Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1913, Daily Sport Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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October 31st
and then-
Buys any $15.00 to $18.00 Suit or Over- I
coat in tho house because Brooks is going out
of business.
Buys any $20.00 o $22.50 Suit or Over-
cont in tho houso becnuso Brooks is going out
of business.
Buys any $25.00 to $30.00 Suit or Over-
coat in tho houso becnuso Brooks is going out
of business.
Buys any $30.00 to $35.00 Suit or Over-
contj in tho houso becnuso Brooks is going out.
of business.
Buys any $35.00 to $40.00 Suit or Over
coat in tho houso because Brooks is going out
of business.
Corner 16th and Harney Streets
City National Bank Building
Announcement is Made that Three
Surveys Are Completed.
Will Mnkc More Ulrrct I.lne to the
Cities to he orth nml Itedftm
Promise Mnile ' Ilnrl-
liiRton Offlcinls. ,
That tho Hill railroads propose to keep
theJr pledge to Omaha and build a short
lino from this city to Sioux City, cllmln
fttlntr tho roundabout wny Into St Paul
and Minneapolis by way of the Aahlaml
out'off. Is now certain.
Three surveys for the short line have
been made and tho route will be deter
mined at the annual meeting the first
of next year. As soon as this question
Is settlod, plans will be mnilo for starting
construction .early next spring, It being
the purpose to. complete the line early
next ycftr.
One survey, leaves tho Omaha-Lincoln
line near Balaton and runs diagonally
northwest through Douglas county, tap-j
ping the Ashland-Sloux City lino near
t'ehllng'. Another leaves the Omaha-Un-'
coin lino In tho vicinity of Chalco and)
runs northwest, paralleling tho Union Pa-'
clflo Into Fremont, whore It connects with!
the Ashland-Sloux City lino and tho third)
leaves the main line near Helnap and
runs northwest through touglas county,
between tho Northwestern and Union Pa
cific keeping on the dlvldo all through
Washington county and coming onto tho
Sioux City line a couplo miles south of
Oaklandk In Burt county. I
Each of tho surveys affords an easy
grade, there not being much dlfercnce on
this score It Is said that the last men
tioned ono Is lopked upon with the most
favor, as It would shorten tho line Into
Sioux City by several miles when com
pared with either of the Others and at
the same tlmo give a larger territory from
which to draw business.
Take your pick of these
$15 $25 $40 $50
It isn't necessaryfar you to buy one of the higher
priced Victor-Victrolas to have access to all the wonder
ful "variety of Victor music
"Any instrument from the Victor-Victrola IV at
$15 to the 200 Victor-Victrola XVI will play every
record in the Victor catalog.
Select the instrument'that is best suited to your
home and start in to enjoy thc music and fun. Come in
and see us about it today.
"The Victor Store"
Our Near Anthracite
Exceilo Lump
and Grate . .
Blue Flame Lasts Strong Heat
Call For Our Ak-Sar-Ben Souvenir Balloon
Coal Hill Coal Co.
211 SOUTH 19TH
No Money Till Cured
FUAUJW! el Dlsaasea cured with
out the knlf. Permanent curaguartd.
Writ far Fro ItlUttratad book on Ractrl
Dlseasaa and tcatlmqnlala of hundreds of
curad patlsnts In Nebraska and Iowa.
E. R. TARRY - 240 Bee Bids.. Omaha Neb.
ROOMS The Best Variety. The Bee classified pages
carry advertisements of the best rooms and upiirtmcntt; for
rent in the city. Phono youi ad to Tyler 100D
Visitor Victim of
an Old Watch Game
Hermann Rllhnel of Sioux City has
complained to Commissioner J. J. Itydor
that Jeweler Fair and, a "pal" "Jlpped"
him out of f 15, and warrants for the
arrest of Fair and his supposed accom
plice are being prepared by Assistant
City attorney Louis J, To Poel.
Rllhnel says he walked Into Fair's
Jewelry store at Tenth and Farnam
streets to have the crystal of his watch
replaced. While talking to Fair a
stranger came In and tried to sell a
watch for $20. Tho Jeweler offered him
$16. Tho man pocketed the watch and
walked out. and the Jeweler told Itllhnel
to follow and buy the watch and he
would pay him a commission. When
Rllhnel had purchased the watch and
presented It Fair refused to buy It, saying
It was worthless.
Patsey Havey, assistant to Commis
sioner Ryder, Is Investigating the case.
He says ho has often dealt with men
who worked the same game.
Mayor Declares
German Day as
a Half Holiday
Mayor James C. Dahlmsn has declared
October 3 n holiday and has called upon
tho merchants of tho city to close their
places of business and participate In the
AkSar-Ucn German day festivities. Tho
mayor's, proclamation follows:
Whereas. Ills majesty, the King of Ak-Sar-Ben,
in his great wisdom has com
manded all his subjects of Herman lln
cago to take upon themselves the duty
of , showing tho good people of Oninlu
and their many welcome guests who they
are, whence they came, what my "have
done for. this glorious country and. what
their new home has done for them; and,
Whereas, These loyal citizens of Ger
man extraction have nobly responded to
the mil and have arranged to entertnln
our good people of Omaha and their
many guests with a grand parade and
pagtant of much beauty and historical
and educational value at a large expend
iture of time and money to celebrate
this occasion, as well as the anniversary
of tho settlement of the first largo con
tingent of Germans In 1GS3 at Uermantown,
l'a.; and,
Whereas, The school authorities havo
announced a halt holiday for Thursday,
October 2; I have
Resolved, That tho business men of
Omaha be requested to close their re
spective places of business on said Thurs
day afternoon between 2 and 4 o'clock,
so as to give their employes an oppor
tunity to view the pnrnde and thus ac
knowledge the debt of gratitude to our
uerman lenow citizens.
Herbert E. Stewart, late lieutenant of
Company C of the Nebraska National
Guard, and Frank C. Yates, sergeant of
Company C, havo secured seventy en
listments for tho new company to be
known ns Company D. It will bo mus
tered Into service soma tlmo next week.
Adjutant General Hall will send un offi
cer here for that purpose
H. G. Moorhead, election commissioner,
Will leave, tftla evening 'tor- ills'
vacation, to 1)67 gonej fert 'daiys or' two
weeks, In New York",Ctty 'fijid Cleve
land, O. A college associate of his of
Oberlln and Columbus, O., George WV
Morgan, was state superintendent of
elections for the metropolitan district of
New York. Mr. Moorhead has arranged
with Mr. Morgan to make a thorough
study of the New York system of regis
tration and election, and said he expected
to gain valuable, Information for check
ing registrations and preventing fraudu
lent voting.
The Nebraska election commissioner
law Is patterned after the New York,
Ohio and Illinois laws. He will also
study the Ohio system as It Is In opera
tion In Cleveland.
When asked whether the county would
bear any portion of the expense Mr.
Moorhead was emphatic In stating that
the trip was being t-ken entirely at his
own expense.
Dr. F. B. Cochran of th6 United States
navy recruiting office turned from the
telephone with alacrity and chanted: "It's
a girl, it's a girl. It's a girl-wheel" As
the dumfounded recruiting officer looked
on wonderlngly, Its doctor grabbed his
hat anS coat, rushed by a recruit and
made a hasty trip down the elevator and
to his home. By and by he came back
with a box of cigars and the Information
that the girl weighed nine pounds, and
everybody says ihe is the Image of her
pap. The doctor has a family of two
boys and a slrl now, which Is Just what
he wanted, he says. The recruiting of
ficers are now looking In the back of
the dictionary for a suitable name.
"Tho Monmouth Park Reserves, ono ol
the first amateur foot ball teams of the
city to organize this fall, are In condition
and on Sunday will meet the Fontenelles
at Florence park. Tho park team '.a
composed of light material, but make up
what they lack In weight with speed.
The game will be -Called nt 2 o'clock.
An ordinance amending the Ice ordi
nance of tho city and providing a flno
for discriminating between patrons was
passed by tho city commission. The ordi
nance was Introduced by Mayor James
C. Dalilman.
ly rites.' My wife has been in a very
bad state of health. Nothing seemed
to do her any good until she began ,
Bennett Spratz, 224 North Seventeenth.
and W. H. Rosenbloom, 2012 North Nine
teenth, painters, suffered painful Injuries
when a scaffold on which thoy wero
working at 705 South Thirteenth, broke
and they fell to tho ground twenty-five
feet below.
Snratz sustained a broken right ankle
and Internal bruises. He was attended
by Or, R. Hlrschman and taken to Omahu
General hospital for further treatment.
Rosenbloom was badly bruised up, but
was able to go home unassisted.
-Jlev. J. G, Dukes, 713 S. 5tli St., "Wil
mington, N. C, writes:
"My wife has been In a very bad state
of health for several veers, and nothing
seemed to do her any goody until she be
gan to uso re run a one month ago.' 8lnco
then the color has returned to her face,
and she-Is gaining In flash every, day,
and I believe she Is a well woman today,
"My little boy, ten years old,.wa pale
and had but Httlo lifo. He began to'use
Peruna the day his mother begun. To
day his face is rosy, and he is In the
yard running and jumping with the rest
of tho children."
Stomach Troubles Believed
Mrs. T. J. Ballard, R. R. 1, Pryor, Ok
lahoma, writes; "I am happy to tell you
that I keep free from my old 'stomach
trouble! feel do catarrhal symptoms at
all, I am able to do ray work, eat and
drink what I want, and rejoice that I
found a sure euro In your valuahle mcd
Iclues, which I failed to find in the
host of home physicians,"
At the suggestion of City Commissioner
Dan. B. Butler, Chairman Casper' 12
Yost of the executive committee of the
Commercial club, will appoint a special
committee which will work with the
mayors of Omaha, South Omaha and
Council Bluffs In arranging a fitting pro
gram for the twenty-fifth anniversary
celebration of the opening of the Douglas
street lirldge.
The Omaha bank clearings for the
month of September still show that a
material Increase has been made over
last year, which Is considered encour
aging to the bankers. The iota! of the
month's butinecs i mounts to fi5.SI7.W7.J.
Wh'le tht of ast t-'eptembor was but
' ' 4Xi.0T7.31. an lncreare of t7.0W.9KWt for
iv to tii 8 t.'ation:-to. Adert'x ng
Use It as a Tonio Banian Dan
draff Stop Falling Hair
and Scalp Itch.
Parisian Sage Is a delightful and In-
vfeoratlng hair tonic. It quickly pene
trates Into the scalp, gets to the roots of
the hair, removes dandruff, and supplies
Uie hair with Just the kind of nourish
ment It needs to make It grow abund
Parisian Sago has had an Immense
sale, and here are, -the reasons;
It is not Injurious to the hair or scalp,
It renjoves dandruff with one applt-
It removes falling hair and Itching of
th scalp.
It cleanses, cools and Invigorates tbs
It makes hair that is thin, dull, mat
ted or stringy, soft, abundant and ra
diant with life. It not only saves the'
hair but gives It that Incomparable gloss
and beauty you desire.
Parisian Sage is delicately perfumed
not sticky or greasy and comes In fifty
rent bottles at druggists or toilet count
ers, Ott a rottle now-at once. Rub a little
Into the scalp you will be surprised with
the nsult. Del'ghted users pronounce
Parisian Hag the best, most pleasant
snd Invlcprntfng hair tonic made. Be
tu,j jou ttt Parisian b'uge.
Wednesday, AoKf' Trimmed Hats
, If".
To make Wednesday u notable Trimmed Hut day in our big Millinery Department wd
place on sale 500 beautiful trimmed hats, made m our own workrooms, some ot which.
"tfe are exact copies of very oxpensivo models,
-w BBS Bb SW.T( ! lul.nt.i.L.I till 4ll t tlQ 4 4 HY1 IV! 11 H.O itl
1 TiT iirrT' iSlm 4T W nil tho now shapes and colors, at prices
SI ISS 'as-' v. I l. 1 !' TT4 :,,,l
Jluvl'i uuiuru iiuiuu ui. .mi id iiiiiuuuu.
tfl QQ w"h ostrich, hats trimmed with
J) I 70 plumes, hats trimmed with imita-
tion aigrettes, hats trimmed with
. 't.i-- i i
(IllSilliig nuijuii uuvva, mm many
other novolty trimmings.
Blinpca mnilo ot flno silk volvot,
hattora plush, valour ant othor
oxpnnsivo mntorlals. To
bo on nnlo Wcdnosday at
08c, $1.08, $2.08, $3.08.
Jut Think, 500 Hat No Two Alike Divided in
Four Great Lota
Xot ono of tlicjto Imta worti'i less Umn $11.00, from Hint n $10,
to bo on dale wlnedy nt Q8S $3 if) 8
of Change of Location
; . ....
After October 1st 1913, Bankers : Realty In
vestment Company will bo located in tho Omaha' Boo Building
In tho ground floor office, which was until recently tho bus
iness office of the Omaha Bee. , . , . .
...... i
Rapid Growth of This Company Likt nny lnrge com-
Reao for Change
year ago wo woro forced, oir account of our progress and
growth, to secure largor offices in order to properly handle
our growing business which has constantly and rapidly ad
vanced in volume. '
o as to enable us to properly
jsepnrato our established dq
'nai'tancnta'and makeroom for
now departments which the grpwth of this cpmpany has made
necessary. .
Offices Being Completely
New Departments
Wilt Be Established
A niodorn, up-to-date Real Estate De
.'pnrtmont will becdrao a part of this
compuny after October 1st. whoso ser
vices will tho disposal' of peoplo wishing to list property
wiiu us ior oitnor saio or rent. j
Tho Bankers Realty Investment Company is tho largest "Peo
ple Owned" building, development and owning company of its
kind in Nebraska, and by reason of its wjdo scope of. operation, it
offers tho greatest opportunity for steady growth, and faculty of
making money for its stockholders of any company of-is kind in
tho middle west.
From nsmall beginning thjs company has grown to a largo
and powerful company with assets . amounting : to . more. : than
$375,000. ....
Our Stockholders have never received less than 8 vandr on
July 1st, they received a semi-annual cash' dividend at the'annual
rate of 8: We guarantee Ifo. : .. '
The socurlty behind this Company Is deeds and mortgages on high grado
Omaha Real Estato and tho business of this Company Is that of converting va
cant proporty into high grado Income producing property by building homes
apartment houses and business buildings. This business produces largo. prof Its
and requires largo capital, thereby creating a groat opportunity for hundreds ot I
thrifty people to make their sayings. wo.rk profitably and with absolute safety. '
Shares of This Company Now $1.15
will soon Advance to$1.20Per Share
We'll be glad to have. yon call and
get acquainted with us and the op
portunity we have to offer you Call
at our office or write us.
I f " l " Telephone
I. , f Douglas
nvestment ompany 33 is
Address After
October 1st
Ground Floor Omaha Bee Building
Corner 17th and Farnam Streets,
Omaha, Nebraska
Ak-Sar-Ben Pennants for Sale at Tbe Bee Office