Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1913, SEMI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 14, Image 62

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semi-monthly magazine
The Ideal Home
(Continued from Page 3)
The Tome theso coats will enjoy during tho Fall and
Winter Is woll doserred, since In style and economy they
are simply uneQualed In troth they possess all the beauty,
richness and warmth of natural lllack l'crslan Lamb. An
expert can hardly percclro tho dltlcrence. Furthermore.
In Halt's Arabian Lamb you have a posttlro guarantee
of quality and durability tho pllo being-aluolufrly JatU
Hejnct Imitations said to bo "tho tamo as Salt's "or
"Just like Halt's." They are Inferior and certain to
brine disappointment. For your protection, crery gar
ment niado of the genuine bears the Salt's silk worcn
label shown here.
IntM upon
terlng IMt
Ask yourdoalerto show you his line of garments made
of Ball's Arabian Lamb, lie your own Judge. Or we will
gladly send you samples of the material and name of
dealer who can supply Just what you desire.
Two esampWe of eoeteroadeoz Selt'e
Araolaa lamb, roUIUsf at popular prices.
Salt's Textile Manufacturing Company
No. 38 East 25th Street, New York
Let UsBiifldlfoiirldeal'liome
All Materials Complete, $2146
1 the
' For $2,146 we agree to furnish all the
material to DulIU tills "Ideal" house, including
uoors, wmuows, frames, aim work,
Nails, Tinware, Hardware and Paint.
By buylnr from Gordon -Van Tlno
Co. you should be able to build this
"Ideal" house for under $5,000. Save at
least $500 to $1,000 on this beautiful homo.
at your station. Don't delay.
Write today for a price delivered
Send for Big MUlwork Catalog FREE
Also Beautiful Plan Book
Our blf? catalog offers lowest prices
ever known on high grade building ma
terial of every description. We guar
antee quality, safe delivery and satis
faction. Our prices save the public over a mil
lion dollars a year.
Our famous Book of Plans contains
over 70 designs of Modern Houses, Cot
tages, Bungalows, etc. Our plans keep
cost within original estimate. In writing
for Plan Book, enclose 10 cents for post
age and mailing. Write today and save
g money on your new home. Address
GORDON -VAN TINE CO., 5218 Case Street, Davenport, la.
Advico for a Sick Canary
I see that a lady asks what to do tor a sick bird. It 70a
will allow ma to HllMt, toll her to set "Bird Manna"
lor j nun ana me r. u. r. uo. e directions (or maklnx
Canaries sins, from her drut" list.
n rnuaai
bIM'e Ills, and how to treat them.
Tho VhlladelDhla lllrd Pood Unnam. Ittl N. irA B
ruuaaeipnia, I'm.. pnuiiso a
nar. FHus or wnnag ror It.
aullfh a booklet which anvona nn
It tells all about the little
98 oents
Send oketrh tar frM imt.Ii nf Patent nfflM HmvifiI,.
Hew to Obtain a Patent and What to Invent with
iiei 01 inventions wanted and prise, onered ror laren
tloDi sent freo. l'ateuts adrertlsed CDCC
Send for oar list of Patent Barer.
VICTOR J. EVANS & CO.. Washington. D. C.
B TtftS)
Railroad Watch
T UnniM Mr sjuM, Btavkt uv frUa4 t4 bda ma MtsvlvM
f Sila WmJm U1 nil iaU tiftsi aUilm4 ivuh fcy kill HHM
ONLY 00 CENTS. eMtimat tia, fu aUUl iiiw pUt4
sUsU. mf MHpnUI, toa VIM SM IMH Mis
se.sxpsw km riuT sruiwiskM itav a tiuf. tMBe uu unraui
vtu M bus 9f new mu
long lino to tho north and west of
tho vegetable garden lncreaso the
seeming length of the whole property
and form an admirable background
for tho massing of the shrubbery. If
you pause at tho wicket cato which
so Invites your entrance, tho curving
gravel path, flecked with shadow and
light, leads you on to tho llttlo low
bricked Btoop, past tho roso garden
and the latticed porch, with a glimpse
of tho low terrace and Its approach
guarded by two huge boxed hydran
geas. At tho stoop, two littlo formal
box trees, square cut, give a sue
gestlon of urban conventionality,
neignteneu by tne wrought Iron lan
terns hanging on each side of the
simple door.
THERE is a brick-paved pergola
t- nnrnli nnnnlniv f r-nm t Ti r rtlnlncv
J'UIVU W,'t.UaU, ..MUX LllkJ U.U.M
room and overlooking the gardens.
completely screened from tho street
from every side. At the end of the
brick path running along tho terrace
Is a tiny tea house, quaintly named
'Gazabo." This terrace divides the
formal garden from tho Informal and
overlooks them both. On tho west
side tho brick steps lead down to the
grass walk, bordered with flower
beds. Around the corner is a shady
court centering about a largo tree
which an old-fashioned seat encircles
Tho garage across tho kitchen yard
belongs to the house in general de
sign and finish. A pergola covered
walk runs from tho pergola porch
along tho south of the kitchen yard
as far as the garage: and its con
tinuation, a gravel path shaded by
sturdy apple trees, leads directly be
hind tho garage, past the rubbish
yard to tho vegetable garden terml
natlng there.
The entiro arrangement gives tho
feeling of almost limitless spaco; of
a succession of gardens each com
pleto in Itself and each having its
own particular charm and use. Tho
formal approach, the houso perfectly
planned, with living rooms cut off
from tho sleeping apartments, and
tho service quarters likewise grouped,
tho kitchen and drying yard, tho
tradesmen's ontranco and tho com
pleto garage, all make for practlca
bility. All theso and tho screencd-off
rubbish yard for tho collection of all
tho unbeautitul things that accumu
late about a place, tho vegetable gar
den located to tho best advantage,
having open sunny spaces to the
south and tho pleasure gardens, ade
quately arranged and yet capablo of
still greater development according
to tho tasto of tho owner, constltuto
unmistakably and not less practically
tho Ideal Home.
THIS is a homo whero overy mod
dm dnnvanlnnpn tt almnln liAiian.
keeping has been considered; a real
homo whero the delight of tho out-of-doors
blends unobtrusively into the
satisfaction of the indoors; a home
of light and air and warmth and
creature comforts. Ideally appointed
It is, to lessen housework. Steps are
saved and the eternal cleaning mini
mized. Every woman will appreciate
a homo that sho can tako caro of her
self without unduo labor; a home
not all up and down stairs, or stupid
dust-collecting corners. If you are
so unnaturally fortunato as not to be
affected by tho servant problem, to
permanently havo sufficient and will
ing Bervlce, tho Ideal Homo will
make tho regulation of routlno oven
less arduous.
Wo have outlined the aims and
scope of tho Ideal Home, which are
briefly: the designing of a compicto
country home on a city plot, whether
tho general schemo fits in with your
conception of what a homo should
be, or wnetner rails to, tnero are
Ideas in room arrangement, Interior
decorating, modern convenience and
economy that will interest you un
doubtedly; for nothing bo fittingly
describes the place as Homey.
Don't let the heater run you,
make you arise an hour earlier in
a cold room, continuously (eed coal
into It and live It other bother.
some attention from moraine till night.
Why not attach a Jewell Heat
Controller lo your healinc plant and
secure any temperature desired day
or night without attention to drain,
or dampers, your only duty being to
set the clock and occasionally putona
lime loai.
The Clock Iff?! 1
Attachment lUIP D B
,.,roUSh if. t CONTROLLER
The Jewel, Heat Controller It tlmple, eco
nomical device tint abolish, all heating troubles
and worries delce that nerer allow i coal to be
wasted, prevents the house becoming overheated
or underheated a device that. Id fact, acts as an.
efficient servant or Janitor, continuously taking
care of the furnace to suit your wishes regardless of
outside temperature.
To double your heating comfort, to release you
from heater slavery, to cut down your fuel bill
Install the "Jewell." Works equally well with
any htatlnjayattm.
Send for Facts. Figures, Booklets FREE
P"V and we'll trll you where In ycur town you may see
rw the "Jeweir In operation, also give you the name
01 ucaicr. iv rue ioaay ana learn now to forget tne
heater and Us troubles.
Jewell Mf. Co. f 40 Green St., Adorn, N. Y.
The Complete
Working Plans
and Detailed Specifications
of the delightful
Ideal Home,
House and
editorially explained in
this issue
Sent Prepaid on
receipt of $1.00
1264 Fifth Avenue Building
AGENTS 125 Profit
Lowprired. Jnstout. Simple,
safe, guersnteed. Low price
makes quick sties. Aleuts hir.
Ids wondtrfol success. Uood
territory open right In your
loctlltT. write oulck (or tir.
lltory, terms end sample to workers.
thomas ura, CO.
$4 Per Month Buys This
VTi6e Oliver Typewriter
Notblns Down Free Trial. Leas tlian
Arents' l'rlces. Snipped on approval.
It Ton want to keep It, send oa St
month. Oar booklet Is worthsendlm
for, liecanse It tells yon how to un
SI1.W. it's FKEK.
Typewriters DisL Syndicate
ttl-H-17 I. tllcrdtu Bird., Calais
TfgtCTIVC iimKLCivMtm
ttk On CsTNTSI aal ntah vlll te tail fev mm ssU Mi
BsUUfsatUeM mrula M BMtl fteUl. Hft4 U tOdtT. A4mS
E. E. CdALHEKS & CO., 5M So. Dearborn SL, CHICAGO,
"See offer of complete plans and specifications of the Ideal Home made by Oitermoor St Company,
MiersalusUecslnsIa clrtsUtlea. (1KT IDSTKD. Bond stamp
for larte Illustrated coin circular. It mar mean ranch
profit to yon. Yon certainly hare nothing to lose. 8KN1
,'OW. Namluutk Bask of. Texas, Dept. , I t. Worth, Texas.