Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1913, EDITORIAL, Image 40

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    The Omha Sotpm
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aJ . im . f . y. r , . . - - T i nun i til
"VaT m BJL
ABhB. atf
LBES SviVBfe. naff mw
. iDHi wcSmmmmmmmV. , IU
PrafaMT Bmmmf Eayrfwwfc Sbvwiiv Hdw: Oem Twwtad
jfek Rammasa Qmv Tiffs TjmtM m fWt m TbeW
J? Frog Bred TTiree Times fa Natural Size
by a British Scientist Points the Way to
Cutting the Cost of Living in Three r
food'slmtta? In taste to in chtcksa,
and ia -many ways superior to the
choicest quality- of beef. Frogs are
very, easily, raised, aad whe&'tbey are
bred to a largo size one leg will .yield
a dinner for a, large family, at very
small cost, probably not mote than
ten cents a pound. Frogs re now
Quite cheap, and when Increased la
elzo thoy will become relatively
It .seoms reasonably certain, how
crrer, that the process can be ap
plied to all tho food animals, Includ
ing boof creaturos.
X ateor three tlmeB the normal
size will certainly represent a very
great economy In tho production
otbeef, In fact, It has already beea
calculated by tho scientists of the
British Association that such an ani
mal would coBt one-third less than
the present type, owing, to the econ
omy of feeding one animal instead of
three and tho great saving of time.
At present as important Hem in
the cost of raising a steer la the
fact UiAt the breeder muet wait for
three years before the animal
readies a profitable sice for food
purposes. It the steer grew three
times as Urge In three year it
would b equlVRkut to a. saving of
one-third in tim.
After the successful application of
the process to many animals it will
doubtless bo tried on man.
Of course, In its application to man
it must be considered in a very differ
ent light from the mere increase in
A previous speaker at the British
'Association, Professor Dickson, had
demonstrated that within another
century the food supply oC tae world
would at the present rate of con
sumption become insufficient to
keep the raee treat Km wil es. Pre
feseor Dawson Turner's experiments
showed that seienee would, have at
least .one way of meeting .the defieit,
Dawson Turner's experiments were
a continuation of those already be
gun by Protestor Roux, of the Pas
teur Institute, Parts; Professor But
ler Burke, of CbrtdaV University,
and many others. At an early 'period
after the discovery of radium It was
jtouad. st m wonderful suBjteaee,
s4resgthy;lMt teod on' a Kviair as.
sal, ft baa the effect of destroyis
micro-organisms, such" as disease
gems, and. thus it favors' the growth
of the animal. If the radium has
strong germicidal powers, however,
its long-continued application will
destroy the cells of the animal and
the main organism itself. Bat expert
meat has now shown that the radium
rays may be bo modified as to ex
erclBe only a favorable effect on the
animal's cells.
Other ezpcrlmonta havo shown
that radium will greatly' hasten the
development of plants. A tube of
radium St 2,000,000 activity was bur
led la tho centre of pot planted
with oats. A second, pot was ar-
ranged la the same manner, but
without the radium. At the end of
four days the plants from the ra
diumlzed seeds were ,tbre times
higher than tkoee -la the aexposd
pot, but hare waa another, ealgma.
The tallast piants were, those which
were farthest away from the' tube.
Tha radium tube waa then taken
from eae pot ana placed la the
ether. Immediately stae second
plaata begaa to grow, nad within
three days were taller thsa those la
the receptacle from which the ra
dium had been taSen.
Professor Dawson Turner, in creat
ing glgantlo frogs and other monster
animals, was especially guided by
the experlmento of Professor Roux,
of tho Pasteur Institute, Paris.
Roux showed that tho embryonio
cells of animals wero capable of
being Influenced in an extraordinary
degree, so that the character of the
resulting organism might b entirely
cheated. This was due to the indi
vidual intelligence of the embryonio
cell, aa eatlrely different thing
from the intelligence of the adult
organism. The intelligence of each
embryoaia eeU strove to do its nat
ural work in building p the com
plete organism. Roux manipulated
tho embryos by means of knife and
needle. When one cell waa sepa
ratM from its companion cells It
endeavored to do Its normal work,
and it often went strangely astray
the abeenee of its eompantons.
fans a Boay eeu seeeretea from the
grew a. head. .A 'heaa, eeU
' ' ' 4
PKormMom bahwok tow
Mi; M'ttM reeeat mewiag of
the ariOtc AseodatioA mBrsr
stingham, gtoa. '
las a frog's eg wi r41 he .a4
tortd a frog three time the aermal
hf aiJlSSST' U dleeev
arv may have Mveral very m-
yertaat reeette far ImewaKy. Pe.
fcajNi tta irst, or at least the most
fcvtoaa, value is that R wiH turnltk
m with a means ot iacre&alng the
feed s4y aad thereby keeping
dowa the ever-laereasing eoet of
Kvea at He yreeeai stage ie
veloemeat the experimftat ie capable
U greatly redacuig living expenses.
Tree's leg are aelieiens, succulent
It was found that two eras couM
'bo amalgamated to form one glgantie .
Profossor Dawson Turner proceeded
upon the plan of applying, tho 'degree
of radio activity, which bad' already
been useful in stimulating plant
groyth,to the body cells of the frog
embyro which had shown themselvee
susceptible ot groat abnormal devel
opment In Roux'a experiments.
After many thousands of experi
ments Dawson. Turner succeeded' la
obtaining a combination that greatly
stimulated the body growth ot the
frog. This 'process also appears to
be .one that may be coatmaed ladeft
nitely. Each cell of the embryo has the In
telligence to enable it to develop into
a normal part ot the adult organism.
But when certain cells are activated
by radium they, acquire a different
character and assume , a dominant
force like a man Inspired by some
extraordinary ambition, '
In theory it appears possible that
this discovery may be applied to
man. There would, of course, be
little advantage to bo g&lhpd from
producing an enormoua man, who
would holp to gobble up the avail
able food supply. The desirablo ob
ject would be to breed' a man, ot in
creased brain power.
The stimulation of the. body cells
ot the frog would be replaced byva
stimulation ot the bram- cells ef-'the
maa. t -
Perhaps a the discovery nat ;s
hs&lthv, animal can be bred wRh,two
heads on oae-body may eventually
prove applicable to man. ThetfeikT
an old' saying' that two heads -vare
better than one, and this ought to
1m all the more true If we eimid , -eemhtae'''the
vtwo, heads' cemyaetly
wtta eae .body I
What might we net expect if , we
eeM breed a man with twe heads,'! ,
ee MAtatalHg. the, bram- of,a,Sbke- . r
speare' aad'the other c 'aa AbtaaasaV'
What tibe Stars Promise for October.
TUP Oeiefcer tmusS ''
kWdMMMtao ttme Ja poHtteal aa
well aa mr aveaaea. Wmr
malB planet is above tt earth, sew
lag aaeeadeiMiy of the ulterior fateea.
, Man .eaoarfo the Mr
eedS$S3 w
1 attaeto to thoee la aathorRy thereat,
2d SooateaU will he maehla
arteeaee: loeae aa if a Wm fueteaay
xvee behind the bare. , , .
malfeasance will be Turougat to the r
cHe also much lllnese la the- etrelee,
if not an unusual death list-
Venus is strongly j? caked la the
fceuee, wherein she will benett isgiUmate
eemmeroial enterprise, and a general
fcnerease of expenditures will infuse sew
life into domestic trade relations, and
Interstate affairs will be on the whole
iaUsfactoTy. with agricultural pvospecU
STuch brfgbur ban the earlier part of
fine seaEon gave reason to expeet,
0a or near the following days are
articular incidents:
October 2 A railroad calamity la
groegteot, the fire department unusually
Smsy. and excitable happenings i' .public
siatherings; a public building disaster.
October 3 Excitement on tho market;
the failure of a financial house. A
rterm oerlod surrounds these early
gAys ot the month, more likely in the
HMtkera State. n& the autumnal ele
will be 1, evldeace.
SSSsra tae aotke, ,
OotoW 4 Very active for the oeHl,
vrarM. wKh tm uacUoa of this nature
la attract 'isetke; t,aay concern the
White Hea, A et to lha savyi
UiitAtSY. or approsrlttlop.
October 7 Tine weather from this to
the 11th. a lower temeeratare and snow
lurries la northern latitudes on 10th
14 lit. A social aoaadal pubUcly aired
u-easd the 31th.
October IS A 4ijB)omatIo mbrofllo, ta
G bfTiUoi at a breakta polsf The po
fecKl horioa aaasnaay disturbed, wkh
Ureas etatioeary la the keaveeMt. "
Oeteher lE4lwrh pWm m-md aad
ma meteerelogieal coatttleaa eiri94ied
aaar a Jupiter o-egime. A satiefaetery
ItvetejMBsat la the daaaeial wW r
'' SstobuUMh, A pubHe bequest aaaod.
OMeher 18 X ptoeiaat saeial wtwy,
at tht nature 0a higher ejretef.
1 ISc .
Ha c traamt had better took to
their aoddeat iaaaraaoa. Market, aad
weather oeedittons naeh opeet, a eeadi
ties that extends aractleaUy to eleee of.
month, with temperature antt tKitntfe
very much lower between 36 aad JttK, to
orttMve. Railroad travel daageroaa around
the STtfc, eepeetaliy oa.etoetrk Mm.
October St Death o a publtb ranettoa
aty, wHh the Oftroaera.' ealeadar augmeat
ed. Aatomaal s tor dm due at immediate
cloee.ef month,
Duriag Oateber Jupiter will rule benev
eleatiy in the lives o( those hern In the
eary days ot January, March, May, Sop
Ssmber or JKovembcr of any year. Busi
ness and personal affairs may bo pushed
with confidence, favors sought, while
those ot the fair box bo disposed will en
tertain new admirors; these natives may
safely make investments, enter partner
ships and form new friendships, a good
organizing influence that should be
taken advantage of.
Much caution will be advisable, this
month If bora between tho 7th and 11th, ot
March, June, September or .December of
any year; business and personal' affftlra
will be dull and tedious, the mental,; and
animal spirits depressed, and In somein
. stances the health affected for Saturn,
throwing an evil ray to their aurCwillvi
tint the magnetic sura. and reader them
issoeptlble tq ulterior influences attempts
to force, interests will but' bring a strong,
er opposition to copo with. While 'gen
eral, this has an especial application!!
bom In '62. early '63, 'SB, "Jl. '77. early T8,
83, early '85, 91 or 'S8. l. thought
well to deBtgnate theee years aa being oC
special importance.
People born in the tret three weks -of
July lBUt be-cexetal of burns. Bcalds and
about, wter; home hffalrs disturb; .for
Tho 2d Bhown Accident or fevertahlcoe.
.plaint In the .coming year of life; money
losses If born on 2d-Sd; preferment if
born beneath 4th and 9th: bereavement it
on lOth-llth, bnt with probable
crulng therefrcmj female?, bora on these
dates, will have affectlonal disappoint;
ments or domesitp anxieties.
The 14th to 19th re excelleat birth
ton, aaalo.on the 23d-24th. The 20th-22d
are; uaf aVerabe, showing loee in business
or tpaculatiea, as ateo; between the S5thw
and-Slat, ' "
Those ot the falr,ees hers near the
close ot January ".must be very careful
throughout this IVbuer la attaehssenU;
' mea of business reversal; ach.-sho,uld
.aveld radical changes ot any nature and
ka matters as near to the aecuetomed
r gfejeVee as poelbie. " , , , , , .
' JbbbbbbbbsVIbbbbHK
sBssssssssM fBsTBsB ibbbbbbbbPiBHebbbbI
mmmmmmmmeJWmmEmmmV mmmmVmmmmmmmtmml
mmmmmmmT llmmmH BmmHKmmmmmmi
mmmmm? ImimmmB P
ammmmmmfmmmHm, 'mmmmcmmmmmmi
IHnH Lt mm
BIBIIBinBilBB BiiiiiiiiiiiHSLfrBiiiiiiaBBiiim
smmmmmmHCmSBmmVmt -HHff mm7mm
mmmlrPlBmmmmm, LBBBsHsBfliw aBiiBBBBBBBBBBBWl
BlBjStajSBsaBBBmei mmwmSifMmMmmmMmWMmWf
mmBBmrSL. hffWB ammmmmaHJ FjmmmmmmW
mmmmmWl)$t FmUmmK. BBmmmmmmRdmmW Z JnflBmmmmmmmmV
i mmmmmmmmW2lW9mrmVmmnmmlBBBBW 9 fC 1
CopyrlEbt. silt, by the War CMar.'- arearjaritels'SMahte Rcrve4
4 :X- - f'- ! "-thi rs- v
Dan Turrir. akcovery wake. It" fi VoitSMUlyi
x. Kt tbe,housewife will be able' to buy cx-
uii KCClent giant tVoga lega at tan cenU
eHae!, HMtemft of coarse, rbeuraatMm-cauticir
bef at forty casta a pound."
V Iji,.
. JWu
A .