Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1913, EDITORIAL, Page 14, Image 16

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    TllK BEE: 0MA11A, SAT I 1U)A, (K fOBLU 4, UU3.
Fashion Hint
BrandeU Store FOR MEN
New Entrance on 16th St.
Jutt North ot Douglas
Altered, Improved and
Greatly Enlarged
See Brandeis Stores
PAGE AD on Page JO
Announcing a Score
of Important Events
f Society j
Friday, October 3, 1913.
LTHOUQH the Board of Governors of Ak-Sar-Don are having a mo8t
Aatrenuous tlmo this week, attending the new king and taking cam
of the many loyal subjects who have arrived In the city for tho
coronation festivities, they still find time to think of others.
By virtue of their thoughtfulnosa Sacred Heart ocadomy was given a
splendid musical program Thursday morning by 6no of the bands hired to
jplay during the week's festivities. In making the original arrangements
tho governors hired tho music for continuous playing during cortatn hours
of each day, and when the bands havo not been busy In the Immediate
behalf of Bamson they wero sent out to the various institutions in Omaha
and asked to give a number of selections. Ncedloss to nay, the concerts
wera much appreciated.
Tor Visitors'.
Many affairs are being given for the
out of town visitors to the coronation
bail Thursday Miss Mary Burkley en
tertalned at luncheon for Mlas dertnide
McCarthy ot Chicago, guest of Mlis
Marlon Kuhn, after whloh they attended
tha German day parade. Among the
parties planned for Mlas Alice Judge of
St. Loult, sunt of Mrs. Charles Mets,
Jr Is the Orpheum party to be given
Friday by Mlta Oertrude Mets. Miss Mc
Carthy of Chicago will alto be an honor
gutat. Mies McCarthy will also attend
tha afternoon bridge planned for Satur
day br Miss Bertha Dickey for Mlas
Irtiey Hawk of Battle Creek, Mich., who
is visiting Miss Katherine Beeson.
Women's Golf Club.
Tha meeting of the 'Woman's Golf no
eiatlon planned for Friday Afternoon was
pott ported until next week on account
ef tho Ak'$atBn festivities. Friday of
next week the women will play on the
gelt Jinks of the Council Bluffs Rowing
sedation with Mrs. F. J. Desptcher as
Mrs. Edward Momell postponed tho
Mar Whist club today until Friday, Oc
tober W, on account ot Ak-Ear-Ben.
afar Briiil Party.
iaturday vntng Mr. and Mrs. Charles
.Zfardlng wilt entertain at dinner In
k-enor of Miss Doris Wood and Mr. Max
Bsgh'tol, whose wedding will take place
Tuesday evening, October 7.
Ttr the Mature.
Mr. and Mrs. F. n. Klnkenon will en
tertsin tho Bon Homle club at their
tuoene Saturday evening.
Mm. J, X. Morrison entertained the
TJseta rif club at her home Friday
a4teeeH in honor of hir guest, Mrs.
A Us Murphy o; Lincoln, Neb.
Vnlrmlty Chrt.
7s University elub has sent out cards
Me members announcing that the club
fwt woutA oyen Sundays between
tv keurs tt U s. m. an4 11 p. m.
Or. and Mrs. F. J. Deeyechsr will en
10 o'clock, the Ilev. V. W. Leavltt of the
First Congregational church officiating.
The out-of-town guests wept Mr. and
Mrs. Harry McKee and Mrs. Elmer Pot
ter ot Stuart, la. After October 6 Mr,
and Mr a. Wood will be at home in
StUart, la
in and Out of the Bee Hive.
Dr. J. 8. CJoets and Miss Elsie Ooets
Save returned from a three-weeks' cast
ern trip. ,
Lieutenant and Mrs. E. M. Bowman of
Lincoln arc the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
C. C. rtonewater until after the ball.
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Mets of Babetha.
Kan., and Mrs. I. II. Clewell ot Solomon
aro In thn city, the guests of Mr., and
Mrs. W. W. Kerr during carnival week.
Mies KUen Barker of Chicago arrived
Friday morning to be the guest of
Miss Elizabeth Congdon for the corona
tion ball and the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities,
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Baldrlge returned
Tuesday after upending1 aeveral weeks at
their summer home In Maine. Enrouto
home they atopped at New York City,
Cpncord and other eastern cities.
at a theater party on Monday
for 'Mrs. Charles Whltaker of
Cssfttt Mo., who Is visiting Mrs. George
sjswar m Mrs. entries warun.
M weMln of Miss Elsie Louise Mc
xs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Harry
MeXs of Stuart, la,, to Mr, Reynolds
rre Wood took place at the home of
Mrs. F. F. Reynolds Tuesday morning at
Danoe Hall May Be
Opened on the Fifth
Floor of City Hall
A dancing school may be opened on the
fifth floor of the city hall by the Board
of Education, if the plan Is approved
folk dancing will ba taught to tho sohool
teachers. Games are now played by the
trainers and dancing Is sometimes In
dulged In In the room which may be
made the official dance hall of the sohool
Teachers who are Interested In the
.beautiful folk dances taught In the public
schools are taking lessons xrom on in
structor who Is paying a high rent for ft
halt This instructor says she will NduCo
the price of the lessons 50 per cent If she
Is allowed' to conduct her classes on the
fifth floor- ot tho city hall.
Dr. E. Holovtchlner, president. of the
Ward of Education, Is interested In the
plan and Is discussing It with other ineW-
bers of the board,
rsssr tjfff" "
Miss Daisy Fry. 21-year-old daugateV
of Mr, an Mrs. Thomas A. Fry, Is re
ported as getting along splendmly after
the operation, which she, underwent
Thursday for appendicitis. Bhe was taken
suddenly 111 Wednesday evening and an
operation was decided upon at once when
It was .teamed that she was suffering
with the dreaded Illness.
MlflrFry Is a sister to the late Helen
Fry, who died last August at Hot
Springs, a D following an operation for
Saturday Specials,
That Will Interest You
I Card Table
Skturd&y is a favorite (shopping1 day. w aim
to cpiH special pric on Saturday on articles in every
djNMimrit that are needad in avry family. A few are
ejueWd. below. They are from our new fall etock w
jiairt nothing but new stock and the reductions will
make it worth your while to oome is.
m Library Table $39.75
Size 32-inoh by 54-inoh.
IToavy Mission Design.
Saturday special In Drapery
Department. 00-ln. by 3-yd,
Couch Cover, reversible, is
worth at regular price $3.00;
special Saturday your choice.
for 31.25
30q Scrim; white, cream and
ocru; special 20d
$3.75 Scrim Curtains, sev
eral styles, all shades; your
choice 82.25
Living Room Specials
Comfort&blo Living Boom Furniture in tho popu
lar fumed oak. "Wo aro exclusive Belling agents for tho
two best lines of Arts and Crafts Furniture, inoluding
tho original Gustav Stickloy line. You will find many
pieces specially priced.
$62.50 Davenport ... .$54.00
$37.00 Kocker $32.50
$37.00 Chair , $32.50
$44.00 Library Table S30.75
9 f 19.00 Chair , $10.50
$38.00 Rocker , $23.75
$46.00 Bookcase n $42,50
New DepRrtrnent Steves and Kitckea Ware
Heating Stoves $9.00 to $62.50
Eanges 30.00 to $40.00
hashing Machines, Sowing Machines, Wash Boards,
Wringers in fact all tho useful things fpr the kitchen.
Beaton (EL Laier Company
415-17 S. lftk Street PaymaU if you with
Lit Wata" card table a dur
able featherweight table. Mahog
any finish frame, rubber tipped
folding legs. Choice of Imitation
leather or felt top. A $3.60. table
one to a customer 32.48
Axralnster 27x54; special, 31.75
A complete assortment. This la
value you should see you will
appreciate It at once.
Original tallor-raado suit In nattier
blue moire striped In green silk. The
coat, a little long at back, is curvod short
at front to th waist and crossed over to
fasten with two paasamentcrte buttons,
making a round point, and Is cut also
curved open on the front cheat to th
neck, -when It Is fastened under a white
linen embroidery collar, making two
long points at front and a narrow round
band at back; the shoulder pjece is a
triangle, large side at the nrmhole and
the point at neck; the three-quarter
alcoves are cut straight and loose and
ore gathered at the bottom In a coarse
cord piping. In same material. The plain,
short, round- skirt has a tunic above to
the knee and curved round on the points
the coat,, seeve, tunlo and skirt are
edged round with a coarse cord piping
covered .with same material.
Omaha Women Will
Have Benefit of the
m t n n n i
l u,arui reduction
"We havo our buyers In Nsw York
ready to take advantage of the big In
ftux of Imported goods which have been
waiting for (he aasag.e of the new tariff
measure," saia josepn nayaen, ncaa 01
the firm ot Hayden Bros.
"Our buyers havo bn watching thle.
movs with keen Interest and wo hope to
glrs Omaha women tho first benefits
of the reductions which will be made
by many articles being admitted fres
of duty and many with Important re
Press dispatches carried tha Informa
tion this weolc that already there has ar
rived In Nsw York MT.W.OOO worth ot
Imported silks, laces and women's wear
ing apparel, nearly all In tha hands of
the Importors, who will bo ready to place
the goods on the market as soon as they
may be arranged for display after ar
The announcement that the president
was to sign the measure was received
by the large stores In Omaha with great
Interest) because It means that there
will be a radical reduction In many ar
tides of woman's wearing apparel.
Arthur t, Brandels said that his firm
had nothing now in New York In bond
walUna for the signing of the measure,
but 'that the buyers were waiting for the
arrival ot Imports at the new prices and
would hasten them to Omaha as soon as
Philpott Brings
Back Duck Yarns
Vred Philpott is back from Worthing
ton. Minn-, where he went on a vacation
and at the aam time to look after the
disposition of the crop on one ot hi
Minnesota farms.
While In Minnesota Mr IUpott gave
some attention to duck hunting and re
turns w)th a collection of hunting stories
that entitles him to a membership In the
Ananias club. He spent considerable
time at farm houses near the lakes and
formed the habit of getting up nt
o'clock in the morning to go out hunting
ducks. The shooting commenced as soon
as daylight came and continued until
about I o'clock. Philpott declares that
several mornings h shot from seventy
five to eighty ducks and upon one occa
sion killed ninety, They were all shot
from blinds In the edgta of the swamps
around the lakes.
Men 's and Young Men 's
A 2-Button ModelS
Business Suit at..'
A Shawl Collar Me-$ -t A 75
dium length O'rcoatJL TT
Saturday we inaugurate a sale
of eight hundred men's and young
men's overcoats and suits, the result
of a fortunate purchase in the New
York market. Not one in the collec
tion is worth less than $17.50; most
of them are worth $20 and $22.50,
and a number of them are regularly
valued at $25--all go in one group,
for one day, at one price, $14. 75.
The sale could not he more
timely. The suits and overcoats
could not be better adapted to the
new season. Each one is an up to
the hour style. Chinchilla belted
overcoats, shawl collar melton or
kersey overcoats, notched collar
dress overcoats, English model suits,
two button dressy suits with soft
roll collars. Fabrics and patterns
are above criticism just as the values are high
above comparison with ordinary clothes of'
fered in the ordinary way.
A Belted 'Back Chin
chilla Overcoat. .$14. 75
A3-B tit ton Models 175
Business Suit.l....
Good Values in Fall SHIRTS
Coat front Shirts shirts with
pleated bosoms neweat fall
patterns styles that tf 1C
men of good taste al- I
ways seek are here, Jl
apoclally priced
Ken's rail HegHgee Shirts, la
patterns that show good taste,
and aoaUtlea that prove good
z::$-ivr 75c& 55c
Sample Gloves
300 pairs Men's Kid
Gloves, Mittens and
Gauntlets, lined and
unllned, and posi
tively worth up to SI
and II 25 a pair,
Brandeis Special HA TS at $2
Samples of Union Underwear
are here and the values are the
talk of the town; worth regu
larly up to S3 and $3.50 four
Men's Ziambswool Undershirts SWEATER
ana Drawers, acariet aaa tan,
at 91.25
Msn's "US all Wool Dray Un
dershirts and Drawers at . . 83c
Men s 85c quality IJsle
at, pair
Men's Wool Sweater Coats
lluff Neck or Byron Collars,
worth ur- to . xea to S4.oa
Boys' Wool Sweater Coats that
jus poslttvsly worth up to
Tliey have been sell
ing regularly at 15a
and 19c pair, but this
Is a very special of
fer at. pair
Derbies In the proper blocks
for the new season Felt Hats
In the latest models for fall
wear Hats that show their
style ana quality ana prove
ineir wear in long service.
imo more satisfactory
hat can bo bought at
iiny price man tne
iiranaeiB special"
at.. , ,
Famous Stetson Hats
f.arf e",B lf Omaha for
!-i0hatft ,known the world
w . moir superior worth.
S service.
rtOV We show every popular style
a "o vast range or tn. cn
2.?w Prison models. 9.5U
f l The price here cj
The velours are those soft, furry, "beaver-like" f p-
hats that thousands of the better dressed men NJ 10 pfc
affect. Thn nrlceH hern are "
An Immense lot of Men's Soft Hats, Stiff Hats r fi
and up-to-date Winter Caps many $S values, JyJjQ
The Burlington announces that begin
ning Octobtr 20 It will Inaugurate tri
weekly service on Its line west of Caaper,
Trains will leave Klrby at T o'clock a.
rtt, Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays,
reacning rasper ai 1 p. in., iteiurning,
the trains will leave Caaper for the west
at T a. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat
Chambers' Academy of Dane-
iruj will open season 1913-14
for lessons and olasswork,
October 7th, 1013.
Applications for enrollment in classes
can bo made now by calllnjr H-1H71,
New entrance on 25th Street.
Roller Skating will begin
October 14th.
Entrance oa Fai-sara Street,
Certificates for
Lincoln Highway
Association Here
instead of selling 5.000 certificates of
membership to tho Uncoln Highway as-
in Nebraeka at S5 each. H. E.
Fredrlckson. counsel tor the state of
Nebraaka to the association, will attempt
to sell J5.CO0, which will net S1JS.C00 for
the building ot the highway through the
state of Nebraska.
The first lot ot certificates has ar
rived In the city and Mr. Fredrlckaon
says he has orders for over TOO In the
city of Omaha alone. He Is figuring on
selling about 10.000 in Douglas county
and the remaining 16.000 throughout the
rest of the state
Burglars Crack Safe
at Benson Get $300
The safe in the sior of the Kundsen
nmrerv ocmranv. Nenson was blown open
Thursday night with common gunpowunr
and WOO taken. The safe, weighing W)
pounds, was carried from the first floor
to tn ceimr -
compllahed. The sheriffs office Is hand
ling the case and an Investigation this
morning led the authorities to believe
that It was opened by amateurs, for pro
cr.lnnsla would have used "soup.'
Twnniv Sheriff Foster believes that
most of the money secured Is scorched
or shows the effect of the explosion, for
th remaining contents of the aafe are
damaged. Four S3) bills and four S gold
Btacta Wars & Part of the cash stolen.
Zeralda Couch, 11 years of age. waa
Blven ftrat prise for nut cakes exhibited
at the Douglas county fair at the car
nival. ' Other prises were awarded to
Mrs. N. Kahn, first, for finest and larg
est assortment of Jelly, while Mrs. S. X.
Lenleux carried away second honors.
For the largest assortment of pickles
Mrs. Nellie Randolph waa awarded first
prise. Mrs. S. X- Lentetix also captured
first prize for yellow sponge cake and
sugar loaf cookies.
Keep a box of Armour' Bouillon
Cubes on your pantry shelf and
you can have delicipus bouillon at
any hour of the day or niht
bouillon fall of the rich flavor of beef
blended with fresh garden vegeta
bles and the correct seasoning.
Drop a cuto to a cup akot iraftr. That't all
In boxes of It, M and M st
Grocer sod DrucrltU everywhere
SmsIwVm rteiiol
Formerly Sold
up to $1.35
Saturday at
l m l
"Ne'er Do Well., by Ilex
Beach; "Money Mooiu" by
Jeftery Farnold; "Flam
sted Quarries." by Mary E.
Walker; "Strawberry
Acres." by draco Richmond;
'Prlno of Prairie.-' by Mar
aaret Hill McCarter; "Com
mon Law." by Itobt. W
Chambers; "Winning of
Harbara Worth." by Harold
Dell Wright; "Spinner in
the Bun." by Myrtle need.
"Me Smith," by Caroline Loclt
hart; "Mary Midthorne," by Qeo.
BarrMcCutcheon; "Blue Flower,"
by Mary Van Dyke; "Mind of the
Paint Girl," by Pinero & Tracy;
Capt. Warren Ward," by Job
eph Lincoln; "Bolted Door." by
George Glbba: "Joyce of the
North Woods," by Harriet. Cora
etock: "Head Coach," by Ralph
u. rajne.
All 50c Each in Our Book Department
Tho Omaha Bee is the Best Medium in Its Territory.
j Persistent Advertising is the Bond to Big Returns -