Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1913, EDITORIAL, Page 17, Image 19

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    THE BKK: 0MA1JA, SATl M)AY, OCTOBER 4, 1D13.
pinion Regarding Outcome Appears
Unusually Divided This Year.
Chief AdTitntnffo Accorded Giant'
Strength In Pitch Insr Department,
While Athletic Henry lilt-tlnar-U
Connted On.
Specializing in Steln-Bloch, Sam-Peck
and AuRUst Dros. Hlgh-typo Suits and
Overcoats (or Men and Young Mod,
NE5W YORK. Oct 3.-Oplnlon regarding
the outcome of tho woriars series appear
to be unusually divided this' year. Prom
. Inent base ball players and writers are
I predicting: a very close series ot games
I with low scores predominating. All spoak
uf tho luck or break or the eamo being
an Important factor In tho ultimate win
ning of the championship. The same eltu-
atlon has developed In tho betting. Out
side of the home cities of the two-com
peting clubs the wagering 1s at even
money. In Philadelphia the Athletics are
slight favorites over the New. York team
and local supporters are quoting odds of
10 to 9 on the Giants to defeat tne Amen
rnn Ipactia rnrfftents.tlve&.
Expressions of opinion on tile part of
the managers 'and players, of rither clubs
aro beginning to be heard here with the
gathering of the advance guard for the
opening game next Tuesday. Among
those who are favoring the Athletics are
Frank Chance, Napoleon., Lajblc. Cfartf
Griffith and Umpire Billy Evans. Borne
of thoso who ore naming the Giants as
probable winners are George StalUngs,
Johnny Bvers'. Fred Clarke and Ty Cobb.
Ilughey Jennings and Dill Daltlen have
stated that the teams aro so ovenly
matched that the outcome ot the series Is
a tossup with luck playing a leading part
Majority for Giants. j
A consensus among thirty ot the leading
base ball writers of the big league circuits
shows that eighteen favor tho Giants to
win against nine for the Athletics and
three frankly. Undecided., Almost without
exception, however, they qualify their
predtotlons by stating that the series of
ISIS will be very' evenly contested ana
that the slightest break in the luck, 'of
the gams wilU.swJng. tho championship
one way or tho other. Tho cMef advan
tage accorded the Giants Is 'their strength
In the pitching, department. The Athletics'
adherents conced'a' this. point, but 'contend
that the superior batting ability of the
Philadelphia club will more than offset
this advantage.
Manager McGraw had all his world's
series, regulars, .aside from Fred Snod
grass, the center fielder suffering from
"Charley horse," In action today and In
addition put Mathewson and Marquard
through their paces. Larry Doyle, team
lid harness In tho second game of the
n 1 1 1 1 ram u . i . . . . iiwu.i m .
by next Tuesday to play his usual dash
ing game.
' Comotiintlon Works Well. '
It was counted -significant by. -some',-however,
that McGraw' did not put
Larry in with the rest ot the regulars
In tho "first game when Bhafer played
second and Hrfrxog third. The combina
tion worked well both-at bat and In the
field. But! Bhafer was backat third at
the start of the later encounter and
worked! ia while In that position, with
Fletcher, Doylo and Merkle-the .Infield
that alCa.longrias been' expected to mah
the jimex .defense of the t3IanU-'ln'.t.he
rjattlalth"the- Athletics, -tt waslit tha
first encounter that Mathewsort 'and Mar
juarjL one or Uie other of whom, Jj" IJkely
:o twirl the opening world's series game,
svere tried out.
"Matty possibly has been in- better,
form this year, but In the four innings
he worked tho heavy hitting Phillies
were able to score but once and would
not have counted then had not Bhafer
made a bad throw to first on Magee,
who later crossed the plate on Luderus'
Marquard had fine speed and control
n tho five innings', he pitched and the
only run scored for which his pitching
was responsIble-''was that In the sixth
when Lobert tripled and counted on
Thorpe's muff of an easy fly in tho
eighth that was responsible for tho
Phillies' third run of the game.
With another double-header tomorrow,
McGraw will have plenty Of opportunity
to tune. up. bis other boxmen. ,. Tesreau
and Demaree are expected to show In
theso games. The little manager was
Pimples Source
, of Great Danger
May be Means of Absorbing
Disease Germs in Most
Unexpected Manner.
by the Store Ad.ltor
Did you ever see an Incompetent person looking
for employment who ' wasn't' loaded- down with
"references?" Nearly every Inefficient man has a
pocketful of letters of recommendation signed by
former employers who would ratner recommend mm
than keen him on the-payroll.
inferior article or anv Kind tnnt someone
to tne BKiesr mgni nere in our own ir m
find a line of clothlnir that Isn't described as ."the
Did you ever ne an
didn't iaua
best" by the. store that Is trsrlnsf to tt rid of It.
Why. some of the shoddiest, rnost no-account kinds
are advertised in as glrtwtns terms ns wo Use to
describe those 100 good clothes of Steln-Dlach,
A Store Full of Stylish Fall
Clothes '
New ideas that you firid.,
nowhere else and the
best service that intelli- ,
gent salesmen and a great .
store can give.
This, fall we've been appointed distributers ot
those world famous Steln-Dloch Clothes. In no
other local store can you see the 1918 fall models
and you should see them every man with a liking
for the best should en their. They tell you all
there Is to tell about style and workmanship. They
forcibly demonstrate the truth of our contention
that good clothes cost no more than poor clothes
if you know what store to pstronlie.
$20 to $40
Then, too! We've lots of other makes from which to choose.
Jgl30 ami Vp
$20 to $50
All this year 's models, all styliBh, all worthy of a
conspicuous placo in such a quality storo as this.
at $1.50 Up
qs&iia'.s Fastest growing stoiie.
50c and Up
encouraged at the lively assault his
regulars made on Chalmers today, the
Giants' hitting; being hard and opportune.
Creighton Squad
Showing tip Well
' v
The Creighton foot ball team la look
ing better each' day. lever before, has
such a lot of ginger been displayed this
early in the season, and those who have
been watching tho hightly practices, are
beginning to predict big things for -the
blue and white, ' Unler the snappy cross
flro of signals from Captain Jlorey Mil
ler at quarter, the entire squad gets 'Into
every play- with every 'ounce ' of u'peel
A final scrimmage was held Thursday
afternoon The varsity ripped holes . tn.
the" scrubs, and tore ,bff big sains with.
tfrVforwafd ass. 3err"lflo line". Plunges
were made by Coady and Walworth,
while tho defensive' play of "Miller and
Hanley was- spectacular.
The team which will open tho .season
on Creighton field Saturday afternoon In
a. game with Kearney Normal will be a
few pounds heavier than that of last
year, averaging about 170 pounds. It Is
not likely that Young or Foley, two addji,
tlons to the squad this week, will begin'
Saturday's game,. .and their weight cuts
down- the average somewhat, With these
man in the game. the average will climb,
to that of last -year.
Tho Creighton team is in good condition
physically, Parker, the little end, Is the
only man suffering from Injuries, and n
sprained elbow may keep him out.
t&alc Tour Blood Pure sad Imxaone With
8. B, 8.
in thousands or instances tno most
t .Virulent .types or oiooa irouDies navs
been the result ot coming in contact with
(disease germs In public places, and tno
apparently Insignificant pimple has "been
the cause. It spreads with astonishlne
rapidity, often Infecting the entire sys-
Item in a few days.
Kit -is fortunate, however, that .there. Is
ia; remedy a cujjo uitnj iuvivu&iu
with such a condition, and thanks to tha
energy of its producers the famous 8. S.
In mnv nhw be had at most any drur
Store In the clvlllxed world.
iKThls preparation stands alone as a
biood purifier. It is somewhat revolution
ary in Us composition, since u accom
pllshes all that was ever claimed for mer
Icury, iodides, arsenic, and other destruc
tive mineral drugs, and yet It Is abso
lutely a purely vegetable product. It con-
I tains one Ingredient whlcn serves tno
petlvo purpose ot stimulating each tiny
cellular part of the tissues to the healthy
find Judicious selection of its own essen-
tljxl nutriment. There are more cases of
irtlcular rheumatism, locomotor ataxia.
paresis, .neuritis, and s miliar diseases re
IwiHant from the use. of minerals than
Aosi people rire aware pi. nesa cia
re orougnt out ; in a nignty interesting
eok compiieu oy ins raeaicai aeporimens
The Bwift Bpecino Co.. sit awut uiag..
Atlanta. Ca. It is mailed free, together
lth sDeclal Information, to all who wrlto
eacrlblng their symptoms.'
Iqet a bottle of S. S. B. to-day, but ba
etui not to nave sometning paimea
on you falsely cUImed, to be "just as)
Fhe only reason why anyone will trr
Eissell you something In place of 8. B. S.
lathe extra prollt.
Coaoh Sid. loley of the, Creighton High
school foot ball team will leave for Ne
braska City Saturday morning, where
drelghton will meet the Nebraska City
HlBh school. Coach Foley Is reticent con
cerning his chances for victory, but wilt
attempt .to wipe out the stain of - last
year's disastrous defeat at the 'hands ot
the downqtaters. ' '
Crelghton's lineup will .be as follows:
Center, Stenko; right guard, Tobln: left
guard, McCarthy; right tackle, Relfen
rath, captain; left taokle, Duhurst; right
end, Harrington: left end,- Kelly; quarter,
lyong; right half, Xavery; left half, Burr,
and fullback. Powers.
Halfback Phllbln, who starred against
Nebraska City last year, will be out of
the game because ot a wrenched knee.
York Illsh School Foot Dall Date.
YORK, Neb., Oct. 2. (8peclal.)-Follow-lng
Is the schedule of the York High
School foot ball team for the season
October J. Kearney at York; October
id. open; October 17, Hastings at .Hast
ings; October 24, "Lincoln at York; Octo
ber "81. Aurora at Aurora; November a,
Omaha at Omaha: November 14, Ne
braska City at Nebraska City; Novem
ber ili open; November 27, Thanksgiving,
With the Bowlers
Ames Varsity Squad"
Expects Trimming
by ophers Today
AMES, la., Oct. S.-CSpeclaD-TVlth a
squad ,of twenty men, Head Coach Will
tarns and Assistant Coach Hubbard, who
has' charge of tho varsity, left Ames at
7:40 this morning aboarcj a Fort Dodge
traction car for Minneapolis, where the
Cyclones, take on Dr. W Hams' Gophers
in the annual gridiron battle on Minne
sota' field, The squad and coaches will
be transferred at Fort Dodge to a spe
cial Minneapolis & St. Louis car, arriv
ing In Minneapolis late tpnlght.
The coaches and the squad expect the
customary trimming, but a worse one
than, the G to 0 last fall, in view ot the
Jagged form that has characterised tho
scrimmages up to the. last few nights.
With only two veterans in line. Reeve,
tackle,' and Captain Cowan at end, Coach
Hubbard left with llttid faith in the abII-
tty ot his pupils to get over the Gophers'
goal lino tomorrow. The .hard tight put
up by South Dakota, against the Mlnne
solans last Saturday' hel'u Dr. Williams'
veterans to a low sbore and that may
be considered as cause for what optimism
the Cyclone coaches possessed last night,
but -nothing Is known of the comparative
strengths In the game a week ago.
The announcement last night from toot
ball" headquarters was that tho follow
ing lineup wdutd take the field on first
call Saturday:' Ends, Tlernan, rlghti and
Captain Cowan, left; tackles, 'Worm
hoifdt, left, and Reeve, right; guards,'
Kei'wln, right, and Holmes, left; center,
Johns; right half, Matttson; full, Uhl:
left half, Powell; quarterback, Davis.
Delaney and Wilson were taken along
as subs for the halves; Cunningham, sub
end; Schalk. and Axthelm, sub-tackles;'
McKlnley and "Thayer, sub-guards;1-also
Carr and Kenlck, sub-quarter,
Harry Williams is
Home After Season
With Frank Chance
Ooleaguea of Seattle Jurist Releaie
Socialists He Sentnos.
Prlsonrs Cited for Contempt Ten
Court (a Do Its 'Worst Jurist
Denounce. Fellow jnilges
In Statement.
The BEST Heaters f
UUM hCATiMft yMracc
Trtftc flvt eontlruchotv
lurftcc tnlht
Attukwml fr
DirtO urcuWI&n, cold
air irtmilMrhsit
tiptlUw ht
All irimi
lhtUt COtl
OA cevcitw
X The
JCL. f.
1 Mk I
SSSTSSSSSSSSSVisV V ,'1VV IVL1 tsssssssssst sssssr ssr M i
If I 1tMt..tM.CMa W ITm UM.IV
Doiit think oi selecting a Base
JBurner without first learning of tha m-
proved features of Pdninsular Stovos.
tmlt ( lutl
fjiUnr ftemflo
udrswn Irjat baa
of lor,hrttcvkncl
tha renihnitKrn dlvtk
ee u.lnthtcitttr
trdUhne surf t
nt'int ease
Alt nlcVtt
through- the solid sides of the
stove. The extra radiation glvos
one-halt more heat with any given
I amount of fuel. It In a festure of
srreat lmDortbhre to vou It means
great economy In fuel,
21 S s65
Thd bist stovos
on earth for the
to Suit
money. 80 dif-
ftrent styles to
choose from.
Every unit of .heal Is
utilised In the lm
(proved 1' e n I n sular
heaters Dy a new
flue system the air Is
taken from the floor
and Is passed up be
tween the uppor flues
and tho nan pit, where
it Js heatad'to a Very
high degree-and -discharged
through "tho
opening In the base
eoction, Tins now
Plue System puts-
aver -800 square N
VncneM extra radiating
surface top wprk. n
It eviuent mat the
beat vrlll pass
through these
i mil ier than
Yaur Old STOVE Accepted
as Part Payment on a
New On.
Made of solid oak,
tr mna -well coniruuicu
Ftenoh bevel plate
mirror, specially
priced at
mi r 1 1 1 t it -i i in in imi mi i vvvr Jrc cyzr
SEATTLE, Wash.. Oct. .-After Su
pertor Judge John E. Humphries had runt
twelvo men and els women to the county
Jail today for contempt of his cvurt,
consultation of other judces of the hu-
perior 'court was held. Xliorwald Pleg-
fred, an attorney, who previously hnd
complained to .the association 'of
Judge Humphries In regard to hie uss of
tho writ of Injunction, was "requested to
apply for a, writ jof procedure.
Siegfried applied to Judge Everett Smith
for the release of Glenn Ifp'ver, an attor
ney for the Free Speech Defense league
and former Assistant Attorney dencrAl'of
Washington, and 6. M. Hodgson, qno uf
the signers of "resolutions of protest"
against Judge Humphries' antl-.itrjct
speaking Injunctions, and they wote re-!
leased on their own recognizance, fiaoh
had a short tlmo before been sentenced
to pay 100 fine for contempt, while In
addition Hoover had been "forevor dis
barred" by Judge Humphries and Hodg
son was sent to Jail for six months.
Jlidge Smith said he would release all
the prisoners who sought freedom on
writs or habeas corpus.
Humphries Angry.
Judge Humphries "was very angry when
he heard ot the consultation ot his fel
low Judges and the release ot two of the
prisoners. He made a statement to the
press In which he . denounced the other
,The scene In Judge Humphries' nuurt
late today was remarkable. ' The court
room was Jammed to suffocation and the
crowd Interrupted and applauded fre
quently. Most of the prisoners when ar
raglned expressed anew their contempt
for the Judge and defied h'lm to do his
worst. Glenn Hoover, attorney for the
prisoners, was fined, disbarred and or
dered removed to Jail as soon as he be
gan to speak. '
Attorney H. M. Wells, socialist candi
date for mayor at the last election, was
disbarred without being permitted to
speak a word In self-defense.
Mrs. Humphries, secretary of a social
ist local, was dismissed with a small tine,
the Judge saying he did not wish to
humiliate a member of his own Scotch
AK jgjfc PKr
Gate City League.
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Dudley ', .' 116 W 17? 433
Swansor 12 104 1M Ml
Llndsey "7 W 1S4 417
Totals J8C 285 4fiJ U3I
F. O. E. NO. 38.
1st. 2d. Jd, Total.
Hempel 116 11! 113 341
Hehrens IS 1M H 355
Rles 1S7 189 141 487
Total , :'. 4W . ?1 0. 1,193
V.l TlfrilMljHB.
. 1st 2d. ' 3d. Total.
Learn ISO ISO ITS 547
Shaw 473 177 1S9 SIS
Dober ..: 180 ' 1ST lal 632
Sclple .,.,..,....,?. 13 '131 .ISO . iiS
Fii'..:..,'.Z.....T... as- isa ts2
, Totals '.,".;., ssT' ssi'
1st'. U'. id Total.
Lane .147 190 141 471
Munroe l&t. 14S 1JJ 447
Btlne , '156 17 . 114 Itt
Lemon t H3 133 139, Vi
Hofmann 114 181 189 Bit
Totals 772 876 8a 5,470
The Persistent 'and Judicious Use ot
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to
Business Success.
Hsxry Williams, the Omaha boy who
Is possessed of the famous pair of hands
than can completely Surround a regula
tion sized base" .ball,, blew into town from
New York, where he played with Frank
Chance's Highlanders. Williams sprajned
his hand severely- some time ago and
Chance decided to send him home as 'he
would be unable to play- any more this
A large band of Harry's friends and clan.
mwiy inwrraiea ins were on nana ai mo; Mrs, William McNally stood up with a
Smoke house to see the big leaguer and baby In her arms. . The Judge said he
congratulate him. Harry has many did not wish to lend a baby to Jail.
friends hefo because he has mado his "Never mind," the woman, said, literally.
nome nere. and played on the Bupcrlor "The baby Is as guilty as I, am,"
root bail team several seasons. she was fined 1100 and sent to Jail with
wpeaKing ot FranK Chance and the; the baby and a little boy, The woman's
Highlanders, Williams says that ho Is. husband, a Spanish war veteran, also was
ready to sign any minute to help Chance! fined 1100 and sent to Jail. Six women
grab the permant next year and he is and two children are In the county lall
certain that it will ako a mighty goodl tonight.
team to beat the old peerless leader out During the Judge's lecture on, the evil of
or me cnensnea rag. "Uiano8 is a won- street speaking he declared that Albert R.
dor said Harry, and he has a team of. Parsons, tho anarchist hanged In Chicago
Made ofi'feeleeted
RANIE ONLY $29.75.
The celebrated "Peninsular" Steel Range
and the price Is only 139.76. It Is a 6
hole range, with high wanning closet,
made throughout ot heavy gauge cold
rolled steel plate, rlvlted together like a
steam boiler guaranteed to heat, coolf
and bake to your entire satisfaction It
is a blgifuel saver.svlentlfio construction,
smoke consuming flues, ventilated fire
box, duplex grata for coal or wood, Urge
oyen steel oven back, asbestos oven lin
ing, balance over door, making a shelf,
broad fire bottom, circulation of hot air
around entire oven, insuring even baiting;
nanusome mckoi trim
mings all over. A nign-
srrade ntael rAiie. thor
oughly guaranteed. The
biggest value you eyer
saw. Sale price only. ..
Credit Terssg to Knit.
n r ,4 . n 1 1 .1 - I.
lluffet. with a lined
drawer for silverware,
French bevel mirror,
now at.
solid .oaJt, hsayy ftt
and substantial, MM
extends to 6' feet. JTW.
Special this sal,e,..F
Iron Bed
A koort substnn
tlafbed In Ver
nls Martin, gold
bronxe. Special
this sale
youngsters and veterans that will work1
together like a machine and I can't See
how any one is going to beat us out of
a slice of the world's series money next
year.. .Chance Js the best leader' In the
business and the .players are the best
players in the major leagues today, so
after the Haymarket rluts, was guilty of
murder through .incitement to riot. An
elderly woman dressed In black, standing
on a chair In the rear ot the court room,
Judge Humphries expects to take up the
remainder ot the, cases tomorrow. He
It stands to .reason that Philadelphia,! has said that the supreme court, which
Cleveland, Washington and the rest of
them will have to take a back seat next
CALUMET. Mich., Oct. 3. Asserting
that the copper strike situation In his
district Is beyond his control, Sheriff
Heptlng of Keweenaw county wired to
night an appeal to dovernor Ferris for
troops. His action followed a meeting
of the county supervisors, at which the
situation was discussed.
Governor Ferris promptly wired to Gen
eral p. L. Abbey, In command of the
troops here, asking him to do everything
possible for Sheriff Heptlng under the
existing cfrcitras.tencee.
has issued two writs against him, has
no Jurisdiction. Another list of elahteenv" ur 1
signatures to tha resolutions .defiance! 01 tne gamt
was thrust Into his bands by an attorney
while the Judge was on the bench today,
making (CO in all.
No Welcome Awaits
Militant Chief from
Pennsylvania Women
WASHINGTON, Oct. S.-The RUsslan
any sort, cordial or otherwise, awaits
Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst from Pennsyl
vania suffragists, upon her visit to this
country. This was the dictum voiced today
at tho headquarters of the Equal Fran
chise federation here. Mrs. F. M. RQes
sng, president of the Pennsylvania
branch ot the association, said that Mrs.
Pankhurst had not been invited to the
United states by suffragists and that
the militant wbuld not be welcomed.
Mrs. J. O. Miller, local president, sad
Mrs. Pankhurst "will find only ullght
opportunity In this city of discoursing
upon the agonies of forcible feeding, since
members of the woman's suffrage party
Intend to ingore the presence of the
English woman and do all In their power
to prevent her opeaklng here."
This public statement was put out from
the suffragist headquarters here today;
"Pittsburgh suffragists have pledged
themselves to Jotn with the Equal Fran
chise federation of Pennsylvania In fight
ing against the interference of the mili
tants and Mrs. Pankhurst will find the
doors of the local suffrage enthusiasts
closed to her, no matter how loudly she
may shou,t 'volts for women.' "
KEARNEY, Neb., Oct. I.-(8peclal Tel
egram.) Grand Island High school
proved easy for the Kearney Military
academy this afternoon when the foot
ball game between the two teams ended
14 to 0- in favor of the academy.
The first half, of play was staged In
Ube academy's territory-and the Islanders
several times threatened the Kearney
In the second half the Kearney Mili
tary academy steadied down and used
good team work. The eighty-yard run
by Nlmrna, after he had caught a nice
pass tor a touchdown, was the star play
brand Jury that has been considering
charges in connection with the escape of
Hurry K, Thaw from Matteawan asylum
will be discharged next Monday, The
Jury took a recess list week Until Octo
ber 6 and it Is understood no indictments
were found against Thaw or anyone else
who might have been charged with help
ing him to escape.
NEW YORK, Oct. S.Mystery per
plexed investigators tonight in the case
of Hermann Oelrlchs, millionaire law
student at Columbia university, and MU
Lucille Singleton, daughter of a Texas
mine owner, Although Oelrlchs was held
In a magistrate's court today for a hear.
Ing next Tuesday on the charge that he
stabbed the girl Irf the breast while they
were n his automobile a few nights ago,
the question exists as to whether she re
ceived her injuries In this manner or
from the ragged points of the broken
windshield through wh'ch she was
thrown when young Oelrlchs' car crashed
Into a tree.
The case further was complicated by a
statement by Oelrlchs' lawyers to the ef
fect that a third person, said -to be a
Columbia university student, was in tho
machine with Oelrlchs and Mies Btnglq
ton. The Identity of this porson was not
disclosed by Oelrlchs' lawyers, who char
acterised "ns absolutely ridiculous the
charge that their client stabbed Miss Singleton.
Editor Pindell is
Acceptable to Czar
PITTSBURGH, Oct. .-No reception of
government, In reply to an Inquiry from
the State department, has signified that
Henry M. Pindell, the Peoria, 111., edi
tor, will bo acceptable as American am
bassador to Russia to succeed Curtis
Guild of Massachusetts, resigned. It Is
expected Air. Pindoll's nomination Will
bo sent to the senate Immediately,
There Is something In the air at this
time of the year that 'has a' very drying.
Irritating effect on. the' nostril and. .air
passages ot the head and throat. A
cough and cold frequently follows these
symptoms, and. Foley's Honey and Tar
Compound Is a strong deiuuloent remedy
that gives prompt relief. Use It tor
coughs, colds, tickling throat, hoarseness
arid bronchial coughs; best for children,
and ' grown ' persons. Keep it at heme,
and quick relict, will follow Its use. Con
tains no opiates. For sale by all dealers
everywhere. Advertisement.
Persistent Advertising Is the' Road .to
Big Returns.
To California
And North Pacific Coast Points
Daily tp.Optobcr lOtl. via Rock Tslanja Lines
Tourist Sleeping Cars daily viaJolorado
tho scenic route and via El Pasqjithev direct
route of lowest altitudeB, , .
. -.
Choice of Three .Routes
Via Colorado Scenic Route toJSalt ijo&TQijty
then,qo "Western xPncif io throKeiUh'er Bivor
Canyon. Via Colorado Scenit? Jspui ijlt
Lake City and Ogden thorny1 &u'ttiehi
Via El Pasp.and Now Mexico the idiifecjt route
of lowest altitudes in connection with-the E.-P.
& S. W. and Southern Pnoific
For tickets Hnd reservations;.
14th ana Farnani. vf,'ol V, Bl'dg.