Omaha Daily Bee EDITOEIAL PAGES ELEVEN TO TWENTY. Live One's Monologue: "I should worry because mjr stocpy competitor docs not know enough to advertise." VOL. XLIH-NO. 87. OMAHA, SATURDAY MOANING, SEPTEAtBEIt 27, 1913. SINGHE COPY TWO.. CENTS. JLxlJi PLAN FOR TEACHERS' MEET State Superintendent Discusses Pro pram with Qraff and Parrish. WILL HEAR MADAM GADSKT Some Change Have Been Ulnde tn Program oLlait Ttenr for the Accommodation of the Teachers. James E. Delzell, superintendent' of1 in struction for the state ot Nebraska and president ofthe State Teachers' associa tion, was in umalia Thursday night and conferred with Superintendent E. U. Graft and E. V. Parrlsh ot the publicity bureau ot the Commercial club relative to tho state teachers convention, which.1 will be held in Omaha on November 6, 0 and 7. After much discussion, it was decided to make, nome changes In . the program, for the convention over that of last -year. As in the past, there will tbe general ses sion and sectional meetings. At the gen eral sessions all Jhe'busiriess of the con vention is taken up-and disposed of, but in the sectional meetings, just- those' in terested in the one certain' subject smeet, Last ..year the sectional tneetlngs were, held' Thursday afternoon, and carried over until Friday morning. A change has been.made In this arrange ment Tho first general session held Wednesday evening, at ihe First Methodist church and the second wille held Thursday evening at the Auditorium, The third and last genjjl sessl6n when all business will be cleared up, will be hed Friday morning at the Auditorium. The sectional meetings Will be held On Thursday. Many will be held Thursday morning at the high school and cleaned up In the 'afternoon, thus doing away with all the sectional meetings in one day. The biggest piece of entertainment ever attempted by the bureau of publicity will be on Friday night, when every member of tho teachers' association will be the guest ot tho bureau at the concert to be" given by Madame Johanna Qadskl at the Auditorium. There will bo no charge .for thev members to hear this concert. Bach teacher will be furnished with, a ticket for the concert when she or he registers at the beginning of the convention. Oh Friday afternoon the trade excur-. slon, which always proved such a suc cess, will be repeated. Last year the ex cursion was to tho stock yards In South Omaha, but Just where it will be this yearjias not been decided on. The talent which has been secured for tho program! Is the best ever aud men of national prominence wilt bo brought -to Omaha to speak to the convention on educational matters. Tho names of these speakers will be announced later. NelighiU Enter Auto in' the' Parade! Reciprocating for the visit of the Omaha Commercial club at the races in that.clty Inst July, Nellgh has decided to enter a decorated automobile In the big floral.,. parade. "Mayor N. B. Sweltser re celyedva special invitation from F. W. JUdsqn. ; chairman of the board ot. gov ernors Qrthe Ak-Sar-Ben, to participate in thojpare, but ihe. Commercial club of Neligh would, not' endorse the neces sary expensfc. . But Mayor Sweltser and e. e;, Bepkwith were, appointed to soloclt funds, from cltlrerisso Inclined to assist In. eebiliflng' a decorated automobile for tho parade. ', ; Vlthin thirty minutes Mayor Sweltser and, Mr.. Beckwlth hd talked the mem ber" of "the. Commercial club, who had voted agalnBt the club spending any money.'o'ut of something tike $157. Those whomade contributions wero allowed to vote on a person to make the decorations on the automobile and take charge tn the parade. E. P. Dudek, vlco president of the -Atlas lanb in Nellgh, was chosen Mr. Dudek1 will come to 'Omaha in his own "machine Sunday rid Immediately commenced on the Nellght float. It I Mr. Dudek's- ambition, to grab, one of the "prises and he says he will do it, even though it costs him an additional $100 out of his own pocket As the regulations of the parade demand that ladles drive the -cars, Mrs. Dudek will drive the Nellgh car and It Is planned toihave four of Nollgh's prettiest girls ride In the tonneau. Frightful 1'aJnn in the, stomach.' torpid liver. lame back .an a f weak kidneys "aro soon relieved by Electric Bitters. Guaranteed. BOc. .For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement TO- LINCOLN HIGHWAY MEET H. E. Fredriokson Arouses Interest in Nebraska in the Route 'present and accordingly Mr. Olatfelter win nueno. TWENTY TO JOIN' HIM HEBE Heads Large Delectation to Detroit, AVherejthe Dlir.MeetlnB U to Be v- lleld"Next'Weett Repre- , 'Vents Omaha, H. E. Fredrlckson, mighty bear hunter from Wyoming, former automobile dealer ot this city, Is In Omaha from his Wyo ming ranch and Is enrOute to the meet ing of the Lincoln Highway association at Detroit next week. lie drove his car from Wyoming and along the route aroused Interest in the commercial 'clubs of Nebraska In the Lincoln Highway; ift'lth the result that twenty men will accompany Mr. Fredrlckson to Detroit These representatives will meet In Omaha today, when they trill all take the train for Detroit Mr. Fredrlckson has been appointed chief consul of the state ot ' Nebraska by the Lincoln, Highway association. He will go to Detroit with credentials from the Omaha Commercial club. He also' has credentials from Governor Carey to represent Wyoming. ' 1 ' ' That Fredrlckson Is a real booster for good roads Is shown by the ' following' from Central City: ' "So lnnoculated Is H. B. Fredrlckson of Omaha with good roads, serum that no sooner had he rolled Into town this morning from the west with -his big- car than he was, surrounded' by the local members ot tho Platte Valley Highway ajfgodAtion Interested In the fumn fk.Uce. n spite of the muddy trail he had-been making a modem Paul Revere ride over the entire Platte valley route stirring members ot h association Into activity. There will' be a meeting of the Lincoln Highway association at Detroit next Mon day and Tuesday, at Which delegates will be present from the main towns .dotting the already ' selected transcontinental, highway, and plans will be effected1 for the construction ot the entire, route.' Mr. Fredrlckson impressed upon President Glatfelter, and other members of, this place tho necessity of having1 a' .delegate. OMAHA AD CLUB RESUMES . LUNCHEONS MONDAY NOON The Omaha Ad club is back pn tho Job agoln.'wtth its noonday, luncheons and meetings, and. tho first of tho season will bo held .Monday at the Rome hotel. The assembly will bo called to order sharply at Mas.. o'clock and William Woodhead, president of the AattiA Ad Clubs of America, .will, bo the guest DECORATIONS ON THE BEE BUILDING ATTRACT NOTICE M.ust of the decorating which has been done on the larger buildings of the city Is tho work of F. B, Weeks & Co., whose specialty Is decorating buildings for Just such occasions. This concern had charge of the decoration of Tho Bee building. In addition to several others, and that their work Is not only well ;ddno, but artistic, goes without saying; Northern Nebraska Potato Crop is the Heaviest in Years Tho potato crop ot ' tho northern por tion' of Nebraska Is going to bo 'tho heavi est Jn ,yenrsv Tho .crop has matured and growers have commenced' digging" Jhe tubers. Freight men of the Northwestern are Just In from the Btnck Hills line, where they mado some estimates on the po tato crop, and they figure that between O'Neill and Rushvllle, p. distance ot 200 miles, the shipments will run from SOO.dOO to 350,000 bushels. Between' Hushvilto ahd up to Harrison, the last station In the state, tho crop Is very heavy and the yield of this territory is placed at an other 100,000' bushels. I Cars tor moving tho Nebraska crop are being put In condition and will start for the fields early next week. The crop has been - bought largoly by Omaha dealers for shipment here and future distribu tion. However, the Omaha 'buyers art, not tho only ones in the fields, as there aro men from Kansas City, St Louis and tho south. As a result of the competition, prices havo gono up materially and somo ot the. growers havo contracted to sell as' high as 00 cents per bushel, free on board at the stations. TWENTY-FOUR MILLIONS FOR CENTRAL WEST BANKS WASHINGTON, Sept. Kk8ecretory McAdoo has deposited In national banks t2,165,O00 of the government's $50,000,000 crop-moving fund. The south has re ceived nearly all its quota. Deposits now aro being mado In tho central west Many Newspapers Boosting Ak-Sar-Ben Two hundred and thrty-ono news papers In- seven states ore boosting Omaha and Ak-Sar-Be'n, according to E. V. Parrlsh ot the bureau of publicity ot the Omaha Commercial club. Some weeks ago Mr. Parrlsh prepared three ar ticles, one column in length each, and sent thorn to the various papers in tho surrounding states, and requested that they be, published. Ono article was toibo run each week for tho first three "weekn ot September. To date- Mr. Parrlsh has received copies of 231 papers which carry the article on Omaha ond Ak-Sar-Ben. It is estimated that over 250,000 peoplo havo read them- Papers In the following, states printed tho boost: Nebraska, Iowa, Wyoming, Utah, South Dakota, Missouri and Colorado! Copjrikt Hart Schaffner & Marx Young men's fall styles that will appeal to good dressers FOU young men who want the smartest styles ought to see early Ihe new models we have brought to gether for you this season. TJje speca designs which have been prepared are very new, clever, original; many unique i ' features you'll not get in any other clothes. ' there's a lot of individuality, in' the way the shoulders are shaped; a fit to tbe hick; the trousers have hew, distinctive lines; the waistcoats are different. ' You know you're right if you're wearing . Hart, Schaffner & Marx fine clothes; . ? 3 Suits$18 to $40 Overcoats, 8td $35 HAY DEN BROS This sipiv is jka home of Hart. Schaffner 6 Marx clbfha Save Money Today at Hartman's On These Splendid Values Wo havo built our immonso business on tho foundation of public satisfaction. Highest grade furniture at cash store prices on generous credit terms and no payments when ill or out of wprk, For absolute all around generous treatment, .coupled fore buying your home furnishing nooda. Noto tho following big values. FUEL SAVING BASE BURNER A WrHfefl tKtr.Htet With Evtry SUvt. DON'T FAIL TO SEE HARTMAN'S SPECIAL OUT FITS THE GREATEST EVER OF FERED FOR THE MONEY 4 ROOMS FURNISHED COM PLETELY, $5.00 A MONTH i $99 A RARE BARGAIN IN AN OAK HEATER I ALL STOVES i I SET MP FREE1 OFCMMtE DOUUtE BATINU. JDASE-BtfttNEIl Of large proportions, handsomoly nlcke-trlmmed, built on the now trlpple flew plan, which insures per fect distribution of heat. Has large radjatlng eurface and a.utonjatlc gas covers. Holds fire for exceptionally ions time. Set on a high aa nn nickel let: base, mak- Ik yU 1 In a very tall and ef- Jfd. 1 J fectlvo base-burner. . . ihHS HATfcB80MH DRESSER ii mado of geuuMiepoltcl oakr,.bMii tlfull)-' finished and tilgtsly pol ished. Top lias two etnall and two large drawers. Mirror it ot large Blze, French beveled plate set n urtlsue jturnod standards. A raro bargain at.-. , ;. $8.95 THB CHIFFONIER 8HO W $ -UBRlfta made ef aelidi oak ' throughout. Has five roomy drawers fitted with Coloafal "brass pulls. Each drawer has an individual lock. Our Sat urday's special prlie, and while thoy wd m mm.. .... s 1 1 W m aix: ITT UAADJU uatv n wLMf burn wooir soft or hard coal. This stove Is f laraa siw, elaborately nickl-trimmed, with side rtfloct, complete foot rail, bra urn at top and largo size fire pot. Has awing top, patent grates ana large astinit. A value you will not be able to duplicate. . $9.98 LET HARTMAN FEATHER YOUR NEST fin tHi Splendid 3-Piece Library Set 1095 Special Teriw $ s4 mtk jastau vaa; $1.11 A MtHTH THIS SOLID, OAK 3..PIEGHM!SION 8T is made of selected material, , finished In fttm&d. Hooker and chair are orHinent4 with seat carvings and have wide arms, broad backs a4 roomy aeats. ISeats have full aets sf stoel springs and are1 Upholstered in imperial Spanish leather. Table has broad shelf at bottom and rack at each end- for magazines and paper, wonderful value at this unusual law price. WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF STOVES, RANGES AND HEATERS INCLUDING THE GARLAND, PENINSU LAR, COLES, LINCOLN, FRE MONT, ETC. THIS KLEQANT HQLID OAK KXTKNSION TAB&U is rrsfl! throughout of carefully selected hard wood. ' Massively constructed with large top, heaxy pedestal base, supported on four hand carved claw feet and extends to six feet. UriUiantly pol- gm lstied In a rich shado of trolden. JC An exceptional value for this week AJ t f At... ,. , , ' SPECIAL ! ! lick! Piatt Git SttfiroR Compltts Wth Btaaa sad 0 r.t of Xoss $3.00 Value '1 .48 MABS1VH dOLONUt IilBHARY TABLE of unusual beauty, made of hljli grade selected American quarter sawed lmltaUon oak and very attractive new stylo ilen- TITn,f tftbl 18 made and rich In appear- mr.eazlne and book shelf. The groat est value of its kind ever offered at ivn price, $7.85 $111 Ithit '1 .49 HANDSOME NICKEI-PLA'l iuu uivb oAUIRON Exactly like illus tration, Can bo used four hours, with one cent's worth of gaa. Ono iron uoo8 au mo wora. jtieats. evenly and Keeps hot all the time. tumpiciu iu mdx wiin Binuu ana o ieot or nose. For Saturday only and while they last, at this unheard-of price. $1A9 lflOK uitAUi!. ANIJ AIlSOLUTELT aUAUANTBJSD HANU1C i.urtfo oven, deep fire box and duplex grto, lias -hole top. larso warmlnu oven and elab orately nickel trimmed, including nickol lowel bar. which extends acroBs the (out of the stove. A blah tirade and eco nomical range at the .price quoted $24.50 CTaa 1414-1416-1418 DOUeilS ST. XibbPPm m Jssa ssBBltr VjDBBBsfl lrirMsslBfaM C"nlsMM H MWFtKBBtMM MAGNIFICENT PARLOR ROCKMR. Up holstered in guaranteed imperial leather. iivnuBuiueijr carveq train?. MaOe en- iireiy pi genuine soua oak. baiiiitifuUy finished n (1 fmAntnllv hrlniul f rtr this wek selling at.. mmm en- $H.89