BRIEF CITY NEWS rcophrni. iTUlu prspirsd. Vetera Trust Co. Ur 1st? Y. Fann Mutual. Qould &iahtlntf rixtnras. Barrtssarnds& Oo. FldtUty StorMT Ik Tan Co. Doug. 1516. Ht Boot Stint It Now Beacon "Press. Trust fundi and tiUtoi ad.nlnlstered. Permanency and stability Is backed by a capital and surplui or $(00,000. Peters Trust Co. Biff Trees Being; Out Sows The big cottonwood trees on the lot at the south east corner of Twentieth and Douglas are being cut down, proving to be a big job for the workmen. It Is understood that the property will be Improved not later than this spring. Dewey Hotel Barely Paid That the Dewey hotel for a considerable period bnfnra It wna tlpKtrovrtl hv fire last SDrlnK was scarcely paying expenses, was ln-J formation given to tho district court In papers Tiled In connection with the wind ing up of the receivership or Mrs. Agnas Wllklns. Judge English signed an order discharging her. Hake Money on Stand Tho specta tors' stand, erected for the parades In front of the city hall and court houfe, are being already pulled down. The elevator conductors and janitors who erected tho city hall stand on their own resources In the absence of an appro priation by the council, say the sale of tickets has given them their money back, and about $25 surplus. MoXenzle Visits Old rrlends Charles McKonile, for many years a resident or Nebraska and In business at Pender, but now a member of the city council of Losj Angeies, v.ui., is in mc tn. .-muu.o i . 11 . . 1 1. ...111 r. n n ! ttij. mpMlntf uswu, nima no . .. -- j of bankers. During his stay In the cltyi Mr. McKenzte called on his numerous, friends and boosted for California, whero, he says most of the Nebraskans are pros pering. Philosophical Society Will Open The Omaha Philosophical society opens Its fall term on Sunday, October 5, at 3 o'clock, In the Labor temple, Nineteenth and Far nam streets, third floor. The speaker of the day Is J. W. Woodrough, well known Omaha lawyer and one of the ln"struc.tors In the Crelghton Law school. His subject Is, "Protection or Free Trade," a subject of greater economic Importance than any other now before the American people. Mrs. "Walter I. Smith to Hectare "ne tponslblllty" will be the subject of a lec ture by Mrs. Walter 1. Smith of Council Bluffs, before the Theosophlcal society, room 20, Baldrlge-Wead building, Twentl 5th and Farnam streets, on Sunday eve ning. That man Is responsible to a greater extent than he perhaps realizes for existing conditions, oven though he denies that responsibility, and can remedy by his thoughts. and actions many of the so-called misfortunes usually laid to other causes will be discussed from the Theo sophlcal standpoint. The lecture Is open to the pabllc and Is free. Deutsohes Haus Welcomes Merry . Making Visitors The German Home. 4406 South Thir teenth street, was the scene of an ava lanche et joval Germans Thursday even ing, who congregated at the ."Deutsches Haus to make merry after what was con sfdered by many the biggest and beat parade of the Ak-Sar-Ben pageants. "A program of entertainment had been prepared for tho guests, but owing to the tremendous and unexpected crowd, this was abandoned and the "evening w? spent In dancing and an ellVaround good time. The festivities kept up unabated until well after midnight and songs both, German and American made the walls of the structure shiver with the strength of their singing. It was the larseut crowd by far that has ever gathered at the Home, and all who enjoyed the hos pitality of the house, which was ten dered In the wholesale German manner, left the building loud In praises of the hosts. AFFAIRS AT S0UTH nQMAHA Soon Under Way. STEPPING STOKE TO TRADES ONE OF THE LEADING ATTRAC 1 TIONS ON KING'S HIGHWAY. Hojr Specnlntora See Sinn of Hlnh est Pricea on Itecord for Pork era Before ithe Winter la Over. Culls from the Wire Maxim Gorky, the Russian novelist, who lives in a villa on the Island of Capri, Is ill wth tuberculosis. The Canadian cabinet Is expected to take up the question of admitting grain from the United States free of duty at the session of Parliament which opens early In January. King Gustav of Sweden Is suffering from the effects of an operation for ap pendicitis performed In 1910 and has been obliged to take to his bed at Skabersjoe castle to undergo special treatment. Mrs. Joseph H. Cooper, 65 years old, was found dead and her husband, TO years old, was found dying In their home at Mount Vernon, Ark., yesterday by sons of a neighbor who went to Investi gate when the couple had not been seen for several days. Physicians say the aged couple starved to death. It took most of the officials and pages an hour yesterday to "shoo" out of the solemn chamber of the house of repre sentatives a young whippoorwlll which got in past the doorkeepers and could not find 'Its way out.- After many expe dients had been tried a page opened a skylight and the bird flew out. Honieapnn Homilies. Gabe Toots seer For meanln' nothln', my guess Is, 'VYours respectfully." Every once In a while up hops some feller with ther statement that eggs 'It keep six months Jes" like we didn't al ready know It. An' jes' to think. Oncet was a time when 'Twinkle. Twinkle. Little Star." "Little Brown Jug" and "Jockey Cap and Feather" was among the "Oh. Oh, Oh!" ditties. Pretty soon there ain't goln" to be nothln' left to Investigate but ther In vestigators. Lots er fellers ought to be named Algy that ain't. The easiest thing In ther world Is to write boost talk about a rich debutante. Spokane Republic. Within a week It. Is expected that the new manual training department of the South Omaha High school will be In full operation at tho new quarters, Twenty fourth and J streets. Tho new depart ment is a late departure In the local high school and Is being Introduced un der the combined approval of the school hoard and Superintendent N, M. Gra ham. During several recent trips to the east Superintendent Graham male In vestigations of manual training where It has been adopted. At the closing ex ercises a year ago he publicly Insisted upon the ned of such a department In the South Omaha school district. President 12. R. Leigh and the mem bers of the board after carefully study ing the situation decided to spend sev eral thousand dollars on Ihe new de partment. It 1b especially designed to assist those high school students who have not the aptitude to continue their academic studies at the university or who Intend to pursue some trade as a means of livelihood. For the present the students will be given the rudlmsnlary work in wood craft and machine work. Later, how ever, It Is hoped that the Idea will blos som Into a trade school Where the young high school graduate may fit himself for a means of livelihood while at the samo time developing his mind In the academic branches. Heretofore many of the South Omaha High school boys have gone Into laboring work or Into a poorly paid clerkship because tV.ey were unable to attend the university or because they could not afford the extra time needed to learn a trade. It Is hoped that the trade school will allow the student to complete the regular school work and enough of the trade apprenticeship to enable htm to need but & short time un der a Journeyman after he quits or graduates ' from school. Exjpeet lflark Host Pricea. 'Hog speculators - and commission men at the Union Stock. Yards noted with Interest yesterday the beginning of an advance In the price of hogs which It Is privately said may eventuate In record pork prices this year. The1 market yes terday openc.d with a promise that failed when it appeared that the big ' buyers were going to buy at their own prices or not at all. 'Shipments of hogs are coming In with a liberality that Is In line with the sea son. Men handling the receipts, how ever, say that the market In hogs this year Is going to soar. Various reasons for the expected fancy prices are as signed, but it was said contldently by heavy buyers that the prices of hogs this year would . touch a record nevf r before attained. LaTelle In Hpirnrd'a Place. As has been expected' for some time, Pat Lavelle, democratic councilman from the Fifth ward, has befrn appointed to the place of Jerry Howard. The letter of appointment 'was received by Lavelle some days ago. Under pressure Howard resigned some time .ngo( the resignation to take effect October 1. Lavelle, until recently, worked for the Union Stock Yards. gee the Bis; Show. You have .seen the big Bhow. but have you seen the interesting show? Have you been to Flynns? Wo have asked you to oome. We aro begging, you now to take a look through this fine big, clear, up-to-date bunch of wearing apparel we have gathered for you. We have done our duty for you; worked harder than you would believe to produce In mind a com bination of quality, style and price that would meet favor' from the most exact inir mirchaser. We. have It and we are begging you, yes, begging you for a' look. Of course, we have a reason, but ypu will find It just; as profitable to you as to us. Respectfully. JOHN FLYNN & CO. Music City Qoaalp. Sam McDowell of Armdur and company Is In Memphis. Neb.; on business. A. G. Spangler of Hermosa, S. D Is the guest of South Omaha friends for a few days. Miss Frances Nlcholsen of Fort- Crook was the guest of the Misses Auer this week. For a case of Jitter's Old Acs or Gold Top beer, call So. SO., Prompt delivery to an pans oi tne ciiy. wm. jeiier. 3Uss Minott Christiansen of Des Moines, la.. Is tho guest of South Omaha friends this weeK. There will be a meeting of the Orchard Hill Improvement .club this evening at Thrrty-nlrith and vl streets. Mrs. Lulu Donahue died Wednesday afternoon at her late residence, 2006 M street. Funeral arrangements will be announced Jater. The funeral of Mrs. Thomas Donahuo will De neia tnis ariernoon at ner late residence, 1315 Munroe street. Interment will be made in Laurel mil cemetery. The inquest upon the. death of Frank Vosca. found hanging In the southwestern part of the city near the Mhuqurl river banks, will be held this morning at 9:30 o clock at LarKin's parlors. Lloyd Drummond, formerly motorcycle cop, nas neen empioyea as a watenman at Armour's, ills place as motorcycle cop Is being temporarily filled by Chief or I'oiico jonn unggs. aaBBaVHanvSHaBB V .. pnt NCESS VICTORIA. . . M v . .. L 4 .til. j . V MANN URGES JRGANIZATll London Labor Orator Givei Address at Washington Hall. GET INSIDE UNIONS, HE SAYS JVothln I.nndnir Will 11c Aceom pllnheil by Workem Asrnlnst Cnp Itnl Unleaa Under One Bnnner for All. Tom Maun of London delivered on nd drois to a large' audtctico last night In Washington hall on "Industrial folldar ity." He pleaded for tho combined or ganisation or all unions and told or the results In tho past In failure to organlzi aul totd of tho results gained by organ isation. Ono Instance that he cited wot what he termed tho "war of the -folded arms" on the part of tho sailors and all men who work on board ship which oc curred two years ago. "Time was whon there was opportunity for the working classes. Time was when tho worklngmen were told they might graze their cattle on the public lands In England. But It would be folly to tell them that now, for the worklngmen have no cattle and there Is no moro public land In England. That was 600 years ago, when workmen organized In guilds. Then there was a perfect harmony be tween, employer and employe. The men went about wllh their work with no bitter hatred In their hearts for the moneyed class. WhyT Ilecnuse the worklngmen decided under what conditions and scale of wages they would work. It was then that the (treat cathedrals and public buildings were erected, such as pose to day as the acme of architecture. They attempt at times In the present day to duplicate those remarkable works ot architecture, but the result Is a poor copy. The men feel oppressed, and when men feel oppressed they cannot do good work. "Wo will come to those conditions again that we observe In the mldJIc ages. But we will have to organize. We cannot reach that condition through an appeal to the capitalistic class. We will not appeal to the governments, to the Judiciary or to the churches, There Is no assistance there. The onjy solution Is within ourselves. It we cannot save ourselves we are lost." YOUTH DIES FROM WOUND RECEIVED WHILE HUNTING Fred O'Connell of Weeping Water, aged IS years, died at S.So o'clock Thursday morning at the Nebraska Methbdlst hos pital, as the result of a 'gunshot wound Inflicted when the weapon In the hand or a companion was accidentally dis charged white O'Connell and his Wend wero hunting Tuesday near his sister's farm, n few miles from Springfield. The body was taken to Weeping Water Thurs day afternoon for burial. MERE MAN CAN NEVER KNOW Glrla Keen Pnrkrta, hot Where Ilnrth Arc Thry bolus; to Pot Themf Our reverence for Mrs. Harriet StAnton Hlntch, who writes to the newspapers. Is so profound that wo ha'a never doubted the ultimate success or that surprising woman In her search for tho causes of feminine subjugation. We have somo times felt It necessary to conceal our veneration, but It has been there all the same, and now at last comes Its Justifi cation. Mrs. Blatch has Just returned from a sutrrago tour, and she says that hence forth every woman must have a pocket. She tells us that she feels strongly on tho pocket question. " And I have one even In my evening gowns. I don't wear my skirts as tight as aome people, but I don't believe there ever was a skirt made that didn't have a place for n pocket somewhere." Now-here Mrs. Blatch spoko without that mature deliberation that we usually associate, with her utterances, She should always count ten as a remedy for a tendency to empetuoslty In speech. When the detective In the novels Is trying to JL.i I find the secret chamber he alwaya takes me ouisian measurements of the house and then proceeds to account for tho space by measuring the rooms, haltii and stairways. We are not able practically to apply the same rule In the search for tho woman's pocket, or rather for thfc space where It might be placed. Heaven forbid that we should try. We are ot the male sex and therefore bashful, modest and retiring, but we have our eyesight and we think our little thoughts. We cannot for the life of us Imagine where such a pocket could be 'put and we would tike Mrs. Blatch to tells us, Nor nro we wholly the victim ot Ignorance or ho feminine anatomy Only last week we saw a woman In n, diaphanous skirt. We were behind her, and the glorious orb of day was Just ahead or her. She was a most trans parent and confiding disposition, and al though we hurried rapidly down a side sldo street to hide our mantling blushes we saw enough to convince us that thero was no room for a pocket In that skirt. There was no room for a one-cent stamp. There was barely room for tho lady her self. In a moment ot vertigo we caught ourselves wondering how she ever got Into It or how she would ever get out ot It But these are things that we are never; likely to know. San Francisco Argonant The Persistent and Judicious Uso ot Newspaper Advertising la the Road to Business Success. A Serlona Breakdown results from ohronlc constipation. Rr. King's New Life Pills relieve headache stomach, liver and bowel trouble. 2$c. For sale by your druggist. Advertise ment MWeWain Ire pale aad frail backward is stalies wkk vwcJtetl faces and poor fclood tkeir mail and bodies are aciuDy starved because tteir regular feed dees Mt Merid. Such children need 5c f t EmuUion above everything die; it contains nature's rarest life-giving fats; it is essentially food value blood-food and bone-food, free from wine, alcohol or harmful drug. Scott EmuUion often builds many times its weight in solid flesh its medicinal, tonic' and nutritive properties make all good food do good. IT 13 MOT A faOP. BUT A TOUNPATtOH FO STURDY GROWTH. , H SVary Pntst'H R. Avtej Sufctttut. Plan Elevation of Belt Line Tracks According to a statement by General Superintendent A. Dellernardl of tho MIc sourl Pacific railroad elevation of the Belt Line tracks, north f refill Farnam street to. Walnut Hill, Is to be accom plished In tho near future. He promised that work would be begun within the next year. Enlargement or the Leuven worth street yards and those between Nicholas and Locust streets is another achievement which Mr. DeBernnrdl ex pects will be accomplished at about tho same time. HIS GREAT IDEA SQUELCHED Gentlemanly Salesman. Muffled nt the Start, fieta Ills llf-venire The tall, slender man In tho faded suit of black had gained admission' to tho private office of the financial magnate. "I shall occuply your time only a few moments, Mr. Muntoburn," he said. "My objict In coi.ilng to you Is to enlist your Interest In my recent Invention, which Is destined, I am confident, to revolution ise " "Say, Mr. " "Olasspy, sir; my name Is Qlasspy, 1 am the Inventor of Qlosspp'B Automatic Footpad Discourager, Qlasspy's Infallible Burglar Alarm, ?nd " "I don't car what you're tho Inventor or; I haven't any time tb " "As '1 said a moment ago, Mr. Munto burn, I shall be very brier. To come to the point at once, you own a flno au tomobile; doubtless half a dozen or more. You need not tell me how, when your motor car Is standing, at the end or tho sidewalk, every passlnx boy squeezes the bulb or your squawfter. My Invention will stop that sort or thing absolutely. It Is a combination of the phonograph and the ordinary horn. ,By a turn ot the wrist you can make It sound a fierce, raucous alarm, followed by words such as these: 'Out of my way, you turtleheadl' 'Get a move on you, you human snail or I'll bump you off the earthl' Tho variations are endless. An Idle urchin paslng by your machine sequeezes the bulb. Instantly comes this shout through the flaring aperture at the other end: Watch met I'm the dinky little fool that done that!' Suppose you are threat ened with arrest by an officious police man ' "That'll do. I don't want to hear any more." "You refuse to" "I do. You can put that Infernal thing back Into Its bag and get out of here, or I'll have you thrown out." "Very good, sir." But as he put the Infernal thing back Into the bag he touched a spring and as he stalked slowly and solemnly out of the financial magnate's private office these startling words Deemed to come in a muffled sort ot squawk from the bag: "You goggle eyed, squash headed old snooozer, some day you'll glye a penny by mistake to a blind beggar, and the shock ot It will kill you." Chicago Tribune. Salesmen Will Be on the Ground Sunday and Every Afternoon Next Week We Will Furnish the Money and Build You a Home in WEARNE PARK ICE WATER FROM THE DEPTHS Spoketnp'a vr Hotel So Equipped na to Dispense with the Ice Jinn. V Twenty-rive thousand dollars for Ice water Is an Item In the cost of a JJ.000, 000 hotel being erected by a group ot Spokane capitalists, heuded by - L. M. Davenport, whose name the hostelry will tnke. This amount is being ex pended in drilling a well, already 221 feet down, and 'Installing the system ot pipes to carry tho water! of the twelve rioors and to .more than 400 dlf ferent rooms. Thus will the craft of man supplement tho underground river flow. Ing far beneath the city In eliminating need for many lce-water trips by bell boys, together with the tips which cus tom demands. To force ihe water to the top of the big hotel a twcnty-flve-horsepower pump of 150 gallons a minute capacity will be Installed In the sub-basement The. water will be first pumped Into a tank cooled by ammonia colls to a tempera ture of 10 degrees. The distributing pipes will be Insulated to keep the water at an even temperature throughout Its Journey. Every four minutes tho entlrt supply In the tank will be emptied, thut putting Ice water close to every faucet In the structure at every moment ot the day. At a depth of 220 feet Lelow the sub basement the big ;,coo-pound drill en countered a good supply of water, but drilling Is being continued to tap beyond doubt the underground stream which filters through the rock and gravet underneath the city, and which Is tannen it few miles Up the valley to supply pure watrr ror the residents of Spokane. Between 25.0CO and 30,000 feet of plpt will distribute the water from basement to roof. Cork casing is being urod to Insulate the pipe. Mr. Davenport says that the system has been planned with such precision that it wlILnot be neces sary to let tho water run berore gettlnu It at a temperature or 40 degrees. Spo' kane Review. Owing to the great number of people who have asked to be notified in advance of the opening of our lots in our new trkct at 48th street and Military avenue, we have set aside The Persistent and Judicious Use or Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to Sunday. October 5th, as the Day on Which Reservations May be Made Come out and make reservations Sunday or any afternoon next week Opening Sale Saturday, At 12 Noon Take a" Benson3 " car to 48th and Military Avenue Sunday and any day next week. The average man wants two things-a pleasant, comfortable home, conveniently located and a safe and profitable place to invest his savings. WEARNE PARK will afford both-a pleasjanit, com fortable and conveniently located. home &iid arsafe and prof itable investment - WEARNE PARK Is bounded on tho South by the 'Military Avenue and. Benson Garline, and on tho East by 48th Street. ' , ,;. t The entire tract Imb been improved during the past. t summer, under the supervision of high class engineers. , , Tho development work already aoioraplished indludos the. grading of tho streets, and tho terracing of the lots aad tho work of installing, storm sewers is now undor way. Permanent sidewalks, water and gts will, be installed as quickly, as pos sible. ' 7tf of. the 130 lots aro within ono block of the car line and no lot in the en tiro tract is moro than 2 blocks from, the carline. Thero is an established 10 minuto service throughout the day and extra cars run evenings and mornings. By street car only 23 minutes to Omaha's Business Distrit ' LOTS IN WEARNE PARK AS AN INVESTMENT The careful investor is ho who buys after weighing and considering facts and reasons. Tho facts about this. tract will make it appeal to every careful investor and homo seeker possessing foresight and good judgment. This' tract has l)een carefully developed to suit the requirements of home seekers and thereforo, will bo in wido demand. It is located directly in the path of Omaha's growth und will, therefore, increase rapidly in, value because of its excellent location and accessibility to established lines of traffic. , Owners of lots hero will have ull of tho convenience afforded by a city with no city taxes to pay. x Building restrictions on all lots will ensure a community of beautiful liomes. . j t Every lot a good one Make reservations now the prices, $500 to $980 per lot These prices include permanent side walksEasy terms of payment Don't let this chance get by to start to buy a home. For further information call at our office or telephone D-8318 Rankers Realty Investment Company Ground Floor Omaha Bee Building, Cor. 17th and Farnam St. Omaha, Nebraska. Telephone Douglas 8318 Business Success.