l'HE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1013. 4 Ir V iv If PLEDGED TO MODERN GREEK jSLnounoement of Ecralt of Cam paign at State University. PHI KAPPA PSIIS m THE LEAD More limitations Aro Bxteaded Than In Anr rrorlons Yen Ht Yonnjr Men front Omaho en the List. LINCOLN, Neb., Oct. 2.-(Bpaclal Tete y Rxam.)JJIne Omaha, boya tret ! Inounced pledged to Greek letter eocteuee here today. Pledging waa delayed be-i-auae of tho (allure ot the fraternlUea u he was unaware that ahe had been di vorced In May, by Charles Cole ot Liberty, At the regular meeting of the directors of the Commercial club Thureday even ing, Patrick Meehan reelaited aa eecre tary to take apposition with the Mllburn & Scott company. Ilia successor will be named on October 18. Dan Cupid has been very busy In Gago county during the last nine months, tho records ot Judga Walden showing that 215 marriage licenses had been issued during that time. This la an Increase ot 43 per 1912. Fnotorr Burned nt York. TOItK. Neb. Oct. 3. Special Tele gram.) Fire at an early hour ths morn ins destroyed thft TJnnV II.v Tool mm. to send lists to the chairman of the Inter-pany'8 building and contents. Lose on rraternlty council. Following is uie usi i building tt.HW, on stock $2,vn, Insurance nt nmelia n11f-a? ' MrVU IFU. - 1.1-. V-..I I .al tVW. -AilC VVCSl. I1HU. UL MIO UUIIUIUS WM ot Omaha pledges: Beta Theta Phi Morris Loomls. Kappa Blgma-Lewls Waldman, Council Blutfs. Phi Delta Theta-Lysle Bushton. Rob- j stopped almost irt Carlson and Carr RtngwalU building. Blgma Chl-Kenneth CraJg. Phil Kappa Pelt Edgar Klddoo, South Omaha. Sigma Phi Epsllon-Leo Lowery and Willis Miller, South Omaha. Phi Gamma DeltaWohn DrexeL More men were extendea invitations that In recent years. Phi Kappa Pel led the list In number of InvltaUom extended and accepted with ten pledges. Follow ing Is the completed list ot pledges: Phi Uamma Delta-Albert Bryson, Full erton; John Drexel, Omaha: Wle l&uon, Marshalltown, la.; Ronald Hay, Lincoln; Henry Knutsen, Kearney; George Neu swonger, Colorado; Bryan O'Brien, Kear- ""Acacla- Joseph Al Elwell. Springfield; Cleo Bates, Verdlgree; John Jetfords, Broken Bow; Prof. Taylor, superin tendent of the Temple h gn hool. Alpha Tau Omega William Maxwell, Beatrice; Clyde Dempster, Beatrice; Rus sell Allen. Lincoln: John Miller, "olross. vllle Claude Daly, Dellwood; Bernard TownsenoT Harvard; Arthur Swaru. But- t0Beta Theta Pi-Arthur Miller. Nellgh; Guy Chamberlain, Blue Springs; Morris Loomis. Omaha: John Stoddard. Uncoln, JDheltaK DUnlio... David CUyTNorman , Stevens.&eatr ce; Donald occupied by Porters stone works and broom factory and through quick work of the fire department the fire was In the center of the -... Tin aVif Rt T'Ulll. "De ta"up.Uon-L. "b." Howey. Ernest Hoppe. Stewart Clair. Lincoln; Gug C. Chimbers, Sidney; Albert G leenle e. SfSy'j. Wy.Tanen8! KpaaRay Staats. Fremont; Lwts Waldman. Council Bluffs; Roy Saunders, Red Cloud; Fuller Barclay, 1 Wol'lta Theta-LyeU Rushton. Robert Carlson. Carl Rlngwalt, Omaha; Warren "Woodward, Ray Doyle, Lincoln; Frank R& Alphallon-Harold F. Corey. Green Bay, Wis.; John Rasmusaen, Osh kosh, Wis! Martin Nolan. AUIanee; Har old Millar.' York; Alfred Lewis. Wayne; Leo D. Keane, Wlsner; Lei and Evans, Oo- lUmgma Chl-Donald Chapln. Lincoln; Sidney Pierce, Lincoln: Harry Grainger, Lincoln; Paul M. Dennis, Lincoln; Artrwr Chase, Btanton; Marlon Vlxon Platts mouth; Guy Parrish, Norfolk; Kenneth CraJg, Omaha. , , ,. . Slga Mu Paul Eger, Lexington: Hugh Harley. Lincoln; John W. Novllle, Lln ooln; Roswell Weeks, Pawnees Hugh Yokum, Talmage; Harold Neville, Lin coln. Phi Kappa Pel Ralph Lahc, Vance Traphagen, Phil Watklns, Ernest puen rel, Lincoln: Spray Gamer. Valentine; Milton Seltser, Nebraska City; ...ftrovo Porter, Nebraska City; Bdgur &&&oo. South Omaha,- Sigma Phi Bpilon Francis Purney, Rushvllle: Irwin Multln, PoncaJ Martin Beard, Phllllpa;' Lo Lowetyi South Omaha: Willie filler.' ' South Omaha; Doana Pickering, Lincoln. Chancellor Pulmei? Gives Opening Talk UNIVERSITY PLACE, Neb., Oct 8. (Special.) Yeaterday morning at Ne braska Wesleyan at the chapel hour, Chancellor Fulmer delivered his annual address, hla subject being, "The Problem of Waste." Th,e chancellor called atten tion to tho needless loss ot life and property duo to careless ana inernciem mufhnds In the Industrial world, also to the loss due to Impaired health caused by Intemperanco In food, drink and Ires. He emphasised the necessity ot itudents having always in reserve aur- Hclent strength to enable them to meet the emergencies of llfo and to thla end MISSING IDA GROVE PAINTER FOUND IN ASYLUM IDA DROVE, la., Oct. 3.-(Spectal.) Ed Vols, the Arthur painter who disap peared on September 5, has been lo cated In an Illinois Insane asylum. When hla wife went to Chicago In search of her husband the authorltlea told her they found him wandering about the atreeta there on September t in a halt naked condition with no money and- no ticket. He told them hla name, but could not tell where he waa from. Mrs. Vola was taken to the asylum and he recog nised her. The experta aay he haa soft ening of the brain and upon their advice he was left there. They aay he can live but a short time. Mr. Vola was bitten by a mad dog a year ago and worried himself sick with the fear he would de velop rabies. MRS, BURGESS CONFESSES GIVING POISON TO BABY MASON CITY, la., Oct. 8. (Special Telegram.) After a long conference with police lasting most of the forenoon, Mrs. A. B. Burgess, who said she waa the victim of a poison Plot by a masked man last night, broke down at noon to day and confessed ahe administered the poison to her baby herself to get rid ot It. JUNE BRIDES OF YESTERYEAR Missouri Scribe Son Oat Land Abont the Vanishing; ef Illusions. Now that June rose embowered Is sing ing Ita nuptial song, an old and distress ing question, possibly never to be an swered, recurs, what becomes of all the world' sweethearts! Where do the flame clad ot today and those who strode through the enchant msnta ot sweet, unnumbered yesterdays goT Whither vantshea the great Illusion! Is It over the hills and far away to tho ravishing mualo the piper plays? Nestled somewhere. In the land of Never-Can-Be is there aomo quaint Hamelln town where the spirit of dead Junes and those yet, to die stands silent sentinel watting for their return T No man can say. Looking about on a world full of common-place married folk In an atmosphere of greasy domesticity, the question be comes doubly mystifying. There were glrla ot rose and) amber1, girls like vio lets, sweet and flattery; glrla like hooded popples, slender and proud; small, pale girls, tirla In dlmltlea, glrla with elbow sleeves, girls In poke bonnets girls, girls, glrla, glrla weeping girls, petulant girls, cold girls. And' there were boys, athletic boys, ambitious boys, poor boys, rich boya, domineering boya, Willie boys, all in tho heart ot Junetlme. And they vowed and they wore, and they sighed and they cried. The days were ot gold and the nights pendulent and silvery. Al ways hand In hand, they were walking amid secret gardens blown with rose dust and lingering by fountains whose mur murlngs none but they coutd hear. For them and none other, were hung the star studded twilights and for them alone the mystic dawn, the lacy beds ot daffodil In advised the economy 01 time ana monoy. y- -m 1 ..1.. .H.nflaJ Kv BUHBei BKy. una auur0 """". 1 They trod the earth with feet shod In VIUCIB " " Iri the eyenlng Chancellor and Mrs. Fulmer attended a re ceptlon to the faculty and students In the eduoatlonal rooms of the C. C. White building. Omaha's Greatest Clothing House GRAND AUTUMN DISPLAY Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats At $10, $15. $20, $25 and up to $40.00 tr mere s any ono xning wmcn nas sorvoa raoro man any omor to csu-Diisn mis store's greatness, it is tho " Highest Quality,'1 which characterizes Berg's mer chandise and especially our famous Kuppbnhoimor, Sohloss Bros., Stein Bloch, Sophomoro and Society Brand clothes. We are in constant competition with our- 1 solves to improve tho standard, if possiblo, of the olothes we sell. Our success is based upon a foundation of morit, and our future is dedicated to constant endeavor to maintain the high position this storo ocoupies in the public's confidence. It's time now to select your fall outfit and naturally every maa wants to go where he can get the utmost value for Ills money-(you are always wolcome at Berg's.) New fall Suits, $15 and $20; Mon's fine hand-tailored Suits in all tho now models; chooso from browns, grays, plain and fanoy effeots, also plain black and blue serges; largest assortment in Omaha to Boloot from. OLOTHES HOME TOR THE BOYS Fall Overcoats, ?7.60 to $50. In every conceivable weave and mod olo, single and double broasted, plain shawl and convertible col lar; plain or belted; lengths from it to 62 Inches. Largest and most complete stock ever shown lu Omaha. PUR OVERCOATS Fancy Quilted, plush lined, with Astrachan and fur collars at S15 to 830 Fur LInod Overcoats at 322 to S150 At $15, we otfor 03 distinct stylos In Overcoats. Wo know you will be suited hero. Our salosmon are courtoous and will be pleased to show you through our Immense stocks. Moro suits and overcoats are dis played here than you will see else where in the city. You positively eave from 11.00 to 98,50 on any suit or overcoat you purchase hero. Russian and Sailor Blouse Butts (or the little folloowo. Nor folk, single and double-breasted suits, many with two paira ot trousers, at 32.50 to 912.50 MEN'S FURNISHINGS. Vasear and Superior Union Butts, made for stouts, rogulara and slims ; wool, mercerised and cot ton 81,00 to S5.0Q Outjns Flannel Pajamas, in neat striped and figures, 81 to 9350 Modltcott and Winsted 8hlrts and Drawers, in light, modium and heavy weight, 81.00 to 33.00 E. ft W., Manhattan, Savoy and Star Shirts, all sloeve lengths and eliestfrom 14 to 20, 81 to 83.50 Outing Flannel downs, la neat patterns and mado plenty long. t 50 to 81.50 THE STETSON HAT STORE. No better bats made In the -world than Stetson's. We have the larg est assortment shown in the "wost. All styles and colora nt 83.50 to 812.00 Malory's Oravenetted Soft and stiff Hats at 33.00 Berg's "Special" Soft and Stiff Hats at ,. .82.00 Vkit Out Nmw LmditB Suit mni Mlllinwy Dtpmrlmmnt flame and ahamed heaven with their ecstasies. Gone, all gone. Yesterday one there waa who. saw Kate bargaining for 10 cents' worth of lettuce at tho corner rrocery and the light ot a great Illus ion had irons from hsr faoe. It was San who spanked a baby up tho front step aa hour later, and Mary who hung a number ot suspicious looking garments on the little clothesllna stretohod across tho book porch. Bill snores so loudly his wlfo wants a divorce, John aplta on the front porch and Frank eata with his knlfo In the presence of company. Where there waa poetry it haa vanished; where there was rapture are now tho dull con tentments of tho commonplace or the dally rebellions i against routine- Facea once glorified .hold, only auggestlon of the Imminent yawn: eyes that once fathomed the great and hidden roeanlnga ot life sees only Its dull duties and unending monotonies mystery la no moro and the hours have leaden wlnga. But for tho laugh ot a child beholding the rose-flmo of a new dawn or Its mur mur, or looking into the depths of the star hung and tremulous night; recreat ing lost Illusion, It1 were unbearable. Yet here comes again our sweet Mistress, June with ancient wtteherleD, and over the hills and far away to the old, sWeet muslo th6 piper plays moves tho eager and enchanted pageant. Life la "a jar ot rose wine set high In the air" and the petals crushed under the feet of swift flying yesterdays give forth no perfume. Alas! Whither go they and why do they never returnT What cruel trick Is this, what stupid physiological fact that oheats life and robs heaven? This morning, out In the leafy depths of h. tnwn. arose tho glad love note of s robin to his mate. It waa the same sig nificant, wild, mysterious call that wni lifted years ago as triumphant. The yel low aunllsht filtered 'down Just as softly but It was another robin who sang ana she who anawered, though quite as beau-. tlful, waa not the aame. Tonight tno start will hang aa tremulous In the sky and tho roses waste as profligately on tht erass. With tho dusk perhaps Will comt ih. mt of line carrying perfume from! Kalshapur: M vnti und I oonsttlre Wtlh Him to grasp this sorry scheme ol tnings enure. , ... Txr,A ... nn, ahaHAr It tn bits And remold it nearer to the heart's de sire? Scurry trick, isn't lt-downrlght meanTl k.., hit.hi I'h.m p.nmm the brldo. 1 hut hushl "Here comes Paris (Mo.) Mercury. IIcme-Keeplnir Women Need Health tad atresartBU The work of a home-keeping woman makes a constant call on her strength and vitality, and sickness comes through her kidneys and bladder oftener than she knows. But If she takes Foley Kid ney Pills their tonlcstrengthenlng effect will invigorate hor, and pain and weak ness In back, nervousness, aching Jolnta and Irregular bladder acton wlll all dis appear under the comforting Influence of this good and honest medicine. Try them. For sale by all dealers every-wbere.-Advertlement. The Persistent and Judicious Use ot Newspaper Advertising Is tho Rood -to1 Business Success, Kerfs Notes from Pavtrbarr, FAIRBURY. Neb., Oct. i. SpclalO During the last week County Judge C. ,C. Boyle married two couples In oounty court, Including Earl Turner of Bteelo City and Miss Suslo Kelly of Endlcott, and Dewltt Bcrlven and Miss Grace Hand. An' Important change In Nebraska di vision passenger trains will be made Sunday. October 12. At that time tho Chicago-Nebraska flyer operatlngvbe ween Lincoln and Council Bluffs Vlll bo taken out of service. These are faat tralna and havo been operating there for a long time. Engineer A. J. Kelly und Fireman J. U Ogden will return to Falrbury and ga into service at this point. The local passengers runs SS and SM running between Falrbury and Hor ton will be discontinued and run only to Beatrice. The new carde are being prep'ared In Topeka for distribution. James L. Ogden, a locomotive fireman operating between Lincoln and Council Bluffs, Is,, la In tho city visiting with his father. County Clerk C, II, Bhaffer haa re turned from Omaha where he haa been confined In a hospital for aeveral weeks. He is much Improved and Is able to resume hla work. Arthur, thp four-year-old son of Mr. end Mrs. Arthur Mann, living near Thompson, fractured his arm while play, lng with aeveral companions at a nelgh ' bor"s house. Fred C. Chase, a locomotive fireman of this city, haa a cherry tree tn bloom In hla back yard. Thla la attracting a great deal of attention. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. C. Kayser of "Fort Wayne, Ind., are in tho city visiting with tho former's sister, Mra. William Oberhelmtn. Mr. Kayser Is well known here. Squirrel hunting Is unusually good In this vicinity this year. Several hunters succeeded In bagging forty aquirrels on Itose creek, Thursday of this week. Notes from Beatrice, BEATRICE, Neb., Oct. S. Because tho uu.ury of the Hoag postofflce waa only nbotit EA last year, Abraham Relmer, Jr.. the postofflce Inspector, was at that place Thursday and found tnat the office was only serving twelve regular patrons. Harley J. Shaw, a farmer, living near Holnusvllle, Thureda:k? filed a petition In district court asking that his marriage to Hulda Cole be annulled. The couple were married by Judge walden. August IS, 1913, and he alleges that at that tiino bbbbbbbbbbbbbbIHbbbbbEB IKITIIBiiGDrD rrW nk i Ml rreWFiW KEY Jfgjj"3fj ,.eoKO ---wmwM w2m ITS Im 1MM ssH mm The nest time you 661 "oat of sorts", try a Uttle Sunny Brook Tho Pure Food Whiskey Almost instantly you will note a delightful chanjje You will work harder and Eirn More you will feel better and Enioy life More. No other tonic acta so promptly and satisfactorily. That's why today after fifty years Sunny Brook The Pure Food Whiskey can point with pride to a legion of Loyal, friends, who recognize that, on account of its exquisite flavor, rich mellowness and high tonio properties, Sunny Brook justly merits its proud title The Pure Food Whiskey. Each bottle of Sunny Brook is sealed with the Green Government Stamp a positive assurance that every drop is natural, straight whiskey --scientifically OlEUliea, ana careraiiy agea py me largest maimers or rmo wnianey in me worm. SUNNY BROOK is now bottled with our own patented "Twitter" stopper. On ttsUt un-ccrks or rt-corfts tht bottU tight No Need for Cork Screws. GROTTE BROS. CO,, Wholesale Distributors For Omaha, Neb. Omaha' Grtatnt Clothing How Special Saturday Bargains in Berg's Cloak and Suit Department For Saturday w offer a apodal group of aow fall suit. that are arriving during tha week, They include tailored aad semi-tailored models and also fsaor styles. All the new materials are represents aad la all popular now shades., These garaeats caa not t9 equaled at the priee aad sheuld fee §ed by every women needing a stylish fall suit Saturday's tO j QK special value. .. . fi'xSrO , .' ' ' A Saturday Spe&il in Coats Swagger' length coats in boucjw, diagonals, noTelty cords and two-tone materials in black, nayy, mahogany, brown, tan, taupe, etc. Some' with collera and throws of seal plush others self trimmed -all in the newest possible styles Special 1 A fr Saturday ; . . , . .ip 1 Women's Mtuinith Shirt Wists In handsome striped patterns In men's shirtings, made with Frehch cuffs, soft detachable collars and pockets, fine far office or business wear. Two SpecUl Lot for Saturday $1.50 "Women's ijg Shirts ODC $2.00 "Women's QQ Shirts 7C Mecsaline PettkoaU $1.69 A splendid neavy grade at metsallae (a a number of new models well made aad in all colors, la all-silk lilac, 8stur.dny . . . .... .gl.QQ " Linserie Waists at 98c New fall models, high and lew necks, long and short fleeree, la dainty lawns, molls and reilee, trimmed with lace and Insertion, Saturday ...984 B Omaha's Gratc$t Clothing Howe No Wonder Your Millinery Section is becoming so pop ulnr, is an exclamation often heard these days after an even casual glance at our oxniDu. cecauBe well that explains it doesn't itt For tho Women Who Oores we have exclusive models from famous artists of the fashion centers of the world and It does not require a small for tuno to get them, either. Come In and try one on we will surprise you, For the Woman Who Carcg but can't afford expensive head pared an exhibition of high quality, artistic hats where you may choose and be plsased at S3.50. $5 to $15 An abundance of clover, snappy styles for Misses and the little Miss in felt, plush and velvet, at $1.00 to $5.00. wanaot G G