Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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. . .A
Welcome Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors to Omaha
Wo'ro expending every effort to make yonr visit hero not only n very pleasant but also an unusually profitable one.
' " '
( t Bo war f roc vjiock: Stand,
Free Telephones, etc. Any nccom
tetodatlon In our .power will bo
cheerfully granted. Just com
impare inequality or, our of
ferings carefully, critically, prlco
for price, with offerings elsewhere
-we'll bo pleased to abldo by re
: J
Sate -
A big -lino' of Ladles 'Handker
chiefs of 'all' kinds, on sale Saturday
at about Halt Retail worth.
5c Handkerchiefs
10c Handofkchlef ...... .... .5-5
lBcs Handpkrcfclefs ..?7.fcJ
20c Handkerchiefs' ..........
Bo Handkerchiefs, 0 In box, regular
i nn mi II
II fHV Mug t- , .... oS7 II
Why Pay More For
Your Dru0 and
Tdilet (jopds?
One , bis lot of regular lOo and Ho a bar
s Tout- Hoar. sllehtlv soiled, all standard
brands; while, tbey last aW per bir...ttH
Ivory Boap, per bar .iH
tf?5c Cutlcura or Packer's Tar 8oap; bar.,lHo
A One pound of genuine Pure Hydrogen Perox
ide,; regular prioe ,60c, sale price., . . . . .ifto
IShlnola Shoo Polish for'...., a
pounds iQ-Mule-Team Borax ,for Jfo
fTwotpounds ZQ.Mule-'
106 fiaymoti BoaP tot'
3?5o. Eond. Extract Vanishing Crearn for I6o
560o box 'Caacare Its, 'genuine, sale prlta. . ..9o
JOna hundred Dr. KlnHle's Cascara (Tablets,
f the' one best laxative, sale price 100
BOo also Pinaud'a Hair Tonic, ealo price.,... ao
..Mary Garden Perfume, H-oa package .... .fo
fcji.OO ""Wellington Syrlnfee. with E. years guar
1 an tee i . M.09
!l$2.00Jltei Rubber Combination syringe, guar
I anteecVa years ....?...;-......'.
. . AA 'n.ll tM. .. . I ft.., .! .. . M
M" rubber; closing out ,.(... . r. ......
lilLOOft'ond jlquart Hot Water Bottles....
: l
An almost endless varioty of now modols in Toilorod Suits, Dresaos, Gowns and Opats which
reflect, the accepted styles for fall, and wintor with absolute ftcouraoy and at notably rmodorato, ;
pricings mark Saturday's display, '
SmRemarkable Specials Saturday
275 Beautiful Tall Tailored Suita-Mado to soli
to $25.00 in serges, diagonals, tweeds and
fancies,, blues, tpupeB, mahogany
and other wanted colors; all sizes, your choice
for .'. ,$14.90
100 Beautiful Evening Gowns Choicest now
materials and colorings, dostinotivo designs,
no two alike j gowns mado to Boll at from $50
up to $125; whilo they Inst
at $29.75, $39.00, $49.00 and $69.00
163 Sample Coats
Nobby, new styles, in choice color
tors and fabrics, made to sell at
20 and, ?2G, choice ..$15.00
Orown Jewel Tailored Suits $25
The choicest lot of now models,'
in the best values shown in any
Btore. ,
Elegant 3-Pleco Suits
Just 15 of them, all samples,
choicest fabrics and colorings,
will bo closed Saturday at
Jnat Half Price. -
A Remarkable Showing of Mew Oo&ts Ciovor
designs, splendidly tailored; assortment is flQ
varied tbqt thd most particular woman can
not helpf but find a pleasing selection
$2$.to, $29.75, $3&.00 up to $49.00
Children's Fancy Dressos
The choicest showing made
in many years atr
$5, $7.50, $10 to $15:
CliUdrcn's Wool Sorgo Prosseo
Navlos, garnets, bvowhs atf'dplalde,
bIios )6 to 14 years,0' nobby
Extra Large Sizes Dresses Broad assortment
.of styles in silk or wool materials,, nil colors
and sizoB 41 to 5S, ior large ludies; rbmark
ablo values atpricos from . v
$10.00, $12.75, $i5.00 up to $25
Children's Now Fall Ooata
A-n. .elegant assortment of
tlio new fall modols at from
$3.95, $5, $7.50 to $15
styles, special nt.?....jp2.05ij
A specially attractlvo lot of values
In plain and fanoy ribbons of aU
kinds, Saturday, yard 5r to 50d
New Skshea
Several splendid now lots just re
ceived, all the newes shades' and
styles, at 594 81 Sl.50 S2.50
to S5.00.
- ' Tj
The man who 'appreciates fjuality
and1 is not 'adverse to saving,
will Iceenly iap p r p o i a t e
fc theset" Saturday Specials.
K'p '!aniple Unftfrjwir,
Wowl ITnion. Suits
jthat sell regularly
51.50 and $2.00 Union Suits, wool und flsi?e! hfed rail
sizes, on sale at , $1.4"5tcnd 98c
All-Wool Shirts and Drawers, $1.00 to $2.00 values,
:. at I. . . . . .jv. . . i . i i . . .$1,25, 98c and 75c
Blanket Bath RefMto$10.00 values, in all colors and
. styls; on sale $6.98,$5.98;$4".98, "f3.9'8, $2.98"
vvr)ol -Sweater Ootg'--Regular vkluesrup toT.SO", all neW
Xtyl; on sale Satbirdy at. . ;$1.98 $2.50, .$3.98
Jjaaii&ered Shirts' Makers samples values . to $l.$0,f at
C choice ........ ........ ..Qfi4
i)t2.00 ana $.BO aluew Iausdered Shirts All new atylea special
fttt '.".",'.-..... .H .,t . ,-. . i n .S1.45 and fig,-
to UKveK4gujar,, ifu values,.' in v&iac' or taa; qr sale.
yl.VaSTWr ,pebfergaiB srfetgaturdajv ,1
1,1, XOU WJUU; pWt lliJH iMXmWiHW J ll4VJ'Aa Bu.nmf
Fotherwisi Ihey'redeW' at, ally' price. You'll find both in a
superlative degreein Stetsonani Crpssett Shoes f.otmen.
"i, """.i"?1'1 - 1 ' 1 )-' f.i,l'yi1 ' ' C .f. j,, 1 1 . i. .
.Queen (Qualify andf GFrover Shoes tor iromen; 'SetliS new
Auifitfltic Fall Millinery Modes at Surprising Low Prices
Enlarged . quarters, newly, fitted with beautiful fixtures and the most varied and boau
tifuL stock we 1iave-.6ver shown. , , .
as era
b CaT" AMorxments,
: 17. inches long
come in all the
popular colors
worth fully
$1.50, at 99c
Velvet Shapes
$2;00!vnlues in
erect pile, tsUIj
velejk, , d,r.e s s
shapes, smart
new blocks, ih.'
colors 'and
black, at 98c
,,$400 'T4mmtd V-tlvet Kat? $196 Also
&ome' pluh .hats, trimmed atitlqajlin silk
and Satin ribbon's, ostrich piiimes" and fan-
V.cie Vjaluef rou'd ordinarily sed priced to $4.
Out pcii' $10,00 DrM- Haui,are a surprise to all -whasee them products, of. our own
Don't Mist SatMO
day's Specials.
Nashua Aig
rettes, regular
$1.00 values, 9
strands to
each spray
at 49c
LyjtiiS. ,
22 Inches iong,
8V2 ins. wido;
bluok, w;h;to
and eolers
best main
stock ; snap o $4,98
Girls' Tango TornVatf $t$S-A style very
much in. vogue at the present timermade ot
good quality silk1 velvet, finished in grbs-?
grain ribbon; great . valuer.
fall, lines nbw ready;
1 1
workrooms, tiiey, liaye all tne artistic distinctiveness, the charmingly beautiful ynos of
? much?Hiher ajri-iod cMations, They're frimmetl with paradiBeogpura'-and'oaVful' os
. trich;"pJum8 Jahd,are:fvaluea store toreqal at 'saplipri $10.00
,. , , ,. . ' ' .
1,1 11 ' 111 .'..' . , .
Cotrect Corset
Stylet! '
is on absolute necessity : it'th'e. new
suit or gown js. going ,tjp-' set -ight.
You can find just the' d4; best
suited to your figure hrv .
Warner's, R & Q Thomson' aiove .Pltdng,
W. B.'s, C. Jl.'e JJon Tojt'sNeuio and
the Famous Dinner Corsets Prices 1
up to ........$5
Expert Fitters in Attcrtdiancc. I
Broken Lines of Standard) Oorsoti oatra
long h(p. medium bust models made to
soil to I G, to clone . . . , . S..GO
fliOO nrassteros, embroidery' and' lace
tHtnmed,Dretty styles, at --704
Sweater Coata Ladles' and ,Chlt4?e-'. la
almost unlimited assortment of styles,
superior values, at . . . .D8aP totglO
It's the quality even, more thaa the extremely mederaie
pricings that is attracting the crowds to o-ur September
sales of Ladies' Furnishings and underwear.
Wayne Knit Silk Hose with lUlo
tdpB and double soles $1;00
qimiuy ax, .pair. .... .
Wayrieknt&.ls-.agyaoayra tor
highest quality and the ' most'
satisfying aorvlco at all prices.
See the lines at 80e and SUc.
Children's Pony Brand Hoso In
all tho new numbers, all
weights', the boat by every
teat 25d aad 354
Children's Llslo Jioso In black,
white or tans, big special lot
Saturday at 12U4
All Newest Fall Stylos in Gloves'
Derby and Monarch brands,
,-, best In style, quality and oer-.
Ytce; matchless at, pair, ., .
11.50 and 12.00
Ladles' Light Weight He,5 lee
knd fancy colors, to B0c;'vtuer
".Special "folftt
.JTreach Lamhakiii Glovea;-,
'' Values up to ?100; on sale,1
Saturday Itt tw'eflols, "V"
S1.00 and Jl.lO
Ladles' $1,00 Lambskin Gloves
-AH colors and slses; on ealo
at , ,.50f
Milanese 811k Gauntlet Gloves
Regular 7 60 values; to
close , .lOd
Ladles' Union . Suits, all styles,
special bargains at 49i
Ladles' Union Suits, heavy or
medium, fleeced or fine lisle;
or sale at. &8t
Ladles' Outing Ckwn, . . ,49
A '.'
v -:,
U BfjsasaaWBBswMBBTiMI
Stylishly and extremely Weil at a eontMiratlvely small expense'here.
We fcell the kind of clothes that 'Have the (iUallty -jualty of materials,
quality of tailoring that Insures splendid satlsfactlea. aee jiptclala at
$1.98, $2.50, $3,50, $4.50, $5.00 up te $l;50
Sheets, Pillow CastSj Lmens,
Bed. Spreads, Towels and Wash
Goods at Special Prices SATURDAY
In Do-aaes-Mc Room.
6ga -TfeSS MadeT- lSheets,"G9c
alues 48?
Wamsutta Slx?P. best se&mlaM
' vtllues Sefi
Pillow gasee 42x36, good raBftllB,
12c faluef. ...,.,,.10.'.
Bleached Table Damask, 68-lach
.tfldcivassortcd , patterns, '5l?o
aW 39ti
Hemmed Bed Spreads, good size
ad. weight "? 1.2 valuea Q8i
Huck or Turkish Towel ijS Wq
values . . . - v, . . XV 0
Amoskcag Outing- liaqnelsi
12He value. K. . ":i .
FleAaejetl, geed patterns. Oo
valaee J?. . . . , ., r 7
SUkoTfftea-r i B-Iw k wJTlej.lXe val-
Silk finished Taf feU,, 2 So aluMT
GlBghams forSa!foV 7e values,
a M....5
Atiolher Big Sp6cl! Silt -
Hand Bags, C
rfl.OO Hand Bags 49c A
splendid line of $1.00 qual
ity 8-rn. and 10-in. metal
frame'.hand bags, uninatch
able 'values' at price.
aa.00 IId,Bags a$ 9o ,
An all leather, leather lln-.
, i ed metal .frame hand bag,
with safetyjlpck and purse. .
regular a va)ue-, choice,
at ..(.... , , 985
$3.00 UauaBga at 1.50
$4,p.J?an 'slags at S2.35
$6.00 Hand Bags at 93.00
rjsmmsmmjBmmjsmms' smmimpBmjBsmammmmmms v
Weii Fa Hdfs
We are' exelaiire Omahi seUiig agents fer the entire
Lise-of 'Heward Heaters aad 3anges;ld'ltetown Black
Nickel Ranges. Black nickel finished ranges require no
Have lacking anywhere. "
Steel Ranges, all sires and styles,
til ' troni .$25.00
Cast Ranges, up from . . . ..$31,80
todk moves, up from , .$
fOak .Heaters, up from ....$4.QS'
'Howard Heaters, np from $13.00
PerfectloVPU Heaters;
' np from "i . .'. .V. ,$84J0
(It's AVood Chopping .Time.
Warranted full size, lull .weight
-taxes ,.,. .08c:
Warranted small else boys axes,
at 'V. . i...."'-6lc
''Warraflted Buqk Sawa . ..49e
Raw .HUeks ..,........' .d9c
iVinqinjs wo"
, .850
A -Few Bargains for the Kitchen.
Mpp stick .Bo
Bad Iron handles ,.,.Sc
Any bIzo steel frying pan . ..10c
"Ideal" flour "sieves' .Bo
Pie tlnp, any .size,. 2 for 5c
Sirs. Vroman's sink Btralners loo
F"ancy imported salt boxes . . .lOo
2 Be genuine Wilson toasters lfio
2t-lb. capacity family scales, war
ranted' accurate . . 9c
l'Oc can black silk artoye polip.h Be
21c pice Burnlshure" metal pol
ish ti .....10o, stove Pipe enamel .19o
Dlnntr Stt Specials
J60-pleco vwhtte and rold
dcoratd . dinner seta, on
a new bape ........ e.03
100-plece white and sold
and several .different dec
orated Bets to Bolectfrom
at; per set ,.sise
Austrian .China, 100-pleca
sets, big values . ,,ie.a
Big line, of Prench, Havl-
utna na Knjnien cnina.
Sets, aet.
to 9100
All dlnnerware patterns
are carried. In open clock
eo you can buy i piece or
100 yteoes.
Here's a Snap!
liOOO Soiled Books
All kinds, Motion, His
tory, etc., put on one
big table; tP close Sat-
urday, tfOb to. $2 values,
All the classy new blocks in theever popu
lar John B. JStetson Hats ,hpwn hoto at
prices from .$3.50 Up-
Our Own Spefcial1 Lines at $1.50, $2.00,
$2,50. and $3,00 offer you the best assort
ment of styles and choicest quality hats
our money can procure at these prices. We
are confident you can buy no better in any
Makers' Samples, all latest fall .ahapoa and color
ings, made to sell to $3.00, J00 dozen In the lot,
at t .05 and 81,45
Boys' and .Children's Felt HaUAU shapes, made
to sell up to $1.00, on sale at , . , , . ,30
10 c
September Sale of
Framed Pictures
$18.00 GofiuiH' OU PaluUags in splendid 6iand 6-Inch frames,, guar
anteed not to tarnish .for 10 years; beautiful subjects, all 12x24
BitlfHl la(l PictHrei made tq sell' at $5.0.0. big arOrtmat, ,oti
JLA FREE with all oriehiJor framlag left Aere Saturday. Bring'
those nlotures sure y -
$.eVl:ct $14A
lection of well framed p&txiiM
in gut apt ark moHUdlnie,,
square and JovaU fitted , with
btlfm subjeta,- all. skws,3
those plotures surer
$l.Se Pictures $Bi78 A flae line
of scenes, fr,ults aad. marine
vlewsi In antsomegllt framef.
with hand burnished prnameata
er In Circassian walnut framesr
at , . , ,,,,, . .... i i
wa Imam
ro m rioyii
TJDt Tmwajff
mz JJprftlg- Chickens,
lb. ..,..t ,k..99L
The beat quality. Hind,
quarter Lamb, ib.ltH
The' beat; quality Fore
auartera Larnb. lb,...o
The beet quollfy Pork
ShoUldera. lb, ,,UUo
The beet quality Fork
Butte, lb. ,.....,,,,110
The beat quality Steer
Pot Kaaat, lb.,.19e-10o
Kancy Kex t,ean Break
fast Bacon, lb. flaUo-BOa
no, l u
Bialiblp Oysters, tlrst
s to aeacoii, oa
See oar full line of
Smoked Keats, Katsaare,
ph, eto. QuaUty the
rtnest ad rio m
reaHiast uacpn.
. , , . ,170
1 Plcnlo Hams, per
... .... . MHt
it ty. Try MYDEN'S First
id ioa. best aranuiatea
fiuaar , . , . . . . . ..ei.w
10 bars Ueat-'Km-Alt,
Diamond C or Lenox
Boap 98
10 Iba. beat white or yelv
low. Coriimeal ....17V4Q
4 Ids, Fancy Japan Rice,
10c qUallt ......... SSq
4Mb. sock Diamond H
flour, iiothlne finer ior
bread, pies or cakes, per
aack 91,10
I cans Oil or Mustard
Sardines .... 36
Tall can Alaska Salmon
for lOo
Advo Jell, Jellycon or
Jell-O, Pk&, 7Ho
1-lb. can A"orted Soups
for . ,7Ho
H-oz, can Pet, Carne.
tlon, Columbia or Ev
eryday Condensed Milk
for ....... 813o
The beat Domestic, Mac
aroni. VermlctUl or flpa
Bhatlt, .pics 7M
J. lb. can Fancy Sweet
Sugar Corp ..7 Wo
x-lb. can Early Jiina
Pea for loo
JH-Jb, can aolden Table
Syrup 100
B. C- Com jfUkee',' per,'
pkg. ..,...,....,..,.
arape N.uts, pk...,w
Extra fanoy lare green
Olives, quart,,.,,,,. 3o
Yeast Foont, pkg, ,.
McLaren's Peanut But
ter, per lb. ....... lBWo
Peters' Preakraat Cocoa,
per lb, 890
Tho best Tea Sifting-,
per lb, ...,.,,,,..,.100
Fanoy aolden Hantos
Cofce, . sold everywhere
from SSa to SOc, our
price. .,',,, ,aoo
Oa ton of Beverly
Oookles. made by taf
&ooe-wUes Sivouit Oo
on special sale Haturfiay.
This cookie a one of
their latest products and
Will be Mold regularly
for 16a pound. To in
troduce them to the
public we have made a
special price, per lb,, loo
pedal Sutterlae
Opealax Rale Saturday,
a lbs. good Butterlne
for ,,.,flsc
l-"b P.kgv gcod Table
Butterlne for . ....17U
Fanby table Butterlne.
lb, ...... ..Me
The finest, equal to
creamery butter, lb.,We
Don't fall to ask for a,
eouvenlr with every
Twaf arta
Sreestoae' reaohet, vu
Italian Blue Plums,
bosket crate
pipe or Jelly Concord
drapes, per basket ISe
Butter,, OaeeM.
Specials in Butter Best.
The best bulk creamery
nutter ...... aio
The beat No, 1 country
creamery Butter, lb. 31 o
Best No. 1 dairy Gutter,
Dood arm tabe Butter,
Full cream Cheese, ,1b.,
. 'f'i. ,. .8J3o
'be best Imported SwUs
o Roquefort Cbees3"ib.,
i, '..'?
nsuienaiei uneese, each
It . ... f. 3o
tfomntarloi nrataiae tr 4
qporta unit rnrlee In Pereopal
Dr;J- H$Oit. Portlnnd,iMe.. has evtaed
an in$-enTo&, eygtem wh'lc&,iJir expected
to bfcCfeaAPft n,tn Hf??.
aamao),fn tjqmpensatlon cases. By its
use It lafialaV lhat much time of courts
and jStS&wllfAbe saved, for the queeUoa
of Ui& anwunttpt damages is to be deter
ralnedl.yr'm'a'tbjematlcal calculation, Some
Interesting? comment and' conclusions
baeoptho proposed handling oft art ab
(trusjbVroblem are found ''In a recent
numtefciiran PngUeh publication called
the bosplfal. The t4ble Dr.
Holt 'are aftyl to be extcnelys and Idok at
first fijancei rather jlke bopk. of loga
rlthmfcj; A few Illustrations t the method
of worjclng tljem will show bow they are
applied In compensation cases bfetter than
any Exposition' "Pf the loqt principles,
which! wpuld necessarily b Jonsiand teclf
A abop atststant, ace.d.tS. suffers entire
loss of bearing in pne ear through an ac
cident, but la otherwise not affected, He
earns Jl a day, which fixes hi;, total "eco
nomic valuta" according, ,ta .Or. .Holtfs
'Ubleraat' tiktm . . The deiaaKS " to. t4
Afunctional oblUty" of the body.(aiibrevl.
ate4 'to'F) n founa by referring. W;th
tables to-be 0,11 ( therefor that rwbjch re
mains fa ass of the normal . The dam
age to the "cpmpetUia ability (O Is much
less aocordlng to the table. Now the
"earning ablUty- (E Is found by rnuiq.
plying together .the- pew, F and Cr and
comes out. at ctMi of th' normal- Since
tho "total eeonqmloi valui- was originally
110,009 and la now only f8.6u, the dlraunl
tlon of $1,339 represents the loss sustained.
To this has been added such items as
pain and buffering, medical expenses, lois
of time during recovery, and eo on; and.
the result shpws the total compensation
to which the man Is entitled.
A rather more complicated case will
show how Pr, Ilolf s, system la prepared
to deal with more Involved Injuries. Sup.
pori' the earns shop assistant suffered
total joss of sight In one eye, total lass
of bearing In one. tar and lose of the left
hand at the wriat joint The loss of F
for the amputation la 0.30, 'for the loss of
sight 0O5, for that of hearing Now
sight and hearing are ot a simitar order,
and the table- requires that the coeffl.
cfenta of loss -be added, not multipUed to
gether, Therefore, the total loss of F
for these two is 0.80; Thut for the am
putation alone F equals 0.80, and for the
eye aad ear alone F equals 0.T9. Not being
of the came order, these coefficients bare
to be multiplied! tho tout of F affer the
accident is therefore 0,S ot the normal.
Now, In tils case, the Competing ability
is held to bfi daroiged m(?r6 than F, and
is reckoned as equal to the square of the
latter, Thus, E equals O multiplied by F,
equals the square- of O.W multiplied by
OM, equals O.n&i. In other words, this
man has lost tS,Ut ot bis economic value
Of 10.O00.
It would be easy to point out emissions
In the tables, objections to the uniform
system of rating everyone on the baala
of his actual salary at the moment, fail
ure to take into account the differing
exigencies of different occupations, and
manr other points which courts of law
or arbitration rightly consider In fixing
compensation, But in any case Dr, Holt
claims no Infallibility for bis tables and
admits that some of them may have to
bo altered.
Even lots of taste Is provided for III the
tables; for total loss of taste the allow,
ance la 0.0i of F,
The difficulty about the comparative nv
portance of various organs In different
occupations Is got over by the allowance
made with regard to C, the "competing
ability." It rems to be a matter ot dis
cretion In working this out, how much
this function shall .be held to be dam
aged as compared with F. But If this Is
left to the discretion. It becomes a mat
ter .of argument; doubtless the employe
would estimate the damage to 0 on a
much more Ubnral table than the em
ployer would. Herein lies plentiful op
portunity for skillful advocacy; so Dr.
Holt's- Invention Is not likely to tit
feot the earnings of lawyers even If It
were- adopted, in alt skilled profeaelon
an extra factor, T Uecbnl?al ability), Is
brought Into the arlthmetloj arid this
again provides, plenty ot seqpe for dif
ferences Of opinion and litigation based
upon them.
Discovery Pf Man's, Btllc Hat In a
Woman's Dresslnsr Room In.
' Vasblnrion.
Bach a ntrvo-racklr.g commotion at
took nlacs In the women's waiting room
at the a'enate the other day. .Heavens, It
makes one shudder to even recall the
scandal I
BUt here's, tfie incident. A particularly
strenuous, suffragette was resting on tho
couch n this samti waiting room. She had
had an unusually trying mornjag In her
votts-for-women lobbying.
The senators a had approached had
been unresponsive. She was utterly worn
put. With a feminine anxiety t6 calm
down her nerves a bit she Was lying with
her eyes half shut, trying to steal a
email ''aieita,"
Through half-closed lids she suddenly
became' conscious of something queer and
masculine-looking hanging on a book In
the oorner. Though she was anxious tor
the right to struggle with men at the polls
she bad no such eagernei to have any
men Invade the sacred feminine portals
of a woman's reft room.
She sat straight Up on the couch and
etared at the .object on the hpok Mercy,
It was a man's silk hat! JmpOeslblO, she
tnuat bo dreaming!
She rubbed her eyes and plnchtct her
arm, She' was duito awake, And that
Jarring otyaet was most certainly - a
man's tlk bat.
With a slnglt trended jerk she gut to
her feet and looked excitedly . about for
the woman superintendent of tM room
She found that person rocking comfort
ably and very calmly knlttirg.
"Something .awful has happened," the
auffragjst almost shouted ths words at
the superintendent, "something tertblv
nan. nappeneq, a. man is in .this room.
I know it, There Is his hat on the pe.
ypu must get hlra out at once."
The superintendent grerj violently aal
tatfcd, too,
"Frlahlfull" h. vnlal'm. Jt .
her knitting on the floor, "Then must
PO some mlitake. .But we wlil go and
search for Wnj. Come with me,"
The dauntless two bustled
suit of tho villain, - They ecurrled about
the .room, peering everywhere. Not a
man In view. Into the adjoining room,
thoy hurried. ,
My, stars, what a slghtl There; before
the mirror, aranrine h.v MnD..nMnn.
hair with a man'a,. u -..iT.
-r. Mary alkerl-BaJtlmore Sun.
caUelhBme' by Vh. TO I'.K
niiifSmwa sAtM,S wh(' h9 on the
he can do as a tblrd bwaja.T '