YE?, any losltvl color with Dutch Hoy white lead - cither whlto or any coti cclvablo hhndo of cream, (fray, drab, buff, Breen, limn n, etc. Simply add tinting colors. H(xly prrniior ImlT Trim, wlui. H(X)f, red or croon. v .l V V 3SKOT3 n Lrrrrt CC 6C is"!" THE way you paint your house is of vital importance in the making of your home. This principle is true, even with an ideal house like the one shown here. A house may be designed in excellent taste; it may be well built; it may be con trived for convenience; and. after all, if the decoration is faulty, it may be almost without cnarm. Beautiful homes are today more nearly within the that which is best from standpoints of color and wear, reach of us all than ever before. Good taste now We have published a valuable but free booklet con demands only what is harmonious and simple, not what is taining the latest and best ideas on home decoration, costly and elaborate. Successful decoration is far less a Read our offer below. This book will inform you fully question of cost than a question of knowing and choosing about painting with Dutch Boy White Lead and Dutch Boy Pure Linseed Oil. We earnestly advise you to insist upon having these known and tried materials, just as the best painters everywhere and discriminating house owners insist upon having them. With a well-chosen color scheme the white-leaded exterior is uni formly beautiful. It doesn't crack and scale into ugly blotches. It wears smooth, keeps whole, protects the wood and needs no scraping before you repaint. It is paint efficiency at a low cost per year. For And the charm ol such walls I With their solt, velvety colors, and with rues draperies that harmonize, it is easy to make any room not only restful and homelike, but attractive and rich. A few pictures and a piece or two of bric-a-brac placed against such a background are enhanced in beauty and interest, rather than robbed of their fine qualities. If a bit of permanent decoration is desired, apply a well-selected stencil with soft colors, either to outline some feature of the woodwork or lower a high ceiling. These are a few of the important facts to consider when one is planning to beautify a home. But there is much more worth knowing and we want to send you our book, "Paint ing, Protective and Decorative," with twelve beautiful plates, for interior and exterior color schemes, and perhaps the most useful and practical talk ever written about white-lead painting. Use the coupon. With this book we will send our suggestions for decorating all the rooms of this ideal house, with full painting specifications and also our stencil catalogue with over 150 high-class stencil designs. If you will send 10c (coin or stamps) with your coupon, we will send you one of these stencils, cut ready for use. NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY New York Iloilon Buffalo Chicaf o Cincinnati Cleveland Sin Franeiico St. Loots (National Lead & Oil Co., rittiburfb) (John T. Lenii & Droj. Co., Philadelphia) plastered or sheathed walls also use Dutch Boy White Lead, three coats at least, mixed with linseed oil or varnish if a gloss is desired, or with turpentine if a flat finish is preferred. Such a paint coat, delicately tinted to suit the taste, dries hard and firm; it lasts indefinitely; it can be washed as often as required; it is altogether sanitary, and it is always ready for repainting when a change in color scheme is desired. and with rues and 4 Bedroom SUe wall, tnyi celllnr. rraylth wbltet wood trim, while 1 dnprrlrt, old roie r.d i rern in firurc. Dreaalng-room Same color Kbeme ai bedroom. jg at si ki :i :si siasi si ki :i va va ki kikiki : illilllRl uuIlmip jljppp ' 1 ,. , M ,- 8 Living-room Side will, toft tani celllnr. cream whiter rffiffTCmlSLji' I wood-irlm. oak-ualned Early Enrllih; Boor, dirkrr ihade Pflml lil!JIss""""" I ot oilti draperiri, old blue) run, body ol dark browai -0 t """ TMflif! jr 1 r "Hrr nfTrT of rumplflr plan anil xpefldiHtlnna of (lie Ideal Hump made liy Oatrrotoor & Company."