13-A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 5, 101J. 7 - A Weinlander's Bankrupt Stock of HOSIERY 50c to 65c HOSIERY, 35c Women's Hosiery full fnsMoneJ, regular nude, blnck gauze lisle plain r an usie, colored Itsle, Inte tins? JB B Wrlnlnndnr's fil e, T.(k to 6ic Sale pricey Per pair w S S3.00 SILK HOSE, 98c ' IHk.i Grade Silk Hose, plain black Mtk hcse. beautiful hand embroidered Instep!). W'lnlatider price, to J3 00 Salo price Monday, pair 'Q 1 il AMI V Women's Kid Glovos, slightly soiled, rn s O 10 1U U1NLI $1.00 to $1.25 Valuos, pair OVC Hi $1.75 KIMONOS AT 98o Long Klannoletto Kimonos, empire, nlylcs, floral design, nnimiert with pip Inns or satin, others hlsh neck styles. Weinlander's price, $1 75. Bale price ... STOCK OF WEBNLA Weinlander's Bankrupt Stock of KIMONOS $5.00 SILK KIMONOS, $2,95 I,oiiR Silk Kimonos, light a id dark clors , fimiv flgmrl and fl r.ii il faff AN , mini I iuuuiii u uniiauuii " nlu price, li.OO Mlo price WfttHB LAD IES' H IGH-CLASS FURNISHINGS AND FINE MILLINERY Y AT 55c ON THE DOLL WEI N LANDER'S THE QUALITY STORE Exclusively for Ladies SBMLBa .a&SP WE bought from the Trustee in Bankruptcy the entire stock and fixtures of Weinlander's, 317 South Sixteenth Street, this city, at 55c on the dollar and offer it to you at the 'same great ratio of saving, beginning Mon day morning. Weinlander's has been recognized as an exclusive shop for LADIES' FURNISHINGS and MILLINERY, selling only merchandise of THE VERY HIGHEST CHARACTER, EXCLU SIVE AND DISTINCTIVE IN STYLE. In offering you this splendid stock of merchandise, including: MILLINERY, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, GLOVES, NECKWEAR, CORSETS, WAISTS, PETTICOATS, KIMONOS, LEATHER GOODS, You arc given an Opportunity to share in what wo believe are the GREATEST VALUES ever offered in this city for goods of equal merit. SALE STARTS MONDAY MORNING & O'CLOCK 317 South 16th Street OMAHA. NEB. JEWELRY, ART GOODS, HANDKERCHIEFS, TOILET ARTICLES, Etc. SILK PETTICOATS WOMEN'S Silk Petticoats in a big assortment of styles and colors. Weinlander's price $2.50; sale prlco Monday, choice for 98c FLANNELETTE GOWNS TTCT 0MEN'8 flannelette gowns, Vy Plain and striped flannel- down collars; also V neck; flnlshod with fancy braid; Wolnlandor's prlco SI. DO and S3. 00; salo price 80 FANCY APRONS WOMEN'S fancy aprons, round and square styles; trimmed with ruffles of over laco insertions; Wolnlander's price 85o to $1.25; sale price Oc FABRIC BAGS TAPE8T4W handbags, in colors, big assortment, that wero priced to S5.00 by Welnlandor; sale prlco Monday, choico $1.00 Weinlander's Bankrupt Stock of Women's Fancy NECKWEAR 35c Neckwear at 15c 75c Neckwear at25o Including silk bows, embrold- Including laco collars, lace sets, ered collars, stock col- . , jabots, stock collars, lars, sido frills, etc.; , Ln side frills, fichus, flEZft Weinlander's price to f Weinlander's prlco to 35c, salo price ?5c, choice bUU $2.00 Neckwear at 75c $1.25 Neckwear at 50c Laco coat ,oets, colored iabotB, Coat sets, laco collars, fichus, etc.. pretty assortment of. dof embroidered - colored, Jabots, t0 50c Weinlander's Bankrupt Stock of ART GOODS Silk Pillow Cords, Wolnlander's 60c pillow cords, in a full lino of colors, 3 yards long, -with tassel ends; special 1 , 29c colors, 39c Satin Pillow Ruffling-. In all ,'Wlth draw string1, enough for pillow; sale price SCIUM PILLOW RUFFLES, E yards to piece, 6 Inches wide. Ina large C. Una of colors; regular 35c values I OU atampe4"itghtgtwn,';pur best quality, nainsook, In new designs, French JQ'n vend eyelet; choice 0U -8 to 10 OHT.Y- EMBROIDERY SILK at lo EMBROIDERY SILK Richard son's and other brands, all colors; jcnlo price Monday, 8 to 10 only, per skein k Ic Royal Society Package Goods BOo Corset Covers 38o COo Faokagre Pillows 3So Sao jPrinooss Blips . . v.4 1 . ,obo 8O0 aiora Cast . ,38o 7 80 Sresrar Soarfs 51.00 Ooaiblnatloa Bolts 7BO $2.29 Handmade Pillows and Centers, fin ished with real clUny lace, in floral, conventional and punch work do- signs. The band mada articles are worth up to $8; Bale prlco Stamped Pillow Cases, pur best quality casing, eyelet, punch work and Francn embroidery designs) sale 290 All Linen Towels, with hemstitched edge, site 30x39,' now designs; ORn lie values: choice... &uu Tapestry Tops, ?q values; specaj 25o Weinlander's Bankrupt Stook of Women's gy KID GLOVES, 94c Women's Gloves, including kid, cape, lmnbskin, chamois and mochn, 1 and 2-clasp, black, m white and colors; Weinlander's prico, $1.50Vl n O and $2AX); special sale prico OtU $3.50 Long Gloves, $1.98 Silk Glovos at 34c , . Women's Long or Short Silk white Maak ai colors I'l". 1 B" 8lZC8' ,H tU "PCCial Bttlo w'iVnUde ttpnrlc8c6t0o"-$ QQ Prices, pair, 84c. 4c.o4 11.50; sale price v.tji.UQ and...., OiC M'elnlandcr's Bankrupt Stock' of Corsets INCLUDING many of, the -well-, known values, such as' WAR NER'S, 1CABO, NEMO, PLEX IBONE, MME. MORAINE LA RIENE, CD, SAHLIN WAISTS, ETC. Weinlander's price, $1.50 to ?15.00; sale price " $1.50 to !i!.BO CORSETS 08c $3.00 to $8.50 CORSETS . .$1.10 $4.00 to $5.00 CORSETS. .$2.08 $5.00 to $0.00 CORSETS. .$8.40 $8.00 to $10.00 CORSETS. .$0.00 $15,00 CORSETS ........ .$8i00 BRASSIERES Several well known makes, all styles and ma terials. $1 and $1.50 BRASSIERES, 70c $2 and $2.50 BRASSIERES, 08r Weinlander's Bankrupt Stock of Union Suits Women's fine white cotton union Bults, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length; UOn Weinlander's prlco ilHli 98c, each UUU $5.00 Union Suits, $1.89 High grade garments, including white wool, silk and wool, natural wool, high neck, long sleeves; Weinlander's prlco to d qa $5.00; sale price P 1 OU $1.55 Vests and Pants, 98c Women's white or natural part wool vests and pants; Weinland er's Drice, $1.50; salo no price , UOC Weinlander's Bankrupt Stock of Fine MILLINERY BEGINNING MONDAY AT ABOUT SALF PRICE THE entire stock is included in this sale; trimmed hats, untrimmed hats, feathers, flowers, stickups, veils, veilings, ribbons and1 all millinery accessories. This is, indeed, a great millinery buying opportunity, not alone to the public at' large, but milliners as well. V - Trimmed Hats Trimmed with ostrich, paradise, ribbon and fancy stick-ups, block and all colors and combinations. The entire lot Is Included. Weinlander's prices up to J20.00. Divided Into three lots $3, $5.00 and $7.50 Untrimmed Hats Consisting of velours, beavers, velvets, hatters' piush, felts and satin hats. Nice, clean goods. Weinlander's prices up to 7.50. .Divided lntd four lots 25c, 94c, $1.95 and $2.95 Ostrich Fancies Ostrich Plumes. This Is not a bis; stock, but every one included, and all first class, guaranteed goods. Divided Into three lots and offered like this: $1.00, $2.90 and $3.00 Veilings and Veils All. Silk Mesh Veils, g-oodB that Wein- - A lander sold for 60c and 98c per yard. Tg U A Choice of any, Monday, at. pr Atflj yard . v Fancy Stickups and Fancy Feathers, Wings, 'etc .We offer you choico of the lot at two prices. There are about 100 dozen In all. Weinlander's prices up to 12.98, Bale prices 19c and 29c Silk Ribbons Beautiful Silk, flatln and arosgraln Illbbon, This Is good, clean merchandise, and Just what you want. Two prices. Sale prices, per yard 19c and 39c lee, spring 69c Weinlander's Bankrupt Stock of INFANTS' DRESSES INFANTS' LONG - AND SHORT DRESSES Fine lawn and nain sook, round and square yoke, lace embroidery and dainty designs of hand embroidery. Skirts finished with laco or embroidery; Wein- lander s prices, ' $3.00 and $3.50; sale prlco Infants' $1.00 Dresses, 45c Infants' long and short dresses, made of nainsook lace and em broidery trimmed; others of all- over einuroiaery; wein lander's prices, $1.00; sale price $1.98 V 45c Weinlander's Bankrupt Stock of TOILKT ARTICLES Scott's Moral Face Cream 60c slzo , ItubberlzeU Traveling Toilet Cases'. 75c size Rubberized Traveling Toilet Cases, SOc Size , Toilet Wash Hag Cases, with wash rags, I9if values Scott's Complexion 1'oWder, 50c hlze Scott's Rougo, tOc size Scott's Vanity Dox and Mir ror, SOc size 29c 59c 29c , 9o 29c 29c 29c Scott's Hair Tonic and Dandruff Cure. M.00 sze..,. Toilet Waters, J125 size Toilet Water. 1.00 size Manicure Set In celluloid box, talnlng one buffer and rose tint nail polish, COo size Ebony Finger Nail Brushes, 26c value. Nail Files. 15c to 25c values', sale price 69o 79c 59c con- 25c (5o !0c Weinlander's Bankrupt Stock of CORSET COVERS-Good quality nainsook and smbroidery insertions, ribbon and headings; Weinlander's price up to $1.23; choice $2, $2.50 Combinations, 89c 50c Combination garments. Bligntly inu8cil nainsook, batiste and allover embroidery; others with lace, em broidery und ribbon trimmed. Wein lander b price, 00 and OQ 12.60, sale pVIre OVu $1.25 Muslin Gowns, 50c AUo combination garment of nain sook, daintily trimmed with lace em broidery and ribbon beadlns; Wein landers prices to. 11.25, Cfln sale price 9UU sOrkin Bros., 16th and Harney. WEINLANDERS BANKRUPT STOCK OF DRESSES Entire Stock of Silk and Cloth Dresses Divided Into Three Lots at 9 lO 9 IT THIS remarkable purchase included fine silk and elegant cloth dresses. Woinlander had the reputation of selling the dainty, pretty styles that appeal to the well dressed woman. Come rain or shine. You will not be disappointed. Stylish Cloth Dresses of fine Serges, Brocades and Poplins, black, navy, brown, wine, mahogany, new draped skirts, full blouse waists, with pretty yokes of lace and chiffon; Weinlander's price (ff was $10.00 and $12.50. Sale price ej)D,7D Beautiful Silk Dresses of Poplins, Messalines, also Wool Challies, Epongo Serge and a large variety of imported materials; every popular shade is rep resented, including plain white and black, sizes for misses and women. Weinlander's price, $15.00 and $20.00. rf1 A AF Sale price $iU.ll5 Charming Silk Dresses made of Crape de Chine, Crepe Meteor, Poplins. It is a magnificent col lation of high rrrnde dresses for street, afternoon and evening wear. Party dresses and dancing dresses of nets, laces and chiffons; misses' una women's sizes. Sale price Weinlander's price, $20.00 to $27.50. $17.95 iOrkin Bros., 16th and Harney Weinlander's Bankrupt Stock of Handkerchiefs Women's all linen handkerchiefs, some with embroidered corners and hand embroider'; Weinland er's prjco 26c; salo -t n l price, each 12C 20c Handkerchiefs, 10c Womon's all linen handkerchiefs, -with hand embroidered Initials; Weinlander's price 20c, r each ,. XUC 35c Handkerchiefs, 18c Men's all linen hemstitchod em broidered Initial handkerchiefs; Wplnlandor's jrIco to 3Bc, i q each JLOC 10c Handkerchiefs, 5c Women's handkerchiefs, ono cor ner embroidered and embroidered all around, swisa or lawn; c value to 10c, each ........ OC Weinlander's Bankrupt Stock of Sweaters Children's Sweaters, white, red and Oxford, high and rough neck collars; pockets and pearl button trimmed; Wein lander's price, $2.60 and ?3.00; sale price $2.50 to $3:00 Sweaters, $1.29 Women's and Misses' Sweaters: white, red and gray; high and V neck styles; Weinlander's prices $2.50 and $3,00; sale nn price P 1 7 Orkin Bros., 16th and Harney, $1.4 Wclnlnnder's Bankrupt Stork of WAISTS LOT 1 Consisting of flno lin gerlo and voile, nontly trimmed with laco and ombrolderios, raado with high or low nock and Ions hicovob, aiso some mossullnes and cnuions. woln lander's prlco $2.00 to $2.50; salo price 8W.OO to 04.00 VrAtfllsl li twl XiOT a. Another lot of wonderful waist values, Including lingeries and yolles, Inco ami embroidery trimmed, hlcli or low ncclt, long; sleeves. Wein lander's price 13.00 rtl -tr i":c!l!t? Sl,75 Wolnlnmlcr's Bankrupt Stock of LEATHER GOODS Leather hand bags In seal grain, round and broken bottoms, lea ther lined, fitted with coin purse, doublo stitched handlce, spring ciusps; wein lander's prlco $1.00 to $1.60; oholco 88.00 and 83.00 baob. B3.m Genuine leather, pin seal, morocco, soul rfialn and sheep leathers, var ious sizes and shnpes. some leather Vft'A la;'dker-l.,ned' fauVKr..??'. S8.50 AVoJiilniidcr'N Hankrupt Stock of UMBRELLAS Womens umbrellas, hand carved handles, straight design, Meel rods, tight rolling, Union llk uuvor. wein lander's price up to $3.50, salo price. 83 and 8S TTirn W TT.T. AB A.1 nn Taffeta silk coverlnjr, with mother of pearl handles, Wclnlun- rtn r n defs price $5.00 to 8.U0, A HII rale price, choice vlliUU Wclnlnnder's Ilaukrupt Slock of JEWELRY Dig assortment of collar pins, brooches, bolt pins, ote., In rose, Roman and green gold finishes. latest shapes nnd stylos. Weinlander's price up to 75c, choice SOO to 81.00 BAB Pins, nan Itrllllants and Colored Sets, in plati num, silver and gold plated mount ings; Weinlander'd price m COo to M OO, choice, VJUQ SOo to 05o BEAUTY FXXTS, 25 0 dole! Plated Ileauty Fins, big assort inenti Weinlander's prlco.1 s COc to 65c, sale price, hC MEBU BAQS, 1.00 to 33.08 German silver, funcy frame. jmall ring nesh, various sixes, Welnlan- ners jirice to n I 16.60, mln price, V I choice Welnlnndcr's Hankrupt Stock of FANCY NOTIONS IOT 1 Spoon trays, p 1 c k V a dishes, toothpick holders, stamp boxes, olivo trays, mustard pots, etc. Wolnlander's price to 05c, choice, . . . aso rAKcnr cniA I.OT 3. 1'owder lioxes. Hair Itucelv ers, lion Hon Ulshes, Jiatpin Holdi'ra. llose Jars, Whipped Croam Disliea. Ash Trays, Ktc. Wein- sri lander's price to 95c, IMft ihoUe 4UU ers, stamp 25c