V HEAL ESTATR CITY l'ROI'I.RTY FOrt SALE. Six-Room House Hot Water Heat 1514 No. 41st Street One block from car, on asphalt paved ftrcet; high, atghtly location; eut front lot. llouso haa been built about four years and hat first-class plumbing and heating throughout; every room It nicely decorated; has reception, room, parlor, dining room and kitchen on first floor: three sleeping rooms and bath on second floor; every room on both floors Is fin ished In hard wood. Has city water, rower, gas and bath. Here Is a chance to buy a well-built home In a good loca tion at a reasonable price and small pay ment cash, the balance ; monthly iay ments. HASTINQB & HKYDEN. 1614 Harney Bt HANSCOM PARK HOME With Now Hot Water Heater For Li ttlo Money ISM 8. 26th St., Just three blocks from Cross-town line and three blocks from Park line full two-storr, east front house. In first-class' repair;-parlor (with S!SESf' fm, kitchen, four ,a"1m and. bath. Latest stylo open fixtures and a brand new Amirinit 'Utor hot water heating laKtT iuar anteedj to heat the house In coldest Daev.nhAnUt fuel "ot JUph.lt S? in .n pa,d ,n tall; tlUa clear of all Incumbrances. The birri. w. f2aMO-t0..,f.Unr,n Omah? for on renl?' oiu. 7t. balance Ilk wulck possession given. Don't neglect to seeus about It. onV PAYNE Sr. ST.Anrrnro nn So?o Agents. 616- Omaha Natlonm Bank. acrrv i - 1 iiwnai uanK, J50 Cah Balance $2 Per Week for Two Lota on North West Hill nIi b,,c,ks,i 0J? r Ames Ave. aSd.sh?ubbe?y. fenCed' wltn 8m tree, flafW ESTATE CO.. Omaha Nafl. Doug. 2718. Evenings; H. 8g or HTtuf. $300 Cash v 3"ilkl for yu the t payment on a dandy 6-roora modern, complete, nearly J2rrMDK,i01I: Th"i. p,a 8 close to , ind, near "hool. Is In a very fine residential district. Will make you 0. j8h?forUWs hom8, Addre" 48 r SAy vm.0(lern-can bo yours for 300 ond the balance monthly, ft has oik tcmernted basement. It's worth seeing-today. Address 44th and Wirt. One block east of the street car. CIU3IQH, 8ON8 & COMPANY, Phone Douglas 200. m Dee Bldg. . WEST FAUNAS! HOME. Owing to absence from city will offer for sale new and completely modern ten room residence, la B. asth Ave. Tel. H. 1&S3 . SW1NULEY & OlPfi, REAL ESTATE. Have moved from 136 Bee Bldg. to fifth .floor, room 840. TO BUJt, HEL.lt UK Ruiy., FlKbT f.MB JOHN W. RUUB1N3. W fc'AR.NAM "i for U,X). Owner must xell at.d IU,,uw, m cash. gota It, Address B-335. caro Bee. . 1111 i! X?l..ixr C Llf,lr -nnm, . .V 'Just southwest of Hanscom Park, t large rooms, beautifully , decorated throughout. Only tiw cash, balance jjiorithly. . J PAY.NE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Douglas 1781. Ware Block. ABSTRACT til-' TlTLifl. -ip:.?A5stract Co- PWest abstract ot c lh Nebraska, r6 Brandoit Theater. A sTB Bt at rin ku aivcs V j WANt'to1 sell for cash only, my ten ...acres in Omaha.- Address C-S39, care Bee. t-jrw . r -KKAIi ESTATE. FARM A RANCIC LAAU8 ,FOH. SALE ' ... Canaan. -FOR SAUE-Becdme wealthy; there's ' ,sSftu?. ln 0l- acres,- 2 miles from S.W0 city, witntn 3 miles Of proposed aw.000 .stock yards, tsdlt fertile, good water! terms reasonable. Address T. Bteadman; ownw. Suite fU, AIian dor Cor Calgary. Alta.. Can. ' Colorado. )U. BAIESO acres under culUvaUon Wd f ence; no lniprovemenU; good Oer man settlement, Uoiith Platte valley. Northeastern Conlorado; plenty of wator! J3.6W cash, balance on ilme at 7 per Colo. rU? - Boi m Montrose, TftiP BABrX acres, all under cul tv4tlon, well Improved, in South PhUte t lJfy' """heastcrn Colorado. " n Bur! SSi2r:w.plenlr or watcr for '"Igatlom f-i06100 lMir ucre- one Pit cash, bal- O. Box 301, Montrose. Colo. JfcHVL flni' 2 ?"e rn town, 40 miles from Minneapolis. On main road telephone and mall route. U acres under cultivation. 6 acres taeadowbnce tlm! br.,p24ture'Ittnd vel and Jn good condlUon. Good 4-oom house, ban? Kranary. corn crib and other outbulidinS All in good condlUon. Price $1.800 1 ChS E. Bwanson. Elk River. Minn. 'A- SPLENDID 183-a"cre farm. 2 mllM from town. 40 miles from MlnneapoUs r acres under cultivation, 10 acres meadow balance pasture with some very gSd UZbrv"uch.a oak maP'e and boiawowL Running spring water In pastured Black loam soil with clay subsoil. Level H good.- sut of culUvaUon. Owd T-?oim house with cellar; good barn, , craES? Bheds, corn cribs ana other outbulkuSS.' Good well -and water with windiLon od buildlngsrgood S'i" runnTnTS in pasture, school house on T corner ieU oPh,KSi,ftnd roa,1 route W per acre a! , C Anderson, Iamberton, Minn. UaatRsu, MONTANA lRRlOATED LANDS. Us. your Carey right and tecure a ub-acr .-arm in lamous Valjer country, tehatm J bushels per acre; no drouth, sure ffpi!Llanda reduce splendid alfalfa and timothy; diversified farming is carried on under ld.eal conditions. Write today tor booklet: Vaiier Kurtn Sales Coi. juja. vaiier Montana 1 U1VN1 ..a.i. .. . ' " mo oiw n runcn you want. JtlMiufSK 'or vou to step Into. Beau--tifuHy' ajtuated In pine hllta; 100 cows .helfe"s on ranch, good buildings. a-?ap,WBter'-,w ton hy. 80 acres ai'al- prtct and easy price on l?ilvCS,F,furer Particulars write to Hcywood Daly, Knowlton. Mont Utah. landrfritUIiBNXriSh?cr,a DE0T We can P-RJ-V-E it pSc.e lUOHr sag agglfg's o a ttj. -. v-n rrn . .ia g'""1 -CiAVllAiVUE. Jt. E mX -e ,-".1baement In TMumsSR' nl?fcii,nt locaUo1n' ao 180 iotamg Buffalo Ka.n , will exchange for rood Co.. unlontown. Kan. u .J BAIs'k OK TRADE For horse,, cat." tie or cleir town property) Twenty acres and a tofn lot In ths onion belt of Texas" twenty re and two town lots, between two good towns on gulf coast of Texas; two nlca residence lots In on of the best towps -if Wyoming h half section of good farm 'and six miles from Kimball, Neb.: first- lass properties; clear, but slight encumbrance. Address Box 64. Albion, GRAIH AND PRODUCE MARKET Hedging Sales on Northwest Wheat Are Liable to Increase. CASH BUYERS ARE NEEDED PnrcJinaers Must Also Be of n Char acter that Will Hold the Wheat Strictly for Slerchandls Injr Purposes. OMAHA, Sept 23, lOlS. While hedging sales of wheat on north west account were only moderate yester Ifi tcy wm '"crease from day to day v.l.tney hocomo of enormous site. In addition to the transactions on tho new crop at Chicago yesterday there were against tho hew Canadian crop. The, wheat world realizes the fact that Chicago is the only point with ample money to Influence a wheat crop tho else of that which has been raised In the four spring wheat states at well as the west rn Provinces of Canada. pr course, a great deal of the Canadian wheat will be taken care of by foreigners, put up to the present time their sales of IS8 feWi crop 'iavo onIy be ft drP ln i 80 t0- 'Peak, when compared with the big transactions for thfr corre sponding time last year, A period has arrived when the wheat crop must bo taken enre of or prices will decrease sharply and to a level where thftv 1111 ttr,.it- mhu i . ., Tt....tHM P?we.r ! needed at this particular time. Vu",uv uo 01 a cnaracter that wm hold the wheat for a merchandising pur. F il010,;. weU as here ara Inclined 7 """"" on casn wneat tor nearoy delivery. Some of these same people are futures "lo more ueicrreu ' wjlt Kfflo lower. the froit k rC Wft.S e0mo com bouBnt 00 -of.H belt, the strengh was hifii XT,lvSe;LlnpamonB tha old-time bull crowd I that It jrom be an easy mat- iiniii t . "l. on xne duu siae, ,L"iS?.a tJne as tne actual corn be- far been iacior tnan it hat thua hushiSJ ?1S.ed V7,,1.110 "norease of 2.49S.0O0 mnvtai r,,?i1,J(,J?.buhl.. the situation lnt v. . "eansn, as the VISlBlo total ckLYS Ie" than 0.000.000 bushels. p7" "to 140 lower. Suo nu a0w bu-s corn' onei oat8' coVnVTiidCl0oer.WUh What W lowers ainhsrorVbT. a? "bfetea?: and 'h,pme"tB 0 ..Plm-ary corn receipts were 920,000 b 4!b0uf.fa1.cabrU and P"16"18 r,m7tJ' ""'PiS M,X) bu H 1.'262:00! b"- and "hlpmentt oi piwv u " mn year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. wneat corn. Oats cmcago j3 645 3S4 junneapoiis , 801 JJUlUth SSI Omaha 41 Kansas City 07 St Louis 3J WlnnlDee- nn S3 5T 31 41 12 31 TJ,eA0M,wlml Cfth sale" were reported! iWKV?i?I Ji-i.,ha,'d "Inter. 3 cars. 81c; 1 bulkhead, SWc. No. S hard winter? 1 - iiu, nam winter, 1 car, 7He. No. 8 spring, 1 car. 8JJ4C No. ? BprlnC;i,:l bulkhead, 80V4c. No. 4 spring, - '"'jL.'r7:.""- J nuxea, 1 car,. sic: l car, sOHc. No. 4 mixed, 1 car. 80c; 1 car. raJ4c. Corn. No. 2 white. 1 car, 73c. No. S white, 3 cars, 72c. No, 2 yellow, 6 cars. 72Hc. No. 8 yellow, 9 cars. 72Wc; 7 cars 72ViO. No. 4 yellow, 2 cars, 72c, No. 2 " x. . o luixea, 11 cars, 72o. No. 4 mixed, 2 cars, 71Hc; 1 car, 71Uo- . rue, x car, mc. oats: Dianaara, a cars. 41c. No.' 3 white. 4 1741;, o uurs, uc. no graae, 1 ear, 39c. hard, 81MMo; No. 3, hard. .8081c: No. JJWSL,0 8y yellow, (72iio; No? 3 yellow; 72Uc; No. 3, 72df No, 4, 71WlWo; no grade. 61 Woe. Oats-No. 2 white, 4lUHc; standard, 4lc; No. 3 white. 40lofic; No. 4 white, 4040Mc Barley; Malting, 6774o; No. 1 feed, 672c. Rye; No. 2, 68H60o; No. 3, eS-gCSHc SALE Oil EXOIIANGE It. K. E'OR EXCUANOE Two now and all modern houses, rental (60 per month, value 210,000; will exchange for general merchandise stock. . Address 3303 R St.. Lincoln. Neb, FOR TRADE 2 eighty-acre tracts of nice farm land, located near Ardmoor, S. O. One eighty 1V4 miles from Ard moor, one 3',4 miles. Want 215 per aero. Encumbrance 11.000. h'ur remaining 214,000 would take cattle: Address Mrs. yiyoa it-ecu, isauei, s. u.. uox ajz. A BAKER (Victoria) electric automot bile In first class condition; will sell cheap or exchange for vacant lot; equity in cottage or diamonds. E. T. Heyden, SALE OR Excm REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm and Knack Lands. FARM FOR RENT A fine dairy farm with 9 head cattle, horses, sheep, poul try, etc., for rent to a No. L man who has means to Dlace more cows on tha Place and run "it right Fine building and water. About 175 miles from Minn eapolis. A No. 1 land. This Is a chance pt life tune, but don't answer unless you have soma means and best of references. A very cheap cash rental will bo mada to right party. Address Y 270, Be. REAL KHTATit. LOANS OMAHA hornet East Nebraska farm. O-KEEFL REAL ESTATE "o0 1018 OMAHA NATIONAL. Douglas 371 LOANS of 11,000 and up desired on lm proved real estate. Large loans a specialty. W. if lnfin 228 State Bank Bldg. LARGE loans our steclalty, Stull Broa. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Fartmtn at b" ?ATJ irOAWt'. Uemls-Carlberg Co., -wvt V1 11 W tUVIfi tlO-12 Branduls Theater Bldg. HARRlauN a, MORTON. V16 Om, Nat. gaiivln ifflOB.fea3r.tsa taB WANTED City loan. Fetera Trust Co. LIVE HTOCK MaRICET OF WEST Ship live stocx to Houth Omaha, Save mileage and shrinkage. , Tour consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stack Commission Merchants. MARTIN BROS. St CO.. Excnang Bid LEGAL NOTICES. s-iorc-iia 'ianv n "o rs))ji;uj )ou 'rjuawruitui rao -isnui pu rBjiwquin 's)E03jaAO 'ssijojbm 'suna 'BOgtre OHUVtq aipunq 'sisauo Kxoq 'BJiurui jo AuHsiBuoo 'silanjv snoauvuaociw ;o so(d ooo osrv -uoiflum POO -d 'IJOAiaj JOMJ, Sd03Kia bvauvj !apjui sof 'area oiduiwr :u..SnBUB4U j -wwi 'jausu ninf 'jbiiu.w k T luoan itaiiUBU T O outu.i -v v i0 iuaH Wa 'rSuhwsh uaqou uasguuf poi I!8zwbh jI "V 'pusjjiirBus A T J)tUD PA"on 'Msnaua 0VX.i bi uapa.O 'A O 'Bas)ina ! j pu(XBtti 7ai(3 ixvs ouusk -sjk 'Jaduiv lajzuaM 'ont pou OnBuapiu eiM-tit 'pooMJiovia bxbuo 'Zioa UdlBU 'qqm Oiuum "Sill Xqa ,olD 'uuwp43 u 'jiooo loo 'isttniuiaMZ udasor ,utnil uoiXa 'JcunJi out liroJUnj? vi ii 'JBnaz qwaa fWM. sk sauror sauor v & 'snunJi aewajB txoujaix 'V "1 7puJifl J911UAV 'uaBiiar oiio 'uuoaivn puouiAu 'simojc eilioiv SBIIf pa4Ui SJIUIU) swaubj pajuiB.i tpios uaaq rvif uv niun Xp tjosa jnou ouxvt om auinuuuoa pun fjjj 'g aaooion XpMup9jv iu 'd noop.o i )v autouaui -tuoo HWJqaN oquio 'IB MIS! ifWow 151 -ok f uo3mi j p;ot q m aauj -q pawrojoun uuo;io; oqx uononv .tNv.iivoa avoaaivir ouiovj noina ClIICAdO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Frntarea ot he Tradtna; nml Closing; Prices on Board of Trade CHICAGO, Sept. S3.-Whpat suffered a break in price today owing to an ex traordinary enlargement ot tho world's available supply, chiefly In Canada. The close was nervous, H to T91o low. Other leading staples too, all showed net declines; corn, Ucj oats, Hto KflHo; provisions, 10ffl7Hc. World stocks of wheat nearly doubled the encrease exhibited at this time a year ago. As soon aa this became publlo the market began to give way under heavy selling. The decline was accelerated by assertions that almost surely Canada Sould make wheat free by January L oforo the descent was checked, prices of December and May reached a new low level for the year. Stop loss selling ot wheat took place all tho way down and the market seemed to have but little power to rally. Traders appeared to lose sight ot what had bolstered prices In the early part of the day, tho fact that the amount ot wheat on hand In Elevators hero was dlnltnsh lng( and promised to do so for an In definite time ahead. Corn weakend late In tho session bti account of the bear turn In wheat. Prior to that, the market had been controlled by the bulls with the aid of the weather which threatened to interfere with cur., relit arrivals and Dosslbly do some dam age In late fields. Oats, were under con siderable speculative selling pressure. Shippers took only moderate quantities., Lower pricia' for hogs and grain car ried down provisions. There was heavy selling credited to the big packers, es pecially In the last hour. Artcls.l Open. IIIgh. Low. Close.! Yesfy. Wheat Sept 82' 8T 81 UK Dec, May. Corn 89U S7t !-- 74U1 1 93 HOW Sept Dec 7iU 72HV4 724i May. Oats f73HO; 73 !78(S1j73H(3iii Sept. Dec. May, 41H 13HH 40W 42H 40H 421i 41KGU 43H H 2015 20 22Vi 2107H 48 Pork Jan.,' 20 08-06 2010 97V4 19 97W May.. 20 07Vi 20 30 2016 aoiTHl Lard 1 ' i Jan ..111 02-03 11 06 I 10 96 ,10 87H May,. 11 15 . 11 15 Ribs I Jan.. 10 E7U 10 00 111 10-12U10-U 11 20-22 10 50 10 62ttl 10 50 10 51W 10 10 75 May. 10 72H 10 72H H 10 Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 3 red, 81K093o; No. 3 red, OOflSGo; No. 2 hard, 8(tfS3c; No. 3 hard, S&OS7tto; NO. 2 northern, SSS9c; No. 3 northern, $Sc; No. I sorlnv. 87ie9a: No. 3 sDrlng, 6 SSc; velvet chaff, 25ft$9c: durum, SJSSSc. com: mo. z, nwif ifw: sso. .z wnite, itw 76c; No. 8 yellow. 7iyi5ttc; No. 3, 71 Q75ci No. 8 white, 7575Uc; o. 3 yellow, 74H75Ua Oats: No. 3 white: llU2c; standard, 42W42Hc Rye: No. 2, 66M,Xf67c. Barley: 03S2c. Seeds: Timothy, 83.766) 6.25; clover, 39.00ll.25. Provisions: Pork, tzz.oo; law, Jii.irapii.w; rms, iio.7&u.z&. KOOS Unchanged; receipts, 7,858 cases. POTATOES Unsott lod ; receipts, 120 cars; Mlchlgna and Wisconsin, 76 83c; Minne sota and Ohio, 82fS3c. POULTRY Unchanged. OMAHA UUKKIIA1, MARKET. BUTTER No. 1, 1-lb. cartons, a2c; No, L 00-lb. tubs. 31c; No. 2. 29c. FISH-Whlte, fresh, 14c; trout freak, lie; lurgu uruppies, fresn, lao, Spaaun mackerel, 15c; vhud roe, per pair, salmon, fresh, 10c; halibut fresh, lOo; bullttlo, Vc; uullhituds. l3ot chaunl cat tush, IHo; pike, 16c; pickerel, 11c CHEEBE Imported Swiss, 82c; Ameri can Swiss, 2tio: block Swiss, Ho; twins, 17c; daisies, l7Uc; triplets, Ho: young Americas, lsc; blue label brick, UVio; Urn berge'r, 8lb., zoo; York, white, 19c, POULTRY -Broilers. Ho per lb.; liens, 16c; cocks, 12c; 'ducks, 18&20o;' geese, Uc, turkeys, 20&23c; Pigeons, per doz 81.20; toosters, 'fo; ducks, full feathered, llo; geese, lull feaUietcd, 10c; equata. No. U Ltu: No. 2, (0c Wholesale prices of beet cuts offeotlv today In Omaha are as follows: BEEF CUTR-RSbs: No. 1. 1744o No. 2, 100 ; no. , uxo. uiwii i, xc; u. 2, 15c; -No. 8, 13V4c: Chucka: No. 1, 10c; No, 2, SHoi No, 3 Sc. Rounds: No. 1..14o: No. 2. 12c: No. 3. 12o. Plates: No. 1, 7Ho; Nd. 2, Hc; No. 8, 8c. tlte OlIltnsKy Fruit corapasyi - -FRUITS Fancy California Salwav i'pekche's. per. box, "2V4c;100 box lots; 70o; zau poriou, vines juxira iancy uoioraao, Utah, Idaho and Washington Klb-ertae at !er box, 76c: ioo box lots, 7ifcj; 250 box ale, 79c Extra fancy Colorado or Utah tier Bartlett pears, box, 32.25; 8 box lots, 82,20: 25 box lots, .82.15. Choloe Utah or Colorado, 5 tier Bartlett pears, box, 12.25; extra .fancy Colorado Bartless pears, box, 82.75; Capo Cod cranberries, due September 15th or earlier, per 100-Qt barrel, 88-25. VEGETABLES Potatoes, large Cob. bier, per bushel, 75c. Onions, California, large yellow, per pound, 8Wc, Tomatoes! homegrown, per market basket. 60o; i crate lots. 45;. Watermelons. Alabama sweet, p6r pound, ttcj 6-rato lots, per pound. Hie "w MISCELLANEOUS Roasting ears, per ot, l5o; Michigan eelsry, por do,, sec: Mott's cider, per keg, . 88.80: Nenawka elder, per keg, K.SS; asparagus, per dot., Ho; rhubarb, Per dot., 20c; omoea, per dot.. 20c; nnw bests, carrots, tumlps, per dot., 30c; parsley per dot., 40c t radishes, per doz., 20c; hoAd lettuce, per dot., tl.O): homegrown leaf lettuce, per dot.. 24c: green peppors, per basket 60c; wax tor green beans, per basket 11.00; hothouse cucumbers, V-ir dor., 40o to S0o; cauli flower, per lb,. lOSUWc: Venetian garUo, per lb lVAw new cabbage, per lb., c; sggpLant, per croz., 3LW;. horseradish, 8 dot. bottles ta case, per case, Jl.9; Dromedary brand dates, pkg., $3.00; Anchor brand dates, .pkg., J83; walnuts. No. 1 soft shall, per lb.. 80c; medium pecans, per lb., liMa; Jumbo pecans, per lb., Uc; giant pecans, Louisiana, paper shell, per lb., 26c; filberts, prlb 16a; Drake almonds per lb. tfo, paper shell 18c; Brazils, per lb., 19a; large washed, per lb., ,12c; black walnuta. per lb., Jiic; raw No. 1 peanuts, per lb., 7c: jumbo pea nuts, per lb., so: roast peanuts, per lb., VAo; ehellbark hlckorynuts, per lb., 4o; white rice popoorn. per lb., 4q; checkers, Ber 100-package case, 88.50; checkers, per -pkg. case. 31.76; Lcstls berry boxes, quarts. P.er 1,090. 13.7a, Netr Vorlc General, Harkei, NEW YORK, Sept 23.-SUOAR-.Raw, steady; muscovado 8.17c; centrifugal, 3,S7c; molasses, 3.92c; refined, steady; cut loaf, ,t,60c; crushed, 6.50a; mould A, 6.16c ; cubes, 5.06c; XX XX powdered, 4.95c; powdered, 4J0o; fine granulated, 4.80c; diamond A, 4.80c; confectioners' A. 4.65c; No. U 4.55c. BUTTER 8 teady: receipts, 11,010 tubsf creamery extras, 2222V49; firsts, '2814 81c; creamery held extras, 81Vfr832c; firsts, 28031c; state dairy finest, 3o31o; good to prime, 27929c; process extras, XI 27Hc: firsts. 25H026Hc; Imitation cream ery firsts, 2314f26c; factory current mako firsts, 24Uc: packing stock, June make. No. 1. 24c; No. 2. 2323Kc CHEESE Steady; receipts, 6,709 boxes; state whole milk white and colored spe cials. 16ViM$4c; average fancy, 16&l6o; skims. 11J413HC ' EGOS Irregular; receipts, 17,824 cases; fresh gathered extras, 33036c: extra first. 3t&32c; firsts, 28$30a; seconds, 25327c; re frigerator special marks, fancy, charges paid. 26t4ff27c; firsts. 226cr Pennsyl vania and nearby hennery whites. 40 ,4c: western gathered whites. 2830c. POULTRY-r-Dressed, Irrogular; fresh killed western chickens, I9e2ic; Xowls. 13itljP194e; turkeys, lBQOOc. ' Kansas City Grain and Prorlalons, KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Sent. 22. whkak Cash: No. 3 hard, B&OOo; No. 3. 83 89Hc; No. 2 red, Wa3c: No. 8, OOJJWc CORN-No. 8 white, Ve; No. 8, 7014 OATS No. 2 white, 4Jo; No. 2 mixed, Cloning prices of futures: WHEAT SeDtemlxtr. 82Uc: Dv.MTihr 84c ' ' CORN Serytmber. TM! o. TWmK. tioh rtuA -'. , butter creamery. 80c: flrata. ssni seconds, 27c; packing, 28c EGOS-Firsts, 24c; seconds, l5o. POULTRY Hens, 12c; roosters, 9o; ducks, 10c; springs, 1314c minuenpolls Grain Market, MINNEAPOLIS. Sept 23.-WHMATU.ij 1 hard, tWio; No. 1 northern, SSliflrciio: No. 2 northern. 81U683!4qs No. 8 harci Montana, 8314c; No. 3 wheat. 18l4G8111c; Stcmber, 81Ho; December, 8(Wc; May) FLOUR-Unchanged. BRAN-Unchanged. CORN No. 3 yellow, 7070Wo. OATS-No, 3 white. 2814SSc. RYE No. 2, 570600. FLAX-I1.8ll4i31 4t BAULEY-53if70t THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1913. HEW YORK JHKK MARKET Optimism Inspired by Previous Rise ia Seourities Oozing. Away, ANOTHER SPURT IN READING More Than Ordinary Interest At taches to Disposition ot Largo Offerings of Sooth African Gold at London, NEW YORK, Sept SS.-8peculatlva son Hment today was bearish. The optimism inspired by the rise In securities early In the month haa beon oozing away during daya ot hesitation and dull trading, and today board room gossip was mldly pestlmlstlo In tone. Efforts to force prices up Were virtually abandoned today, after another spurt In Reading had failed to stir the general list from sluggish Inaction. Fluctuations were narrow and meaningless, until lata In tha day, when stock dlnpod downward and decisively. Such ventures aa wero mado on tho long side again centerod In Reading, which plodded upward to 171, a new high flguro for the year. Subsequently it went off two polnta from Its best quota tion. Canadian Pacltla gained two polnta and then fell back. Peoples' Qaa set a new high mark at 12JH and there waa a showing ot strength in soma ot tho Allls-Chalmers securities which have figured little in trading during recent mcnths. Rock Island stocks and bonds made up some of the ground lost on their recent slump. More than ordinary Interest attacked to tho disposition of tho largo offerings ot South Aifracwpypljpppppn votttt h ot South African gold at London today, by reason ot recent dltoucilon ot posstblo engagements of gold for Importation Into this country. Germany's purchase of the bulk of the offering emphasised the pres sing need of gold at that point in con nectlon with the Ootober settlement Bankers hero said that cable advices from London that no demand had ap peared from America was in lino with their understanding that whether or not gold la imported within tha near futura no efforts to arrange shipments would be made until the October settlements had been arranged. Bonds were irregular with a lower trend. Total sales par value, 81,680,000. United States 8'o and Panama 8'a. de clined U and United States 4 s coupon H on call. Number and sales of leading quotations on stocks wera as folloWM . . 841m. Hkk. Low, CIm. AmalniMitd Cbnvar ... lz.tM rau 11 mi vuaricn Asnouuuri: Amtrlcaa Out Sum.. I. 630 Amirlcin On (,too Amrlon Ckn pM..,,, 00 American C & F.. ...... American Ctottcm Oil,.,, too An, loo Btcuritl..,.,.. 1,000 American Uiml American Locomotlra ... 00 American 8, 4 R ;YX) Am, S. & It ptd. ........ Am, Sutar IUflnlnt..... ...... American T. AT.. 4Vm 27 V4 MS M UH "Stt li flit 101 m IS 88 ti at SIM 1IH a 81 7Vi Amariota Tobacco Anaconda Mlntct Co.... HP MM "'0 1.400 m It itiii w Atcniaon , AtOhiaon rfd Atlantlo (joa't Una Uattlmora a OM BethlalMm Qtaal ., , Brooklyn Rapid Tr CanaiUn Pacific Central Leather , Cheaapeake A Ohio Chicago 0. W Chlcaco, M. A 6t. P.... Chlcato A H. W. ....... Colorado V. & I Oonaolldatal Oaa ........ Com l'roducta Dataware A lludaon Dcnrtr A Illo OranA..., Danrer A II. O. pfa..,.. Dlatlllars' StcurlUat Krl ...,,,,..,..,..,.,,., Brl lat pt4 Krla id pfd aaneral Klectrlo Ortat Northern ptd...... Great Northern Ore ctta. Illinois Cantral ,. InUrtwroutlt Mat Inter, Mat. ptd,,.., International Ilarreatar.. Inler-Marlna vtt International Paper International Pump' Kaneaa Cltr Boathem,,, lAclede oaa ... Lehigh Valley M W 7, aw h ik urn l.too i - ..... i i in U00 1MV4 800 '150 Vi ,,,,, 1.., 0J 400 1UH 1H l3)i 11 ixiuiBTiiie ta nunTiiio.. ,. V St. P, 8. BU. K. Mlaaourt, K. A T.....V.. 100 Mlatouri ractflo i . XtV National niacult National Itd ........... ...... N. R. II, of M. 3d Ptd.. ...... New Tork Central t,(00 N. T. O. A W ,,, Nortofk A weatern 400 10H M5H North American ,..,.,,, .j.., .. 'J NoHhern WClHo uiH luti racltlo Mail ..." . rennaylranla, 1,100 tllVi People's Oaa ; 1,000 m iiaii uzft WA in r.i u., u. a oi. a,..,,,, ,, Plttabnrah Coal , ft SOU lH II 14 'iiii IIH ,a 111 33 9 a 41 14 a4 Z4 o 4 a m 81. II 41H 8 4 Preaaed Steel Car 100 Pullman Palaoe Car.. IHndlnr neoubtlo I. A 8...... .. 7,100. 171 .. 300 84 Itepublle I. ft S. Ptd. It ode laland Co MM Rock Ialaad Co. Bid.... 1,700 ftt. U A R. F. ti pfd,,.., Beaboard ilr Un 260 flMhMM A. Zj. KtA &00 I3tt iM 'ii" K 4lt U...Hk.(fl.M a Jtn I... 100 IS M Bouthero Pacific 19.000 MH H tkiothern Railway ,.., 4CO Mi 24H Bo. Italhcay,pfd.......i ..... Tenneaaee Cbpper 100 Wit HH Texaa A Paeltlo .j.;. Union Paciflo 1J0H 1MH Union Paciflo JM.. 00 HU 8 United Btatea Rubber... 7,400 tTnlu.4 fltatea Bteel 10,100 CO V, 8, Steel ptd..,,.... ttati Ooppet Va.-CarollE Cnimlcai Wabaah Wabaah pd Weatern Maryland .... VMtmi Union .., Weitlnthouio Rlectrta ,, ,... .,. ...i Wlieellnt A Lake Brta.. 'r,,!i:l'- Total sates ror bibbw New York Money Market. NEW YORK, Sept. MMONET-On call, flrmj 2?43 per cent: ruling rate, 8 per cent! closTng. 2JJ per cent. Time loans, weaker: sixty daya, VAQi per cent; ninety 1ays. 4HtT4 per cent; six R&ERCANTILH PAPER-2? 8 s'tERLINO EXCIIANGE-Steady; 4.8215 for sixty-day bills and 84.8575 for demand; commercial bills, 81.81. SILVER Bar, 61Uc; Mexican dollars, DONDS Government, weak; railroad, easy. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: U. S. ref. la. re... J4J4K. C, So. ret la... 7 do coupon ,5?f f ? b- . H V. 8. 4e Ttt 0I4 L A N, n i oag do coupon "!. K. A T. fat ii! W U, 8 4a. ra ISJ.Tr'10 B:,.4Wa II do coupon JMUeMo. ,Paollo 4a,..,. u Panama ii coupon,. W 4o eonr. la ou A-a let la ctfa... MJjJN. R.Il. of M. 4W, w Amer. Ac s........ WHN. Y. a . lV4a... 11 A, T. A T. c la,.lM to 4ib , w Am. Tobacco U....M N. T. tf II, t, jr. Armour A Co. 4M.. JJ3 Hj . 70 Atchlaon sen. , 4a... M. A W. lat o, 4a. II do cr. a 1940.. .. J6 do eT. 4a io do ct. la.... 16N;i PMlHs 4...,., tm A O. L. lat 4a 4 'So U ' M2 pal, A Ohio a MttO. t. L. rMc M do I Willi er. 14a UU, 87 Drook. Tr. er. 4a.. . 11 do con; 4a ...100!f On, ot Oa. Is 1M 'lUadlnt sen. 4a... , s Cen. Laatber la..... K H. U A S. P. tt 4s 71 Chee. A Ohio H do sen. (a..., " u do eonr 4Ha M Bt. L. 8. W. . 4a IIU Chlcato A A IH.. f S A L adj. laV..., ij5 C. II. ft. Q 1. 4a. .. HBo. Pc eol. 4a... , ll do sen. 4a Mtt do or. 4a C II 8 F ' 4Ha..lMH do lt ref. ,2 C. R. I. A P. . 4a MtfBo Hallway , ,oj2 do rf 4a 71 do (eo, 4a nu C. A B. r A e 4Ua JJNVnlen Paelllo 4a.... nu D. H. tr. 4a... .. VIK to c. 4a c,g D. AR.O. ref. la. W do lat A ref, 4a JS Blatlllara la II U. 8. Rubber la. iSi Erie p. I. 4a, . , - . . . V. can. ca... do cr 4a, aer. P. TX Wabaah lat em, Cen. let r. 4a.. MV.W.,m Md. 4a... ?W Inur. Met. 4K..... 77 Waat. Tin,, tr, to.' n Inter, it. M. 4Ma... HWIi, Central 4. S Jaan 4Ka " Uld. Ottered. Loeal Securities. Quetatloni furntahed by Duma, nrinker A ox. 441 Omaha National Dank bulldlnsi . Bid. Aaked. American Can If, lilt, t3 tl Beatrice Creamery ptd uti n Golumbua. Neb.. E. L fa, 1114........ J I Denrer Union Water Co. la. ill! to a? Eaatern Oresoa Ufht Is, im... im Bttherrllle, la.. I. Bcb. Pla. la, 1J1X lftou 111 rairmont Cresmery I per oent anar.. iw , Palnnont Creamery 7 per cent P(d.... 100 lam lewa Hy. A Lt la, ittl tl 4 . Middle Weat Utilities e. 1111 u ,ju Uerchanta- II. A L Ce, Indlanap. olla. U. 1U u t(U Nithweatmi O.. U A C. la. 1117.... tl tt Nillnual Kld'llty A Caiualty... 7J Omaha Oaa Ca, 1117 tl 7 ojuiha Park la, liJ3. ....,.,,,, loa ).. . Omaha 4V4. 1141 , tl HK Omaha A I' II. Bt. Pr. la. lll. tl T Oraaba A r. a St Ity. ptd, eilr. K-t u Omaha A C tl, Bt. ItV com., ex-dlr. e7U 70 ex. 4a ll'i Omaha A C B. 1U A II. ptd... ...... KM I ,,,, ..,, ,,, , ,.., to MO . UH 84 S5 400 16 II 14H 400 . att H H t 4tte 47 si mvl mo iJ8i ism inu 104 H' M Ui ..... iiOSi 1,100 ! UK K 4,100 tsu eoH v .,.. 10$ , ,.,, ,,, 34 .., ,.,. ., I ,.'. 7 8,100 S ti ll. ( IMlt 100 1,800 INK 1IIH MY, 1MM ,., ..... 114 21 MM , II ft 8I!44 It "! 8'4 47 mU kU kh 5 aoo to ii 4.700 U UH 400 .tin "too 'ii'' 'Kh tOO 41V4 4t 200 e Paekard totr Car T per eent Ml.... II M cttr ot Toronto to, lit. u 14 Tenneaaee la. 1114 tl IN Ban Dleto. Cel.. Park tup. la, 1K4,. IM 1'4 Unton Stock Tarda. Omaha MH It TVeather In tfte Corn Tlelt. , , I . A r. . . . k . . . . . , i... unueu rumen ueparunsni oa Asrioui- ture, weather bureau for Omaha, for ths invui.iuur uours cnuma ai ,i. 78th meridian time, Tuesday, Stptembor, 28. 1818! OMAHA DISTRICT BTATION& Temp,- Rain High. Low. fall, Sky. Ashland, Neb.. s 87 ,00 Clear Aubrun m XI .CO nlr Broken Bow,.,, 70 85 .10 Cloudy coiumbus ...... 74 82 .03 clear Culbertaon ..." 41 .04 in. cloudy Kalrbury ....... 78 00 .00 Pt. cloudy Fairmont n It .OA riniirlv Grand Island... 72 82 .00 Cloudy Hartlnston .... 64 80 .88 Pt. cloudy Hastlncs ...... 78 40 .00 Cloudy Holdrege ....... 78 40 .00 If. cloudy Lincoln 88 84 .00 Clear North Platte.. 68 48 ,00 Clear Oakdate (6 46 .29 Pt. cloudy Omaha .- 63 S .00 Clear Tekamnh ....... 65 SO .00 Pt. cloudy Valentine 68 41 ,00 PL cloudy Alta. Ia W 80 .00 Cloudy Carroll .......... 67 48 .00 Clear Cldrlnda ., 64 85 ,00 Pt, cloudy Sioux City 60 4 .01 . PL cloudy Not included In averages. Minimum temperature tor tweWe-hour period endlnir at 8 a. m. OIBTRICT AVERAGES. Nn. of Temp. Rain- District. Calumhiia Stations. High. low. tail. IS 88 31 .00 68 40 .00 88 34 .00 63 86 ,00 63 CO .00 80 34 .10 86 81 .40 76 48 .00 70 40 .20 h warmer In the Louis vllleo ...... 22 Indianapolis .... 14 Chlcaco 54 SU Louts. 10 Pes Moines.... ,. 82 Minneapolis...... 61 Kansas Cltv M Omaha 17 , . . " .faivii nvBi. ui mo Mis sissippi river, and Is cooler In the ex treme eastern districts. Freeslnr tem pemtures occurred at twenty stations In tho Minneapolis district, and frost 'or freexlna; occurred at nine In th ChlcaaTo and ten In the Indianapolis district. Local Forecaster Weather Bureau, Boston Mintnac 91001(8. rtflHTOK. Ran, n Oln.lnv on stocks were: V'V"-' J5H2!D!"Jt At H Amal. Copper 77 Narad Con lC A Z. L. A V tl Nlnlaalnc Mines" 1 11.1 Arltona Com 4 LHNorth Dutte ........ mi " "... . .... Aiituaaina; jainea.. 1 1 1 . l a Arltona Com 4 LHNorth Dutte ........ ii'! D. A C. C.l. 8. M. 71 North Uk. ... "It Oal. A Artaosa.. .us cr.,.a:?a..::;:::jj Chi. lleola. vuteMuisi i l aU10C;r I t a a a 451 Cdppwr IUns a C Imshannon ,, ' ju toaai Butta c. M... lt8uperlor n C Franklin ., 4 Buoerior A D. M !! a centennial oranby Con, , TmVemarack ., :" areane O&nanea ...JIiU, s, a R. A M !. JI in jtnyeio OopperrtO do pfd ............ iiii tke Copper Ittutah Cupper Co,..,! liu Ln Bella Copper,.,. 4 Winona tit niami vopper ...... sJH'WOlrtrlne aju Aakad. 11 M4n1 Mnvtiiil. k. SkS1 Mj-METALS-Lead. fast ntiletr aa4 K 'Irojt ok. r W. Copper, fcteadyi atandard apot. nomi nal, opiemner ana October, 16.7iStfHe.60i November, $15.7518.70i lectroIvUo7ilfl.$f Ml Ml Uko. WTOOj casting, $.ciiB.7&. ;8S: October, lil.fiOt.TOi NoVomfiieri Q V trrtn a.4yu 4. a M,8 it L uvea Viunw no 1U1IU VT Q OUUUUll firm; spot, 74 2s 6d; futures, 73 17s td. n., W. . . . . nn . B . . J. ...... . ' . . . a in, itnu, bijou i. us to) luiures. a-ivi 17s Cd. Iron. Cleveland warrants, 65s. air jjjujb, ciept. 13. MiiiTAivj t,eaa, 84.65, Spelter, steady, ttt 88.08. x Oils and RokIh, OILiSasy: nrlmo summer, yellow. I7.0tvri 7.80 Ootober, 87.00i December, 8S.07: WOdL-Bteauy. ROSIN-Stcady, TURI'ENTINJG Steady. SAVANNAII. Oa.. Bent. 21 TURPEN. TINIS-Steady, 3694c : solos. 786 bbls.! re- cnipiB, sw DDis.; snipments, m bblal Hooka, 23,844, bbls.). Rouln.yflrtnt sales, 2,208 bbls.l recclDts. 2.M1 bbls.t shlrmenU. Ti!l Ktilai AaaI,. 1 1 VM Ufct. y-.. a a U, C, D. K., W.66i K, Q Ut 33.763.S0: k. 8.2S, ji r,- BIobx Cltr Lire Stock Starke. eiquxcmr, ia., sept. 2j.-cattlk- Recelpts, LOW head; market weak to lOo joweri aauva xiLZAnnLisi! rAwi tttsA heifers, 5.(Jfl,rO canners, . 86.8086.00: stocKem .ana -teeaors. .wtfC70i Calves, HOas Receipts, a.a head) market S45 10a lowerr henvv. t7.oxvr?t!)r,! rrtlvcii. .makai 8.10; llKhtft 88408.25; 'bulk1 ot sales, 88,qg 'fliiKHfeVAftn T.AifttiT iKHUi sicauyi iea muuons, M.wxri 8,00; wethers. 83.75C4.00; ewes, J3.5iW3.7oi Coffnei Sfnvlxae. WTfiW VftllK? Cfnnl M ri.V - .. - " wu.h. naa iui- oiiiou uy nry uouinff wun lOOOl BOS ..VM. AftAH nn.nl tt tl , mm ..aHnn - to 17 points, the markot turned aslor aa offering beoame hoavler, and prlcos broke to a net loss of U to 15 points. The viuo was Bioauy, September and October, 8.S3oi Dcem- May, 9.60CI July, 0.72c Bpoi, easy: iuo tio, 7, Ho; Santos No. 4, J2Hci mild, quiet; cordova, liiVBaso tlUttllllU. St, LohIs anerl Market. ax. vvviB. Bcpi. a. WHEAT Casht ? 5f 9feL No- hard. 7f(o! ptembefYSHci May774TiS. ' uaib-no. 1, jo wo, a wh te, 4lUo: Septi..-nber, 42Hof May, 46H45Vio. R.YE 72o. TrintiTiB. 'hW'.... w npaT. nil. . . alii iwn m am Corn, bu 37.000 30.000 wai uu.,.,, 48,000 Cotton Mark.. NW YORK. Sept 23,-COTTON-Spot, lonujr, miuoiinir upianaa, jAOOo; srulf. V?Vilta el0? steady. September; January, 18.37c March, U.46c; May, U60o June. 1860c; July. 18.63c, ' r l3' flViiiui'uou Hept. 23.-COTTON-Spot 5'52i ,'?0(X .H!.Mllnfi. -0M: ml?dllnir! iMi!.,uw. Kooa ordinary, Cotton closed steady and 16 to 21 polnta liov iiiftiior. Omaba liny Blarket. OMAHA. Bent. 21 PRAIRIPl trAVM 1 choice upland, 112.60013.00; No. 8, lll.o) Vfia.w; no, a, ta.wini.w. no, l to choice midland, $12.0012.50; flo, 3, IU.00yi2.00i No. 3, 89.0O311.00. No. I to choice low! land, 210.0011.00; No, 2. .0010.00; No. 8, 87.OOQ9.00. Alfalfa: None on the mar- 1. . XT mUIma Im mlnt.t.1. - . . 615.00916.00; No. 2, 213.CO915.00; No. 3, flO.O) Liverpool Oraln Market LIVERPOOI Sept Ji-WHEAT-Spot, Irreeular; No. 1 Manitoba. 7s 7Vid; No. 3, 7s 6Hd; No, 3. 7s 3Ud; futures, steady; October, 7s lftd; December, 7s lUd; March, 7s 2ttd. CORN Spot, steadv; American mixed, 6s 9d; futures easy; October La Plata, 6s 2Ud; December La Plata, Es CHd. London Stock Market, LONDON. Sept 23, American securi ties were dull and featureless during the early , trading today. At noon the tone was o,ulet, with prices rahBlmr from H higher to ',4 lower than yesterday's New York close. Dry Goods Market, vtiw vriuir e.n i nnv nnnna , . , , . I V , ftV,., . V I VJ l I.I4ah Hnnd BI & r A nlttft... lAil.t. . Values remained strong. Yarns were (irm. miKi were soia hi aavancing prices for staples for Immediate delivery. Krniiorntrd Apples Slid Drleil Fmit. NKtV vnilU. BeDt. 2JL BVAPYin ATinn APPLES Firm. DRIED FJtUITS Pruner, aprlcoU, peaches, firm. Raisins, steady. Record Consignment of Oolrt, LONDON, Sept 23-A record consign ment of eold bars, valued at iS.Konm reached London today from the Trans vaal. Rank Clearings, OMAHA. Sect. 21 Rank clearing. tnr today are 22,770,637.31 and 82,171,324.66 for ttio corresponatng aay last year. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET! Good, Active Trade in Cattle, All Kinds Selling: Freely. H0QS STEADY TO TEN LOWER e Pat Sheep In I.lnht Snpply and fltrndr Lnmba Steady to Ten Centa Lorrer Fredera av Little Caster. nnrrrtr Airun mie Ti . V l rtrnni.t lpts. werel Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. Monday 11,2x1 ,ui 81, o ultimate mesday 7,000 6,000 ti.tw Tn'n Amvm . i. I - nn n. , , J -t 1 TY1 gjmf Jays last week.. 18.418 8,497 84.812 Same 8 weeks ago;;;.';;ie;647 lt'8S6 M.7J4 Samo days last year., .28,815 7,261 84.178 -.oHoiving table shows tha tcewu nogs and sheep at tn oouiu Omaha live stock market for the year to date as compared with last year! ... 1H3. mi Inc. DM. pattla 630.310 6fa,540 1 "OaT 1,833,814 2,822,062 838,148 l,IHJ,3l J,WU,V- SW,Ot The following table shows the range of tlHOMfl Turn . t. . , r ... am Inn IT" iiuaa Ml OUUIII viiiii.iim .v.. v.. , fan. Jn... b.l.L l Data. 1018. 11813 IIS11.I1910.I1W5.I1KH.I1W7. PtDt. 8(M 8 85 ;V 6 81 6 86 6 84 8 131 7 83! 631 8 661 5 83 5 31 5 88 888 6 87 Sept. 78H 8 tt 8 j 8 33 8 431 783d fept. Sept, Sent 7 Mtt 7 87H I 8 27 16 6 7) 7 83 7 83 8 06 3 16 St 6 tOj 6 84 Sept Sept. Sent. 7S3HI 6 73 8 8 8 83 8 3 8 43 8 81 e 6 81 3 06 S 90 5 84 S 31 8 II 8 1 e 0 801 6 22 Sept 8 Olii 8 10 E 78 6 73 E73 5 84 e 5 89 tseot. 7 06H 8 06J) 8 17 8 D 6 83 Sept Sept Sept Bept 8 S3 8 41 a I ! a ei 6 62 6 U 873 8 17 e a R 47 3 43 8 12 687 6 SI 8 68' 8 08 ft 8 1M 8 83 8 46 8U 6 76 'Indicates Sunday. CATTLE Itacalnrji nt pattl vatanla.V w'ero the largest of any day since Octo ber ot last year, but In spite ot that tact everything in eight was sold early in the forenoon and without breaking prices to amount to anything, This morning re colpts were, not so large but there was a good liberal run, while buyers were still hungry for supplies. The result was that tne mantel opaneu eany anu acuvo. Buyers got right down to business from the first And cattle beran irclnr toward the scales about as fast as the)' could be weighed up. ... All kinds of cattle commanded good strong prices. In fact, buyers and sell era wara bnth aummlnar un the trade as a good, strong and active market. This was true not only of bet steers, qui 0. cow; and heifers as well. Stoolc cattle and fw1m nlan inlit the Ham way. A feeder buyer paid as high as 86.16 for good heavy sandmns steers to oe laaen oau mtu the country arid placed on feed. quotations on came: uoou 10 -nrn.fMt tionf steer.. 83.3009.23: fair to good corn-fed beef steers, 8S.06ff8.iO; com mon to fair corn-fed beef Btoers. $7,289 8.80; fair to choice yearlings, $7.60J.S0: good to choice rangers, 17.0OO7.50; fair to good rangers, S7.00in.W common to fair rangers, 86.2SfW.00; good to choice heifers, 88.60t7.60: good to choice, cows, 38007.25S fair to good grades. 5.76C.; common to fair grades, 83.60O0.60t good to oholco atockt-ra and feeders, J7.WXjr8.00i fair to arood atrwkara and feeders. S3.40fl T60) common to fair atockero and feed ers, 86.008.40: atocH cows anu nmen, 34.75O6.50: veal calves, 16.2609.75; bulla, stags, etc., 33,2597.00, nous Lower advices from otner points canned u slight reaction In. local value; this morning, and tho market opened out very slow, with early bids steady to possobly a little lower, A numbor of sales were made at prices that were Just about tho same as yesterday, but as. soon as the more urgent orders had been filled the weakness began to show IN self, and priors dropped' a tew notches! next offers being -weak to aa much as 6c lower. From this time, on the' market, Instead of regaining any ot Its lost ....... V. ........ - ,nn.li1. .....I... . .1 I n HluuilUi uvv-iua ivcuiijr nnnnai, imiu ill a short time trade came to a complete stop, aims ai mis itma were quoieu as being 64f 10a lower, than Monday's aver age, Hhlnnerm bnusht a few IobjIb mtIV at firm prices, paying , as, high ,i , tor pome suuu uuicnar 'weiariu nuih neceitiir amoumca 10 i( cars, ur d.vto neaa, ryi the two' days the total Is 81114. sllghth smaller than a week ago, hue nearly 1,994 neaa larger man jor ma same' aaya 01 liyit year. iteprtscntatlvo sales: , . Ho. A, Eh. Tr. X. AT. .88. rn' I ..144) ,., 7 40 H. 184 ,,, 105 i ,t m t ii i7......m ... it t IX 449 7 H M. ItJ to 'I 0116 tl IM 111) IM 10...... .124 llO tWU 41 ,101 ... 1 00 17 144 ,.t..10 80 t 120 1 04 tl tU 110 110 II Ill 40 1 oo e...,,..s 4 10 41 ,104 ... 1 00 II, 35J tjitlO 63 ill 80 IH 11..I....U0 40. 1 10 70 1 IN 1(0 13 M 110 I 10 11 ,.274 40 1 00 71 .171 440 1 10 H. 171 169 1 011. 41., til 10 110 77 101 40 1 OS W.; 171 130 I 10 M Ill ,.. I 01 tl m 40 I 10 It ..t54 to I W II 1 109 1 10 44. HI 110 I 01 71.,.,.I71 49 1 II 01..,.,. .1.3 10 I M 14 ,.m ... Ill 17 nt 119 101 70.. 141 100 IIS 9...,...m 110 I Ot 60 IM 40 I 11 3! Ill ... 10$ 71 211 ... lit 10... ,.,.155 110 1 06 41 lit 49 111 U.ltl 640 1 OS 74, ...,,. 10 I 11 11, Ml ... I OS II Ill N III t 211 10 I 04 tS.L.Ml t0 I 10 17. U0 ... tot 1S JM 110 10...lil 40 1 M l...n.nC4t 89 I to ..171 19 106 JtH 10 tiO ...... .it ,.. ion in is U Ill 19 101 M 7 ... lit 67 124 40 I OS 77 ISO ... IM 17 til 890 1 01 74 ..HI ISO I SO (7. 124 1 106 SIIEUP Receipts Wero moro !ik normal this morning, being estimated at about 164 cars, or 41,u00 head, as compared with 46,000 head a wrek ago, 4,860 hea.l two weeks ago and 3,680 head on the same day a year agoA great part of th. receipts was made up of Iambi, a lnrga percentage ot which consisted ot feed-, era. Quality varied little. It any, from what It has been of late and choice grades ot all kinds ot killer offerings continued' scarce. It might be noted that- whtla there was nn upward trend to values for most everything on sate hero yesterday. Chi cago and other Mlisourl river points had slow markets, with a downward turn to prices. Most outside points reported a slow trade and an easier feeling again' this morning, so local salesmen were not looking for any. material Improvement As It was, howover, fat lambs In soma esse sold ateady, but they were as a rule about a dime lower thn yesterday A range of f8.76O7.10 took In "most sales of fat lambs, the latter figure being tht highest point reached during the day, The aged sheep supply formed u larget portion of the receipts than on tho last few daya and the demand was suffi ciently good to enable saleimen to dis pose of their holdings on a steady basis While a goodly number ot buyers frob. tho country were on hand again toda feeder prices In general had an easlei tendency, feeding lambs being quotable, anywhere from 83.60 to 84.60, weight and quality fixing the price. Trade wa fairly active and a complete earanc was effected In good season. Quotations on rhpp and lanihn I-nmci. good to choice, $7-007.25; lambs, fair to good, J8.7Mf7.00; lambs, culls. 1S.0W.00; lambs, feeders, t5.toa4.60; yearlings', good to choice. tiovWo.il; yearlings, fair to rood, $4.5036.60; yearlings, feeders, 34.750 SS; wethers, good to choice, 24.2Sttt.60; wethers, fair to good, H.UW ti: wethers, feeders, 4.00dJ4.&0; ewes, good to choice, J4.X44.1i; ewes, fair to good, .J3.75ai.OU: ewes, feeders, J3.0O3S.5Qj cull sheup, J2.M O3.00. Representative sales; 179 Utah ewes 66 6 83 124 UUh ewe , 65 6 85 19S Utah ewes ..,.66 0 85 121 Utah ewes 65 6 76 218 Utah ewea 65 6 S5 77 feeder ewes .,,.,.,..,,...., 99 8 85 201 feeder ewes 100 S 85 123 feeder ewes ....103 33s 62 feeder ewes 107. 3 25 121 feeder ewes 95 3 25 85 feeder ewes .- 97 8 25 134 feeder ewes 87 860 245 feeder ewes 97 8 60 164 feeder ewea .....IW 3 35 177 feeder ewes 103 3 35 74 Wyoming: feeder lambs 67 6 00 838 Wyoming feeder lambs...., 67 8 60 109 Wyoming reeaer lamos 43 & 05 846 Wyoming feeder lambs..... 48 62s 233 Wyoming feeder lambs...,. 60 6 70 tn Wvomlnar feeder lambs 60 8 70 240 Wyoming feeder lambs 60 6 70 137 Wyoming feeder yearllpgs.. 80 B 25 (9) Wyoming '-.feeder ewes 97 8 40 83 Wyoming feeder ewes..,,.. 90 3 40 193 Wm ewes & wethers ICO 4 16 191 Wyoming wetHora ,.97' 4 CO 48 Wyoming wetners , m 4 w 267 native ewes , , 97 3 60 136 native ewes .. 97 8 60 270 Wyoming feeder yearlings.. 77 6 60 w Wyoming weiners v 4 to 15 "" " .... ; i ' - " 11 ir-L-jjs't 38 Wyoming wethers 1C0 4 40 IM Wvnmlnir urthwi im a ii 240 Wyoming wethers 99 4 40 iw v yoming wetners Bi 4 40 163 Wyoming wethers 3 4 40 182 Wyoming feeder lambs .... 60 6 60 110 Wyoming feeder lambs 83 8 60 139 Idaho feeder lambs 83 6 40 209 Idaho feeder lambs ,.61 6 40 175 Idaho feeder lambs M 6 20 200 Idaho feeder lambs ........ 61 8 85 176 Wyoming feeder wethers.. 89 4 60 9 Wyoming lambs 64 6 85 801 Wyoming fedcr lambs..... M am 197 Wyoming ewes lro 4 00 118 Utah feeder lambs ,. 50 r GO 168 Utah feeder lamba 65 C 25 lf Utah feeder lambs M Sir, 227 Utah feeder lambs GS 0 25 149 Utah feed or lambs ,'..K! 6 30 150 Utah feeder lambs (3 c 30 261 Utah feeder lambs 64 6 30 107 Utah ewes ...US- 4 03 183 Utah ewes 113 4 10 109 Utah yearlings 87 6 00 67 Utah wethers In 4 50 87 Utah lambs cs e 75 239 Utah lambs , , 66 t 85 92 Wyoming lambs 67 6 75 107 Wyoming feeder lambs...... 60 00 882 Idaho ewes 121 4 10 439 culls ewes...',,.., 113 333 Chicago nvn stock market Cattle Steady Ho Writk Sheep 1 Weak. Si"vCA9' SePt- 2.-CATTLK-Rccelpts, li .heJ,d! mtkct steady: calves mostly &Ji ?fy?rs beeves, S7.2S9.40; Texaa steers. 3i.OCrB8.lO; western steers. 85.30fl.40; RllSw" Sin&JfS$tr,'St0-CiOl cows ami '"iSf-T&.H?80! Calves. M.504J.100. Hpas-neceipts. 20.000 heaill markt 111 (.a CI Wtlb Art ' SHEEP AND LAMHS-IUCelptjt. tt),0fo I.rr... laiieir jvwiaq lower; l&il,vtfi. !5i.wrtern. 8S.6t8.70; year lings. $U6.65i latnbn, native. 85.50tt7.25j iv.eyi4i4 I MJ Kansas City Ltv Stock Market. Tr A ILTn a n aejimtw n . . au M . - oolpu, 22, liead; market ateady: prima ii nAA. en.wiw.yj uresaca oeor steers, 87.9fti78.75: western steers, 23.30t,S.80 south orrl ateers, 85,i3.60; cows. i.257.on: Hi5.UW W!..;i2.kr feeders 8VtSff8.25: bulls, 3I.80SC.23: Solves, t3.C0ff HpOB-Recclpts. 18,000 head: market t HipJBP AND LAIMDS Receipts, 11.000 head; market steady 1 lamba. JS.76JCT.l5s St. I.ortln Iilre Stouic Sfarket. ST. TntttR. R-nf nirn-tt- t.. celpts, 9,300 head! market ateady; frood to ei'nS- lrJv,iB'B-W'; stocke.rs an-1 ii Sr... -7507.60. eows and heTfers, ,.iuv.ia. uuiib, o.ioi.ii; caives, s,ocw heifer.; l4.J5oVj.5or"'-' u,v" ttn'1 lTrtTin T)i.akila. IA fttW U . . -1 a . wi n'lsj, iww ftcuu lunrnQi jvo 'V.1.1' ttnd.J'iyjJ8-6W!; mixed RtoTjCes oj.w, gooa nea-y, oiiunr anu LAMRS Receipts, 3,100 need: market steady; mtttons. 83.28ft4:2Si yearlings. is.OOgftOO; lambs, JS.eS&7.1o. St. Joseph i.lTe Stock Market RT. JtriHRPtr tl.nf e r-lnmr- celpts. 8.5001158 market sloV andlWeri steers. 85.00118,85; cows and lieltera, 34.00 Qi&i. oft've. 5.00SlO.OO. ' HOOS-Recclpts, 6.600 head: market 6 102.JS2Srs tct, 88.66; bulk, il03.50, BIIKRP AKh t.a wiian;.i,a: 1 head; market slow and lower: lnmhn w , 0O2aAlr, ZOXXTJI9. Hotica to XcMars of ar Warraxta.to lMr. 1 Notice la Jierob,y gtven that the rollow l"g Dividends will be payable on" and wiei-ine im uoiooer, mid: ON TUB 7 PER CENT. CUMULATIVE PARTICIPATING PIilOKKRENCE , SHARES. A final Dividend, for tha year 1913 ot 10 pen oent, being JIB. per Share leaa Income Tax at la. 2d, in the , Coupon No. 7. , An Interim Dividend for the year 1913 of 7 par cent., being; la, 4 4-Sd. par Share, lssa incoma Tax at, ,1a, 2d, , in tjie t.JCou pon No. 8, ' i ON T1IH ORUIKARr 'SHARKS, A Final Dividend foe the year ljij of 10 per oMit. being 2a. per Share,, leaa In come Tax at la. 2d. In the'L Cdupon No, G, 11 Coupons may bo lodged at the Ilwad Office of tho Company, 1 Marconi House, Strand. London, W. C. sind must Im left 4 clear days for the purpose ot axamina- iivii ui. uiviuenu varriaii.. Coupona will also ba Payable) at tha following places, at the exchango of tho Banoa Oommerciala Xeaaiaaa, stsiam, atoitte, Senoa, Turin, Tamloe Lkoru, ITaplas, Bologna, 3S"lo ranee, aud Valamo. Banco dl Komi. Boma. .Florence. Turin. aenoa.aaa xraplen. j , saaaaa crot-tremev, Baa da Bamar. Xaaovar STaUoaal Baak, Baw Tork. Xsadl Ss Co., 9S3, Bartolpxai) ' Butr Saeiaos Aires, Tho necessary forma for lodelnf ton pons may be obtained from any of tha above addresses, or from The Office of the Qoropany. Tla del aollaglo Bowaxe, 16, Beaui. Cte). rraaoaaM Mari44n4i t CteleaaiAJ 9aIoerraiMs aaaa 3ML SS, nI-)r (ta Oft? -., Vast. Tk ItiAMHtal wireliHM Tehtrneaili Oant pajir of tiaaada, Ltnaitoel, laaifsawr BoiMtaf, Xalr4. , By order of the Board, HENRY W. ALLEN, Secretary. Marconi MIouso, Strand, London, C, 24th September, 1813. Oomhmulfm HittMlltiOrs lit Rt CfiHpilltiri. A. Sate, Speedj' anil Fosltlro Cur for Oars. Epllnt. Bweeay, Oaaed Staok, tralatd Seodona, Jouaifer, Wlai uffi, asi all luneaeu free B sarin, Xlsecen? and ether boay tuaera. eores al) alia tUaaaus or TaratJUa, Tsraih, fifphtherla. fiaaoraa all Saaalies frea Serut ar Ctvttla, SyaJas, WjraUd'to jrlr'a Mtfaia'tnul 'Vrlel0!. to per battle. 80U br drastl'U, or aent bVez. fireaa, chanrra palJ, irlta full dlreetloaa tor ta nee. iTTtMnd for deao-ipUira elreulaia, eaaHmnnls tel. A ririavaai " ' Tka Uwrence-Wllllsmi Co.,Cliilia4, 8, STOP -1 LAM EH ESS from a Done Spavin, Ring Done, Splint, Curb, Side Bono, or limikr trouble and treta hone gotn; tound. Does not blister or rtmovt tha hair and hono ante worked. Pace 17 In pamphlet with each bottle tells how, $2.00 a bottle delivered. Horse Book 9 K. free. 1 ADSORBINE, JR.t antlsrptic liniment for mankind. Reduce! Painful Swellings, En Urged Glands, Goitre. Went, Bruij( Vari coie Veins. Vaiicotitiei.heali OldSoret. Allays Pain, Will tell you more if you write. 831 aid St a bottle at dealefs or delivered, Book "EWdeac4i,,'Tee. Manufactured only by V. 7. TQUM, P, B. F HHTt! Sfne!,WM IVIOiMEY W GRAIIV 111 burs DuU or calla on 11,000 S.iela ct r-htat or oora. No further rlak. A maremaot ot to from rlc slrea you a abasca to take ISOOi 4c. :ii Jo 1100, ate. Writ for particulars, rtoaoee Brokav a Co., Bee, J, Flnanca KUx,. Kiamu Cltr. Me. evA?S.a.cu.!m." w lower; duik or sales, W.10ij8.7l); tight. 38.30479,10; mixed, 87.90 Q 111' t.W I? QUMM. nn.tn.1. . fnna nT.