semi-monthly magazine 17 (TOP) irwsn RR nl These 2 Great Books Will Reduce Your Building Expense A Mn 224TtfrM Pat alrtff nf MMItvArlr and Duildinfr Material, contalnlnir riita arwl bungalows, lummer homes, barns am) ready-built tea rapes, showing 60 splendid era prices wo Voa can bato I exterior views with floor plans, priced from $80 to $1,000. Don't par dealers' prices wo sen direct, xactory to user, cionej Storm Windows Storm Doors Savs thalr coat In coal bill Matt that horn comfortable In winter Evvratalat; la Isabel, floarinf-t roe n nr. dort( fTladawt,iiea1dtaKtprrhworktbl1diRc paper lawa aad bone faralialar hardwire,, ptanh1ai;,beatlarfiarT bard wood flee r metal esmaft, eie.v an as wnoiciaie ancm. Don't build, repair or remodel without thee valuable booia. W ruaranteequality. aafe delivery, Mtlafactlonormonerback. Write todar forCaUloff No. 52 and If you Intend a new borne, also set Dan llook No. 62, Both aent free eaat of Kwkjr Uouataliis. If weal of mountains send DOc. nlsbing the garago with heat from tho same plant at a minimum cost. In very cold weather It Is doubtful If hot water heating Is nearly as satisfactory as steam. Direct radiation is specified for all tho rooms, furnished by a heating plant which positively guarantees that every room shall be uniformly heated to at least seventy degrees In zero weather, thus ensuring comfort and an even temperature. The radiators nro of simple and unobtrusive design, fitting low under windows whero possible, and colored to tone with tho wall treatment where over desired. Wo recommend from personal experience the use of pea coal as a fuel. Its low price per ton, and Its quick response to draught ore strong points In Its favor. It Is clean and thoroughly economical and when onco given a trial proves Its efflclency. Care should, be taken that the gases arc not allowed to accu mulate In the fire-box on the top 1392 West 37th St., Chicago. VAJ Don't send me one rent Just let j meproteltto you as I hae done for D7,tKKi ot tiers in tho last aix tnontns. 1 claim to hnvo the most successful remedy for bunions cvor made and 1 want sou to let me send you a treat ment Free, entirety at my expense. I don't onre how many so-called cures, or shields or pads you eier tried with out success t don t care how tl I rub ted you are with them all you have not tried my remedy and I have such abftolnte confidence in It that 1 am ajolns; to send you at treatment s.b. aolutely- Fl.EE Itlsawondurful yet simple homo remedy which relieves you mm ot inainnuy or ine paini it remotea thecauseof the bunion and thus tho ucly deformity disappears all this uhllo you are wearlnn tighter shoes titan ever. Just send your name and nddrean ami trpntmpnt will bn aent you promptly In plain sealed envelope- FOOT REMEDY CO. 3509 W.ESIh St. Chicago DENTS Swell AHiIr IbotKacKe C- A. a.1 A I ijiupiuicHcne. Cleanses tho env- jlty, prevents decay, used by f Millions for past I 25 years. All druir ktores. or bv null IS cents. C. 8. DENT & CO. Wrinkles Thousands hnve successfully used tlila inrmnlA tn remove trncca of nee. Illness or worryi 1 oz. of puro Powdered SAXOLITE dlaantretl In U nt. witch hazel. uan ah a face vraah. The effect la nlmnflt maslcnl. keenest wrinkles, crow' feet, as well as finest lines, completely and quickly vanish. Face becomes firm, smooth, freah, and you look yean y ounce r No harm to tendereat sklo. Oat a-enctne Saiohte ( at any drug etore. eld Til I will send as long as tuey last my !43o J took 3f Strong Arms For 10c in stamp or coin. J IUmtrated with 0 fall-rare half tone cat,, allowing1 eierclnei that will qnlckly dovploii, iH-autlfr, and cnln creat tronctli fn jour ahouldnra, arms, nud linnu with oat any apparaiue. PROF. ANTHONY BARKER. 1595 Barker BMi.. 1 10 W. 42d St.. Hew York PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit. Helps to eradicate dandruff. For Restoring Color and Beauty to Cray or Faded Hair. 60c and tL00 at Druggists. j TO EVERY BOY AMD CHI' we cive a uac uureKJ Camera and complete out FREE to, ,4ates. chemicals, etc .,Wth fulllnstruc done. luti trnil vour name and address. send you a4 papers Gold II ye Needles. Sell a papers tor oc,t EiTing a .u..iu. m, When sola senautineyio ana era and comnlete outfit Is vours. Addies GLOBE CO., Dt pt 207, OmotUW. Fa. FT The Keys that Lock the Plaster 4:1 Whether Bungalow. House, Garage, Barn or Factory Bishopric Stucco or Plaster nd that's a L'ood thhiL' to Lob tho first cost of your building bo tho only cost. Board used on tho outsido relieves you of MVcr-oxponso I. ....... !..-.,.. -V' , ..!..! ...1l.. ..I........ ...... .....I concroto or stucco. Whntover material you uso cannot loosen, for tho Icycd laths lock It on, up, and in forover. Can't sag, spring or cause cracking llko old-style backgrounds. Moans a cool houso in. summer, a warm one in winter. it uas nrst a layer oi stronp llbi-o boant, tlien ono of weather-resisting, vermin -proof As-plmlt-Mnstic. In tills nro firmly imbedded the ktuctl lutlis that savo half of tho outer mate rial and prevent it from falling down. uamos in luinuy sheets four fent snunri'. l-eiuiv to null tn stud ding. Ono man, doing it ail, can keep far aucau or tno plasterers. THE MASTIC WALL BOARD AND ROOFING CO.,468 Ette Avenuo.Clncinnnti, Ohio Alto Mahtrt of BUhoptieWaU Board for Inttriort Paclflo Gout Inquirer! write IBs Central Door and Lumber Co., Portland, Ore., for the name of your nearest dealer renm(5)en(g "DAMPNESS CANT PENETRATE" See Your Nearest Bishopric Dealer Talk it over with him and got an honest, un biased opinion of your building needs. Send for These Send for Architectural Bluo Print Plans for building a model house, also for Bishop rlo Book and Samples of Board (free). ft'tldo lto.tnn.Mu.. Alh.n IttnLW. R.innl . AlK.n. V. itrsjr s io. iiunmo. n. x. V. A. Ualtm. N.w York Uilr Th N.t'l Wllm. Hunnl Vm.. TlUltimor.. k j. A.Cran.ton lumwr Co., Wllmineton.0.1. A fZa.. Il.i4in. Pi Houston Ilrolh.r. Co., lltubursh. Pa Dining Room Center Light of the freshly shoveled coal. As long as the top slldo In the fur naco door Is kept open this will not happen. "THE method of lighting specified Is A electricity, easily ouiaineu nearly everywhere. It is cleaner, healthier and far more convenient for lllu minatlon. As a power It can bo utilized to run Innumerable house hold devices. For lighting the llV' Ing-room lamps it is more secure and practical, eliminating the con stant, unpleasant care that kerosene oil demands. The old argument of electric power being cut off without warning carries small weight, as every well-equipped household can command candles in an emergency, and tho trouble Is never of long enough duration to cauBo any great Inconvenience. The use of both gas and electricity together In ilium! nation is an extravagance rarely in dulged in although tho house may bo supplied with both systems. The pip ing of an entire house for gas Is costly In the first price and expensive to keep up, gas leaks are dangerous, a serious menace to health and life. For these and many other apparent reasons wo have Installed electricity for illumination, Introducing gas only Into the service portion for tho range and hot water heater. The electric fixtures especially de signed for the Ideal Home are charm lng and unusual. The new method of seml-lndlroct illumination is carried out in tho dining-room. This fixture, an alabaster bowl of Florentine de- sign, is swung from the celling by thrco wrought iron chains and gives forth a soft strong glow that has no unpleasant glare. The little porch lan terns are delightful and distinctive, and tho living room brackets strike the same pleasing note. The side (Continued on Page IS ) It Co., lUIUmore. Md.. ., Wilmington. ui ftlUdelpbla. r. Cl.T.Unil PuppI Co. . Cleveland. O, lUrthold a CeMy, Houston, Tex, T.we Lima C.m.nt Co., UllweuVM, Wla. rlalt & Cement Co., Ouluth. Minn. VVUron.ln Urn. A lament Cou Chkavo. Ill, Thorn. A llentUr Hdw. Co.. Tamns. Kit. John A. Denle'a Bon. Co., Memphis T.nn. )hler Itro., Co., tul.lll.. Kr. Co.. Ch.tUnooa, T.nn, Stephen J. U.vln Uimb.rCo be. Loul.. Uo, ILrthold nut,, Houston, Tex. Kd. Ht.v.. A Hon.. Kan Antonio. Tex. Midland Coal A Lumber Co., Mlle.Cltr, Mont. Hallack A Howard I umber Co., Denver, Col, r'jiat Arkanaaa l.umb.r Co., l'araaould. Ark, llvrum Hardware Co.. lilrmlnaham. Ala. K, W. Aldis-Co., lnul.n.pol,.. 1ml, Kellv-llradr Hardware Co., Mobile, Ala. It, I). Campbell Goal Co., Atlanta, (ia. :wrr m1 flaaSaMBwalsalaVaaSa w sn as ts -aaiirn f -l S3, 20 $IO LIFE and ACCIDENT Insurance under the famous ETNA TEN DOLLAR COMBINATION Issued by the ETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford, Connecticut - the largest company In the world writing Life, Accident,. Health and Liability Insurance. In oxtent and variety of protection this policy Is without a rival. For $IO a Year (In "Preferred" Occupations) this policy pays: $2,000 for death from Travel, elevator or Burnlnc BulldltiK Accident. 9 1 ,000 for death from Ordinary Accident. 2,000 for loss of limbs or sight ns a result of Travel Accident. $ 1 ,000 for loss of limbs or sight as a result of Ordinary Accident. The above amounts accumulate Ten Per Cent, each year for five yeartvwlthout additional cost. S2SO FOR DEATH FROM ANY CAUSE-No Medical Examination Required. The Accumulations! Double Benefits and Life Insurance' provided by this Ten" Dollar Combination make possible the payment of $3,280 at a cost of less than THREE CENTS A DAY In addition to weekly indemnity for total or partial disability from accident. SEND IN THE COUPON TO-DAY .ETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO., (Drawer 1341), Hartford, Conn. S..M.Mat. I am under 55 years of see and In good health. Tell me about Etna $10 Combination. My name, business address and occupation are written below.