THE OMAHA SUNDAY BE& SEPTEMBER 28, 1913. Pacific Coast Woodmen -Meet With Head' Officers Handsomer and More Attractive Than Ever You'd never know from the appearance of his store now that there had been a fire next door. Every mark has been removed. The entire store has been made handsomer and more attractive than ever. There is a complete new stock throughout tho latest and bes in everything to furnish and beautify the home and everything looks bright, snappy and inviting. jnADBna o$ the woodmkn ok the wont,n meet in omaha ron A conference. Bottom How, Left to Right N. n. Mosey. J, K. Flterald, II. F. Sfmrall, William Beus. E, D. Lewis. Colonel JewelL Second Row Raney Wells, D. E. Bradshaw, T, K. Patterson, A. D. Cloyd, nay Allen. Third Row-C. V. Benson, M, T. Moses, J, C. Root, I. I. Boak. J. II. Foley, John T, Yates, Jamas Sten house, W. A. Fitter. Top Row A. II, Burnette, G. I. Steele, E. D. Campbell, V. P. Bertschy, Congressman Hawley, Oregon; F. P. Hawks, George F, Wooley. Practical Common Sense Reasons WHY TWeirAs Consuming Furnace should be used for heating your Home in preference to Steam or Kot Water ECHOES OF THE AHTHOOM Odd TellowB Will Send Big Dclega tion to Lincoln Meeting. WOODMEN AXE IN SESSION Important Meeting: la In rrojrresa tt Sovereign Heft&aartera Ke ttre Valletta Officials' of the Order. The um of direct radiators, ateam or hot water, is AGAINST tho most rRIMITIVK LAWS OF HEALTH, m there is ABSOLUTELY NO VENTI LATION or freak air' supplied in 09 jobs out of 100. More SICKNESS is CAUSED Sn HOMES by STEAM RADIATORS in tooras without means of furnishing a constant supply of fresh air than from any other cause. LACK' OF FRESH AIR is almost as detrimental to health as SEWER OAS PROM DEFECTIVE PLUMBING. State laws require 30 cubic foot of FRESH AIR EVERY MINUTE, tor EACH PUPIL in all public ochoola in all Eastern and most of the Middle and Western States, while in steam or hot water heated houses, the way THEY GET FRESH AIR Is to OPEN THE WINDOWS a fow minutos. Heating the SAME AIIJ. over and over again produces the driest Ulnd of heat, with the moisture reduced to IE of 20 degrees of saturation, whllo It should be from SS to IS decrees (the same as tho altaosphore outdoors.) Oxygen is greatly reduced and AIR LOADED WITH GERMS, which are j very detrisaeatai to neaun. The DRY AIR PRODUCED Y- HOTRADlATORS. with nearly all of tne moMiunrarMa out, in ii, yrtwutw siunrviM uhauiwb). A h liana y naa nv BBIMillllll --J fllHttBtt. AVUVQaTnV Arlan ami I racks the rrUir and area flower wtti net flourish unlet ugly evapo rating pan an ptaeed; cm the r4U0r for furnishing the nobture abo lately neoeoaary to kesOik, wMek'ftuM hare to he refilled every day ky I 4 a rctftr , - , '.V ' ' WO MAT tt,"ttim- to iweAMed Mm the WAT SOILS or after ii STOPS BOILINO. The QUANTITY d QUALITY of t heat is Just the sasse no mttr what the outside temperature may be either sero or i up to So o pttem to tag a graduatlag it aocoritnc to the state of ike weather. A steam heater will onsu e 81 per eat to 60 per cent MORE FUEL in heatinc a nous than a Wir furnace. . This ha been proves a great Many Meat over. As all steam apparatus 'gives the, same amount and Quantity ef heat is moderate leather as ia aero weather, and in our cli mate, with auch tremendous changes in temperature, both economy and comfort can onlyt bo had is a heating apparatus that you can regulate Re cording to the weather. This is IMPOSSIBLE WITH STEAM. ALL STEAM or HOT WATER RADIATORS becomo AIR-BOUND very frequently, which absolutely prevents heating, the radiators being furnished with vents tor allowing the air to be drawn off. When vents are operated, DIRTY WATER ESCAPES and RUINS CARPETS, RUGS AND FLOORS. - Steam entering or leaving radiators is very apt to produce that horrible, HAMMERING NOISE, which k so exasperating to a householder. HOT STEAM enteriR-g eoM radiator create unequal expansion, which soon PRODUCE LEAKS. For proof or these statements, examine any radiator that has been In nae one or two Reason. Radiators draw all the dust to them and deposit more or lees of it am 'the walls " eeiWug over thorn Look at the wall and veiling near a radiator that has he need om maim. It Mta its own story, Ksporieaee has shown that very few me who offices are heated by, Uam will have steom heat in their nouses, Indireet stwm hetvMng to the o?y oerreet way U use steam heat, the Udlrut IbtcSJators Mac la tho eethar wHh FRHMMC AJR FROM OUTDOORS oooiot; l Atreet eetHaet with them, is fcwUod ad then diatrlhuted through the hes through pfpee ami registers. This Method is VMHY EXPENSIVE, while Ujsrodaoea exactly the same roswtta a a Weir furnace, ia COLD WKATKXR ONLY. It oannei be roltd or moderated always the am asMiuttr of hoat - no matter what the WEATHER MAY BE. In eeM waatber you cannot leave the house if you have a steam or ot water knt(nlees you drain the entire system for fear of a freeee-up. Doctors and scientific experts all agree that a constant supply of trsih lair .is ahsoluUly taaceaaary-. Willi a WEIR GAB AND iOOT CON SUMING FURNACE of AMPLE SIZE, and PROPERLY LOCATED, a CON STANT SUPPLY OF.PURE AIR ENTIRELY FREE FROM GAS OR DUST IS FURNISHED AT ALL TIMES and EVERY ROOM and HALL WELL HEATED. The Furnace is very responsive to tho draft and a largo volume of warm air can always be QUICKLY SUPPLIED, insuring a WjARM DIN ING ROOM, as well as a WARM HOUSE BEFORE BREAKFAST. The amount of heat required is EASILY REGULATED ACCORDING to tho WEATHER PLENTY OF HEAT in COLD WEATHER. MODERATE amount In MODERATE WEATHER, email amount, just TAKING OFF THE CHILL, in EARLY FALL or lato Spring continual supply of fresh air to ujl parte oS. the dwolliug, Thoso results are ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE where cither DIRECT STEAM OR WATE heaters are used. . LARGE, MEDIUM-SIZED OR SMALL HOUSES can be PERFECTLY -WARMED at ALL TIMES with a Weir Furnace, provided it is amply large, is properly located and has good-stted plpeB and registers with an abundant atr supply front the proper direction. Experience proves a SAVING of 33 per cent to 50 per cent in FUEL. a ORBAtVaVING1 IN COST FurnaC0 01 amp, b1e and power 6,80 Bnowa A Weir Furnace seldom requires repairing and If repairs are necessary It can po repaired in a short time. The only parto that can burn out "are the lining or grates through carelessness, and can be repaired through the doors without disturbing the furnace. Consequently the heating of a housa l di.ffiJQ MKrere,d wth, whereas with STEAM or HOT WATER BOILERS, n BREAK eltherin the boilers or in the piping, means a cold house and atnywhere from TWO DAYS TO A WEEK WITHOUT ANY HEAT, air beating is quiet and noiseless. NO UGLY or UN8IGHTLY ?OiI"8 'SwiSS room or halls NO DIRTY STAINS ON FLOORS. ! iAinKio or Jiuua u jjiiift..x J U I NTS NO NOISE or EXPLOSIONS! or CRACKING of SECTIONS No chance of BREAKAGE Of BOILEIts! KADIATORS'pr P1PES. A GREAT SAVING IN COST OF PLANT. Watw r f "ra1. the evaporation for moisture is regulated according IS ot tbe u"o are inside the furnace in tho cellar, out ! It yo do i set know the agent in your town who sells tho Weir Fur D&afS2T Fd FurBac & BxxWy Co., 411-13 South Tenth S.treet, "V . o ' 7 Fsniiskttt Advertisirif is tho Eoad to Big Returns Tiw OawLba Bee' is tlie Best Medium m Its Territory. Omaha Odd Fellows are maklne prepara tions to send 'a large number of members to Lincoln next month to take part In the annual session of tho grand lodge, which meets In that city on October 1T U and W. There will be twenty-two representa tives from this city and two degree teams, aj well as many visitors, who will make the trip. Omaha lodge No. 2 will exemplify the first degree work before the grand lddge, and Hesperian encamp ment No, 2 will give the encampment de gree work before the grand ' encamp ment, which meet on October U. Omaha lodge. No. 2, will have work In tho first degree next Friday night, as we'll as the second Friday night n Octo ber. This plan has been arranged so an to glvo the first degree team all the prac tice possible before the next session of the grand lodge, f The Maryland representatives to the Minneapolis session of th soveralcn grand lodge Initiated a movement to have the 119 eefeton held in Baltimore, the blrthfeic of the ofgaftlscUon. It ls.pkta ned to m4ke this a ftbtiM (sMte, as It will ho toe hundredth anniversary ef the oreer. The Omaha Ote VeMews wk" weat te M!neeli, te vlU the severaifn grtM& lodge meeting1, report having had' a ae4e- did tlie. There were trnmeiwe erow'sa e-t Odd Fellows, more degree work than owe could set time to see and the entertala- ment features wore aU tht could be aefcad for, Mrs. C M, M. Ijogan has bee-a very atok the last two wtcka. The dcdlca'l i of the Odd Fellows mem orial at Gru. nd cemetery last Sunday was a big success and was attended by several hundred members of the order. Woodmen ot thai World Notes. J. B, Fltsgerald of Kansas City, chair man -of the sovereign managers, is in th city. , The Lithuanian camp. No. . dance at New Settlers' hall last evening was a howling success. Sobleska camp, No. 75, meets next Sun- day at Shaeley. Mrs, Ktnma B. Manchester, supreme guardian; Mrs. Emma F. Campbell, Port Hurkn. Mich.; Mrs. Ida M. Kelly, Dav- crnport, la.; Miss Dora Alexander, Omaha; Mrs. Mary E. La Kocca, UrL Paul, Mnn., executive council ot the woodmen Circle, are in session at the Woodmen of tho World building. Omaha-Seymour camp, No. IS, win have the largest class of candidates ever in troduced Into perfected Woodcraft In October. Xls-Kuv-Dub camp of South Omaha and their degree team, are preparing- for a class for October. Samuel Mancuso and his Marconi camp are having much success with their candi dates. Sovereign commander J. C. Root and his staff wilt be busy with the thousands of visitor this woek. City Manager John Kennedy, whose office it at 215 Woodmen ot the World building, Wants every Ak-Sar-Ben visitor to call on -htm that he may show tho many beauties ot the building and a charming view of Omaha, the Missouri river and Council Bluffs, la., from thn observation gallery. N. B. Maxey, E. B. Lewis, EaJD. Camp hell, T. C Patterson, William Iluess and U. T, Wells and J. EX Fitzgerald, sovereign managers, ore In session at local head quarters, Bchiller camp, No. 304, will he In the German day parades with tho floate. nrothrrboort ot American Yeomen, Nowlthstandtng the ruin ot last Wed nesday evening, Omaha homestead. No. 104. held a very Interesting meeting. The attendance was Interfered with on ac count ot tho weather, but those present spent an enjoyable evening playing cards and dancing, which was followed by refreshments, State 'Deputy "Knox was prerent and made a good talk and said an effort would be mado to boom Ycomanr In Omaha and Nebraska this fall and winter. The Women's degree team has been organised with bright prospects for a successful season. review, among whom was State Com mander Colonel A. t. hee, who gave o splendid addrers. Monday evening the do gree staff of Council Bluffs will put on the work, at which timo a largo claso wilt be Initiated. Walter F. Scott han been appointed deputy for the district Omaha. The Hoynt lUshlnnders. Ferncllfe 'Caatlo of nmnhn ivin hnM no meeting Wednesday evening on ac count or the electrical parade. Femcllffc castle will gico a dance at Fraternity hall. 1813 Hnrnov -n..,. " ,..-.. ii unLua evening, October 15. It is desired that an memDera nnd their friends attend. Dunoon castle of Boufh nmSi tmiii very enjoyable social meeting last Wed- Knlgrhts nn 'l,adlca of Security. OmOSka COUnCll. No. 2r, Knlirhta nn.'l Ladles of 'Security, will aiva it. CArA nnrtv and dance Monday evening at Myrtle nan, jnrteenth and Douglas streets. Clan Gordon Auxiliary. The Ladles auxiliary to Clan rinrrinn No, 63. will meet at th hnmn ' nt Mr. Charles Johnston, at Happy Hollow, next weanesaay at p. m. Fraternal Union of America. BOnner IdOtre. No. 11 Fraternnl TTnlnn of America, will give an opening ball at Myrtle hall, Fifteenth and Douglas, Thursday -evening, October 9. Cost of Another Charter. Election 1 . ; Would Be (ireater Tho total oot f the heme rule chartei ejections was JT.JW.M, aecorcHng to Cltj Comntrojler VoDonald, who estimate that the cost of the special election at which the, charter will be submitted tu tho people will be KW. This.wlll bring the total expense vt preparing the" chartei up to approximately U,09d. Should the charter he defeated the co&t of making a second charter will exceed (12,000, because additional election dis tricts have been created slncehe primarj and charter commission olactions wert held, necessitating the employment ot a greater number 'of clerks and Judges., "In my opinion another charter com mission could not, after months of hard work, prepare a better charter than thl one," said a man who is conversant'with the provisions of the home rule charter, but has np personal Interest -In It "It would not only be foolish to turn down this charter without giving the good things Irv It due$ consideration, but it would prove expensive to the taxpayers, Tho people would 'have to pay the ex tenee of another election, and probablj another one after that, for able nrt n. Interested men gave almost their enttrt time to making the charter which la to be submitted irt November and. If it Should not be satisfactory to the people. It Is not likely another body of men could prepare one more satisfactory." SitKJX CITY ASKS OMAHA TO HELP ON RIVER MOVEMENT The Omaha Commercial Rtuti di. re ceived a communication from the Sioux City Commercial club asking the locfU body to co-op rat In a movement look ing towards the reorganization of the upper Missouri river Improvement asso ciation. This la in recognition ot the fact that whllo Kansas City and towns down the river have been working to se cure immense appropriations for tho im provement of the river, Omaha, Sioux City and other upper Missouri river cities have been idle. Much Lower Prices Now Wo are conducting, a Pall Opening showing-this store in its new at tire and making special prices for tho occasion that makes it well ''worth your while to attend. "Unusually good values in every department deep price cuts to make it a celebration long to be remembered. CREDIT TO ALL TEEMS TO SUIT g ... i n MISSION CLOCKS 1I0-P2ECE P0RCEUS1 SINKER SET Made of solid oak, brass weIghtB,"-"hands " and nu merals; splendid time keepers, special, ff 25 this sale O IINERS This sot is of high grade ware, genuine seml-vit-reous, pure white poreclain, imported, in rich Delft Dutch blue, with beautiful Dutch Holland scenes and tracings in pura gold. Seo the -i yC-. 8al Prlco ill Oft set dlspayod in our snow window. . v 1 I O of P 0 Solid oak, box soat Dining Chairs, upholstered in genuine leather at special CREDIT ' TO ALL S9UB OAK 1VFFETS A most excellent value, genuine solid oak Buffet, lined drawer for silver ware and French bevel mirror, very durable con struction, Ii; 50 sals price. . . A Ue . $14.95 TNO-INCN POST BRASS 1EI . . . Extra special in a guaraateecTlaquered Brass Bed, full standard weight (not a cheap, light weight bed); heavy 2-Inch posts, full width, guaranteed against tarnishing; $1 A 95 ' J.4. extra special at. Before You Buy i BASE BURNER Let ua explain to you tho superior advantages of the famous Peninsular line. TheSo improved heaters novo 2rom $00 to 1,300 square inches moro ot radiating surface than any other make of heaters on, tho market. They will give more heat and consume one-fourth less fuel. One will Cut Voir Coil Bill 25 r TNE PEpjlNSILAR IASE IIRNER SPECIAL A splendid double heating base burner; capacious hot air flues in base and radiating surface; heat radiates from base, also hot air DRESSERS Made of genuine Circassian walnut, or in genuine mahog any .05 oak ;. extra, massive and welrmade; extra large mfrrdra: very elegant Dress- 90' 75 ers, sale price. . . . Oa aCsEBBkHuBiaBf3Xr BWBMaMjSSMByJ3BWSHBBB: back: generous flue at top to heat upper floors; perfect self-feeder; gas-proof magazine cover; new patent Bhaker grate and draft register and other fea tures; it is ot handsome ap pearance and beautifully trimmed with silver nickel mountings; ex- no 75 ceptional at. . . w niMN 1 m nrn i PENINSILAR STEEL RANIES The celebrated "Peninsular" 6-holo range, made ot heavy gauge cold rolled eteel, ven tilated firebox, duplex grate for coal or wood, asbestos lined and other features; ' thoroughly high Inn 75 grade at.,,,. Credit Terms to &fdt Independent Order Red Men. Ftontenello tribe. No. 78, Independent Order of Ited Men, met at Its wigwam on last Monday sleep and had a very In teresting pow-wow. The tribe decided to take the trail and rr.ovo their wigwam Into rf.uuarters, at Wteenth and Douglas street, old Redman halt, where the tribe will tx glad to meet all the chiefs and warriors, also all pale faces who wish to come on Monday sleep. Corn moon, twenty-ninth aun, at eighth run. Special Invitation to all lledmen and tnelr friends. KnlKBta of the Macenb. Omaha tent No. W, Knight of tho Mac cabees, bad a number of visitors last COUNTY DADS TO HAVE REGULAR MEETING, DAYS The Board ot County Commissioners passed resolutions Introduced by Frank Best establishing regular days for hold ing public meetings and providing that ojunty automobiles shall bear the county's name In letters four Inches high. The board will hold meetings of the committee of, the whole every Friday aftemon and regular meetings every Sat urday morning; NEW RESERVOIR AT WALNUT HILL IS TO BE BUILT SOON Specifications 'have been prepared tor the construction of a new reservoir at 'Walnut Hill, to increase the capacity ot the old reservoir by lt.000.COO gallons. The new reservoir will coat complete about tM.OCO. General Manager R, B. Howell of the Metropolitan Water district will open bids for the construction or the embankment next Wednesday. It Ms p'anned to rush the work and complete tho improvement this winter. A I'lennant Morprlae .follow the first dose of Or. King's New Ufo Pills; the painless regulators that strengthen you.- Guaranteed. c. For sale by your drujjslst. Advertisement. Pcrrlstent Advertising is the Koad te Big Return AK-SAR-BEN VISITORS FOU are cordially invited to tirxtf nnd rnsn&rt the toeiiK. modern home of "IDLE WILD BUTTER' where the cream from thousands of prosperous Nebraska and Iowa farms is churned into a butter famous, for its quality, cleanliness and purity v . Cordially Yours, r. ,,. A David Cole Creamery Co. Vim Concentrate your advertising in The Bee. There is a Bee in almost every home.