The Omaha Daily Bee Live One's Monologue: "I should worry because my sleepy competitor does not know enough to ndvcrtlso." THE WEATHER. Fair; Warmer VOL. XLUI NO. 92. .OMAHA, FRIDAY MOBNINO, 0CTOBER 3, 1913-TWEL.VE PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. 1 TWO STEEL WORKERS TAKEN ON DYNAMITE CONSPIRACY CHARGE George E. Davis, Alias George O'Donnell, Arrested by Detec tive in New York. ADMITS DESTROYING BRIDGES Alleged Confession Involving Sev eral Others Given Out. HARRY . JONES ALSO ARRESTED New Secretary of International Union Involved lh Charge. NEW FIGURE IN THE CASE Joiiea, Who Wu Formerly Secretary of New York: Union No. 40, la Charfted with Conaplrncr to Tranaport Exploalres. NEW YORK, Oct. 2.-George E. Davis, alias Georgo O'Donnell, was arrested by n United States -marshal -here- today oh a chars ot blowing up with, dynamite a New Haven railroad bridgtf at Mount Vernon. N. Y- September 3 19U. Davis Ib also charged with having conspired with the McNamara- brother Frank M. Uyat and other offters of tno Interna llon'al Bridge und Structural ' Workers' linlon to wreck the Mount Vernonand other bridges. Tho marshal asserts that "Javla has confessod. Davis was arrested on the complaint it Robert J. Foster, a private deteetlre of Louisville, Ky. Foster charged that a conspiracy of Ryan, the McNamara briSrhers and fifty bOier Iron workers !0 transport dynamite to be used In vwrocklng property of the American Bridge company was still In existence. The formal charge against Davis, who la an iron worker, Is that he violated the federal law against the transportation of high explosives on passenger trains engaged in interstate commerce. The complaint asserts that Davis and lis fellow conspirators on January 22, 1911, transported forty-five pounds of dynamite from Bellefontalne, O., to In dianapolis, over tho Cleveland division of the Bis Four railroad. On September t,, 1911. It Is. alleged, Davis carried thirty Mounds of the explosives, from New York city to Mount Vernon, a suburb, and hereblow up part of the railroad bridge. Foster said that Davis gave him a writ ten confession before his arrest today. Ball for Davis was fixed at 110,000. Confession ot Davla. The United States atforn.eys, office gave ojjl this afternoon what purported '.opelavBynbpsls. of 3avl' contelon. It atday'naVurfg Job t Trentori, N.. J.; had'blown up anE(rto railroad DriJg at Garrison, N. Jit1 -nad plotted to tlovy up .the Blackwell's Island bridge In this dtyi hadwreefced' a bridge it Pelham, N. Y.; a Baltimore ic Ohio' bridge at Bradshaw; the Chesla pier In tho North river; had destroyed materials n the yards of the Pennsylvania rail road at Philadelphia; wrecked a draw bridge over the Bronx river, and similar Jobs in Perth Amboy, N. J.; Somerset, Ifass., andProvldence, R. J. Foster,- the detective who brought ibout the arrest, has been employed by the National Erector's association and was found guilty in Indianapolis on March 15, 1912, of assault and battery on Ihe person of President Ryan of the In ternational Association ot Bridge and Itructural Iron Workers. Secretary Jones Arrestee!. INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 2. Harry Jonos, tccretary and treasurer of the Inter national Iron Workers, was arrested here today -tiy a deputy United' States marshal iirW charge of conspiracy. Jones, it is said, Is Implicated 'In ' the tonfession of George B. Davis, who was arrested in New York today. Jones was rralgned lh. federal court and his bond fixed at $10)000. Ho had not been able 16 furnish It early this afternoon, Davis, it Was learned here, is the O'Donnell who was considered an Important adjunct to the d.ynamlte conspiracy trial here, but who 'could not be found at the time. Jt Is reported that Davis made his con fession two weeks ago In the New York (Continued on Page Two.) The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Friday: For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity t.-jFalr Friday; not much change in tem perature, i Temperature nt Omaha Yesterday. Hour, " Deg. 5 a. m 62 6 a. m. (2 7 a. m 53 8 a. m 5? 9 a, m. ,, 63 10 a. m f. 6S 11 a. m 71 13 m 73 1 p. in.. ...... 76 2 p. m 80 3 p. m 83 4 p. m 82 '5p,m 78 C p. in 76 7 p. m ,, 73 8 p. m 71 Comparative Local Ilecord. 1511 1912. 191L 1910. Highest yesterday 82 72 69 88 Lowest yesterday 8! 63 Mean temperature ...... 67 62 PrcclDitatlon 00 .15 51 64 66 . 76 T .04 Tnmnerature and precipitation deoar lures from tne normal : Normal temperature 60 ttxeess ror me uny 7 Votal excess since March 1.... 69 Normal precipitation 09 Inch Deficiency for -the day ,09 inch Total rainfall since March 1.:.. 13. 30 Inches Deficiency since March 1...... 5.81 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1912.. 3.08 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1911.. 13.60 inches Reports from Stations at T PiM. Station and State Temp. High- Rain pf Weather. 7 pin. eat. fall. Sheyenne, clear 64 72 .00 " nayenport, clear 60 70 .00 Denver, clear 72 76 .00 Des Moines, clear 66 76 .00 Dodge City, clear 70 80 .00 fandei. part cloudy 72 76 .00 North PJaUe, clear 72 80 .00 Omaha, clear 73 82 .00 Pueblo, clear , ,,, 72 78 .00 Rapid City. cUar :;. 70 85 .00 Halt Lake City, p't cloudy 70 76 .00 Santa Fe, part cloudy.... 56- 4 .00 Hherldan. clear- 6C I SO ,00 Sioux City, clear "0 76 .go Valentine, clear 74 80 .00 T Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. EVIDENCE ISJTRICKEN OUT One Motion by Governor Suiter's Counsel Allowed. MANAGERS MAKE AN APOLOGY Intimation thnt Hooka of Brokers Had Deen f-'nlalfled la Retracted Next Sesalon Monday Afternoon. I ALBANY, N. Y., Oct 2.-AdJournment Until Monday afternoon was taken in the Impeachment trial of Governor Sulzer today after a few motions jjuide by consul for the defense had been dis posed of. Isldor J. Kresel of counsel for tho as sembly managers read a statement at the Impeachment trial of Governor Sul ler this afternoon absolving the New York brokerage firm of Harris & Fuller of any attempt to change their books in order to protect the governor. The state ment, Mr. Kresel said, was made "gladly on the part ot tho counsel for tho man agers In order to remove any misconcep tion that may have been created by tho attitude ot the managers' attorneys." At the trial on Tuesday, Attorney Kresnl placed considerable emphasis on an entry In the firm's books which recorded a "loan" 'tb the, governor.' Mr. Fuller took offense at tho questioning of. the entry and demanded an apology. Mr. Krescl's statement preceded various motions made by counsel for the gover nor to strike out certain testimony. Testimony Stricken Out. The first motion had to do with the in struction of testimony of Louis A. Sar ecky, the governor's campaign secretary, taken before the Frawley committee. This was testified to by the stenographer who reported It. Mr. Fox contended that tho stenographer's testimony was hearsay. Judge Cullen held the testimony was hearsay and would go out. The next motion was to strike out cer tain testimony of J. B. Gray, the1 Well Street? broker. In regard to a conversa tion he had with F. S. Cobrell, the gov ernor's alleged Wall Street agent. Judge Cullen ruled that the testimony would stand. 'As the Sulzer attorneys were about to move to strike out parts of the impeach ment on the ground that the charges were unproved. Judge Cullen said: "I shall hold that all motions Involving the probatlvo force of competent evidence must be left "until the final submission of the case." Attorney Fox then declared ho had In tended to move to stripe out articles three, four, five, seven and eight, on tho ground that "the testimony concerning thm Is not worthy of consideration." However, he said he would bow to thfc ruling ot the presiding Judge, but re quested the privilege of making tho motions later if necessary. Adjournment Until Monday. Judge Herilck then announced that counsel for the governor were not pre- jmrmi.ty o,on, wun, instate anp; aseu .toe npumroetruntil--MondayheraMm "We are not In any condition to go 6n with the casOt.thlB lltte.he said. "My associate, Mr. Hltarian. who is to open .tne case, has .broken. rtntvh. tt w ri JoUrn- until Monday only four hours will be lost ana I can assure (he court that wo can use that time so profitably that the case will be shortened. The witness with whom we intend to lead off is not here. Motion was then put and carried to ad journ the case until Monday afternoon at z o'clock. American Child Killed by Chinese Band at Tsao Yang PEKING, China, Oct Z.-The American legation here received a report today from J. Paul Jameson, vice consul gen. eral at Shanghai, stating that an Amerl can child had been killed and other for elgnera were belijg maltreated by Chi SesebrlffandB at Tsao Yanir. The legation fears' that ,the Chinese covcrnmcni troops are neither capable nor xealous enough to accomplish the release of the American and Norwegian missionaries In the hands of the bandits at Tsao Yang and that ransom alone can save the lives ot foreigners still in cap tivity. It Is believed that the ransom demanded may not be heavy, as Chinese 'idea In monetary matters are not extravagant ByHhe efforts of the American lega tion and consulates, the missionaries have been kept out of unsafe districts during the last two years, but they were not re btrlcted from going to the northern part of the province of Hu Peh. which hith erto had not beeff considered, dangerous. At Hankow, General LI Yuen Heng, vice president of the republic states, everything possible Is being done.X Nearly 3,000 Chinese troops are advancing on the town of Tsao Yang. Secretary Lane on Way to Denver ' SAN FRANCISCO, Cat. Oct 2,-Frank-lln K. Lane,. secretary of the interior, left hefe'today for Washington, via Xnvsr, where he will Interrupt his Journey for two days to consult with the governor ot Colorado and other state officials on de partmental matters, Including the pro posed transformation pf Estes park Into a national reserve to be-known as the Rocky Mountain National park. Accompanying the secretary are Uls wife, his sn, Franklin K. Lane, Jr.; A. C. Miller, assistant secretary of the In terior; Mrs, Miller and Secretary Lane's private secretary. The party is due In Denver Saturday morning. The secretary feels completely recovered from the attack of angina pectoris under which he collapsed September 9, and ex pects to return to his desk as soon as he reaches Washington, 'On or about Oc tober W. i FLOOD DAMAGE N TEXAS EXCEEDS MILLION DOLLARS DALLAS, Tex., Oct 2. Reports from several cities In Texas Indicate that damage from floods resulting from at motit unprecedented rainfall will prob ably exceed 81,000,000. Railroads have lost many bridges. Rice and other crops have suffered and the lumber Industry in southeast Texas and southweat Louis iana has been timrilrallv auaoended. CITY ATTACKED FROM ACROSS THE BORDER Filibustering Expedition Tries to Take Fiedras Negras, but Repulsed. TWO BANDS MAKE ASSAULT Word of Coming and Invaders THEY S. iry Authorities Con- an Investigation. CAMPAIGN OF DESTRUCTION ON? Reports Sny Conatltnitonnllata Are Bnrnlnn; All Towns Ilctvreen BonndnVy and Linn ot Jloa tllitlea nt l'cyotes., PIEDRAS NEGRAS, Oct 2.-A filibus tering expedition attempted to capture PTodras Negras from tho American side of tho Rio Grande today. They were re pulsed by tho border patrol and tho neutral guards placed In chargo of the city yesterday after the constitutionalists' evacuation. Two bands attacked the city, but word of their coming had reached the commit tee of safety nnd the Invader's met a hot fire as they crosd tho International line. They were forced to retreat It Is not known whether any were wounded, American military authorities are Invest!' gating. Early today the sky was illuminated by a conflagration to the south of Pledras Negras, but telegraph lines being cut, Its nature could not be learned. Meager re ports say that the constitutionalists have started a campaign ot destruction outside the sphere of American Interference and that all towns between the border ami the Una of hostilities at Peyotes are bolna; destroyed. Conditions in Pledras Negras were quiet last night and apparently normal except for the presence of hundreds of refugees. Encouraging accounts from, the front are still given by the constitutionalists. who assert Monclova has been retaken by roinforcements from Matamoras. Millions in Fees Are Involved in Utah Power Case DENVER, Colo., Oct. 2.-Fees to the government, estimated at froth 81,000,- qOO' to 32,003,000 In the next ten years, are invoivea in tne case or tne united mates agalpsC the Utah Power and Light com paaTmOeb.OM .merger.ariuiwint .M hvhlcn'ttas'MgualbeZdrAthBsU circuit cduft" ot 'apnoali, here tiM '. ' The' a'p jeal, which is 'from the decision" ot judge John A. Marshall Of the United States district court of Utah, is a. teat cijse, charging ihe power corporation with trespass lri constructing a flume1 aHd reservoir In the Cache National forest, In Utah. - Hundreds of similar Instances In mountain 'and Pacific coast states are awaiting, determination. The opening argument for the govern ment was mado by R. F. Fcagans, law officer "of the forestry department at Og den; He wfia to be followed by Dwlght W. Mprrow and E. M. Allison, Jr.( for the defendant corporation and Hiram E. Booth, United Spates listrlct attorney In Utah for the government. Mr. Feagans declared that the federal act of 1866, under which the power com pany claims title to power sites on the public domain, was repealed by Implica tion In the act of 1896, whloh laid down regulations by which easements, for lim ited terms of years, could be secured. He contended that" the works In question, constructed In 1900, came under the act of 1836. ;The. case -opens up the whole subject of federal and state control of tho public, domain. Discount Eate of Bank of England i; is Sent Upward LONDON, Oct. 2. After a prolonged discussion the directors ot the Bank of England today decided to raise the bank rate from 4H to 5 per cent as a precau tionary measure to protect the bank's reserve, which has been depleted by ovor 110,000,000 this week by exports to Egypt. The weekly consignments of gold from South Africa have been absorbed by the continent, whero the scramble for gold continues ' The discount market hardly expected the advance today In view ot the firmer New York exchange, but it was recog nized that some protective measure would be necessary In tho near future in order to enable the Bank of England to save the gold arriving from South Africa and build up its reserve, which has fallen much below that of last year. The higher rate. It Is expected, will serve as a warning to other quarters to pheck their orospectlve gold deknands. Dr, Rudolph Diesel is Mysteriously Missing ANTWERP. Germany, Oct. 2 -The mystery of the disappearance v of Dr. Rudolph .Diesel, the Oerman inventor, while on his way from Germany to Eng land, was still further deepened today by the assertion of a member of the crew ot the cross channel steamer Dresden, who said that Dr. Diesel went on board the steamer at 6:30 o'clock in the even ing of September 28, but on learning that the vessel was not to start until 7:90 o'clock went ashore and was not seen agaltT. The sailor said he was convinced that Dr. Diesel did not cross the channel. The steward did not enter his name on the cabin list LONDON, Oct. 2. The statement made by a sailor that Dr. Rudolf Diesel did not travel on board the steamer Dresden la contradicted by the declaration i ( George Sarsal, an official ot the Diesel company, that he dined with Dr. Diesel on board the Dresden and left him on the ship's deck at 10 o'clock on September . LeakgjAt wet Now r 7, M j 2 vrJJ XLovr paint ) Drawn tor The Bee by Powell. DEMOCRATS ;MER SPOILS Senate Committee Adds Rider to the Deficiency Bill. TO AMEND CrmTsERVICE LAW Provision .to Remote Deputy Col lectors and- Dejmty .United' Statra Mnrstutlsfl'rom Pro . tectton .mil Act, rrxsniNGTON, tiK saabw" prp- VMnOfT 'IWlUVffOuW-i'.WtKe tpfMtlCailr all deputy 'UnlteA SiaUs marshals aid de puty cdtlbolors; of internal reveriUt "out' ot the tfroteOtlon df -the oivll service has been added to the urgent deficiency ap propriation -bjll by the senate -committee on apprdprlatlons, which reported the measure back to tho senate today, it provides that cotledtdrs of internal re vhue and United' States marshals shall have power to' appropriate any deputy who is compelled to furnish a bond, and "shall hav'e power t6 revoke the. appoint ment of any subordinate officer or em ploye and appoint his successor at his discretion without rcgdrd ' to the civil service laws and regulations. An appropriation of $7,600 for tho pur chase Of a new automobile for Vice President Marshall and Us care and operation for one year was also added to the bill by the senate committee. . The senate-' appropriations committee also added an appropriation of 310,000 for the federal board of mediation and con ciliation to the bill, and tho 3160,000 bal ance for the new Portland, Ore., post office' was made' Immediately availablo for use. , Bachelor Draws Trade Because'Be is Desirable Catch MILWAUKEE, Wis., Oct. 2. Declaring that his business would be ruined 'it the news ot his marrlagejwere made public, an applicant for a marriage llcenso hero last night asked that his name be with held from publication. "I own a butcher shop and am coining money," he said, , 1 "There are over 300 unmarried young women living in my .neighborhood. Every body know that I have, money and match-making mothers send their girls nrouny to my shop with tt view to getting me Interested. "But If they found out I was married they would boycott me. Wh,en I get mar ried -I -am going, to Introduce my wlfa. as a new hired girl." The county .clerk agreed to suppress the man's name. MISSOURI PAYS PENSIONS TO EX-CONFEDERATES JEFFERSON CITY. Mo., Oct. 2.-8tats Treasurer Deal today transmitted 663 checks to confederate pensioners In Mis souri, this being the first installment under the act of the Last general assem bly providing for these pensions, and ap- proplratlng 130,000 for that purpose for the biennial period of 1913 and 191 1. The checks sent out range In. amount from. 35 to 330. The total amount disbursed was 23,146.63. ' The National Capital Thnrsday, October 3, 1013. TJie Senate. Appropriations committee reported ur gent deficiency bill, endorsing abolish ment of commerce court, but extending terms of its Judges to December 31, Nine bills authorizing bridges over navigable rivers ware passed. Attempt was made to pass Hetch Hetchy bill, but it was put aside. Conference report on tariff bill was taken upland debated. Bonking committee heard bankers on currency legislation. Commerce committee agreed to the re port of the seamen's Involuntary servi tude bllU for the. Finishing Touch Panama Canal is Not Damaged by Seismic Shocfe PANAMA. Oct, ".-Absolutely no dam ago was done td the structures of. the. Panama, canal by, the earthquake wtyoll occurred In the caMl tone between 11 "and 12 o'clock last ntht The official, statement Issued this after- nppn eo milium . m lumniumniA wwi Hhat-ttt tTrac minor was 'jwt1. jwth! WiBhr or waaiJtWttoH5tNEW YQRKy- Oot 2.JMrx.. Hermann i - . . ...... . i . obkrvatOfy.' U ',&currd 'at Y:fe OCIOCK yatefdiy 'afternoon.' The next .And krlates't shock was "felt at ll!JB o'6loc it night Between then kU oliBVclppk1 thls'iriorrilng eleven 'olHer "tferiior were reidrded. "t'J The violence of the vibradoh at ltttt 6'clock last night was so great that It threw tho p6n oft tho paper of the selsmbgrivph and consequently an. exact record of Its duration was not obtain able. It apparently lasted from twenty to twenty-five seconds, Tho Instruments showed the common pdlnt ot Origin of tHe shocks to be td the north of Colon in the Carrlbean sea. The Oatun dam and the curiftl . locks sustained absolutely no Injury. Investigation at Panama snowed that more damage had been done than It had been at first; believed. Although no walls were seriously impaired, alight cracks appeared In several concrete build Lings, particularly in Twelfth street near Santa Ana Plata. Three hours after last night's dlsi turbance one qf the Central and South American cables - broke about, 1M mll,e north of Panama. This may have been a coincidence, or the result of the shocks. Tho break caused no Inconvenience to tho cable company's traffic. Tho earthquake appears to have been of a submarine character. Tho only serious damage to buildings In the city of Panama was the shaking down of some ot the plaster and frjtsco interiors ofJthe flat arched Santo Domingo church. Colonel Goethals has received reports from every part of the canal stating that no damage whatever has resulted. Canadian Miked Out of Five Thousand at West Baden, Ind. BT. LOUIS, Oct. 2.-Willlam J. Young and his wife of Brandon Manitoba, ap pealed to the police here today to aid them In recovering 33,000, which they sattn they had given to two confidence men who perspaded them to bet the money on a "sure thing" horse race. The Youngs said they met the alleged confidence men, known as Klelnfelder and Rector, at West Baden, where the ability of the strangers to pick a winner was demonstrated by a 31 -bet, from which Mr, Young received S3. The 85,000, the police were told, was turned over to the two men in a hotel here. According to. Young, the two men "quarreled fiercely" soon after receiv ing the money and left the hotel with the money, promising they would return. They never came back and" tho- Youngs visited the police station with their story Rexroat Inquest is Postponed for Week CHICAGO, Oct 2. Interest in the mys terious murder of Mrs. Mlldren Allison Rexroat centered today In West Chicago, where the Inquest over the victim's body was resumed' by Coroner William V. Hopf. Meanwhile a dosen Chicago de tectives searched for "Mr. Spencer." who is said 'to have accompanied Mrs. Rex roat to Wayne, 111., the night she was shot to death and her body placed on the tracks of a railroad. The session of the Inquest was short and brought out no new witnesses nor testimony A recess of a week was taken. Y0UH6 OELRICHS LOCKED DP Son of Millionaire is Charged with , Stabbing Girl. MOTHER COMES TO HIS RESCUE lie la ntltasea on Ball-ahd Case Con- tinned Becaase Alleged Victim H Too Srrloaaty Wounded o A swear yWfwfr wrtdw. of lhjaWtlBmtlrf Ottrlohs.. fipo amassed a fortune ot mil lions .rrbmi . steamship unes, ;today V.di hki5.o!ikIorraantt ffam spending the entire fyght in a poUcV station cell by.Kolrijr hli bond, for 3S,oa), gvlpg Jier llOOlOQo resldfnce as security. Young Oeirichs, a student In the Cblllmbfa law natfool, Was Arrested late last rilfcltt on a 'charge Of felonious assault after Luo'lle Bittgietoh, a 18-year-old girl, who says she Is & daughter of a Texas mine owner, had told her story ot a mysterious auto mobll6 accident on Broadway Tuesday night- Tho ' girl alleges that Oeirichs. 'WHO was then known to her as '"Billy Crelghton." had stabbed her while she was 'riding! lij tho young millionaire's car. . ueiriohs ws arrested while visiting the apartments at which Miss fllngletpn was lyjng wounded. Detectives Jiad hidden themselves there behind portlers and, according to them, they heard "Crelgh ton" reveal hls.ldentlty. He was arrested and locked up In the Mulberry street police station, at which the, youth's mother appeared shortly af terward and produced the required ball. Young Oeirichs was released, under In struction In the Jefferson market court for arraignment today and he and his! mother drove away in a taxlcab. Miss Singleton told the police that she was riding. with the man she then knew as "Crelghton" when a quarrel arose because sho admitted she had an en gagement with another man. Thereupon, she alleged,- "Crelghton" let go of b,la, steering wh,eel and stabbed her several tlrtiea with Dome sort ot sharp lnstru ment, whloh. riay havs been an automo bile tool. Oeirichs was arraigned In police court today and hed In 31,000 ball, but the case was postponed until Tuesday be cause pf the absence of the complainant She was itljl in bed today. Girl Una Good Reputation. Miss Mary,. Chambers, principal pf the Darlington seminary at West Chester, Pa., wher the BlngleUjn girl says she attended school, was quoted today as having said over the long distance tele phone: "There was a Miss Lucllo Singleton here, about three years ago. She was a pupil for about a year and a halt and registered from Dallas, Tex. I met her father once when he came to the semi nary with his daughter. Mr. Singleton said that he was a minor. Last year "MU Singleton returned to the seminary, but remained only three or four months, leaving In April or May. She was well thought of In the seminary. She was very quiet and one of the most studious pupils we had at that time. We don't know anything about her family and since she left the seminary we have not heard from or of her. Her registered address was care of Edwin Singleton, 1404 Wood street, Dallas, Tex." Girl Denies Stabbing; Story, DALLAS, Tex., Oct. 2.-Edwln Single ton, father of Lucille Singleton, who was reported stabbed by Hermann Oeirichs Tuesday night in New York today denied that his daughter has been attacked as reported, declaring he had a telegram from her conveying this Information. The telegram assured him, he said, her Injuries had been received when the automobile was wrecked in a collision. Miss Singleton had known Oeirichs for some time under the name of "Crelgh ton," her father said, having been In troduced to him by a mutual friend. 8he has been In New York studying muslo since she left Darlington seminary, said Mr. Singleton. He will leave for New York early to morrow. He Is a mining man whose in terests are In the Taoc district of Mexico. t GERMAN-AMERICANS' PARADE NOTABLE IN AK-SABJiN ANNALS Huge Crowds Are Given New Idea ol the Possibility of Daylight Floats. SPECTATORS' INTEREST KEEN Influence of Germans on American Citizenship is. Depioted. MUSIC MADE BY TWELVE BANDS Members of Many Lodges and Fra ternities Also March. 0ELEBRATI0 NHELD AT THEATER Governor Morrhrnd nnd Mayor Dahl m nit llavo Mnny Worda of Praia for German-Anierlcnn of Nebraska Back through the Interesting pages ut the history ot tho reign ot King Ak-Sdr-Bcn may bo found many magnificent spectacles and pageants, but tho German day parade that marched through thl streets ot the city of Cibola yesterday afternoon probably drew b many gas pa, ot astonishment and pleasure from the myriads of people that lined the streeti ot the principal city ot Qulvera us an J which has over taken place. It did not enter tho city with a blate of electrical wonder an did the king's personal parade. AVedncsday night but It slowly made itt way up the crowded pathways, preceded by no glare and little noise, drawing round after round of applauso front, sophisticated spectators" who have seerv many a daylight parade and w)(o had al ways thousht that daylight floats coulfc never be more than ordinary. The floats were miracles of construction, and the consummate, skill ot Gus Renxs was ever visible. The best possible effects) were "secured by the designers and doco rators and there was not one subject of his royal highness, tho king, but raised his ' voice In praise of the energy and in genulty of the Germans and fervently prayed that tho Germans would colebratt German day during Ak-ftar-tien In futiir. yuan. German Influence Depicted. Influtnce of the Germans on American, civilization was the themo ot the floats and this Influence waa depioted In o) graphic, although allegorical, manner. German contributions to art poetry,, science, neaco and freedom all were Illus trated by the beautiful floats. The Gor man has added his home-loving n&tura, i his true temperance, his Independence and many pfdeT cltrvctT!,rtl that lrv gone to make) tho- AmsrieaavnatlouHKa idlttg power ef the-world, and he "-re-. 1 .1111 M ....' 1. . JJ.J oeiveo, nia "juni aues w non mo paraaa pasksod.. through the stroets yMtcrday. The. parade Was a long one. Inoludlnt! the ten floats, the ten brass bands, thai marching lodges and fraternities and the Irwin Brothers' Wild West show- thatt brought up III the rear, It took a long: time to pass one point. But the spectators-! watted patiently In the warm sun, willing to be Inconvenienced In order to witness th,o entire affair. Many In the crowds wero acquainted with thoso who rode or marched In the parade, and many a cheer ful wavo of greeting was extended to them. And ftn answering wave overy tlrn came from tho participant In the parade. Hundreds of Germans came to Omaha from out 'In tho state and they secured the best places of advantage that they could watch their fellow-countrymen oc cupy tho spotlight. Old, grizzled veter ans who came to this state when Omaha was a mere village wiped tholr eyes, wen they saw tho final float, "Ger ntanla our mother. Columbia our bride,", pass by. Speechca and Maalo Heard. With proper pomp .and ctremony to tho sound of a thirty-five piece German or-' chrstra, the songs of a German choir and the patriotic perorations of German orators the German-Americans closed, their Ak-Sar-Ben celebration at tho Brandela theater to a house packed with loyal . subjects of the king. Governor John H. Morehead showered the German-Americans with Braise: Mayor James C. Dahlman lauded them In tense and earnest phrases; Mat Gerlng pointed with pride to their achievements; Gustav Donald sang their olvll and mili tary glory", and altogether there was BUch a tidal wavo o upproval that tha hearts of the Germans wero made ex ceedln: glad, Immediately after the big parade the) Germuns gathered at the Brandela thea ter. Theodore Rudolph Reese had organ ized an orchestra of thirty-five of the best muslctanH in the city. A dozen Ger man selections were played. - The Ger (Continued onr-Page Three) Encouraging the Advertiser If newspaper advertising leads you to some purchase or trans action that reaulto to your ad vantage, or If It points the way to eaBler and more comfortable shopping and business dealings In short, it it in anyway works to your advantage as a reader of this newspaper, why not tell the advertiser so, if an opportunity offers? If the advertiser is business like and progressive enough to place his proposltlpn. within your reach through the columns of this newspaper, ha deserves to be encouraged. He should know that your patronage at least was secured by means ot bis advertising In The Bee. Without a doubt any one ot our advertisers would ber glad to know that you have bene fited by his announcements and would welcome your ideas and remarks upon that very Important part of his business s