Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1913, SEMI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 18, Image 66

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semi-monthly magazine
B k Bp J Im
Lasting Beauty
Inside and Outside
How to attain greatest
beauty and durability
in painting and dec
orating. House painting and decora
tion is an art, and most homes could
easily be far more beautiful throuuh
the advice of those who have made
home decoration a special study.
Exterior decoration calls for paint
made of the choicest materials and durable
colors, so combined as to insure the great
est covering and protecting power. Lowe
Brothers "Hib Standard" Liquid Paint is the
paint that has been proved by years of ex
posure tests to give best results. It comes
ready to use in 54 colors. Simply ask for
High Standard
For beauty and protection of all exterior
surfaces you will get far superior results
with MHih Standard." It is the paint
that in practical use and years of severe
exposure tests lias proved to give best
results. It goes farther, lasts longer and
gives better protection than other paints.
For Interior woodwork there is nothing
superior to Lowe Brothers Non-Fading Oil
Stains, which give niostbeautifuland lasting
finishes. OvcrthestainsapplyLiUleBlaeFtag
Varnishes, for cither gloss or rubbed finish.
Lowe Brothers Durable Floor Varnish makes a
most durable finish, proof against scratches
and it won't turn white in water.
Ask the "High Standard" dealer near you. If
you don't know who he is, write us and
we will introduce you.
Mellotone a most pleas
ing background, which
brings out .the highest
The effect produced by any
kind of a picture depends very
largely upon its setting.
On an inharmonious back
ground the effect of the finest painting
may be diminished fifty per cent; on
a Mellotone wall the beauty of even
the most ordinary picture seems greatly
increased and the whole room is made
more attractive.
High Standard
the only Mellotone gives exactly
the soft, quiet effect that focuses attention
upon the picture itself, and brings out its
beauty to best advantage.
The old methods of wall decoration are obso
lete today. Unwashable finishes are unsatis
factory. Mellotone is not only very beautiful, but is
washable, durable, fadeless more durable
and economical than other finishes and does
not easily scratch or mar.
Get these illustrated
Books FREE
Have the best decorated home in your neigh
borhood. Our books will show you how
"Homes Attractive From Gate to Garret" and
"Mellotone Your Walls." Both FREE tear
this out and lur'tte today.
e Lowe Brothers Co.
499 E. Third St., Dayton, Ohio
MJoitoa New York Chicago Kansas CitT Minneaooiis
LOWE BROTHERS Ltd., Toronto, Canada
wur guannU Jg
IDEAL paint Is not always easy to
procute, nor is Its choice and ap
plication always as simple a matter
as It seems. Wo have faced this prob
lem of painting from many view
points and feel competent to give
you the benefit of our experiences.
It has not been very many years
since we were tempted to leavo this
matter In tho hands of a very talka
tive and convincing painter who had
such vast experience to set against
our own ignorance, as to quite over
whelm us. "Leavo It to me," he would
urgo almost violently; and wo fled
from his presence qulto subdued.
Leavo It to him, wo did, and a per
fectly harmless houso emerged from
his hands of an extremely vivid
lemon color; his enthusiastic inter
pretation of the colonial yellow wo
had mildly suggested. At a later
period in our lives, a houso under
our hands needed a fresh coating,
and wo decided Immediately upon
white with green blinds; an appar
ently safe venture. The painter, this
time, quite another man by the way,
and one less honest as well as less
voluble, mixed his white lead and
zinc, we suspect, with considerable
doslngs from tho keroseno oil can In
stead of tho pure linseed oil that
should have been used. We were on
tho spot this time, and though wo
were assured the paint would dry
white, pure white, It never seemed
to acquire the brilliancy and gloss
wo had hoped for. The blinds, too,
faded to a thin watery dull green, and
again we gained a costly experience.
Our next venture was concerned
with a room that wo decided to havo
tinted, and although we wero shown
samples galore, tho weird robin's egg
blue that resulted was a depressing
sight. In between whiles, occasion
ally, we had quite encouraging re
sults, particularly In wall papering,
and one job of outside staining that
we recall with satisfaction. Finally
fato decreed that wo take a hand In
tho game ourselves; and now wo look
back with pride upon a homo that
stands a monument to our handi
work, as far an painting goes. It Is
not a course wo would recommend
cheerfully to tho average homo
builder, for tho mero sight of a can
of paint brings on a sickening sensa
tion that is not unmixed with tho
thought of tho four coats of white
paint every inch of the bed room
trim required, and the nail heads
still unputtied in the brown stained
chestnut trim of the living rooms. It
was a long Job and a tiring job, but
we finished it and gained in so doing
a vast deal of valuable Information
to which we have since then judi
ciously added. We know now that tho
paint should be the best obtainable,
that the oils should be of only tho
finest quality, that shellac should bo
prepared in bulk and not bought In
cans and that tho very best floor
wax prepared by reputable manufac
turers, and only tho best, Is worth
while using on tho floors of the Ideal
Home. All this wo havo learned, and
most important of all, to know your
painter and bo sure that he Is speak
ing the same language that you are,
that his sense of color is really devel
oped, that aged floors means to him a
dark rich tone and not the vivid cheap
orange of the usual plno floor, shel
laced, and that neutral shades mean
neutral shades and not a pasty tint
of a vivid color.
We have decided on a rich dark
brown stain for tho outside trim of
the Ideal Home, with the exception
of tho window sash, as harmonizing
beautifully with the dark cream
stucco and having wearing qualities
superior to green, which also makes
a charming house. All tho garden ac
cessories, except the lattice on tho
veranda, and tho pergola beams, are
matched the color of the rough cast
stucco In tho sunlight. This Is de
lightful against the green growth of
the gardens. Tho shingled roofs have
the same brick stain that gives the
houso a restful, unusual appearance
In among the prevailing red and
green or silvery weathered roofs of
tho present day.
In the living rooms wo havo used
a silver grey stain that comes ready
prepared by one of tho biggest paint
makers. Four coat work In white,
tho last enamel, goes on trim of tho
bed rooms, halls and bath room3. The
transparent wall color used every
where but In thq bath rooms,
kitchen, pantry and maid's room, is
merely paint of tho required color,
mixed and thinned well with turpen
tlno and applied over a coating of
gluo size; a process extremely easy
to carry out once the color is mixed
to your satisfaction. The rough
swirls In the plastering furnish a line
foundation for this finish and gives
an extremely artistic effect. The""
other rooms, bath rooms, kitchen,
etc., havo an opaquo finish that is
washable and sanitary.
Spar varnish is applied over a
wood filler in the service quarters;
as durable a treatment as has been
devised. Good quality paint In three
coats is used on tho porch floors In
any desired color, though we recom
mend the same creamy color that Is
used on tho garden accessories. All
tho little casement panes of glass are
outlined by tho creamy tan paint
matching tho stucco, while the actual
Window frame about them, has the
brown stain. All outside doors are
stained a uniform brown and the
pergola beams likewise.
This will glvo you a houso that is
In charmingly good taste and thor
oughly allied with Its gardens and
surroundings as n home should be.
Heating and Lighting
Continued from Pace 17)
lights of tho bedrooms and bathrooms
are simple and good, and the more
utilitarian fixtures of the servlco quar
ters aro quite In keeping with the con
servative good tasto of tho entiro
There havo been many experiments
made by clever people to color tho
electric light bulbs, that the harsh
white glare common to ail Illumina
tion bo softened harmoniously, but it
has yet to be successfully done. Pos
sibly If tho manufacturers would give
more attention to this, the results
might bo well worth while. Mean
time there Is a substitute obtained
from electric stage lighting supply
houses, which comes in sheets about
two feet square. It is a thin trans
parent medium, employed to project
colored lights, called
gelatine film, which is
practically flro proof
and can be bought for a
fow rpntn tn soft nmlmr
IfTj tone as well as other
mjU colors. This film mav
be cyllndrically shaped,
Imlfl In Til n nA lv rtatont
Porch Light paper cHpg and inserted
about an lllumlnant without remov
ing its shade or globe.
So Is modern science constantly ad
vancing with regnrd to lighting prop
erties and the Ideal Home is keeping
step with in it every wise respect.