Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 11-A, Image 11

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New Life
Free T All
Bo longer Any Excujo for Men ?r
Women to Bo Weak Merved, Brain
Fagged, Thin or Haggard.
0end Your Name nd Address Today for a
Free rifty-Oent Box of Xellosg'i
Banltone Wafeia and Learn
the Grand Truth.
If you are elck or ailing It ts because
the very foundation of vour existence
Is gradually bolns dried up, the nervo
fcorce which radiates through every
litom of your hclns is perishing. Tha
Xraln and the nerves require nourish
ment Just as much as tho rest of th
'.ccent Improvements Bring Color
Photography Within Reach.
5liiiilklty Marks tlip Process of the
etv Invention N'o Iilntlt to the
Number of Iteprodnc
ISellocc's Banltone Wafer Slake You
( ieel.l'lne All the Time.
The marvelous discovery, KellogE's
Snnltono Wafers, tho greatest nerve
vltallzor known, restores your vitality
and renews your old-tlmo strength and
vlpror by Riving your nervous system the
food It Is craving. Rheumatism, neu
ralgia, headache, kidney disease, liver
troubles, Insomnia and all weakened
conditions of men and women quickly
disappear, tho hollows vantBh, energy re
turns, and life is worth living once more.
Tho red corpuscles in tho blood aro In
creased and everything that passes
through tho dlgestlvo tract Is turned into
good, solid, healthy nerves and flesh. In
stead of being undigested and unasslml
lated. In order to let you test the truth of
this for yourself, a fiOc box of Kellogg's
Sanltono Wafers, will be Bent you by
mall free, If you simply mall coupon be
low, and you will be astounded at the
wonderful results obtained from tho free
trial box alone.
1994 Hoffmastor Block,
Battle Creek, Mich.
Send me by return mall, free of
cnarge. a 60c trial box or tho wonder
ful discovery for nerves, Kellogg's
banltone warer. 1 enclose 6 cents
In stamps to help pay postage and
Xamo .............
Street (
H.F.P. t
City State
The regular $1.00 size of Kellogg's
Snnltone Wafers are for sale In Omalm
at Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 103
So. 16th St.; Owl Drug Co., 324 S. 16th
St.; Beaton Drug Co., 1501 Farnam St.:
I,oyal Pharmacy, 209 N. 16th St.; Hell
Drug Co., 1216 Farnam St
No free boxes from druggists.
was tho Ak-Sar-Uen Ball, but
many beautiful gowns and wraps
were badly mussed and soiled in
the crush. "THE WARDROBE"
makes a specialty of cleaning
these 'fancy gowns and wraps,
send tbom there.
They will bo returned with all
their former bright freshness re
stored. Phono D. 1720 wo will call for
olid deliver to all points' in tho
city und Dundee.
PilED O. WILMOTH, Mnnager.
Copper-Clad Ranges
All this week a special factory
representative will demonstrate
the special features and economy
of these ranges.
An $8.00 set of Aluminum Ware
will be given with each stove sold.
We invite your attendance.
& Wiihelm
The Wellington Cafe
1817 rarnam Street.
P. P. MILLER, Proprietor.
Oyster Cocktail
Puree of Chicken
Radishes Celery
or Olives Assorted Nuts
Roast Prime Ribs of Beef
Baked Spring Chicken, Stuffed,
Olblet Sauce
Loin of Pork. Apple Sauce
Leg of Veal with Dressing
Mashed Potatoes or June Peas
Baked Sweet Potatoes
Creamed Oyster Plant
Fruit Salad Hot Rolls
Pitted Cherry Pie Green Apple Pie
Tuttl Fruttl Ice Croam with
Assorted Cakes
Coffee, Tea, Ice Ta, Milk, Butter
milk, Cocoa
October 6, 1913
Zoro D. Clark's
Neat, Refined,
Pain Tess
Dental Parlors
Third rioor Bsmge Blag.
ISth and Harney
Opposite Orpheum
Best Sporting News
Right In Tho Bee day by
day. Full box scores of
all big leagues. Sport car
toons that hit the bullseye
A method of natural-color photon
raphy whereby any number of reproduc
t ons may bo mado from tho original nega
tive and which may be used by any am a
teur who possesses a camera has at last
Veen devised. Tho finished product Is stlU
a transparency, tho step forward being
that duplicates may bo made at will. Un
der the old systems ono transparency was
the total result of a single exposure. Al
though the' now method falls Bhort of the
Ideal system, which would bo one In which
color prints could bo taken on paper di
rectly from tho negative, It yet opens a
delightful field of work.
The new process as described by 1, C.
Warburg, the Inventor, Is simplicity itself.
Tho materials ore a taking-screen, a light
loiter, panchromatlo negative plate, ak
posiuvo piaio ana a viewiug-screen. xne
taking-screen Is a glass plate covered
with squares arranged In symmetrical
order of red, green and blue colors. Every
screen Is of exactly tho same pattern, so
that when two screens are placed to
gether, film to film, the squares of tho
same color on each other In regular and
corresponding order, that Is to Bay, ever
red square falls on a red square, and tho
green and blue likewise come on their re
spective squares. Tho Importance of fix
ing definitely the pattern of the Bcreen.
and the Issuing of It without any varia
tion whatever, will bo recognised when It
Is montionod that. In years to come.
screens may be had which will register
with negatives taken today.
IlnW 4 ft I'.. . 1 n l)ll1n.ntn.
For working the start Is made with tha
taking-screen, wldch must bo used only
for maklnrr the exrjosure. It nhmild b
treated with groat care, and' never left
lying around for any length of time in a
strong light, as all colors aro likely to
change. This taking-screen has been very
carefully adjusted and can be used- for
taking hundreds of negatives. By the
single method, whoro the emulsion Is com
bined with the screen, it has only to do
Its work once, and any slight alteration
that may take plttc after the trans
parency is made would bo scarcely, if at
all, noticeable to tho eye. On tho other
hand. It would make a considerable dlffor.
enco , photographically. For Instance, If
thero was the slightest fading of the blue
element, though practically Invisible to
the eye, It would when used In combina
tion with the panchromatic ulate roaulre
a stronger yellow filter.
Place this taking-screen in the dark
slide so that the' class side will comn
nearest the ltns. On top of this, put the
panchromatic dry plate film to film and
press the two into absolute contact by
closing the dark slide.
Perfect Contact 1m Knxontinl.
Before going any further it is well to
emphasize the necessity of perfect con
tact between tho plato and tho screen,
for in this rests tho difference between
success and failure. Many kinds of dark
slides may be suitable,' but those giving
the most perfect results aro what are
known as "book form," with a spring on
each side of the ' intervening leaf. To
have one or two such .slides made to fit
tho. camera is a very small Item. 4llt-,
it? wiuuiiiii wi(i xpiaii wny sucn huso
lulp contact is essential. Tha reason Is
that each color-square lets through its
own distinctly colored light onjf and
must produce a ' sharp corresponding
replica on the negative .plate, which In
Its turn reproduces It faithfully on the
positive, so that when tho viewing screen
Is finally Joined "'with tho positive, the
clear, transparent squares In the .latter
register correctly with the colored
squares of the viewing screen, and so
form colored transparency.
Supposing thero was not perfect con
tact between the negative plate and the
taking screen, there would be a slight
enlargement and blur of the square In
the negative which would be reproduced
in the positive, so that being larger when
put In register with the viewing screen,
it would not only admit Its own color,
but also a part of the adjoining color
squares, and result ' in a mixture which
would give either no color at all or an
Incorrect rendering. The filter for all
ordinary work Is a piece of gelatine film
placed In the center of the lens. This
filter Is principally for the purpose of
cutting off some of the blue rays, and
so to equalize any difference there may
be In the red and green sensitiveness of
the plate, liverything is now ready for
taking the picture, and the necessary
oxposure can be ascertained by the usual
exposure meter.
AdvnntBKts ot the New System.
It Is In the question of exposure that the
duplicating method shows Its superiority
over the old, single method. With the
latter the absolutely correct exposure
must be given, whilst with the duplicating
methods the same latitude is allowable as
In taking an ordinary negative. Slight
over or underexposure makes no differ
ence, tor this Is. adjusted In making the
postlve, whereas by the methods where
tho emulsion Is combined with the screen
ft the plate has been underexposed the
result is a dark, nontransparent picture,
and with overexposure you get a clear
transparency with weak colors. The de
velopment of the negative offers no dif
ficulties: practically any developer may be
used. The light' In the dark room must,
of course, be green, but not of that dark
character generally used with pan
chromatic plates. Of course the plate
must not be held Immediately under this
light during the whole time of develop
ment, but the dish should be covered, ex
cept when the operator occasionally looks
at the plate to see the progress of de
velopment. Wash and fix In the usual
way. ,
Thero is now a negative with a forma
tion representing the colors of the object
taken, and whloh can be seen with a mag
nifying glass. From this negative a posi
tive Is made, by tho use of an ordinary
lantern plate capable of producing a bril
liant slide of a black tone, and' It Is by
altering the density of this positive that
the colored slide can be made to suit any
lantern. With tho positive you now take
u viewing screen, und by placing the two
together, film to film, and moving them
about slightly, with a view to getting the
color squares Into perfect register, the
picture will gradually appear In Its cor
rect colors. Clip the two together and
bind them In tho ordinary way when the
color transparency Is complete.
Any Number Can Be Made,
The advantage of this method Is that It
Is not only pocslble to make any number
I or colored positives from one and the
j same negative, but a screen never need
be wasted The taking screen, as has
I been previously stated, has no limit to
the number of negatives that can be made
with it, and the viewing screen, when
the result attained Is unsatisfactory or
the slide Is no longer required, can be
unbound and used again with another
subject. In tho old method It could only
bo consigned to the dust heap should the
result be unsatisfactory. There Is a fur
ther advantage, that as the negative has
been taken through a screen and on a
panchromatic plate. It makes the most
perfect negative for a monochrome paper
print, the gradation of light and shade
together with the color values being abso
lutely correct. ,
Lantern slides made by this process are
more brilliant than any other, owing to
the transparency of their colors, but they
will always require a more Intense light
in the lantern than when showing an
ordinary monochromo slide, for the rea
son that only one-third or In some cases
two-thirds of the light passes through
Take a patch of red color an Inch
square. In that there are equal areas ot
red, green and blue squares. All the green
and blue squares are blocked out, and as
tho light can pass through the red squares
only, no more than a third of the light is
available. In the case of yellow, which
Is made Up equally ot red and green, the
blue being blocked out. two-thirds ot the
light Is used, whilst In the case of white
when all the colors are working you get
practically all the light. Partly to over
come the loss of light, the positive should
be regulated. For a weak light, weak
positives are necessary, whilst the slsa of
the enlargement must also be limited. For
weak lights, however, It Is better to pro
ject the picture on to a transparent
tracing cloth and view the composition
from behind.
The devices and plates for working this
method are now a purchasable commodity
and are comparatively Inexpensive. Each
completed transparency costs a trifle
under DO cents. Frederick W. Ford, In
Boston Transcript.
Snuff Fortune Willed to Outsider!,
Cousin Given the Empty
Enmity handed down from generation
to generation for more than 125 years
found final expression In the will of Miss
Julia Garrett, last member ot the dls
tlngulshed Garrett family, Who died In
Vlllanova several weeks ago.
Leaving, so It Is authoritatively stated,
at least $9,000,000 ot an estate valued at
110,000,000 to Isaac T. Starr, her financial
adviser and executor, sho cut off from
participation members of the Dunn fain
lly, cousins, because the Dunns' forbears
looked with contempt upon John Garrett,
from whom sho was descended, when he
started In a humble way the manufacture
of snuff 181 years ago.
When his buslnees, begun on a capital
ot 100 In New Cattle county, Delaware,
expanded and ho beonmo wealthy, Oar.
rett remembered tho attltud ot the
Dunns. Succeeding generations kept the
enmity alive, and of the great fortune
that grew from the original capital ot
$100 tho Dunns, unleM proceedings to
break tho will aro successful, will receive
nn amount so slight comparatively as to
be almost neEllglble.
This amount will come to them through
a perronal liking of Miss Garrett for a
woman who married Into tho Dunn family.
Her will leaves i5.000 to Mrs. Dunn,
mother of George Garrelt Dunn, a mil
lionaire banker.
The snuff buslnoss, from which tho Gar
rotte made their enormous fortune, passed
from the hands of the Garrett family In
1900. It was sold to tho American 8nuff
company for approximately 115,000,000.
Four years later tho American Snuff
company waa absorbed by tho American
Tobacco company. Philadelphia North
Honors of the Invention Reaches
Back Beyond Stephenson's
Among the centenaries which should be
celebrated this year Is that of the loco
motive. It Is true that the automobile
and the flying machines have of lata
years rather "put It over" on our old
friend, the choo-choo engine, but the lat
ter still remains for the average man the
chief means of rapid transit for long dis
tances. Although some doubt ts cast upon tho
genuineness of the "Puffing Billy,"
which is still proudly exhibited at South
Kensington as the original locomotlvu
and the founder ot the great race of
giants which we now know, it Is certainly
older than the Wylam Dllly In the lidtn
burg Museum of Science and It deserves
tho credit ot demonstrating that It could
outdo horses In speed and putting power.
From the heavy beam engine of Boul
ton and Watt, the Improved ono. beam
less and direct acting ot the Cornlshman
Trevlthlck and the Improvement on this
of Hedley, which Introduced the horl
xontal cylinder and tho fly wheel, camo
the work of Stephenson, which finished
the first stage of rati locomotion.
William Hedley, the colliery superin
tendent. In October, 1812, began at tho 'n
stance of his employer, Christopher
Blackett, a series of experiments to over
come the difficulties which had been too
much for Trevlthlck. Tho chief of thesa
difficulties wns thought to be that nf
getting a smooth wheel to hold on a
smooth rail. Hedley belloved that the ;. 1
heslon would bo sufficient and expert
ments proved that he was right Ills
completed engine, a crude and ponderous
thing though It was, proved In 1S1.1 that
It cnuld pull eight loaded wagons at fixe
mites an hour.
It was sixteen years after this that
Stephenson's Rocket appeared, and In
that time he and others underwent heart
breaking experiments before they arrived
at anything like a solution ot the UfN
cuttles presented by tho eiiRlne and th
rails. The first use to which the loco
motive waa put was tho carrying of malt
and other freight, but tho transportation
of passengers naturally followed, and
soon railroads were In operation In the
principal countries of the world.
Hvrn In our present day vast changes
have taken place In the evolution of the
rail engine and speed and endurance un
dreamed of by Hedley and Stephenson
have been achieved, but, with Trevlthlck,
the honor of the Invention Is theirs. Chi
cago Tribune.
District Court in
Johnson County
TECUMSEU. Neb., Oct. l.MSpeclaU
In the district court here the damage
case ot John C. Miller against the Chi
cago. Burlington & Qulncy Railroad com
pany was settled without trial. Mr. Mil
ter, who Is old and infirm and a resi
dent of Sterling, waa suing tho railroad
company for (5,000 for the death ot his
son, Guy C. Mllltr, who was killed In the
railroad yards In Lincoln on August 11,
1911. Mr. Miller Is very stck at the pres
ent time and It ts feared he will not gat
better. The settlement was for IJ.000, the
attorneys for Mr. Miller saying that this
amount at this time Is acceptable owing
to their client's physical condition.
A divorce was granted Mrs. Anna L.
Townsend from Adalbert Townsend. and
Mrs. Townsend was given custody of the
George W. Krltner was given a divorce
from Lydla L. Krltner, and the defendant
waa allowed the use of her maiden name,
Lydla 8. Matthias.
A new case to be filed Is the Johnson
County Drainage district against E. H.
and Lottie Grist This Is an appeal by
the drainage hoard from the decision ot
a board of appraisers.
Girl Hnrt In Runaway.
QVERTON, Neb., Oct. 4.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) MIsa Florence Bates, lS-year-old
daughter ot George Bates, a fanner liv
ing two miles west of this city, was
thrown out of the buggy and had one of
her legs broken between tho anklo and
knee. Miss Bates was driving u high
ran way. Lee Wntson found her by the
road and took her home.
rnrt i
of a Name
A piano, moro than anv other instrument is sold
on the name of the manufacturer, or the reputation
of the dealer. For IW years we have sold the World's
Best Makes. No matter what piano you may 'have
thought of buying, accept our invitation to inspect
our magnificent stock.
Only at This Store Can You
Find These
World-Renowned Pianos
Uprights from S550 up
Grands $800 up
"Uprights from $450 up
Grands $750 up
Grands $650
Uprights from $350 up
Grands from $650 up
Uprights" $275 tip
From $250 up
Payments to Suit.
Monthly payments extended to thoso who do
not wont to pay cash.
A. Hospe Co.
1513-15 Douglas Streot.
The Cadillac Leadership is Once More
Strikingly Demonstrated in the
V 1914 Limousine
; The Cadillac Limousine continues to maintain its position of leadership
of enclosed cars.
It is the preference of those who place luxury, comfort, ease, richness,
taste, dignity, elegance and refinement above every consideration, and are
satisfied with nothing short of that which represents these qualifications in,
the highest degree.
The improved Delco electric cranking device, the electric
lights, both inside and out; the powerful, quiet motor, the ample wheel base,
the large wheels and tires, the flexible yielding springs, the deep, soft, com- '
fortable upholstering, the richness of trimmings and finish, all contribute
to theluxuriousness of this splendid car.
This car is now on display in our salesroom. .
2054-56 Farnam Street
GEO. F. REIM. Pres.
Phone Douglas 4225-6