Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1913, WANT AD SECTION, Page 3-C, Image 27

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Special Bargains
I T . T?
West Farnam
One. of the choicest, best located
and most homelike plucea In the
West Farnam District, conMder.ns
the price It can be purchased for
of any home ue have offered In
years; has large grounds, over
HO feet square, In an Ideal loca
tion, with a most excellent, well
built, large, well nrrunged, beau
tifully finished hume; handsome
reception hall, large room,
library, dining room, kitchen,
mald'B room. Second floor has
flvu beautiful rooms, all very laiKe,
wen airangeu, nno closets, beauti
ful hall; two baths. Third floor
with extra fine rooms for malaB
and beautiful billiard room finished
In quarter-sawed oak, with ou).
floors. Uarago for three or four
cars. Do not fall to Investigate
thla as It will surely be sold Within
a vwy short time. Thla Is a REAL,
In this popular district a boautt
rul, tolid brick House with hand
Borne tapestry brick; tile roof,
sawed stone steps, with and
cement porch; extra fine hot wator
heating plant, and very fine plumb
ing vvlth Mod bath. There Is a
beautiful living room. 2S feet lone,
about 1)5 feet wide, with beautiful
fireplace! built-in bookcases, beau
tiful east sun room, all enclosed;
small porch, all enclosed and heated!
handsome dining room, kitchen,
etc., on first floor; with four good,
well arranged bedrooms; with fine
tiled bath and sleeping porch on
second floor, NIco lot and choice
location. All ciear, but owner
wants money for Immediate In
vestment and will take less than
you can duplicate tho property for,
and It Is less than a year old.
This Is a DANDY, and CHEAP.
110,000 A beautiful new house, very choice
location, finished in fine oak up
stairs and down, with oak floors,
tho kitchen even being finished in
oak; four very large, roomy bed
roomB on second floor, with a
large, well lighted attic, with nlno
windows: room for two or three
extra flno rooms here. Beautiful
living room, dining room, recep
tion hall and kitchen on first floor;
vapor heat. Ideal location and a
1 113,000 A fine, new brick and cement
nome wnn soxvm feet of ground;
practically new: handsomely fin
ished; three bathrooms; and choice
12,U-One or the RMAL cholco located,
larsre. roomv. nnw DiinrioA twimpo.
Ideal corner lot, 100x1 feet Im
mense, largo, handsome living
room; with fireplace, sunporch,
flvo good bedrooms and sleeping
porch; splendid hot water heating
plant. This is a fine home. Well
loo sited
il60One of tho best built, hot-water
heated homes In Dundee; extra
fine construction; beautiful ar
rangement; largo living room otd
sun room: handsome dining room;
four fine bedrooms, with tiled bath
ana sleeping porcn on second floor;
all hard wood upstairs and down;
third story finished. This Is bet
ter than anything in Dundee for
the money.
ISQ1 Dodgo St, a beautiful cornor,
rAwI'M .. ...111. -
uy-noi .trei, jin reai gooa e-room
house, large living room, dining
room, one bedroom, with toilet and
lavatory connecting, and kitchen
on first floor; two good bedrooms
and complete bath on second floor.
Owner non-resident, very anxious
to sell quick. Wo would like a
proposition from some one, either
. cash or terms.
'-3,600-An extra good, large, roomy 10
room house: most excellent ar
rangement: In very fine condition;
beautiful location. House is In
ilrst-clnas rnnnli-- rtn. -..-.J,Kt.,-'
Hon gas and electric fixtures', fine
uiv-. uoure; ana wo guarantee you
can t duplicate the house alone for
the price, and the lot alone la
worth $2,000. East front; close to
car . Don't pass this up.
J10.000-A very fine West Farnam home,
9 rooms, beautiful quarter-sawed
oak finish and oak floors; splendid
hot water heating plant: good
Plumbing; combination lighting
fixtures; cistern, laundry tubs, and
a hfWnttfll smith nnH ,-c
"7 " .-.. lijo, I VJ li I.
corner 100 feet square. Would take
in uujr Kooa cuoice residence or
13,500 A very' choice, now. tastv. w1l
built, well located close to High
school, 5-room bungalow. Fully
modern, 60x127 foot lot Owner-
cuiiqmer laKing in a good
must bo 1913 model: no old, worn-
ww- ciiiui imneu xor a minute.
Chance for someono who wants to
turn a good car Into a nice home.
913 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug, 43
ONLY $900
House 5 rooms; good lot; on grade,
fruit and shade trees, chicken house; on
main street and on car line; owner has
removed from city; price reduced from
J1.2M to $900. Act quickly If you want a
fine home at a bargain.
1129 Farnam St TeL Doug. 1051.
To Close An Estate
65x137, southwest corner 36th and Jack
son, (very choice), $8,000. 66x132, north
east corner 17th and Webster, $10,000. 66x
IK, with 9-room homo and large barn,
1711 Burt, $6,000. 60x120, Casa and 32d,
, $1,600.
Harrison & Morton
V15 Omaha Nat. Bank. D. S14.
Close-In Rooming
2-story, strictly modern, frame house,
with It rooms, hot water heat; full olze
lot, 66x132 feet, located on Cuming St,
near 16th St. excellent location for rent
ing, as well as good business location.
George & Company
i Tel. D. 766. 902 City Nat. Bank Bldg.
HANSCOM PARK, west side. Seven
rooms, nearly new, hardwood Inside; hot
air, electricity, ga: exceptional location;
accessible; all Improvements. Douglas
7-ROOM modern horn, fine, heating
furnace, bookcase, plenty closets, larce
linen closow. Jarge uutiers pantry,
storm windows, screens, nice location
Harsaln. Owner, 1S17 Locust, Tel W 71.
KEAIj estate.
New Home
For Sale or Trade
A party who Just bllt a new all-modern
7-r. beautiful home, first floor all finished
In oak, upstairs four large bedrooms and
bath, oak floors and birch doors, couth
front, full lot, at 4S12 Capitol Ave. The
owner built It for himself, but cannot
move In now. Prlre $6,750. Will either
sell on easy terms or trade for 6ome cot
tage or Investment property In Omaha.
Submit your proposition.
Harry A. Wolf
432 Brandels Bldg.- Douglas 806S.
A Dundee Bungalow
Well Located
At a Low Price
This Is one of the best constructed
..a .w..u ... MUltUCT, Humility DUUMi Ull
payed street, 2 blocks from the car line
aim uuorus an outiooK over tho new
boulevard, Happy Hollow club grounds
nml Vnlrarrtim
On the first floor thore Is a large
iivinR room across tne entire front of
the house, with brick fireplace; built-in
scats and oak mantle. Good sired dining
room with paneled walls, built-in buffet;
trOOfl NiKflri Well .1 --n n r-i. ,1 1' I , nl. .. 1 n
bedrooms and bath; finished on the first
tlnnr Tultfi lha -ivrantfAH 1.11.1.
- .... vwvJliuil Ul 11117 nit-U.ll
Rtlil hathMnm In Ir QblaninJ 1 . 1
iiium are aieo z very large Bedrooms
completed on the 2d floor besides ample
Thin la nnA nf ft.. fe-, Kii... I .1 - -
.w iiiv wv-t wuj .1 in xj li I J u U C
should be seen by anyone looking for a
complete up-to-date, well built homo.
niuuLiuia niic. j-nce, n,tw. timail casn
paymont Balanco to be arranged.
George & Company
Tel. D. 7C6. 803 City Nat Bank Bldg.
$300 cash: 7-room modern house. 2.1th
Ave., or will take vacant lot as first
X300 cash: 6-room modern buncrnlow In
South Omaha, balance monthly.
J200 cash: 7room modern. 23th and
Soward Sts.
o00 cash; 6-room modern bungalow.
$2,300 buvs 5-room cnttniro on 251 h nair
Charles St.; lot 63x120.
z,a ouys S-room houso at 25 Caldwell.
J1.S00 buys 6-room cottage, 26 Parker St
$1,600 buys 6-room, 24th and Burdett Sts.
$2,500 buys 8-room modern house. 2Sth
near Blondo.
$2,100 buys 5-room cottaire. ?7th nnd
Corby Sts. All above on naynvtnts.
Phone D. 3607. 413 Karbach Blk .
A p'raotlcaily now 11-room brick house,
modern, with hot water heat, oak finish
below, fine basement and sleeping porch.
Dot 60x330 feet. Location 2925 South 16th
St. Price about two-thirds of value with
very reasonable terms. I want to sell
this property with 10 days. Must be seen
to be appreciated. If you want a good
well-built, beautiful home, this la cer
tainly your opportunity. Might take some
208 Boston Store bldg. Phone Doug. 6107.
Shingle and Stucco
Dundee Bungalow
The classiest 6-room bungalow In Dun-
band Sw- Thlnk ot a ving room
13x28 feet. The reBt corresponds. Beautl
.Lnnrdwood .flnUh. On a beautiful lot
with trees, only one block from both car
L!Pes.Pctwefn 491,1 and Mth, on Webster
bt. It can t be beat for $6,000. Good
Peters Trust Co.
1622 Farnam St
Douglas 83S.
FOR $2,200
We will sell you a 6-room house renting
for 118 a month and a 4-room home rent
ing for $8. Lot 00x120 feet; 6-room house
modern except heat; on paved street;
only 200 cash; balance like rent. 2134
N. 2Sth St
1320 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1064.
1 It Pays tho "Landlord to Own
Your Homo Why Not Own
It Yourself?
We offer for Quick sale the new rnt
tages at 30th and Saratoga Sts. Will be
open tooay irom i p. m. to 5 p. m. They
have 6 nice rooms: parlor and dining
room finished In oak with built-in china
closet in dining room: a eood nlxid kit.
chen and two nice bedrooms with bath
between. Stairway to attic; up-to-date
(plumbing; full brick basement; south
front; cement walks; near car and school.
lenno 10 suiu wuma out or pnone Doug
las 6013.
FOR SALE By owner. 7-rnnm hnn
all modern, up-to-date home; large lot.
witn snaae ana iruit trees; on paved
street in Hanscom park district Call tr
16th St. Property
Renting for $2,300 per year on leas
$26,000, U cash, balance long time.
Steam heated, $13,600.
Large Brick Block.
On a, business street renting for $1,800
per year. Price $14,000. Half cash.
442 Bee Bldg. Douglas 8097.
Stop Paying Rent
IWI foal, ,nlati, V. . . . n
-" Tw .. ..J ...... J , U J O U
brand new 6-room bungalow near Hans
com Park; all modern; oak finished;
furnace heat; full basement: cement
walks; screens and water meter; large
east front lot, 49x133, on paved street. A
wen uum Hume ii a iiiuuerme price, see
It at 2341 S. 3ith St. Phone owner, Har
ney 52l0.
Owing to absence from city offer for
sale the almost new 10-room modern resi
dence, 121 H. 38th Ave Tel. Harney 13a.
2 BRICK houses; $S40 rental. $7,000,
3 brick houses; 11,600 rental; $18,000.
26th and Webster, 100x144 ft; $4,600.
4031 Lafayette, easy terms; $3,000.
JOHN N. FRENZKU. Douglas 6J4.
Lots In
$450sto $600
$10 Down $10 a Month
Have cement sidewalks, g.t and city
water; within one block of car line and
paved street; the best values offered In
the city today. These lot arc located on
Wirt St. between- 43d and 45th. Cull nt
our office any time or call us up by
Phono and wo will show you these lots.
Wo only have a few loft at tho prlco of
$450. Nino new homes ore now being
built In this addition. Call us up at once,
as these are the cheapest lots to be had
In Omaha, so closo to car that hnvo
cement walks, city wator nnd gas.
You will not mlsa monthly payments
and before long you will have your lot
paid for, so you can build a new home.
.HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1G14 Harney St.
New 6 Rooms
Sun Room and
Sleeping Porch
Look at 4112 Cass St. Lanre, living room.
sun room dining room, butler's pantry
and kitchen on 1st floor. Three largo
bedrooms, tiled bath and sleeping porch
above. Large attic reached by convenient
stairway. Full basement with all con
veniences. First floon oak woodwork;
Bocond floor, gum with birch doors and
white enamel. Oak floors in every room
In the houso except the bath, which Is
mod. Houso has shades and will be dec
orated. Cement walks nnd yard sodded,
In fact thoroughly complete and ready to
move Into. Lot 6x102, paved street and
paving paid. One block to Farnam car.
one block to Saundera school, 2 blocks of
now catncdral and parochial school, open
toaay. Biggest value for tho money.
Armstrong-Walsh Co,
Tyler 1536. 210-12-14 State Bank Bldg.
Brick and Stucco
West Farnam
This Is a thoroughly well built house.
located at one of the high points In the
West Farnam district, and Is near two
car lines.
On the first floor there Is a living room
across the entire front of tho house, with
tile fireplace, oak mantle and window
seat. Dining room with bay windows and
window seat. The finish and floors are
of oak, Ample pantry and Kitchon.
Three good sized bedrooms and sleep.
lng porch and largo bath on the second
floor. Complete servant quarters and
bath on the third floor.
Lot 60x110 feet Want offer. Easy
George & Company
Phone l. 7Mf. wk wity Nat uk. uiag.-
$300 Cash
Is all that Is needed to mako the first
navmfent on a dandv 6-room completely
modern, nearly new bungalow. Is close
to car line and near scnooi. is in a
very flno residential district. Will make
you a very comfortable home. Address
2346 bo. sstn at very rcasonaoie prico.
See today.
New fcuncalow ot 6 rooms that Is
strictly modern, can be yours for $300
casn ana tne Daiance mommy, uua ran
floors and finish, largo attic, 'furnace and
full cemented basemont. It Is worth see
lnir. Address 44th and Wirt. One block
east of street car. Owner will take a
vacant lot as tne iirsi payment.
Douglas 200. 60S Bee Bldg.
Big Bargain
, In
Apartment House
New twelve 6-room apartment, located
In one of the most desirable residence
districts In Kansas City. Rents on a
basis to net owner 10 per cent Want for
equity $26,000, purchaser to assume 6 per
cent mortgage of $22,000. Address S-S823
Dodge street. Omaha. Neb.
6013 Chicago St. On ono of tho finest
streets in Omaha. Just finished.
Haa all the conveniences 4 fine
bed rooms, large closets, finished
attic. Must be aeent to bo appro'
6019 Chicago St. Another flno 8-room
new house. Tnorouguiy modern;
ready to move Into.
S4th and Saratago St Your cholco of 3
new 6-room 2 story houses.
Thoroughly modern. $3,800 and $3,900
E. W. Stotenberg
436 Board ot Trade. Doug. 1510.
15 Per Cent Investment
2-Story Store Building
Located on the southwest corner 16th
and Wirt sts. Has 3 store rooms on
first floor and 3 five-room flats abovo;
annual rental Is $1,630. The owner of this
building Is leaving Omaha and has out
the price to $10,000, and will jnake easy
terms. Here is a chance to get a fine In
vestment that will pay for Itself. Look
this up at once.
HASTINOS & HBXDEN, 1614 Harney St.
New, modern, 8-room brick, tile and
stucco residence; oak floors upstairs and
rinwnf nftlf finish Hntunanl,,. ,.t.l,
-"-" ' mVi.ii.,uiih niiiig
tenamel upstairs; fire place, sleeping
nnr.h. ,,tl Inl. 1. 1 1. .1 . .
fw..,., ,mi uuu uiuwrv lu VUT, I1UL
water heat; price leas than cost. Terms
to suit. Phone Doug. 4512. Harney 4821.
Near Hanscom Park,
Just south of Fleldcrest Add., on 31th St.
between Center and Francis; east front
lot; paved street, water, sewer, gns and
permanent walk; 60x132. Price, $7(0. See
owner, 750 Omaha Nat. Bk.
Large modern house, with garage, 3619
Chicago St. See owner. 2U1 Chicago St.
Persistent Advertising Is the Itoad to
Dig Returns.
CITY lMUIl'lillTY I'll II sl.M,
Practically new 6-room stucco horn In
ICAllAnt minrittlnti. null fttwt- inil flnl-.).
Sftx cash, will handle balance Mine its
6 moms, hot water heat, dandv to mil
lion. (Milt finish and floors, beamed oll-
ItiKB. flro place, well located, easy termn.
uwner leit tne city
Now house built by the owner for a
home, has large living mom with bsnmml
celling, fire place, excellent llcbtlng fix
tures, arao u nine room, excellent biuret
kitchen. Three dandy bed rooms and
sleeping porch on the second floor, gool
attic with maid's loom on the third.
Vlenty of sloro room. This house is
built rlKht. and excellently looted
Change of business requires removal of
Brlrk and stucco, one of the niftiest up-
to-date and most attractlvn homes to bo
found In Uunde'o or olsewhere for tho
money; 9 rooms including breakfast room
anu sun room; gooa sleeping porcn:
every convenience, and excellently built
well planned house, decorated through
out with good taste, raving all pnld. rnti
maito the terms leasonatile. Discount
for nil cash.
Beautiful stone and brick residence,
two lots, south nnd cast exposure.
scroened In porch, exceptionally large
llvlnK room, d nine room, kitchen and
ono bed room on tho first floor Three
largo rooms on the second. Beautiful
lawn and surroundings. This place Is
worth the money. Want an offer thla
Glover &. Spain
m City Nnfl Bk. Bldg. D. 3!H
A. i
' y
Sunny Vale
Somo'of tho best built houses In tho city,
whero you can gtit tno most
fnr vnur money.
$3,000 Eight-room modern homo, with
paving paid.
$3,600 Eight-room modern house, lot 60x
124, paving paid, on Emmet St.
$3,G00-81x-room modern cottage, lot 60x
$4,000 Eight-room modern houso on Wirt
St., lot 60xl2.
$1,900 Now 8-room, modern, extra well
DUIlt House on win ni.( wnn iuu
lot, oak finish, flroplace, toilet and
lavatory on first floor, as well as
fine modern bath room and 4 bod
rooms upstairs; front and back
stairway,:, best thing you can find
for the money.
$,000 Ton-room house, with hot water
heating and plumbing costing over
$1,600, oak finish with boamed coll
Inirs. electric lleht. sleeping porch.
garage; a very fine home; might
take a smaller placo for part of
the price; lot 50x124.
$10,000 Ten-room modern brick house, 4
flrcplacei, oak finish, hot water
heating plant, corner lot, 74x121;
Room 617, Omaha National Bank Bldg.
Phones; Douglas 1291; Webster 2C88.
West Farnam Home
Only $3,600
C04 S. 30th Ave. This Is a 2-story, 7-room
houso, strictly modern; long living room
and 4 cornor bedrooms; newly painted
and In good condition; located on east
front, lot, 62 feet wide, on paved Btreut.
Lot alone worth half of purchaHo price.
Don't fall to look this up Immediately.
Immediate possession. ReuBonablo terms.
George & Company
Tel. D. 7t. 902 City Nat. Bank Bldg.
Go out today and look ovar Omaha's
most attractive addition; largo lots; fine
shade trees; all specials In and paid.
Including paving. All lota front on boulo
vard or park. If you buy here you arc.
protectod by a building restriction. Tako
West Farnam car; get off at 40th and
Cuming; walk one block cast to addition.
1320 Farnam St Tel. Doug. 1064.
4-Room Cottage
$150 Cash
$12.50 Per Month
Wo hnvo n four-room cottngo on
Port St., Just east of Sherman Avo
ono block from tho North Omnha car
line; lot 40x132. A SNAP. Seo ua
nt once.
Norris & Norris
Phono Doug. 4270. 400 Boo Uldg.
66 Feet on
Cuming Street
room frame house, all modern, renting
for $640 per year must bo sold at once its
owner la leaving city. Any raasonable
offer considered.
George & Company
Phone Doug. 754.
902 City National Bank Bldg.
9 Rooms Modern
Tip-Top Repair
No. 2019 N. 18th St. Walkinr distance
of the north part of town. First class
neighborhood. Large lot. A very attrac
tive homo for the man who needs a large
house close In. Price $4,600. U'h worth
Armstrong-jWalsh Co.
Tyler 1S36. 210-12-14 State Bank Bldg.'
Would you pay $9,000 for a beautiful
home that actually cost the owner $10,600
when ho built it four years ago? Abso
lutely nothing to oritlcUo about this
houso; 9 large rooms, with billiard room
on tho third floor. It will cost you noth
ing to see It.
Douglas 1781. Ware Block
UOOD flrt moitgupe. $i,4s, lor uji.
on new 6-room butiKulow and twq oi
worth $2,400. Interest over 7 Per ept
payable monthly Address, U 4.7, Lici
I'lHiriCHTY I'Oll I.M.
For Sale
Corner let, containing five houses, all
rented, intved street, one bloek from oar
Nos. S01J, aoie, KV1J nnd 19 Grate St..
and No. im No. 31st St.
PRICE $7,500.00
Double corner, containing four par
tially modern frame cottasos, a detached
brick Iiouhv and a small shop In rear.
Both streets paved, ono block from enr
line, convenient to school and church.
Southwest corner of 2Mh nnd Franklin
Oo see It and submit offer.
I-argo frame house, steam heni. east
front, lot 75xlTO, barn, lawn, shade trees,
pavod street and all speolat taxes paid.
No. SIS So. th St. l'rlcc, $7,600 00.
Modern seven-room cottage, largo barn,
all In good condition.
No. 360S Soward -St. Price, $3,000.00.
Detached brick cottage, barn, full size,
oast front lot, paved street.
No. 1818 No. 2th St. Price, $1,000 01.
Hood seven-room, modem house, south
front, fruit nnd shade trees, barn nnd
chlckon hout. two full lots.
No. 9S30 Franklin St. Price. $1.000 00.
Modern, nine-room house, except fur
nace, east front, paved street.
No. 2450 So. roth Ht. Price. $S,KW.0V
Uood six-room cottage, modern except
No. Wl No. 37th 8t. Price. $2,000.00.
ldlRht-room house, south front, rniwil
No. 3610 Reos St. Price. $2,00000
2 First Nat Bank Bldg.. Omnlui, Neb.
jcicpnono jjouriiir in,m
On Boulevard
6-Room House,
At 5225 Florence Houlovartl wo
have a lionutlf ul now, (l-room, en
tirely modern houso, with full baac
ment: pressed brick foundation nnd
flroplnro; living room 15x25 feet;
largo dining room; kitchen, with
built-in cupboards: threo Nno bod
rooms nnd bnth room on socond
floor; largo olosots; bonutlful oak
finish nnd oak floors throughout.
This is modem nnd up-to-fio-mlnuto
In ovorythlng nnd Is very cheap nt
$4,500. Tho ground nlono Is worth
Chas. W. Martin & Co.
21 G Omaha National Rank Uldg.
Tylor 187.
Parkwood Lots
Lcsb than 50 lots left in this
beautiful addition, ranging in
prico from $G00 to $1,000.
Florcnco Boulovard runa
through Pnrlnvood, and this
portion of tho Doulovard is tho
prettiest nnd most sightly,
malting tho rcsldonco lota in this
. ndditlon tho very best and most
dosirnblo of nny rosldcnco sec
tion in tho northern part ot tho
city. Sovoral fino homes nre
nlrondy under construction,
which will increase tho value of
tho surrounding lots very rnp
idly. You can get this Increase
in vnluo by buying now on very
easy torms.
Norris & Norris
fhono Doug. 4270. 400 Uoo Bldg.
Brand New
Open today. Just north of Casa on 41st
St. Wo havo ono of tho cholcout llttlo 6
room, completely .modern anil up-to-date
homua than hus uver been built In this
oxcluslvo district Tho cntlro first floor
hati oak woodwork nnd oak floorn, built
in bookcuHcs, beumod ceilings, etc. One
largo room and oovernl storo closeta urn
flnlHhed off on the aocond floor and there
Is alBO a nice roomy uleeplng porch.
Woodwork on tho aocond floor la all hard
plno. This houso Ih a JJM-DANDY und
will please anyone looking for an up-to-dato
homo. Tho lot Ih 61x110 and Is Just
a uiock irom tno west rarnam car line,
Easy torms. ,
Armstrong-Walsh Co,
Tylor 1630. 210-1.-, I State Bank Bids.'
$3.600 A 6-room bunk'a'ow with mantle.
fireplace, built-in bookcases, up-to-
auto iignung una nut it rixtuies,
full basement, east front lot, nicely
terraced und eoddod. Near good
car lino. $600 caxh, $3S month.
$3,160 Now und up-to-datu bungalow fin
infilled In oak. Pedestals and
built-in bookcases between parlor
anu (lining room with a flno ouK
buifet In tho dining loom, Two
largo bodroouis and one bedroom
anil sun room. Latest bath fix
tures; stairway to attic; full ce
mented basement with a guaran
teed furnace; nlco lot; cement
walks n front and around the
house; near car and. school.
$3.000 An un-to-dato cottaKu. strictly
modern, neur car and school, $.100
conn, j ay month.
17th and Douglas Sts. Douglas 6013.
Good reason to sell my fl-room all mod
em home. Investigate. 3600 Jones. Har
ney 6101.
SO A., near By., part bottom, Improved;
orchard, spring, etc.; $000; terms. Leslie
Land Co., Loslln, Arkansas.'
102 AC1U2S on rlvor. $1,000; cash, bul
ance 3 years; 1C0 acres, $1,G00. Box 67,
Jiatnem. atk.
Australia; oarly rouervation or berths de
sired: reducod otoamshlp passages and
Tree rail travel for Inspection. Govern
ment of Australia wants settlers and or
era unusual opportunities. Lands suit
able to ail requirements; exceptional
terms: free particulars from r . T. 8,
Frloke. Government Representative (from
Australia), Box 3, e7 Market St., San
160-aure Knox county improved farm.
Friday, October 10, 1013. Sale cilled at
3 o clock p. m. at the farm. I will Bell
to the highest bidder at public auction
my Improved farm, the southeast quarter
or seotion as. townsnip so norm, range
4, west of the 6th I. M. Improvements
consist of a small houso, barn 0x30 and
16 feet high, with lean-to shed full length;
granary, oorn orlb, cow shed, new well
and windmill with complete water sys
tem, good ash grove, no acres under cul
tlvatlon and the balance In pasture
Terms, $1,0CM down and balunce January
1, jsh. jrariK wosirei. owner "
1 ustern owner offe ra -i-tlun good lund.
w t of Daltr.n, i lu yenne t oniitv for $1
an aero. I' U fa"in"r, Itcdinuton, Neb
PA ItSt A llANC'U I, AMI I'Otl
1.600 acres flno rich valley land north
of Potter, Cheyenne- county. Nebraska.
Abundant wator. Only $11 an acre.
write owner, i. u. nox 367, Omaha.
rms Farms Farms
Drtvtne dlatnnrn nf Dmntin? hnvmin.
l6t US show Vnll thn D-rimla All
all prices, all terms.
Northeast Corner 28d nnd M Sts.
Phone South ISO! South Omaha. Nb.
mllo from town. Will sacrifice to 'settle
estate. Wrltn (lnniroln.1 HM it., lll.l..
Omaha " ' "
19ll .1 HIH. 1AX 1 J 1 r
,w uv.c-a .n.iii iniiu, m nuiea
good pasture with some beaten; about
-ft nfro nlfalr. it .1 .1...
x u iH.Min, n.itq tllliuill
meadows, 4 acres orchard. Oood 7-room
nuns?, uuriies, suens, wmu nuns and ex
cellent road to city; a good all round
farm; wo know of nothing better noar
either city for tho price; $130 per nolo.
vi ..a nuun jou, .ucuou neai i.atato
;u.. li Pearls St.. Council Bluffs.
THIS lllnv inrrni vnnr fnrtnr,-. in in
WC acres. Improved farm lands, 3 months
fed on corn, velvet and soy beans, I-ea-padexa
and pea vine. hay. 300 feet above
soa level; healthful, good clltnato. good
Bi.nuiii-. oio. i-ncc, ?i per acre. Terms.
ii. j. jvemp, a nine, i.a.'
Oklahomn. '
r,rtn in t.- a ..h . .
Pittsburg county coal bearing, farming
and pasture land. In oil and gas belt $10
nn acre. For particulars write John
Cavanaiigh. McAlestcr. Okl.
South Dn untn.
DEEDED Indian land being sacrificed;
Tlcpa 13 til 110 tlr MArA rlnh hUn,
and; near railroad: tasy terms, at &
per cent write i U. Hosenberger, Mo-
yrt it n I , .
iiuu huiDi iiiiiuuv laiiu in norincrn n. . . I t . . 11... .ki...... ....
u.uTvuo uuuuii, 4U11UI1HIU1I, iiere a
failure of orop Is unknown. Good noil,
good climate, no drouth. For partlo-
UllU-a address FloVil 1"! Rinlth Nnrllnnrl
Wash. -.....
200 ACRES, Marshfleld, Wis.; personal
rATMCttM trs.A I1 l -
dairy ond stock proposition; adjoins n.
R. station. Price $10,000. Any part ot S00
acres adjoining. $25 per aero. John P.
.mmi. ul- tllBIVPUi -HllwaUKfO.
lOR 8ALI-J Wnshlnirton fruit frm.
In White Salmon district. Wnsblnrtnn
on the beautiful Columbia river, oppo
site renowned Hood River valley, 120
acres cholco fruit land; 40 acres planted
In fruit, balance diversified farming land,
mux, poiuiocn, etc.; large nouso ana Darn,
This will make ono of tho finest fruit
ranches In Washington, Situated 4 miles
from town of Lylu, 80 miles east of Port-
lano. mco, iw per aero. Terms! nt
least $i;,000 cash, balance mortgages 3
and 5 yearn. Why not farm it In a
country whoro you avoid the hot sum-
mern and cold winters? Look this over.
Ownor In dry goodn business; cannot
-"-- i'iui'iti uiimiMMii, i.anuii lur pnimiHt
Address owner. 1 Blianahan, lit M St.,
I Ul I In 1111, uro. 1
R25-ACrni stock ranch. Rood land, fine
water, near railroad, market eohool;
good tltlo; $12.60 per acre. If Interested,
wnto. atanioy & mamey, Fordyoe,
aOV'EIlNMENT wins fnilrrnl rnlirt rin.
clslon; 3,300.000 acres Oregon and Oullfor-
nln rnltrnnrt I. nil unliiA .1 OS (Vl f-Yt An-
dared forfeited to U, S.; 15,000 'claims' Im
mensely vaiuauie; timoer, iruit, larm and
t'tock lands; preparo for disposition of
mnas. send sa for maps and detailed
Information. Dourlan County Abstract
Co., Roseburg, Ore.
LOANS of $l,0i) and up desired on Im
proved rcul eBtato, Largo sums a spe
cially, W. II, THOMAS,
238 State Bank Bldg.
OMAHA homos. ICast Nebraska forms.
1016 OMAHA NATIONAL. Douglas 2716,
LARaH) loans our specialty. Stull Bros.
WANTED City loans nnd warrants.
W. Farnam Smith & Co., iro Farnam St
MONEY on hand at lowest rates for
loana on Nebraska farms and Omaha city
property in any amounts.
11. W. BINDER.
S23 City National Bank Bldg.
(iC CITY LOANB, Bemls.Carlberg Co.,
u 310-13 Brandels Theater Bldg.
$100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D.
Wead, Wend Bldg, 18th and Farnam.
GAK.V1N BROS Lonna ana UP-
WANTED City loans.
Peters Trust Co.
UNDERTAKER, who Is a licensed em
balmer and at present conducting a suc
cessful business of his own in Colorado,
wunts capital to buy another established
undertaking business In northwest Best
ot references as to honesty and ability
In tho business. Answer, Y M0, Bee.'
WANTED To buy, for cash, show
cases with double tier; oak preferred;
state helghth, length and lowest price.
Address D 377. Bee.
Ship lWo stock to South Omaha. Save
mtleuge and shrinkage. Your consign
ments receive prompt and careful atten
tion. I.tvu Slock Commission Merchants.
MARTIN BROS, fc CO.. Exchange Bldg.
Key to the Situation Use Advertising.
Statement of the ownership, manage
ment, circulation, etc.. of The Omaha
Evening Bee, published dally at Omaha,
Neb., required by the act of August
24. 1912.
Editor, Victor Rosewater. Omaha. Neb.
Managing editor, T. W. McCullough,
Omaha, Neb,
Business managers, C. C. Rosewater
and N. P. Fell, Omaha, Nob.
Publisher, The Bee Publishing com
pany. Omaha, Neb.
Tho Beo Publishing company.
Victor Rosewater. Omaha, Neb.; Chas.
C. Rosowater, Omaha, Neb.; Leah Rose
water, Omahu, Neb,; a.eah, Rosewater,
trustee, Omaha, Neb.; N. P. Fell, Omaha,
Nob,; Stnlta II. Fell, Omaha, Neb.;
Bluncho It. Newman, Omaha, Neb.; H.
A. Haskell, Omaha, Neb.; F, L. Holler,
Oir.nho, Neb.; Joseph Rosewater, Cleve
land, O.; Ida Rosenwasser, Cleveland, O.;
Paul Rosen wosser, Cleveland, O.; Her
man B. Rosenwasscr, Cleveland, O,;
Allco R. Cohn, Cleveland, O.; S. Meyer
Estato, New York City; Antoinette Oer
ber, Omahu, Neb.; Alice Mayor. Omaha,
Neb.; A. L. Mcyor, trustee. Omaha, Neb.;
Eugene L. aelsmer, Cleveland, O,
Known bondholders, mortgagees and
other security holders, holding 1 per cent
or more ot total amount of bonds, mort
gagees or othor securities:
Average number of copies of each Issue
of this publication sold or distributed,
through the malls or otherwise, to paid
subscribers during the six months pre
ceding tho dato of this statement, 38,167.
Business Manager.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this
30th day ot September, 1913.
Notary Public.
(My commission expires ' December
14, 191.)
Titus to ICanana. ultr.
Another veteran passes from tho majors
In tho sale of Outfielder John Titus by
the Boston National to Kansas City
Titiis will ever be remembered cs the
last major league ba'l player to wear a
Whr Onr 1'hntnf.rnnha Hn Xeldort
IMrtnrp the Orlglnnl nn
He Is.
Tho photographer beckoned me In.
thought lie stemod quieter and grave,
than before. I think, too, there wan l
certain pride In his manner
Ho unfolded tho proof of a large photo
graph, and wo both looked at It In silen. i
"In It mo?" I asked.
"Yes." he said nulotly, "It Is you,' ar,
wo went on looking at It
"Tho oyen," I said hesitatingly, "don'
look very much like mine."
"Oh, no," ho answered. "I've retauehn
thorn. They come out splendidly, don
"Fine," I said, "but surely my eie
brows are. not like that?"
"No." said the photographer, with
momentary glance at my face, "the c.e
brows are removed. Wo have a
now the sulphide for putting In nev
onca. You'll notice here whore we've cr
plied It to carry tho hair away from tin
brow. I don't Uko the hair low on th
"Olv, you don't, don't you?" I sold.
"No," he went on, "1 don't caro for II
I like to get tho hair clear back to th,
aiiperflces and mako out a new brov
"What about the moutht" I aaked witt
a bitterness that was lost on the photo
grapher, "Is tha,t mine?"
"If adjusted a little," ho sold, "youu
Is too low. I found I couldn't use It."
"Tho ears, though," I nald, "strike mi
aa a good llkenons. They're Just llk
"Yes,'' ld the photographler thought
fully, "that's so, but I can fix that all
right In thin print. Wo have a procow
now tho sulphide for removing the can
ontlrely. I ll see If "
"Llstenl" I Interrupted, drawing tW'
self up and animating my features t
their full extent and speaking with
withering scorn that should have blasted
the man on the spot. "Llstenl I conn
here for a photographa picture some
thing which (mad though It seems) wouU
havo looked Uko me. I wanted something
that would depict my face as Heaven
gave It to me, humble though the gift
may have been. I wanted something that
my frlcndn might keep after my death,
to reconcile them to my loss, it seemt
that I Was mistaken. What I wanted li
no longer done. Go on, then, with youi
brutal work. Take your negative, oi
whatever it is you call It dip It in sul
phlde, bromide, oxide, cowhide anything
you like remove the eye-t, correct the
mouth, adjust the face, restore the lips,
reanlmato tho necktie and reconstruct
the waistcoat Coat It with an Inch of
gloss, shade It emboss It gild it till even
you acknowledge that It la finished.
Then when you havo dono all that keep
It for yourself and your friends. They
may valuo it To me It la but a worth
less bauble." American Magazine.
Moremsnt for a Sharp Division 11 e-
tvreen Medical and Surgical
What Is a surgeon? By present stand
ards In this country, any gradtlato of a
medical school who chooses to appropri
ate the term, For the most delicate.
most dangerous, most technical at all
craftsmanship no special education or
training Is required, though it If generally
available, '
As matters now stand In medical prac
tice, when the general practitioner must
be on emergency call for every known
ailment and accident, It would perhaps
bo Unwise and Impracticable to demand
a separato diploma for operative work;
but that there should be some distin
guishing mark whereby the public could
determine what physlolans aro adequately
fitted by training, experience or excep
tional qualities for the craft of the
knife Is most desirable.
Hence the prospective value of the
movement for a society or college (In
tho sense of qualified organization) of
American surgeons, .electing to member
ship men ot sptfcial training or proved
acquirements, aid guaranteeing, not offi
cially or legally, but by the recognlxed
authority of Its standards, tho fitness
teohnlcal, ethical and moral of tho men
who are entitled to affix Its distinctive
letters to their names.
Such an organisation Is now being
planned by a number of the, loading sur
geons of the country. Its opponents ob.
ject that It will tend tS divide sharply
medical from surgical practice, and that
the surgeon will become a mere "human
carpenter," to whom the physician will
turn over such patients as ho sees fit
after diagnosing their cases.
Even If this bo so, the gain to the pub
lic health will not be the less. And th.
dovoted expert of that combined science
and craft which restores ease to the pain-
stricken, movement to tho paralytic, sight
to the blind and even reason to the mad
will lack for no highest honor from those
whom, he serves and save by whatsoever
name he may be known. Collier's
Csm to Ills Aid In nn EmerieeBcj
and aiade Him Solid vrlth the
Philosophy Is never qult so wise an
common sense, scienco never knows quite
all the truth, ana eugenlct, which Is or
are ot course, rather young antl inex
perienced, has or have been outdone by
a nursery rhyme.
When a prince marries a princess, they
must have a son. That was the custom
In the time of the "Arabian Nights" an3
It Is the custom today. In the "Arabian
Nights" there were magicians and fairies
who always saw to It that the prince and
princess should have as many heirs as
they pleased, but today there Is nothing
but eugenics, and nobody knows Just what
that means. And not so long ago It has
all been In the papers when a certain
prince and princess began to wish for a
son, they did not know where to find a
magician or a fairy, and the best they
could do was to consult a doctor. Tha
poor doctor was in a dilemma, becaus.
he was supposed to know everything, and
although nobody would have cut off his
head the way they did In fairy stories,
they might have out off a big piece of his
reputation, which was better than his
head any day. A doctor never could get
along without his renutatlon.
That popped right into the doctor's head
and there It was. ( course If little glrla
wore mado ot sucar, little boys must b
made of no sugar, and that Is what he
decided. He told tho princess that If aha
would eat no sugar she would surely
have a son, and she didn't eat any sugar
and sho did have a son, and what further
proof would anybody want In a world
so full of knowltdge. foolish thlrgs like
nursery rhymes are a great 'omfort-
Indianapolis News.