Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 8

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National Commission Bays Flayers
May Write if They Wish.
Copr of Eaoa Accoant Unit lie Filed
vf hMt . CommluloR Mora to
'ratect the Pnbllp aad
the Game.
CHICAGO, Oct. 3. Base ball player
who will write their own newspaper
stories of the world' or other post-sea
on series may do bo with the approval
of the national commission, President
Johnson of the American league aald
last night on his return r.-om a brief
vacation In Michigan. Players who lend
tbelr names for a monetary considera
tion to be signed to artlclea written by
others probably wilt be declared 'Ineligible
to take part In such, aerie, Mr. Johnson
He did not favor the suggestion re
ported. to have been made by Chairman.
Ojerrmann of the commission to call off
the world's series In cae players per
mitted the misuse of their names,
"The purpose of the commission Is
not to prevent players' earning extra
money In any legitimate way,' said
iPrcsldent Johnson, "but to stop the fak
ing, which Is bound to do base ball a
rertous Injury unless It Is curbed. In
the public's mind the great pitcher who
will accept money for the use of his
name In connection with stories he does
not write -would be just as likely to ac
cept money to throw a taae .ball game.
The man who will conspire to cheat the
public In any way cannot be trusted to
keep faith with others.
"If any player wants to write bona
fide articles for a newspaper during
the world's series let him go to the head
Quarters of the national commission af
ter the game. We will furnish an ex
pert stenographer, to whom he can dic
tate his story. The typist will take two
copies, one of which the player can send
to the paper, the other we will keep for
the commla'eJoR.
"If the paper publlthes the story as
the player prepares It there-will be no
objection. This, I fhlnk, Is- a fair chal
lenge to the playens.and (t will protect
the public I do hot believe that one
ball player In 100 can write stories which
newspapers will wajnt to- print or which
patrons will oare to! read."
Mnjr Me 'Last "World's Series,
NEW YOIUK. Oct. 3.-Thls year's may
be the last .to see a world's series, ac
cording to' base, ball ' gossip here. In
many quarters agitation for the aban
donment of a world's series each fall and
the substitution of an lnter-league post
season series In which all of the sixteen
major league oluba could share has been
gotnc on for some time and according
to the reports here at least one of the
three members of the National Commis
sion but suggested It may be feasible to
dd awaywlth the world's series after
this year. It is said that August Herr
mann, chairman of the commission and
owner of the Cincinnati club, has
broached the Idea with a plan that the
regular seasons be reduced to 112 games
in each league to be followed by an Inter
leaguo schedule of alxty.four games. In
which ch National, league-team would
pJo;4ouV Mine4 at home and four abroad
wth each American league team. The
total winnings percentage for the two
schedules might determine the title of
world's ctvamplon.
The present wrangles between members
of the New York and Philadelphia team's
Which would be parties to the champion
hip fight JhU year, and In the National
Commission because oi the rule prohibit
ing aerie players from, writing or allow
ing their use of their names over news
paper stories ha given impetus to1 the.
argument for the abandonment of thu
big series after this year. Those argulnir
for such action point out that out of six
teen major league clubs only four have
shared In the world's series npolla since
SOUTHAMPTON. England, Oct. S.-Th
Karl of Sslborne, formef governor pf the
Transvaal, and high commissioner to
South Africa, who has had, ample oppor
tunity of studying the color question, told
tns Church of England congress today
that badkrord races could 'nofextst pe?
manen'ttyiln Independence aide by aide
. with a civilised race.
There must," he said, "be effective
control," full and complete and exercised
In, the vllght of day, by the civilised'
CHldAOO. Oct. 1 Another difficulty in
the disposition of Chicago garbage arose
today when IndighangcUlsens living near
the spots where it la proposed to dump
tho refuse' arranged for mass meetings
of protest . and threatened to go into
No collection ot garbage will, be made
until next week. An announcement to
this effect was accompanied by official
explanation thiit the, public need not feel
apprehension qt epmenyc. ....
Expense Less-,
Value More
PricQ-' less for tho' same
shoes that cojjt more else
where.. "O..G.'! shoes, are
pezjsing. more customers
every day,' 'cause you get
service 1ub value n't tho
never changing prices of
$2;50 and 3.00
For Men and women
"0. G." Shoe Shop,
202 Woodmen of thoWorld
Bldg., 2d Floor.
SBBBsBlLl SbBBIbIIb - il! ''"''ji'' ' Ijjl ! "lil' " b ,'V'' -'
Jjlt' ' li ' lilBBBBSBB'' , . '
Left to Right- Misses Helen Clark, Murion Kuhn, Ann Gifford,
juivf iuuurj uuv
Polioy of School BoafS Creates Bow
J J T tr-!
in vet luoincs. .
' .
Blske)p-PorfllnK Protests and Catho
lic .Taaifsxyrs' Insist They WIL
ISbJoIb Payment for
Her Servtee.
( From a Staff . Correspondent.) i
DEB MOINES, la., Oct. , .(SpecM
Teiegram.) Threats are bejng made here
that In case the policy of the school board
in the matter ot teaching sex hygiene
1n the'publlo schools Is carried out there
will be an effort made, by the Catholic
taxpayers to enjoin the board from pay
ing the. salary of. a special teacher In this
The board dias employed Ruth Morrison
of Ames for the work and she will com
menos by a discussion of the subject
with the teachers at various meetings,
and' later it wjll be carried into the
Bishop Dowllng preached a very strong
sermon' against the plan and' denounced
It In every way. ,'
Io;wa Methodigts '
Send Out Cry for,
- .'More Preachers
. WEBSTER ClTY,.la.,,Oct.,3.-.(Spclal.)
A clarion cry has cone out from the
Northern- Jowa. .Methodist conference, In
knnUal session lh. this city, .or more
ministers , The conference la short of
men anil 'because of tho shortage Hlshop
Bhepard Is going. to have -a hard time
of it filling all the charges. "Not only
that but Or. -K. S, Johnson, secretary
of the conference and pastor of the First
church In Sioux City, Is more than likely
to havo to abandon his plans for a year's
study abroad at Oxford university, Lon
don, on account pf this shortage In
fact, It seems quite probable at this time
that he will bo returned vto the Sioux
City church.
Great difficulty will also be found fill
lug the charge at Fort Dodge, A new
church, too, Is to be created there and
Cedar Falls la trying hard o get Rev.
M. Spencer of the Fort Podge church
sent there.. Likewise an effort Is being
made by Fort D6dge to get Itev. Kamp
hoefner of this city, who just erected a
fine new tM.000 church last year. Itev.
Kamphoefner, however, desire to re
main here. It would be asking a good
deal to have him build two new churches
in the conference within a period of three
years, so he thinks.
By a vote the' conference his selected
Forest City aa its place ot meeting next
y.'ar. A new church edifice has also Just
been erected there.
Another business session of the con
ference was held this momipg and tnts
afternoon home missions ' and pastoral
missions are holding the boards. To
night Dr. T. W. Jeffrey of Uncoln, Neb.,
delivered his lecture on "Meadows of
is now pretty definitely settled- that
Rev. T- 8. Oaasett ot the Rustln avenue
church of Bloux City and secretary of
the conference claimants' annuity fund,
will be glvtn the place ot field secre
tary to the Methodist hospital In lea
CHICAGO, Oct. J. A. 1. Smith, a pris
oner In the county Jail, Is the latest man
who the police suspect may prove "to
be Mr. Spencer," sought as the murderer
of Mrs. Allison Rexroat. Smith, It is
saU, resembles the description given of
the man in whose company Mrs. Rex
roat la believed to have left Chicago the
night of her deaU
Special Maids of Honor in Their Grecian Costumes ' i
ia. p
Page Eleoted Head
of Road Congress
DETROIT. Oct. 3. Canada will be rep
resented with the United States In an en
deavor to' obtain uniform laws pertain-
.Ing to road buildings f the proposition
meets me approval or fremier uoraen,
according to an announcement made at
the American road congress today
by A. W. Campbell, deputy minister nf
railways and canals for the Canadian
Lognn Walter Page of Washington wa
re-elected president and J. E. Penny
backer was .again chosen as secretary.
Other officers elected were:
Assistant secretary, Charles P, Light,
Wheeling, W. Va.; treasurer, 'Lee Mc
Clung. Washington! vice president. W.
W. Finely, president of the Southern
railroad; directors, Alfred Noble, :J. B.
Fletcher, Joseph W. Jones and Charles
W. Raker, all of New York: James B.
Harlan of the interstate Commerce com
mission: Roy R. Chapln, Detroit; L. E.
Johnson, president of the Norfolk &
Western railroad, and Thomas O. Norrls,
Neighbors of Eatons
Testify at Inquest
. HINQIIAM, Mass., Oct 'J.-The m'yste.
rlous death ot Rear Admiral Joseph Olles
Eaton at his home In Astlntppl seven
months ago was the subject ot a fur
ther session of the secret Inquest here to
day. Eight witnesses were heard, tnost
of them neighbors of' the Eatons. It le
upon the evidence adduced at the In
quest that Mrs, Jennlo M. Eaton, the
admiral's widow, who Is charged w)th
rnurderlng her husband 'by the (amln
Isterlhc of poison, is to be tried. Octo
ber 11. '
At the conclusion ot today's proceed
ings, the inquest was again adjourned in
definitely, but District Attorney'Albert.B.
Barker announced1 that It would be re
convened before Mrs. Eaton Is brought fo
trial. Mr. Darker declared that tho
government Is satisfied with its case as
developed to date. He scouted reports
that tho prosecution inlght be forced to
quash the indictment against Mrs. Eaton
arid said she positively would be brought
to trial October It.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, D. C. Oct. S.-(Spe-clal
Telegram.) The old Sao and Fox
Indian school near Toledo. Ia., which
was abandoned last year will be re
eMabltshed Immediately according to a
statement today by Cuto Sells, commis
sioner of Indian affairs, as a, school for
tuberculous Indian children. Commis
sioner Sells announced the appointment
of Dr. Robert U Russell, chief ot the
health section of the Washington oftic
to be physician In charge ot the newly
created Institution.
Simultaneously with this appointment
comes tho appointment of Orville J,
Green to be superintendent ot the lower
Rrule Indian reservation In South Da
kota. The new school at Toledo, la., will
have a capacity ot eighty and will draw
students from Iowa, Nebraska and South
Takttatf Toll ot tlablea.
Each season of the year take !U toll
of the babies, and to watch and safe
guard them trpm common colds and
cougha Is a matter of Importance to their
parents. To keep Foley's Honey and Tar
Compound In the house and use It
promptly Is to save the little ones from
tho serious effects ot these colds, to
ward off croup, bronchial coughs, hoarse
ness, stuffy, wheeiy breathing and vio
lent coughing spells. It Is absolutely
free of opiates and may be given to the
little ones with no fear of harmful re
sults. Refuse substitutes. For sale by
all dealers everywhere. Advertisement.
The PerUstent and Judlclouf Use ot
Newspaper Advertising is the Road to
Business Success.
Eugenia Patterson, Mary Burkloy, Lucile Bacon, Carolyn Congdon, Frances Hochstetler, Dor-
"Unmoral Persons"
Ordered Deported
NEW TORK, Oct. S.-Marle Lloyd Eng.
Ilsh music hall. singer, and .Bernard Dil
lon, an English Jockey, who arrived here
yesterday on the Olympic aa Mr. and
Mrs. R. Dillon, -were ordered .deported to
day. The singer admitted that he and
Dillon were not legally married, but
claimed that she had been living with
him for five years as his wlfo.
The board held that the pair wers "un
moral persons" and ordered the'r return
on the first available hl. Mint Lloyd,
however, retained as colinnol Morses 11.
.Grossman, one, of the lawyera nldlti;r
Harry K. Thaw in his prnjsr.t fight, and
announced that she would appeal to
Washington. Pending -ile;lnln on the
appeal, she will be held ,t ElWi Island.
DanUrypt Dealers In Painting and
De Luxe Books Explain
the Game.
"How an original Investment of J3J.CO0
by the firm ot Tomllnson-Humes, Inc..
de luxe art and book viellers, Chlcsgo,
netted them a profit of 90,000 In a single
transaction and gave promise of over
1400.000 profits without further investment
of capital was told by Herbert Young
Conn Humes, a" member of the alleged
Insolvent-firm, at a meeting of the cred
Clothing for Men
Special Pall Sale of Men's
finished Worsted Suits
IVO - X' will-
ored, latest styles and
perfect fit, worth $20;
salo price
Sale of Men's Pants of a
and choice patterns,
worth $2.50; salo
1913 Fall styles, convertible collars,
high grale materials, all
colors; $15.00 values--
Saturday. ,
itors In the court room of Frank L.
Wean, referee in bankruptcy.
Mr. 'Humes related how the firm had
purchased fourteen paintings by Hogartb,
the famous English artist one by Turner
and another by Watteau for $35,000. The
Hogarth pictures were sold to E. P.
Clarke of Los Angeles, Cat., for $125,003,
Who In turn returned them to the firm
to ba resold for '1180,000 on condition that
the art dealers were to receive halt ot
the' profits above Mr. Clarke's purchase
price. The firm offered to sell Mr. Clarke
the Turner for $300,000, and still holds the
Watteau aa clear profit on the Invest
ment The Hogarth ilctures are now "h&ngtnff
In the New Tone mansion of former Sen
ator Clark of Montana, who is consider
ing their purchase at the J180.000 figure.
During the bankruptcy hearing Herbert
O, Tomlinson and James Plunkett were
served with notices of a $75,009 damag
suit filed in the United States district
court during the day by Harry M. Lev
engston'. ot Saratoga Springs, N. V., who
alleges that he paid the defendants $61,760
for a set of books which he afterward
found to be worth only $1,000. Besides
Tomlinson and Plunkett, the defendants
In the damage suit are Humes, William
.Beer, Samuel Warfleld and Edward Mc-
Mr. Humes was questioned by Attorney
Michael Gesas, counsel for the creditors,
In regard to the purchase ot tho sixteen
paintings from the .estate of Mrs. Sarah
N. Myera of Buffalo, i. Y.
"When we first went after those pic
tures they were being held for $79,000,"
Mr. Humes testified. "On tho basis of
Come in
Ladies' Stylish Fall Coats
Your choice of black, brown, fancy stripes and mixtures;
:rp":!':lu.e3...$7.50. $9.50 and SI2.50
Sale of Waists Ladles'Whlte Iceland FurSets
In white and fancy, also A special for Saturday's sell-
and Boys
Black Un-
Finely tail
good quality
fjannel waists.
Worth $2, at only.
this figure as a purchase price we went
to Mr. Clarke and offered him the four
teen Hogarth pictures f or' $1S,000. He ac
cepted them at this figure, subject how
ever, to payment by notes. The Myers
are an old English family and were
anxious to return to their native land.
We couldn't get $7,000 In cash Immedi
ately, however, and by an advantageous
purchase we were able to get the Ho
garth n, tho Turner and the Watteau for
"And you still sold the fourteen Ho
garth pictures' to Mr. Clarke for $125,0007"
asked Attorney Gesas.
"Yes why not!" replied Mr. Humes.
"At the same time, however, we made &
contract with Mr. Clarke that If he
wished us to sell the pictures, for him we
would not sell them tor less than $180,
000. They aro worth that amount"
"At what were you holding the single
Turner picture?"
"We were asking $200,000. Under cer
tain conditions we would have sold it for
a little less. We told Mr. Clarke that If
he wished to purchase It at fny time for
this figure we would sell It again for
him should he wish to dispose ot it for
the tamo figure or more."
"On an original Investment, then, of
$35,000 you had pictures worih $580,000 and1
a Watteau thrown ln7" asked the attor
ney. "That's about the sire ot it." replied the
witness. Chicago Inter. Ocean.
Double' Trouble.
A story that Is told by the secretary
of state about one of his doubles relates
to a certain head waiter ot a Chicago
hotel. Bryan had been stopping at the
Dress Yourself on
It matters not who you are or where you live, you
can dress as well as anybody on a dollar a week.
T5ni f.ffon "vAoro lift TTti.ati lina Vieon rirASR.nfir Omalin.'fl 'nanr-lA nn
II 44s VVWa J WMA J VUU W MAWM m ww-st
7 lithe dollar a week nlan and todav thev
sand people. Remember that when you look well you have the bat
tle half won. There's the point. One Dollar a week is all we ask
Millinery Fifty Cents a week.
Sale of Ladies' All
navy and brown colors
and are stylishly mado, worth up
to $15.00 sale price . . . .
fiCn ing, worth ?15.0O; (m
.OUU sn'e pneo 90.1 U
sBWll IK
m mm
.knn oftr tin left n (lelCatlOn
of college boys from a nearby Institu
tion came to visit mm. ine neau im
who happened to o coming on
was corralled In the lobby of the
and amid enthusiastic! cheers was
Dff dlilC"
the hotf
ras cot.-
relied to mako a speecn.
He gave the college boys much kindly
edvlce, told them to persevere, and Inti
mated that some day they might rise to
his position.
The next day the college students were
looking for the speaker with clubs, for a
morning paper had published this head
line over an account of the speech!
"Students Get Advice from Head
Walter."-Chlcago Post.
Muffled Knocks.
"Certainly. Brlnkwcll. my dear fellow;
ou might Just as well take ft month s
vacation as not. It won't make n par-.
won't make n par-,
the buMnes " I
yes don't need anfj
t. I shall merfl.'jf
vash thtm In watr
tide of difference Ih the
"Mr. Scorjel. your eyes
professional treatment. 1
recommend that you wash
Just plain, clear water at leant once a
cay, wnen you are giving your race lis
rtgular ablution."
"MrB. Fribbles, some of- the neighbor
spy your Bobby Is overbearing and nuar
leUomc, but I don't mind his play 'nit
with Tommy an no wants to: Tommy is
bigger than he Is." Chicago Tribune.
The Persistent and judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising is the Road to
Business Success.
Albert Bronson,
Efficiency Expert
"A man feds most
at case in Crosse tts,"
said Mr. Bronson. He
works better. He keeps
his temper better. He
does a huskier dar's
The first Mine your
feet meet a pair of
Crossetts you'll think
the same. This is
model No. 75,
ft JO I tS-00 eetrysuktr
Xewls A. Crotectt Inc., MtJten
Iterth Abtncten. Uui,
There's a special Croasrtt last
for people with arch troubles.
Ask our agents about it
Omaha Agents Crosctt Shoes.
a Week
vwwiQ w 1 WWw
are dressinjr over ten thou.
Wool Serge Dresses
bbbbKsIbbbbbbbbbbbbTLH BB m
m l