Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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Published Each Tuesday
School days mean study; and study with
out proper illumination, will bring eye
strain. The soft, steady glow of Electric
Light will enable the children to read and
.work at night without danger to their eyes.
Electric Lamps can be placed to throw
the light at the proper angle. The ad
vantages are many and the cost is low
you should investigate today.
Estimates for Wiring
' Furnished Free of Cost
'OteiSlfif Eleetrit tight it
?TeopJrR. A
Will prepared, Peter Trust Co.
iax xnal , renn Mutual. GuW
lag&Ung rixture,wgs-OrandeaO
Maelity Btcrag Va oo-Doug. 1618.
Xr Boot ma StNow Beacon Pre.
Srut ton 4 a administered
permanency a4 .lability Is tmcxed by
capital and eurpiu. ot SW.OW. Peter.
Truit Co.
Juage Button at JParlUtea Prwtdlng
Judge Button of the district court la hold
ig court at Paplltlon, in Sarpy cqunty,
Klk Bums atscaargett MlUe Bum,
SUvNorth Seventeenth strent, charged
with the thett of a 3Q bill from the
room ot William Pllgrom, residing at
the . came rettdence, was discharged in
polfce court.
ejitBlag ot Sla uelayea The Bur
lington had expected to inaugurate train
Service on the -Wyoming line b"tw'!n
Powder Hlver and Casper October 5. The
time cards were oUt, giving tho schedule
of tho trains, but they have been re
called owing to delay In completing ther
r6ad cauted by the nonarrlval ot ma
terlal. The date- for the completion of
the Powder Rivet-Casper line will not
be announced tor some time, but it Is
probable that trains will not be running
before November I.
Two Nebraska men. graduates of the
Nebraska State university, have been ap
pointed to positions In the educations,
system of the Panama conai wne. Albert
11. genang. who Is a graduate of Ne
bcaska Wesleyan and Nebraska State
universities. hw been PPlnted prlneM
ot Jhe high school by Governor Metcalfe,
and N. F. Petersen, who wa born in
Plalnvlew and received both a bachelor
nd masUr degre at tho state university,
waa appointed to teach sciences in the
high' school and to do- research work
'respecting the wonderful flora which
.grows In the republic and the canal
The two positions are very important,
and, aa Panama newspaper state, that
noUble Improvement have been made in
the selection of new otfecers, Nebraska
ha a right to be proud.
Both of the new officer? are young
'men. Schang Is but a year old, while
Peterzen Just received hi master de
gree in MIL Schang had been superintend
ent ot the schools In Douglas. Wyo.,
previous to his appointment, while Peter
sen was Instructing in the University of
Since the appointment ot Mr. Metcalfe
to th governorship of the canal sone,
many Nebraskan have beeomo prom
inent in the newspaper columns ot tho
jouthtrn territory.. Many Nebraikans in
tend to go south to the canal zone this
winter and Governor Metcalfe announces
that all who will may speak before the
students ot tho sone. Prank Crawford,
a prominent Omaha attorney, will lec
ture this winter in the University- of
Days Are Here
Judge Xcslie and County Attorney
Would Collect Forfeit Bonds.
Special Prosecutors Are' Named by
the Judge to Intercede In Any
Case Where All Evidence
la Not Produced,
Judge Lesllo will hold dally sessions
ot the district court for the next two
week to try offenders convicted of
minor offenses in police court ' Three
defendants who appeared yesterday
were dismissed. They were convicted
of vagrancy In, police court, but Judge
Leslie said: .
"The statute, tho offepse of
vagrancy. Tho, jMrosecUtloiv . Introduced
no evidence ta pt3vo this specific charge
and In tact the.evldence was all the other
way. There was nothing to do but to
dismiss the cases."
The Judge appointed Sheriff McShane
and Potectlve JDevereese special prose
cutors, tcUlng them, to intercede in any
case In which they believed all oallable
evidence' agalnet an offender was not
being introduced. Judge Leslie said he
took this action as the result of state
ments which he had hoard that City
Proseoutor Anheuser had failed to prose
cute some case vigorously.
Judge Leslie and County Attorney Mag
ney are co-operating in an effort to col
lect all f orfelttd appeal bonds and lawyer
practicing In police court are said to un
derstand that no more prisoners who ap
peal from sentences In that court will get
away without trials In district court.
It ha been estimated that uncollected
appeal bond, the revnu from which
goes to the school fund, have amounted
to 120.000 per year In the past.' but owing
to the difficulty of presenting adequate
evldenco to the district court months after
Would Have Mayor Talk
to All Who Wish to Marry
Rev. a Franklin FJovvsre. H South
Fourteenth street, comes tJ the rescue of
the belabored city commlslo.! with a
plan to ameliorate all mun'.clp-ii ills. He
wants drinker prohibited from drinking
more than three drink a day; he dealt es
that a labor bureau be stabiUhrd by tr.v
mayor and jobs alloted to tho J ibleis; but,
mot Important 6f sJl. he want young
and old person who 1ytie to get married
to meet in the city council chamber avery
Monday morning from 7 to 9 o'clock to
discus "matrimonial mat'ers and, heir
lecture from the mayor." I
Rev. FtowW uggest the following or-
dinance aa the beet solution ot the
"woman slavery question":
'It .hall be known that all marnafc
able persona, young and old, who wish
Power Co;
petty offenses have been committed and
the large number of acquittals which
Juries aro In the habit of handing out In
criminal cases,- it is expected that tow
bond will bo forfeited and that the
school fund will not profit greatly under
the new regime
Detective Thought
Man Not Husband
When He Kissed Her
Testimony of Detective RJng of the
local poyce force that, because he saw a
man named Grimes kissing a woman
who claimed to be Mrs. Grimes, when
several arrest were made In a North
Seventeenth street place last June, he
became convinced that she was not hi
wife, enlivened Monday' hearing Of po
lice court appeal cases In Judge Leslie's
district court.
Two men whom Judge Leslie soon
afterward discharged for lack of evidence
proving them "vagrant" were on trial,
having been found in Grimes' room.
"Was tho woman Grimes' wife?" De
tective Itlng was asked.
"Well, she claimed to be," he answered,
"but I saw him hugging and kissing her,
and I don't think she was."
The ollce have been far from Inactive
in cleaning the city of vagrants and
mendicants in preparation ot Ak-Oar-Ben
celebration. Sunday fifty men charged
with vagrancy were brought to the sta
tion and this morning twenty-five were
placed under arrest. In police court the
majority of tho number received ja(l
sentence, sufficiently lengthy to keep
them from any mischief during the fes
tival period.
to marry shall meet in the city council
chamber of the city of Omaha every Mon
day morning from 7 to 9 o'clock toHalk
over matrimonial matter, and get ac
quainted with each other and hr lec
ture, from the mayor and get such Jul
as the labor bureau may have on hand."
The plan to allow so man mor than
three drink a day would be promotud if
saloons were limited to 109, said Rv.
Mr. Flowers in hi communication to the
city clerk, and he believe, a record should,
be kept of every man who enter a aal xtn.
Rev. Mr, Flower, further uggests that
It be made a serious offense to "spit to
bacco juice on the sidewalks" or throw
"sttar snipes" or "slgarceU'' on the AValk
Tho city clerk will read the suggestion
to the council at thb meeting this
Electrio Apparatus Makes Woman's
Work a Pleasure.
llonsekeeper nenlnrtlnK to Ilenllae
(hat They Mnt Kep Step with
the Modern rrogre of
tho World.
For the last 100 year th world ha
bean accepting all sorts ot labor saving
appnratua for men. But "machinery"
has never been considered a practical
thlrig for woman to have at her own dis
posal bo she has always been put off
with cranks to turn nnd new handles on
flatlrons and a choice ot a push or a
pull broom.
It has been such a habit for genius to
tutji all effort Into account for noisy,
smelly factory help that When the Ideal
household power was found It was for a
long time turned toward machinery and
soma women have not yet awakened to
the fact that electricity has ben turned
to tho homely tasks of washing and Iron
ing, sweeping and dusting, cooking, bread
mixing, stiver polishing and sewing.
The small per cent of the housekeeper
who go through the world with their
eyes open have a long and hard turn at
setting a good example before their sis
ters will follow suit.
It Is not that they are unwilling to taka
advantage of household helps, It Just
takes them so long to "take notice" of
actual Improvements.
Evoryont would realize that to turn a
button and get the hardest part of the
washing done Is better than to turn the
handlo or crank ' of an old-fashioned
washing machine. Everyone would real
Iro that to use a device which will take
up dirt from floors and dust and (terms
from walls, mattresses and decorations It
easier and more sanitary than the tw
operations Involved In the old broom an
dust cloth method.
The feeling which people have of wish
ing to get out Into tho open, that Is Into
seeing and doing things other than bak
ing and brewing urges women to adopt
the ways and mean whloh they kno,w
will cut down household drudgery.
Having finally awakned to the fast
that the means Is at hand for easier and
better housework than ever before women
are making a widespread adoption of
housekeeping methods which are the
equal or superior of the methods Used In
their husbands' Industrial plant. It
the ordinary thing to find In the base
ment of the home of tho lady who does
her own work a complete electrid laun
dry. It Is the ordinary thing to find In
the homo of the woman who does hr own
cooking an electric range and table cook
ing appliances. It Is the ordinary thing
to find In the home of the woman who
does her own cleaning an up-to-date
vacuum cleaner.
An eleotrlo automobile tair service
across the Air is being planned. The line
will run from Alrolo, by way of the
Nufned pars',. to Ulrl hen. a total length
of twenty-five miles. The electric auto
will carry twenty-two passenger and
make the trip lh about two hour.
Aocuser Was Married to the Kan
Charged with Transgression.
United Stnte Attorney Suggest
that Mr Jnlla Dlspenaa Do
Tried for Bigamy ami
Snppa Be Deported.
UnlUd Bute Attorney F. tf. Howell
ran into a snag in the preliminary, hear
ing of Thomas Suppa before Commis
sioner Dinlel, charged with violation of
the Mann act. Julia Dlspensa, the gtri
whom Suppa wa alleged to have brought
to thl city from Chicago, awore on hr
bath that sho did not marry Buppa In
thl city.
Thl fact alone would have been favor
ablo to the government In It case against
Suppa, but two clerks from the County
clerk' office produced a record showing
that the girl and Suppa Were married in
thl city. However, Julia said she did
not and when confronted with htr own
handwriting said she never wrote it. The
signature on the clerk's record book wa
Identical with that on the government
witness pay roll.
Both of the county clerks identified the
girl as the one who secured the license
with Suppa and swore that she wa mar
ried to the man.
The girl prior to marrying Suppa waa
married to a Chicago man. Howell, after
much questioning and arguing finally
asked the court to turn the girl ovr to
the state on a bigamy charge and turn
Suppa over to the immigration office for
George Brandeis Says
Business Pioking Up
George Brandeis, general manager ot
the Brandeis stores, hai returned from
New York, where he went to meet Mr.
and Mrs. A. D, Brandeis on their return
from Europe. He says that he waa sur
prised at business activity in Nw York
and found that all were recovering from
the unrest due to tariff tinkering now
that an end aeem to be In sight.
Mr, Brandeis say that A. D. Brandeis
wa compelled to remain In Nw York
for a few day, on business, but that he
would' be In Omaha later In the week.
Warmer Weather,
Then a Big Change
WASHINGTON, Sept tt Fair weather
generally for the entire country 1 prom
ised by the weather bureau for the com
Ing week.
Jt will be warmer early In the week
west of the Mississippi river, Tuesday or
Wednesday, and there is rresent indica
tion of decided changes over the west
during the secoud half week, There will
be rains Monday on the north Paclfle
Mazda Lamps Travel
Safe by ParoelPost
Parcels Tost Is the latest method ot
transportation tcr electric lamps. A
Cleveland ehop received a mall order tor
a five-lamp carton ot Masdat. As their
delivery sen-Ice did not extend twenty
fhe miles Into the country they tilled
tho order by rrall.
The a'tonlshed householder doubtfully
connected to the socket cne ot the sturdy
traveller and his astonishment grew. It
burned. Fach lamp In turn displayed per
fect health after the rough journey.
The recipient ot tho lamps seemed to
think it a great Incident He called Into
the shop an hi next vl'lt Into tho city to
Inform the manager that hts method ot
delivery was a good one.
"Ch, that' nothing new," laughed tht
manager, "we always send them that
Yonkers, N. T., ha laid plans for the
Installation of a new street lighting sys
tem. Thero are to be 160 ornamental lamp
posts. Each pott will be equipped with
four sixty-watt and one 100-watt Matda
iampn. The potts will be erected on each
aide of the street radiating from the city
The new Installation will give Yonkers
a svstem of lighting as elaborate nnd ef
fective as that of any community of Its
tie. in tho country.
A number of the car In Pittsburgh dls
pjay the letter "M. U. F." on one ot
the advertising cards at the front end
ot the car. The unsophisticated stranger
'a apt to ask the meaning of these let
ters, and he I told that thoy stand tor
"Move Up Front" Because they excite
ourloalty, they probably make mora im
pression than It the word were spoiled
Owing to the water level being so neat
tho. sur'ace, In Ban Joaquin county, Call,
fornla, It hn been found very cheap to
raised water and use It for Irrigation by
means ot electrically operated pump. A
a result of thl more than WO rumplnt
Plants driven by electrical motcr hav
been installed in the adjacent territory,
"That's always the way," said Mr
QroTcher. "The people who lve tht
best part of this thow aren't mentioned
on prosrram
"Why," protected tho manager, "I have
mde a "olnt or using nil the ramea ros
Bible, oven those of the people who maki
the wlrs and shoe."
"Ye but yd haven't mentlnntd tin
men who put up tho electrjo sign outetdi
the theater,"
She Did you ever play polo?
He-No, but I felt off the top of a
olotheshorse tnce vith a hammer in my
hind, trying to tlx a gas flxtujo. No
York Pre.
Baltimore's system for ornamental
street lignttng covers ruty mock, oi
nearly three mile of street.
Game Warden Stops
L .W. Wakeley from
Killing a Big Deer
General Passenger Agent Wakeley of
tho Burlington 1 back from hi annual
fall fishing trip, that this year was spent
In the Pelican lake country, SOO mile west
of Duluth, In Minnesota. With Mr. Wake
ley fishing was good, and day after day
ho caught the limit, taking only bass that
ranged from three to six pound in
Had It not beAn tor a game warden Mr.
Wakeley probably would have brought.
home a deer, or at least have killed one,
One bright, Crisp morning tht Burlington
passenger agent wa on hi way to the
fishing ground, passing through the
wood. Ha carried rifle tor protection
against bear, which are numerous thl
tall in northern Minnesota.
Just ss Mr. Wakeley stepped Into the
edge of a small clearing a fine, large deer
came across the open space and stopped
within 1C0 feet. The Burlington man
brought his rifle to hi shoulder and wa
just about to pull the trigger, when from
some place called a gam warden!
"Hold on, there; don't shoot"
Wakeley dropped hi gun and, ap
proaching, the game warden commenced
to read the Minnesota law that applies to
killing deer thl. time of year, whloh U
the plosed season. In the m intlme the
deer had disappeared and was over In the
next oounty.
Gus Renze Busiest
of Men in Getting
Ready for Parades
"Dad" Weaver, secretary of Ak.Sar.
Ben, say the busiest man in Omaha It
Gu. Rente. Gut I. out in the den up to
hi. ears In work pertaining to the pa
rades. There are ten float for the Ger
man day parade, forty motor car under
process of decoration and forty more on
the way, and twenty electrical float to
look after. Preparing 110 creation ot
beauty 1 enough to keep any man off
the streets at night and out of bad com
pany. Furthermore there are seventy-five
helper, also heavy laden with toll. If
there are any young women experienced
in the art ot milliner to floats and motor
cars and would like to while away a
little time at the den "Dad" Weaver says
Oqs would be very, very happy it
they would call on him. The flower,
ar all ready for tht decorators.
Indication are that the floats for the
German day parade, the float for the
electrical Ak-Sr-Br. feature and the
floral parade will be things ot beauty and
Joy forever In memory, to say nothing
of being worth coming from all ovr tht
country to tee. More time Is being sptnt
on tht grand pageant of King Ak-8ar-Ben,
celebrating his nineteenth success
ful reign, than ever before, and each of
the twenty float will be miracle in the
art of decorative creations.
HER you
need a
job of
to ring,
stand out
before yon
OR our
stare his
Tyler 1414.
Wire for Us and Wi'll Win for You
m Oiaalta Wat. aUtgv 9 ftttt
fAutiimlMli, Ertttrit EfevtUr
and Mftir Riiwiriir.
Omaha Elictrlcil Works
1214 Harney St Don. 1181.
What Would You Do?
The city hall heatinsr plant is prac
tically ?ora out and almost out of
According to the city toiler inspec
tor, to replace it would call for some
$10,000. '
The average cost of operation for
a period of years has been $4,7(36".
The See Building company is Of
fering to supply the heat required
for the city hall from its new and
nodern boiler plant immediately
adjacent for $3,800 a year, for which
it figures it can profitably render
the service
The balance sheet presented to the
city must then look like this:
Operating aad Fuel Exp..$4(79S
Interest on f 10,000, . . . 4B0
Hep aim and depredation. 1,000
Annual cost to city $0,215
Proposed contract price. 3,200
Saving to city. , , $3,015
Against this saving it is claimed
that a $1,200 salary for an extra
man at the oity hall should be off
set. If you owned the city ball, what
would you dot
WASHINGTON, Sept. H-Mpy vacan
cies exist at the Wt Point Military
academy a the result of failure of both
principals and alternates In many cases
to pas the cadet entrance examination
and because senator and representatives
failed to send nominations In answer to
the War department.
There U no disposition to lower the
standards of admission and it I probable
that the consent of congress will be
sought to have tht president till all va
canclea from which nominations are not
forthcoming in time for the entrance ex
WASHINGTON, Sept. ttt-Thrt hun.
dred aiid tevtnty-teven million animal
have been inspected at slaughter house
In the last .even year by tht govern
ment meat Inspection service.'
Dynamite Wreck Bolldtnac
a completely aa ought and cold wreck
lungs. Cure them quick with Dr. King'
New Discovery, GOo and il. For sal by
Beaton Jlrug Cc. Advertisement,
Bell Telephone opera
tors are carefully selected
by their fitness for the
A telephone operator
must be physically strong,
possess an even tempera
ment and a well modu
lated voice, and must have
a good common school
Weeks ef Work
Less than 15 per cent of
the applicants for posi
tions as telephone opera
tors are accepted.
Every applicant must
first meet certain mental
and physical require
ments ; then she must bo
thoroughly trained before
she is permitted to take a
position at the switch
board. Tho operators' training
course extends over sev
eral weeks and include
every detail of telephone
With good health, good
eyesight, good hearing,
and natural intelligence
and mental alertnes, the
Bell operator ia well fitted
for her task.
Electricity lm& bo
come bo useful in the
household that no home
is considered modem
unless it is equipped
with electric conven
iences. If you" have any to
sell you can rapidly
sell them by using this
Packers" President
Sees Meat Soaring
CHICAGO, Sept. a-Unles there, is an
Increase In the meat production in the
United State in tho next ten year, por
terhouse iteak will be selling at mora
than $1 a pound, according to Guatav
Btichoff ot St Louts, Mo., president of
the American Meat Packers! association,
which will basin It annual meeting hero
It the production of cattle decreases
in tho tame ratio and the population, in
creases a it has, we will see the Ameri
can workman eating rice and potatoes,
but no meat, he said.
Tht Persistent hba Judicious TJm ot
Newsoacer Advrtlalnr la tfe au4 tn.
Buildetfl BaooeMC
v.Urvptl4no l4ok b'1 owa wtaleiat. It ur4
hti rhaufuiim afur h bad aatrmd tarturstai
thlrtjr.lU flri, lit nam ItO.OOO bfor h tflt
coer4 th remrijr that curl him. but 1 will
(It jrou tht taflt ot bit ttptrtinc for nothUc
If ypu tutftr tram rbtunutltm ut tn test ru
puktte of thl rtmedr iUolutlr fnt. Don't
ud tojr montr. 1 wtnt ta sit U to you. II
m jrou to top Tourlf wMit It wilt io.
Th pleturt ttovt bow rMuuutltts twt md
tlilortt th bont. fetyt you t,v surforlavth
tun w.7. Don't- Tou ion.' I ot- ' I bir the
nnvif thtt bllTt will ur yoj and tt'i
yur tor tht aiklo. Writ tn todr, JP. II
Dtluo, lll-r Delias Did., BjrrMOM. MtwYor,
aid I will Mod you a Ire puku the yrr
y I sot roar lMr, T
Coleta. Wtuk Lunio.
Couctttx. WaakThf ta,
Sold fat 70 ytawt.
A Vow Dsctor. fcS.rVifi
!? f, .v'thk.. i t- 4t&9s1
Bfr -Bp -:'Wli
flk 7SpVTT ;- fBB