Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1913, SEMI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 15, Image 63

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I HnlV v...Save
314 '
A Hundred Like It?
In the Brook! lAinilture Book yoa will
And over hundred bargains like the
one Illustrated above. Here ( an ex
cellently made extension dining table
that la well worth 135 In any dealer'
store. Our factory price if only SIT. 60.
It'a made of Quarter-sawed Oak, has
48'lnch ton. extends 72 Inches.
You will be surprised at the savings
yoa can maVo with the 11 rook a Furniture
Hook. Yoa will find a bis line to chooso
from.tlielatcstdesiirna for dining room,
Barter, bedroom, den, etc. All Master
ullt of selected Quarter-sawed Oak.
Yoaaresuretobesatlsflod. If not you
get your money back. That's our bow
antce. Mall a postal or letter today for
me urooaa uoole and learn how you can
save naii oi your xurmiure money.
JSO? Sidney St., Saginaw, Mich.
Ifou could
house in
Unprotected walls of stureo, concreto or brick
absorb much water, becoming damp, unsanitary
and disfigured. Bat they can be waterproofed
and beautified with
I Waterproofing Products
Ttm-Cm Wtwf flm rU, mtrt4. ppllod to
th nUltiC wiUr, nikM coDcrote aad vtueco waUrproof .
Trwo-C t-Tx appllod with a brush, dampproof and
besutlflM wall et atuc. coocreU or brick, Vuruiftbcd
r roti to learn about Troj-Con Water
It will par rot
nrrxaAnar lradu
UlUatr your idi.
12Trus-ConBuilduiK, Detroit, Mich.
Wsterproofinxs Dsmpprootlais Tscsiicsl Paints
Do Away With Bands
of Steel and Rubber
Stuirt'i PLAPAO -PADS are different from
the trim, being tnedlciti applicators
I made aetr-naiieftive purposely
I to hold the turtt tvecurcly la place.
I Pio atrapa uuckief or ipnng
9 unleii hini to hold Cannot llp. o
'cannot chafe or coinprcsi aealost the;
nuttic bone. Thouiindt have succMS-1
fully treated themitelvei at home without hindrance
Ittoro wo K moil ODinnaw cam wnucicu, out
am ralrat nnav in nnnl T-l llfxn(nilTB.
Awarded ooia iMeau. f roc cm oi rccoTcrr
sendlni? ou Trill of PI I Mo absolutely llll'.K. Write nsme
on couoon and send TO-UAY. Address
Name.,, -
Return Mill will bring Free Trill riio..
Ball-cup Nipple FREE
Mothers, send us this advertisement
and your address on a postcard.with druggist s
name, and we will mill you a lull-cup Nipple
to try, Flu any small-neck bottle. Only nipple
with open food-cup and protected orifice st hot.
torn will not collapse, feeds regullrlr. Out
lists ordinary nipples. Only one to a family.
State baby's egs kind and quantity of food, lUlf section
HrgsU Harsiai fUttle Co., 1160 Mali St. Bnlislo. H. Y.
1.1 HTSIl ROOMS. iDifeodr can add II to l p
week to tbelr Incom. Inspire time, entire yew
growing musuruoms In ccllirs. sbeds, barns,
boxes, etc. tell yon where to sell at nlchesl
prices. Free. Illustrated Instruction Booklet.
llltULi BiRTOM, W.ISUi 8U M.wTorl
iWlEtlN 1 O Sheet Pictures to. stereoscopes t&c.
vi.. i. m mMtte. KAinnlM nnd catalua fre.
CsusUsUl rsrtni Cs, Dept. 1491. 1027 W. Ainu St, Okars1
The Walls and Floors
Continued from Page 12 )
According to most, thoro Is Just one
way or doing it; but thoro aro end
less variations of that one way. It
Is not only to bo on tho safe side, that
wo recommend tho parquet flooring,
wc bcllovo It to be tho best. It is
laid by experts and tho question of
nnisn is easily settled. Tho actual
cost of tho floor laid and finished Is bo
Inexpensive that it seems hardly
worth whllo to go through tho agony
of treating Georgia plno or any of the
other makeshifts. In different locali
ties ono wood is more easily obtained
than another, and as each kind of
wood requires a separato treatment,
the discussion would bo almost end
less. There aro oak floors, floors of
maplo nnd pine, ash floors and red
gum, floors shellaced and waxed,
floors stained and waxed, aged floors
filled and waxed, painted floors and
varnished floors, oiled floors and
floors that aro only stained.
Nothing is accomplished with floors
except by thoroughly hard and mus
cular effort, for floor finish Is far
more difficult than it seems. There
fore we recommend a dark parquot
flooring with a wax finish, which is
obtained by soveral different methods.
In tho pantry and kitchen wo have
specified maple floors to be oiled. The
oil treatment, if done well and kept
clean with scrubbings, is nicely
suited to theso floors. Tho wood dealt
with in this manner is preserved,
shows no great spottings and Is easily
wiped out.
Tho bathrooms and tho closets
where tho parquet flooring is not used,
wo have specified a Georgia plno to
bo filled, shellaced and waxed. Dc
sure that tho floor wax used is com
posed of real beeswax and turpentine.
You may safely take the word of a
reputable manufacturer on that score.
Tho absence of thresholds is a boon
to the housewife. Rooms and closets
may be swept out with easo with
no sill to catch tho dust in its cor
ners. Ono can sweep through two
rooms at a stretch without tho use of
tho dust pan and small brush.
when your parquet floors aro being
laid and finished seo that their color
Is fairly rich and dark. This makes a
better background for your rugs, and
helps complete a more harmonious
Rose Gardens, Walks
and Seats
Continued from Page 8 )
trees; tho doublo pink and white
aro especially beautiful. Blue Monks
hood and Foxglove In all Its pale and
delicate shades might be crowded
Into these beds. Mass your colors
and plant for good effects and tho
result will surely charm.
IN tho annual beds plant Salvias,
1 r vlvldlv flnmrwnlnr. lirllllnnt Can-
nas and Dahlias In all their varieties
for cutting; the cactus variety in
coppery tints being very decorative.
Forget-me-nots myosotis) in sheets
of azuro blue aro lovely against tho
green. Tho spicy grass Pink makes
a quaint edge to a walk, ana nose
mary, lavender and heliotropo have
their own enchantment.
At the moro formal street side,
flowering shrubs, conspicuous among
them tho Rhododendron Maximum
with Its dark glossy leaf and great
masses of palo bloom, are placed
within tho hedge along tho street
walk, and Conifers of different
shapes and color valuo are grouped
against the warm tint or the stucco
In well-balanced array.
IF you use your garden you will
1 want to loiter In it, and rest there
enjoying its charms. A garden to
roam through is all right in its way
but when you aro tired of roam
ing, why come indoors and sit down?
Garden screens will seclude you ana
garden seats invite your lingering,
Dy screens we mean a growth of
Quaker Qafrs
The Utmost
In Oatmeal
You know the Scotch as connoisseurs on
oatmeal, for this is their racial food. And you
think, perhaps, that their rugged highlands
grow the finest flavored oats.
But Scotland, for its best oatmeal, sends
here for Quaker Oats. And the British Isles
consume more packages of Quaker Oats than
of all other brands together.
So in a hundred countries, most of which
grow oats. Some are ten thousand miles away.
But the people who want the best in oatmeal
send here for Quaker Oats.
Yet some of you, surrounded by stores sell
ing Quaker Oats, buy commonplace oatmeal.
Let us tell you what you miss.
Quaker Oats
The Oats with the Matchless Flavor
Only the largest kernels of the
choicest grains go into Quaker Oats.
We select them by G2 sittings.
We get but ten pounds of Quaker
Oats from a bushel of the finest oats that
You get big flakes get richness anil
flavor which the smaller grains can't
And our process, which includes ster
ilization, brings you that flavor intact.
No need to tell you the difference if
you'll taste a single dish.
You get here a luscious oatmeal. You
get the cream of the oats made rare
and inviting.
Why pay the same price for a lesser
oatmeal? Why not have the enjoyable
Oatmeal is the food for growth, the
food for vim. It contains in abundance
the elements of which brains and nerves
arc made.
It is immensely important to foster the
love of oatmeal, and Quaker Oats sup
plies the way.
Yet it costs the common price. That
is because wc make enough to serve a
thousand million dishes yearly.
Regular Size
package, 10c
Family size
package, for
smaller cities
and country
trade, 25c.
Except in Far
West and South.
The Quaker Qs (pmpany
Look for thm
Quahtr tradt-mark
on avtry pacltagm
"See offer of complete plans and peclQcntlom of the Ideal Home made br Ostermoor ft Company."