8A THE OMAHASUNpAY BEBi SEPTEMBER 28, 1913. r 1 - t H I4 vijg5pssac Ml Buy On a Transfer T T8 thq 20th Century war of shopping. You'll fwd it much more convenient. AH your purchases in one package, and ready- for you when, through buying. ASK THE FIRST SALESPERSON WHO WAITS ON YOU TO STAIIT ONE FORI YOU, Fancy Linens, to $2.s6, for 98c QDEfl A I f Fancy Llaoas. includ ui Airkij, jnS 45,ia, hand made KennaUanCe table cotpr with hand UUI1 afawn center, also b.auMful 1r ilmuicr a. I 1 1 covers, values up to IJ.BO, choice for.,,. Exhibition of the Fftmoui Paintings "OLD DARBY' and "LA FORGE" K!.t!?inJSl,!nate1 combined valuation of over 100. ee htm. on exhibition on third floor. New DRESS GOODS in the Challenge BEGINS TOMORROW, MONDAY These Two Pages Brimful of I Portion of the A ttmrAi rm q iri I NEVER to our knowledge, have the people of Omaha been offerqd Buch wonderful opportunities i to buy good dependable merchandise as they are during this great palo, starting Monday. BARGAINS THAT ARE POSITIVELY THE GREATEST EVER OFFERED BY AJfY STORE IN ' ? THE CITY AT A LEO! PERIOD OF THE SEASON ' f Wc Will Prepay f For tho benefit of poople who live out of town and wish to take advantage, of the great opportunity to 6 T ! J p . IT1' on the purchase by any individual amounting Kaiiroaa rare Kound inp ytta NOTE BUY YOUR ROUND TRIP TICKET BEFORE LEAVING HOME AND PRESENT: RE Throe Monster Grouos Embrncint E For the Season. Presenting Values We Challenge Competition to Equal OQn FOR DRISS GOODI WORTH UP TO $1.00 Beautiful now full dress materials, in eluding French Serges, Panamas, Wide Wale Herges, storm Herges, Mc- Black and Whlto Shepherd mm WO Checks, etc All tho moat do. atT V slrablo shades. wldthH 36 to 44 inches, Tho valuoa are Up io i.qo tho yard, Monday, the yard. ,..,... mas, Wide WV 39 66c FOR DRISI GOOD WORTH UP TO $2.00 A. magnificent assortment. Thousands or yarai or the most wanted materials, rtoch ovievB, Dcoicn minings, Mixed Stltttnrc. niocrnn1 rntli Serses. Cheokod VnttM rts M v M m ket Weaves, French Prunol- Ia m las, Whljjcords, Worsted Suit- ngs, w. widths 42 to 64 lBChM. All tlia nhw kfiarfu Yaluee te 2,00, yard. aaterisila. yrw 66 98c FOR DRESS GOOD WORTH UP TO $2.50 1 You'll marvel at the assortment, includ- wf-.wSSSrfl2' fi"nl Sultlnss, Dlagontls, "id Barges, jaroa cloths, Bedford Corde. Vlnr. our. Shepherd Plaids, Pin ft. M t ?Ar'P9 Bergo Suitings, etc. If wiatus bo to CC inches. Any of the wanted shades values to 12.60, Monday, at, the yard (tings, Diagonc 98 30c LACES, 15c TpitlMMING laces, In shadow, a cltiny, Venice and Oriental, .also fancy cotton Nottingham inces, agings, oanaa And insertions, widths S to S inches, valiinn to 30c, per yard...,,,, 70c Shdew Lkm tl&n Shadow laces ill allovers and flctegsf new designs, large or wall; ale Oriental add fanoy ctio N4tihani aad eluny allt wt itwludliig yalueK jta 76q; cwHwaft saM price, per KcWMhltHWSt Attd eotton. tixehw, chihy. Kormnl. ottjognam 15c r,25( Challenge Sulle of NOTIONS Cknilgc Sale ef HOSIERY satlsiae- I8C -VRKIN'S "Special" "hosiery, the kind that will give aatlsfao- tton, black, cotton, full regular made foot, and ifull fashioned, 26o qual ity, per pair Waste StSe Kom ltto Wtom'en'ft tfleoca lined hose, regu lar 26c quality, challenge, 4 c pried, pair. IOC Wemen'e Hose 8o Women's vegetable silk foot hose, fast black, regular price OQj, GOc, pair 3iC Boys' 'JSc Hoee 18 He Bovs' and Eirlt' cotton hose, black ribbed, regular price ni ice, per pair 2Cc, sale T P VBlty day neceseitleTat prices that are far ' lon'M rnn lllrltra n.nmt, h In i Dirnlng Cotton, iu-ya, spool, t.'io rBuUr i -tPt to pool I w King' Spool cotton, 600ywJ gpooi guk, ee- ywd epbol, all color n blftck Wi4 whlir 8 for lOe ipooi d 1 1 O 3, 3 for Bo ' af eiy f i s Belt Pin Books. aacorted ls8s to ths book, Uoehold PJb card or loo sorted shea m& oolors Mavriiiif Pins, iMMrtMt lIlM 49 to 'the is S box fie loi tS few, K (14 ....?.,. Htr rim, R4- t ...... Good imnortod H4r Plh 3 paper's Do Coat and skirt hangars, th reg ular 10a K- kind 91 Button Hooks, ia, fancy han ill, tha recuUr Its kind 1 ft a Collar Buttons, od quality, mm os. m ant A MiU ,? C jr Prl 'tNM,M44 Waokid P a r 1 ill ielow competition. vings. Good quality white- Pearl Hut tons, rurd of C J3 for 96 White Pearl Buttohe, assorted else, : on card S Oardj, 10c First quality wkit narl butr tswr, hm o r t a w tud.-. i mi VMtker stiteh. SmuJ, i j nam tu the ;icfe, 1skkleW nltd, (at oelors, a. torU lii. yM-4 to a $2 and 2.50 UMBRELLAS for $1 'SPECIAL! American taffeta umhrellas with a great A variety of gold and sterling silver trimmed V I handles, forn4on and women, worth $2 to $2.50, choice. 0 1 Men's $1.50 Percale SHIRTS for 89c 89c SPECIAL! Bwt luality percales in a variety of fast dolors tegular $1.50 values; challenge price. Men's 3Sc Cotton or Lisle HOSE 19c I9c SPECIALl A bi lot mn'B imports cotton or t J -wv-v wwy vQi4te, y at- i ueg to i55; challfnge. sale price, afcmday, pair.r. . . .J SCARFS and COVERS SPEtiAL!2'0?0 embroidered dresser scarfs and stand cov ers, with scalloped edges, 50c to 7bc values your choico at.. 25c CHILDREN'S HATS K tetlStVdv U9 Ps?rfAItllWe Hfctt of cordurey, bear skin and plush, trlmae vitk bows und rosettes of elite rlbbosaj regs uiar a ana f 2,50 values, chal- lenge price, choice, . fiupoHBf rests SI.I9 A $2 Cortet OfcaBswa at $1.1 SPEC1AU orf,: oials"uind4 of splendid qual ity outil, beautifully' trim mea vttH enDridery, draw atriag In but HHe, low bust, ! isain, ior., . i, , SI.I9 Woroen,a Silk PETTICOATS, $139 cpVflAf I w iik yt- v)IXUAU tM(, o good quality -tMMallae, tuek4 audi Pletd fioaacfl. la all th Bif S,00 WMl 11.10 valttijsn C4 l8g pris. . , . , , a an ta naif $1.39 Challenge Sale of DOLLS ?ricis for Monday Bayonet Comparison IN planning for this Great Challenge Sale, we were for tunate enough to consummate a big deal on dolls. There's no need of our going, into detail other than tho descriptions of tho dolls and the won derful values offered, Suffice to say it's Th Big font nd Etat DOLL in Tqwn for S1.00 Yes, that's putting it very strong bat we court copartoM. Just UiKfc of it. a full jointed body doll, eurlog 28 lachee In height. JOINTJBD iHIP AND KfEB WITH SWKD ft' wig, erMaanes, juovabia yw, pretty face, aHb a ad stockiiagB, & regular 2.0f. value if bought In the ordimu-v wayj'l $1.6 J4aUd Doll m Kull kid Joints Ooll, with JPVench tystosbee. hiovabla eytt, blond; ! "V utrni n rtAir. low Itiohk hlh rtarular tl.H val Us 1 ClialUng, Sale Mon. day.. 590 $1.80 Kid JoinUd pell ,7$ ruli Jalnttd doll, with hinch ayeUaSiM movabl y. blond, blck M( worth J(se; In the at SaU Monday 79c PILLOWS $2.98 signs, with lace. $2.98 A OJCAliLENQB. Hand embroid- ered plllowe, centers and scarfs, in rose, poppy, violpt and conventional designs, with lace. ribbon and frlngoi cages, Yflldod to 86. Cballense 'Salo price..... 75c Linen Towali 39c Hemstitched and stamped la new monogram designs for white em broidery. 75c values, sp- on cial 5., aJ47C JUrim Ruf fkf 29c C yard Unktbs in red, blue, brown Regular 29c Hand Bafs at 19c Black velvet with metal tops, tan Unas with gold tops. Thete bags' are worth up to '98c Stamped to embroidery1, spi Q and grtea) c values WLCJl a 0 in. wide. Special, A Big PICTURE ChaJtentfe THRBB lilg apeclals in th Pigtur? Pepartment tkfkt have, seldom, if HVnr. liHAn nttnllut Int., ' $1.00 Pkturea mt lc SIeq ISxlC laches, antique gilt frames, In assorted MexioteaM, landscapes, 01a master and marines, slse 16x20, $1.00, choice for... Picture Fr&mincf t25 Pr Cnf n During the Great Challenge Bale, all orders ior Picture XLof fitt Traming will bo taken at discount of, 25 Utt Pictures at 81.98 Antlquo gilt frames, with tfaucy gilt top, assorted Monxotohes. masters and marines, worth to worth doublo, at.. 'T.W Si.95 49c 10-Piece Enamelware Set With Buck STOVES arid RANGES During tho Challengo Sale, wo will give abso lutely FREE A TBN-PIECH QRtAY ENAMBLVARB SET nnu ever siove or range purchased at U5.00 or over. FREE The Bet consists of one large cpoktng kettle, I medium cooXlng kettle, S oraall cqoking kettles, I coffee pot, 1 tea pot, 2 pie tins, 1 roasting pan, 1 muffin pan. i to 1 wax-a akM aAygaa. u te a gyo'a Bgy8aB.;.ten te m nsax'u oak wt. ..... .919 "mt Buck's Stoves and Range are en doraed by all labor unions, sad bear a guarantee ot five years. STOVE PIPE LENGTHS, Monday CkaBtng a, $c SPECIAL!8 ,1)00 good quality Stove Pipes. 6-inch size, with a limit of six lungtbg customer. Monday, each 10 n SHEETS, CASES DOUBLE bed sheets, good qlal , Ity, bleached nbeot big, regular price 46c, ea. OOC ISo Pillow outs 10c Bleached pillow cases, sire 42x36, regular price I5c. 1 each f.. LUC 80e Bed Hhccts nsq Slse 81x00 naamloBa bed sheets, regular prlco 80c, Hi each 0,C SSc mi 30c Bbeetlng ato Bleached 8 and 8-4 sheeting, reg ular prices 28c and 30c. i sale prtco. per yard.... lC 7o Cotton Uafa 45c . Cotton Batting, full 3-lb., a m regular price 7 So. each.. SrOC CHINA DINNKRWARE ChalUntfs $14.95 TWO big specials in Austrian ohina, 10t)-p&ce sets, with spiuy oesign, ana goia lfnoos and handles, worth $25.00; Challenge Sale price , u.ul; dinner Beta, yiv.vo 100-plece dinner nets pf Austrian china, with solid mat gold handles, regular iin Qg $30.00 values, at, Per set lUfUZJ 50c Sugar and Creamers, 25c SPECIAL Largo alio ehina sugar and creamer sets, daintily decorated, worth GOc. aim M Challenge Price, pair., . ............ 4 &3C Crlbch Brats Fern DUh with a beau tlfullr arrensed air frn, no. worth tl.80. for " Brass Smoldnj- Set. compose of cltar jar, sen tray ana maion euina, wet on a .-inn tray, a is.00 value for ,. Umbrella ataad. full SO Inch tall, lion heads Vflfh rlnc. A I . jQ f3.S0 value, Monday t-ln, Bra jardiniere, all one piece, tnreo tav jeet. worth tl-30. Qfifi for Challenge Sale of BLANKETS, COMFORTERS 4c CottoM BlaakeUi S5c CPFri AI f Cotton arniiAL! Bi&nkets, slse iOxJb inches, gray only, good weight, well worth 4pc," Heavy BlaBkete, Extra heavy cottea blhJBkta, dpuM bed fU, S'Sxfa laches, grays a&d tans, spa 1 fQ clal, lH.tr. .,09 35g 85c cotton Blauketa 65o Blankets, sue 46x72 Inches, In tan or gray, regular price dec, eale price, per Jialr. ..... 65c fi.99 Cot. Blankets 81.10 SPECIAL! ouott"" tan, Wool Nap Btaaketa, fl.as Fancy plaid wool nap blankets, ex tra heavy, very Huffy, sice 60x76 Ins., sale price, pr, Ji.M Blankets, in gray white or fancies. Regular $1,30 values, sale, price, pair. , . . , PUId Blnkct $2.48 Heavy wool nan blankets, plain' gray, pink, white. Also gray, blue & whlteplaidfkA mm SI'9 per pair, $1.50 Sllkoline Comforters 81.10 tJomforters 72x7 ins,, wllte cottor rilled, allkollnt covered, tied or K-.....SIJ9 Orkiai Iron., 10th a&d Sanity,- Over 1,000 Women's-1 TAILOREJ Bought from Kirschmta Bro$. 33; Street, New York Gty, Regular I $30.00; $35.00, and $40.00 vaiues ATBIELY offering, indeed, oomingas It! season. Our New York reresentaefi was ridiculously low, and it was accepted. Eh? THE SUITS ,a be'Ht -wort"- mwws styip, iHToimg uore thaa fifty of tb Suits that were made fa $35,00 and $40, challenge st "i pr BsV!alHBBBlBBa ssa New "Sport" Cdats " Made of heavy weight materials in stripes and plain coldi-s, ineltiding suoh'1 spienaia materials as Bouqle, Chin-; chilla and gray mijead,' materials j siaesr for women, misses and juniors; all" shades, including white? CThaiaa1 Rain - ?m-L. X w . 1 pricg SI0-SI2.5O-SI5- Meri'g HATS SPECIAL! Tto of."- -veiy ionunaie pickup. All the very latest shapes and most wanted shades; all sizes; positively values, att $1.65 Boy.' SUITS rp HE suits, about 25Q la all, a,r small lots of our beat spiling numbers, all this season'q goods In double breasted and Norfolk style. All wool material and suitable for fall and winter wear. The values rang troiu ts.uw io fo.uu, for ages 9 to 17 years, your choice Monday j The values rng0 $3.45 11 NE Orkin's Big MILLI ' ' i . - . , TTrE have had Challenge Sales osfore in this wonderful Militoirr T?es ?f towh &ud &uf-f-twn people or such wonderful iha want the hest m stylo at the lowest price, you must buy here, foromi we challengo, competition to equal our values; Look. Ra& J ! Tvamm SlJc 13.00 Trimaad Xatf. 11,95 , All silk velvet hats, silk lined and trnnmed with beautiful loops of ribbon and fan- (i ft oies. RoguJar$3thats for. ipl.gy. y.du to Trimmed Hats, $5.00 Oetrlch, imitation paradise, like aigrette. birauuu, wuica are exclualTe. Hata worth from ?7.50 to 110.00, your choice, S5.I $8.50 Trimmed' Hats, $3.95 Elegant plush, vel.our, velvet hats, trlm-JI med with woriderful crea- m ttmWWf rich. (mHnttnn n.raill.. tteSiwSgiT iT.T-'T BU.UU ad. r ' "v" " NOTEWo will gladly credit or ooh sale, if toot satisfactory. We pn SaS th.1114 Close ttie OiROtHK TnUi JifiSJJK &-!LV!?ee 2?. . ... - f"- v - o io twounHBi. xnese eci SOAP, Trlbly brand, apeotal, f n ?clr u SOAP, Electrlo Spark. 8 9C b4ra for... -V SOAP, Crystal S""-..'... ZSo FOR SALE All grocery fixtures. Apply manager of ite- j parttnent. SOAP, Castile. 'arte !Ui m js bare, each. . P MATCHES, Search. light. 12 larra hnr V ......... COLD DUST, reg. ;S !??.... f so 8P1GES, Capitol brand, U ! 15c cans sfi COFFEE, nkg- . . Capitol 24o COFFEE, our beat COFFEE, Ideal r.4..... He TEAS, choice of any 7o C Cn araae. lb.... 9Ui TEAS, Tetley'e, 1- TEAS, Tetley's, H for 2S0 SALMON, Cap'tol rancy rJ. 71-1-lb. can... B UATbUP, Sn per bottle, t SOUPS, Vegetable or joniaio. 7- us can , PEACHES, tot brand, 35p cans..-. Capi- (Id PINBAPPXB 8, fllced. Capltoj "H Urge CM. . w STARCH, Bilvec Oloee Klngsford'Bt -P?und box for JELLY OWDER, epcclal, per fm nV. . m arm alade; Dundee, 39 9 Mm lar for . R 1 W M M 41 OL Qu bpt fr AS tav can can Orkin Bros., ICth and Harney5 (t V.- AM, ' V