Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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Btato Financiers Gather in Conven
tion at Lincoln.
Bankers Take Vleir Neir Bill Will
' Affect State Bank, to Certain
Extent, and 11 la Well to
! Be Prepared.
(From a. Staff Correspondent.)
UNCOLN, Sept. 15. (Bpeclal.)-Wlth
the atendanee over the S30 mark at noon
of . the first day and with a probability
that tho seventh annual Nebraska
Bankers' association atendance will out
number that of any year the
bankers are talking shop here today.
Preildtnt George F. Sawyer Introduced
Dr. T. VT. Jeffrey of St Paul's Methodist
church who delivered the opening Invoca
tlon. Mayor Frank Zehrung gave an ad
-vdresa of welcome.
The response to the mayor's welcome
was delivered by Charlos N. HtncSs of
Odell and the president of the association'
delivered the annual address which
cofered' the work of the last yeara'h'd
a hope' for continued or better growth
for the year to come.
The report of Secretary "William B,
Hughes of Omaha showed thatthere had
been an Increase In membership during
the Inst year from 870 to M7,. . There, are
thirty-two new banks In the statewhich
have started since the association mcl
- Mast year.
! ,x Treasurer W. E. Ithodes of Omaha
' made1 his annual report, showing that the
,( treasury was In good condition, the 're
- celpts of the last year being '$10,640.3) and
a" 'surplus on hand amounting . to over
;; P.000.
. Yaten Talks of New Ln.Tr.
''Henry Vf. Tntes of Omaha, chairman
of the executive council, read his report
rof'the work of that-b'Ody during Uie year.
' He spoke of the now currency law which
had passed one branch of the national
congress and was -now awaiting Its, fate
In the other body. In his estimation the
proposed legislation was revolutionary,
and,. while it was aimed at national banks,
Would effect state banks, to a consider
able degree. In connection wlththe re
port Mr. Tntes Introduced a resolution
calling for a discussion of the currency
question Immediately after the address of
F. J.. Wade, president of the Mercantile
Trust company of St. mouis, who Is down
' on' the program tomorrow morning for
a talk on "Banking and Currency Legis
lation." The resolution was adopted.
MortKBKca and Taxation.
J. - M. Evans, cashier of the Farmers
State bank of Shubert, delivered on: ad
dress on "Deducting Mortgage-Secured
Notes from Capital Stock for Taxation.'
His speech was In, the main a criticism of
" the Smith law passed by the last legtsla
' turer, which, he said, was' Intended' to pre
vents double taxation. He did .not . ex
'actly-criticise the supremo court? for-Its
: C decision covering tho constitutionality of
t the law, but he thought that the decision
t was, not hardly fair to the bonks; but;
added,. "Just the same, I am not In favor
oftho recall of Judges." ,
;ifHeJ Ba' tnat tno .creation by the last
Mletature of , a fax cpmmtsston was a
P step'in the' right direction' and tie-had a
? - great, deal of confidence In-the -personnel
ofj the members chosen. He said that In
the" event the constitutional amendment
? ' relative to taxation carried at the next
.election, tho members 6f the -tax com
mission were empowered to draft' a' bill
covering the new law wanted. "But,"
said 'he, "they have a hard Job on' their
' Bankers 3fua Be VacbfnI.
Mr. Evans thought that 'the Idea of
come people that the bankers should keep
out of legislation was a poor Idea. "I do
not know why the bankers of Nebraska
are -not as competent and have Just as
, much right .to be Interested In legislation
B.S: any other people," said he, "and
' surely wo are as competent as some of
the fellows who go to the legislature
and Introduce tomfoolery bills Just sq to
gqt, their names on the records."
Th!s7afternoon the 'session -opened wth
. areport by Carson HIdreth, chairman of
' the -.agricultural development committee.
A.paper by Prof. E. W. Hunt of the
'Twentieth Century Farmer was read, as
. Prof;. Hunt could not be present. ,
"JIC. McDowell of the ..United States
.Department of Agriculture delivered- one
of 'the principal and' mpst Interesting
addresses of the convention touching on
tho 'relation of the baakluK business to
tb!e liuslness of agriculture.
rt, 4:30 the delegates took a trip to the
, unyjersity state farm ' and : enjoyed the
fjospltallty'bf that Institution. ;
' (Th'e evening was spent' -In a cabaret
- luncheon and smoker at the rJndelt hotel.
61 Farm Wagons, each carrying two tons,
. would be, required to transport the in
vested assets of The Bankers Reserve Life
Company if converted into Silver Dollars
- of the assets of
are invested in first mortgages upon improved farms and in
Registered School District, County and Municipal Bonds
which' lie at the foundation of every policy cbntract.
ASSETS, S4,136,S48.04
; V '
Business in force, over $32,000,000.00.
Fully Guaranteed.
to Policy Holders.
Doing Business in 225 States
i Ask for our new descriptive Circulars,
13ASUOM. il. EQBISON, president. , B. O. WAGNER, Secretary. ;.-v
" : E. L; EOBISON, Vice-President. : , W. G. PRESTON, Treasurer. Ik
given by the brinks. 6f. the Uncotn Clear
ing House asee&atlon, In which raufclo
and vaudeville enlivened the" occasion
trom 9 until 11 o'clock. ,
Tomorrow' will be the bl day ' 'of trie
session, In which business and pleasure
will .both eat a figure. The session' will
open In the morning with' report from
the president of the six banker groups
of the state and will be followed by a
report by the protective committee.
A part of the forenoon program Friday
Includes an address by Governor More
head, but the governor had already ac
cepted an Invitation to attend the opening
of the new athletto park at Beatrice,
and It Is not known what arrangements
have been made to fill the vacancy.
Usually Jrlvate Secretary Morrlseey
subs for the governor, but as ho Is billed
for an address at Columbus, It Is not
likely that he will fill the, engagement.
However, the currency question will
probably find plenty of volunteers to dis
cuss It and the address of J. O. Berry
hill of the Iowa National bank at Des
Molnra will take up a portion of the
time, while the Important address of the
session by FeBtus J. Wade on currency
legislation will bring out a great deal of
In the afternoon C. V, Nelson of the
First National bank' of Stromaburg will
talk on the "New Thought In Banklny,"
President W. J, Bailey of the Kansas
Bankers' association will address the
convention on ' "Manufactured Unrest,"
and then will follow, the winding up of
the convention with reports of commit
tees, election of officers and' a visit to
the base, ball park to see. the game- be
tween Omaha and Lincoln. 1
In the evening the anniial. banquet, will
be given' at the IJndell hotel, at which
Church Howe of At4nrn mill preside as
Yew Large, Itched Badly, Stiffened
Terribly. Used Cutlcura Soap and
Ointment. Entirely Cured Now.
l Howard St., Dayton, Ohio.
"About a year ago my face, neck, arms and
bade were beginning to become afflicted
with pimples and blackheads. My pun pits
.would get very lirge and appear to come
to ahead. If I tried to open them the pain
.would be terrible, but nothing could he
taken from them. They Itched very badly:
2 suffered terribly from Itching. After
scratching, the pimples would swell aad
' after the swelling was gone my face would
"beoomo very red and remain so for mom
tlme. My dotting cuxc4 the Itching to
.be worst. 'When it was warm t was uttetly
Impossible to sleep.
- " I used a cream and the mors I used the
-worse they got. Shortly after I read the
adrertlsement of Cutlcura Soap end Qlnt
xnsnt and determined to use- them. I bathed
'the pimples every night In warm water.
Sting Cutlcura Soap, after which I would
apply the CuUcura Ointment. In the morn
ing I would wash It off with Cutlcura Soap
and again apply the Cutlcura Ointment.
Xh' Itching stopped almost Immediately,
r This was about three months ago and I aid
, entirely cured now," (Signed) Mlu Mar
guerite E. Jacobs, Jan. 13, 1013.
Why not have a dear skin, soft white
hands, a clean scalp and good, hair? It 1
your birthright. Cutlcura Sosp with an
occasional use of Cutlcura Ointment will
bring about these coveted condltlous In
most cases when all else fills. A tingle set
Is often sufficient. Sold throughout the
world, liberal sample of each mailed tteo.
with S2-p. 8 kin Book. Address post-card
"Cutlcura, Dept. T, Boston."
M-Men who shave and shampoo with Cu
tlcura Soap will find It best for sldn aad scalp.
Aged Nun, Sister of
Lincoln Woman, Dies
SPRINO FIELD, 111,', 8ept JS.-Bpecial
Telegram.) Sister Mary Dechantel, aged
81 years, who has been for the last eight
een years a nun at the Ursullne convent
In this city, died at the convent laBt
night Her name In the world was Mary
Hogland. She Is survived by two sis
ters. Mrs. Emma Ilormes of Lincoln,
Neb., and Mrs. Jennie Sastley pf Nebraska
uuy, ncn.; ana inree. piomrs, "UK
land. Nebraska City, Neb,; Brother Ones
slmes of Notre Dame, Ind., and George
Hogland of New Yorx City. The remains
will be interred In this city.
For fifty -nine
years Gund
has brewed
a beer of su
preme quality.
It has the same
pure, mellow
flavor it had
.when grandfather drove the ox team to the
little log brewery for his keg. The result is that
ifidS Peerless iieer
' is esteemed wherever it is taiowfo as an honest
' beer always to be relied on. -
rWir M1W..C:!; Attack ASM
IBS. 16th3trMt.Oin&ha.N.b.
ntstu dlDtBske04i JUtesuticA-ZU
718 3. lfithSti
. Omaha, I
John Gund Brewing Co.
La Croisc, Wisconsin
BROKEN BOW. Neb., Sept 2S.-Spo-clal
Telegram.) The "olggea.t night crowd
along the Burlington line turned out
tonight to greet the dairy train. The)
Pegoud Astonishes
Londoners with His
Maneuvers in Air
Nerra Note of Cedar Bluff.,
CEDAR BLUFFS, Neb., Sept. 25.-(Spe-clal.)
The Board of Education of Cedar
Bluffs went to Howells yesterday to In
spect the high school at that place, as
rm. O Xi9tm lm 1.. .It.. . . Lll.
vvm. uiM..a .a iw uuuu m how JUttll
kcliool here next spring. The new school
Is to cost 130,000 and there Is already
12.000 in the building fund.
The long dry spell at Cedar Bluffs Is
now broken, as it has rained 1.5 Inches
lecture was given In the assembly room( In the last ten hours, starting; last night,
of the public service club ahd a unlqueLrhts Is the first rain this section of the
feature was the introduction of the, thrte'lcountry has had for eight weeks. But
dairy cows which were taken ,fram the
train to the club rooms, led through the
audience, and up to tho stage, '.there they
occupied positions amid appropriate set
tings. Hundreds crowded Into the build
Jns and many had to be turned away.
Attorney Accidentally Shot.
ST.. PAUL, Neb., Sept. 25.-rSpecial.)
Henry Nur.n, a prominent attorney of
this city, shot a couple of toes off his
foot Tuesday while hunting ducks on the
"Loup river. Mr. Nunn was In a blind
and In some way his gun caught In the
brush and was discharged. He was alone
at the time, but showed considerable
nerve by gathering up all his decoys and
other paraphernalia and carrying them to
the shore. He managed to get to his
home In this city before summoning the
the corn crop Is not damaged as badly as
reared when It was so hot.
Girl Attacked by Doe,
FAIRBURT. Neb., 8ept. 25. (Special.)
When the 6-year-old niece of Clarke
HUrlburt attempted to pass a large dog
to go into a cellar, the dog sprang up
and seized l he little one by the throat and
cheek. The dog's teeth penetrated the
child's cheek and throat Astonishment
was expressed that the little one escaped
with Its life. The little1 girl's home Is
In Chester.
Lifelong Dondnsje
to dyspepsia, liver complaints and kid
ney troubles 1c needless. Electric Bit
ters Is the guaranteed remedy. Only COc.
For sale by Beatou Drug Co. Advertise-ment
Heals itchingskins
Resinol Ointment, with Resinol Soap,
stops itching instantly, quickly and
easily heals the most distressing:
cases of eczema, rash or other tor
menting skin or scalp eruption, and
clears away pimples, blackheads,
redness, roughness and dandruff,
when other treatments have proven
only a waste of time and money.
Resinol In sold by prac
tically every druggist
in the United States,
but you can test it at
our expense. Write
today to Dept. 82-S,
Resinol, Baltimore,
Md., for a liberal trial
of Resinol Ointment
and Resinol Boap.
Pure Foods at Popular Prices
Specials for Friday and Saturday Selling
run via xaxs
Cut from fancy cornfed plus, aver
age weight about 12 lbs. Whole or
half ham; per lb 180
Lotus creamery butter, pasteurlxed
and the finest obtainable. One
pound cartons .3o
Wisconsin cheese, full cream, mild
or shnrpt 3-lb. cut BBo. I'or lb. SOo
Toanut butter, manufactured by ua
fresh dally; gloss Jars BSo, lSe, loo
Our bakery Is the best equipped
of Its kind In tho states, nnd the
bread we make has only to be
-tasted to be appreciated, a.l al
ways bought. Everything used In
our bakery Is tho best that can be
We especially devote our atten
tion to making cakes for Weddings,
rattles, etc. This Is perhaps the
most popular branch of our busi
ness, and here we always succeed
In giving absolute satisfaction. We
make these cakes to order, nnd ex
ecute them In nil fancy designs,
and ship then! by xspress.
rrioes from Sl.oo to 8100,00.
Oapan tea. Lotus brand; jackM fot
un In Japan; absolutely free from
all coloring; one pound pkg. ooo
Half-pound pkg. 38o
All cur high grade Oolong, Kngllsh
Breakfast, India, Ceylon, or Japan
teas, usually sold by us at 0c n
lb., special alb , 46a
We do our own roasting dally.
Lotus "Ankola," the acme of per
fection; 3 lbs. 91.10) 2 lbs. 7oi
Lb 40e
Ideal Blend, rich in color and good
In aroma, been, ground or pulvor
Ued by the steel cut proems: 3
lbs. 91.001 lb. 38e
Made In our own complete candy
kitchen. Absolutely pure, tempting
ly delicious, n perfection of quality
Surpassed by Hone.
Courtney's "Italian" style and "In
comparable" Chocolates are a rev
elation In chocolnte candy. One
pound box 60o l Large box -91.00
Delicious Peppermint nnd Winter
green, cushion style; regularly
sold at SSo lb. Speclnl. lb 100
rxxwex OZ.XVZ on.
A. Olliard & File, double clarified,
regular 4So battle for 30o
Sylman brand Dozert 40c cami 93.SO
Can, 30oi Dozen 250 cans . .93.33
Can ..soo
Asparagus Finest California pack,
dor. 4 So cans SSSi can 3So
Macedonlnes Finest Imported mix
ed vegetables; dot, SOo enns 99.35
Can A,..aoo
Catsup Lotus pack; dor. 2Co bot
tles 93.00! bottle .18a
Smoked Herrings Imported, dellc
ous far luncheons, etc.; dozen l5o
cans 91.401 two cans SSo
Preserved Figs Carpenters famous
pack; regular SSo can 386
Pork and Deans Snlder's In tomato
sauce: dozen 16c cans ...... fl.4S
Or two cans 98a
Condensed Soup Ileadymald brand;
dozen lOo cans 95c ; or s cans 38o
Oiow-Chow Finest quality; three
full quart glass Jam 91! jar SSo
Bulk Coeoa Herahey's, made on
the farm; 4 lbs. B8e lb. ...... BSo
Pickling Spices Whole mixed;
carefully selected; special, dozen
lOo pkg, 70e or 4 pkgs. for. . SSo
Offers visitors to Omaha an excellent cuisine, delightfully pleasant
surroundings and good service. The prices are very moderate. Try ue.
Open from 7 A. M. to 7 (JO P, M.
lien's, crisp and de
licious are now being
demonstrated by us.
Try them.
Alpine Cream, Peanut,
Cocoanut and Kclio
-Wafers, High Teas
and Qrahams; dozen
pkgs, ,, ....,, 9119
. Package ,lta
Heme Fare
Fofx Prc4cU
Come In and sample
some of Heinz' -67
varieties, now being
demonstrated In our
We enrry- a large
stock of all varieties
In season in tmportod
and domestic fruit, Ana
make a specialty of
packing fancy baskets
of fruits for gifts, etc
at prices below those
charged elsewhere.
Prices range from
Tea MVe aaeaey and get tit tHt Mm yon say ywx .wises aaC
Honors zresa a.
Pure California Port or Qhorry
Wine. By tho gallon
11,60 quality, this sale tLBS
it.00 quality, this sale 91.89
11.60 quality, this Kftle 91.10
S1.26 quality, this sale 9100
$1.00 quality, this sale.. BSo
Wilson Whiskey The genuine. In
the non-reflllable bottle, special
at 8Ss
Virginia Dnre Wine Oarrett &
Company; large bottlo, spoclal Geo
Btelnhager-Urquell Gin Direct Im
portation from Btelnhnger; guar
anteed .strlotly pure and of groat
- medicinal value; special, stone
Jug ... 91.W
Amsrlewi WaJskeys
Guaranteed strictly pure. By the
. Regular Sale
V Price Price
Courtney's Lotus, brand straight
whiskey. 1906 .... 18.69
Kockwell. 1893 ......16,00
Pepper, Jos. 'EI, 1901., 11.60
duckenheimer, 1803 ..14.60
Atherton, 1M1 B.6S
Cedar Brook, 1983 .i(.5.oe
MoHfgram v...
' By the Bottle,
Rockwell ...........$1.60
PeMier, Jas. II f
Kenneimer si.ou
SMrffev'a Malt . . .
Hal A Halg 6 Star.. 13.00
Ilalg llaig 3 Htnr..l.6u
WMScey Bottle, m zsm
Old Continental 8 yearn
old .......11.2S 91.M
Old Taylor ...,......$1,36 1.9
Pepper, Jan. IS. .....,$1,26 91.00
, Slitters
Aprs, Pepsin $1.60 31.88
Martin & Rossi
Italian 75 .93
American Champagne
nipln's White Label Special Re
serve, extra dry
Case. 24- bottles $16.00 914,06
Bottle , 76 .68
California CTrt. Btu-gaaJtes tut.
SUie Vriaes.
By the Gallon.
$2.36 quality, this sale 91.M
$2.00 quality, this sale 81.SS
$1.69 quality, this sale 91-90
$1.00 quality, this sale Me
Ale a Bteat
White label bottling 1b the beat
and moat satisfactory because it la
always In perfect condition.
Guinness' roretgn extra stout, eve
v clal, o. ptqta 9Ml bottle ..MM
WW Ale. dos. pints 94 1 bottle S
rmm mj. fate, aeues, . its
$7.84 KeimewMy, thlm Mle',ji.,IMI'
$8,69 Julea Villao Cols etar 9.T
s proote
. .9900
14,26 very old California 102 proof.
$4.00 old. California. 96 proof
ys.ou i;ognao type, as proof
Anheuser-Buch'B, special, doc 99.00
Haver Ale
Bchweppes, extra dry, made In Dub
lin, Ireland. Special, dozen bot
tles 9i3i or s for ........... ae
Dozen splits 93oj or 3 for so
VA8A Guaranteed raado from finest cloar Havana
tobacco only box fifty Tournays, 16c delightful
smokes, for 15.00
Kali or shoaa otters jnrotty fllle4U BosfUa 947.
Fire Sale Removed to
..Our Storeroom at..
r 1202 Howard St m
Rain drov us out,
but we will con
tinue to offer to
our patrons the
balance of our
damaged stock.
Many real bargains
in lamps and flx
. tures still left to
choose from.
Omaha Gas Co.
1202 Howard St.
Pay Whan Cured
PMmmmI Ah Vms4 thmw
wwfcMi Mhi im'sWoJ. r"9aaMMsMt MsaTAaj
ywwtiMl. Write tor Fr.c tHmlni
iU m Beeiat sH4Mie4t aa luH.
BsHaAasae. sbls) a.,M.ssW.sBbSa slsekAl MAfliAMaA
WOWrwl9l Ml'BMnsxssy Wl BfBTwffc IPtaVffMlvai
u. ajjfBeTitaflLsssWjBi sjea SkJBsVJB
rWI VVWWWBPV sspsasajsj fniB(
DR. E. R. TARRY - 240 Bide., Omaha, Nb.