Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1913, Page 12, Image 12

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Garbage Disposal Problem
and Municipal Workhouse
BY CAPTAIN II. II. Balvntl on Armr Industrial Home.
"Whllo tho subltct ot a municipal work
housa and ot sarbaB disposal aw under
public consideration and official discus
ton. It seems a proper time to call at
tention to certain phases of the que
lion htch most men are prone to ovu
look. Th present method ot handllr
hnrt.term Brieoners by ImposlnR perlou
Of Idleness 6n .them, while confined In
Jail Is In direct opposition to the law ot
Ood and the laws of nature. For Idleness,
Trbether In man or In plants, caus
decay. A vast amount of human energy
Is belnK wasted In our city and county
Jails, as at present administered. This If
a, subject that should rightfully bo clost
to the heart of all catena and tax
payer for It Involves a feature of
economic policy that Is yearly costing
taxpayers tens Of thousands of dollars.
The subject should be approached In a
spirit of broad minded liberality and with
a firm determination to decide the rrint
tor In a way to fully meet the demands
ot the future. For whatever we do to.
day must be with a thorough roatiza
lion that the adaquacy and final success
of tlia project will be determined by tht
test which future years will Impose. We
must think not only ot today's require
ments. but we must think of and build
for the future.
Tho Brcat fault of the ptnal system to
day Is the lack of any character build.
Ins Influence exerted on men doing short
time sentences In our penal Institutions
iiutrv has more of an Influence In
keenlnir men from yielding to teniptA'
tlon and falling Into criminal tendencies
thari any Other one thing. The tendency
of the first tenner is downward, owing
to the habits ot Idleness fofmed whlU
dolnrf time In Jail. Tho Inadvertent wrong
doer Is the one who suffers most, ho-
clety demands that the wrong doer be
Biinlshed and so a man. who orainamy
la well behaved and who gets drunk.
for Instance, and becomes disorderly, la
ent to jail In punishment
What Is the result?
The man is thrown Into contact with
the moat vicious criminals and In spite
of himself Is Influenced for the worst
and his character unconsciously aeterior.
aUs. Unrelentingly Bis new envlonv
nient operates for his degradation and
he finally goes forth a hanged man, af.
Dieted with the added burden of a
habit ot idleness acquired while in prises-
Thenceforth with the passing years
ho wost frequently becomes an. eyer In
creasing burden on society and a tax
on the community In which he Jives,
There Is Just one way, and only on,
that this tendency for evil can be corn
batted and overcome. This Is to put
the short term prisoner to work on the
soil, give him an Indeterminate sen
tence and by keeping hts hands and mind
occupied get him Into tho habit of work.
The work haMt thus foraeo will bo keet
up afterward and "Kill tend to make him
a law abldlntr cltlsen and a useful mem
ber of th community, 'whereas 14lni
can 6nly have tne oweslw ana dM
trout effect. Par after all m prtsitm .s
a eomparatrfe sws , wW ft
vi in mid tt fact t Wat man ta s
umUm af ImM. sni that smlsHs,
h4tar, cotst .sr s4, f ;sr
nh4 are beo with twmeuity,
the btwttttwgt AaMt t wot I
in a man it wt, In H tfceMMXrt, T-
matrt as a pi raw a sat asset ot his eh'
put a wan I an in sUtAir,
ventilat4 Ja an feeen. nm
sultan an rss'satfwt. That's kumati
tore; Tine ' man out ot doors
on a farm Where Ma kanes and mnd are
tax on the community.' It Is merely one
way of utilizing' waste tabor arid ot
arousing In unfortunate - men the com
nendable .Instincts of thrift 'and Indus,
After the buildings are flhtshed the
arm work would afford constant and
lelptul employment to the Inmates, being
in effect a practical - school for drilling
men along agricultural lines. An ' In
structor from one ot our agricultural col
leges should bo. placed in charge of 'this
department, whose duty would be the' In
struction of these men In the cent meth
ods of farm work. The produce raised
could be utilized in feeding the Inmates,
while such surplus as might Accrue coutd
be sold and the proceeds used In main
taining the Institution on a self-supporting
basis and thus afford additional re
lief to the taxpayers.
Manifestly sUch an Institution should
not be made the prey of politicians, but
should be placed beyond nil chance's of'
political manipulation. Especially should,
the general superintendent In charge be
free of all entangling pomtcat alliances.
He should be. a man maker, not, a man
breaker. There- Is a big difference n
breaking a man's spirit and turning htm
out on the word a ' spineless creature
without hope or ambition and In sending
him forth with, an optimistic spirit and
with the courage and the will to ac
complish better things.
That portion ot the farm devoted to
the handling, ot city garbage could also
be operated by the prisoners, who would
do oil the work with the exception, of
that requiring Specialised expert knowl
edge, which of course would be directed
by a man or-meh employed for the pur
pose. This department could be made
a source of profit by the sale ot by
products. The city of Cleveland makes
a net profit of about $8,000 a year from
its garbage plant. Furthermore, tho
separation and sorting ot waste matter
sent to the plant,' such as paper, oh)
rags, broken bottles and glass should
yield A profit. ', '
I believe, also, that the present method
pf handling wife beaters, wife deserters
And all Inen doing time .for: nonsupport Is
wrong. What good is accomplished by
shutting a wife beater, up In Jail, arid by.
thus outtlnir off the source ot family In-
come causo the Innocent wire and chil
dren to suffer and maybe become destl
tute? What benefit does society derive
by visiting tli a scourge of hunger and
want on the family Just because tho. hus
band beat the- wife or otherwise mis
treated hts family? Put tho man to
Work on the municipal fam and give
part of his earnings to his family, and
by this means -prevent them from becoriv
inc. a hopeless charge on titer community,
The result of suoh an Institution and
system could not tall to be a benefit t
the community In every way. X man
who leaves the farm as a first-class
worker In the soil with a good recom
mendation from the Brlnteiit would
have no tre-aWe to secure employment!
for the farmers IhretagKout all this west
ern ceuntry ,re conetwntly appearing for
stolita Net frftd 'Ara wHUag to W aWj
We new wis can' oWet4 tW UsJ of
wfc. ' ' r r " '
Chief Clerk for HcGovem May Work
for Water Board.
reteraon la Snl'd to Have) Criticised,
the ' Commlsslonrrs- Will tto
' If Unwell Offers ltlm ' -More
Chief Clerk Ed 1'eterson of the city
engineering department may go over to
the Water board owing to differences ot
opinion with City commissioners.. It Is
rumored that R. Oeecher Howell, general
manager of the Metropolitan Water dis
trict, has offered Peterson a berth.
"If Mr. Howell comes through with the
right kind of a proposition I'll accept,"
said Peterson. "They need a competent
man down there, The engineering otflco
wouldn't run very smooth If I left, but
they'd manage somehow to get along
without me.
"Fact -Is," Peterson added as an after
thought,, "Pve been of moref assistance
to the legal, department than to the en
gineering department. I don't know what'
they would have done without me. City
Attorney Rine and Assistant City At
torney Lambert are good lawyers, but
there aro a lot ot things they don't
Peterson, it Is said, has criticised the
commissioners "frequently and his con
nection with certain persons outside tho
city hall has led the commissioners to
question' tne- necessity 01 continuing his
services. Peterson once said: '
"This department cotildn't get along
wfthout me. You'd see If I- left what
'would happen. There's no danger of ray
losing- my Job,"
city uommissioner Thomas Mcaovern
jot the department of public Improv-
hunts, Peterson's employer, said he had.
never had a mlsundlorstandtng ot any
trouble with tho chief clerk.
"He's ma!tlnr more money now than
he. ever did under any Other adm!nlsj&J.
iion, nicvjuTorn enm. ui course, ir
Howell offers him mors money he will
probably JeAVe, That's up to Howell and
Many List Rooms
for Ak-Sar-Ben
About 4W namen with Addresses where
rooms are to bo had during Ak-Sar-Ben
week are already registered at tho In
formation bureau established at U1S Far
natn street E. V. Parrlsh, In general
charge, says tho bureau will need a list
of i.000 rooms In order to accommodate
tho crowds that will be nere next week.
He looks for an overflow Monday or
Tuesday and Is anxious to get the list ot
rooms well filled, so that visitors can all
be supplied when they arrive. Two tele
phones have .been established In the In
formation bureau. They are Tyler 175J
and 1781.
, Most Wondcrfal Ilealtnir.
After suffering' many years with a
sore, Amos King, Port Byron, N. Y.,
was cured by Bucklon's Arnica Salve.
25c For sale by Beaton Drug 'Co. Ad
vertleement j
More Committees
of Commercial Club
Favor the Charter
The municipal affairs committee ot the
Commercial club heard two more favor
able reports from Its sub-committees on
the proposed city charter at Uie rioonj
meeting. Thus far tho three BUh-com'l
mtttees that have reported'tfielr study ot
the provisions of the charter are the
parka and boulevards, the health, and
the fire protection And water supply.
There aro four more sUb committees to '
report on the charter. After that the
charter as a whole will be Considered by
the ' municipal affairs Committee. Tho j
committeo also expressed itseu as wen
pleased with the progress on the smoke
ordinance reported by Commissioner
Persistent Advertising Is the Iiond to
Dig Returns.
Fruit Laxative for Gross, Sick Child
Give Only California Syrup of Figs
Oleanses tender , little stomsveh,
liver and bowel without
griping OhUdrea love it.
Every mother realises that this Is the
children's ideal laxative and physio, be
cause they love its pleasant-taste and
It never-falls to effect a thorough "In
side cleansing" without griping.
When your hild'ls cross. Irrltaole.
feverish, or breath is bad, stomach sour,
look At the tongue, mother! Jf coated,
give a teospoohful of "California Syrup
of Figs," and In a few hours all tho
foul, constipated waste, sour bile and
Undigested food passes out of the bowels
apd you have a welt playful, child again.
When Its little system Is full ot cold,
throat sore, has stomach ache, dlorrhooA,
Indigestion, colic remember a good liver
and bowel cleaning should always be the
first treatment given.
Millions of mothers keep "California
Syrup of Figs" handy; they know a
teaapoonful today saves a sick child to
morrow. Directions tor babies, children
of all ages and grown-ups are plainly
on, each bottle.
-Ask your druggist for a GO cent bottle
of "California Byrop of Figs." Beware
ot counterfelta sold here. Get -the gen
uine, made by "California Fig- Syrup
Company." Refuse any other tig syrup
with contempt
"hev. Charles W. Savldge, familiarly
known as the "marrying parson," had
a .busy day of It Wednesday, when he
united four couples In matrimony. After
All had been said and done, ho totaled his
rtcordk and found that since the last
capitulation he 'had addejd 100 more wed
dings to his already long list, brmelng
h record up to 2,800.
Croket Little Legs
May b etralghtemed with cor
rect orthopedic appliances.
Expert work is alIitlr Rcer,
Tk W. t. CkYtUU C.
SetFtteal Ael IrtaUcI Supplies
1410-ia HMraer St. Ifhoo DoagIs 1155.
"Bmy ymmr tmratcml ppHum tthtrm year mhytietmn hvyu hit"
Omaha In the last three of four weefca
ha 1n selected by three mMI
ee4fema for ther next meetlnsf We,
One is Mm Aseeciatlea of Abstracters and
THt another the Metofftee clerks
kept busy sM H hmtmm cheerful Knd the third the' Hattena! Aseodatten
ADtlmtetlti. Kantan stature a sain, u I f TaIUt Carriers. "The letter, carriers
The first JMttw foMrs criminal ten- met this year In Ban Francisco, the Ar
dencies: ana Weeds defiance of the Iaw. eWaet men In Sandusky, O., and' the post-
Office Clerks IW Cleveland. The letts
. ... ... , . . . . . . .
carriers meet nere in me jwo
next year. These conventions are ex
pected to bring 3,099 delegated to Omaha.
tL ITarmlsl, grocer, 135 North. Twenty.
fourth street, was fined S0 Siva eeets In
poHe court fer violating the milk ordl.
tiAHce. Harmitl bought mltk inulk and
kettleA It on his Memtees. Ma was ar-
reetad by Dairy Insaeeter BeMde.
The second method promotes- a heaRhful
mental Attitude .nd cultivates a deslra
tor right living, It glvea a matt a ehance
to TKt stArted n the right track; it
-vttWiy pictures to. hint tho possibilities
and the rewards ot Industry And thrift
aAd thus gives him the habit of work,
The more drones, tho more Idlers in a
u cwnmwnlty, the greater financial burden
mut th community carry. Naturally
It. behoove the community to wipe nut
u far m acseible the reeruHlag centers
of id'ers a how maintained in our pHi
There ant e an averasM from fe-rty is
sixty 5 short -term prtocimrs eeneUatlr
oenfisad 1st. tfce olty aod eewntr ialk of.
Otaaha asid Pewsrtss eowaty, ef
wbesm eeasjs M twtpayera s eewts a
24r mealsu'V Tow mmm that H rmtom
ml Veast s) aaiiy to feed these
tm a meirtk, s-aorxlmtty T,Mb
year. Ana ffcese mvsm, Meet et im are
-vigorowi and aayasee pt wefk,
a bidden ttadw ka frisint syssssg frees,
doing any MeC that wtM srv te red
She eet' 4 Mr WNsrMsjsAAOs, It hi
YeaaoKaMe to ncpeet tkt w tapyK I u Isj te suffer wHA-r hewwatosa,
1 . I. . B ,U. I . . . . . 4 I . . . . . .
on wmmi in mvrwvn w vh w,rnia m All erNHHeW, Am sM ui oi
reets wtut eswy tee wnnm haw tvesk Ma Kwwt-wreinAiAg yelns,
llevea or this joo; it tnty couia ne jriy wh9n ym Mn tv04 tL
assured t&atihst metnoa proposea to ao- Mmu?u tiuw.
compMh tke pifrpoae Is practical of opr-1 kjdnjjt, that fall to rtiur from the bloat
atjon ana iair w the polfwnoue wase ssAtter AnaSurJa Acta
the establishment of a municipal work
house And Industrial farm, combined with
a garbage plant ot such design as may
ceem most advisable, wnetner reduction
-or Incinerator.
This farm should be located within an
approximate distance ot ton miles from
the city at a point which could be made
accessible to the belt line, and should
comprise not less than 380 acres In order
to provide for all the requirements ot the
next twenty years at least. Tho first
work te be dons on this land would
necessarily bar the erection ot the build-
,rrr, ,,j.ipu . or iw io
Z . - . . . U Is practically Imposrtbie to take
jerwara bob sauacvaniy py me enon; K. nMit thV
term prtsoritra serving Indeterminate
sentences, who of course would work
under the. direction pf a skilled superin
tendent hired for the purpose. Alt the
brick for the buildings could be made
right oa the ground from material sup-
1 ...
Grimcls .uid uprights uprights from $5&0 up; Qntnda $800 up.
Kranioh & Bach Piano
BrtktifJi apngktih-upnghtg from $450 up; graeds $750 up
Buh & Lane Pianos
Qraade .,,..., $650 Uprights from $350 up.
Kimball Pianos
Grands from . . $625 tip. TJpnglita from $375 tip. k
Cable-Nelson Pianos
Mftigany, whiaut and oak cases; from $250 np. Payments to suit.
Bargain Pianos
Uprights at 95, $85, $98, $115,, $125, $10, $175, $000, $225.
The are all well known makes, .Such as Malta, Bradbury, MeOam
mi, XaUat Dftrif , Xhabaih Hocp, Oramar, Burtett, Ottiskariiiff
and aaiany others. t ' '
Prss Sto.9l Frss Scurf
Frss Dslivsry
and the only way te overcome It Is ti
! re mora the cause.
Croxone does this because It neutralise
and UUMaWes the poleenoue subetanr
fcnd urlo acid that lodge In the Julnt
and caVse rheumatism, and cleans o
and strengthens the stopped up, initctlvi
Jldneya, n they can filter the poUoi
rom the njcod, And drive It on and qui
pt the syetera.
Croxone-is A truly remarkable rnedlo'o
for rheutriatlsm. . kidney Uo,bls
bladder disorders You will find. It differ
from other remedies. There la ncthliu
alae Just like It It mattsra not hftw old
without results. JUlUf follows the" firs
few doses, and' you will be. surprised ho
gulekly at) misery and suffering will end
An original puokage of Crotone roa
but A trifle and all druggteta rn lthriV
Istd to sell-u on a positive rooney-hACi.
1C13-15T5 Douglas St.
Piled In Abundant quantities by the kale f'r J
txwSs near the elty. The seaxonry, eat- w "''w ' ' 7 I ' M"T ,v
sentenr and nalntlnK work eould be don J VWeosae the wpret b,ckache or urinary
by the prisoners, eaeh man being . lwrdr.-sAUvertUement
sgita to the work of his U4W Those
who nave no trades, suck as clerk and
office men, could be iflvrn the duties of
time keepers, the ntakleg e-f payroll gnl
ueH ethr eierloAl werk as Is always re- J
quired by large bulWIng operations, while
the sui-jUw tl this t.. of labor, It any, '
rouM be Mtt to work oft the sell. The
rscuH -mwM be that the buildings when .
bully eentpfeted, as well as all other
PerMAttet IswoviwenU on the farm, 1
www ast eoet tae taxpayers nothing, or
srsetlealty AtW. In money, and would
Use mean tfca Mntate saving to tiem
f tine of dollar by reason of the,
HWt ot verk fst te mtai who others
esJUt a large proportion ot caeee
m - Mlr Aad BAbUuA ertmttMtto
jeaaa tsesnri is AiwAys an APuaHtosr
Ak-8tfr-e 8e:Wr Eljfln or
Waltkam Watches, Ir 20-year
gold flUC flaew, a 7C
$16.00 value, for.. O
Wf ' Nattossal )Mk HtMtRC.
Now la tho. time to reallxe a material saving. ,'Jon't wait until
the first cold anap when the rush of orders often prevents prompt
deliveries. Order now. Save money; avoid Inconvenience,
nonanEa SmokvleM Arkaa geml-Atvthraclte, from iara. . .S7.35
Ile-scrrenexl .....,.. ... ., $$.25'
Sotvsy CoVe cm a ra J.OOi Nt (for beburHcrs) SttOO
Kart) Coal at Bamr Prices.
Central Coal & Coke Co. Lu
PW Douglas 1X21. 405 Scwtk 15tk Stnsat.
The Novelty Store
The Sale of Mien's &Womenys
Slip-on Rain CoatsKfor
Less than 50c on the Dollar
Ladles' and . Misses' Bulta and Coats of varioaa
styles, makes and materlAls, ddda and ends
picked up by our buyers at prices fwm
'way les tiiaa cost, garments worth JLf Nk
to f 17.50, Friday onlr UsUVI
A -sew- lot of Pretty Fall Dresses, ms3 of
All WppL Sergo, la all the ff
latest styles, worth to 6.00, J
all go Friday.. st-aOU
fre'tty gaits, made "in all- the latest styles,
worth to aao'.O, Krouned im 6bo' sr
lot for Friday selling, JJ
Hamples of nigh-clnss Suits and Coats, no two
alike, made to sell At $20 to 980.00
thoy all go la oh big lot; for SlJf RR
Friday at. ..... . . ........ ; f'
Over 5H)0 Skirts, will bo placed on ., m
sale for Friday la three Iota J Jl QD
ai.08. a.os d..., t'sUu
worth to fff.OO,
Worth 69c,
Best Grades
of Calico,
light and dark
colors, yard,
per yard,
Pure Linen
regular lljc
quality, yard.
Flaauel, ,
dark aad light
per yardr
Blcaclied aad
4 c
i 5e Oecmaa
Tore host, Xiaew,
Doable Fold
worth lB&c,
Mt, per yard,
leagthe of
Table Ltaen,
worth' 50c, at,
Extra Large
Friday only,
Fancy Ribbon,
a in. wide,
at, yard,
f 1 aad 1 3
Kkl Gloves,
1.0 tp $3.00
Boys1, Ofcrk'
aad Children's
Sweater Coats;
99c, 69c And
i.oo sa-inch
All Wool
Serges, yard,
Short lengths
Drees Goods,
Worth to 83c,
at, yard,
One lot ot
Aprons, some
damaged and
some perfect,
Ladies' HfHte,
worth ia$c,
12 He Socks,
Coats' Thread,
all aambers,
black 4fc white,
7 spools for
9-4, fer, yard,
9-4, for, yard,
Men's 10c
$4.00 aad
$5.00 Ladies',
Trimmed Hats,
for Friday
91.96 and
Fine quality
Cotton Crash,
Homo Journal
Patterns, '
worth dOc and
15c, at, each.
Short lengths
Heavy Oating
worth lc,
at, yard,
Drees Goods,
Popiine, etc.,
worth to W5c,
at, yard,
School Shoes
for Children,
Boj'H aad
Toll da Nord
worth 12e,
at, yard,
20c Grade
Galatea Cloth,
Men's Outlag
39 c
The Novelty Co,
214-216-218 No. 16th STREET
THe Business OooortuniiieAl
Your chance to make money
may lie in a want ad in The Bee. Others have '
made money throngh acting upon opportunities
offered in the "Business Chances" columns of
The Bee. Follow this department every day
It offers rich fields for investments and pre
sents many advantages that you will find no
where else. The Bee gets results that count for
the most Learn by using these ads.
1m Waat Ad DtjMurtmtnt.
Tyltr 1000
Tke drawing ad cut will coat 7e only $3.50. Let
T Bee .Engraving Plant do your work.