Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 12-A, Image 10

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SaftM. S!! J. W.w Tort
In the apparel of better character that women of
refinement demand, the atocka of thin store are
unrivaled. The vastly greater varieties here make
election easy. Every garment In Brandels
Btoros la fashionably correct.
us in time to show as noon thty nr in
Wew York. The spl,ndld orjanlintiono thlS
store wake, it possible lor us to s.rr. you wil"
Never Have We Shown Such Smart
Coats Moderately Priced
Fashionseal Suits at $25.00 Are the
Fall Style Aristocrats
WjowjjrpBscoats andstrcet coats for
women that havo To'dlvldual" stylo andcharacto?
not to bg found elsewhere. Somo of tho
Have you seen these coats with tho new kimono
sleeves and droopd shoulders? Wo presonrVnow
line of the English models, out lull, for
evonlng and street woar, at
YTV.CrT,lr COfttB of now novelty mlxturo
COATS at S15 caracul, Persian. Ural lamb,
Persians, Ural lamb, carnnul. ti.w -
satin- linings; special J 1 1
'w'JS11 raad0 ,n th0 'r fabrics, such as
COATS t S15 caracul,. Persian, Ural lamb,
Balkan. Jamb, chinchilla, to n i, -
and aires . . M I J"s
Ti m n mmi wh w a a
Those correctly tailored suits at a moderate price
are the only moderate priced suits that havo all tho
style and wearing quality of much higher priced
suits materials woven expressly for this
factory--. ...
new group of suits, including many samples,
style ideas that reflect the later tendencies
for fall and early winter, at.
NEW LACE ifor dress and evening affairs
WAITS at p5 very prettily made 1C AO
a remarkable variety at jipOeaQ
We have Just received an unusually attractive lot
of tho now chiffon walstB so much in vogue thW
season. The prices are. . .S8.98-S12.50-S15
Women's Messallnc and Jersey Top Petticoats, de
signed to be worn with the new narrow skirts:
black and every popular color, at S3.08
A Fastinating Array of the Stunning New Ideas in Silk Dresses and Wool Frocks
Many of these dresses were greatly admired in our Opening Style Show that
$15 AfternoonDresses,$19
Wo linve prepared a special group
to offer Monday. They, nro most
attractive- new ideas, in niensnllno,
rharnicusc, lace, crcWr do chino'
und other soft, drapy silks so much
in rogue. Xlio 'lending' colors aro'
mahogany, Copenhagen, tnupc,
navy and black, nil slues for wom
en ami misses nro included In this
Combinations of lnce and silk are
shown In this group, a a' well as the
favored tallore-l silk I'dea. The ma
terials ore charmeuae, Canton Crepo,
mescaline, etc., In all the most wanted
shades for fall; alao scores of charm-
lrtfr dancing frockH in chiffon
'and lnce offeoU, In llsht blue
pink, lavender 'and maze. at.
Charming Party & Street Frocks
An assemblage of very effeclivt models, in the new like
waist and silk skirt style, now in suth vogue, also all.
siik frocks. The parly frocks art admirably xtda ltd
to ihtir purpose. -Vie aiternoon froths, ihtetly in
tailored silk effect are wonderlully at- ftse") I"
tractive. Notable baluts her at tDwO
unrivaled event tjiat is so fresh, in the minds of Omaha's discriminating women
Dainty Party Frocks, $10
Party Gowns and Evening Dresses
No social occasion coud be too exuding for theie
' btautiful drtsies- T.iey are adapted to m; at any
function of.t'u stason. Oiarming aiternoon and
bri'ge frocks, in ne nhadts of Wilhelmina blut, ma
' hhgani, raisin, cafe au. lait, Benxtis blue and black.
Many evening drcitct are quite
elaborate, at
Many of the dresses In the group are
easily worth double this price. AH
the new light shades for evening are
represented, as well as the prevailing
shades suitable for afternoon and
street wear. Among the materials
aro crepe, charmeuso. mes
caline and chiffon: extra spe
cial at.
The Season's Most Beautiful Silks
Extreme Novelties in Dress Goods
These dresses of tho new wool fab
rics are suitable for street wear,
shopping and a score of minor oc
casions. Pretty tailored effects,
In crepes, veilings, serges, wor
steds and wool eponge, In an ex
cellent range of tho prevailing
color effects. Tho values In these
three groups are wonderful.
New arrivals of silks await your scloctlon. Smart
Canton crepes, mandarin, brocaded satins, heavy silk
and wool poplins, crepe Ottomans, crepo meteor and
crepo d'Autoll and crepo faconno all 40 inches wide.
Direct from Manchester. England, thUB saving you tho lmportor'n profit.
Dcautiful shades of Russian and French blues, wood shade, now groons,
Burgundy, deep purplo, wistaria, marine, indigo blue, French and Ox
ford grays, black and croam 27 and 24 Inches wide worth $1.25
and $1.60, at, yard
- . 89c and $1.19
If High "claa velvet brocades, nuttelfcsoe, Cheney Bros.' chiffon velvets and
velours, encallef, In two and three-tone, effects, brocades, boulevard Velvets
miu- muirv veiuurc, Jlllinmsuill'O,. jjbo UOHUIUUI UrUBIiea QI&CJC VOIOUTS atlU
seal "plushes for1 mantles nhd suits at, yard,., 81.90 to 811.93
Stunning Itoman stripes, Bengallno and Ottoman, printed Orientals and Bal
kan crepes, 36-Inch satin majeste, In glaQe combinations, plain weaves and'
brocaded xatlna to match, French ellk plnld, eta
Just received, new Kelly vtreen (emerald! messallne and satin no much fn
voeue specials nt, yard.
.690, 81, 81.39 and 91. SO
TOTUIiAX mxaxB IILXS-24 and 87-lB9h 4ra messallBes, bin
valines, Jaoo.naxd meswUlaes, silk plaids, printed warp silks, fancy
crepes, fancy drs and walaUng silks, worth 91, at. . .63o
Women's Leatherette Gloves, Special at 55c
These aro tho most practical gloves that have boon brought forward
for years. Look like leather, but will wash and wear much better.
Mado from heavy fabric (duplex cloth), guaranteed washablo; como
in white, tan, brown, gray and chamois colors. No bettor glovon for
street, nhopplng or all around woar during the fall soason.
, eJUC
Corsets Support and Improve the Figure
The Corsets that Serve Your Needs and Guard Your Health
Many a woman has not only improved her appearance by wearing a Nemo
corset, but the Tight model fitted to her individual figure has bet
tered her health. Doctors and modistes recommend the Nemo corset
because they know tills corset stands tho test. The Nemo is made
under tho most sanitary conditions, and each model must do abso
lutely what it is designed for. Tho designer has made a scientiflo
study of anatomy, and his aim is to' make corsets that will genuinely
benefit womankind.
NoiBO Corset. Model 357 is called, tho Auto Massage. When worn
ltflteadily reduces tho abdomen and hips
without discomfort to tho wearer, at y S3. 50
Neme Corset, Model 523 ,,K?d for he5vy Bire. it supports
' ' the abdomen and givcB absolute freedom
above the. waistline,' allowing tho.. wearer io breathe correctly.- No
fatiguo If you wear thta model at. 85.00
Neme Cerset, Msdel Ml'k i1,01" an Bad,"in figures; made
-without tho self reducing, strap.. Every
woman wants a feeling of absoluto socurltylwlth regard to her ap
pearance. When wearing this" model there'wlll be no distasteful
corsetline In the back, for it has the lastlkop rubber gusset inserted
next to the back wires; at f 83.00
Other Nemo Corset Models up to ..i '.310.00
ItameHiber wo fit corsets free of ckarge, and use the hygenlo
method of fitting. ,Lct our corsetieres. help you solve your corset
This Store Is Noted For Its
Exquisite Taste in Fine Laces
Fine Oriental and Shadow Lace Flouncings, 18 arid 27
inches wide; Venise and Shadow Allovers, 18 to 42mches
wide. Venise Bands and Edges, in' white, black ancfrcream;
also gold and silver laces, iridescent beaded trimming
bands and allovers. Many laces in this lot worth $1.50
59; and 98c
Laces Actcally Worth 75c and $1.00 at 39c a Yard
Shadow, cluny and oriental-allovers, 18. and 27-lnch shadow and orien
tal flouncings, In cream, white and ecru; bobbinets in all shades; some
fere tucked fine Venice, macrame, oriental and Carrlcka- r
macross lace-edges and Tmnds, 42-inch dew drop beaded
chiffons, In black, 'white and colors, at, yard ,
A New Lot of Travelers Sample Veils at 25c Each
In lengths from 1 to 1 M yards. Fancy shadow laco and
meshes, in black, white and colors; actual 76c values; spe
cial for Monday at, each...
Every pair 1b guaranteed, at, pair
Women's I-clasp Outscam Cape
Gloves, 08c Mannish stylo, . In
medium and heavy weights vory
practical gloves, will fit and wear
splendidly every pair guaran
teed. Tans, browns and QQ
white, at. pair. ....... JOC
Women's 2-clnsp Gloves at $1.50
Lifeht and medium weight, real
imported kid gloves, in black,
whito and colors. Uvery pair
guaranteed perfect. Soveral cele
brated makes Included, 1 tti
at, pair P vU
Wonderfully Smart Are These Later Fall Hats
Womm'i 2-Clasp rmporWd Olovas, 69o LlRht and medium weight fQr
skins. In white, black, tan, brawn and erray, a. pair., ."'w
Black and White Shepherd Check Dress Goods
Gvory conceivable elzo chock, tho scarcest goods to be found,
GOc 3C-lnch, all site chocks at 30c I jl.OO SO-ln. medium checks, 70o
7Co 42-lnch all site checks at 50c I 2.B0 C4-ln. checks at $1.69
BO-inch tailor weight, strictly alt -wool at $1.20 and $1,35
ImpoWed chiffon wcluht broad
cloth, Oli inches wide, sponged and
shrunk. Ho ft, clinging and spe
cially adapted for tailor matin
suite and coats, In black, and 18
of tho smartest fall shades at,
rd S1.95 "d S2.50
Extreme novelties in ratine and
spongo, plaids, gren and blue ef
fects predominating, roverslblo
coatings, cheviots and Victoria
suiting vteavei at,
81.50 to S3.50
4G to 54-inch all wool whipcords, diagonals, herringbone and costono
Barge weaves, fancy mannish serges for tailored suits and many soft
weaves', including foulo do.sergo for dresses at, yard. 59, 7f). 08d
Full Dress Patterns enough for any style suit, fine fabrics, at
each , Sl.flS
SCc and 75c new French Challles, In new patterns, at 59
Dress Serges, diagonals, wool taffetas, etc.; basement at. .20d lo f)8fi
All Blaoh or Royal Purple is the
dominent note in thi oolor schemeof
the hats for late fall or early winter
A novelty in trimming is the aigrette
in the new shower effeet.
The advont of now fur trim
med hats of fitch, fur, mink
or French lynx naturally
tends to limit tho size of'hats
to smaller shapes.
We present exquisite
new arrivals with trim
mings of gold and sil
ver metallic lace stand
ing collars edged with
band of fur. Also the
chantilly loco standing
collar edged with fur.
scores 01 designs inai
are absolutely exclusive atv
$16.50 to $25
1 im Mmm
.'-flsHllW ' KbisH
" Velvet is the Predominating Jfealure
of Millinery" declares the foremost
authority on hat fabrics and materials
in New York. Me adds that velvet
hats ruts in the fashion world no matter
how individual or exclusive the design.
We show the ultra smart now
ideas in small soft crown black
velvet hats with prevailing sido
or back roll.
Exclusive Agents for
The only moderate priced hats
that combine all the grace and
beauty of tlio French models
with elcganco of materials typ-
of best American crea
tions; all at n price within
the means pf practically every
Munsing Underwear
We are the official agents in Omaha for
the renowned Munsing underwear, known
everywhere for its splendid wearing quaity
and its perfect fit. These union suits are
knit to hold- their shape through many
washings and months of woar. Various
qualities are sold and each is the best value
of its claBS.
Munsing Underwear gives far greater comfort
than the ordinary-grades of union underwear. The
materials used are all carefully selected and thor
oughly tested before they aro fashioned Into Mun
sing wear.
Children's Munsing Union Suits at 59 to $1,50
Women's Mussing Union Suits at 08 to $2.50
Sale of Women's Silk Boot Hosiery
Women's Pure SUk Boot Iloslery, wide lisle garter tops,
usie uoume soies, nign spuceu neeis and toes, full fash
ioned, regular made black, white tan and fanpy colors;
at, pair-
Women's Gold Stripe
Hosiery, at, a pair . . . 1 . v
Pure thread silk hosiery, wide hem
tops, ilslo double soles, hlg-h spliced
heels and toes. No broken thread
can run down beyond the gold stripe,
black, tan, whito and colors.
Misses', Children's r
and Boys Hose, Pair . 13C
Fine aifd single and doublo rib
bed school hosiery; triple knees,
double heels and toes fast col
ors, black, tan and white, all sizes.
Blankets and Comforters
52.00 Woolnap Blankets 91.10 Full U- atze, extra
heavy blankets, In grey and tan, at .$1,19
S3.S0 Itcacon Bath Kobe Blankets at $2.50 Very largo
lze in wide range of handsomo patterns colors are ab
solutely fast cords and frogs to match.
All Wool Blankets at SU.08 n Pair Full 11-4 and 12-4
size, in tan, grey, white and plaids.
Full Stee Sllkollno Covered Comforts at, each. .1 00
S7.50 11M size White Wool Blankets at $4.50
Curtains and Curtain Materials
Xcw TiM Swiss scd Hnslln Curtains, in dots, tlg-ures, plain
and fancy edges, at, pair gao
Zoe Curtains With Hsw rut Edrss, bungalow and mission
patterns, at, pair 91.50, 3J.JB ana 9X00
Lace Curtains fn Quaker lace, flltt and, madras wavea, also
novelty nets, at, pair 9X98, 84.23 ana 93.6a
Baal Annua Curtains, mounted on best French nets, at, per
pale $3.33, W.90 and 95.8s
Sunralftw- ts, 60 Inches wide with 3-Inch ribbon edgea 7 Bo
Sunfast Orare attain aeadras, (ft inches wide ai. yard 98a
asd , , , , v amis
1,090 fine madias
curtains, worth ti
to 16.00 a pair
8-1 Dining Hoom
I'able Covers, reg
ular prlch J 2 so,
ST.... SI.B9
100 pler of 40-ln.
Voile and Scrim,
plain and Itmy
yy . 39o
Ladies' Elgin
20-year JamoB Bohs 0 Bize
hunting case, set with
small, genuine diamonds,
worth $g 4 qq
$20, cuch, I I VO
These Desirable Goods are Specially
Priced for Monday in the Basement
Art Needlework
On Our 3d Floor
Shetland Floss Yarn In uhjte
and colons 10c skeins, each OtJ
Kmhroldered Sofa rillows, on
thn or white; $1.00 values 98
Stamped Towels, size iiSxll
neat design on damask, at 10d
New designs in Sofa Pillows
stamped and tinted on art
ticking 50c values at.. .35
Demonstration of Jteis Sew
Gum Back Initials for embroid
ery work all week.
Amoskeag Apron Checks in blue,
and white, black and white or
;reen andwh!te perfect J?
mill lengths; at, yard. . . , OC
Come to the Gingham depart
ment Monday. We will sell reg
ular 18c and 25c quality madras
cloths, light grounds, with neat
designs. Think of U,7l
at only is C
8-1 and 0-4 bleached sheeting,
desirable lengths that will make
into sheets what would cost
when finished up to 85c, C v
at, yard . O-C
Mercerized sateen in black and
colors yard wide, In medium
weight for petticoats, bloomers,
linings, etc. You will be pleased
to buy this quality at, or,
yard OlffC
You will find a wonderfully large assortment of flannels. Fancy
robe flannels, pretty flannels for making warm klmpnps. night
gowns and fancy .flannels for children's wear; also flannels for pet
ticoats, comfort coverings, etc. On large-separate bargain square
Monday at, yard 4ttS 6ei. 84J. 10 and 15
FuU standard dress prints; light, medium and dark fancy patterns;
these goods are worth double the sale price. There is no llmlC
Buy all you want at, yard , .3K
-86-in. Wide Panama Cloth
One of tho now soft
clinging dress fabrics for fall
wear. Comts In all tho want
ed shades very spe
cial, yard ........
27-lnch wide fin SlUc Ratine
Beautiful fabric that sells regu
larly for 60c yard. The reason
(or this low price Is a broken
color line; shades nre tan, lav
ender, pala blue, rose, Copen
hagen 37 In. wide, at, yd.29
Unusual Values
Main Floor
Scarfs, Squares and Center
pieces aU beautifully em
broidered aud hemstitched.
Scarfs are 18x54 inches,
squares 30x30 inches and 24
inch centerpieces Monday,
at, each 19
Fine Twill Toweling 18
Inches wide, sells every
where for 8c a yard; special
for Monday at, yard. .QVjt
Tumop Bath Towels, very large
heiniued and fringed, the kind
that sells for 39 if perfect
seconds at. each iso
Hue Towels, 2 pure linen.
hIxq 18x36 Inches, with red
..nd whltA borders, very ser
viceable, at, each lSHe
We Are Official Agents
for the Famous
Known universally as the
highest grade plated ware
made. It will list a lifetime.
Rich, patterns that will give
an air of distinction to your
Monday Specials-Drug Dept.
Cutlcura Soap, 25c size,
cake ,
Pluto Water, concentrated
S60 size 34o
Cascarets. 50c size box.... 33 0
JO-Mule-Teairi Borax, 1-pound
Fackace so
lunjadl Janos Water, I5o
size aio
Epsom Salts, l-lb. pkg- 30
Pure Vttch Hazel, full quart
ootlie ag 0
Horltck's Malted Milk, hospital
OlZe rr 5X69
S Ullman's Freckle Cream, 500
size ,' 390
Mary Garden Perfume, tho os..
t ....... 31.03
Photo Supplies at Cut Prices.
We do developing- and finishing at cut prices, v
Our Rubber Goods Section in charge of trained nurses.
The Standard of Smartness in Dres3
Regular Price 75o Year
Just Think of It! 12 Copies Now at'2c Each.
Published every month. Displays stunning il
lustrations of tho latest, smartest styles. Splendid
stories, dressmaking lessons, home helps, receipts,
etc A good home magazine of interest to every
member of the family.