N. P. Feil, Bee office.
Air, and Mr. n . .
street, are the proud parents of aTbaby
'VA Nixon has returned from
and elatlvclV,',,l UetXVW w"
Ml. j T r, ....
Is he uuZi" "'SS?" X f'W'Xa City
North iinr,i.ii. ",xo". Ta
S..' J.oh HannlBun of the fire d
points. .iur una ouier western
her VathLV V. u .i0K' nocompanled by
anrtehneo"r !.0,Jj,.'!2tl' if " KY for
Illinois. """" "loconsin una
Culls from tne Wire
t7. i., 7"i-ir."..l,".l,1.or or wimam JI.
mi" .7 ul uienn Ridge,
-.s ituiuo Luwin, jr,
III inn AlAKCnlll in tt I
Lf.- ,lf. f. U"ed StHtea
t. .1 Yi.'u" w,euii now York
thai im. ,n ronwratlon on the ground
that It is a monopoly.
swtL Vienry i1""' P"tor of the
I, rh,Jlynora Co"Keutlonnl church ,,,Sl, Wtta "eaten
h.i ii T101 to,'0P Korgy from abus
lifii'i 1.Ha P'fty"B In ne street
Halts skull was fractured.
I'Sl?m-.K,mm,"vfalncr ot -ear-old
i in' lf K,ln1n,l- whose extensive opera.
nSele" po.Uce (o bellv 'at sho pos
"b,0,""nl Precocity as a criminal.
mHted,1h-y,"'t'rd.ay ,hBt he nad com
chil i Bn5e.r8r,,'lM. .hsed against the,
child and had directed her throughout.
ti,.8'??". a Angell. president emeritus of
ArbornVncrf,,,y Ill Ani
torday. ' conl"lufl1 t Impriva yes-
whii. ftinny "ln corpe. waa killed
I" ng r the military aviation
Eround at Salisbury. KiiKlsnd. when hla
aeroplane auddenly colla jteruay.
.fc8?"1"1! Jounecst member of the
5 i,SVmilye'e" Da"J f fourteen, in
dieted for tbe murder of Deputy Sheriff
C. Ortls near Carriro Springs. Talc
September 11, was found guilty by a
IwTntv'f T.x - -"menced tS
twenty-flve years In the penitentiary.
m"eenJU.,niuV,a: Ut """" hour"
SSf." fcl.ty1 il?' bi!rn.".of hot Plate
" iiciyuuurs uroKe Into
the office. Tbo 'Hjlce also say lir
Stone planned an explosion and fire to
cover un his mUrtde. u u
hae had domestic and financial troublwa
Wills prepared. Peters Trust Co.
tlfe Ins? ts. Penn Mntnal. Oonld
Xilarhtlno; rutnres. Hurress-Qranasn Co.
rldeUty Btoraa-o k Van Co-Doug. 1510.
Usts Boot rrlnt It Now Beacon Press.
Trust funds and estates administered.
Permanency and stability Is backei? by
a capital and surplus of 1 400,000. Peters
Trust Co.
do After Ducks Buck Taylor, assist
ant city gas comailssloner, and City
Comptroller Charles 11. MoDonald have
gone to Valentine, where they will spend
a short vacation hunting.
2Tw Teachers' Badge The badge of
the Nebraska Htate Teachers' association
this year will bo n llttlo bronze map of
the state with a sprig of goldcnrod run
ning across It and the letters N. S. T. A.
in one corner.
Closed on Bunday At the last meeting
of tho executive committee of tho Com
mercial club tho question of reopening
the club rooms on Sunday was taken up.
but after much discussion the committee
decided to leave the doors closed as In
tho past.
Baraca Union Meets Monday Evening
The Trl-Clty Daraca union will hold Its
quarterly rally at the First Presbyterian
church, South Omaha, Movlay evening.
Frank Anderson, national field secretary
of the World-Wide Baraca-Phtlathea
union, will give the address of the evening.
Inspect Court Homo Friday The
members of tho Commercial club have
chosen Friday, October 10, as the day for
the proposed Inspection of the new Doug-
as county court house. An Invitation
was recently extended the members of
tho club by tho county commissioners to
visit tho building and become acquainted
with Its facilities and attractions.
To Stop the leaks The porch on the
Sixteenth street entrance to the federal
building wilt be repaired. It has leaked
long enough, according to Customs t'ol
lector Taylor. The contract for the re
pairing was let to C. J. Shea. The lead
roofing to the porch wilt bo replaced by
tile. The cost of the change will bo 1397
Work will be begun as soon as possible
Rumors of a Break
Between Sulzer and
His Counsel Denied
ALBANY, N. T Oct. 4,-numors that
Governor Sulzer and his counsel were at
the parting of the ways were dented to
day by V. Cady Iterrlck, chief of staff.
Horrick broke his silence only after a
story had gone broadcast that several of
the attorneys would withdraw from the
caso on Monday.
"There Is not a word of truth In the
stories," ho snld. "He may be having
trouble with other attorneys with whom
ho is reported to have consulted, but not
with those who have appeared In court
for him. We will be on hand on Monday
and Insofar as I know every other day
until the trial- ends."
Ilerrtck nlso denied that counsel and
tho governor aro nt loggerheads over
the story Sulzer insists he will tell fr$m
tho witness stand. U was reported that
tho governor's plan of throwing down
the bars and laying bare his whole po
litical career was distasteful to his at
torneys. That the governor's counsel Is none
too well pleasod with his consulting at
torneys other than those appearing at
the counsel tablo Is well known", but
ho has permitted the latter to have their
way on all points of great Import and
so no serious break Is expected.
Dynnmltc Wreck Ilnlldlnirs
as completely ns coughs and colds wreck
lungs. Curo them quick with Dr. King's
Now Discovery. 60c and Jt.flO. For sale
by your druggist Advertisement.
A Factory
Tho best rnngo in tho world
sold on easy payment.
FoY your kitchen, nine (9) genuine
wear-ever aluminum cooking uten
sils; regular retail
price $8.90, given
absolutely f r e e to
evfery purchaser of
a QuickMeal Range
at our
Quick Meal Range
j Buys a Quick Meal complete with high )
j warming closet, pouch feed and polished i
( top. They require no blacking. j
(9) genuine
Doking uten-
r'-t i'-ci
Wet a Piece of Cloth- '
... . .
In yjater cheese cloth la the ft
ft Wring It Dry-
:i Jr until it Hi just sliahtly
v:;v i Ttfs more man damp.
Pour on O-Cedar Polish
until the cloth contains as much -j
pousn ns u aoes yvster.
V Go Over the Surface
Kf to flB nlfflini-fl Vnrnilll nlianrUa
O-Cedo.- but not wntej the fric
A tion removes the dirt fcnd dtist
pnd the surface
is cleaned.
Polish with a Dry Cloth l
Slight rubbing will quickly Rpoq
duce the desired lustre and finish.
"""" ':''"
v .1
i'J The BeaUtv of thm Grain
a broufli out
appear and
- seeming blemishes dis
the article
j nara, ury L.ustr
not dummy or sticky. A cam- '
hric handkerchief would not be. .-J
i i f i i .. i p?
boiicu u piacea on any article .
9mm I. I
polished theu-vednry.
Polish Wnv. o
e sure
you always get
ssc t Jta
At All Dealers'. Everywhere
Channell Chemical Co,
CHICAGO .-"fv.
This Is What Am
0-Cedar Polish Mop
Means to You
It means relief from the hardest
work of housekeeping. The hard,
tedious, back-breaking drudgery of
constant cleaning, dusting and pol
ishing. And it'means even more a clean,
bright, dustless home without hard
work, red hands, tired back and
tired knees.
Just a few minutes daily and your
floors are spotlessly clean and as
bright and pretty as new.
The New The Improved "The Better
Two Sizes $J.OO and $1.50
is even better than before. And there
are over a million now in use all
giving perfect satisfaction. Ask your
With the new, improved, easily re
moved pad, its cleaning, washing
and renewing takes but a few min
utes. You can get a specially pre
pared dusting and cleaning pad for
waxing surfaces, or where a lustre
is not desired.
Just Try It at Our Risk
Simply deposit the price with your
dealer and try an O-Cedar Polish
Mop at our risk for 2 days. If not
eminently satisfactory your money
returned without a question.
Sent from either
factory, prepaid,
upon receipt of
price, if not at
your dealer's. $1
size not sold in
No Durty Head
No Dust Cap
Tired It"
Cleaner and Brighter
Floors Than Yoa Ever
Had Before
1430 Carroll Ave.. CHICAGO
Channell Chemical Co.
Toronto, Canada
Advertising in The Bee Spells Success in Business