im Blffit OMAHA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2LJ, 1013. r '"State Mutual Life" OF WORCESTER, MASS. CKEOFTHE OLDEST 69 YEARS nnd Best Companies on Earth. W. H. INDOE General Agent 052 Boo mag. OMAHA. J. H. Mithen Go. . Inc 031.4 CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Surety Bonds, Employers Lia bility, Automobile Liability, Burglary, Plato Glass. INSURANCE Jay D. Foster . Foster-Barker Company Successors to H. E. Palmer Son & Co, Accident ?M Health Insurance LIBERAL CONTRACTS .Losses adjusted by us right here," in Omaha. Brandeis Bldg. Millions of Assets-- Invested in registered, nnmicipal, county and school district bonds and in first mortgages on Nebraska improved farms.. These gilt edge se curities lie at the foundation of all policies -of THE BANKERS RESERVE LIFE COMPANY OMAHA', NEBRASKA Business In force, over"3'2,000,q00.00. ! B. H. Robison, Pres. R. L. Robison. Vice-Pres. LCtaracteristic Western Service This is what you get when delay," no red tape. irs No bettor service in the WORLD on SURETY BONDS than ! "' you can get at our HOME OFFICE here in OMAHA. . I . Lion Bonding & Surety Co, f9th Floor W. 0. W. Bldg. Phoae Douglas. 678. ' We don't want much, Just the "Lloa'a Sliare." fa. BIG FIRE Caused losses of thousands ht dollars to protected la BEHIAHT.n companies. S Niat Meister MARTIN BROS. & CO. GENERAL INSURANCE BARKER BLOCK TOlfl KELLY Agendes oTgnuIng in Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota now. Splendid opportunities for both agents and' managers In every county! For further information, address S . CHAltLES HALL JOHNSTON, Manager ' JOB GERMANIA LIFE 'nwrance 1210 City National IlanU Building, Omaha, Neb. Equitable Life Assurance Society U. S Assets over 8500,000,000. Paid Policy holders over $816,000,000 H. D, NEELY & CO., Manager H..D. NEELV JOE KLEIN K. 11. PICKARD 220 Omaha National Bask Bldg. Let the Buyer Beware gXX US BEFOXX 8UYXX9 AVOSXM POLICY XX AST XKAXCX fill A rUDD O Fr rnw s UALlJLli.VIJnLJUV OC Sentral AtTeat Illinois Bty Co. Aedant, Health, riat QIass, liability Insurance. Contract, Judicial, mbiio Official, riamy. Surety Bands. Record of Nebraska's. Casualty nnd Fidelity Companies for 1912. 1. National Fidelity & Casualty Co Jlol.on2.67 2. Competitor........ Hl.274.28 3. Competitor........ 50.825.72 4. Competitor 48,517.78 G. Competitor 42,037.83 6. Competitor........ ifl.aou.Bi Wo bond more people than any other company In Nebraska, uur Ac cident Policies aro the insuring kwu. National Fidelity fc Casualty Company Nntionnl Fidelity & Casualty Bldg., Omaha, Neb, Joseph Barker Phone Doug. 29 R. C, Wagner, Sec'y. W. G-. Preston, Treas. the "Lion1 writes your. bond. No RECENTLY several Omaha firms, but th wr TELEPHONE DOUG. 730. LIFE INSURANCE ACCIDENT INSURANCE Eighty-five Millions Assets. "Tfco Insurance Man.' moms souobAx jan. llLj&iJL Brand,!, bis. B 3383 News from the Insurance Field Life Insurance Men Urge Progress in Business At tho Atlantlo City convention of the National Association of Llfo Under writers last week two buglo notes ot Progress WOro Bnilniloil n oriitrhtlnnl,! Campaign of advertising and the sub i . ... . nuiuiiuii m annuities ioc lump sum in surance. , . Thi. mnv,m.hl n- I n ,. , .... i -. . - ' ' " - . . ... lll.UKUI.lTU III 4 1 in closo ot iho.annual address of President Nell D. .Bills ot Richmond, Va.. who showed the growing power and Influence of. the national association by his as sertion that the membership has how reached 3.S18, an Increase ot 9X1 durln'tr thb lasf year. President Sills said: "I thjnk the time has arrived .when we Bhbujd use the great educational Chan nels of tho daily press and magazine's, and make even more Use of tho Inntllu tlons of learning, tho doors of whjc" ha,vo been so freely opened to us. Uni versal Ignorance of tho great llfo In ourance Is today the main sourco of our troubles, and handicaps." Warfaro on the old forms of InsurV ance was begun Ip a spirited address' by C. V. Scovel of Pittsburgh, who said: "Lump 8 vim llfo Insurance Is no1 longer tho real thing In family protection. Clfo insurance has not been doing the thing we Bold It to do. Up to this time every one thought It was th Mi nn.i answer .to tho great need for fan-illy protection to dtllnn alumn aitm nf Into the lap of tho widow. who had never twm inai muen money -before, nnd to do this suddenly at tho very time that sho was least nbl and bravely, the utterly new. bewilder ing responsibility of conserving and In vesting, that money.. Tomake this money serve the purpose for which It was intended it should bo mixed with brains, ond this requires a new. service on th part of the Insurance mmmnl... Thi new service Is here. Life Insurance has evolved It. It begins, like the old serv- ice. at the time nf irrntAHt viAa ..... l. doesn't atop there. It not only supplies. u npjNeB tne money, and-applies It Just as the, father did,, la a regular monthly sum to meet current expenses." Key to tho Situation Bco Advertising. AFFAIRS ATJOUTH -OMAHA Bun of Sheep Makes Up for Cattle and Hog Slump. MONUMENT DEDICATED TODAY Odd FelloTTD Plan to Hold Cercmo. nler. nt Oracelnnd Cemetery , Alumni Footballers Are Victor With cattle as high as the skies In price and corn limited In supply this year tho feeder lots aro bcpg filled with sheep and. lambs by stock growors. At the Union Stock yards lact week cattle receipts ran under last year's receipts by a margin of 11,000 "head, while hoga fell behind S-il.esi, aa compared, with the same time one year "ago. ' Kiep,' how ever, balanced the slump :n tho hoc and cattle receipts, running 231,905 head above the sheop receipts at the local market a year ago. This pretty nearly touches the high water sheep mark for 1910, which set tha record at 197,912 head. The receipts in sheep so far this year aggregate 191,733 head, being a slight margin under the record which was made. In October, 1910. Reports from different markets showed less falling oft In cattle and hogs by comparison with their records of a year past, but the supremacy of the local mar ket In sheep receipts easily distanced those' of the other markets. Prices In cattle and ' hogs looked up steadily, while the sheep prices of a week ago still .held sway. In cattle the raise went up from 23 to 83 cents, with hogs looUInc upward 15, to 20 cents for the week.. ' A remarkable feature of the closing oi yesterday's sheep, market was the steadi ness of the price notwithstanding the reqelpts, whlph well nigh touched the record.' Usually under such heavy 're ceipts prices sag, but the- last week has been an exception, stockmen say. Accounting for the steady sheep mar ket under the heavy receipts, stockmen say that Instead of high-priced cattle apd hogs being sent to the feeding lota this year, lambs and feeder sheep aro being-bought Instead. Corn , Is high and cattle are high, while tha stock growers aro too afraid of cholera to risk money on-hor feeding. Sheep' offered the next best bet and It Is being snatched up. Alumni Tuke Gnme. Bested In a three-touchdown game by a score of 18 to 0, the South Omaha High school team yesterdayi hauled down their colors before the Aumnl at Duffy's park, Fortieth and Q streets. The old men, many of whom have since been drafted to unl gridirons, showed tht "preps" things In Bpeed, play and, If the term be allowed, In technique. Ttahn, Phillips and Lauer registered the touchdowns. Rcaohke umpired, whl Campbell refereed. Shields, an oldtlmo high school star and a corner on' tho university team, Is expected to be one of Coach Stlehm's aggregation this year. BchbltE, another oldtimer, had to bo re moved from the field 'on account ot In juries, "Pete" Enior displayed some of his old. form 1U-punting and making for ward passes, The lineup was as follows: man sciiodL. F1tiiTld-Bu-lll.n UK ALUMNI. 7J-B....... Rai)t-rhlllp J. Shalnbolti U.T. NIxoa-Jordaa "... , nnuiii-iupp ,.ua. 11.0. Moor Ptterian Dvorak McDrMe .... roIer-Conaor . c. ....iuo. n.T. C.... ua. Lur T. Euy.KllU P. Elisor Lower IUJin ,.M,. Ly&Aa H.E.IUK Lacn ..Q.u.i on II. Bh.luholtl 11.II.IL.H.... Hotl UH.1K.II..; ....... Koi.y Beil4 r.II IK.B BhltMs To Lar Cornerstone. Rev. T. II. Kallttmajo, pastor of tho Immaculate Conception Catholic church the cornerstone of St. Bridget's, Catholic school at Twenty-sixth and F streets, South Omaha. Rev. T, C. O'Callaghan and Rev. M. I Ballou, tne pastors of SL Bridget's par Ish, have made preparations for a largo attendance at the services', which will take place at 3 o'clock In tho afternoon. It was planned to have the attendance of Bishop Scannell of Omaha, but the change of weather, It la thought, would npt permit the bishop to attend with safety. After tho cornerstone haa been placed In position a benediction will be glveu to the attendants. " Tho new school will bo ah eighth grado school and wjil cost $25,000. Odd Fellow' Dedication. Secretary Lw Ktter and'tho committee Insurance Notes nml Personals. C. W. Bhafter. secretary of tho Lion Itnnil I n tr mmnnnv l In Ifon... riiv InAU. Ing attor business matters, A reduction of fire Insurance rates In tho city of UroOklyn has bicn brought abOIlt hv thn tmlWt'l At ill. city's water service. Dr. llllam Thorndyke. assistant medi cal dlrecior of the ftortnucsiorn Atutunl Ufo insurance company, was a caller at tna Omaha headquarters last 'week. Assistant General Mariano. ' s tho Columbia firo Underwriters has n turned fron his vacation and Is aualnnt his deck. O. R. It'chardson of Denlson, la., has boon appointed special agent for tho com pany, with Iowa as his territory. lie Will maintain his headquarters at Dcninon. ,A. J. Albera of Frembnt. district man ager for tho Northwests n Mutual Ufa insurance company, spent several days Omaha healquarters of tho company. iiarry kdch or the bonil -department of tho Martin Uros. lnsUranc agency suo qeeled Ih capturing the S45.POO bond re quired of the J. C. Mardls company, thn contractors who wilt erect the kuellnu building. Ihn fl.rm.Ala T Ia . of . Llfo Underwriters, Is still lit Uio east iimniMK n i rip or mo coast states rollow- Ini? Inn oiltniiriitMAnt n . I. .. ..h.. ... 1 1 He is expected home this week. P- I;Vll,art vlco President of the Lion Bonding .company,. Is back from M i n nMui I fi wh,nt Iia v. . . . t ami for an outing. Ho tried his tuck at iln!ntr lilf tBH ti-. nflA..L.ii t...i.. 1m "k1 Yr!1 taXry cootl atclnga In j Rome of the iurety companies that dur- i V . ... " v. (tiuii.iin iihvq hehn riittlrio- m. nn . - gotttiig back Into line and have resumed tho writing of buslncf at the regular - ,m Diuu uint jiuii no qui rniG CiMniBlKn was - bvlnp cwt'ih! on, tt Inrjr r"T1w unuwirnnw iisitn crft taken a result. ' Tht. Wm( X-iMi. iih J . . "v- mumi. iimurance iieparr ment has hold that some health and accl- v.D.,1. loiumiiitB nai maKing satisrac- nlSL'1";.'" ,n t,mt ,, tftVnr Im proper ailvahtRgo of techhtcKlltlos and aomotlmes falilnsr to settle when there Is ?,prnt oxcus- The depattment asks ;L?Jle, V2,,,.n?t b.wn T0,!r,' treated be referred to It for Invesllratlpn. PrCBldent Irmlt of the Western Union ?LFl,.,V.nderwrUfr8' ,n hl address at v JTiluii.Rl convention at Champlaln. N. th wfi.l"""0".!0 t,,e fict that for Mnn2fi.,Lt,lS.ate,, Qt Kansas. Minnesota, Missouri, Oklahoma and Kct f,ic-y;Kln Uus, Westwn- Union terVltor.'. Shoyirn ft.Iosn rUo nboV 60 Pr cent, B'umy re?uced average rate, so oaeyth.n tUA. haVe been on arrangements for tha dedication of tho Odd Fellows' monument at Draco land park cemetery this afternoon ex pect a large attendance to witness the ceremonies. Odd Fellows from Omaha and surrounaing towns have sent word of .their Intention to be present when tha monument Is unveiled. The general public has been Invited and many -of the citizens of South Omaha not connected with tho uaa Fellows will be present for the ocas sloh. Invitations havo' aluo been extended lo'tho members of the city government. , Tho local lodgo will meet at Its hatt" at 2 o'clock this afternoon, where final arrangements wilt be made. Bpecial cars havo been chartered to take both local metnbets and visiting lodges to tho ceme. tery. Tho services wilt begin at 3 o'clock. ' A number of tho outrbf-town lodges will ' attend In a body. .Of h'ls latter class Jonathan lodge, lo. ZX, of Florence, was jthe-'flrat-to signify Its Intention to attend ' aa a body. ' The following Is the program prepared for the occasion: Presiding officer, A. a Pancoast. Music, quartot Invocation. Rev. 8. H. Ycrlan. MUslo, quartet. Address of tho day, Senator Norrls Brown, i Music, qUartet. . "Rebekahs," UTrU. Emma I Talbot, grand secretary. 1 Music, quartet HPVj"'?1? ot monument, Qahton Eira. Millard. TIo. 1, Omaha: Canton Fred J. JSUer, No. 13, South Omaha. Dedicatory services, Chaplain Qeorgo A-Bradley, Rev. Robert U .Wheeler. Music, quartot. Benediction. Rev. Harold L. Bo wen. Officer of the day, Thomas J. Oalloway. Committee on arrangements, Fred H. Luach, E R, Leigh, Thomas. J. Galloway, E. II. Roberts, Leon Auguy and Lew Etter. Inspect Flro Department. Not being able to muster one of the frequent meetings of the Fir and Police board yesterday forenoon Commlss)on-err-Dlvlne and Donahue held an Im promptu Inspection of the .fire depart ment at Twenty-fourth and N streets shortly after " noon. Donahue, Devlne and Chief, McKale spent some time In conversation prior, to the. Inspection Then one ot the' commissioners walked over to the telegraph post and' pulled the fire box. Tho department responded and then went back home while the com missioners continued their conversation. Mcfiovern Pays Visit. In' accordanco with a resolution look Ing to the grading of Lamont street In conjunction with tho engineering depart ments of both, Omaha and South Omaha, City Commissioner Tom McQoVern of Omaha paid a visit to the city hall in Sodth Omaha yesterday. The commis sioner said ho had' come,' down to ar range for the grading that Is to be done on Iyamont street by tho two cities working together. However, while' about the city hall the 'Commissioner went about shaking hanas and telling all those who did not know It already who he was. The commissioner. Is., somo little politician when It comes to pusslng foot ing and glad handing. The commissioner expresses a carotul opinion that a street car line would be continued out Forty-second street to South Omaha within the next five year. The residents ot South Omaha and those Jiving In Crelghton . First addition to Omalyt are both working to have the street car , company continue Its tracks from the present southern , terminus In Omaha along Forty-second street across the Burllpgton viaducts to South Omaha, there to connect with the L street tracks, This plan when materialized will mako a new ' belt line that will -bring a great deal of convenience to the . stock yards mn and packing house heads, who re side In the Hanscom park - section of Omaha. Mna-le City Gossip. City Attorney. Henry C. Murphy and Mrs. Murphy are expected to return home today from the cast. . Wanted Furnished "housekeeping rooms for two. Phone High School. Mrs. Fred Towl, assisted by Mrs. Harry Marling, entertained the Tug-of-Wor club Wednesday afternoon. The women of tho First Christian church will give a tea at tha home pf .Mr. R. n. Hodgen. 835 North Eghteenlh street, Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. J. W. Hodgen and Mrs. J. C. Rows will ' bo assistant hostesses. Two' f'rpnt rooms, modern, steam . heat, for light hourekeeplng. (03 N. 2Uh. St. Martin's Woman's auxiliary wltf give a cafeteria dinner from 6 o'clock to 7 Tuesday evening at ,231 J street. For sale 2 large Wilton velvet hall rugs, Mre 18xU feet. Call T, 11. Scott, phone Bo. U8, r J. a, Tlleis'n?. Phon So inO Tho Oerman Caclllan club wU give a card party Wednesday afternoon at t Delaware's Bogus Fire Companies Go to Smash The "fasy viark" corporation laws of the state of Delaware furnish shelter for... numerous shad)' concorp. which, while given legal standing in tho state, rarely d6 business In the state, pre ferring to Work their games at a ills tance. Four fire Insurance companies, chartered by the- state, stand revealed as hugo bankrupt swindles, squelched by the stato authorities last week. An In vestigation showed that the fraudulent concerns had ITCO In assets with which to meet liabilities totaling JI.JM.000. Chancellor Curtis Issued, an order re straining three of the concerns from do ing business. No step was taken against tho. fourth company, but as insurance Commissioner McCabo has revoked the licenses of all four, tKey aro poworleBsto operate. The three companies proceedsd against, and .for which Deputy Attorney General Jqhn D. lliitton of Dover was appointed receiver, are's Homo Flro Insurance cdmpany, American Flro Insurance .com pany anl the Mercantile Flro and Ma rino Insurance company. Tlio fourth concern Is tho Equitable f lr Insurance company. No losses wero Paid. The policyholders and' claimants for losses lose everything. As the headquarters of all the concerns Were In Dover, no policies wero written n Delaware They did an extensive business, however, In over a dosen states, especially Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois, Hundreds ot policyholders In those states have been Victimised, as Virtually the entire receipts outside of liberal com missions to agents were pocketed by the promoters. , , , When complaints of nonpayment of logics began pouring' In as early as Jan- ur,, rosin, inspector Jt'iumer or Wil mington and EarnsViaw of Philadelphia qkcd Insurance Commissioner McCabe to begin an Investigation. As a result this official revoked 'the, charters of all four companies' last June. , persistent Advertising is the Road to Big Returns. o'clock at tho Dr. -McCrann hall, Twenty fourth and O streets. For a case or Jetter'a Old Axe or Gold Top beer coll So. MS.-Prompt delivery to aH patts of the city. ;Vm. Jettcr. T,he .'M A,d "ocfety of tho , West Bid Will ......... -. church. Thirty-second and U streets, on Thursday afternoon. wn sell J-ou a ton of screenod- lump v.aLror.. H v Udlvered. Good yalui, SciSth's tS 2m N St hone fJJifi1 . Jhe Optima club members and ihtlr husband at the Centurion club looms Thursday evenlnir. KST 'a'e' 6r0pm cottage, modern ox- 1?6 N, 27th TstA WOQ lern-. lS?"J?Xte,B!L5!l,urch ,n BrV8 ft chicken pie dinner Friday evenliur at tho church. Twenty-thlrd and J stMets. c"urcn. iior ,ent Nl:e modern cottage on caf line, nice nejshbqrhoqd. BIO N. I5th. XT.h 4'?' -(auxiliary, of the . Anclont C u.i1,u wui do entcrta ncd -iVv." ,, Blrepi l uesaoy evening. Mrs. Kelly Is assistant hostess. has returned, irom Lincoln, wheio ho ap" the -IVrlght-Hoctor appeals While at the Sf,?oralTr- Winters paid a vlslf to Gov entor John H. Moieheid. iMA,,nef',noldB entertained Friday evening complimentary to Miss MnWt Menefee. who leaves AVednetday to attend the University of Michigan. Tho affair S.-rie?ofee was assistant hostess. Those AterSiTEL M'",Mbel Menefee. Oil J1?1 Cook Dessio Robinson. on Y!r tti-VI""" "vis, Mae Antler f I&mim."1 Ak,nuaa nmhai , Whmeth Reynoltls. Menefee and Mrs. A thTmr5..tih JSno. k!b .gave, a . M, l "io vrpnoum inrater FT1 lfhefeeenl!ifr Wv&liUxt to BWrteV tht ne2; JLr' ,M!n'ee has been one of Hiv.Pwmlnen.t mwnbors of the club. e.JS?v.e" wdnelay to tako a two yearo Mm. ithfrul" ln. th Pay were: : ? "hlrley Menefee. Frank Andn.- fiS' Barclay, MoVrls O l.on. Johi Uvf.:,? Se Youni?i laro Y"n"i Wil berv Youhr, George Smith, MUIl Miller. siuwinTTT -5 HubWt & sna,w, Ralph Lymah ahd Clarcnqo Fratlcr in! r..BK itK!r Jte. & Besslo and Wr& 'ESYg .o. a?? ene,"rro"ndfrmd Lave n nrt'"V",".LcuM'M NeWe- 4uuAiauon ana Mitchell. 'HlB-h gehool Kotea. Merle Curtl has been chosen clreulaHnn manager of the Tooter. Tho Tootir & h.sthb,?n,rtted,,fu,t,,wllh0'n feS bbS'fhedT'by"thr A?h,St,c a"Odatlon of the hlah fiCnfh ben womanized ajld an elec. tlop.lpf a new set of officers 'will take placo some time- next week. , Meeting of the Oavel club have hn resumed and Tuesday evenlns: has hSfS reserved for the second I meetfni? of fh2 present year. Tho room of thoBoard of Edgcatlon will bo used for the meeting: The Tooter will be greatly enlarged this semester. There win be a full pa bo,!! alumni notes In each Issue. The Tooter 'fl'if.l by to t. let tha seventh and eighth grades of each school havo a col umn of nqtes In each issue. kT6 bo0J'' for ,h '''eh school de bating class havo not yet arrived I anil that class ha been studylnithe question for debate thUfillf DaV! bate on all phases of the trust question constitute the work of the class. "on -The commercial geography class of the high school, under the leadership of MUs Bus'o Horen. made a trip to the packlni plant of 8wlft and Company list TnuVX day afternoon for the purpose of study. ng the different methods by which the packing company manufactured its by. Products. r " The reorganisation of the high , school orchestra Is being1 discussed by Prlncl. pal Modre and fomo of the students In teivsted In music. The orchestra broke up two woeks ago. under the leadership of Prof. Karns, the facuUy leader. , has not been reorganised since. The students aro awaiting thetappolntmentof a leader by the, Board of Education. A mass meeting of the students and the faculty of the high school for the purpose ot announcing the Tooter con tent was held in the auditorium pf the high school last Friday afternoon. The Tooter contest Is an annual event for the purpose of getting a new circulation list. ni. & l im mm as antll M Mas i Ii a a i a-M M""t liiwi k lUUK'riP tloni to the Tooter will bo Riven a halt flfiv fiftlMuv n nri a nnpfla1 awiltlrn l. 7 s 4 - r "- vh y Tooter will b awarded to them, i'liusi ust vvivii va ivi A W V UStt celt, teaoher of physics in the high THB Union Central Lite Ins. Go, OP- CINCINNATI, OHIO HARRY O. STEEL OBtrSSAX. AOBKT 311-313 Kamro Bldf. Phone S, 9103 Before deciding mi vour Insur is ance 'piiono D. 13TB. and ask about the new low cost, ait guaranteed pol icies, all plana, Life Limited Payments. Kn do w montn. Joint or Part- deration and Monthly Income or Fen- The Prnasntlal Ins. Co. of America, Inc, as a Stock Co., by Now Jersey M. BEOCH OAFBTBa, Mgr. I-or Netraskn ahil South Dakota. 019-33 City XatX Bank Bldgr Omaha. ' "LCOr ON TK18 PttrrtXRB, THEN OK TXAT-' A certain-Ufa insurance company is sending out circulars, under tho aoc-ve headlnn;. glvlftK the financial condition of lis own company on onp aide, and that of tho Mldweat Llfo on tho opposite sldo, Tho company doing this l twenty-six years old. The Midwest Llfo is seven years old. Would no to. fairer comparison be obtained by giving the statement of onch company wnen seven years or ago? This same company lia.i also been inserting nds in somo of the newspapers knocking non-partlclpatlng insurance. Theseiads have not been signed nor even marked "Advertising" In some instances. ,lu not mo public a right to kndw tho focUT Not only that a particular ItcmMs an ad. but nlso who paid for Its insertion? Before buying, investigate tho policies ot the Midwest life S. Z. BXBZiS, yrssident. A Xsbraska Company Home Offlcsst rirst irkUanM Bank Building-, X.lnooln. . QBOBOB OUOOXSB and 7. A. VXITXBT, Gsaeral Agents, Kooioa 1313-1314 City Rational Bank nnlldlaa;. Omaha, ifabraaka. WA&TBB A. TOHSOX B. L. BALDWIN & CO. established 1001 S3-le rirst ITatlonal QSHZXAX. XBSUSAXCB Telspliona Qonglas 871. BALDRldE - 'GENERAL Ph,9nd Douglas 200. 1 1M JSU iL AIM C JE-- FIRE, TORNADO, AUTOMOBII.E, PLATK GLASS, BOILER BUnaiiAHV, HEALTH nnd ACCIDENT. ALFRED C 200 First National Bank Building BOOBS TOR OMASA, Th Oolumbia Fir Undrwritrs or oacAXA. Xoaie 'officii Satire Third riser Xerohans KaMeaal Bank BalMlar. rhoae Seaglas 4B1. O. 8. Talmags, Xanager. $5,000 Accident lnsurancefor$5a Yr. Wheeler & Welpton Co. 1111 BBS SB HTXjXBT. school, tho members ot the South Omaha High school physics class made a tour of inspection thrmiBh the packing plant of Swift and Company last Thursday afternoon. Tho student spent consider able tlmo In studying tho. retrlacrator system of the plant. The students were accompanied by Instructor Vojacek of the high aehaol and Master Mechanic llranatald ,aid tho chief engineer of the plant, Milwaukee Ebad Passes Its Former Records This Year! - 1 . Tho Milwaukee, railroad played safa I during thi fiscal- year ending 4bno SO, j 1915, and according to Its report, Just ( mnAr. nliblln. increased it Bros revenue! J15,000,00. whllo its total expenses were ; but $.628,7 greater than aunng xno previous year. During the year tho com pany raised 110,008,000 from bond sales and spent Just about ttiat sUm ln bettor- ments and new equipment. During the fiscal year tho Milwaukee epvered all of Its payments to biock- holdersr both fommorf and preferred, by over 11.000,000, a record that It has never , beforo touchtsd. In -past years It has faced a deficit as high as $5,000,009 and this last year with an advance equlvi lent to 19,000,000, , H has been one of the i marvels of the railroad world. Swiss. Lieutenant's j Pay 12 Cents a Day "Lieutenant Alex Bauerwlts. elr-for-merly of the Swiss army." Thus did tho man ot sixteen languages Introduce him. self when he sbught a place In tha United Htates army at 'the .army building. Fit teenthiand Dodgo streets. He had been spending his time' ln Omaha making wax flowets and playing p'anos in soda par lor, but .began to long tor the herolo Ufa of the soldier. So he strode Into the army building and sought to enlist. A little questioning of his record in the Swiss army disclosed some fact about the pay of tho Swiss soldier. "I got 11 cents a day moat of tho time, and the last year I was raised to It cents," .he explained. Ha was delighted when told that many privates,- In the United States' army got IIS and-.'2Q a month. He decided it was better to bo a private In America than a lieutenant In Switzerland and hurried to answer the preliminary questions for enlistment, but about the third question threw him out. Ho had no citizenship papers, not even the first papers. ARTHUR BRANDEIS AND WIFE ARRIVE IN NF.W YORK CITY Mi. and Mrs. Arthur D. nrandels have arrived In -New York from Europe and M. Brandeis Is expected to arrive ln Omaha Monday. Mrs. Drandels will re main in New York. The Persistent and Judicious Use of Newspaper Advertising I the Road to Business Success. Key to tha Situation Bee Advertising. Savings Bank Life Policy Havo You Seen It? G. W. NOBLE, Oanoral Agtnt CHAJttEa JC. HOPPER, Bptcial Agent. J, O. HIT OH MAN, Special Afftnt. orrsonst C38-043 Brandeis Blflg. Omaha. JBJi"! Korthwestern Kutual Lift insurance Company OF MILWAUKEE MANN & JHN0D fJoncrnl ARcnts 038-311 Ilrnntlels Building. OMAHA yr, XiBbot wucox MADDEN CO. INSURANCE Boo BuUdlax. KISWISJDY Phono Douglas 722. BC X. tsase. Assistant Xamacer, rxMra joou. is. Service to Policyholders Ike Watchword and Record of the National life Insurance Co., Montpelicr, Vermont. Now ln its slrty-fourtk yoar. A Policyholders' compaay, ho stockholders. Total Insurance in' force, more, than one hundred a-ad eighty-five millions. Its policies the perfection of life Insuranco service. Operating In and supervised by thirty-seven states. Net cost ot insuranco low. Actuarial methods sound, conservative and scientific. List of assets and full infor mation sent on request. Somo splendid territory open for local representatives. Call, phone or writo. J. V. STARRETT, Stato Agent, 401-2-8 Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. Telcphono Douglas 120. Berg Clothing Co. to Have Big Opening Latter End of Week Delay of tho contractors ln Installing tho splendid new fixtures of tho new woman's department of tho Berg Cloth ing company Is putting off thb opening of this department to some extent, al though Mr. Berg now has the promise that they win , all' bo in shape so ho may havo his opening- Friday or Satur day of this week. The millinery department 1 now opon and ,s doing an Immense business, as the women of Omaha were not long In finding this new nnd elegant stock -if tho latest styles. Cloaks .and sult for the new department are arrlvlnj by the wagon load every Jaj' so that by tho time of tho opening, the latter part of this week, the 'Immense room will bo well filled with tha latest models of the fall styles.