THE BEE: OaiAlIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 19K5. 11 iRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET innipeg Reports Heavy Exporta tion Shipments of Wheat. CHICAGO PIT 18- QUITE DULL Bids Are Slovr In Coming1 Korwnrtl -Argentina, Frcialnfr Its Corn Crop on the Sfeir "York Market. OMAHA, Oct. 2, IMS According to a message received hero .mtu j-t-piuruay vessel room wai quhu&cu I at Winnipeg for 1,000.000 bushels of Mani toba wheat that Is to be moved out as Vapidly as possible. Winnipeg reDorted the trado yesterday In cash wheat as much larger than la being- reported and wholly on export account. The eastern seaboard reported twenty-five boatloads of Manitoba wheat for export Bids on wheat In Chicago were Bttll' out of line, for the American grown grain and the business was said to have been at a standstill in consequence. The feature of the wheat market at Chicago, as well as the controlling factor yesterday, Was the heavy buying of the May future by the Armour Grain com pany. That concern is recognised as the largest holder of wheat In the Chicago market, and Its officials volunteer In formation that wheat Is worth the pres ent price. The cash transactions In -Chicago yesterday were only 36,000 bushels. Cash handlers report Interior millers as again able to secure all the wheat needed from their local territory, and these in terests are in the Chicago market only when farmers at home are too busy plow ing for wheat to haul the grain to the mills. Some of tho best authorities In the spring wheat country say that receipts of wheat in the northwest aro to fall off sharply, and that arrivals at Minneapolis and Duluth are now mainly old sales. Cash wheat was llSUlc higher. While the exportable surplus of corn of Argentina has been claimed all Along as mal, a cablegram received here yester day stated that the southern hemisphere solders were pressing their grain for sale at New York on a basis of 73o. It is a difficult matter to seeuro the amount of the stocks of any grain in Argentina, owing to 'the wide territory which has to be covered In order to secure figures. Cash corn was He higher. Oats were steadier than the other vralns yesterday. The Canadian proposi tion was brought up again, but that feature seems to have rather lost Us force. Cash oats were W3ie higher. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 638,000 btl.; corn, 1,000 bu.; oats, 1.000 bu. Wheat at Liverpool closed H3d hlghor: corn, H&a higher. Primary wheat receipts were 1,262.000 bu. and shipments 723,000 bu., against re ceipts of 1,670.000 bui and' shipments' of 1,027,000 bu. last yar. Primary corn receipts wore 646,000 bu. and shipments 362,000 bu., against re ceipt of 636,000 bu. and shipments of 343, 900 bu. lost year. Primary oats receipts were 937,000 bu. and shipments 808,000 bu., against re ceipts of 1,019,000 bu. and shipments of 164.000 bu last year. I CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats, Chicago Minneapolis .. Duluth Omaha Kansas City.. Bt. Louis Winnipeg 60. 306 498 30 29 62 193 117 65 35 26 .1,145 The followlne cash H.llen wen reDorted: Wheat-: No. 2 hard winter, 1 car, 81Ho. No. .3. nard winter, 1 car, 82o; 2 cars, UVic. No. 4 hard winter, 3 cars, 81c; L car, 80c. No. 3 spring, 1 car, 8lV4c. No. 8 durum, 1 car, 8lWc. No. 4 mixed, 1 car, fcOWc. No grade, 1 car (splng), 74c. Re jected, i car, lie uye: no. z, i car, 63Hc Barley: No. 3, 1 car, 76o, No. 4, 1 car. 68c. Corn: No. 3 white. 3 -cars. .tO&c; No, 2 yellow, 7 cars, 70c, No. 3 yel- -BEAl ESTATE.- J CITY1 PHOPiH-TV FOR SALE. 36,000 HOME, NEAR KOUNTZB PARK. Beautiful 7-room house, 4 rooms and bath upstairs, 4? large rooms down; .oak .finish; laundry Jn basement; good, gar ige; too large for present otyner; will .Hake- terms or take .in a.S or frroora cot tage It well located, if you are, looking for a good home let me show' you. W. p. FRANK, ' 201 NEVILLE BLOCK. . Phone Douglas S600. - JUST what you want, 7 rooms, new and modern, zzd ana Ames, weoster 4ZZS. OWNER offers choice Omaha property for Chicago suburban home or acres. P. O Box 293. BWINQLEY & GIPE, REAL ESTATE. Have moved J rem xtt Bee Bldr. to. fifth floor, room 840. II K ALi ESTATE. FARM fc RANCH LAJfD FOR SALE Colorado, v FOR SALE 120 acres, all under cul tivation, well improved, in South Platte Valley, northeastern Colorado, on Bur lington railroad, two mil from sugar factory:, plenty of water for irrigation. Price $100 per acre, one half cash, bal- nce 7 per cent, reasonable time. Write '. O. Box 804." Montroao. Colo. Colorado, ' FOR BALE SO acres under cultivation and, Jence; no .improvements; good Qer man settlement, , South, .Platte valley, northeastern Conlorado; plenty of water, three mites from railroad, $iS per acre. 3.500 ' cash, bulance on time at 7 per cent. Write P. O. Box 804, Montrose, Colo. Icrra. FOR SALE A EO-aere farm In Harri son county, Iowa, best alfalfa county in state; 10 acres on place; good hog and corn farm; new house; good barn; qorn crib; cattle and hog shed! farm well kept up; all hog tight. Price $110 pef acre. Address H. Tolsma, Missouri Valley, la. Nebraska,, WILL sacrifice section of good land north of Potter, Cheyenne county, Neb., for 112 an acf. Write N-369, Omaha Bee. 1 South Uetatota. 4 SOUTH Dakota land for sale; oni. quarter in Stanley uo s, u. uert John son, St Paul, Neb. 1U5AL ESTATE LOANS. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., mi OMAHA NATIONAL. Douglas 2716. LOANS of $1,000 and up desired on Im proved real estate, uirge sums a specialty. W. H. THQUAS, 238 BUte Bank Bldg. LARGE loans our specialty, atull Bros. WANTED City loans and warrant. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. U20 Far nam St. MONEV on hand at lowest rates for loans on Nebraska farms and Omaha city property In any amounts. 1 1 11. T1TM11L.T1 823 City National Batik Bldg. 6 CITY LOANS, Bemls-Carlberg Co.. ii'i-u nranaeis Tiieater uiag. . HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Om. Nat. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D, Wead. Wead Bldj. Wh and Farnam. GARVIN BROS Loans $500 and unt 11ZL WOOmaha Nat BanE WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Ca WANTED TO BUY. WANTED To buy. for cash, shsw who uouuie tier; oax preferred; state helghth, length and lowest price. Address D 377, Bee. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED A pasture for one horse to run aui winter lone, luue jm. otn Ave. IIA'E STOCK AIAIUCE1 OF AVEflT. hlp live stock to South Omaha. Have mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stock Commission Merchants. MARTIN BROS. 7"cO.. Exchange Bid low, 7 cars, 70r; 1 car, 69c; I cars, V4c No. 4 yellow, 1 car, 6HHc; 1 ear, 69c. No. i mixed. 1 car. 70o; 2 cars, 6Mic .io. 3 mixed, 8 cars, 6Mc; 6 cars, 63ftc. No. 4 mixed. 1 car, 8Hc; I car, 69c; 3 cars, SSHc. No grade, 1 car, 69Ue: 1 car, 6SHc Oats: Standard, 3 cars, 44c. No. 3 white, 16 cars. 40c. No. 4 white, 1 car, 39Hc. No. grade, 1 car, S3c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheatt No. 2 hard, 8U4tTSJc; No. 3 hard, 810S2c; No. 4 hard. 7W80c; No. 3 spring. 8iesitfc: No. 4 spring, KOfclWHo; No, 2 durum, SlQMHc: No. 3 durum, 80901lc Corn! No, ,4 white, 70H70fcc; No. 3 white, TOMoi No. 4 white, e'TOo; No. 3 'ow. 7j?0' 3 yellow, 69HW70O; No. 4 yellow, eSHtfKc. No. 2. 6&H?r5ci No. 3, fcHGCS-Vs; No. 4. 6$iFKci no grade, esgcsHc Oats: No. 2 white, 40H4t4Oc; standard. 40o; Jso. 3 white, 40c; No. 4 white, 39Uc. Barley: Malting, 67(S76o; No. 1 feed, 6Stf3o. Rye: No. 2. 64HjSc; No. 3, 64QC4HC CHICAGO QnAIX AND PROVISIONS features of the Trailing nnd ClostnR Prices on Board of Trade. rmwnn. rk-t. 2. Predictions of a ma terial falling off Boon In receipts north west caused a quick change of fooling In tho wheat market todav and pushed prices higher. Closing prices were firm at on advance of 44c to H0C Corn gained v.4vbc to o net ana oais w tt In uravlslons the outcome vat led from unchanged figures to 7 He advance. Shifts to the buying side of tho wheat market came rapidly as soon as word was received mat nest inrormea peopie in MlnneaDolls were looklrur for arrivals to be extremely light after next week. Prices had started with an upward slant owing to dry weather in Argentina, but tho rise brought on vigorous hammering by short sellers and resulted in a dip. Scantiness of wheat receipts southwest formed a consideration with buyers at tho decline, nnd then tho bullish conditions an to the soring cron movement were om- pnasixed by greater activity among ex porters nt the seaboard. Regarding the improved foreign de mand, it was pointod out that tho rye crop of Russia was 176,000,000 bul short of last year's total. Estimates by an export that 10,000,000 acres of corn had been abandoned and that tho croD had been diminished to bu. caught Pit traders badly oversold. Tne market, which sagged be cause of bear pressure and fine weather, took a sudden upshoot and closed steady at nearly the too flmlren nf thn Rn&iion. acuvo buying on the port or a leading houBo mado oats firm. The trado ap peared to lgnoro a report that 300,000 bu. of oats would be shipped from Fort Will lam, Ont, to Chicago next week. Provisions rallied in consequence, of lively purahnslng on the part of grain houses and stock yard traders. At first business had been depressed mainly by the bearish Knowing of lnrd stocks. Options close as follows: Artlclel Open. 1 Hlgh.l Low. Close.l Yes'yr Wheatl Dec. May 92H 92 corn Deo. May Oats Dec. 70U 690 7Ri 4242 46H 20 07 20 221i 10 97 .11 10-12 10 63 10 70 May 453K forK Jan. 2015 :0 23 May Lara 10 97l 11 12 Jan. May. Jan. 10 63 May. 10 72-761 Chicago Cash PricesWheat: No. 3 bard, S3c; No. 2 northern, 8SQS9o; No. 3 northern, SlYji', No. 3 spring, 87c Corn:- No. 2, 71(872c; No. 2 white,. 72 72o; No. 3 yellow, 72r72c. Oats: No. 2, 41tfc; No. 2 white, 4lo; No. 3 white, 40T,p43c: standard, 420?42c. Rye: No. 2, 66o. Barley: 6886c. Timothy: 33.76 5.26. Clover: 39.6OSil2.0a Pork: 322.00. Lard: $10.9&810.97. Ribs: 10.0011.25. BUTTER Steady; creameries, 2531c, EQOS Steady.! receipts, 5,371 cases; at mark, cases included, 1421c; ordinary firsts, 21?22c: firsts. 2526c. CHEESE Higher; daisies, 16?i16c! twins, lBtttflBo: Americas, lfi?il6o; long horns, 1616c POTATOES Lower; receipts, 60 cars; Michigan and Wisconsin, 60ig63c; Minne sota and Ohio, EOQWc. POULTRY Alive, lpwer; springs, 13c; fowls. 13c. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotations of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Oct 2,-FLOUR-Stoady. fair' jobbing trade; spring patents, W.40 4.46; winter straights, $4.104.20; winter patents, 34.4O&4.60; spring clears, 3i.O0iQ4.2O. WHEAT-Spot, firm; No. 2 red, 95c; No. 1 northern, Duluth, S5c; December, SG6; May, 90c CORN Spot, firm; export, 79ic OAT1S Spot, steady; standard White, 4747c. elevator; No. 3, 46i6c HOPS Steady; Mate, common to choice, 1913, 37044o; 1912, 2025c; Pacific coast, 1913, 2g&32c; 1312, 23Q26c. HIDES Firm; Bogota, 3233o; Central American, 32c. PETROiiEUM steady; refined New York. bulk. 33.00: barrels. 33.70:. cases. 311.00. WUOlv Uasy; domestlo fleece, XX. Ohio, 25c. LEATHER Firm' hemlock firsts. 209 30o i PROVISIONS-Pork, steady: mess. $2175 24.25; family, $24.60027.00: short clears. J20.0OS21.26. Beef, steady; mess, $17.S03 18.60: family. $19.0Olrt.00. Cut meats. steady; pickled hams, 10 to 14 lbs., $13.75 lo. ou. xara, nareiy steaay; middle west, $11.20311.30: refined, steady: continent. $11.50; South America, $12.40; compound, caster: $8.6008.75. xAiiLw-teaiy; city, cc; country, 6 1J U TTiill-ilarket firm: rrrdntfi. 7.500 tubs: creamery extras. KM fate: firsts, WWS&'Aa; state dair, finest, i vw; gooa to prime, ziaTaw- process ex tras, 2727c;' firsts, Imitation creamery firsts, 2526V; factory, June iiiitxo iirsu, iiioc; current mage tirsu, 24c; seconds, 2324c; packing stork, june maae jmo. l, c; current make No. UHBE8E-Firm: receiDts. 3.600 boxen: state whole milk white and colored spe cials, ibwtf'iirjio; average rancy, leffiBVio; aims, jshc EGOS Irregular: receipts. 10.600 cases; fresh gathered extras, S30Sc; extra firsts, 3132o; firsts, 5.8000c; refrigerator special mirxi, cnarges paiu, M;ie:.c; firsts, 2526c; nearby hennery whites. wwtaa; western gatnerea wiutes, zsuks. v uuLTJii-uressed, uuu and weak: western chickens, 17 24c; fowls, 1420c; turxeys, l&sroc. Kansas City Grain and, Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Oct. Z W-HEAT-Cash: No. 2. 8490c; No. 3. 838Jo; No. 2 rea, aivao; no. 3. B7VWc. CORN-No. 2 white, 7374c; No. 3, 73c, Closlngprices fo futures: W1TTTP.AT n...h,kA. CCv., lln.. CAT'- CORN December, 70H71c; May, 73c. OATS No. 2 whlte, iac; No, 2 mixed. 42HC BUTTER Creamery, firsts, 29c; sec- onas, 2ic; pacKing, isc. EGGS Firsts. 25c; seconds. Ho. POULTRY Hens, 12o; roosters, 9c; St. Louts General Market. BT. LOUIS, Oct. 2. WHEAT Cash : No. 3 red, 83C6c; No. 2 hard, 8794c. xtiSfiv0' l "W. no. z wnite, 7xc. OATS-No. 2, 42c; No. 2 white, 43044c. Closing prices of futures: WHEAT December. 93Hc; May, 91Vic. CORNDfember. 71c; Ay. 73c. SST5fcmt,er' 43c; "'y- H0' Jtxl& 67C ... Receipts. Shipments, 'jour, bbis 7.000 14.000 Wheat, bu v 63,000 79.000 corn, bu ., 31,000 16,000 af. .....BS.WO 47,000 MlnneapoHs Grain Sfarket. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 2.-WHEAT No. 1 hard. 9Mn: Nn 1 nArtham BiL'aHi.. e - v e m v v ws aiavbl'i W MwD7v t No. 2 northern. s2Ui384Vic: No. 2 hare? Montana, 834e84yc; . No. 8, 80682c; SSriiVi" J'?' May "iac FLOUR Unchanged. HRAN-$.0021.43. CORN No. 3 yellow, 6Sfl68c, OATS-No. 3 white, SSU33SC. RVE-No. 2. B68c FLAX-$1.39Viei.4l4. BARLEY 54g7lc Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 2. WHEAT Spot, steady: No. 1 Manitoba. 7s7Ud: No. 2. 7s 6d; No. 3. 7s 3d; futures, steady; Octo ber, 7sa; ijecemoer, in Via; iiarch, 7s 2d. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed, is ia; wecemoer, la t-iata, t,s t',a. l1 d; December, Plata, 6 4Tid. 92K34 92fc 82W G9K4?Ti 70 69H 71HU-H 43M 4i ' 42 45H4W4 45HGH 23 02M 20 IS 20 02V4 20 17 20 23 20 16-17 10 87 11 00 10 96-97 10 10 11 17 11 10 10 57V4 10 C3 10 67 10 65 10 75 10 63 NEW YORK jiTOCK MARKET Starts Up Slowly, with No Urgent Bidding. LONG PERIODS OF STAGNATION Influences Which Ilnd Deen llronaht to Dear on Market Recently Seem to Have Worked Themselves Oat. NE7W YORIC, Oct. 2. Stocks started upward slowly today. There was no urgent bidding and speculation was quiet, with long periods of stagnation. But the undertone was firm and offprints were small. The market grew stronger as me aay advanced. Canadian Pacific was marked mi SU. Amalgamated, the leader in yesterday s market, .rose 2 points. Steel, Readlnf, union Pacific and various other promt r ent shares were raised a point or more. Influences, which have been brought to bear on the market recently, seemed to have worked themselves out .and traders marked time ponding develop ments to give fresh impetus to specula tton. Advance in the Bank of England's dls count rate from 4K to 6 tier cent was followed by a. slight hardening in money rates ana a snarp rise in qxepange on London. Virtually' no Influence was ex erted on speculative sentiment. The) weekly report of the bank offered nlcnty of ovidnnco of the reasons which were responsible for the change. Although the proportion of reserve of liabilities re mains considerably above tho average) lo rthls season, the return was dlstlntly unfavorable. The loss of over 315,000, 000 on the week was almost unprecedented and reserves showed a falling off of over (W. MIA ... V- - . . . . I - . v,vw,vw xne report oi mo unnK oi Germany reflected the strain of tho auar ter settlement of $121,000,000 In loans and discounts. The bond market was steady, Southern I'aciric collaterals ts rose z points. 10 tal sales. Par value. 11.295.000. United States 4s registered -sold nt 109, unchanged on call, but a decline of from the last actual sale and a new low record. The 2s registered declined on call. Number and sales of leaome Quotations on smelts were as louowsi !. hiVLow. Clot. Aroalcanutcd Copper American Acrlcultural.. American nt tyusir.,,. American Ckn American caa ptl American C & F 14.400 77U T 77 & 2T (,400 14 . 1(H 44 4tU American Ootlon Oil..... American Ic Securities 240 23H n American LIdhm t... American Icomottv American S. &. H. ....... 1,000 tSK American H. Sc H, rtd 1W American Bunr iienning .... 110 t.ioo itt ms "8 American Tel. t Tel.... American Tobacco ..... Anaconda MInlnr Co.... 1.400 3JH t'W U Atchtinn .t l.SOO i X'l 95 Atchlton (d 200 SH Sl! 88 S Atlantlo Ooaat Line .., ..... lMVi Baltimore ft Ohloi..... ..... 9ti Cethlehem Steel 1,700 05H S(T. St llraakWn Ranld Trenalt. 1.2M t& M SSV Canadian Pacific Central Leatner too ::Vi tiM 224 Cheaapeake a Ohio 00 tlH M 200 11 13 13)4 1,300 103U lOSH 105V, Cnlcato urta weaurn Chi., Mil. & fit. r Chi. c N. w seals else A Colorado Fuel a iron.. 30 Contollcteteil de Cora Product 300 131 133 131 10H Delaware & Kudaon Denier a nio Grande.. D. A 11. O- vti Dlstlllera Secarltlea ... Rrle 11 r-rt- let T,M .... ln ...1 It .... 33 14 20 wi t.too nK ' 300 4H Ifrle 2d pfd 3T 36Vi ZOO 17 ucnerai Eiectrio Great Nbrthern o(d...i., 300 lm 14S 145' 127 Great Northern Ore ctra. 200 33 Jo 33 Illlnoti centr&l Interbc-rouglf Met, 1,700 14V. .... 110 16'i IB Interborouth-Met. pra . 2,wa u International llarreater. International Marine ptd International Paper' .... , .... 109 15 , SVi 64a International Pumn ,. Kanaaa City Bouthern... 200 24 Ui tt 91 800 167 184S UTA 135 200 133 '133 113 ion IIU 31U 21 S Lacude aaa lhlch Taller LouliTllle & NMnriiie, M Bt. 1. & 8. Ste. M. M., K. ft T Mlsaourt Paeltlo 200 30 30 30 National Btecult .... N&tlonar Lead. ......... ... N. ny. of M. Sd ptd.. ..... ... New York central 4,700 M ti ,. 133 ..... 45 S N. T.. O. St. W... 29 Norfolk- ft Western.,.f. North American . , Northern Pacing' , raclfla Mal( Pennirlranla. People' a 0 ........... Pitu., c. a St. l. Plttebursh Coil.......... Preaied Steel Oar...... .... ..... .,.. 104 .1. 73 1.500 111 111 111 t :o ioo 111 113 112 1.400 127 127 121 -,400 .23 21 21 25 Pullman Palace Car,. J Readlnc 47,500 1MU 7 Hi (Renublla Iron 4b Steal.. 1.100 11 30V4 31 Iteniibllo I. - A' 8. pfd... Mg esi4 83 IS7 Rock taland Co....' Rock Wand Co. pfd.... St. U & ft. P. 2d pfd.. Seaboard Air Line 300 15 14 'saj ".","7 Seaboard Air Una . ptd.. 200 41 47 47 Blou-Bhertleia n, Southern raclflo A I SO 7,200 11 .WH WW 4 23 Boatharn Rail war ,, Southern Rr. Ptd . Tenneeaee copper . Texaa ft TacKIC... Union I'Mlflo . M0 7 7 7 2,300 S3i Jli S2H V.'. ziisoo i iiiii mi union I'acilic pia,, ... ..... United States Realtr... 200 S3 U 87 United Btatea Rubber .., 400 H 2 , 2 United SUtes HUel C3.100 0 & 60H Union I'aclrie pro., "Uniteo BUtea Bteel pfd. 400 101 1W 1MH Utah Copper 'ma m ",' VlntlnU-Carollna Chem., wo zo iv sr warjaan w n M Wabasn pfd ..... ..... Weatem Marrlad , ..... Western Union . Wnttnsnoua BleoUlo .. COO 11 9 beellns & Ike Krle 3U 10 40 4 3 4 Total aaies ror tne oar, anatea. New Yorlc Honey Market. NEW YORK. Oct 2. MONET On call, firm; 2S per cent! rutins rate 3 per cent; closing bid, 2 03 per cent. Time loans, firm; sixty days, 4 per cent; ninety days, 454Q6 per cent; six months, 44 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 5fl6 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Strong; J4.S3 for sixty-day bills and at 14.8010 for de mand. Commercial bills, 34.81. SILVER Bar, 61o; Mexican dollars, BONDS Government, easy; railroad, steady. Closing quotations on bonds today were ns follows: ' U. 8. ref. 2a ttg... 96Mapan 4H 33 M do eoupoi M , K. C. Bo. ref. U. 37 U. 3. 3a reic lOSVt'L. H. deb. 4i list.. It do coupon 101 A U A N. un. 4e.... U. (4. 4. res UJWM. K. 4k T. 1st 4.. M do coupon 1MH do sen. 4Ua...,,. 33 Panama 3a coupon.. 3UMo. Pacific 4a... A.-C. lax ta ctfa.. 33 do oonr. ta SOU Amer. As. 6 100 JN. n.n. of M. 4Ha 61 A. T. T. ct. 4..101N. Y. G. sen. 3Ua 34 Am. Tcbaceo (a., ..lit do deb. 4a...... M Armour it Co. 4Ua.. 3014 N, T. K. II. h. II. Atchlaon aen. Mtt or. 3Ua 71 do cr. 4a tlw). & w, let e. 4s.. 33 do cr. la ,...100 do cr. ,,,, 1MU A. C. U Ut 4 tlHWo. Paclflo 4a t TJ. & O, 4 32K do 3a IJU do 3a n..0r- B. U rfd. 4a, . 1 Brook. Tr. cr. 4a.. SlUI'enn. ct. 3Ua (ltli) ; Can. ot Oa. 3a....l0t4i do eon. 4a ...lou Central Leath. Ka.. tiSSteadlni itn. u,. ti Chea. t Ohio 4a. S 8t. L. tc 8. F, f. 4a 70 do conr. 4 Ha .... SOVi d ten. Sa.,, 64 Chlcaio A A. 3a. S3 Bt. U H. W. c 4a. 73 O. B. A Q, J. 4a.... 48. A. U adj. 3a.. 74 do sen. 4a ..... Bo. Fnelfle c. 4a.. 11 Q UfcS Pe3..al03U do cr. i 17 O. It. I. a T, c 4 J3J4 do lat r. 4a lti do rfs. 4a "HBo. Rr t. 10S C ft 8 r & 4Ha Mt, do sen, 4a 74! D. ft II. cr. 4a.,,, 37Unloo Pacific 4a..,. D. ft TL r. ( JJJi "to cr. 4a 3 DUtlIIrs (a !w..do1 . H Brit pr. 1. 4a 2- Rubber ,.., .103 de sen. 4.. " 4"- 8. steel ti la,. 100 do cr. 4e aer. B.. 72'AV.;. chem. la... , 33 III. C. lat r. 4a.. J9 JWab. lat A ex. 4i, M int.-Wet. 4Ht ...... 77Wetarn Md. 4f.. 79 Int. M.-M. 4a... 41 Weat. El. cr. !,. li Did. "Offeredj Wla. Central 4a .. I London Stoelc llarket. LONDON, Oct, 2. American securities opened sttady and a fraction lilgher to day. Fair buying appeared during the forenoon and the list advanced under the lead of Amalgamated Copper and Can adian Pacific. At noon the latter was 2 points higher, while prices of other shares ranged from U to a point above parity. Conaola, roaner., 73 l-ltSoutsarn Faolfle, .,. rlU do aooouat..... 73 t-llUaloo Pacific .143 Amal. Copper 73 SILVER Bar, steady at 2SHd per ot. MONEY-Se4K per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills is 4 per cent; for three months' bills, 44 per cent. Local securities. Quotations fsrnlaned br Durni. Blinker A Co 441 Omaha National tank bulldlai: ' .... Bid. Aikel, American Beatrice Creamery pfd Beatrice Creamerr com Cincinnati, O.. 4V4. IMS... Dun ft Co, f nee cent pfd. 2 111, 2 138 140 ..... 14 IS ... 84K t,Si Eetkemlle. la.. I. 8. V. la. 111! lenu iai mx Rlrar Uuller... I U0 31 10 149 1MH U K KSi ! owa lie. a u. 1H9 Middle Wert I'tllltlea , 1114 Merchant it. Jt U Co., IndlanaBttlle, Nortkweetern a'.i' ll' "i'a,' 'HI "mi'.','.'. M 4 M it t H M'l 7 n'i 4 34 100 $ Omaha (lia 5a, ill H Omaha Wattr 4Ua, 1341 , Hl Omaha a C. 11. 8t Itr. Ptd. ei-dlv . llU Omaha A C. It. 61. Itr. com, fdlt. (3 Omaha a C. 11. It. a U. Bid Pacllio O. A K. 5 p. 0. ilf 114 Kiout cur motl Taraa ta, IIM,.,.... i CUT ot Toronto 4i 134t. 13 Ttnneeaee ta, 1114 Union stock Tarda, Oman. ............ M4 llORton Stiiok aiKrkel. BOSTON. Oct. 2. Quotations on stocks and bonds were ns follows: Allouti ... . . ii Moaiftk 41 Amal. Cojiper 71 Netada Oun ilk A. K. U a 13 Nlplnlnt Mlnra ,. 84 Arlvina Com 5 3-11 North Untie ttU It. & C C. 8. M. 75 North Late m Calumet A Aril. .. OV40M IVmlnlon lH Calumet 4 llfda .430 Oaceola Tt Centennial 14 Qulncr 5V Cupper Itanae c. ,". 10 Knaanon Eaet Dutte C. Co. 13HHuPr1or A D. M... 3H Franklin iMTamaraek J Hi Uranby Con. 74HU. B. R. It, t M.e44 Greene Cananta ... 31 da pM 41 Isle Itoralle (Cop.) !!lHah Ctm I Kerr Lake .- 4 tltah Copctr 14 Lake Copper 9 Winona 1 Ia Salle Copper.,.. 3Wolrerin 43i Miami Copper 21 OMAHA QKNKRAL AIAUKKT BUTTER No. 1, 1-lb., cartons, 33ci No. 1, GO-lb. tubs., 32c. , riBH-Whlte, fresh, 14c; trout, frssX 17c; large crnppies, fresh, 13o; Spanish m&kerl. lLc; Mliml rotf ' iter rtnlr. 40C, salmon, fresh, 10o; halibut, fresh, ICo; I Duttaio, c; uuuneaas. isc; cnannsi vas tlsh, 16c: pike, 16o; pickerel, lie. CllKUHlC Imported Bwtss, S2o; Ameri can Swiss. 26c; block Swiss, 2tc: twins, 16c; daisies, lSc; triplets, lSc; young Americas, 20c; blue Inbol bricks, 19c; Urn berger. 2-lb., 20c; New York, white. Uo. POULTRY Broilers, 15 to IC a dos.; hens; 14c; cooks, lie; ducks, H&20C, geese, lso; turkeys, 20.23c: plgoins, per ilos., 31.20; geese, full feathered, :&o; squabs. No. L $LC0; No. 2, Mo. wnoiesaie prices or ueei cuts enective today In Omaha are as follows: BEEF CUTS No. 1 ribs. 17c; No. 3, iGlic: No. 3. 12UC. No. 1 loins. 19c: No. 2. ICo; No. 3, l3)c. No. 1 chucks, lO'VJc: No. 2, 9c; No. 3, Do. No. 1 rounds, 14c; No. 2, 12c; No. 3, 12o. No. 1 plates, 8c; No. 2, 7c; HO. 3, TC. The lollowlng price are rurnisned by the QlllinsKy Fruit company! FRUITS Fancy Calitornlg 6alway peaches, per box, 72c; 1V0 box lots, 70c; i&O box lots, C7',ic Extra fancy Colorado, Utah, Idaho and Washington Elbertas at fier box, 76c; 100 box lots, 7io; 259 box ots, 70c, Extra fancy Colorado or Utah (tier Bartlctt pears, box, 12.25; C box lots, 32.20; 25 box lots. 32.15. Choice Utah or Colorado 5 tier Bartlett pears, box, it.25; extra fancy Colorado Bartless poars. box, $2.76. Cape Cod cranberries, due September 16th or sarller, per loo-ot. barrel. 36.25. VEGETABLES Potatoes, largo cob. bier, per bushel, 75c. Onions, California large yellow, per pound. 2o. Tomatoea! homegrown, per market basket. 60c: ( crate lota 45:. Watermelon. Aiah.. sweet, per pound, lo; 6-rato lots, per pound. lo. ' ' MISCELLANEOUS Roasting ears, per loz., 16c: Michigan celery, peridot, g&c: Mott's cidor, per keg, 33.10; 'Nehawka cider, per keg, 33.25; asparagus, per dox., 10c; rhubarb, per dos.. Ma; onions, per dor.. 20c; new beets, carrots, turnips, per dot, 30c; parsley per dos., 40c 1 radishes per dox., 20a; head lettuce, per dor., 11 0)' Lomegrown leaf lettuce, per dox.. 30c' green peppers, per basket. 60c; wax or green beans, per .basket, 31.00: hothouse cucumbers, v.wr doz., 40o to Wo; cauli flower, per lb., 10j2c: Venetian garlic, per lb.. 12c; new cabbage, per lb.. Sair e.ep'ant. per doc, $1.60; horseradish 1 doz. bottles In case, per case, JI.W: Dromodary brand dates, pkg ij.oo; Anchor brand dates, pkg., $3 25; walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, par lb.. 20c; medium" pecans, per lb., 13oi Jumbo pecans, per lb., 16o ; giant pecans. Louisiana, papa; shell, per lb., 25c: filberts, per lb., I5ci Drake almonds per lb. 15c, paper shell, lSc; Brazils, per Ib.j 10c; large washed, per lb.. 12c; black walnuts, per lb., 2Hcl raw No. 1 peanuts, per lb., tc: jumbo pea nuts, per lb., Sc; roast peanuts, per lb.. le: shellbark hlckorynuts, per lb., lo; white rice popcorn, per lb., 4c; checkers, Ber 100-packace case, $3.60; checkers, per )-pkg. case, $L75; .Loan berry . boxea quarts, per 1.000, $2.71 .Metal MnrUet. NEW YORK, Oct. 2. METALS Leofl. t. , rrj re. T .. .1 . ton c. ter: Quiet, $5.006.70; Lohdon, 20 16a. CoDDer: Dull, no transactions: etectrolv. tic. J18.S7H; lako, $17.00; casting, $16.62 16.75. Tin: Quiet; spot and October, $41.1241.S7: November. 41.12Q41.23: December, $41.1651.TO. Antimony: Dull; Cookson's, $8.30. Iron: Quiet and un changed, London markets closed as follows: cop per: Quiet; spot and futures, I74 2s6d. Tin: Quiet: snot. 118716s: futures. 1SS 10s. Iron: Cleveland warrants, 64s 6d. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 2.-METAL8 Lead: Steady. $4.COff4.55. SDelter. Nominal. 16.D0 65.65. Oil and Ilostn. NEW VORIC. Oct. 2. COTTONSEED Oil Steady; prime summer yellow, spot, $7.187.60; Ootobcr, $7.30; December, $7.14; SAVANNAH. Oct. 2 TtrnPRMTIlsir, Steadier: 3S5itic. Sales. 40S liliV? r- natnt. ttlZ ,..,. . . .a . , . wci.o, inu iuii., , BUIIHIlOlltO, 1U DDIS, ROSIN Fil-mer alt m-.-,! arivnnnul Sales, t&2 bbls.; receipts, 1,584 bbls.; HhlpmenU, 6.S03 bbls.; stocks, 118,647 bbls. Quota: A, B, C. JD. E. F, Q, I, $X60; K, $4.15; M, $4.60; N, $5.1fi; WO, $61.0; Coffee Market. . NEW YORK. Oct. i nnvvvv'Ti.. ports of larger Sao Paulo redeipta and heavy realizing gave the coffen market Ari unsettled appearance. The opening wub niuuuy hi an aavanca ot a to s nnintu on steady European cables, but prices soon weakened and closed easy at a net UHCimR fir , in in nninia, I iprnh.. D nh, December, 9.81c; January, 9.96c; March. 10.20c; May, 10.40c; July. IO.6S0: September, lO.COo. Spot coffee unsettled; Rio 7s, 10c: U n -. A . ,u ....... r. . ouitiun in, iTiu, iiiuu, (juici; uoruova. 1316c, nominal. Omnha Hay Market. PRAIRIE HAY No. 1 upland, $12,000 13.00; No. 2 upland. $11.00912.00; No. 3 up land, $9.00011.00; No. 1 midland, $12,000 12.60: No. 2 midland. llLoafi,i2 no- V o midland, $9.00G11.00; No. 1 lowland, $3.60a 10.60! No. 2 lowland, $8.00Q8.C0; No. 3 low. SThAW-Wheat. $4.6036.00. ALFALFA No. 1. IM.OttraiK on- xr $12.0O14.00; No. 1L $10.0013.00. " , Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 2 nnTTnw- Market closed steady at a net decll nn nf 2 to 6 points for the day. The census ro- pori aitrucieq no special attention. Futures closed firm: Octnlmr. 1.1 wi.. December, 13.SCo; January, I3.C3c; March. lS.CSc; May, 13.71c. Satrnr Market,, NEW YORK, Oct. 2. S UQ A R llaw, B51ieIjr '?ay "ntrlfugal, 8.45o; Muscot vado. 2.89c: nlnluauH unr-iir 971V.. 0,600 bags. Refined, quiet. ' . 1 AVool Market. LONDON, Oct. 2,-WOOI-Tho offerings at the wool auction hhJi m,in 'if . ?tf 7?i ""TL",6'00"?.? amounting to Wednesday. n)" nclua next St. Louis Lira Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Oct. 2. CATTLE - w..o, v.w ttcuu maraet Steady: sroorl reeders, 69.00: I southern $6.00011.60; southern steers, $6.00(87,75; HOOS-Recelpts, 8,100 head; market lOo lower; pigs and lixhts. $5.6038.70; mixed 70 ' ,s,408l7G: Bod heavy, $8.50 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,500 head; market steady; muttons, $3.75K3J: yearlings, $5.004(.00j lambs, $5.6007.40; Sloax City Lire Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la., Oct. 2. CATTLE Receipts, 1,254 head: markst steady to 10c higher; beef steers. $7.60ff,75; feeding fe0.0.?'1 .he,lf"-s. $5.25U6.35; canncrs, $$.6004.85: stockers and feeders, $6.6Oft7.00! calves, $8.75Ct.60; bulls, stags, etc , $4.50 6.00. HOQS Receipts, B.618 head; market 10c lower; heavy, $S.0Oir8.15; mixed, $816418.25: light, $8.268.30; bulk of sales TuS m' SHEEP AND LAMBS It ecelpts. 1.554 head: market steady; muttons. !.W,,:a wethers. 14.tXKrjl.C0; ewetj, $3 50C4.25, lambs Fairmont Creamery t p, e. suar .. .. Fatrmftnt ("reanierr 7 p. t. nM , i.miuo,uj: stoCKern flnil .mr-S?ilf Srw" aPd Wferi, $4.75 OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle of All Kinds Slow, Steady to a Little Lower. RECEIPTS OF HOGS VERY FAIR Fnt Sheen nd I.amtm Very Actl' anil Geiirrally Ten Cents HlKher Feeders t'nlrly Active anil Kulty ateitdr- SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. :, 1913. Receipts were: Cattle. Hobs, Sheep. Orflclal Monday 13,673 2.S18 41,3v8 Official Tuesday 10.JS8 fl,370 41,149 Official Wednesday.. . CiJU 6,499 40, t! Kstunnte Thursday 3.CH.K) 6.W0 19.00) l'our days this week. 33.CW !U7 141,042 Same das Inst weelt..34,l3 17.KJ9 148.4SD Same days 2 wits -ago.. M,4 tt.W 176,C Same dny 3 wks am..24,M7 2!,61S lfi2.0S4 Same-days 4 wks aKO..M.34J 16,149 107,SSI Bamo days Inst year... 29.300 I1.6J5 16S.000 Date. I 1913. li: likli.lllO.lll00.lKM.137, fiept. 21 Sept. 22 Sept. 23 'est. 24 8 41 a ? 441 6 62 6 6S 8 411 8 II 6 871 6 Ki 6 SI s cs 8 03 K fMlk. $ 431 8 10 0 ha 8 431 8 12 6 761 5 S3 8 41 3 49, 8 16 6 75 6 W Sept. 25 Sept. 26 3 07(4! 8 15 8 49 S tc 8 hi 6 46 6 57 8 16 6 77 5 96 3 OS 5 tt 6 96 e (103 8 43 ft 67 C 67 6 CO ept. 27 Sent. 231 8 Z4? 2C S 46 8 05 6 14 18 32 OS Scut. 29 S 3t 6 16 8 39 7 98 Sept. 30 S 21) S G2i 6 2a 8 411 7 8S 0 69 Oct. 1.. uct. 8 21 8 43 8 63 7 87 6 001 0 01 8 4I f. 26 7 tb 6 m 5 W Sunday. r - 11.- .tU iuiuiu miu iiniusiviuii "-" nt tl,. llln .t.,u i.r.l. Hniith lllllillli. for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock yesterdav afternoon: RKCEIPTS-OARS. Cattle. HoKs.Shocp. l ises. C, M. & St. P Wabash Missouri Paclflo 4 Union Pacific .( 14 C. & N. V east.... 3 C. A N. W wont... i W C. St, P M. ft.O... 1 C, B. & Q oast,... 4 C, B. & Q., west.... "8 C, R. 1. & P., cast. .. C, R. I. & P., west, .1 Illinois Central I Chicago Great West. .. Total receipts.... 120 3 .. .. lit 63 .. 4 HI 1 3 5 17 19 3 8 1 1 4 .. '., 1 H 75 3 HEAD. tie. Hogs. S)irtM- M7 1.048 1,191 416 1,037 6,028 818 1.U6" 2.34S 1,328 2,110 .... .... 610 30 42 A 150 376 JW 225 110 220 146 63 71 X 75 108 16 13 43 4 I) 4 I 20 89 814 ' .... 16,876 Morris & Co..., Swift & Company Cudahy Packing Co...;- Armour & Co :. Schwartz Sc Co...,.'...... J. W. Murphy L. P. Co ... Sinclair W. B. Vansant Co,...;, Benron, Vunsant & L.. Illll A Son V. B. Lewis ,.. Huston & Co J. B. Boot & Co J. H. Bulla L. F. Ilusz McCrcary & Kellogg.... Worthelmer & Degon.;. If. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros , Mo. Sc Kan. Calf Co.... Christie lilgglns Huffman , Krebs ...I Iowa Ontsnn Pn... Tanner Bros , John Harvoy....i Other buyers Totals .4,6X1 6,153 27,551 CATTLE Itccoiills ot ruttlo wtra nulto liberal this morning for a Thursday, about 3,000 head being reported In the yards. For the four days this weok the total run shows a falling off of about Goo head as compared with last weok and a gain of over 4,000 head as compared with tho aamo period Of last week. The mar ket as a whole was rather slow and dull from start to finish, partly because of tho unfavorable condition ot tho eastern markets and partly becuuse buyers had already purchased very liberally this week. The quality of tho offerings wus also rather poor, there, being few really desirable kinds on sale. In the end tho best beef steers sold at prices that wero very nearly if not fully steady with yesterday, while the less doslrabje kinds wero weak to as much as lOo lower In spots. There was -nothing really toppy on sale. Cows and heifers wero rather slow sellers, but the prices Paid wero not much different from yesterday, being steady In most cases and In some. .instances pos sibly easier. Ti19' besti'f!97. tfero ln -falr roQUest. Prices shoeing lltilo chango on that kind but whoif it came to the less desirable Brdo? .ne market was slow to 10c lower. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice steers, S.268.C0; common to fair beef pcrs, KUmMS; fair to choice yearlings' WA304ifl.!i0; good to choice heifers. $0.60 7..5J good to choice cows. $6.2506.60: fair to good grades. $560ff6.25; common to fair grades, $3.60-95.60; good to choice Blockers and feeder's. $7.sWs.OO; fair to good stockers and feeders, $6.75fi7.25; r?"U"n., to, lr stockers and feeders. W.0OS6.75: stock cows nnd heifers, $5.00 fta?:$5ya7s'VM' W!B-W; . "tags. Reprosentativo Bales: BEEF STEERS. Ar. l'r. No. Ar. Vr. No. 11... ?(l T . a. 1098 I SO t-UVVH. ... 7(0 3 CO ... 110 I 00 ... M0 4 00 ... 847 4 30 ... 833 4 21 1 730 4 73 II lilt 8 75 14 304 I 75 10 '..1120 I 7S 1 1240 S 31 .13...... 1011 2S ...IMS I 33 HEIFEn.8. i S 60 24 , 1030 es t 7M I IK 4 ' I7f a in . 710 fl 20 BULLS. t 1420 6 K CALVES. ,J "0 e 00 1 110 1 ti 11 347 8 00 1 230 I 2S BTOCKERS AND FEEDERS. It 641 23 3d (Ot 7 SO I.... 80S S 73 MS 818 7 30 Ki ??. " 740 WESTERNS NRIlBAfllf A 31 feeders. ,1200 7 16 47 feeders..l079 7 15 43 feeders.. 939 7 45 16 feeders.. 931 7 45 34 cows 932 E 85 1 cult 130 9 75 V feeders, .1058 0 90 12 feeders, .1635 7 00 31 feeders., 604 7 60 26 feeders.. 840 7 00 18 cowsl.... 930 6 33 10 oows WW 6 90 Skulls 1135 BCD 16 c. & 11...1048 6 05 U feeders,, 1068 7 10 13 feeders.. 959 7 10 10 cows 111K ft on ii Kin. . c,it r. nr. 66 stockers.. 628 6 85 7 feeders!. 950 7 60 jeeaers.. 833 7 60 3 heifers... 640 6 10 3 heifers... 750 C 10 7 heifers... 792 6 00 3 cows 960 4 25 2 cows 955 4 75 IS feeders.. 884 7 00 C. A. Snow, Nebraska. 13 c. & h.,..106O 0 30 Tully & Musser, Nebraska. 11 steers.... 967 6 75 162 steers.... 963 6 60 F. H. King, Nebraska. 11 cows 1066 C CS 6 cows 861 4 10. B, Aufdengarten, Nebraska. 7 cows 1028 6 10 J. A. Lore. Nebraska. 6 feeders.. 618 6 65 7 feeders.. 902 6 35 .W. 8. Nicholson, Nebraska. " 18 feeders.,1187 6 CO 2 feeders. ,1100 6 CO . , WYOMING. 24 steers.. ..1150 7 00 41 steers.... 1230 7 75 29 steers.... 1202 7 75 27 steers. ...1211 7 75 28 steers... .1193 7 76 12 steers..,, 1237 7 66 23 fetders.. 878 7 30 45 feeders,. 854 7 30 86 feeders.. 848 7 30 43 cow 938 6 55 2 cpws 1089 6 85 10 cows 1061 6 00 14 cows 823 0 65 33 cows 861 6 65 i, . ciJ' -rhBX' Wyoming. . 40 steers... ,1085 7 45 3S steers.,. .1120 7 45 2 steers... ,1130 7 45 10 steers... 1022 7 00 13 steers.., ,1020 6 66 14 cows 976 6 66 15 cows 957 6 30 1 bull. ..,..1410 6 S5 . . J. M; Cameron, Wyoming. 21 feeders.. 926 7 65 16 feeders.. 1143 7 76 4 steers.... 1185 7 00 A. L. Bishop, Wyoming. 4 cow.,,,. U70 6 65 3 feeders,. 83 7 40 SOUTH DAKOTA. 16 feeders.. 923 6 65 11 steers.... 1114 7 33 Frank Zenka, South Dakota, 10 cows 982 6 95 2 cows 966 4 SO C. L. Nelson, fiouth Ilnkntn 11 feeders. .1113 6 90 10 feeders.. 880 6 75 5 coevs 1012 C 10 K. L. Fllssoum, South Dakota. 1 bull 1150 6 60 2 cows 1125 6 60 11 feeders., 889 6 60 1 bull..... 1060 -6 60 9 feeders.. tU 6 CO HOGS The market oponed out In fair season this morning with the shipper buyers and one or two of the packers buying up the choice kinds at steady to strong price As soon as the more urgent ordurs had been filled tills strength died out, and when buyers began bidding on the rest of thn offerinim. th prices offered looked to be around iiivhoi luwnr Bciieia retused to get out at this decline, thinking that the trade n rufl mwui v. .. 1 1 ,-u ,.,..j ... .. -. , r!id X? ylsia Sr,r .lis lower and It was not I on it until bldx had settled down to a Mttoo lower basis. Salesmen were still demanding steady money, and as the offers failed to im- I'rove notninir was none until alter w o'clock, lly this time It had become up parent that imrkors Intended to buy hogs lower or not at all and sellers began to cut looe slowly, most of the sales being nado nt the decline quoted, that Is MTlOc lower than yestarday'a genornl market. .Movement was very slow nil the way through anil It was after midday before everything was cleaned up. Tho extromo close was iirobahty the lowest spot ot tho dny, Somo sales made late wnro quoted ns helnK n flat dime lower. Hulk sold at t5.lWi8.J0, and a couple of toads of Rood butcher weight stuff went to the packers at $s.55. The quality of tho light and mixed stuff wn better than for weeks back. Representative sales: " So. A 8h. pr. No. at. Sh, r ... I 00 40 IM tdffl 3 17 m I W II 3M 820 3 !7t 300 3 10 it 133 ... 3 20 4i0 3 10 IT JJ 200 I 00 I tSU II t& 190 8 30 340 I 111, 31 213 19 3 20 ... I IS 31 tl 40 to 120 3 13 II Ill 110 I 30 110 I II 14 330 40 8 33 W 111 0 121 140 8 31 1M 3 13 TI .217 10 M 230 8 II OS tit 13) 8 3d I II II 7 HO I 30 IM 8 11 71 lit ... 3 30 10 8 IS 43 21t ISO 8 30 Si") I 18 4 30 SO 8 30 .., 8 13 31 214 ... 3 40 .,. 8 15 37 110 120 8 43 M II (04 ... LIS (0 8 ITU It 311 0 III 330 I 17 "4 II.. ,e.2K ... I IS PIUH ... 610 30.... :..... .. ,. It... . 49 II It 49 47.... II 67 no 317 It 3tt II 334 St. . SM ..241 ..341 . .. 43.... M.... ro. . . . 16.. . 373 117 f8 BIlEliP Tho receipts were 76 cars, or iv.vtu neau, wnicn was a little lens man oihi and two weeks ago, but a few huii- "....i"""v1" f""' V."' """""J uiv-u uvmi mure man on tne corresponu - Ir,.- ,l.u . rrv. ., .t,. iinn,Antat.n of feeders wa very much t If wnM n,i lh. flpnt nt 4I.A iv.nlr . i i . i i,..i , vr ,;",' "v quality. Thoro was no material change I DlrKftnl,e1 a nautral goeernment and mar in tho supply of killers bxcent that the itlal law. now practically Is in forcr general quality ot tho lambs was a little Honor anu tncro wore mure oi tne cuoice grades in sight. Aged shep Offerings conilsted almost entirely of ewes and these were In meager supply. Briskness nnd a dlmo advance ln values characterized the trade In both fat lambs and ewes, everything on tho killing order selling .practically as .fast as tho packers' buyers could get around to tho different lots on sale; An early olenrunco was' mado. Among thn sales wero several loadH of fat lambs that sold up to $7.20 and a bunch, ot fat ewes brought as much as $4.25. There was nothing new noticeable ln tho feeder trado as tho demand, con tinued good like it has Deen all tho woek. Country buyers wero not nn nu merous but commission men had a good many orders and they started In filling tnem in about the same notches as yes terday. Tho movement had fair activity all tho forenoon and In tho end every thing at all decent ns feeders was picked un In irnail seiiaon. Fcedor lamhii nrs quotable anywhere from, $6,00 to $0.60, wcigni anu quality oeing important mo tors In making the prico. Quotations on sneep ana lamps: i.amos, good to choice, 37.0W7.20; lambs, fair to good, JC.GMJ7.00: lambs, culls, tiOOJft.OO; minus, reaaors. t.anju,w; yourungH, guou (o choice, to.lAtfS.di; yoarllngs, fair to good, $5.2505.60; yearlings, foeders, $4,001; wetners, gooa to cnoice, if.zairi.tu; wetliors, fair to' good, $4.0004.25;, wethers, feeders, $4.0004.35: ewes, good to choice, (ykfM.K: ewes, fair to Rood. $3.7504.00: ewes, feeders, $3.(Xff3.6o; cull sheep, $2.00 3.0O, No. Av. Pr. 288 Wyoming feeder Iambs 68 6 60 HW Wyoming feeder lambs 68 6 W 63 Wyoming wethors.. 83 4,25 63 Wyoming wethers ,.. 75 8 60 147 Wyoming feeder lambs 68 6 DO 121 Wyoming recaer lamos. os e wj 91 Wyoming recder lamDs w t u w 86 Wyoming feeder, lambs 69 6 60 167 Wyoming feeder lambs 68 , (1 60 G5 Wyoming recaer irvaius 68 o w t'f T .) . I. .. e...1.n Inn.),. M A M mi iunitu ivvuri ......, . v w wv 282 Idaho feeder lambs,., CO 6 60 162 Idaho feeder lambs 60 6 60 129 Idaho feeder lambs..., CO 221 Idaho feeder lambs CO 0 60 6 CO 6 50 6 60 0 60 0 60 6 35 6 35 0 95 0 95 6 95 t 95 6 93 0 90 6 90 6 53 4 10 2 75 335 4,10 . 690 ' 060 660 6 23 6 25 6 25 6 25 0 GO 0 60 4 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 4 35 4 35 4 35 300 6 10 C CO 0 CO 0 CO 0 30. 6 60 C 60 6 60 0 60 l 60 6 65 660 6 80 6 80 C 80 4 10 . 3 10 4 65 6 90 3 35 3 35 3 35 3 35 3 30 6 CO 5 60 . 6C0 660 4 30 4 30 4 90 4 30 4 30 3 76 5 00 5 90 6 SO 6 90 6 06 660 3 60 4 30 3 tS 4 00 6 CO 3 20 4 00 4 75 fi 00 3 30 1 20 4 25 3 60 6 2S 3 60 3 60 3 50 3 60 3 60 209 Idaho feeder lambs, ,. CO 144 Idaho feeder lambs ,. 63 180 Idaho' feeder lambs. Ct 168 Idaho fcedor lambs, C.1 i'lo ianno reeuer minus , m 83 Idaho feeder lambs ,.,..,''63 190 Idaho lambs G6 151 Idaho lambs . 77 207 Idaho lambs ...,..., CO 222 Idaho lambs , 67 206 Idaho lambs 06 193 Idaho Iambs i, 69 IV T ,. 1 ... 1 ... 1.. nn tAii .uiii.u miiiwa ,, I ........... , ,, w 353 Wyoming feeder lambs 67 87 Wyoming ewes IM 96 Wyoming owes 86 21 Wyoming owes 93 171 Wyoming ewes 05 243 Wyoming feeder lambs 49 136 Wyoming reedcr lambs 67 212 Wyoming feeder lambs.,,.., 66 85 Wyoming feeder lambs 45 136 Wyoming feeder lambs 63 194 Wyoming feeder lambs,...,. 40 mm Wyoming iccuer lumps, oi 803 Wyoming lambs C3 292 Wyoming lambs ...... 221 Wyoming ewes . 63 .112 129 Idaho lambs 161 Idaho lambs 202 Idaho lambs 73 72 71 42 South Dakota feeder ewes. 84 260 South Dakota feeder ewes, 73 225 South Dakota feeder ewes. 76 60 S. D. cull feeder ewes 74 178 South Dakota feeder lambs. 45 255 Wyoming feeder lambs,.,,., 65 241 Wyoming feeder lambs 64 235 Wyoming feeder lambs 54 348 Wyoming feeder lambs...... 41 176 Wyoming feeder lambs CO 256 Wyoming feeder lambs...... 67 218 Wyoming feeder lambs, 68 222 Wyoming feeder lambs. 69 229 Wyoming feeder lambs 68 314 Wyoming fet-der lambs 67 6 Wyoming feeder Iambs,...,, 67 SCO Wyo. cull feeder lambs 48 190 Wyoming feeder lambs 45 179 Wyoming fcedee lambs...... 46 94 Wyoming ewi ....101 198 Wyoming ewes. 90 49 Wyoming yearlings .., 90 128 IiWho lambs ,, 74 149 Wyoming feeder ewes.,,,,, 89 103 Wyoming feeder ewes 89 181 Wyoming feeder 'ewes ,89 79 Wypmlng feeder ewes, 89 614 Wyoming feeder ewes 90 190 Wyoming feeder yearlings,. CO 157 Wyoming feeder yearlings.. CS 99 Wyoming feeder yearlings.. 70 146 Wyoming feeder yearlings.. 82 148 Wyoming feeder wethers... 86 165 Wyoming feeder wethers,,. SO 149 Wyoming feeder wethers.,. 95 C Wyoming feeder wethers... 71 78 Wyoming feeder wethers.., 91 68 Wyoming feeder wethers. .100 111 Wyoming feeder lambs xj 33 Wyoming feeder lambs... 403 Wyoming feeder lambs... 106 Wyoming feeder lambs,.. 373 Wyoming feeder lambs,,. 264 Wyoming feeder lambs... 48 Wyoming wethers 786 Wyoming ewes 368 Nebraska breoder ewes.. 43 . 61 . 43 . 47 . 51 .109 .106 100 63 Wyoming breeder owes 107 133 Nebraska feeder lambs 65 147 Nebruska ewes 94 126 Neb. wethers and yearlings. 94 261 Nebraska feeder yearlings.. 89 150 Nebraska lambs 62 Wyoming ewes .. 1215 Idaho lambs 92 Idaho ewes ...... ., 92 .. 71 ..124 ..116 11 Idaho cull ewes.. 197 Nebraska feeder lambs 61 73 Wyoming feeder ewes-.... 91 W Wyoming feeder ewes 91 241 Wyoming feeder owes 92 196 Wyoming feeder ewes,, 91 05 Wyoming feeder ewes...-.,,. 93 117S Wyoming etves 93 3 40 83 Wyoming ewes 99 4 00 226 Wyoming ewes , 97 4 00 3S2 Wyoming feeder lambs..,,.. 60 60 80 Wyoming feeder lambs 60 6 60 vuiisns iity- i,iv stuck BlarUrt, KANSAS CITY, Mo., Oot. 2, CATTLE Receipts, 3,700 head; market steady to lOo iiiKiiuij prime reu steers, s.B6inv.65; dressed beef steers. $8.00418.75: watm steers, $6.60ft6.40: southern steers, $3.76S 7.00; cows, $4.26&7.16; heifers, $5.00&9.00; stockers and feeders, $5.50ti8.15; bulla, $4.60fl.60; calves. $6.0010.00, HOGS Receipts, 6,600 head; market steady to 6c lower; bulk, $8,164)8.55; heavy, $8.3088.60; packers and butchers, !S.30y.57H; light, $8.0038.55; pigs, $6.00t; 7.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 9.300 head; market steady to 10c lilgher; lambs. $6.7rfr.40; yearlings. I5.oii.oo; wuthers, $4.26416.00; ewes, $3. 7684.50. Dry (ioiuls Market, NEW YORK, Oot. ".-DRY GOODS Cotton goods markets ruled strong today. naw suits were easier. i arris wero a , strong I I Kw to the ItuaUan-Bec Advertising. i PIEDRAS NEGRAS WILL STAND 1 Pnrrnnra Anenrre. Amf rirnno Citv arrftiiza Assures Americans uuy Will Not Be Destroyed. FOREIGN PROPERTY TO BE SAFE Onlrrn Hint So t. S. Troop lie Sent , to Mi'xlomi Tcrrljory Wllliont In striirtlntin 'front AVnslilnfftnn tilveti li- War Diirrnu. riKDRAB NUCHAS. Mex.. Oct l-The. city of I'lftlrns Negrns will no be de stroyed, and every protection will bo af forded property iwned by American and foreigner during any hostilities that may arise between tlie constitutionalists nnd the fedoral armies.' This .assuranco was given American military authorities late thTs afternoon by a representative of Jesus Carranza, con stitutionalist commander, following vig orous protests made by the Stato depart ment through United States Consul Blocker. , It had been reported that with the ovacuatlon .of tho city by tho constitu tionalists, plans had been mnde to dyna mite, the-tpwn to .prevent anything ot value falling Into the hands of the fed erals in case their advance was not checked by the momentarily expected en gagement south of here. i "rai Noutrnl OoTcrnnicnt Orannlaed. Vll1lU,l.n tUtm ........ .. 1 .. . i T,-nllnivlnir IM. ! I'OUOWlng tblS w,,wi. t.,,o wouinuwv . rum ill,,, fc ch the same as residents of Pledras Negras, with the as ,'s of the week slstanco ot the American authorities. I ..-... . ,ut. . . . i i niemiivv u. tun jvnicricaii auviiuiiiicr, Fifty men were employed to guard property on report that organized bands had begun to saok abandoned residences and business places, Looters will be summarily shot. Tho protests of the Stato department wero presented by Consul Blocker and Major Caldwell of the Fourteenth United States troops at Eaglo Pass. At the conclusion of their conference with tho constitutionality authorities, they , wero greeted with crlos of "Juge de uvbj" igrape juice). , )rilrr from Wnr Oarraa, WASHINGTON, Qct, 2.-Ordors that no American troops be sent. o Mexican territory at Pledras Negras without spe cific Instructions from Washington wont from the Wnr department today to Brig adier General Bliss, commanding the United Btates border forces. Full ad- Vices have, been received from General Bliss nnd Consul Blocker concerning tho critical sltuatloil existing at Pledras Negras as a result of its practical evacua tion by tho constitutionalists before tho advancing federals, but tho Washington administration Is confident that there will bo no developments to mnko necessary a departure from Its settled' pollcy ot non Intervention. Olrl Arrested ns Spy. . HL PASO, Texas, Oct. 2,-Mnrle Zunlga. an Amcrlcan-Mexlcanlglrl from Douglas, Ariz., was arrested In Juarez this morn ing by tho federal authorities on n charge or being a rebel spy. she arrived to work for a trlegrnph company and went to junrex on 0 .sightseeing trio. She was arrested" on tho Mexican side of thQ In ternational Bridge, and Mex can official assert that oho was currying messages irom'ino rsonora rebels to sympathizers in Juarez. Sho lias not been .Placed In Jail, but Is being detained at a private ncuso. t'cuerni soldiers ofre guarding the house. PERSONAL HOLDINGS OF JOHN D. IN NEW YORK 5 MILLIONS NEW YORK, 'Oct. S.-John'D. Roekn. feller owns rriore personal . property than any ona other man ln New York City, according to the personal tax assess- monts for 1913, - mado publlo today, Mr. Rockefeller's personal property is as sessed at $S,C00,000. Other personal prop erly assessments were: John D, Rockefeller. Sr.. $395,000: wil. llara Rockefeller, $300,000i Thomas F. Ryan, $200,000; Mrs. Russell Sage, $463,000; Herbert I Batterlce, 3600.000: Jacob H Bchlff, $400,000; James Bpeyer, $200,000; Herman eieiciten, eiuu,vw. This docs not include real estate, stock or bonds, GERMAN FLYER ALLOWED TO LEAVE FRENCH TERRITORY BOULOGNE, France, Oot. S. The French authorities today granted an au thorization to depart from France to Lieutenant Btotfen, tho German officer, who landed near here with his aeroplane on Sept. 29. Before leaving. Lieutenant Bteffen thanked tho French authorities for tho courtesy he had been shown. He told them that he had not Intended to fly across French territory, but had been blown out ot his course and compelled to descend. ' JUDGE RESTRAINED FROM HEARING C0NJEMFT CASES SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 1 The stato supreme court Issued an alternative writ today restraining Superior Judge John E. Humphries from hearing the contempt cases of Emll Hendrlckson and Thomas Russell, who had been cited by Judgo Humphries to appear before him tomor row to answer for signing "a resolution of defiance" drawn up and circulated by socialists. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MABKET Cattle Slovr, Steady. Hogs Steady to Shade Illaher. 4 CJlUCA90, .-CATTLE-Recelpts. 4,600 head; market alow, but steady beeves. $7.15(69.40; Texas steers, $3.907.w! western steers. $6.158.30; stockers lind feeders, $5.304T7.85; cows and heifers, $3.75 438.65; calves. $7.76011.60. HOGS-Rocelpts. 23,000. head; market steady to a shade lower; bulk of sales $80478.75; light, , ttSCOV.OO; mixed. $S 0 pigi, u.mi oosmsMi r0U8h' i8-0020- , SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 32,000 c2!.5nrk--t eteady to strong; natives. V. lSPi'' we'toms, $3.904.90: yearlings. $4.904j6.90; nattvo lambs, $5.8637.40; west erns, $6.0007,40. St, Joseph Lire Stock Market, ST. JOSEPH, Oct. 2. --CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,200 head; market steady; steers, $5.p049.00: cows and heifers. $4.004T8.76, calves, $5.00010.00. HQGS-Recelpts. gjoo head: market Slow; top, $8.65; bulk, J3.2Mf8.43. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6.000 head; market steady; lambs, $3.00417.25, i.tre Slock In Sight. Receipts ot live stock at the six princi pal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs, pfieep. Sioux City, 1.254 6,518 l,tf( Chicago i , 4,500 3.000 32.000 Kansas City ,. 3,700 6,000 9.301 St Louis 8,900 8,100 (.600 St Joseph...., . . . 1,200 8,600 8.000 South Omaha.... 3.0W 6,600 I Totals ...12,554 63.C18 73.351 American Telephone 4& Telegraph Co A dividend of Two Dollars ser hre win be paid ot) Wednaadajr. October II, llll, to aloe feV.JbV,ii.,h.Vi:10" " buM"" -