The Omaha Daily Bee EDITORIAL Advertising Is the Ufa of Trade Tulle through Tb a ta rear eA totntrs, year cemptltori eastern!, yenr pMtlbl caBtometf. PAGES 11 TO 20 -uA- VOL. X.L1II-NO, 93. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 4, 1913- SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. BANKERS G0T0 CONVENTION About Forty from Nebraska Will At tend Meeting at Boston. ALL ARE MOST OPTIMISTIC Ue nirfrrent Ilotjtm to . Chicago, Where They Will Unite m Special Train for MnaH chnaetta Cnpltnl. Some forty Omaha and Nebraska bank em left for Boston last evening to at tend the National association' meeting that will be held there next ! They divide between the Northwestern and Burlington out of here, but. In Chicago, they will Join the bankers from the cen tral west and all travel cast on a spe cial train. Among the bankers Is George Lyons of Nelson lie ts the land owning banker of Nebraska, having gotten together something over 12,000 acres In Nuckolls and adjoining counties, more than 6,000 of which are under cultivation ami Into crops this year. "While Mr. Lyons did not raise the normal c8rn crop, he had 4,000 acres Into winter wheat and none of It yielded less than twenty and much of It twenty-five bushels per acre. Sir. Lyons has Implicit faith In Nebraska-land and his advice Is to get hold of It, his prediction being that never again will It be as cheap as at the pres ent time. Among the Nebraska bankers who will attend the convention and who went east last evening are C. B. Burnham and wife, Norfolk; L. B. Harvey, Lincoln; Clement C. Chase, Omaha; W. B. Hughes, Orrtaha; O. E. Currier, University Place; John F. Flack and wife, Omaha: W. O. Silver, Omaha; Luther Drake, Omaha; J, 3? Houseman and wife, Bradshaw; M. M Falsom and wife, Lincoln; W. H Bucholz and wife, Omaha; R. C. Peters, Omaha; Ray Patterson and wife, Omaha; George Lyons, Nelson; Frank Boyd and w'lfe, Omaha; T. E. Williams, Aurora; H. C. Bostwlck, South Omaha; T. L. Carral, Gothenburg; Ed Royse and wife, Lincoln; C. C. Goodrich, Cedar Rapids, and N. B. Caldwell, Omaha:. Calf With Enough Rope Will Go Hang Itself Says High "Give a calf rope enough and It will harig Itself," quotes F. A. High, .dlstr'.ct superintendent of the Anti-saloon league, in speaking of the drinking places In Omaha selling out of hours, as exposed by The Bee. "I notice that one of the bartenders said the Anti-saloon leaguo had never done' anything. Well, If under the noBes of these dear little city of ficials In Omaha the saloons can pull off such flagrant violations of the law as they have been doing, they We doing more to discredit the saloon cause and help our. cause than an organization working .'agalnst'them could do." c Superintsndentj. ;Hlgh was also inter ested lnfie statement made by County AttornevM!gnetb the effect that. Juries could. noBefava, T&pre to cjonvlot be caae thVentl'merif ws not with' the lawsy "As a matter of fact," he continued, "It was the saloon Interests that secured the passage of the law providing .that a defendant In police court may -demand ' a Jury trial. They did It for the reason' that they -knew It would be' hard to get twelve men without having one or two In the bunch that did not favor the f o'clock closing law, and that one or two can overrule the rest and secure an acquittal. The county attorney says the people are not In sympathy with the 8 o'clock; law. Maybe the kind of people the county officials hobnob with are not I cannot say about that, but I say that the. rank and file of the people of Omaha are In favor of these laws." Woman Brings Five Days' Old BaBby Into Court on Summons Legal machinery of Judge Leslie's dis trict, court was halted and ceremony for gotten when the Judge discovered that Mrs. Josephlno Matulawlcz qt South Omaha, a witness, had arisen from bed and come with her five days' old baby to court under the Impression that American law required her to obey a subpoena at any cost. Judgo Leslie descended from the bench and went In person to consult John Lynch of the Board of County Commissioners about sending her home In an automobile at the county's expense. Mr. Lynch tm mediately gave his approval and In a few minutes a car was nt the door. The woman walked with difficulty. It was learned that the husband had taken a certificate Indicating that his wife was 111 to the South Omaha police, but that It was written In Lithuanian and the police made no attempt to loam Its meaning. Mrs. Matulawlcz walked from Thirty second and R streets, South Omaha, to the car line and from the car to the court house. The baby was rolled Into a bundle of blankets. Its lusty 'wall frequently sounded In the court room. Joseph Matulawlcz, the husband, was the complaining witness In a minor case against his brother-in-law, Adam Buclil The latter was fined Jl and costs, the case having been appealed from the South Omaha police court. Wyoming OiL Needs More Tank Oars to ; Bring Products Here President Brooks of the Franco-Petroleum Oil company of Casper, Wyo., Is In town for a couple of days conferring with. Northwestern officials relative to tank cars for the marketing of refined oil. The Casper fields, according to Presi dent Brooks, in quantity, have become the second In the United States, so far as refined oil Is concerned. As" Casper the Mid-west refinery is turning out 0,000 barrels pf oil dally and the first of the three, units of the Franco Petroleum, 1.GO0 barrels, will be Increased to 6,000 by December 1. The old refinery -of .the Franco has an output of 1,200 bar rels dally. Jn the proven field, In addition to the 'pipe lines Into Casper, there are thirty TVells In which oil has been struck and have been capped and will remain to until their product Is needed. Prospecting has been done all over the country for miles around Casper, but so far' no heavy flow of oil has been struck at any point except In the Sand creek country. Wilkins F&rm on West Center Sold The Wllklns home and 145 acres of ground, knownas Compton Lodge, on west Center street, was sold yesterday to an Omaha Investor, whose name up to the present time Is withheld. The property Is said to have brought very nearly 30,000. The property lies about two miles west of the Field club, where some Important developments are going forward. The property was sold within an hour from the time Harry Tukey of A. P. Tukey & Son was given an option on It. Judge E, P. Holmes of Lincoln, guardian of the estate of C. E. Wllklns, and Judge C. T. Dickinson, the attorney for the estate, placed the property In the hands of the real estate man In the afternoon, giving him Just an hour to turn the property. The property Is so' well known that Tukey went out an"3" within the ap pointed hour made the sale to an In vestor, "who did not take the trouble to go out and see the ground. The tract commands a view of Omaha, Benson, Dundee and Seymour lake. The Improve ments consist of a large home, a barn and a tenant's lodge. THREE NEW FIRE HOUSES TO BE COMPLETED S00N The fire engine house at Twelfth and Dodge streets will be occupied Novem ber 1, according to City Commissioner C. H. Wlthnell. This building has been constructed at a cost of S30.000 and Is one of the "prettiest and most useful" fire houses In the United States, accord ing to Mr. Wlthnell. , NVork; of constructing the fire engine house at Sixteenth and Izard streets Is belnff rapidly pushed and this house will' be ready, for occupancy December 1. By the middle of December the house ut Nineteenth' and Harney streets will be completed. The total cost of these three buildings will be 190,000. TWO MEN AND TWO WOMEN ARRESTED AS PICKPOCKETS Mr. and Mrs. .Richard Means, George Morris and Mury 'Williams, were arrested as pickpockets Thursday evening at the carnival grounds by Detectives Murphy and Fleming. The manner of oporatlon employed by the quartet was to select "a victim and surround him. the two women In front' pushing back ns if forced by the crowd and the mt-n Dressing forward from behind In the Jostling the men would go through the pockets of the wub." All four are being held. More Premiums Are Awarded at the Fair Live-stock and thf'tshis "of fruits, preserves, ' Jellies', Jains and' what not have been Judged and the prizes awarded. A remarkable exhibit of those lookables and edibles are on display iln booths In the Douglas county fair on .the Ak-Sar-Ben carnival grounds. f A one-arm young' woman, Miss Bridget Gallagher of Papllllon, won the. blue ribbon for the best fancy apron. Miss Mildred Othmlx and Miss Mildred Paul son, 9 and 10 years old, won first prizes for the best scarf and ihe best sofa pillow. A little girl, 11 years old, cooked the best nut and cocoanut cake. She is Miss Gerelda Kough. Miss Lucetta Miller won first place with her corn bread. Mrs. S. P. Wolff baked the best caramel, splco and chocolate cake. Mrs. M. Kahna .won first prize for her exhibit of Jellies, and Mrs. Kate Randolph for her display of preserves and for her exhibit of wild grape wine. PICKPOCKET IS CAUGHT, BUT PARTNER GETS AWAY John W, Lyons, giving his address as San Francisco, was arrested in .the Brandeis stores Thursday afternoon as he was going through the pockets of a near victim. Special Officer Finn caught Lyons and his partner as they were In the act of working their game, but the partner got away. The officer noticed the pair select their victim who had Just made a purchase, which he paid for frpm a bulky wallet. The two crooks gained positions at either side of their victim and beneath the shelter of over coats, succeeded In extracting the pocket book. Lyons Is being held for Investigation. MEAT PRICES HOLDING UP New Level of Ten Days Ago Main tained on Local Market. OTHER FOODS FLUCTUATING Sugar and Potatoes Take Slight Slump, AVhlle VpRelnlilea and Krnlta Are Unhand Down. All meats after Jumplr from 6 to 40 per cent In price ten days ago have pretty well stuck to one' figure since that time. Spring chicken, however, has come down a trifle. Springs that were retailing for 30 cents a pound last week are now re tailing at 1814 cents. Butter has re mained practically stationary. Potatoes - have dropped a nickel a bushel wholesale, which Is not looked upon by merchants as a material change Sugar has gone down 10 cents a hun dred wholesale. As yet the retailers have not made the corresponding reduction, but this Is expectcd within a week. At present sugar Is going twenty pounds for $1. L California Tokay grapes have taken a substantial drop. They am now on the market at 35 cents a basket, whereas they have been 60 cents. The baskets contain six and one-half pounds of grapes. The Concord grapes are almost out of season, although most grocers still keep a small supply on their coun ters. California blue plums have gone to $1,05 a case, whereas they were 95 cents a short time ago. Kleffer pears are In the midst ,of their run at present at $1.50 a bushel.. i. Cabbage, after making a temporary rise ' . - ' - I Vf uent n. pounu lor jew urjb, i again selling at 2H cents a pound. Practically all the eggs on the market at present are storage eggs. Now and then a farmer brings a few dozen to the market, but these are eagerly snapped up at once by the anxious consumers. Storage eggs should be designated on the market by the 'stamp ."Storage eggs"' on the side of the crate. Many of the grocers who have not obeyed (his clause of the new storage law up to a few days 'ago had their attention called to it Thursday when an Inspector from the food com missioner's office In Lincoln was In Omaha looking into conditions In the grocery stores with especial reference to this new law. It Is Intended tliat here after the consumers shall know when they buy produce whether they are buy ing fresh goods or storage goods. Inspector Bossie is Laid Off Because City Funds Are Low Claude F. Bonnie, city dairy inspector, has been laid off for fifteen days by Po llen Commissioner J. J. Ryder, owing to shortage in the fund out of which the dairy Inspector's' -salary Is paid. Other employes of the health ,and dairy Inspec tion departments wll, be laid off from flf.tein to thirty days Bossie will jict as clerk;of the. pol.lce cqurtdiurlng' his "lay of ftVi the, clerk, Tom O'Connor, having ar ralnged to be married Tuesday and take a vacation of fifteen days. Dr, William Arnold Answers Last Call Dr. William Arnold, 91 years old, 333 North Seventeenth street died. Thursday night. Ha was born at Kent, England, and came to the United States when hn was a child. After graduating from the Starling College of Medicine at Columbus, O., he went to London, taking a post graduate course In medicine at the Polytechnic school In Regent street. Dr. Arnold served as a surgeon In the civil war "with the ' Thirty-seventh Qhlo volunteers under General U. S. Grant and. General TecUmseh Sherman. Upon com ing to Nebraska he took up his residence at Brownvtlle, . where he practiced from 1868 to im, the year that he retired from aotlye occupation. He .was the father of ten children, four of whom are living and most prominent of whom In Omaha Is Miss Fannie Ar nold, , supervisor of public schools; also Charles of Omaha, Mrs. Lucia Gibson of Benson and Don J. of Auburn, Neb. TESTS BEING MADE FOR FOUNDATION OF NEW HOTEL Test holes are being driven in the block at. Eighteenth and Douglas streets for the new Fontenelle hotel. As soon as the quality of the earth for a consider able depth "Is known excavation for the foundation will begin. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Big Returns. MILLIE RYAN Voice Culture PUPILS PREPARED AND PLACED IN CONCERT, CHURCH and OPERA SPECIAL COURSE TO TEACHERS. Studio Reopens Oct. 10th 1807 FARNAM TEL, D. 5906 Smith Asks Howell v to Pay Junket Fund Back to the City R. Beccber Howell, boss of the water board, will now bo asked to put back the J6J.90 which 'he got from the Metro politan Water district of Omaha for ex penses white he attended the meeting of the American Water Works association at Minneapolis, June 13 to IS lnst. Attor ney Ed Smith, who has been busy secur ing Injunctions against county and city officials to keep them from collecting ex pense money for Junketing trips of this nature. Is preparing to start suit against Mr. Howell to recover for the city the $63.90 which' Howell spent without au thority, according to Smith. The law requires that where a muni cipal board has an attorney of its own that attorney must, be given a chance first to act In the matter. If he does, not act, then any taxpayer may Institute the suit. So Smith ihas prepared a lottcr to John Lee Webster, attorney for tho water board as follows: . On July 17, 1913. Mr. It. B. Howell, gen eral, manager of the water district, re ceived $63.90 from the funds of the Metro politan Water District of the city of Omaha for expenses while attending an annual convention of the American Water Works association. Our courts have recently held that a municipal board Is without authority to make an allowance of this kind; that It Is an unlawful expenditure of the public funds. It Is a well recognised rule that money unlawfully withdrawn from the publlo treasury may be recovered back, so kindly see that Mr. Howell returns this money or begin suit against him for the amount. If you refuse or neglect to do this within ten days, the undersigned, a tax payer, residing In the above district, will commence, action In behalf of said water district. Mass Meeting on Good Roads Called for October Ninth A mass meeting ot all the eood ronln enthusiasts of Douglas county and any other person who wishes to attend has been called by W. D. Hosford. chairman of the good roads committee of the Com mercial club, and Gould DIetz, president of the Omaha Auto club, to be heiii in the Commercial club rooms on the nlaht of October 9. This meeting Is Jn harmony with meet ings all over the state on the toDlo nf good roads. A. R. Partington, president, vice president and secretary of the Lin coln Highway association, will wattend this meeting and be the chief nrntr of the evening. Good -roads will be the keynote of the meeting and anyone will be permitted to attend. YOUNG WOMAN LEARNS THAT HUSBAND HAS ANOTHER WIFE Leo Harding of Adonis, .'.la., charged with blgapy.,wns bour!d,oVer to the dls- mcj. courj win ;tona pjaced at .$1,000.' HardlnWasHrmirrIed-tO''rtte'CanWrir agfd 10 yparllvlrig i'ftdtfoHn Twelfth ago. a'o his bride he wis known as Jack Vinson, dui in arranging their home she discovered, the name to- be false. Hard. Ing was arrested and an Investigation by the police revealed that he had been mar ried some time before in Adonis. DESPONDENT OVER ROBBERY COOK ATTEMPTS SUICIDE . William McClenahan, a cook, Is In St. Joseph's hospital In a dangerous condi tion as tho result of swallowing strych nine Thursday night at 1S1T Cass street, his horn. . Burglars recently entered his house and carried away a quantity of silverware clothing and ttO In cash, and It Is said that ho becamo despondent over the loss. Hn telephoned his wife shortly before coming home and when she heard his step at tho front door she opened It to find that h had fallen In a heap from cramps. Induced by a dose of strychnine. Police Surgeon Folts attended McClenahan. by that great health tonic, Electrlo Blt- ierm is tne enrichment or poor, thin blood, and strengthening the weak. fiOc. For salo by your druggist-Advertisement. Wc Can Save You $10 to $15 on Strictly Tailored SAMPLE SUITS LADIES The senson'a newest stylo creations In Ladles' high class, strictly tailored Samplo Suits and Coats. Every stylo crntt garmont Is a work ot art worthy of all the thought, enro and consideration bestowed upon it In the. ' designing and making.. That Is why the best dressed women delight In wearing them. SUITS $25 COATS $19.50 Boyd Theater Bldg. Alterations Free of Charge Rromo-lJfftia sweetens the stomach, is mildly laxative, stimulates liver and kidneys. Never constipates. Safe and pleasant. Remember the "LITHIA " Keep it in the house ' For Indigestion THE CHALLENGE SALE OF MILLINERY Continued for Saturday THE result of a remnrkublo purobase from one of the largest and forcmost'-tvliolo-salo millinery housos in tho country. HorfTa tho idoa, ' 1 Sample Line of Feathers etc., Price IT'S tho entlro sample lino ot Chicago's .most prominent wholesale millinery-house, AJ?J consisting of feathers, flowers, quills, wings, breasts, grasses,' gouxa, paradise, etc. I I lT Three big tables filled with this wonderful goods, offered to you at exactly halt tho ( U 1 1 real value. Prices rango from 10c to $2.60 s ......... j A Great Challenge of Untrimmed Hats ,,Tlio sort. of giofl$ yuiyaptjrilsiik velvQt, plushA'aCd-, bearer, jJ'huri&WUi joI shapes, mostly black. All ellk velvet hats, $1.08 ' values. 95c All silk velvet hats, 13.05 values. $2 Black Beaver- hats, (4.08 values. Bflk Flush hats, $2.98 values. $1 Trimmed Hats, Values to $7.50, Saturday, $2.50 $2.50 Entire Stock of Trimmed Hats i Off Regular Price One-Third Off Thei greatest "snap" in trimmed hats this. season. Beautiful assortment of creations, trimmed with ostrich, flowers, wings and fancies, In a wide range of charming ef fects. HatB that would sell regularly up to $7.50; Challenge sale prloo, choice Ev.ery trimmed hat made to sell for $5.00 or over, Including-our entire stock of Paradise, Aigrette, 'Goura trimmed and all French hats, at one-third off tho regular , price .' We Trim Hats Free If you buy your hat and trimmings here wo will design, trim and lino your hat free ot charge. Satisfaction Guarantee We will exchange, credit or refund th. purchase price on any article bought In tils sale. BANKRUPT STOCK OF WEINL ANDER'S in Consisting of V (317 South 16th Street. City) Ladies' High Class Furnishings and Fine Millinery Which We Bought From the Trustees in Bankruptcy, on Sale Monday, at 55c on . flf the fcjl 1 13 .'.- See Sunday Papers for Particulars T