Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1913, AUTOMOBILES, Page 5-D, Image 74

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City Ofera Exceptional Advantages
to Seekers of Knowledge.
AAvanoed Stoflln Art Taught la tho
TJalvcrslttFa nnd tha Prepara
tory Rohoota Are Accredited
Muir scholars bout that ttier are
graduates of eastern universities and
miw musicians boast that they have
studied under noted European musician,
but a complete education in Omaha mar
be obtained. Omaha has universities and
colleges for men and women and prepara
tory schools for men and women that
Give the tame degree as bigger schools
and most of the sunt benefits mar be
The blrcest educational Institution In
Omaha la CrtlirMon university, i Cnth
ollo school, reirul&ted under the auspices
of the Jesuit society, and offering a com
pleted academlo curriculum as well aa
courses In law, medicine, dentistry and
Pharmacy. It Is not necessary that one
be a Catholic to matriculate at the col
lars, as scholars of all religious denom
inations are aocepted,
The college was named In honor of
Count Crelfhton. who contributed freely
to the support of the school and furnished
the buildlnn In which the classes are
taught, it haa an enrollment of approxi
mately 1.000 students. Graduates of
Crelghton are recognised In every part of
the universe. Graduates of the law
school are practlclnr In every state In
the union, and not one haa ever experi
enced difficulty In passing the rigid ex
aminations of tha various states for ad
mittance to the bar. Graduates of the
medical school also find the state board
examinations relatively easy, and the
United State army and navy oonslder
Crslghton graduates In the class of the
most desirable army and navy physi
cians. Dentists and pharmacists from
Crdshton ars located at various pur In
of tha globe, and all ar making; good at
thttr respective vocations.
Home of Irt)CTe.
The academic department at Crelghton,
tha department which Is located In the
"school upon the hill," Is recognlxed by
very large university In America aa a
school deserving, of merit The gradu
atlng class at Cr eight on always .brings
to the front debater and scholars who
rnaVo a. nam tor themselves In the state
From the standpoint of athletics Crelgh
ton I a successful school. Crelghton
plays foot ball with colleges of national
athletlo records. Including South Dakota,
the school that beat Minnesota and was
beaten by Michigan by ft fluke last years
Haskell Indians, Marquette, the school
that plays Michigan to a standstill every
year, and St Ixjuli university, the school
which taaVts a practice of playing some
big eastern school on Thanksgiving day
and "sendlni the eastern athletes home
with the abort end of the score,
Omaha university Is the second largest
rcl 1b Omaha. It is a young school,
nly five years, afid coeducational. Many
girls attend the university as do many
boys. The currlottiura at present only In
cludes academic course, but as soon as
the school Has been proven a financial
miccesa new (Scpartajeat and colleges
Wilt be added.
Bellevue untveraJty is so close to Omaha
that It may well be termed an Omaha
school. Bellcrue has all the advantages
of the larger school for aQademlo educa
tion, but has no colleges. Bellevue and
Omaha both support foot boll teams and,
although neither school has the success
In that line that Crelghton has; both play
good games and play some creditable
In the war of preparatory safcools
Omaha Is extremely fortunate. Brownell
n!l la one of the best girls' schools In
the west Many student board at
Brownell Hall who are from cities and
states hundreds of miles from Omaha.
The enrollment of Omaha girls who go
to Brownell Hall in place of high school
Is large also. The school has a complete
curriculum of studies and has the addi
tional advantages of an excellent domes
Ho science course. Cooking, sewing and
house management and the like are all
taught by experienced Instructors.
Omaha university added a preparatory
department to Its school this year nnd
many hare already enrolled In the now
department Crelghton has always had a
preparatory department for boys and
graduates of the preparatory department
aro accepted In nearly all universities In
the country. Brownell Hall ant1 Omaha
graduates are also admitted In all uni
versities br certificate.
High flobool efficient.
The Central Illrh school In Omaha Is
the second biggest in the United States
and la accordingly efficient, The courses
of study are far more complete than the
courses of most high schools and sev
eral departments, for Instance the de
partment of chemistry, are superior to
departments in some of America's uni
versities. In addition to the Central nigh school
is the Commercial High school, a recent
projeot which haa already proven success
ful. Ovef 600 boys and girls are receiving
a business education that will benefit
those who are unable to continue their
school work in the university.
The public school system In Omaha is
superb. Largo schools with complete
equipment and oompetent teachers makes
the elementary training of the child the
best that can be had. Omaha also has a
complete parochial school system for
Cathollo boys and girls.
Omaha has better business colleges than
almost any other city In the union.
Boyles college In one of the large colleges
of the country, Students from miles
around receive their business training at
Boyles. Advanced stenography, book
keeping, telegraphy, English, commercial
law and salesmanship are all taught by
competent instructors. Mother and Lamp
man and the Van Bant school also are
creditable schools of business which havo
wide reputation.
ror the student who wishes an ad
vanced musical education, Omaha Is an
Ideal city. Teachers of music, vocal and
Instrumental, who have received the most
complete of musical education, who have
natural musical talent themselves, who
have had years of experience at teaching
and who are welt versed in the teohnlque
of tho art have their studios in Omaha
and they have been Instructors to many
a talented boy or girl who made a name
in after years.
Omaha has several musicians who rank
at the (op of the list in tha records of
the country's musician.
Omaha is blessed with many teachers
of stringed instruments and band Instru
ment who are recognised the country
over. Francis Potter has made a name
for himself by teaching college lad to
play the mandolin and the banjo,
Other education besides professional,
technical, aoademla and business may be
secured in Omaha. A Presbyterian sem
inary is located in Omaha and half a
dozen students become minister every
year. The department of medicine of tha
University of Nebraska is now located
In Omaha. The Young Men's Christian
association maintains a night school,
where various courses are given and a
sohool of taxidermy teaches the rials
generation to stuff bird and animal.
0a Trmtfea. '
A word te the wis la Uspoea&le. Tiue
wise talk all time. "
Whom you do do well.
One touch, of graft makes) the whole
world akin.
Goaslp comas; hut scandal lingers.
. Avoid the. appearance of evil It la
harder to lira down than erll. JUflgts
Ak-Sar-Ben Pennants!
Ttoy in tomtits toil h dislp tnd
icclorlni, Yqu cm hava your ctatet of a
.red, yillow or gruff oni, for oily flftim
cuts aid i Bm mtm at Tin Bat sflici.
EVERYBODY will want a pennant
for Ak-Sar-Ben Carnival. It will
,be the fad to carry them all week,
and to decorat busi
ness places,
rt Ml HMta
I ssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaLXsaaVi
S m
autos and
homes with them. Bv
using all three colors, thev make
most attractive window displays.
Besides the Ak-Sar-Ben pennants, we can
supply you any of the following at the same
price of only fifteen cents, when accompanied
by a Bee coupon: Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri,
Minnesota, Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Cornell,
Knights Trap!er, Shriaers, Masons, Eagles,
Knights of Columbus, Odd Fellows, Modern
Woodmen, Woodmea of the World
Thsy sard hajidiome, exclusive dedgM, beautifully
snboif ed en eoUefe felt, sise 15x36 "inches, usu
ally wld tor MYWrty-five etnta and one dollar.
A Bftcnptrmant coupon will appear every day cm
page 2 of 93a Ba. Oat thsm out aid sare them. You
TOli pgedocgator e&oh pennant, and YOU WILL
JS peuzuoa art to be maited, add frvo cents for
each pennant to cover postage.
Entertainers Who Will Appear in Y. W. C. A. Course
The Young Women' Christian associa
tion 1 ottering a course thla year to
furnish, primarily to Its members, such
popdlar entertainments a a business girl
will enjoy after her day's work. All the
artists are of the first rank profession
ally, and the young women are enthust
aaUcally anticipating the course bsXorq
The opening nwnber INkr Enrioo jpj.
motto, tenor, on October It. Mr. Pal.
met to ha earned the title of "Cantab
Caruso" In Europe) and in Am or lea
Mlweapolla, Bt Paul. Milwaukee, etc-
hls appearances have everywhere been
uniformly successful.
The second entertainment will be a
dramatlo reading of "The Milestones."
by Ijoulae Wallace Hackney, on December
S. Thla play la one both new and popu
lar. Until this year It haa not been seen
outside of New York and Chicago. Miss
Hackney 1 a favorite reader at the
Chautauqua institution. New York, the
Bay View aseembly and other similar
The most entertainment 1 a
musical Japanese sketch, "Along the
Itoad to Toklo," by Mr and Mrs. Mlchl
toro Ongawa. Mr. Ongawa 1 a de
scendant of tho noble family of Bamural,
while his wife is an American girl with
a charming meszo soprano voice. In the
playlet, presented In a rich and genu
inely Japanese setting, they have caught
all the color, the legends of mirth and
tears, and the custom ancient and mod
ern of the land of oherry blossoms.
Barbara Walt, contralto, who appeared
in Omaha last June with the Minneap
olis Symphony orchestra, will giro the
fourth number on February li. Mlsa
Walt has firmly established herself in
tho estimation of tho critic a a stager
fully competent to meet the demands of
the most exact Her voice Is full, pure,
rich and absolutely contralto in quality.
Her personality and manner of singing
are most charming.
The final number on March 9 will be
given by . Mme. Dorothea North, so
prano. Mine. North Is a former pupil
of Alexander Helnemann, Stern con
servatory, Berlin, and haa had several
years of successful concert experience In
Europe and America Her voice is a
particularly charming soprano of great
flexibility and dramatlo power, and she
everywhere commands the highest appreciation.
Henry Is emotive ITcvvo Xlsfetr
mU ana Cart Tnmsjtsw
tie Coat.
The latroftuctfea on gome road which
bavo beavy vrindea of huge locomotives
with enormous hauling capacity illus
trates the effort being made for f de
cree of affloleaoy that will offset id
creasing cost of transportation, and the
more praising demands of trafflo thai
haa to be handled. Remarkable result
ahowintf what U being accomplished in
thla regard hare been obtained en the
Virginian, where twenty-wheel Mallet
compound engine with two seta of driv
ing wheel have been and are doing the
work of four engine of average tractive
The record ha been made on tha deep
water division between Elmore and
Clark' Gap, for a distance of fourteen
milM against a grade for tho last eleven
and one-half miles of 2.07 per cent, ot
about one foot in forty-nine, with maxi
mum compensated curves of twelve de
grees. Over thla stretch with one Mallet
as the leader and two pushing behind a
train load ot 4,t30 ton haa bean hauled.
The three engines had a combined trac
tive power of 823,000 pounds, an averagt
of more than 110,000 for each. What this
means is shown by comparison with aver
age tractive power for all locomotives ct
tha United States, and which, In five
roars, according to figure of the inter
state commission and other sources ot
Information has increased as follows.
UN. ,8M pounds; 1969, M,GM; 131A, STO;
1311, 27,949; 191J, 28,877.
Pour-cylinder compound locomotives,
the most powerful recorded In con
nectlon with the statistics of tho com.
mission. Increased from 34,345 pounds trac
tive power in 1907, to 89,440 in 1910. In
1IU the comparison was destroyed by the
exclusion 0f Mallet compounds which fox,
that year had an average ot 7B,63J
Recently a Mallet on the Bante 7e
drew a train 4,000 feet long, or nearly a
mile, consisting ot 100 loaded cars, weigh
ing 4.S41 tons at twenty miles per hour
on a 4 per oent grade. The Rock Island
has a record of an engine which hauled
ninety-nine loaded freight cars (ninety
eight of which were loaded with can
taloupes) Ul miles In five hours, includ
ing stops and delays, tho train bein? said
to be the longest ever run In Texas. On
the Erie a Mikado type of engine pulled
over the New York division a .loaded train
of eighty-three care, weighing 6,001
pounds, 8,469 being revenue freight. While
locomotives were Increasing 47.7 per cent
In number, from 1902 to 1912, and adding
89.8 per cent to average weight, they were
gaining 109.8 per cent in .total traotlva
power. Total weight without tenders In.
creased 103.2 per cent.
To 'moke possible the economies ob
tained with big locomotives and big' cars
widespread changes have been required
throughout railway plants. Roads have
been completely rebuilt with ninety M
no-pound rails, steel bridges have re
placed wooden structures, better ballast
lng has been done, wider clearanoea pro'
vided. better signalling, as well as mors,
efficient braking control, more rapid
handling of coal and water made possi
ble by Improved methods and appliances
and a myriad of other Improvements in
stalled. Where In Wt an American
locomotive cort tf.SOO, the price of the
modern Malleus about 825,000. New York
Brief Decisions.
There is always something to learn
about a man beyond the details in a let
ter of Introduction. ,
Efficiency experts can get points by
watching the methods of some women In
managing their husbands.
There are more bitter things In life than
Tho complete success of the suffrage
movement will not banlth bargain coun
ters or fortune tellera. Judge.
Tho Perfect Car.
"This story ot yours Is all right," said,
tho editor, "but your description of the
hero's automobile Is simply Impossible.
If there was an automobile made as per
feet as the one you describe, I'd buy one
tomorrow. Where In the world did you
get your Ideas T" i
"That was easy," replied tha author,'
"I got my friend. Bra tier, to desorlb
his new car." Judge.
' f
Can't Help Bui
Admire Babk
Every Woman Casts Loving Glance St 1
tho Nestling Cuddled in its B onset, j
A woman's heart naturally i responds tA
the charm and sweetness ot a pretty cfciUU
Unit mnrrk ei tn.il9v Oion .r.. h.fn.a .Inn.'
tne a arent ot Another's Elend
This is a most wonderful external hetti'
to tho muscles and tendons. It penetrates;
tho tissues, makes them pliant to readllyl
yield to nature's demand for explosion,!
so there Is no longer a period of pain, dls-i
comfort, straining, ntusca or other sjrmp.1
toms so often dlstret3ng during the anxious,
weeks of expectancy.
Mother's Friend prepares the system for:
the coming event, and its uso brings comA
fort, r?Jt and reposo during tie term. This'
has a most marked influence upon the baby
since It thus inherits a splendid crowing!
sjstem of nerves ond digestive function.
And partlralarly to young mothers Is thlsi
famous remedy of Incstlmablo value. It'
enables her to preserve her health and
strength, and she remains -a pretty mother:
by having avoided all the suffering and
danger that would otherwise accompany.
aUh an occasion. Mother's Friend thor-l
ougbly lubricates every nerve, tendon and
muscle Involved and Is a sure preventive'
for caking; of the breasts.
You wilt find thla splendid remedy on
sale t all drag stores at 11.00 a bottle,
and Ishlgbly recommended tor the purpose.
Write Bradfleld Regulator Co.. 134 Lamar.
B!d., Atlanta, Oa.. and thev will mall ycut
sealed, a very instructive book for expec
tant mothers.
Daffodils 1
XiUUe, Stc
Catalogue on
sxnss btoxs
110 &, lGth Bt.
Odd. P. O.
Douglas 077.
The Modern Funeral H
(In the He&rt of Omaha ,
24th and Dodge Streets
On Harney and Cross Town Car Lines
On Account of Equipment
First in Quality
On Account of Experience
Service, prompt and efficient, is the vital es
sential, but it must be rendered without sac
rifice of quality or without increase of cost
Founder of
-" iir- larn r r ssiwi i
All of our accomodations and con.
venieuces free, of .chargo. No
charge made for distance any.
where in Douglas County. Free
Automobile Service, bringing pat
rons to establishment and return
anywhere in tho county.
Hoffmann JFurni sties
24th and Dodge Streets
Expert Emb aimer and Funeral Director
Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors Welcome
Phone Douglas 390!
MaonwssTOzaenoszoiac cocsoraocsoEioiaoaocsoaoao