Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday B
Rain; Colder
Many Brokers Are in Line When
Customs House in New York
Opens for Business.
Five Thousand Shipments Arc With
drawn During Day.
Manufacturers Talk of Reduotion to
Meet Lower Duty.
Chnirnian Say It Will Be Several
Months Before Effect of Reduc
tion Will He Apparent to
v Cunmmen.
NEW YORK, Oct. 4. Tho first effect
of the now tariff to, which President
"Wilson's signature was written last
night, waa seen early today when the
clerical force at the customs house was
Increased by fifteen men In anticipation
of one of the busiest days the history
of this port
In no customs district In the country
will there be greater activity during the
first few days Of tho tariff than at the
port of New Tork, for In the forty-eight
bonded warehouses there Is over $MXX,(X
worth of goods awaiting withdrawal, Im
rorters have been Impatient to get their
goods on the market, and It was expected
they would attempt to withdraw more
than half of this great store at once.
There la almost every conceivable thing
In the warehouses, but the chief things
are cottons, linens, woolens, furs, silks,
nuts, leather goods, dried fruits, pickled
fish and leaf tobacco.
New York bonded warehouses, jammed
to capacity with Imports roughly valued
at $70,000,000, began today to disgorge
themselves as Importers released their
products under the reduced rates of the
new tariff law, The New York customs
house opened an hour before the usual
time and with fifteen additional clerks
pressed Into service, was to remain open
till midnight. Duties wlU be assessed on
the basis of the Payne-Aldrlch act, but
refunds, where necessary, will be adopted
when official copies of the new laws are
The. situation confronting Importers to
day was the reverse of what H was
four years ago, when the PaynejAlArlch
law became' effective. Then, Instead of
holding good's in bond and releasing
them, at jreducyd rate's seaVMhllr40fl
tdlDort'w'ltk comrrioditlea'on. which higher
- fldeyasancilrgr6eTetalasVi
consignments came in just in tna mctc
of time.
Huge shipments -will soon begin to ar
rive from abroad. More than sixty
brokers were in, line when the customs
house opened. The rush of withdrawals
continued without abatement all day. It
was estimate! that 5,000 separate ship
ments would be withdrawn during the
day Instead of the usual 600.
The great bulk of the goods withdrawn
was fft shipments admitted free of duty
under the new tariff, but which would
have been assessed under tho Payne
Aldrlch law.
""teel manufacturers were reported here
today to be considering a reduction of
from f2 to $3 a ton In the price of their
- products to meet the lowering of steel
duties1 -in effect today under the hew
tariff schedule. The possibility of com
petition from German and British manu
facturers was said to be responsible for
the move.
WASHINGTON, Oct, 4.-Those who ex
pect to find American stores immediately
cutting prices because the new tariff bill
Is now a law, will be disappointed in
the opinion of Representative Undcr-
wooa, one oc us auinors. it wm do
many months, Mr. Underwood believes,
before the effect of the new tariff bill
becomes apparent to the consumer.
"It Is only competition, caused by the
new law, that is going to reduce prices,"
said Mr. Underwood today. "It will be
several months before the effects of the
new tariff on commodities is felt and
In many cases It may be a year. The
effect on wool probably will not show
until next spring; the full effect on
sugar not for several years."
Mr. Underwood left Washington today
for AUantlo City for a week's vacation.
He is suffering from a bad cold.
Order for Preferential Treatment.
Under advice from the State depart
ment, the Treasury department Is about
to Instruct collectors of customs to as
sets duties against imports from Ger
many, Canada and Mexico and other
tountries not having s'pecial treaty ar-
(Contlnued on Page Two.)
The Weather
vnrii till 7 d. m. Sunday:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Rain ana corner aunuay.
Temperatures at Omaha Yesterday.
flours. ieir.
6 a. m ,.
6 a. m...., 67
7 a. ra fir.
8 a. m 67
9 a. m... 67
10 a. m 67
11 a. m 67
12 m.. . .. 04
1 p.' m ... 63
3 p. m ... 67
3 p. m 67
4 p. m 69
6 p. Dl 69
6 p. m , 6S
1 p. ni , 63
Comparative Local Record.
lilt 1911 U1L 1910.
Highest yesterday 63 79 65 77
Lowest yesterday....... 08- M 43 S3
Mean temperature....... KS 60 67 H
Precipitation 66 .00 .00 .CO
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature 60
Excess for the day S
Total excess since March 1.... 3S5
Normal precipitation 07 Inch
Exces for the day 49 inch
Total rainfall since March t. ,;9.S6 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 , J.40 Inches
Deficiency for cor period, Wit. S.23 inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1811.13. 60 inches
T Indicates trace of precipitation,
Zj. A. WELSH, LocaJ Forecaster.
Methodist Bishops
Differ on Question
of Making Transfers
WEBSTER CITY. la.. Oct. .-(Special.)
The Northwest Iowa Methodist confer
ence, in session In this city, today got
up against a proposition which caused
considerable discussion In the upper
Iowa conference last week In Tipton. It
Is the matter of barring ministers from
other conferences coming into the bigger
charges of this conference and of per
mitting ministers in this conference from
leaving to accept better pastorates In
other conferences. And while the con
test Is of the very friendliest it Is being
vigorously fought out over the specltlo
instance of Rev. W. H. Spenco of Fort
Dodge, who lias a call from the Cedar
Kails church In the upper ibwa confer
ence Just now tho unusual spectaole is be
ing witnessed of two bishops at the con
ference, one on one 'side of tho question
and one on the other. Bishop Shepard
of Kansas City, who Is presiding over
tho deliberations of the conference, in
clines toward the view, of keeping min
isters from going from one conference
to another. He is opposed to the trans,
fer or Rev. Mr. Spcnce. On the other hand
Bishop Bristol of Omaha, resident bishop
of the conference, arrived in tho city to
day to appear In bohalf of the Cedar
Falls church and champion the transfer
of Rev. Mr. Spence. It Is difficult to fore
cast the outcome. And to add to the
difficulty of the matter, a large dele
gation of Fort Dodge Methodists called
on Bishop Shepard' In tho afternoon to'
ask the retention of Rev. Mr. Spence.
At the business session, the supernu
merary and superannuated lists were
gone over. The following' new ministers
were received Into full membership in
the conference: Lester Dale, A. J. Trent,
Arthur Bottom, L. Mitchell, W. H, Wln-
tersteln. The following were taken Into
the conference on trial: George A.
Moyer, L. E. Wordell, L. G. Gardner,
M. L. Metcalf, Otto EX Ellison, Thomas
K. Griffith, John L. Ralston. Rev. C.
Raymond Dix was discontinued from
connection with the conference. ' A col
lection was taken for his benefit, how-
Dr. Craig of Sioux City, president of
Mornlngslde college,' was here Friday
and was an interested spectator at tha
business session. Ho enlivened the ses
sion much by rising to object to any
general custom of receiving men Into
the conference whose educational stand
ards are not high. "We cannot afford,"
said he, "to flit up our ranks with men
not up to standard." His position was
Aberdeen Bankers
Says Currency Bill
Favors Large Banks
WASHINGTON, Oct 4.-An .Ineffectual
fnMSm'toTVsle of the
administration currency bill In the senata
banking nnd currency committee - was
tnade vby supporters pf the measure to
day. Senator Shafroth argued vainly for
an agreement to Close hearings on the
bill next Saturday, October 11, but re
publicans on the committee protested
vigorously. Senators Reed nnd Hitch
cock, democrats, " who have opposed
hurrying the bill, were not present,
H. J. Jen'ett, a business man of Aber
deen, S. D., appealing before the com
mittee declared that small banks In the
northwest and in other agricultural sec
tions of the country had little or nous
of the ninety-day commercial paper made
eligible in the bill for rediscount and as
a basis for ourrency. He said that the
country banker -was forced to carry the
farmer for long time loans on paper
which woUld receive none of the advan
tages of the bill.
J. C. Bassett, president of the Aberdeen
National bank of Aberdeen said the
measure discriminated against national
banks and that he would advise stock
holders of his bank to leave the national
system and take out a state charter If
the 111 went Into effect.
Members of the 'committee expressed
the opinion that it would be possible to
reach an agreement to close the hearings
on October 16. How long the committee
would consider the bill after that date
cannot be conjectured, but an effort will
be made to report to the senate early In
Brokaw Released on
Own Recognizance
SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 4.-Fred Bro
kaw, alias Fred Bpley, hold here for ex
tradition by the state of Pennsylvania
on charges that he robbed a Pittsburgh
merchant in a hotel there, was released
today by order of a police Judge on his
own recognizance.
His counsel gave out that they would
bring suit against the Pittsburgh chief
of police and the Pittsburgh citizen who
identified Brokaw's photograph in the
Pittsburgh .rogues' gallery as that of
the man who robbed him for $5,000 dam
ages on grounds of false arrest.
The police department here notified the
Judge that they were requested by the
Pittsburgh police to hold .Brokaw and
that the matter was still In the hands
of the district attorney there. The court
held that there was nothing to show
that either zeal or expedition was being
used '.to press the case, and that Bro
kaw's alibi waa so strong that he ought
not to be held unless further evidence
against him was forthcoming.
Bebel Estate Only
Hundred Thousand
BERLIN, Oct 4. An authoritative
denial la issued today of published state
ments that the lato August Bebel, the!
socialist leader, was a millionaire. His
rsito is vwuea u.l aoom iuv.wj, or wnicn
he bequeathed $5,000 to the social demo 1
cratlo party and 12. MO to the labor party.
It was reported that he left half of his
estate to the party.
An accusation that Bebel was a tax
dodger and had Invested his property
abroad in order to escape German assess
ments, also is denied. It it declared that
he made his annual returns to the tax
officers with minute accuracy. j
President Wihon and Bryan Will
Boost Money Bill Through
the Senate.
Secretary of State Says it is Much
Better Than Wilson Law.
Declares October Third Marks -Kco-nomla
Kpocli In History of '
the Irenent Genera
tion. WASHINGTON, Oct 4.-President Wll
son went to the golf links early today,
according to his Saturday custom. When
he returned to the White House shortly
before noon he found many telegrams
congratulating him on the signing of tho
new tariff bill. With the congratulations
came in many cases the sentiment,
"Now for currency legislation."
In this spirit the president took "up the
task of accomplishing the .second, big
measure of his administration. At the
White House and executive quarters
there Is confidence that the currency bill
already passed by th house will bo
passed "by tile senate and signed by thk
president before many weeks. Thb
opinion prevails that if the work Is not
completed before the December session
of congress begins, it surely will be by
January 1:
Brrnn Prnlacft BUI.
Secretary Bryan today endorsed the
now tariff law as the best tariff meas
ure sfnee-the civil war and predlc,tsd the
early passage of the currency bill. Mr.
Bryan Issued tnls statement:
"The tariff law that went Into force
last night Is the best tariff measure
since the war and alt who have taken
part In preparing and passing It are
entitled to great credit. It Is a better
bill than we were able to pass twenty
years ago and I rejoice that political con
ditions are such as to malto the present
law possible."
"The Wilson bill was compelled to
carry a burden that will not fall on the
present law and ought not to have fallen
on that law. The WiUon law provided
for on income tax "which was held un
constitutional by a divided Vote, the
one majority having been secured by a
change of opinion on the part of one
Judge between the two hearings of the
"The nullification of the Income tax
portion bt the Wilson law reduced., ,th,o
'BOTernmTOl,tsifbmeSmmt-.wuXd not;
meet the expenses of the government and
this compelled' an Increase uf ' Indebted
ness that threw on the 'bill an Unde
served odium, which, together with the
fact that t!e senate deprived the bilf of
some of its best features, robbed the
party of tho benefit which would ordi
narily have come to it from a reduc
tion in Import duties. Then,- too, ti
bill went Into operation at a time when
financial Conditions wcro bad1 and many
attributed to the 'law ' the defects for
which It wa,s not at ail responsible.
Praises Wilson and Congress.
"I mentioned the' law nineteen years
ago, because it Is the only thing Blnce
the war wlthwhlch we can compare the
present law. Both economic as well
as political conditions make it possible
to do now what could not be done then.
We have, too, at this time, a united
party, which Is a great asset. The presi
dent and the democrats of the IioUbb and
senate' have been in sympathy and have
worked unitedly In the accomplishment
of this Important work. They share tho
honors together and the honors are suf
ficient to give distinction to all who have
"October 3 marks an Important epoch
In the economic history of the genera
tion and I am confident that It will not
be long before the country will be able
to celebrate a second triumph for the
president', congress, the party and the
country when the new currency bill
passes and receives the president's signa
ture." Stores and Opera
House Destroyed;
Man Loses Life
HERRAID, S. D Oct. 4.-(Speclal.)-In
a fire which destroyed the Herrcld opera
house building and two stores on the
ground floor, Lambert Tlnholt, pro
prietor of the Tlnholt Hardware com
pany, was burned to death. The fire
started In the basement of the store
building from an unknown source and
spread rapidly throughout the building.
Mr. Tlnholt was In the opera house on
the second floor, and the flames cut off
his escape and he was burned to death.
Tho building was forty by eighty feet
in size, and consisted dt two stories and
a basement. The hardware store and a
general merchandise store owned by A.
F. Tlnholt, a brother of the dead man,
were situated oh the ground floor. The
stocks of merchandise and the building
are a total loss. The hardware stock
was valued at 15,000 and was Insured at
$3,000. The general merchandise stock
was valued at JS.0U0, partially Insured..
The building itself waa valued at 115,000
and there was $10,000 Insurance on It, be
sides $1,000 InBUranpe on the fixtures for
the opera house.''
Lambert Tlnholt as 43 years of age.
A widow and three children, the oldest
7 years old, survive; hlra, He carried a
policy for $3,000 In a fraternal Insurance
Supreme Judge Cole
Dies at Des Moines
DES MOINES, la., Oct. 4. Judge
Chester C. Cole, pioneer lawyer, for
twelve year Justice of the Iowa supreme
court, died of pneumonia here today.
Judge Cole was 83 years old.
Rejoices acra93.
Drawn for The Bee by Powell.
Kearney Normal Superintendent
May Be. Chpsen for Thls'Posi
tion by Friends.
fllunln CharFe"or Ee Western School
I Uncover.' Plot . o totfthV Xtlfc" '
. Selection 'Arkansas' ,;' ; .
nWer;riry,";;.y, :
Friends of ptv A; O. Thomas, superin
tendent of Kearney Normal school, 'aro
boosting 1dm for the presidency of the
Nebraska Btato Teachers' association,
which will meet lh Omaha cajly In No
vember.' As a rsult of a bit of history
recently uncovered, 'thoy are , takliiK
measures to support him. to the .utmost
of their ability
According to the story the 'campaign
all grows out of efforts by a group of
Lincoln and South Platte educators to
prevent the selection of Dr, .Thomas as
president 'of tho University of Arkansas,
for which he was favorably considered
within the last year. The selection .of
Dr. Thomas was practically doctded upon
when Arkansas authorities received a
battery of letters bearing upon Dr.
Thomas in an especially unfavorable
light and all signed by prominent edu
cators of Nebraska.
Negotiations were abruptly halted, It Is
said, and in fact were called off by the
Arkansas board and President J. A. Kirk
land of Vanderbllt university, Nashville,
Tenn., was elected to the position for
which Dr. ThomaB had been favorably
considered at a salary of $7,500 a year.
But Just at this Juncture, the Carnegie
Institution released a fund of $1,000,000
for the Vanderbllt school for a new medi
cal college with the understanding that
Dr. Klrkland should be retained as the
school's head, 'He was retained In Ten
nessee and then negotiations were, again
opened with Dr. Thomas, the peculiarly
of the situation appealing to the Arkan
sas board. They Invited Dr. Thomas to
Little Rock for a conference, telling
him that the covert attack made upon
him seemed peculiar In' the extreme when
up to that time there had been nothing
but expressions of good will for hlni
from the Nebraskans who had been con
sulted. ..
Dr. Thomas, It Is said, at the confer
ence In Little Rock, was permitted to
read all the letters sent against him and
he found that a small coterie of men
In Lincoln and surrounding towns with
a leading educator who has since lsft
the stato were prominent In opposition
to him In secret fashion . He declared
that he would not accept the place un
der any cloud of this character In view,
of his accomplishment in Nebraska, hav
ing built up the school at Kearney from
Its Inception.
There the matter now stands, exoept
that it Is understood that Dr. Thomas
yesterday while in Lincoln consulted his
friends over the matter and one, former
Governor Aldrich, advised him that the
letter written against him w6uld make
the basis for a personal damage suit that
would have excellent standing in court.
LIMA, Peru, Oct 4.-Peru in future is
to enjoy religious tolerance. Heretofore
the exercise of any religion other than
the Roman Catholic has been prohibited.
The Chamber of Deputies adopted by
60 votes to 4 an amendment to the con
stitution dealing with this ' subject
The amendment had been already ap
proved by the senate.
In spite of constitutional prohibition
the government some time ago permitted
the building of a number of Proteitant
churches and mission schools in various
parts of the country.
Back to Everyday Business
Roosevelt Starts
For Exploring Trip
in "South America
NBW YORK, Oct. 4. Theodore Boose
velt and party bound for South America,
'where the colonel will 'first lecture and
jthen explore portions of the continent
;htliertp lintrpd, by1 vf men, Bailed on
the' steamship Yan'Dyck shortly after I
'o'ffgcttKiratteNoor. "
I My6?oeigheJd..ree6pU6n. bef6j6
MA.lmSI jfnt.Awnv ittiil wtbiltil In Vllllim
toarne,; Jp., chairman of the republican
Hate committee, wl)0 Issued a statement
fast mgnt saying mai mo uomocrais onu
progressives were In league to nomlnatq
to the supreme court Justice Seabury of
this city for the court of appeals.
"That is ono of Barnes' habitual lies,"
said Colonel Roosevelt "There has been
no dgreoment whatever with reference to
Justice Seabury."
Commenting on tho fact that hoj had
omitted from ills set'spoech dollvered at
a banquet in, his, honor last night refer
ence to tho Panama canal' zone and com
plimentary allusions to Brazil, Cli'lle and
Argentine Republic llio countries he is
now to visit Colonel Roosevelt explained
ho had done so merely because he thought
other things more important. The trip
to South America will occupy seventeen
days. Tho colonel Will be Joined thero
by his soli Kermlt
Those who embarked with him today
were Mrs. Roosevelt and Miss Margaret
Roosevelt, who will make the round trip
on the Van Dyck: Anthony Flala, the
polar" explorer, who has charge of tho
expedition's equipment: G. K. Chelry and
Leo L. Miller, naturalists of the Ameri
can Museum of Natural History; Frank
Harper, Colonel Roosovolt'a secretary,
nnd Rov. Father John Augustine Zahn,
provincial of the Order of tho Holy Cross,
a lormer field companion of the colonel.
Tho naturalists will start Into the In
terior shortly after their arrival In Brazil,
to be Joined by the colonel after he has
finished his lectures, which will be In
December. It probably will be April be
fpre tho party returns to civilization.
Tells Why She Asks
Big Lecture Fees
PARIS, Oct. 4, Mrs. Kmellne' Pank
hurst, after reading the dispatches from
New York today reporting the commo
tion among the American suffragists
caused by the large fees which the suf
fragist leader Is to receive for her lec
tures, commissioned her daughter Christ
abel to explain her point of view.
"The woman's movement Is an Inter
national one," said Miss Pankhurst,
"consequently anything contributed by
Americans to help to win the woman
suffrage campaign In England will help
the cause throughout the -world. En
gland Is more conservative than any
other country. If woman suffrage should
be obtained thero It wll! bn easier to
win elsewhere."
Miss Chrlstabe! says that Miss Joan
Wyckbam of the Women's Social and
Political union, who is arranging Mrs.
Pankhurst's tour, is recelvnlg more In
vitations than It Is possible for Mrs.
Pankhurst to accept, in spite of the fee
asked. She adds that, Mrs. Pankhurst
has no doubt she wll be freely ad
mitted by the Immigration authorities.
Three Wtrddlnifs at York.
TORK. Neb., Oct, 4. (8peclal,) Arthur
G. Blehl and Elizabeth Unsford of Waco
were married Wednesday, Rev. Mr.
Rltohey officiating.
Henry C, Clero of Waco and Llllle C.
Sterup of Greeliam were united In mart
rlage Wednesday, Judge A. G. Wray
William H. George and Lois A. Grope
of Tushton were married Wednesday,
Judge A. Q. Wra yofflolatlnr.
Mystery Surrounding Murder in
New York Begins t to -Clear.
Police Aro Looking for Italian flsitv
'afik'hf' -WhoKe Flat Woathn Wai
Mvlnsr -Undc;rtnUcr. AVas
, , . Intimidated.
,NBW YORK, Oct. 4.-The mystery sur
rouhdlng the murder of a golden-haired
child of 3 years yesterday began to clear
today with the Identification of the body,
the arrest of the baby's mother and the
Issuance of orders to arrest the man
from whose flat the body was taken late
yesterday afternoon.
The child was identified as Lulu Salerno
by Mrs. Louise Roebcr, who said she
was the grandmother. Mrs. Roeber told
the pollco that her daughter, Lulu's
mother, had quarreled with her husband,
Michael Salerno, a barber at Columbia
university, and left hjm a year ago to
live with another man. Lulu, she said,
was one of throe children and was taken
by Mrs. Salerno when the homo was
broken up,
Mrs. Salerno last left her mother's
home, according to the mother, a month
ago with two men. One of them, Mrs.
Roeber said, was Tony Flshero, ovor
whom Mrs. Salerno and her husband
had quarreled; the other was Joseph Do
Puma, De Puma and Flshora, Mrs.
Roeber said, occupied the same flat. It
was frdm this flat that the child's body
was taken to tho morgue. A general
alarm has been Issued for Do Puma's ar
rest. The police asserted this afternoon that
Mrs. Salerno was living at the flat when
the child waa murdered. Mrs. Salerno
was hysterical when arrested this after
noon. The child's body was brought to the
morgue In a macaroni box last night by
Ralph Pasqua, an undertaker, who told'
a tale of having been coerced at a
pistol's point to go to the gunman's fiat
and remove the body. In the flat he saw
a blonde woman, weeping. When de
tectives reached the flat la'ter she was
gone and with her the gunman.
The theory advanced waa that the little
girl had been kidnaped and was being
held for ransom. There is no police
record, however, of a child 'of that de
scription being missing.
The undertaker was held today, pend
ing further Investigation of the matter.
He says the gunman told him that he had
killed the child as she begged for water
at night
Herman Oelrichs
Discharged hy Court;
Grirl Drops Charge
NEW YOnK, Oct 4.-Hermann Oel
richs, millionaire law student at Columbia
university, was discharged in police court
today when arraigned on tle charge of
stabbing Lucille Singleton, daughter of a
Texas mine owner.
. The esse against younjr-Oelrlchs was
dlsmlsied at the request of Aiststant Dis
trict Attorney James O'Malley, to whom
Mlis Singleton confessed yesterday that
thero was no basts for her previous
declaration that Oelrlohs had stabbed he,
Mlrs Singleton was not In court today,
as she Is still confined to her room as
the rebult of Injuries sustained in the acci
dent several night ago. to the automobile
In whloh the was riding with Oelrichs
Her signed statement aotertlng that her
Injuries were caused by being thrown
ajralnit the wind shield was read to the
But This Does Not Dampen the En
thusiasm of Promoters Who
Realize Its Success.
Say that from Coast to Coast Ak-Sar-
Ben Leads Them AH.
Cline Says that Ho Had No Idea of
Enormity of the Enterprise.
Hoard, of Governor Flaurlnir Out
Some Unique plan of ISntertnltt
nient for the Crovrn oj.
Another Ycnr.
Dark are tho halls and cold the feasts,
The nineteenth annual festivities attend
ing Uie coming of King Ak-Sar-Ben to
his great city orj oser, Tho wilderness
bt flowers thatlmada tno floral parade
a spectacle to bo long remembered are
withered. The myriad lights that daz-
zlody hundredn of thousands while they
fougut tor standing room to see are
showering their brilliance no more. The
wonderful floats that typified the mas
terly achievements of the Germans In
the great German parade aro being torn
to pieces and the thousands of sturdy
Germans that madn up tho purode have
settled back to the thrifty, industrious
every day life that has mode them one
of the strongest elements of King Ak-Sar-Bcn'a
Tho carnival, too, has closed. After
furnishing fun and frolic for over 100,000
people, day and night, for a fortnight,
tho ground aro deserted today. Tho tents
were pulled down In the night even a
the Arabs are sold' by Longfellow ts
have folded theirs, and the performers
have quietly slipped away. Where but
yoetorday tho tambourine clanged, the
drum snarled and tho ballyhoo roared.
today all Is slloncc; except here and there
the small boy will be splashing In tho
mud. along tho gutters looking for a few
Btruy dimes that slipped through the
fingers of tho over-busy cashiers when
coin poured In too' fast
Coin Ponrs In,
For the coin dd pour in oven thougt.
there were several .rainy days that ma
terlally cut down tho attendance the car
nival could normally have expected. Th
show men loft the city with a satisfied
utttllo on tliolr faces and; declared that
business had been good. Herbert Cllne.
who. Is at the. bead of tho. Cltno shows.
Which e&hsUtutodtjtiost of -the shows on
the grounds this year.' said Its hod neve
seen Anything like ' Omaha's Ak-Sar-Ben
festivities. "I never reallaed the magni
tude of your organization," he said. "I
have seen them all from coast to coast
apd I tell you there are none of them in
It with Ak-Sar-Ben."
With tho success of this year's festlvl
tlM behind them, the board of governor
are looking ahod to next year. They
feel that this should be an Incentive to
work harder for tty next year's festivi
ties. Secretary J. D. Weaver said at the
close of the season! "There should be
3,000 members of Ak-Sar-Ben next year?
The success of this year should be an
Incentive, to tho, business men of Omaha
to get into the wagon and boosjt for "next
year. Thoy ought to get in early and
pay their dues without waiting to b
asked, each year. They should not stand
back and Jet these governors do all the
pushing the year round. Tlteso governors
have worked Uko troopers day and night
for months and. have spent money Ulifc
drunken sailors getting things In shape
for the big event,' and it la hardly right
that they should he expected to do It
Just how Ak-Sar-Bon Is -.coming out
financially this year the governors can
not say yet. No financial statement will
ba ready perhaps for a week or two.
The bills this year hava been kept paid
up moro closely than ever before, so that
now that the season Is closed there wilV,
not be as many back bills to clean up
before the books can beNflnally closed.
Mexican Federals
Take Santa Rosalia
Af terHard Fight
EL PASO. Tex.. Oct. 4.-Santa Rosalia
has fallen before the attack of 4,000
federals under General Castro, according
to advices received here this morning In
a telegram from General Mercado, mill
Ury governor of Chihuahua, to Gulllerma
Porras, personal representative at Gen
eral Huerta In this city.
Santa Rosalia was defended by 4,000
constitutionalists under General Fran
cisco Villa. The dispatch said the town
was taken after four hours heavy firing
yesterday afternoon, following a siege
which started Thursday morning. The
message declares the constitutionalists
are retreating southward.
No other details of the battle, which
was considered by the rebels as a critical
one for the establishment of theln power
In Chlhauhau, has been received here as
Following the evacuation nf
iRosalla yesterday afternoon the com
bined rebel forces of Pancho Villa, Toinas
Urblna and Manuel' Chao, numbering
4.000, have scattered to the hills, accord
ing to a brief dispatch received by Col
onel Juan N. Vasausx. fed ml onmn
der In Juarer today No details of the
uame nave Deen received by Colonel
The National Capital
Saturday, October 4, lOia.
The Senate,
Resumed consideration of urgent defi
ciency bill, discussing feature abolishing
commerce court.
Currency b(H under discussion in com
mittee. The House.
Not In session; meets Tuesday.