Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1913, SEMI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 13, Image 61

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FAMILIES who aro fond of FISH can bo up
piled lUIUZCT from OLOlTCllSTKlt, MASS., by
nowly caught KKKl'ADLK OCKAN FISH
choicer than any Inland dealer could possibly furnish.
Wo doll ONLY TO Till'. HI
KKCT sending by KXl'KKSS ItltiHT TO YOIIII
IIOMM W 1'ItlCrAY east of Kansas on orders
above 13.00. Our flsti aro puro. appotltlng and eco
nomical nnd wo want YOU to try sonio, payment
subject to your approval.
SALT MACKKIli:L, tho fat, meaty. Juicy fish
aredollclous for breakfast. They aro freshly packed
In brlno and will not spoil on your hands.
CODFISH as wo salt It. Is whltonnd boneless and
ready for instant use. It makes a substantial moal,
a Hno change from moat at much lower cost.
FUESH LOHSTKIl Is tho best thing known for
salads. Hlght fresh from tho water, they aro simply
boiled and packed In PAIU'llMKN'T LINKD
CANS. They come to you as tho purest and safest
lobster you can buy and tho meat Is as crisp and
natural as If you took It from the shell yourself.
FHIKD CLAMS aro a rolls!, able, hearty Jlsh that
yourwholo family will enjoy. No other flavor Is Just
llko clams, whether fried or lu chowder.
FIUCSII MACKEKEL, perfect for a fried flsh.
S1IUIMI to cream on toast. CItAltMEAT for
Newhurg and devilled, SALMON ready to serve.
S Alt DINES of nil kinds, TUNNY for salad.
SANDWICH I I I, I, INCH and every good thing
packed hero or nhroad. you cun get hero and keep right
on your pantry shelf for regular or emergency use.
With every order wo send HOOK OF ItECIPES
for preparing all of our Hsh products.
Our list tells how each kind of flsh Is put up, .
vim mo ooiivcrea price, so you can cnoose t'
Just what you will enjoy most. Send tho cou
pon lor it now,
m .TaiiiiiM..
m vo
Sound and White Teeth
are surely a rich enough return for
using Calox twice a day. The Oxy
gen which Calox liberates puts an
end to that decomposition of food
particles upon which harmful bac
teria thrive, and also to the bacteria
themselves. Moreover, the gums
are invigorated, the teeth whitened
and the breath punned in the picas
antest and most gratifying way,
All Druggists, 25 cents
Sample nnd Booklet
Srtt on request.
Atk for the Calox
Tooth uruth.
33 cents.
Free Plans form
ra eating i our
TT furnished by beat-
too can try ft Kalvnuoo Furnace
for 80 days fW and send It back
any time within sv year If It fails
to beat your home properly.
Aok for Factory
Prices on Furnaces
Get our book explaining better
heating and cash aavinsr. Ask
for Furnace Catalog No. 980
Vtt Blii a Cull Du f Btpr, Rupi, ou
Btta s4 rurmMft. Vi Ur Urt )
lOffl DlMM til (Of tb M Mt VtDt,
Kalamaioo Stove Co., Mfrt.
a i nit a
$25 to
J75 Saved
That Protect and Pay
Send Sketch or Model (or Search,
Watsaa E. CakaaB, Patent Lawyer, WaiMaiton, D. C.
THE Ideal Kitchen Is not large, but
seems commodious compared with
the average apartment kitchenette.
Wo have arranged this room so that
all tho groceries received In their
raw state, aro placed near the door
on one Bide whero they can be put
away with dispatch. On tho other
side of tho room near the largo triple
window Is the gas range and under
neath tho window sill Is the white
sink and draining board, In direct
lino with It.
We strongly advise tho use of a
tall stool that may bo pushed under
the tablo or sink when not In ubo.
This often rests an aching back or
weary feet, Is easier to work from
than a chair and takes up less room.
Desldes this stool have a plain chair
of tho most comfortable type you can
procure. Your tablo might bo one of
the newer kinds with a porcelain
enameled top, a finish as lasting as
can be made, and easier to clean than
enameled cloth, and Infinitely more
sanitary. Tho first cost may bo
greater, but tho saving in tho end
makes them well worth while.
your maplo flooring with two
w coats of linseed oil, treat the coun
ter boards In tho same manner and
have all the other woodwork finished
with spar varnish. We have specified
this marine varnish for tho Ideal
Home as being a satisfactory and well
lasting finish, not affected by water
splashings, cheerful and clean.
The gas rango Is fitted with a
roasting and a baking oven with a
glass door and a thermometer to
show tho degrees of heat, a warm
ing shelf for dishes, and four burn
ers for cooking. The ventilating pipe
overhead carries off all cooking
odors, with this gas rango there need
be no lugging coal up from tho cellar,
no grime and dusty ashes, and In the
summer days no coal range throwing
off a great volume of heat.
An almost indispensable addition to
tho Ideal Kitchen of today Is a flreless
cooker. Possibly no other kitchen de
vlco of recent times has done as much
to lighten the kitchen work nnd lessen
fuel bills. These ingenious contri
vances enable the busy housewife or
tho servant to bring all tho meats,
vegetables, etc., for tho dinner to tho
proper heat on tho stovo or gas range
and then let them "cook" themselves
with their own heat In tho flreless
cooker, with no need of any further
attention or heating until the family
is ready to sit down to tho table.
The hot water heater In tho laundry
furnishes hot water for all tho house;
at any time It is instantly on tap.
Tho triple windows give a splendid
light, helped out by the panes of
glass In tho door. Wo have hung sash
curtains of hemmed cheese-cloth of
fine quality that may bo whipped off
and washed regularly.
LIAVE everything about your kiich
11 en In keeping with tho sanitary
fixtures, of materials that can easily
be kept clean. It is a mistaken Idea
that whlto Is moro trouble to keep
clean because It shows every mark so
clearly. When white is clean, you
may be sure of it, whilo dun-colored
things go uncleaned for days and
take Anally moro labor and time to
restore to freshness than would be
expended In the slight dally wiping
of white utensils.
Electricity is a great labor saver.
Try it! Tho electric iron is a vast
Improvement on tho old stove heated
kind. Ready as it is In an instant,
moved about from one room to an
other, clean, and kept easily at a
constant heat, its practicability ia
Tho laundry tubs aro located In
the cellar room so that washing may
go on without Interfering with meal
getting. A laundry stovo can bo set
up there and attached to tho chimney
The Ideal Home $77i1
Built by the ALADDIN System Li 1 TC 1
uilt of the finest Michigan Timber
You can own this beautiful home, exactly following the plans illus
trated and described in detail in this magazine, securing nil the material,
lumber, millwork, hardware, paint, plaster, nails, varnishes for the complete
house itself for $2741 or $2984, including garages, tea house, pergola, trellis,
gates, etc. By special arrangement with this magazine we have added the
Ideal Home to our large number of dwellings, bungalows and cottages.
ALADDIN System Saves Vz to M Cost
Tho Aladdin system of soiling direct from
tho forest to tho homo builder saves nil tho
usual middlemen's profits. Tho Aladdin System
of construction Keadl-Cut (samp as stool
building construction) cuts half tho" usual labor
bill. Every pieco of material cut to lit In our mills,
marked ana numbered nnd ready for erection. ,
ALADDIN Houses Not Portable
Don't confuso tho Aladdin System with
tho portablo system. Every detail in tho de
sign, material and construction of an Aladdin
houso is identical to tho best custom of
, llrst class architects and contractors. Aladdin
i hot roRTAm.K i!ousc!l,r? J".'111 f.or a llf0-
fcliuu. .iiit ji-iua nmi;i;3.i.
Yf Ask for address of nearest
f Aladdin houso InyourneiRli
borhood. Go nnd see It. Talk
with owner. Our big book of
G Rooms $208
-. t
Rooms $7D7
designs mailed upon request for
i a stump. feenu today ror catalog n.
MUlM ill 1'IVI! Nllltl-H
296 Aladdin Ave. Bay City, Mich.
Canadian Branch Sorcrclcn Const. Co,, C. I1. It IlMa., Toronto.
Charming and Distinctive Interiors
Sco tho handsomo bonmed coll-
ing in illustration tho panel walls
stencilled to harmonizo with tho
furnishlngsl Whnt's moro attrac
tive, moro artistic, moro modern?
Gives your rooms an air of indi
viduality impossible- with wall
paper and costs far less.
Specify Plastergon
Every Panel Guaranteed
It decorates lionutlful homes, costly
mansions adapted to ovory Kind of
urchltrcturn. Hanltary nnd durable, too
novrr breaks nor crocks no up-keen
doesn't parry l'lastcreon, wrlto im to-day
noio. Wo'll gladly send you sufftresUons
for handsomo dcslrns, samples also.
4 Fillmore Avenue Tonawanda, N. Y.
a mm fit Mm
Fftiteit, cleanest.
mt vinjr Kire
Im Cooker pot
fiible to buy a t a
iff price iavlnff,
Mr now liook
khowi biff, full
r0 photograph
of rook I ntr In a
K A I'II. Bend
your address to
day and
Get This
Makes Every Woman Happy ' SentrP"1 Sl'ffL,
Cat down our meat and era erv bllli! hava btttrr - ' rDm r.BCIOry
tastlns food with halt tho work. Onv trial convlncn
every tiouaewife. Kitra alio 8compartment Cooker
Outfit of "Wearevtr" Aluminum Cooking Utenajla,
Compartmcnta and covcra lined with pure aluminum.
SaJkit Fireless Co oker
" 30 Daya' Free Trial ;
I truarantce to autt you or take the cooker back,
ItOUtl mtl Mrfirt hmwn. ItaltoafaliM rtla
veiretablca. desaerta everything In every way,
Cuta gaa bill from houra to mlnutca. Write to
day for my new Uook and direct factory price
Dept. 130 Detroit. Mich.
"Set offer of romplrte plana and aprrlflratloni of the Idral Home mode by Oatrrmoor ft Company."