r , . II I - - - . Bringing'' Up nru. t The,- N-tv DMlRSfflSJ SIXTEENTH Yfoitoii CAptttt- Game After loBg Tfeck-aaA-3reck.lttle. - ! TM.uk -TIXB Ilf TKB F0U11TS n M ' Aieir GrhwHea KfeH .W with fc Mearkea Both Tam Thex HJ 1 Xeh OtH4- "Bwp Twelve Ittvtnm Pa Rcurke'a athUtcs c1om tha 113 nitm fu Miuwti'ln Omilia yeiter- Dvet1 0mm, Jit which the vUHora iron by V t6 1 'core. DenVer tlefl the Mt-run twIiW Omaha, In tho ferth wld from then Jintll t)ie etx 1 teetittt Mai hnother Wily m 4nt In. Hyto Kabul -werfo to have been played, hut the eecond etontest was called at Ufa enj or the second lnnlns,to nllow tho Beam to catch a train for De Molne. It hdbeen prevlauely arranged to call thf game t S:10 o'clock. Omaha had the Bears' O.ln thle game, hut an five tna(dg9 were not played It wsji declared M Mne.' . . It wa one ot th Vwrt games of the MMuton, Jtrtrt both. tM9s fiehtlnr all the wy; 9fenher, vMjcm the m'oand for the 1lrft,, M CMVrt, feMr Cith Morott, Vfcd hetivet er th Orul, met th. Mitlre .trumf.. rn- Mi, however, wept )ip in the elr in this InnhtC- 'Three .hlta, tnettMrtor . eWe as a etaHw- an4'a wfM ptteto, tfevf the TMera ine mm raw .'Mssws wi siwet,,, ggSS"' md. ka srln Ms stla 1 sn w4ssiii1. fo( into H of wclng eWest. rtrjfce- roete. niw. ui ifnvwr mitr mwt, wRo sta flnmrw in' ta mat ; imlnr, tp4el twHSitai and his were thr only ba TWaif snw ' Although iVweVeMi "P,? ,av fifteen" WwrstWe 'Faned nWt for eseltmen4 fhere were sev fai Mar ?)ays had and fast ifleWlng wa the,keyno4. ot thv afterpoeh. In the thlrai.nnls JShortstop Coffey of tha 3Dvr. tam robbed tXJyle of a hit wen itpea!' h'mK grounder back U: first Setfe witM his meftt hand and thraW Ceyle utft-tt. " Ir thi.JDf th. SsnlMC Owafc hafi a. ehaKo, jDoW, Um gM. hut,. .Oilsert put all stwrT he hes e -the'-WI, M-th ImM thj Rourh could; wag to fill-the 'hsaies and then die 'there-1 mrttmur. -us wfth Oil- twri iaita tyrteish;sajsiWw.hJet Am fiwrf- wi mosi .is.b.o s-ea-.asl H dw a.', f-t th ditnurtioe s4a pretty hfaifi can oiur -fa ih 'twtfi- hewhigf Wtth ir dit Celiay sMsM h4l BOowed.r rth' Mr "W ghtUd P a4 wethtassrsert. tm t Jfiwa 4ouUd Coly. ' smM ilvlMBie. .. OmaW r4 )t aertr tMiei ht tt hiHlwsT after tW aleit ere Aeem. Thesriwm landed safe, on aa itifleld htt 4n" took second on Bufoher" error. .Cwgalton. fallowed. wltJi ftslnlj otrbht an ThomasoB, cjereu. , , . . , ' The -Bears evened up in the fourth. CMtnneli opened up with, a double to center'-nad Butcher advanced htm to third on a jsaennee. ton's saertnee ny to Cefle scored Channeli. v ' Thef'a was notWnx flolwr th. .uhUl . v v-- 1 . a "e child i i i r .-s?v7i v r v ',rv - i mi. -jucd mm wmiw pk' ubmv I ftrlh. RIFLE For Alt Kinds otGame 'There arccleVcn dliTcrcnt moflkJi of WinclVcater l?ifli tnaato. From tHem it is an esy . matter to select on suitable for Jbuotina; anyarrjc Reliability, aHraogtrW ami iqcuracy are .th moat Dccswaary' features in a hvMtlng riSe. Success and safe ty ofem' liiafe upon them in levCTBame sbootifi. Winches Vac riiks kave ths impor- taht virtuM to the fullest d- l t. . grpc. Before, yov, buy utyei fafo thereyifhiy tjk :tei I " I I I I I ' I II I Father-ff . ; ' OH' Myj;ie. sv 1TTOO . jrrroor"rr tha alxtenth. when Channcll again con .nected safely for a double. JJiiUhgr fol lowed with a sacrifice and cnanfisu went to tlurd from where ho ".scored en JJrenner's wild pitch. Etston singled to left and stole' second, taking third on Johnson overthrow, of second. Spahr fanned and Coffey drew a walk and then stole second. Fisher's single to tight stnt Elstoh and Coffer across the rubber. Not satisfied with pitching sixteen ln nlngs Gilbert Insisted on. pftchtng the second gamp for the Or! wiles, hut the race in the gamo previous was .too muon on htrh and In the second .Inning of the tetond game tho Tto'urkes drove in twj tmn. with two down I'ayse sisgiea to left ahd scored on Bohtpke's triple. Bchlpke "scored on a Wild Itoh. By ' winning yesterday's ' game the GrlzsUes Just aboutiolnched .the. pennant. but half a game is needed by tha Denver tram to. grab- the third coneeauUve rag. And acting Manager Lee Qultllti say he Wilt do that today at Des Moines. Bcorei QMAHA, AM. It. It, 1 0 1 2 3 ' 2 . e i " . o o. a 6 o s It IS. 1 0 0 A. 4 0 ,0 :o 3 6. . Justloe, is,.... 6 Coyte. if,.., ,.,.7 Thomoson, .of.. .... 3 CongaUon, ft $ Kano. lb 7 Johnson, c,..,. t 6 Payne, ?b.. ,,.,,.., ? Schlpke,' Sb .....7 Brenner, p, INieiak 1 0 0 1 0' 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ' Totals ' ' ' BKXVMt. AJk. K. 1 X I H. 1 1 . t X o. 2 en. cc......i..7 r.. swf.t..bw. s 1 0. ..(.. I "flLi t?r.fi i jry jl ' stv.cs ;t! T.t...... f , ser la sMsswsa.! .......l e e 6 o o o 6 a e e i DHYir - MM, ......, 011049A19L , 0,3-ie I o-twss' WUl , CWHm41 (It. sKolek bae: Kleton, pahn' ycrlfice httst Jehn- son, utoner ,), Kietou. struole out: By lircufver, JS; by fillhert. 3. Dases on balls: Off Brenner 6; off. Ottbert, 4. Double play; JmjUntutp Kana. Wild pitch i Bren ner? Hlt'b7Tttn,edball( qulllin. Time: SiSsV Vmptrer.AfiiMrson sxoux Awlr r TKfcopiaa dxvidk t,-f ' y ' aetteat . rtirHiaxt day, .bothi ames .being piUaars' duets.' The iooaiS )et tha JTlMt. by a. mam a ? tv1 iJ?'W eeinters being made In the .iMwhe'Vaiw was M!;t Sa as a Wwk sM4slasBleaVe bth sere !. a cottwtiei t fce. aj giiejsMilas was hlpfr. aucUy. but waa uaoBby, in hi sai. ttSMMrJtil reed, K. ,t,t.in,,r.(A 8 a. CaUahaa, 34. Aj.,.. V 1 i a l i' 7 . , 8- 8 . 1 1 .0 (turnn, lb ,.,, 2 Marshall, K, t?.T., . t ily, i, ..itU.S..3v 9 Yann ...M.'t.V.A.vi ,V0 Totals .,.;?,,.1j,'V1" LINCOLN. ' t All. 'II. X.loyd, 2b, 6 o Itousch. rf, .......... 3 0 Miller, If. -4 0 Cole, cf. .,......,.,i4 0 Mullln, lb, . 0 Iladsr, 3b. I, 0 Dowling, sa, i.. 0 Baker, c. ..,,.,,,, 8 0 Meyer, c 0 0- O. 3 a l 3 0 1 10 0 A. 0 0 0 0 I i) r j ' i IsfflrtftM li BMMkS THE BEE; OMAHA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26.-1013. I I II I I I I I ' T - I' 3M S ll-lll I HW II . rfSSTf r A LITTLE I TBI .. ' s.t I'm WK8T. LEAdlTG. W.XPct. W.IPct Denver .... 99 BT .63R New, Tork,. W 4.67t Philadelphia 84 65 .GQI 'Des Moines 89 87 .ml t Lincoln ... 82 77 .E16 Chleaeo .... 84 63 .6' BU Joseph. 80 78 .6131 Omaha .... 75 83,471 Plttburrh.. 78 .B3I Boston ...... 80. tl nmntrlvn . . Hi fO .467 Topeka .i,. 71 M .45S Bloux City. C9 80 .437 'Vlcli4ta ...KtS.5 Cincinnati.. s 85 iH: St. 1X5 Ul W .351 AV.i.pat. W.UPCt Milwaukee.. 7 64 .603 Minneapolis 94 69..B77 Louisville .. W 70 .KJi Columbus' .. W 71 .SM 8L Paul.,... 74 740 Phlla .,..(. W .M Cleveland.. 83 62.572 Washlngt'n 83 63 .C69! rioeton .... 74 7 .M6 Chicago ... 74 72 .507 Detroit ..... e. M Toledo 68 96 .417 Bt. Louts.., K W .OT4I Kant City.. .417 New York. 63 89 ,73 Indianapolis 66 96 ,4W Yestersy' RepI ' WESTlUN LEAGUE. , Denver. 4i Omaha, 1; sixteen Innings. Llnucoln, Mi Bloux City. 2-0. "Wlchlta-Bt. Joseph; postponed. Boton,'l-; Jhlladelphla, -7. qnicaxo, t, iinsDuran,-i. n.w YnrV. 81 Hrnoklvn. 2. I'niiBQCipnia, i; udbiuii, Washington. 5: Ke York, 2. AMETtiCAN ASSOCIATION, Kansas 'City, 3-8!. Columbus, 6H. Minneapolis, 4i T'oledo, 6. St. Paul, 65 Louisville, IB. Milwaukee, 2; Indianapolis, 1. Chimes 'tMir. Western Leaguo-Oah at Lincoln, Torfeka at . J eseph, Wichita at Weux City, Denver ai mm oinc-. Natienal IagueBpeton at Phlladel- TZJ7- 4HV-PhlUlt)hla at os If ew Toor at siraeaiynj. on, wwhtngten at New Ysk, i. Louts AmsrJeem r' AsteUn--tlrWuke . at MUiuaa,. Kintu City? a CsiumhtM, oux city , w. . i . M ; f M .j3-i? First base hn isrwsf mwx city. i. Scrtflc ,hltV Clause. " Tweba4 hltsi Cole. Dowiing. Double playi Dowling to Mullln. Btruck out: By. Clause, 9; by Hlley, 8. liases on balls: Ofi Clause. 6 off lHley, 3. Timet 1:60, Umpire: Wood. score, seoona game:. SIOUX CITY. AO. B. II. O. A, O. 2 1 0 7 It 2 1 0 Jooney, 2b........... 4 iVood, lf,,,..,...,., j e s 2 0 Iflmlth. ri. ...... ...... 8 0 0 I a Callahan, 2b. i mavioeon, ci. ....... i Murn. i!i...,..i.t.i.. Marshall, rf Vann." c.....;.V...... i vann. c. ""t" I. J "Wheatley, P,..r.l, 3V- ToUls.. 3 0- 7 14 3 AR. Mm Ti. J. A 1 1 'IB. Ltsyd. 2b..,.. ........ 4 J jtouasei, rt..t,,V... mnVUMFi St..,,,...,..., '3, ' i a e .a i a a a a tuefnws, ir.tt,.,,TjitM J Coje. cf..,.,,,,i.,..i 8 v"" In, ,PeWH,. as. MsyeM, .e. .......... 3 Sresins, p... ..,. 3 1 .a jar, b..... o- o a 'Tolftis....:........? t 5f 1 ' Batid for Wheatley I ninth. YlacAta 0 0 0 0 1 0 9-2 OUI;CJty... ....... 0 0 0 6 0 0 9O-0 Left; on bases: Bloux cny. Ki wncom, 6. llaie on errors! Bloux City, 1. (Sac rifice 'httst Bums. Cooney, . Soroittinsf, Hrwthc Two-.eass hits: jjowung, emun, Lloyd.. Stolen bases: Marshall, Callahan. Hits! Its: tlir Bcrogsina, in cisni anu iw thirds inntnrs. jjiruou out: a: l: br Scrogslns, m Basts o h balls i Off wlieatley, 6i on Bcroggins, Wild pitches: Boroggln, Wheatley. Time. 2:00. UmplrerWood. ' ' - NEBRASKA WESLEY AN GETS TWO MORE PLAYERS UNIVEltSlTY PLAGE, JSth fiept, 25v- (SpectaL) Fooe "ball stock Is Dooming again with - the return of Rouseh- and Word after- the disappointment due to the Joss ot SandalL Chamberlain and Keester. McCandleai has again bsea elected captain and i In fine form. Ft well, and, Durham are back and pl&ytns up to the old time standards, Hudson, a sub Ot last year, wUl play fullback In place of, Aden, 'who graduated In' June. ' Luse, a Beatrice High school star, will l probably , have a permanent place in the' back rieio. The, line ;s the heayitst Wesleyan ever had, and with a fast back field will make a strong combina tion. The first nmt wilt be. cn the home field with the University of Omaha next Saturday afternooon. t r 11 i - SCHEDULED I0UT BETWEEN SMITH AND LANGFQRD OFF NEW "JOIUC, Sept. .-The Garden Athleyo'club announced tonight that the ttn-round bout arranged to take place in Madison Square garden next Friday tiigfct betveen Gunboat 0m)th ot Call fornl. and Sam Langford. of BoMon is ft, Day Wra. While Topeka will finish ahead of the .Bloiic in the pennant Vac the result of .the' games between the two olubc shows that the order Should b reversed. Clarke's club defeated Xaws In. fit. Uen aunes, while the Gearmen were Sue mutul but nine times. Until .the Jiut aertos with the 'Beers the Itedsktns had made a crefiltablo showing against Den ver; After the Orlsslles look three straight Hit week the pcor for the sea sen stood fourteen vlctertt s for the Hen dricks crew "and nine for the Sioux, A tie game was not played off. J Standing, of Teams - -' ' .. T- v a- - .WBS. ari TiiA.. Z l-'.7-"- 8 ' 1;ilfi.?.7iw ivt.eL.jwi, ib.,e 7ui Ari Qut whW-friaMM rwa aeeyea. Ortfhrtt.tVt,. r 1 .t o -eDoaias,. r.. i 'i;,oi itafte for tetthe. aaieUt., IXSZT-'A Z IyS.'SB-- C.Ru OMtMS OH' WAR- THE CHILD PHILLIES TAKE TWO GAMES Defeat Boston in Both Contests of Double-Header. oMarura gyiarr auitLDf a duel Battlncr Rallr in Ninth Innlntf Olre BecenA i& Heme Team, Which, at Tine la Tvro Rans Be hiM Braves. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. J5.-Phlla- delphla defeated Boston In -two games here today, 8 to 1 and 7 to 6. !The open ing ovent was a pitching battle, In which Chalmers kept his opponents' hits scat tered, while, Phljadsiphia won tr puncrw; ing tnree singles ana an oui in tne seconu Inning and scoring a pair of runs. Mar onvlllo was spiked on the foot by Cra vath while the latter waa trying to steal second In the fourth inning and was .forced to leave the gome. A batting rally in the ninth won the second gamo for the home team. The clubs took turns in leading and the Fhlbidelphlans were two ruas ' behind when they went to bat in the ninth. Duncan went to bat for Brennan anC singled. Beoker got a lucky single, tho ball taking an ugly' bound and hitting Sweeney on the shoulder, Lobert doubled, scoring Duncan. Magee was purposely walked, tilling the bases. Cravath beat eut an ltield grounder, . :kr seerinr. Tyler then toek Cochreham'a place and Xyrne .wee ta .bat far Luderus. Wails Byrne was at bat a passed ball enabled Lobert to seea the wanting run, foots, miLa; . e a'aD I'M'li'i'l' Tuta...r ( ji'U j Total...;.K I MUT !gfed for IJarlden InVthe hinth , 'Batted for Oulnn intn ntntv Batted., for Schmidt IhHhe nlath. Oeyton ...,. 0 0'OfOil 0 0 0 0-1 t-nuausipnia o 2 0. 0 1 0 -3 Twn.lU tilt. MW.ro . , ... kuaeruir tolan tZTrbit 4S i2i?i.. 0,J0.,i' & Philadelphia, .L Bases on bads;. Off Chalmers, 2., First baao 2?.Lrar,:: nattan. 3; Philidelphla, h Struck Mout; By Clnit.4by;Chalmers: LTlraei l-.K. trp?res ByrohVand Score, second game Boaro-. pHijtDiatL!: SnMt. S.r. A.K. e it.j.. soie 9Btkr. T. ef... S" 2 3 ;o n Jt,.... 4 30 I DolB.. 4,1 1,1 n tor. .s,..s. j .en....aw;.s'l S-i t e eiH;.!;ri;eV i .n1! for. KKWer la the 4Mcr 'fattel fer'AlHUer In.the MvesHh. Battea.'f or Brennan in tha ninth; One out when w I as tea mnLseeted. uoiiqn . . . e 1 1 1 a 2 o a s Philadelphia ..... . Two-base hits 2 o oyo ,.o a 7 S5nn, JPbJ, Ooyrdy, Doolan. Becker, Lobert. Illis: 10ft Ai ander. It in seven innings; otf'Co'creham, u in eicm ana one-inira innings, aacrj flee fly: Alexander. Stolen base: Magee Double play: Sweeney to Smith 10 acnrmai. aeu on oases: uosion, t PhlladelDhla. 9. Bases on balls: Of Cooreham. Si off, Alexander, 3. Hit by Pitched ball! By Cocreham, Magee, Lu derus. "Struck .out: By Cooreham, 8; by Gowdy. Wild Pitches: Alexander, Cocre- ham; Time'. ZrCfc, umpires; jugier and Byron. ' Cabs Defeat Pirates,? t prrranunaii. ot. as. Tha bat of Manager Johtj Ever .figured largely. in Chicago's T-to-l victory over Pittsburgh today, witn four ruts, inciuaing -wo dauhles, he was the -star of the. day. McQuillan was hit hard in tho early in ntnes and was succeeded in turn by v;vO'er ana uui,, ui . v.w,u,v xrom ureal, u uu, aoni. urapnn?i, nuo was presentea.wtin a aiamona put. ana hDts-un' bv frierids from California. Pa.. pltohed fine hall, holding PltUburah to one run. mi reau ot a iuuib uj uvun and a double by Warner' in the second. By making two hits' this afternoon Hans Wagner brought hut season's average to Virt wn: thereby maklns hla seven- enteenth. consecutive season in th .30J CKICUOO., PtrrsnuROH. ' AB.M.-0..B. Iacb, et... t 1 2 e tCuvr. AD.II.O.A.C. 1U.. 4 cm, WllUai rv v.4 4 3 1 OPolaa, JU....4 tiMum. it. 4 a 3 9 owaaatr. .. 4 Iniwn, ?1 0 0 4 IVIu. ..,. 3 flnman. U, H., 3 2 t 1 1WI1WO. It... 4 Q4 rf,....4 2 2 S Olilllr. lb... 4 Brl4U. sa 2 0 1 1 SUtubL ct 4 Atthr, e,;.: 4 17 1 fStnon. .... 3 lloawhm, Mill OUoQulIaa, 0 -Moror 1 ToUl 12 17 11 Idnr, .... J DfUir. .,.., 9 . touu.. i wjt a Baltsd. Tor, McQuillan In the third. Batted for Cooper in the seventh. chicesje ,.,....4 iaoaoao-T wuurah ..... ....0 O.M'ilMM wn.Viii hits: Syers it). Waguer TiirM.lia hit. SaV. Sacrifice bunt: Zlmmtmaa. Sacrittca flits: 2Ummerraan it). Lett on bases; Pittsburgh, 3; Chi csgo, 8. Hits: Off MnQulllan. 1" three Jnnlngsi off Cooper, S in four innings J off DUffy, 4 la two Innings. Bases on bells: Oft McQuillan. 3: off Cooper. JS off Humphries. 1. Struck outi By Hum uhrieS; 3: by McQuillan. U by Cooper, 3: by Huffy, X Double plays; Coor to Wagner to Miller, Wagner to Yiox to Mliur. lint base on wi Pittsburgh. -Drawn for "THE CMIlin TMFW Ht UTILE CRQTmEU .C&AZ To HER WSVSTANCE "AID THE BtUTE MY Vi? WITH A LAMP'DoVT ! Time: lie. 1:45. Umpires: O'Day nnd Ems- Doderrs Lose to Glnnts. ntjrvrtirT.-vM -M V Rnt. 25 The Brooklyns began their farewell series of three games at Ebbets Held today, toeing to. Now York. 2 to 3. The National league champions outplayed the local team in all departments. .... The Brooklyns got a lead Of two runs In the first inning. Marquard hit Moran and Cutshaw. Wheat and Daubert singled. Wheat's hit looked good for two bases, but Moran hesitated between sec ond and third and Wheat wsacaUght get ting back to first. After this inning Mar quard never was in danger. The Giants batted both Bagan and Pfeffer hard. Score: new toiuc. nnooKLw. . . AB.H.O.A.H. , AB.H.O.A.G. BncxUnus, ci I 2 13 oMeran. rt.-.t 0 4 0 3 Doyle. .,. t 3 I 1 OOtUiwv, l I I 0 1 4 a lsunini. if., soiio 2 3 1 0Wbeat.,ttf.,4 1 I I I 0 10 O'Mowe ..... 0 0 0 0 0 (33 ODkUbcrt. lb. 4 1 16 I 0 0 12 OBmlth, lb.,. 4 t 0 9 0 110 OFliher. tM... 3 0 14 0 1 4 '2 0Kumml,.. 1 0 0 0 9 2 0 3 OT.ltCoJtr, 0.3 1 J 1 0 k .Tl.rnn n 1 O a S A nurac ri.. If.., ro,, Mvren. s, McLean, a.. 1 Morkle. lb.. MaruTd, pi Totals 40 1(29lKlrkpaUlck 1 0 0 0 0 Ptofttr. P...0 9 0 0 TUl..,,.3lrsRli"! Ran for Wheat In the ninth Batted for Fisher in the ninth. Batted for Ragan in tho eighth. New York ..........0 4000 2 002-S Brooklyn 3 0000000 0-2 Left on bases: New York, 9; Brooklyn, B. Two-base- hits: Doyle, Jlerzog. Three base hit: Doyle. Sacrifice hit: Meyers. Stolen bases: Merkle, Cutshaw, Bases, on balls: Off It a Rail, 2; off Marquard, 1, DirucK oui: ujr JiaKun, i; oy iiarquaru, Z Balk: Hasan. Hit with pitched ball: Moran and Cutshaw by Marquard, -Shafer oy nagan. Hits: uir. 4 lagan, iz m eight innings: eft Pfoffer. 4 In one inning. Time; 1:99. Umpires. Xlem and Orth. Real Fan Graces Pas Park and Amuses the x eai". lV;Ba.'.iMe ' r tho bugs WhiWaallyeemetowH abautce a seao,iihd br;bbvfSt a iesr seat'H the balU hark ahd then 'eoremances ta pan the visiting . team. , appeared at Hourko park to witch the final game of the sea soei yeaterW and for 'three 'houfa af forded .amofemspt. 9f. tb.;raf-e"st .kind' to the, faithful joJJpwers st the home; club, e was one ot those fellows that han from the farm and learn the base ball Ung6 through, tho aport page of the city paper, One of those follows, who knows the. batting average, and fleldlnc average. of every big player in the major leagues. There, be sat In the, front row bf the reserved, section, directly behind the catohnr and with vast fide Open, a pack age of peanuts on the railing before htm, his hat jauntily cocked or, his left ear, bellowing forth 1 his favorite vocabulary. and to say that it -as rich, is putUng it mm. Big Lester Channel the . Denver cen urruir iM horn run hitter of the league' caana ta bat Two strlka bellowed forth the lniplre and then from the real oug. "Say you weM you couldn't hit the Nia gara Falls It you were on the bridge.'' Channel! hit- slew rounder to Payne, who the threw BearTout at first. Then again from the bug. "Say you rtm-llke .a hydrant, ail 'in one pot, sel a wIm" " ' Dutcrier, the "Denver clean-up man came next and managed to swtg at three wIUW out touching the pill aid from the ever watchful came: "Hey lookout for that ball, if t ever hit you it wjll put A hole in you big enough for a hound to Jump through without pinning his ears back," Hy this time the fans had toresaken the team to listen to the card in the Stand. Ney.ec . glanca did ha fceetow on anyone but the ball players and wben Gilbert -struck for the aecond time run ning, the bug came acros with. "Why you oouWt hit that hall with a Spanish bltinderbus." "That- ball looks like one of Carter's little liver pills by the time you nt ready to swing on it don't Itt" he AWhJtaSstla Striped Madras CoGsr that wtai'i apreid at th op e accanet cf t!a Lhtocorit UbmkaH$ BuHmtym. ttaadt ealy ia ChUom Te SaU 2r rOKNZal Mtk TIim. KUpixick fit Cax, ia ties mwmm PBAY r The Bee, by George McManua 1. "WHERE V DiO IT At i- Happen -V dc ah? " I i TUB' LMOV.tE! queried of Lee Qulllin as that unassuming gentleman made wild heaves at unoccu- pled spece, Haver did this kind of noise Btop until the Bears won out in the sixteenth and then the man from home said; 'Well wo Had a good time, didn't wet" and he Settled dowii to await the second game, but he had lost hts pep when this one started and the fans rested in peace, for the balance of the afternoon. American Assoolatloa Resalt. At Toledo At Toledo R.H.E. Minneapolis f J 0 Toledo 513 1 Batteries! Burns and Owens, Smith; R.H.E. .. 6 9 2 1512 3 George and Basslor. At Lout8yille ' st. Paul ....r.. Toulsvlllo Batteries: Walker and Miller: wortnrop. and Clemens, Wheeler. At Columbus inrst game: ?.. Kansas City 3 J Columbus 5 10 1 Batteries: Larige and O'Connor Ferry and Coleman. Second game: R-H.E-Kansas City 3.8 1 Columbus 4 7 4 Called end of sixth, darkness. Batteries: CovlnSton and Moore: Luhr- sen and Smith. At Jnd anapoiis n.n.iu. Milwaukee : z 6 1 Indianapolis . 17 1 Batteries: Young and Hughes; Willis and Livingstone. wr CopyriSt "U. THERE IS STILL TIME BUT College and High School Week ENDS TOMOIJtOW NIGHT YOU. older young men should come' in and get fitted out and join the happy family. Yh: aire protmbly keenly imteresied in cicveriy slcd.fothes but bunei ha made k impossible for you ttj atteud the exhibition which has been' going on here for the kst week. NOW if you are, going to learn jupt how suitable" an h SYSTEM Stylo-is to. your per-, sonality, and if you want to see how real, livei stunning clothes are tailored you liavo got to visit our shop ( tomorrow. Thia exhibition week nas been such- a -success that we, hats' to see it end, bit end it muc We tatn t tell you that after k fa over you'll not be siblc to secure THE L SYSTEM Clothes, but take thta little tip from us: "The wise boys" the fellows; who have a reputation for dressing smartly, and well, are not going to let this week slip by without owning aft X SYSTEM Suit. Magee & Deemer 413 South 16th FAMILY TEAD1 SUFLDED Y slMtk Omaju: Wiat. Jelisct HOt X Knai JTMsw SO, van. VHNT? - WORLD'S SERIES ARRANGED First Game Will Be at New York on October 7, if Giants win. ; FOUR UMPIRES ARX SELECtd CoRBolly, Bst Klesa npa RlBfies 3V1 Act as ArMters Other .Details .of Series Be Inst ,p Worked 0t. PHILADELPHIA, Sept 25. Assuming that the New York team will win ho Natlohal league pennant, tha members ot the National Base, Boll commission today decided that the first game Tjs tween that club and the Philadelphia-. American Jeaguo team for the world's championship shall be played i New York oii Octobor 7. The umpires agreed on for the series are II, Connolly, John J. Egan, William Idem and Charles J. RIgler. Bon for MoGIll. President .Hugh Jones of the Lincoln, club strolled Over to the press box ,tn -Sioux City and, flashing a telegram, an-, nounced that another ball player had come into the' league. The mesaaga, -proved.., to bo from Jimmy McGllI, Owner, of the Denver club, and announced tho arrlvw of a boy In his home. 1313 EC X. LlBdeathal ftma, qOLD TOP- export MALT TONIC- SOUTH OMAHA. NtsX ' A v -i I Omaha: Rim 7. lite. 1SH DoaTlM: I rSaOM Davaf, ' V 1 to