THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1913. RELIEF COMMITTEE THROUGH 1 ill Make Its Report on Relief and Restoration Sooon. ct Honses I)esroed by tbr Baiter Tornado Which Hare .Not 'Either neen Ilemodeled or Ilvbnllt. The cltlien'rf relief committee of seven, whlch was appointed by a general com imltteu of fifty nt a mass meeting In the r.ty hall on the morning of March U, etae- day after the- tornado, will complete work pf relief arid restoration In a few days. This committee of seven will ask for a meeting with the general committee about the middle of .the month. The com mittee of seven Is composed of the" fol lowlHg' representative business men of the city: T. J. Jlahoney. chairman: Rob ert Cowell, treasurer; C. G. nosewator, secretary; Rev. John "Williams, T. C. Byrne. 15. P. tfcnlsdrf and J. M. Oulld. A full and complete report of alt re ceipts of money and expenditures will bo ntade. A detailed report will also be made of all work accomplished and re ceipts from every person who In any way received aid from the relief committee. This committee, will also ask the general body to appoint a reviewing committee to go over the-books and audit them and then a statement will bo made to the people through the press of the city. On October 2 tlrere,wcro nlne'houses In the city under reconstruction .which were damaged by- tfio, tornado and twelve, houses on 'Which work has riot" yet been started. But there la plenty of money left with ychlch to complete the recon struction qf aU these places. According to tho committee .thore' are not over fifty houses In the 'whole city whloh were damaged by tho tornado which have not been touched. Thus It can be seen that the work of rebuilding Omaha 1b nothing less than repiarkablowhen It Is remem bered that over'2,100 houses "were more or less damaged. ' If, when all the work of the restora tion committee Is completed, there Is still a surplus of money in the treasury, a board of trustees' will be appointed to take care of this money and use It In restoration work, If any can be found. 'but was trotting rapidly, as one often sees a house cat trot when moving un- frightened about Its own home. I had never seen n mountain lion travel at this gait, nor a Jaguar, an ocelot, nor a lynx, and I distinctly remember, though time was precious, that I made a mental note of the big cat's gait.. This probably sounds ridiculous, the more so as we were confronting the most dangerous and most powerful animal In the new world with the single excep tion of the Kadtak hear, and X doubt ver much If any bear In the world Could whip a maddened Mexican tiger. I remember that that the jaguar's mouth was open and his tall streaming straight out be bind, not lashing from side to side as maddened cats are supposed to do. ' At ten yards Felipe had emptied' his magazine, dropped his rifle ,nnd whipped out his machete, when I found the tiger's forehead over the sights of thd rifle, and as the gun cracked the Jaguar halted staggered forward a short step or two, sank to his fore, shoulders and turned over dead. On skinning this tiger we found that one of Felipe's rifle balls had gone completely through the animal's heart. Another had broken the right fore shoulder. A third had ranged through the Intestines, and" the remaining four had found lodgment In the body, with the exception of one which had pierced the lower abdomen and gone' out the fur ther- side. My bullet had penetrated be tween the, eyed and, leaving the' skull, had torn away a third of the back of the head.. Probably this was the cause of the animals sudden stopping, but the tiger must have been . practically t dead for more than halt the distance of his run. At tho same 'time, I am glad the steelshod bullet found the spot between that jaguar's eyes. Harry ' B. Dunn tn Outing 'Magazine. STOPPING MADDENED JAGUAR It Toole Right Ballets to Halt a ' 'Charge In n Mexican Jangle. Felipe, sending his men out In a line around the base of the hill and providing every man With a torch of dry ocote wood, fired' the grass and upper layer of moss. . There was not much flame, but a ter rlflo smoke, and what lltjle fire there was ran like a thousand red serpents through and under and around the brush until It gained the more open tipper area and there burst out,'ln(o a sturdy blaxo. On four sides of the irregular hill ran the creek, while on.two others the ground had .been grazed' closely by tho goats of the village, so'MHat tho flames could easily ois confined to 'the hill . alone. Anlmabpbqg&n 4o como from-the tangle. Parrots, disturbed from- their1 Srldday rest fljm lngroen "ahd red' and yellow clouds.'c5KeyV fled through the tops of Mhytre. untU.jCseomed as. lfLJieayy gajes pt wind-were- rnovlngthe branches. Rabbits arid .rata, arid mice' iscurrled un derfoot,x and once an ocelot, a ijlttle spotted'JphfeJS cat, brdught .the . rifle to my shoulder1 Jri the momentary belief that a young Jaguar was escaping us. Then camo the Jaguar. It developed later that an Indian on the farther side of the 111 II sav lllm first and fired a load of flno shot at the big cat, turning him back , into the smoking Jungle. Than, crossing the sloping side of the illll, the tiger appeared-to Felipe, and the fellow, proud of the '73 repeaterI had brought with me from Mexico Clty'for him, fired as the spotted apparition crossed an open space in ttie tangle. Ordinarily Felipe la a" gpqd shot, ; But, tht rjflei twos. new to hnuana he, managed' only tq put the lead slug' 4n the caf'a fore shoulder. . The tiger .growled, & noise between' the scream, ra -wougpeijjPumfi ana -t no nms or., a.- . mauaop?a pytnpn, .and, leaped straight up. Intct4he.alr. When, ho came rtfon'oll thought -of 'flight, .had Heft him and he headed for Felipe and myself, standing, as we were, about thirty yards fromtfia. pot, where he had first ap peared. The Indian commenced to pump bullets jit-the tiger, and ! remember no ticing that the cat 'was not leaping as jhe came forward, nor 'was he running, Kidneys Act :. ; Bad Take Salts eLys Backache is sign you have , . been eating too much :"' t meat. called In -many places. This may be tho same Bpot where a confederate $10 bill will bo accepted Just ns readily as a United States gold cuttlflcate -New York Sun. - COLLEGIANS AS DISHWASHERS Whnt If Men with Diplomas tlnmn Aitntnat Some lfnmblr Oecn , .... put Ion t.. VWhen you wake up with backache and dlill mlbe'ry In the kidney region It gen erally means you havo been eating too much meat, 'says a well-known, author ity. Meat forms" uflc acid which' over Tybrks tho kidneys In their effort to fil ter It from the blood and they become sort of paralyzed and loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog you must reyeve.thero. llKo you relievo .your bow elsi removing all the body's urinou xaste, else you have backache, sick Headache, dizzy spells; your stomach aburs, tongue Is coated, and when the weather Is bad you have rheumatlo twinges. The urine Is cloudy, full of tiedlnient, channeq often get sore, water Bgalds and you are-Jungeu 10 seen re lief two or three times during the night. Either consult a go6d, reliable physi cian at once or get zrom your pharma about fqur ounces. pi Jad Salts; take otfablepoonful In f aUap of water be fore breaktat for .a, tew, days and yqur M4iiev.Vwlll the.n aot fine. This famous fitftsuaiode from. the1, sold., of grapes and lemon Juice, combined, with llthla, and baa' been used for generations to a) tan ''.and' stlmulato sluggish kidneys, e,lio toneatrallze acids In the urine so itf-no longerOrrltates,-thus ending blad ier weakness?. r ,'Jad Baits Is a life-saver for regular rfiput eaters. It Is Inexpensive, cannot ijtfure and rrfakes a' delightful, ef fer vWent llthlo-water drink. Advertisement J - - - - NOT PAINFUL TO BE SHOT Testimony Sho-rrs that Gunshot '"Vonnds Seldom Cause Intense-. Bnf fevlngr. "I .wasrsho.inCuba ln. U9$," says a well known armyv officer, "ahd l.-dld not know It for a -while. It was not, of course, X pleasant sensation. It- waa Just like the sting of a pin or a Knife when the ektnMs broken. It was nothing to knock a man- down. I knew of many cases durlntf the war . with. .Spain where a man did not know he was-shot Until scmebpdy shdwed him the- bjodd running down his' shirt or 'trousers." ' Similar (testimony. Is afforded by an armyjSnrgeon,, who has .served for many years. He treated many gunshot Woundrf during his time- and' was himself1 shot, a circumstance that qualifies him to gtvo a doubly expert opinion. "A mlnle ball passed through my left leg at Shlloh," says this surgeon, "and I did not exporlenco any particular sen sation except, perhaps, one similar to be ing Jabbed with a sharply pointed knife. I felt .the ball go through tho skin, but It gave no sensation In passing through tho muscles. That, of course, ,1s on ac count of the greater number of nerves.' In the skin as compared with the muscles. The ball .passed almost entirely through my -leg and was removed a considerable time -later, but I suffered almost no iiir convenience. "The wound, of course, swelled, as any wound of the kind will, but I should Imagine- that the- bullet now In use would cause much less- trouble and pain than the old round bullet,' as the- sharp point ot the conical buliet enters the-flceh very readily." There Is a great deal- of mlsaprehen slon as to the Intensity of the pain caused by the objects. Many persons fancy that If a man is shot at all he must therefore suffer intensely. The reverse Is true. A slight wound, a mere abrasion of tho skin. Is Sometimes far more painful than a wound caused by the entrance of a bul let directly into the muscles or even Into a bone. The skin Is filled with nerves, and when any of them are torn by the ball the pain Is extreme. If the bullet plunges directly through the skin into the body, the only' nerves disturbed are those 'in 'the comparatively small' space. the bullet strikes. Since there are few nerves in the muscles, tho nerves of the skin convey the sensation of pain to the brain. In the same way the greater por tion of tho pain experienced In the ampu tation of an arm or . leg Is occasioned when, the skin la cut, and the' subsequent cutting of the musoles and the sawing of the bone; tn which all the pain Is' popu larly suposed to be oentered( amount to Uttla ,ln. comparison. Harper's Weekly, SUSPICIOUS OF GOOD MONEY Trouble Cornea to' Good People, Cir culating; Strnnsre Coins -or Bills. Much, amusement woscnunesd the other- tiny u inn wmeiv rirruini,! r-rtnrr that of 700 members of the .San Francisco iisnwashers' union 100 Were college grad uates Very likely nobody Inspected their diplomas, and perliats the whole story was a hot-weather .fabrication. In all tho profuse comment upon the mattor tho 100 wero treated as failures, but Is this Just7 The work Is honest work, use fill work, and somebody must' do II, there are plenty of college graduates who have moro money, but are not so well employed. "Count no man fortunate," says the sage "until he Is dead"; let us count no man n faluro till ho(glves. up. So long as one does honestly , and well what ho finds to do ho needs' no com miseration, even If. "he ts not very ob viously on tho path to fame and riches. After nil a dishwasher Is a dishwasher only In wqrklng hours. When he , has dried his hands Rnd rolled dawn his sleeves he Is himself and ifhe Is a col lege graduate so much the batter; In his plasslcs he can read of many a famous man who followed a trade no more ox. afted than his own.. His ltfe for ten hours or so a day ts his to lead as he pleases, and a good education Is a groat help In making the most of It. In the case of the dtsh-washlnr' rratit it m i.a that we catch an Instructive glimpse of mo i mure. Wn m.ln mlm). H .. . t ... .. .. w ui vuuHiioiiaf education, and rightly, for there U stilt & shortage r ihh; iuntnusiastt. have looked forward tn t ni......4 .will - i - - . ..vw o Kin Ha a iuji holutjon of most social problems. But " is ignoring the fact that ItMs not pimply unsklll that Increases, but the heod for unskilled labor. VT. Jett, Lauck gives' a forcible account of tho fcltuatlon In .the-Jorth American Roviewt "Jt ts Undoubtedly true that then are rstlll. oc cupatjoiui In all branches of industry which Involve skill and responsibility. but the lirnlflnnn .. ' . 7 " iji io lime ine con V Invention and installation 6f, now ...w...,,ery nave greatly reduced the number of skilled occupations." Because of tM Improvement of machine- pro-, cesses Workmen of little, if any skill, may be employed; Mr-iLauck says that It is, a conservative estimate thit'tn'ree-fourth, t . w?rJers ln '.our own Industrial establishments are unskilled. ' Are these three'-rourths'of the Jobs to be filled Dermanentlv .., iun "O flue men. men Incapable of tho skill of their forofatherB who oiled wni .,. t. kIMlOi 11 w.o cuBcnists are to bo credited, every body Is to be brought Up much above that level. Aro all to be given a technical education so that thv mn - " M lumuicU to somethlne un7 nut at... - win take thiij;?. .irv wno of ,,.r.zT,,rjrrv'"1 0 pj cent juua, wnicn may be SO or M ' ce"i W tnot ume if the machinery grows 'steadily more perfect and more easy to nmnnir? Th. 11.. ,t.- jm of society, constantlr striving for a skill "...u,. p.oBress as constantly is making needless. ' ; U seems plain thatthe co.uraa of events must assign to unnktiiui i.'w . t and Increasing Drorortlan nt mm - superior sort whose superior .abilities do ,,ul u" iccnnicai nno. Just as civil service posts, clerkshl so on fiavo given a llylng to men whose rAnt ii i I n . , . - ... . . . . -..Hv.o wruuig unproiitabie BO me simple industrial processes Which science and Invontinn' ,.,- . ,o,C QVUIVflU Will glvo dally bread to many men of consiuerapie gins whoso real life begins When the day's work ends, tt mn be creative work, poetry or a scientific hobby, but if not there Is the chanco fpr Study, for the rcadlna- whatever education . r -" fMWf. 1 I ft not pa wasted, In tjte great mojorlly, of. vwui oc, jiu nuL'ii in in 1 1 apt ii a i crvn!- ever been kindled, but where It exists It should be cultivated to the utmost, and not necessarily as a means of what we call rlslnir In thn wnrM n.i -u - - - ..w. M, 1TJIU have brains should try to live by them; In .qur educational plana we must not forget tho unskilled trades and ih. of providing for those who by the Inex- oraoie laws .or arithmetic must follow them. A dishwasher with a onii... .n ploma (is provided for. and If his edu- n.ll. n ...nU.. V-1 . . , ... w..u ciiuum nun iq iook at lire In the spirit of the. philosopher he Is better off tlian as a bad schoolmaster or a etlcklt minister. And 'he will leai'e, we trust, no aoap in me teacups.-Springfleld fTt ma TAnnV.llA.K r Doctors Endorse 1,1 nnt folleve doctors endnrf ed AVer's Cherry Pectoral tot coughs and coklt, we would not oner it to you. Sold for70 years. ;h& Yoor-Docidr.. . When the new Buffalo-Indian nickels were first Issued two Kentucklans wero arrested for trying , to pass them.. It was after banking hours In the town and before they were released a Journey bf several miles had "to be made to sub mit the suspicious coins to the local cashier. Even when he pronounced tho money good the local authorities re leased the men grudgingly and opined they wero suspicious looking fellows any way. Coses are frequent where good money and good cltlsens connected with good money are deemed spurious. There la nothing more embarrassing than to land In a strange town With only a few cents in change and a bank book In pocket representing the ownershln nt nuhntnn. Itlal liums-miles away. If a traveler of this sort reaches a strange town on Sat urday evening and wishes to leave the next' day he often finds himself In a predicament. He proffers the hotel olerk a check In payment for his room and meals. No one knows him and the rul Is that the check cannot be honored he cause proffered by a stranger. He shows hns bank book and protests that he Is absolutely good for his full 'balance 1 he writes a check for It. The hotel clerk shakes his head. He can't disobey the rule. Besides he recalls some slick sharper who had said the very sami thing before and "put it on him." The traveler sends out or rather starts to rend out telegrams asking for money by wire." He strikes a snag right o?f. He can't pay for the telegrams and the operator doesn't want to send them col lect without a guarantee. He may have to show a pocketful of credentials' before he gets the operator to take a chance. The local office Is kept open an hour later than usual, but no telegraph money order comes, it's a half holiday in' the distant city and offices are closed. Th traveler, has to stop over until Monday. Just as-Jie gets a money order, off the train stSns a local man who. knows him ' Well and Is willing to endorse his check. , He les-ves swearing never to get- caught (again. Bins of too high a denomination have i often been refused In small localities. Their very denomination makes the ten , drer ajj object of suspicion. A p gold, j piece p sufficient ' tp ae the cpnsrable. SPRING' JOYS OF SMALL BOY Marbles Which Add to Children's Joys Made of Many Materials. Most of the "marble" so beloved, of me small boy, are made of clay, tlyi "glass alleys." of, course, mad nt iri.'. white agate, to some, extent, enters into v..a umiiuiKL-iuro . oi . special ana nner "marbles." The clay is cast-Into a '"pugimlll." or ensser,"- ana, as the heavy wheels re volve over the clay, 1 drops, In pulver ised form, Into a bin beneath the mill Thence. It is lifted, by,' an endless ele vator, to atorKfrt -h(n The next Is to force the stiff clay through thq perforated base of.tholpug mill, from wh'lch Jt em'erecu In ih. farm of clay strlncs. the' rilmr nt whti, i. regulated by the round holes In the base oi me mm. Tneie roils or strings of clay are pulled from the pug-mill when the have attained a length of- about IS Inches They, are placed on flat boards and con veyed to the clay shops, where the "mar bles" are made. First the rolls nr rlav nr. ,lnr,.n.,i evenly In a trough, and a workman cuts them into cubes, according to the order. ine cutting is r;ompiished by means o a saw. Seven rolls of clay will, gener allv aneaklnir. form nv.r vt llttl .nh.. and It la from these cubes that the "mar bles" are rolled. When the cubes have been cut, they are placed In an ordinary tin pan and turned over to the workers, generally girls. A handful of cubes Is picked up, and these are placed, one at a time, in a grooved plaster of parts mold. The slxe of the groove also depends .upon the slxe ot the "marble" to bo made. When there Is one clay cube In tach groove a plaster oblong hook Is adjusted In position on top of the cubes and pushed forward and backward Until the' clay cubes become roUhd arid rolled true. This operation is one that consumes bU llttla; time. The top blockA'is-llfted: and the clay "mar ble," ih Its; -.'green" state, is placed on a tray. .t ; A worker who has acquired skill In her work can, Jt la said, make fiom 13,000 16 30,000 a day. "Marbles" are' counted by Weight, also by the cubic foot. The small 4'y. ."nrb.l' measuring nlne.'Slxte.enthe Remarkable Special Values in Women's, Misses' and Children's Suits, Coats and Dresses Wo nro.shoving a wonderful vnrioty of stylcB iii mod erate priced suits, conts and dresses. Abovo air.v VALUES. i i im i. it I rrf: Ml 1 ff I VI M jmwJ a a s Ul ':,SS4& VSBP Tailored Suits I Regular $25.00 Values at Every gnnncnt designed on correct lines nnd care fully taildrod. Tho best values shown in tho .city. "K Tailored Suits Rccjular $35.00 Values at SVCOO ' .Every woman who Intended paying $25.00 for r now (fall suit should by all moans boo these groat values. Over 26 dlfferont, styles to, seloot from, Mndo ot U. S. abrgca, diagonals, cheviots, wool poplins, Dcnutltul inodels, excluslvo Weaves. Unequnlod values, Bpoclal You will see Hero over 75 different stylos at this prlc, and wo urso. comparison with any $3.5. Q0 suit elsewhere. The styles are -cutaway, ono, two and threo-button- ef fects. Krom 32 to 42-lnch longths. ncautttl all wool fabrics; sultR..of-at)io and character. You must see thorn to approclato thoso great vnlucs at $25.00 Fall Coats of Character and Distinction Wonderful Showing at $10, $15 and $25 Thousands of coats and evory garment distinctive In stylo and weave. Among tho many new fabrics we direct spoclal attention to tho rich velours, duvctyn. moleskin cloth, rlbollnos, a dil C OC chinchilla and Persian Inuib cloth, No other storo offers such great values at PlU )10 ejetD STew Tango Vest 9S, 97.90, 010 The Tango vest, the latest fashion, made In silk cheeks, blaok and white, moire and brocaded velvet. , Silk Dresses, $15, $10.75, 525 Exquisite effects In nf lernoon dresses, party dresses, cliarmeuse, crepe de chine, moire and many. Other at- gSp-HT?r..15 $197i $25 jemoB taxx. coats, in Slses 13 to 10 Tears, kt' I U Chlnohllta, rough Douole, chev iots, fancy mixtures and new rough twills. 1 ii. . i i i. i i r. Visit Oar Corset Dept. All tho Leading Makes: Women's $3.00 Tailored Walstnj special QE " Children's Coats; special showing rfj.Q Qrk 'j!l,Ci Saturday .'..... U C of Pall styles AU pO .SU to P X.y Women's ' UNDERWEAR Main floor. "Gilt Edge" under wear for women, misses and children. Complete Fall lines of this celebrated make awaits you here. The greatest values and best fit ting underwear mode. ' Shirts or Drawer b SOc and $1.00 Union Suit,i J1.S0 to S3. SO. t Women' ' ' Sweaters Tou must see our very extensive show ing and great values to fully appreciate what we offer you In these goods. Bps elol Cardinal, white and Oxford sweater, In Norfolk style and Byron roll ....$3.45 139 mm The Great Sale of Untrimmed Hats tM. BBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBP' and Ostrich Plumes Continues As'UBual our salo.wns a buccosb, and to make this a record breaker Saturday wo offer Greater Values than ever. 79c $1.98 Silk Velvet Untrimmed Hats Just think of buying a silk volvot lint for less than tho cost of velveteen. They come in tho nowest shapes. Saturday 79c $2.98 Plush HaU 100 of thesoJ piUSn I1UIH 111 HIO CSUUOUU o diui icon stvles and the newest colors. Comes in small and large shapes. Saturday. .$1.98 $4, $5 .and .,$6 yntrimmed, ri ;Dresa Hate About fifty liata jf-. in all, made ot tins seasons, mosi, popular materials in the newest shapes and colors. Choice $2.98 $1.98 French Plumes only 60 of these plumes; in this lot aro all of the soason's newos,t 'colqrs. "$1.98; Saturday ;.. Y6rth ..98c 198 9 2 $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 Plumes. These plumes aro ,pdd lots left front this irreat sale. In many now colors, also blaclj:. White they Ias.t4p2.98 $12.9dprencli Plumes. Beautiful t. f &Q Broad Head Frorich Plumott iii,v this soason's nowest .colors.- Made f -of the finest soleotod wide maid Btbclc. Satur day . . ...'.t..wo."?7.50 1 50 Sample Hats.Beautifully trimmed with ostrich novel- ftfl0 00 mimtffi ty stick-up's and large feather bands. Thoso lutts are, post- p mf JO tpyjifo ip OU tively worth from $6.50 to $12.50. Special for Saturday . . r '.r. J . ' . . , . , r , Odd Lots of Beautiful Fancy Feather Novelties. Some are i q. OQ - Q imported, worth up to $1.25, Saturlay . i .:...... & J tJ UC JOHN A SWANSON.fsi. nftSffTTfsW Mail Orders Filled. Write for Catalog. ' -rl WM L HOLZMAN.tscasR LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS. OCTOBER ISSUE "GOOD DRESSING" FREE. WE DESIGN AND TRIM HATS FREE of an lnch.JUi diameter, weighs six and a half pounds to-1.000, and ts colored at thhiintiJ of 200.000 every eight minutes. Harper's Weekly. An Vmlr Oauh shou'lil bo covered with clean bandages, saturated with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. u.niV burns, wounds, sores, plies. 25a ITof. sale by 'o'oUr drusTrtst,-Advertle- ment The Persistant apd JuQIcious Use of NfWepapt? Advertising Is the Hoed to Duslness Success. Thick, Glossy Hair All Dandruff Gone OtrlsJ Try HI Hair gets; soft, flnffy and.lnxurlant'tlon'c No more falling hair, i . " ' i . If "you cars for heavy hlr, that glistens-with beauty and Is radiant wlh Jlfe; has an Incomparable softness arjd is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderlne. . Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides It Immediately dis solves every particle of dandruff; you cahnot have nice, heavy, healthy hair If you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair or Its luster, Its strength and Its verv life, and If not i overcome It produces a feverlshness and Itching; of the scalp; the hair roots fam ish, loosen and die; then the hair fall out fast. , If your hair has been nerlected and Is thin, faded, dry, scraggy or too oily, get a 45 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danr derln at any ttrug store of toilet counter; apply a little as directed and ten minutes after you will say this was the best In vestment you ever made. We sincerely belleye, regardless "of everything else advertised, that If yon desire soft, lustrious, beautiful hair and lots of It no dandruff-no Itching cilp And no more falling hair you must use Knowlton's Danderlne. If eventually why not now? REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHIIB. - Mas, W1MMOW Sootuina Braur bsa been Mtdlorovct SIXTY VKARSby MIM.10NS.e7 UOTHXRB for their Cltir.lia.BM WHJLK TUKTIIINO. with PSRfBCT BOCCK8. It BOOTHUS the CHILD. tOPTKNS the OUU3, ALLAYU all I-A1N j CUXKS W1WD COLIC, tpi b the bett remedy for UIASRHQiA. It U abi olntely hsrmlei. Be sure sod aik for "Mrs. Wimlow's soothing eyrup." sad Ukt bo ciaa klud, . Twcsur-sve ccats Wtif. . King Ak-Sar-Ben Knows good printing and that he cannot illustrate to advantage with poorly engraved plates. We havo h'een called upon by Kings XVIII and XIX to furnish engravings for publicity work in their reigns. If engravings good enough for a king will please, ...why wouldn't our work do equally as well for you? Every business institution feels tho necessity at somo time for nn appropriately illustrated advertisement or circular. The question arises as to "where can I secure the best work?" Our artists are competent to picture your ideas and when you want an engraving made from a photograph, for any kind of printing, give us a trial. THE BEE ENGRAVING DEPT. 103 BEE BUILDING . :-: OMAHA, NEB. Concentrate your advertising in The Bee. There is a Bee in almost every home.