6 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 5. 1913. UNION PACIWS SURPLUS Considerations For and Against Dis tribution Weighed. RAILROAD NEEDS OF FUTURE Gilra Dividend Proposal nnd Qhh tlon of Its SUe Viewed from Standpoint of Union flc Sllnntlon. What will the Union Pacific Railroad sompany do with Its surplus money? The question !n alt ltn bearings Is dls cussed by the Wall Street Journal, as fol'm.s: Juige Lovett and his asoelate di rectors of the Union I'ndflc have acted wisely In pcrmlttlnR their associate stock holders to understand that the decree of the court, forcing the sale of the entire Central and Southern Pacific sys tems larKoly for cash and to outside Int -rests, makes necessary careful con sideration by tho board of the status of the I'nlon Pacific with a contracted geographical domain and an expanded treasury. Stockholders are entitled to know when tho directors are considering cither In creased or decreased distributions that they may not part with their shares without full knowledgo In the premises, nnd alto be able to Judge of tho wisdom of Important action concerning their property by the representatives for whom their votes are annually Invited. While tho action of the directors can not be foretold or even predicted with safety, for divergent minds have yet to effect their meeting upon this problem, some facts may well bo set forth In this connection. Tho capital stock of the Union Pacific is $216,653,900 common and W.'M.'oOO of 4 cer cent preferred. Tho second paragraph of article 4 of the company's articles of association roads as follows: "Such preferred stock shall be entitled In prtferenco and priority over thn com mon stock of said corporation to divi dends In each and every fiscal year, at auch rate, not exceeding 4 per cent per annum, payablo out of not profits, as shnll be declared by tho hoard of di rectors, Such dividends ore to bo non cumulative and'thn preferred stock Is en titled to no ether or further sharo of the profits. Tho directors may adopt proper bylaws to carry Into effect the provisions of this article!" Preferred Stock Burred. It Is altogether improbable that the pre ferred stock will participate In any extra disbursement plaif that may he worked out. There was testimony In tho merger suit regarding a big pool in the preferred stock In which several of the Union Pa cific directors were interested. The hold ings of the prcferrod there referred to hao not been decreased since that time, but one of tho largest holders Is con vinced that -no plan for an extra distribu tion that can be devised at this time can proxldo for any participation by the pre ferred. The rights of the preferred wilt probably be throihed out In the courts, is it Is probable that there will be smaller holders who will not be willing to take the above view. The Union Pacific has earned an ac cumulated surplus of substantially 100 per cent upon lis common share capita), or lEtt,000,CO0, but at present prices Us In ettment securities- show a depreciation of about a,0CO,GO) from the cost figure at which they are carried on the books, and on which the above surplus la fig' ured. Following is a table of these se curities, with their par, cost and present values; Present Par. Cost. Mkt. Ilk. loss. n, & O. com.. 33,334,200 120 55 $ R.0S3.K0 n, & O. com.. :i.J7S,C00 100 M 1,063,850 B, & O. pfd... 7.200,409 93.60 81 S23.739 II. & O. l)fd... 21.273.600 80 SI "212.736 III. Central ..2I.ROJ.000 1C3.40 110 12.015,000 N. T. Central. 17.S57.100 137.44 D6 7,399,082 C. & A Via.... 13.343.100 Ni.Wi 20 8,iS,lSl St. Paul pfd... 1,815,000 100 133 J90,400 N W. com.... 4,018.700 1S4.97 129 :,2,Sa Northern Securities, but the proportion ate parts of Northern Pacific nnd Great Northern. In the market In which Union Pacific disposed of thceo stocks In IMS and 1908, Northern Pacific resched 2MH and Great Northern sold up to 34S. Had Mr. Harrlman held the original Northern Pacific stock in the Union Pa cific treasury it would now show little If any profit and at times would have shown considerable shrinkage. To the t5S,000,O profit In the Northern Pacific transaction must be added J13. 000,000 net profit from a second decree of the court, which forces the sale of the last Southern Pacific shares from the Union Pacific treasury. Ponslbllltles to Ileckon With. Prudence should dlctato that in any consideration of Union l'acmc s uivibidio . ,uml finance and 80und railroading surplus full Insurance should bo tnado . ahou,i jctRto the distribution to the ngalnBt inesont or possible depression l' 1 shareholders of a reasonable proportion Union Pacific's Investment account. Foriof th, surpU() aftfir fuU consideration It must be remembered that this is ajof nll 10 factor8 t lne situation and treasury asset and likely to call for cash particularly of the suggestion respectfully only on a depressed market. submlited that any possible dividend re- It should be further remembered that , ducton anould be considered and an scparatlon of Central Pacific from South-: noUnced n connection with a division shrinkage in asset values and a margin for the extra distribution. With an annual surplus after divi dends of from 310,000.000 to 11S,000,CO) Union Paolflc will probably have $20,000, 000 to 330.000,000 additional surplus by the time tho supreme court would reach a decree in a suit to compel the sale of the Central Pacific This should be ample to take care of Improvement ex penditures meanwhile, Having the bulk of tho above 381,000,000 available for dis tribution. Union Pacific, (s entitled, tn normal times, to have a theoretical value of 3200 per share, of which half Is the rail road and half Is the treasury of the company. There can be no question but that Total 31JS.651.700 Loss.. 437,718,839 'reditu. Through the Tlallroad Securities com pany Union Pacific owns an additional in f.rt fl llllnnli Central stock, but of this tS.CCO.CC0 Is pledged under JJ.030,000 outstanding Railroad Securities company 4 per cent collateral trusts. Here Is a de predation of a few more millions. Harrlmnn'a Forestall!. A large portloou of the above 3220,000.000 Union Pacific surplus was accumulated, through the fln&nclut foroslsht of K. If. Harrlman, combined with some good fortune. The effort of Harrlman to get control of Northern Pacific, when denied any participation In tho llurllngton own ership, resulted in a profit of about 358, 000,000 from the fortunate sale at high tJrices of the Northern Paclflo and Great Northern stocks, which came back to the Union Pacific treasury when the court dissolved the Northern Securities com pany, and "Mr. Harrlman was forced to accept for Union Pacific, not the original Northern Paclflo he had turned into cm Pacific Is one of the possibilities to reckon with. Attorney General Mcllcy nolds has announced that suit to seek this separation will bo filed by tho gov ernment In the near future. Should thoj government win, Southern I'ndflc would' be compelled to find some market fori Central Pacific, and Union Pacific could not afford to let Central Paclflo go Into other hands. Acts of congress (12) re quire tho Central and Union Paclflo to bo "operated nnd used for all purposes of communication, travel and transpor tation, so far ns the public and tho gov ernment are concerned, as ono connected, continuous line," but there Is no doubt that Union Pacific might be seriously embarrassed should Central Taclflc fall Into tho hands of a strong competitor, The Union Paclflo treasury should, there fore, be In a position to take advantage of any opportunity to acquire Central Pacific nt attractive figures, which de cree of the courts may provide. Most of the lown lines have built west of Omaha, so that their acquisition as extensions of the Union Pacific eastward would seem to oo out or me question. As originally built, the Rock Island would make a splendid extension of tlin Union Pacific to Chicago, but as at pres ent existing cast nnd west of Omaha Its acquisition by Union Pacific could not bo contemplated, nnd, moreover, Union Pacific directly and through the Ilnllroail Securities company onns 29 per cent- of the $100,290,000 outstanding Illinois Central stock, and this line covers the gnp be tween Omaha and Chicago. Added to this, through presence on Its board of President Karllng of the St. Pnul system and Chairman Hughltt of the Chicago North Western, Union Pacific appears to have such comprehensive provision for connection with Chicago that further out or extensions eastward may he con sidered altogether Improbable. A Circumscribed Territory. The union I'acina is, therefore, In a circumscribed territory. It Is not to fur nlsh tho credit or financing for tho Southern Padflo and need not be con cerned largely with the development of California's oil lands or the present bad Investment by Southern Paclflo of 830,- 000,000 In Mexico; nor has it to look utter the Southern Paclflo steamship lines on the Atlantlo or the Pacific. Of Its 1,000 milts of Omaha-Ogden, main vline over SCO miles are double track. Only a few millions more can be expended- on thU main line with prospect of fatr return, It. therefore, btcomea apparent that Union Paclffo Is now moro than ever an investment proposition and approaches a banking proposition. Railroads In the banking business are adverse to the pub llo sentiment of the present Union Paclflo paying 10 per cent and holding 100 per cent surplus in cash and securities In Its treasury may be some what of a menace to Itself, Its stockhold era and the railroad Interests of the country. When the completion of double tracking and Improvements and possibilities of connection with Central Paclflo are pro vlded for as well as possibilities of de preclaton In Its treasury aasets, there remans a handsomp margin in surplus that may be well distributed to the shareholders, with nostlblv nmii rrtun. tlon In the present 10 per cent dividends, Porch use of Centrnl Pacific In tho merger dissolution plan which 'i provided for transfer of the Central Pa clflo to Union Paclflo the price agreed upon was 3104,000,000. Were Southern Pa clflo compelled to dispose of the property by court decree this price might be shaded. Deducting $100,000,000 from the Union Paclflo $220,000,000 surplus as & re serve against th possible purchase of Central Pacific, and an additional 85$,0C0, 000 as the shrinkage In Union Pacific's Investment securities at present prices as compared with the cost at which they are carried on the books leaves 383,000,000 for Improvements, possible further from the accumulated surplus. Stock Distribution. The main facts to keep In mind are that the distribution should be of in vestment stocks nut needed In the oper ation of the system and having sub stantially steady value such as $24,000,001 of Baltimore & Ohio, preferred, which, paying 4 per Cent, would find its best lodging place In distribution among the 20,000 shareholders of tho Union Pacific. A good sized cash distribution accom panying the distribution of Investment securities might insure a substantial re tention of tho investment securities as placed with the Union Paclflo share holders. . Hut the Union Pacific Itself should keep a majcr part of the cash which has recently fallen to Its lot or keep It so Invested as to be quickly available as a treasury asset. When the Standard Oil company repre sented no more In property than does the Union Pacific system It was always tho Rockefeller policy to have $50,000,000 where It could .bo available at any mo ment The Union Paclflo and every other railroad company should take a lesson from the New Haven railroad situation at the present time and when petitioning state authorities for permission to Issue securities, these should be securities to go Into tho company's treasury for sub sequent reimbursement for expenditures out of cash on hand and not for Immedi ate public Issue to meet pressing neces sities. It may be remarked that no railroad company ever got Into financial diffi culties until it had accumulated a float ing indebtednel. This may be laid down as a principle, but the history of the Union Pacific happens to show the ex ception to the rule, for the Union Pa clflo was recelvershlpped with no floating debt, but with nearly $1,000,000 cash on hand. It Is Interesting to recall that this was when the net earnings fell to $8,000,- 000 per annum, while the annual charges remained at $12,000,000. Today net earn ings are 335,000,000 and fixed charges $16,000,000. During the receivership S. H. H. Clark, who had been with tho property from Its Inception, and other old time railroad men, declared that the prosperity of the country surrounding the Union Paclflo had forever disappeared; that Nebraska, Kansas and the plain's of the west could not compete with Argentine In raising food, beet, pork, mutton Jor wheat, for mo American people. Nobody could have then dreamed that the genius of a Wall street broker would cause Union Paclflo to rise Phoenixlike from lta financial ashes and In less than ten years put Union Pacific at the head of the railroad Interests In the United mates. When It started upon a career of expansion, geographically and flnancl ally, continuing until It reached from Puget Sound to the Gulf of Mexico with body Imagined that when arrested and sundered by the courts because of Its size, tho financial problem on Us hands would be the free distribution of Its ac cumulated troasury, notwithstanding an annual distribution to Its common stock holders of $22,000,000, as contrasted wtth 1893, when there was only $8,000,000 of net earnings with which to pay $12,000,000 of I charges. Tho Union Pacific directors should re- I I I "Mealtime Joys" can only be experienced when the appetite is keen when the diges tion is normal when the liver and bowels are working regularly. If this does not describe your present condition, you should try OSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters for a few days. It will restore tho appetite, assist digestion and prevent any after-eating distress. It is for such ills as member in considering the conservative side of the problem presented that Mr, Harrlman was wise enough to admit that It was Harrlman expansion that made Harrlman earnings. If the Union Pacific directors conclude to retain In the "treasury the equivalent of $50,000,000 In cash, and securities that could always be relied upon to yield an other $50,000,000, we think they might find In the balance something approaching $40 per share In cash or securities, or $86, 000,000. Coupled with any such announce ment of a $30 to $49 dividend should go a statement that annual dividends be ginning wtth tho next quarter would be at tho rate of 8 per cent Instead of 10 per cent per annum. The modern Union Pacific the Union Paclfla of Harrlman was created and expanded and buttressed by keeping divi dends well below the earnings. Practical railroad men know, how diffi cult it Is to bring cash returns out of a territory when you have ceased to put In the cash on capital account. , PICKPOCKET ARRESTED: ALSO PASSED BAD CHECKS Thomas B. Kirk, residing at the Ur- bana apartments, was sentenced to thirty days In the county Jail tor the theft of a watch and fob, taken from a woman patton of the carnival. Detective John Dunn made the arrest, and upon Inquiry found that Kirk had also parsed worth leas checks on the Brandels stores, Hay- den Rros. and other concerns through out the city. At the former deportment store he secured money" on a $30 check and at the latter cashed one for 35. He will be arraigned on the check charge Monday morning. The UNION Offers Plenty Credit to You and Your F f mi By Omaha homes nre furnished better than those in any other city of equal size. The wage 'earner and salaried man enjoy homo comforts which in other cities are for the rich alone. You' may not know it, but this is true. The "Union's" big business was built by the people who live in these homes. It's the sturdy, getahead fel low who makes it a point to become acquainted with and take advantage of the Union's liberal credit. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. GOLD COIN BASEBURNER AMERICA'S GREATEST RANGE THE ESTATE STEEL RANGE Modern and Howard Overdraft Heaters The Largest and Most Complete Stove Depart ment in the City. A Gold Coin Baseburner wilL One Dollar Down and One Dollar a Week Secures relievo you of all winter's for You, an Estate Steel Range. -dread. It will heat your home Absolutely the highest grade of range made the on one-third less fuel and at tho most durable range. It is the range by which all same time give you one-third other good ranges are judged. It absolutely protects more heat. They will Inst a life the housewifo in point of perfect satisfaction and tune and are priced (hQA Pfij life-time service. We will place one of these excel as low as UaCusDl) lont ranges in your home on Thirty Days Free Trial. Soft Coal Heaters For those who have only one or two small rooms to heat or for those who cannot afford to buy hard coal, we offer you a large and well assorted line of soft coal heat- gvp "71 era to select from JKfi B priced as low as UlUs! U SPECIAL HOME OUTFITS 3 ROOMS Furnished Complete Terms, $4.00 Monthly. 694 ROOMS Furnished Complete Terms, $5.09 Monthly. $24.50 Fer Our Regular $35 Steel Range ThlB range Is complete "with upper warming closet, has six large eight-Inch lids, has guar anteed non-warping baking ovan, duplex grates, full steel body and Is nickel trimmed. Special Inducements to Young Married Couples $10.95 For This Massive Turkish Rocker Largo and com uuitHtsicu ill iau- ricoid leather. 12.90 For This $20.09 China Closet Made of quarter- sawed oak with bent glass ends. $11.75 HIIP Union lUtfittingG?) OMAHA S.E.COR.I6&vJACK30N STS CONSOLIDATED WITH THE PEOPLES STORK SsYTll aA In sa I h nsssisiiHtPV For This Beautiful $17.50 SEAMLESS BRUSSELS RUG. This beautiful rug is 9x12 ft. in size, is full seamless and comes in exceptionally pretty patterns and colors. ECHOES FROM THE ANTEROOM Benson woodmen Dedicate new Water Works Building Today. CLAN GORDON MOVES ITS HOME Ivy nebpknh Lodge Will Glre Card Vartr Ueneflt Thursday Evening at Independent Order of Odd Fellows' Hall. entertained 4.872 visitors durlptr Ak-Sar- lien week. Kouclousco camp 352 meets this after noon at Twenty-seventh and L, btrcets, Bouth Omaha. Uthuanlan camp 411 will have a de gree team and brass Dana xo miuaib candidates. POOR APPETITE SOUR STOMACH HEARTBURN INDIGESTION CONSTIPATION BILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA AND MALARIA DON'T EXPERIMENT INSIST ON HOSTETTER'S Benson camp No. ISS will celebratu quite an event In tho history of the oamp toduy, vhen thy will officially lay the cornerstone of the new water works building of the city of Benson, having been asked to do so by the city officials. The prado will form at the Woodmen of the World hall at S:30 P m. and march In a body to the nuw bulldlnc. whue the exercises will takt place at 3 p. in. sharp. All of the city officials will be preient as well as tht i sovereign camp officers. All Woodmen camps have been Invited to participate is me nrsi been ex tended to thli progressive order in Doua. lnH county. Benson camp will give anotner oc us .l.nrlnc nartles at Independent order oi Odd Fellows' hall Friday evening, ana have secured a good orohestra. for tht occasion. Ilef i eshmcnts In the way ol temperate punch will be served. John Kennedy, city manager, will be the speaker at the dedleatlon ceremonies at Fremont, Neb., today. Sovereign K. P. Dahlman, city man ager of St. Taut, and Sovereign N. In man, city manager of Minneapolis, were guests of City Manager John Kennedy Ak-Sar-llen week. John McOraw of the New York Giants boost- TWO BOYS ARE CHARGED 1A7ITU CTCAI ma A UriDCCn these exercises, which n ..w,,ww, - Ulmj ,hat ,m. Btd Lyons, aged 11 years, living at Twelfth and Itcesa streets, and Oscar Sravto, aged IS years, who resides at Fifteenth and Grace, were arrested Sat urday morning by Officer Camey and charged by the officers as being "horse thieves.'' The two boys had succeeded In making away with a hunch of "hldu and bones" belonging to am Welner, Seventeenth and Dorcas streets, and wert on their way to the Auditorium to Join the Irwin Bros, show when the qucsUon arose as to who should ride the horse While quarreling over the dif ference Officer Carney, who was psss- In it. nvcrheard enough of the convrrsa tlon to satisfy himself that the nimal belonged to some one rise, and brought 'U one of State Manager I-owr both lads to the station Thi'v were era in New York i"ity tuned over to the luienll autliurltUs. I The Wtodroen of the World officials Brotherhood .of Aiiitrlcun Yeomen. On account of the Ak-Sar-Ben attrac tlona Omaha Homestead No. HOI, Broth erhood of American Yeomen, dispensed with Its meeting last ween. fexi Wedneday night will be devoted to the Interest of the degree staff and all mem bers are urged to be present at this meeting. Clan Gordon No. 3, Order of Scottish Clans, has moved Its meeting place to the Bwedlsh building, 1U Chicago street and will hold Its first, meeting ther Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, upon which occasion It i hoped a full attendance of members may be had. Burns' cele bration will be held In a large hall of the same building Friday evening. Jan uary t3, 1914. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, The Ivy club will give a card purty for the benefit of Ivy Rebekah lodge al Independent Order of Odd Feilows' hal" Thursday eveiJng. There wl I be re freshments and prlxes will be awarded I. O. It. 31. Fontenelle Tribe No. 78, Independent Order of Red Men, met Monday evening In their new wigwam In the Continental blook In open oouncll. There were a great many chiefs present who have not been at the council fires during the last season and the tribe wns very glad to hae them present and only wish that they would continue to come out to the meetings every Monday sleep. The next regular meeting will consist of Impor tant business for the tribe and all the chiefs shou'd make It a point tu b.- pita ent and take part in the powwow. New Tariff Law Will Affect Lots of Goods in Local Warehouses A telegram has been received by Cus toms Collector Taylor, Informing him of ficially that the tariff law Is in effect. Tho old rates will be collected, howover, until the copies containing the new rates are received. The telegram follows! Tariff act effective October 4. Copies mailod. C. b. HAMLIN. Assistant Secretary. Goods will bi received under the old tariff rates, but the department will re lease them from the warehouses at tho new rates soma time next week. Goods stored In the government warehouses are not paid for, of course, until taken out, whatever tariff law In effect at the time of the withdrawal of the goods Is applied to tho rate,, The government warehouse at Tenth and Jones streets Is packed to the celling with goods of all descriptions, the owners having left them there waiting for the new tariff law. It is Impossible ac the present date to list authentic differences In the rates of all goods. The complete list of changes In tariff rates is expected to be In Omaha the first part of the week. OFFICER CUNNINGHAM, MUCH BETTER, IS TAKEN HOME Officer II. A. Cunningham, who wa shot by Louis Wesley, the negro robber, In the basement of Ed Mauera restau rant, was taken home yesterday from St Joseph's hospital. He Is considerably improved and the attending physicians now look for I1I3 speedy recovery from the effects of the wound. A hard stubborn Cold that hangs on, Is broken up by Humphreys' "Seventy-seven" COLDS "While on my vacation on a farm I suffered from an old fashioned Cold. Everyone had a different sug gestion; finally threa 'greed on 'Seventy-seven' and it helped me," a girl writes. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. I3IPORTANT CIIANGH IX TIME on the NOUTIlWtJSTEn.V LINE. . Effective Sunday, October S, the Los Ange?IJmlted will leave Omaha at 9sK p. m. Instead of 11:15 p. m., arriving Chicago at 11:30 a. ni. instead or 12:10 p. tn. The Denver Special lll leave Omaha at S:4S a. 111. Instead of 1 a. m , arriving Chicago at 4 p. m. Instead of 2:1L a. m. The Sioux Ctty-Mlnnespolls train, whlen has been leaving Omaha at ? p. m. has been changed to leave Omaha at 6 15 p. in. Mention any aliment from Sprue to Gout, and everyone has a pet, remedy to suggest. Mention a Cold and near! one recommends "Seventy-seven tneir own particular remedy. r4y every seven" as "Seventy-seven" is a small vial o pleasant pellets, fits the vest pocket, AH Drug Stores, 25c to $1.00, or inled on receipt of price. ?.?.ml,,lr'' Homeo. Medicine Co., 1J William Street. New York. Advert!. I