Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1913, EDITORIAL, Page 2-B, Image 14

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    2 B
Many Attractive Visitors Are Enter'
tained at Ak-Sar-Bcn Coronation.
Society "Will lie Enlivened Dnrlns;
This Month with Several Wed
'dtnsa in Which Hoar Ont-of-Tottb
Qntili Take Pnrt.
Social Calendar.
MONDAY-MI' Katherine Bsen ana
Miss Mildred Butler, dinner dines at
tho Country club for Mies Lucy Hawk,
ciimi nf talis nftnon. Mr. and Mrs,
11 X Wood, dinner for the Ueghlol
Wood wedding pnrty. Mlu Louise Din
ning, afternoon bridge for Miss uer
irudo McCarthy or Chicago, who In the
guest of Mlu Marlon Kuhn. Mr and
Mrs. Jame Grace, dinner for O'Connor.
Grace wedding party.
TUE8D A Y Wedd In g of Miss Dor! Wood
and Mr. Max Ileghtol at Balnt Mary;
Avenue Congregational church, followed
by rooeptlon at bride's home. Wedding
of Miss Kathryn Orace to Mr. Thomas
O'Connor at St. Agnes church of South
Omaha, followed by reception. Ml
Ann Glfford, theater party for Ml
Oortrudo McCarthy Mlu Marlon
Kuhn, lunrheon at the Omaha club for
Mlva Met nrlhy Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Heaton, ctenlng bridge for Mist Lucllt
Vhranbslndter of St. -JjOU's, guest of
Mrs. w T. nobinson.
V BDNEdDAY-MIss Helen Murphy,
luncheon for Miss Marie Holllnger, an
October bride. Miss Daphrio Peters,
vlunohcon and matinee party for Miss
Jertrude McCarthy. Miss Katherine
Moorhead, Orpheum party for Mis
Luc In Fchraubstadter Mrs, Charles
Mts, bridge for Miss Alice Judge ol
Ft Louis.
THURSDAT-Vlstcs Alice and Ada Alex.
ander. bridge. Mrs. Charles Met.
bridge partv for her guests. Miss Alice
Judge of Ft Louis.
FUJA.T-;1M .Edward Marnell. Star
Whist club. Ml Helen Clarice, lunch-
con at Jhe Cmatia club for Miss Maria
Holllnger Mr and Mra, Q. Btori.
Orpheum p'ttv for sixteen guests. Mr
'iranceeK, orpheum box party. Miss
."a HA?r' rtlr,npr rid theater party for
Alirs Alice Juries. Miin AIIm t
iianco at home for Miss Luclle Bchraub
stnott r.
SATrnPAY-neceptlon at Brownell Hall
12, ionorf ih0 l" tnnmhers of the
V7C uUv-. 5r an(1 "obert ailmore!
Uodj i r nme for MlM Ulc,le Echraub
Many charming and Interesting visitor
were In the city to attend the Ak-Sar-Ben
coronation ball and assisted materially
In making It the great success, tfnr m,v
of the visitors It was their first visit-
nere ana tney were much Impressed with
the beauty and grandeur of the ceremony.
Two prominent guests wera the Misses
Agnes and Itose Fitzgerald.- rfmivht..-. t
the mayor of Boston, who attended the.
v.onjnauon can. They oocupltd a box
near the rear of the ball room, but, ow
ing to the congestion of the crowd, they
were not able to sco well, so It was ug
tested that they stand on the raised
balcony used for the orchestra. With
the aldof Mayor Dahlman and O. a
Klplinger of the reception committee they
first stood on chalra and then were lifted
the remaining four feet, where they had
an excellent view of the entire ceremony.
They were applauded for their strenuous
The social calendar la welt filled with
wantaruinmenta for the visitors. Miss
Helen Cudahy of Chicago and Miss
France, Naah, who are membera of a
house party given by Mrs. F, A. Nash
at her sfiaoloua home, are being much
Mis- Gertrude McCarthy ef Chics go,
formerly f this city, ta wether Wilar
uet, an seroa socUl affair. Unplanned
Carthy ts the guest of MIm Marlon Kuhn.
5 Tt- Joh Cudahy of Chi.
cageS who. are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Ward Burgee, were entertained at a
dinner rarly Friday evening receding
the ball. Saturday afternoon Mrs.
Mosher ColpeUer gave a small Informal
Kor Mlas Lucille BchraubsUdter of St.
Louis, guest of Mrs., W. Koblnson.
some social affair ls. fanned for each
day this week. '
MU Alice Judge of Bt oUls, gu,,! ot
Wr.and Mr. Charts. & Mots, will b
honor guest at several social affairs.
rlnoJeaon, Is honor guest aUA large
by Miss Beeson and Mlas Butler.
mong the other rusts here for the
coronation ball were Mra. oilr Watson,
,Bn. Robert Lei
NamlltoD, Mra. Henry T. Clarke and
Stra. Everett Bowm8 all of Lincoln.
Mra. Frederick HKMe of Chicago, guest
WhmfL r' 'Ur M". Chart;
Whlttaker. guert.of Mrs, ChwleMar-
Srit, " mUCh their
jeek. with her sister. M,7Z
8evra 1 guts are arriving this wni
for October wedding. "
At ikt OnuOui 01.
Afcojrt 100 membera and frianda had sun.
Pr the Oman club following the
vwruiwuon out nr. and Mm T. C Naah
entertained Mr, and Mr. Walter 38, Rob
ert. Mla RUrUxtth Congdon. Miss Caro
line uongaoa. siim Qmd Barker of Qhl
cago. Miss Helen Oudahy, Mis Francis
ash Ht, nobest Suras, Mr. Outhbert
hotter, Mr. Herbert Freiioh.NHr. rati!
iujagpr sjjq ter. Qnit Fort, Jr.
Tor Viiitor.
Mlas ElUlbsth Bruo entertained In
formally at dinner Saturday evening for
Mis Lucy Hawk of BatUe Creek, Mich.,
who1 la the guest of Miss Kathsrino 53.
Beeson, Places were laid for, fourteen
D. A. RMeotingT" '
Mr J M. Metcalf will open her. at
tractive liome on South Tonth street Oc
tober It for the meeting of the Daugh
ters of the American Revolution. X mu
sical program will be given, thos taking
part being Mrs. C. W. Hcrton. Mtsa Hele
Sadlltk and Miss Emily Cleves.
Bridge .Dinner.
Mr. and Mr. O. V. Goodrich enter
tained at a bridge dinner at their home
Saturday evening in honor of Mr. Frank
Taylor ot Des Moines, la., who ls the
guest of Mr. and Mrs, C. E Terrell A
mound of American Beatify roV formed
tho centerpiece. Cover were laid for;
Mr and Mrs, O. T. Ooodricb,
Mr and Mr. C. E. Terrell,
Mt and Mrs. O. Ferbins, ,
Mr nnd Mrs. T. Trout..
Mr and Mrs. O. E. Nelson,
Mrs- Frsnk Taylor, , 'f ,
Mr Fred Sebold. .
Matinee lunaheon.
Mrs. Oeorge Brand eU gave a, luncheon
Saturday at her home tn Falraorea for
Mr. Kredtrlek HlihWe of .Chicago, who
la visiting Mr. A. V. Klnsler. Following
luncheon they attended the matinee at
the Brandel tp see "The Count of Lauc
ejrbourg." Entertainments.
' Mr, ilaymond O Young entertained at
wk w ww i hl I
her home Saturday afternoon at a lue
shower" In honor of Miss Mary O'Brien,
n October brld, Bride's rose and pink
tullo bow were used throughout the
Misses Mary and Nora Horn entertain.
Tuesday evening In their home In honor'
oi .miss KAtheryn arac an October
bride. Progressive whist was piayed. Mis
Kathryn Oraoe won the prise, Thoeo
present wrt
MIsse Mlsses
Kathryn Frc. Meroede Mangaa,
tlenevteve Rafferty, Cathetlne Rafferty.
Ine Masgary Mary Hom. ..
Oaths ne Wnlsh, Mors HorST ,
Jeeephlne Oraoe,
MIm Madeline 6'Cennor enterteJned at
her heme Thursday evening at a kKehen
shower In hwor of Miss Kathryn a race.
A large mound of American Beauties
formed the decoration and during the
evening progressive whist was played,
the prise being won. by Mils Mercedes
Mangan. Those present were:
Miss Mtsssa
Catherine Ort.ce, Clara Traosy,
A.nMvhUn Leonn Coffey,
Alice Power. Josephine Orace,
Anna Tracey. Catherine Reynolds,
ltene Tracey, Be Wilson.'
Veronica O'Connor, Mercedes Manran, ,
Josephine Carew, Madeline O'Connor.
Fern Club Banquet
me omana Peru club ha planned a
dinner at the Paxton hotel,' to be given
at ;S0 on the evening of October
it, at which time Dean E, L. Rouse of
the Peru State Normal will' be prceent.
Mr. Rouse Is one of the most prominent
educators of the state and every Peru
vian In the city 'should 'be' there to hear
hfin. Htc tain, 'to be given after dinner,
will fee a kMo-hArt on upon & live
ttHe a .which Mr. Rouse Is very much
lntm&, H 1 pkn cf a a ctndl
'. fortene of the hlghett state of floe
and the club 1 to be congratulated upon
having him at this, meeting. This club !
s, credit to Omaha and has puehed stead
ily forward In it two yean existence,
and now hold a prominent place tn the
llet ot club. .
I l
Informal TML '
Mis Cora BchwarU g.vs an Infereaal
tea and musical Saturday afternoon at
her studio In' the Boyd theater building
for Mrs. Cyril Stevens of Houston. Tex.
Those who assisted were Mrs, Verne W.
Miller, Mrs. Steven. Mr. Lloyd Vbemp
son, Mr. Charles Lm Cocke, Jr., Mr.
John O. Jamteson. Red rosea aa fall
Miss AutiJnhr;
Members of the Beghtol-Wood Wedding Party
Visiting With
leave were used as a decoration through
out the .studio.
AftirM Iridfc,
Miss Bertha Dickey entertained at
bridge Saturday afternoon for Miss
Marlon Wear c2 Tonek. Kan., who ls the
guest ot Miss targaret Meyer. The guest
. . . i i ..... . '
Mrs. Harold Pritohttt,
Mlnsta Knna
Marion Wear, Daphne Joslyn.
Elliabelh Dart. Alios Carter,
Mania Davis. Mtrnr.t nnm
Marlon Kuhn, Mildred Rogers,
Gertrude MaCarthy. Katharine Beeson.
Mary lungwait, . liUoy Hawk ot
Catherine ThunnneL Battle Oreek, Ml oh.
tJ7 uunuey, Hiioreq uuuer,
Wanitft Card Olub.
The Wanlta Card club met Friday after
noon at the home of Mrs, W. Riot
Prise were won by Mr. A. Wessman.
Mrs. J. Musgrav and Mr. L. & Weight
Those present wsres
Mesdames Mesdames
Bhekler, A, Wessman,
L. 8. Weight. W. Rice.
J. Musgrave,
ine next weeung or the club win be
held tn two week at the home ot Mr
E. Knott
Exception at Brownell Hall.
Mis Johnson, principal of BrowntU
Hall will be at heme Baturday evening,
October 11, from I to 10, to Introduce
friend of the school to the new member
of the faoulty.
Fleunrei Pait, s
Mr. A. F. Robinson entertained at
dinner Saturday evening at her home
In honor ot Mr. and Mr. George P.
Boekhotf of New York City and Mr. and
Mr. Jam A. Msther of Watertown.
a d. i
Miss Alice Carey entertained a a novel
masquerade party Friday evening for the
member ot the C I. C, club,. The guest
were dressed as children. Oames were
played and appropriate refreshment
served, Mr. Alfred 'JoifeenMn and Miss
Hop Hutton won the prUe for having
the best costume. Those present were:
Mtsss Maud Crew, Freda Btenner, Mar
garet Merrill. Vema Bage. Hope Hutton,
Marie Ruslcka, Ruth Andsrson, Dorothea
Holllday, Elsie Cook, Irene Carey, Alio
Carey, Messrs. John Barry, Harry
Moenry, Henry Foetgater. Joe Poetgater,
Leroy Wilbur, Robert Wilbur. Elner
Omaha Friends
Pederson. Alfred Jorjfensen, Will Mooney,
Edmond Brader, Albert Landusa.
Ooteber Wedding.
A large wedding of the week will he
that of Mis Doris Wood, daughter of Mr.
and Mr. If. N. Wood, to Mr. Max Begh
tol at the First Congregational church
Tuesday evening, Miss Adolyn Wood, sit
ter of the bride, will be maid of honor
and Qlm Hiwy MlUktn, also a sister
of the bride, 1 to be matron of honor,
The two bctdeamalda will be Mlaa Carolyn
Harding and MIsa Nit Dtmn of Llcooln,
Neb, Mr. Lode Hart la to rv aa best
man and Mbasr, Nye Mjorohouae, Merton
Welton, irarreqr Mllllken and Max Wy
man will b the ushers,
Wedding Plain.
Mr. and Mrs. IL Brown announoe the
engagement of their daughter, Mlas Orace
Brown, to Mr. Arthur C. Van Horn of
this city. The wedding will take place
the latter part of October.
Sinner for Bridal Party.
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Harding enter
tained at dinner at their home Saturday
evening In honor of Mis Dortr-Woodi and
Mr. Max Btoghtol, whose wedding take
place Tuesday evening. A. large monad of
alVla. surrounded by autumn, leave,
formed the center piece. Places were laid
JMr, and MY. H. X. Wood.
Mr. and Mr. Harvey Mll&en,
Mr. and Mrs. Bamuel Reea, Jr.,
Mr. and Mr. Oaorara Turn?.
Mr. and Mr, Charles Harding.
, mint
Dorrts Wood.
Nlta Dunn ot
Lincoln, Neb.;
Adelrn Wood,
Carolyn Hardin?,
Merton Welton,
Louis Hart,
Max BegthoL
Nye Moorehouse,
.CJiaie-Merrill Wedding.
The wedding ofMlsa Luslla Merrill,
daughter of Mr. and Mr, a W. Merrill,
of Council Bluff, to Mr. Arthur H.
Chase took place Wednesday In Council
Bluff. The bride wore a gown c white
mbroldry and oarrted a ahower of
bride rose. Mlc Jos! Kaplan waa
maid ot honor and Mr. James Merrill
waa btt man.
After tho wedding Mr. and Mrs. Mer
rill gave a dinner for tie wedding party
at. their home, which waa followed by a
reoeptlon at tho groooi'a home. Dancing,!
In Buying Furniture (
Select From a Large Assortment
Our Credit
All pur furniture, carpet and
draperies are -marked on a cash
basis, and the price as marked
are trlctly adhered to
N We realtso that a purchase of
urnlture, carpet and lrn.n,HM
to last a good many years
amount to u great deal of money,
and very few people care to pay
vfor all at once.
For your convenience we ore
pleased to arrange tht In pay
ment to ult you. Our Credit De
partment wilt treat you courteou
ly, and be glad to make suoh ar
rangement as will accord with
your resources.
This hould be of special Inter
est to you when It ls fully under
stood that, all our good are mark
ed orl acosh basis, which moans a
saving of from 1) to it per cent
We guarantee every piece of
merchandise sold by us to be as
Disappearing Front
now being demonstrated by es-
Serienoed dsmonatrator on our
irst floor. A visit will be of Is
tercet to you. epeoially now, while
Cabinet are bebig sold on the
club plan of $1.00 down and $1.00
a week. This is by special ar
rangement with the McDougall Co.
We have 100 to sell on thl plan.
Oar drapery dspartraent la the
moat complete In the olty, a com
prehensive exhibit of the season'
most beautiful dealgns domeatlo
and Imported tn curtain and
high grade drapery material.
Loom lac a, lace trimmed nets,
wlssa, aorlms and marquisette,
portiere, oouoh cover, complete
line of shades, screen, rod, etc.
6-ft. wide; per square yard,
at., 45. 55d. 65i
12-ft. vide; per oq, yd.. .70d
(nlald; the linoleum that wears
like Iron 6 ft. wide: per sq.
yd., at 95S 81.10. 81.35
and 81.50
Cocoa Mat Special
18x30-lnch 81.25
J4xa-'tnch 82.00
Beaton (El Laier Co.
415-17 So. 16th Street. Payments If You Wish
( cards and music furnished the enter
talnmcnt for the evening. i
Among the out-of-town guests were Mr,f
and Mm. D. X. Chao and Mr. and Mrs; J
Clint Craig and -daughter, Louise, ot
PI ejus tn ton, Kan., ' and Mrs. Frances
Walkup of Ord, Neb,
Atwood-Sexton Wedding.
Tho wedding ot Miss Maude Sextoji
of Kansas City, Mo and Mr. Ralph It
Atwood of Lincoln took? placo Saturday
at high noon at All Saints' rector)', Ret'.
T. J. Mackay officiating. They were at
tended by Miss Juliet Atwood, sister of
the groom and Dr. E. C Cobb.
Engagements Announced.
Mrs. J. Montgomery-Prott, formerly of
this city, ha announced the engagement
of her daughter, Miss Laura Elisabeth
Montgomery to Lieutenant Benjamin
Noble Booth, coast artillery corp.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fisher announce
the engagement of their daughter, Miss
Ruth Fisher, to Walter R. Pratt of this
Miss Fisher is a granddaughter of
Charles F. Writer.
The date of the wedding ts not yet de
cided, but will probably bo In the early
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mrs. Reed W. Talmage returned!
Wednesday from a four weeks' eastern
Mrs. F. L. Whltelock of Peetx, Co'.o.,
ls vVilting here mother, Mrs. U A.
Oarner, at the Majestic.
Mr. George Banechbaugh of Chicago
Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Doyle,
SOI North Fiftieth avenue.
Mr. Lynch Turner, who has been the
guest or his sister, Mrs. Frank D. Field,
left Tuesday evening for his home In
Atlanta, Go.
Miss Nellie Barnett of. Belllngham,
Wosh., who' ha bjeen the guest of Mr.
and Mr. Frank Field, left Monday for
West Virginia.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Smith, who
have been at Marlon, Mass., all summer
and recently in Boston and New York,
are expected home Monday.
Miss Rose Bergman of Grand Island
and Miss Frances Kline of Lincoln are
spending the week-end as the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Splesol.
Mlf s Gertrude Weeth ha returned from
a three months' visit on the Atlantic
coast. Mrs, Wadsworth Caroenter r.
turned with Miss Weeth. tc be the guest
of Mrs. Joseph Weeth for six weeks.
Miss Hope Hanchett who has been
spending three week In Chicago, Boston
nnd New York will return home Monday.
while In Boston Miss Hanchett met hor
mother Mr. Ida M. Hanchett who has
Just returned from a summer In Europe
nnd who Is now visiting friends In the
Personal Mention.
Mr. and Mr. Heyman and son, Harryt
The most satisfactory place-to buy bedroom-furniture
is the store that has a large assortment of dependable fur
niture. Our assortment is unusually comprehensive, in
cluding the best makes in all finishes mahogany, golden
oak, fumed oak, curly birch, bird's-eye maple, Circassian
walnut, American walnut, Tuna mahogany and gray, old
ivory and white enmel. Every piece is dependable and
(ne price-is reasonable.
Mission bed. Fumed oak fin
ish. Especially nice for a man's,,
Dresser, $20.00
f?W .00
olden Oak .29 00
Circassian Walnut S35.0Q
Bird'a-eytj Maple S31.00
Way Sagleos Bprlnff, $8.00
A bis man and a child can aleep
an aWay SagiesB spring -without roll
ing together. Flta any bed. Twenty
tire year guarantee. 60 nights' trial.
and Kitchenware
We nave Installed a new depart
ment, with a complete line ot
ttoves, ranges, washing machines,
wash boards, wringers and all
other useful things for the kit
chen. It will pay you to visit this
- ) have moved Into thetf new home on
California street.
A daughter was born to Mr. nnd Mrs
Wilson Harry Atkins Friday. Mrs. Atkins
waa formerly Miss Lois Alleman.
Parade Floats Will
Not Be Sold This Year
The twenty magnificent float that
maiV UP the electrical parade this year
are to be torn down at home this year In
stead of being sold or rented to another
town for a parade.
"Wo dqfo't want to cheapen the thing by
letting them go out of the dt'y this year,"
said Everett Buckingham, president of
the Ak-Sar-Ben board ot governors.
"Last year we sent them to Denver for
their big parado there, nnd when the
parade came off they advertised them as
coming from the Now York Hippodrome.
That ls all the credit we got for the work
manship on those floats. That ls all the
credit Omaha got So we have decided
to keep the floats at home. They are
standing outside the Den now and the
boys are cutting strips off them."
Mr. Buckingham say it looks like n
shame, but he says, "I beUeve we can
afford It It costs us a lot of money each
year to get up those, floats, but rather
than to sell them or rent thorn to another
town to use as Denver used them" last
yeAr, we will destroy them after we are
through with them.'" .
T i
Bishop McGovern, of Wyoming will
preach the sermon Bunday, October 12,
at St Mary Magdalene church, to 1ho
Knights of Columbus, who are to gather
there for a high mass In commemoration
of Christopher Columbus' discovery of
America. The celebration will be held at
11:15 o'clock nnd Bishop Bcannell will
preside, Father Blnne a celebrant.
Fathers Aherne and-Dowd as assistants
and Father Stenson as master of cere
monies. The Knights of Columbus will attnd
the' services In a body and will meet at
their club, 2025 Dodge street
Loyal Drew, aged It years, who .shot
Mllford Broberg, ,16 years old", with a
22-callber rifle which he didn't know was
loaded and was, exonerated of criminal
Intention by a, coroner's Jury, was
brought Into Juvenile court on a charge
of pulling an aged peddler's whiskers.
He was paroled to his parents by Judge
A Frlithtfnl Experience
with biliousness, malaria and constipa
tion Is quickly dvtrcome by taking Dr.
King New Life Pills. Only 25c. " For sale
by Jjour druggist Advertisement
Extra large Mission dresser.'
Fumed oak to match bed.
Bed, $10.50
Mahogany 821.50
Golden Oak S10.50-
Circassian Walnut . . .823.50
Blrd'a-Bye Maple. . . . 821,50
Body Brussels
All New Designs.
i-6x7-6 $11.25
6x7-6 $16.50
6x9 v $19,75
3-3x10-6 $30.60
9x9 $28.50
9x12 , $32.75
Arlington high pile. The
best ru made for tho
6x9 $26.50
8-3x10-6 .38.00
9x12 $42.00
11-3x12 $59.00
Whittall Wilton.
6x9 $25.75
8-3x10-6 $39.00 s
9x12 ,...rr $41.50
10-6x12 $57.50
( -- - - r. . . lmm