Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1913, Daily Sport Extra, Image 1

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    BESXOF AliTj The Omaha Daily Bee
Fair; Varmer
Youth Shoots Car Again and Again
to Uifper Floors of Blazing
Six'Story Structure.
Two Men Fatally Injured as St. Paul
Building Swept by Flames.
Many Girls Carried from Escape,
Ending at First Floor.
Rumor of Pnlr Cansht In Basement
Exploration t the -nnina
V111 Not T Possible Until
ST. PAUL. Minn., Sept. 21. To the. cool
ness and bravery of a youthful elevator
operator whose name la not known to
.officials tonight because of the fact that
lie was working as relief, scores of em
ployes of the Louis F. Dow company, an
office fixture manufacturing concern,
owe their lives. Kepcatedly the boy shot
his car to tho upper floors of the slx
, story structure and brought girls and
men to safety from tho flames, which late
yesterday fatally Injured two men and
caused a loss df $31,000 to the company
and building.
In the basement, where tho fire started,
were James Connelly, aged 40, engineer,
and Mlchae) Zeller, aged 27, a finisher.
Both of these, according to physicians to
night, will die as the result of burns.
Before lapsing Into unconsciousness Con
nelly stated that there had been some
sort of explosion, whlcn in a moment
transformed the engine room Into a mass
of flames.
The fire, which was one of the most
spectacular seen here In years, spre
quickly. In the heart of the business dis
trict thousands gathered to watch the
progress of the flames, to combat which
practically tho entire fighting apparatus
of the city was called.
Many of the 250 employes, forty-five of
whom were girls, were carried from the
fire escape, which ended at the first story,
by firemen. According to officials of the
company, alt escaped from the building,
although It was rumored Idte tonight that
two had been caught in the basement.
Exploration .of the ruins will not be pos
sible until tomorrow.
Re-Leasing Islands
For Growing Foxes,
" Interests OMahan
jj (From, a, Btaf t Correspondent,)
- "lyAfiHlKGTON,, gep"t Hi'-JtSpfcolal Tel,
tgram.) Through a protest hiade by
Beach Taylor of Omaha, the question of!
government leasing of lahds In Alaska
is very likely to be settled by the decision
of- the attorney general. A fortnight ago
XV. B. Taylor qf Omaha and Chicago
came to Washington to protest against
the government re-leasing certain islands
in Alaska waters, the lease for use 'of
these islands resting- the propagating
company, of which Beach Taylor Is presi
dent'. These Islands have been Used by the
company for the propagating of blue
foxes which has grown to be a very
lucrative business. When Taylor was an
employe of the Treasury department ho
was sent to AhuU'a to Inspect the sea)
herd and to report upon conditions as
he found them. Taylor became Imbued
with the idea that the propagation of
blue foxes was not only possible, but
wpujd prove highly' profitable. A. com
pany was formed In 1681 and the propaga
tion of tho blue fox was begun on five
islands situated about sixty miles from
ICodlac Twenty-one foxes were brought
from St George island, one of the seal
Iflands and were liberated on the, island
which Taylor's company had leased from
the government.
Lately the bureau of fisheries adver
Used 'the re-leasing of these Islands, which
brought Taylor to Washington and he
has been able to stop the lease, pending4
a decision of the attorney general which
may take in- tho entire question of seal
Islands, fox-- islands and coat araa as
John Gaard, the expressman whose
. skull was crushed Friday night by a
brick thrown when a gang of toughs at
Twenty-fourth and Leavenworth streets
attacked him. Is in a critical condition
at 8t. Joseph's hospital. Physicians said
last night that they do not expect htm to
live throughout today.
The Weather
Kor Nebraska and Iowa Fair and
Temperature at Omafca Yesterday,
Hours. Dear.
6 a. m 41
6 a. m..... U
7 a. m.. 41
8 a. m
9 a. m. 43
10 a, m S3
11 a. m 53
13 m 57
1 p. m 61
S P. m, 62
a p. m a
i P. m , 64
5 p. m 63
p. m 61
7 P. m a
Comparative Local rtrearcl.
111 191. 1I1L J910.
(Highest yesterday 64 CO 75
Lowest yesterday 41 44 43 DS
Mean temperature (2 63 -60 70
Precipitation . .00 .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal;
Normal temperature , 64
Deficiency for the dav n
Total excess sine Mach 1.., 611
Normal precipitation , 07 inch
Deficiency for the day .. 07 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1... 16.78 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 7.33 lnchen
Deficiency for cor. period, U1Z. 2.63 Inchet
Deficiency for cor period, W1U4.S0 inches
Date of Settlement of North Platte
Reserve Not Fixed.
Measure by Klnkald Speclfylnr Neir
Ilules Must Be Passed, Agree
ment Having Been
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 21. (Spe
cial Telegram.)Openlng' to settlementtof
lands on the North Platte forest reserve
will be delayed pending the passage of a
bill giving the sanction of law to the
Instructions for tho opening to be Issued
by the secretary of tho Interior.
The bill was recently Introduced by
Representative Klnkald. It has been re
ported favorably by the public lands
committee, and It Is understood that an
agreement has been made In both the
house and senate to pass the bill speedily.
Until this measure finally becomes a
law, however, the. Interior department
will not Issue the Instructions nor set
the final date of the opening. Mr. Kln
kald said today that some of the pros
pective settlers In his district had the
idea that the opening was being delayed
for other reasons. He declares that the
enactment of this law, however,' Is the
only thing that Is holding It up. While
he Is not absolutely certain, he in hop
ing that the opening can take place
some time in October,
Max Bnehr Goes Back.
Max J. Baehr, American consul at
Clenfuegos, Cuba, who has been on a
two months' vacation at his home in St.
Paul, Neb., left today for New York and
will sail on the steamship "Mexico" Sep
tember 25 for his post. Mr. Baehr ar
rived In Washington yesterday. He haiT
an extended conference with State de
partment . officials yesterday and this
morning and after going over the situa
tion In Cuba as It was when he left the
island, returning to .his post with the
belief that his tenure will be continued,
although ho stands ready to tender his
resignation if It should be desired by
the, administration. Having been in the
consular service for twenty years or
more, Mr. Baehr feels that politics
should play a minor part in tho diplo
matic affairs of tho government, and he
is going to Cuba to give even better
service than ever before to his country.
The secretary of state and Mrs. Bryan
have as guests at Calumet place their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard L. Hargreaven, of Lincoln, Neb.,
who arrived In the capital today,
llltchcocka Go Back.
Senator and Mrs. Gilbert M. Hitchcock
of Nebraska and their daughter, Miss
Ruth Hitchcock, who spent the last sev
eral weeks in Atlantlo City, are now at
White SUlphur Springs, W. Vo.
Harrisons to Atlantlo City.
Mrs. Russell B. Harrison and her son,
William Henry Harrison III., left today
tor. Atlantlo City for a fortnight's stay.
'Mrs1., , Harrison has given p, her, homer
hfe where, he has sfeat ticifiit' Jjve
winterwanil wjll. divide, her. .Upi this
winter between Yahlnton and' Omaha,'
Her dajighte', Mrs. Haw jf Williams, Jr..
ca.mi, On with her frord.dmaha' andMeft
last night with her small 'daughter for
Norfolk, Va.,. to spend- a fortnight with
Mr, William?' parents and sister. On
her return she will make a short visit
with relatives in Washington and then
join Mr. Williams in Chicago, where they
will make their future, home.
Mr. Williams Is connected with the
Pullman company there.
Doctors T. R. Mullen and C. L. P.
Swanson have been appointed pension
surgeons at Omaha.
General Miles to
Run for Congress
as a Republican?
PITCHBURG, Mass., Sept. .-Announcement
was made today In behalf of
Major General Nelson A. Miles, U.. S". A..
reurea, irom nis nome in Westminster or
his 'candidacy, for .the republican nomina
tion for congress In . the Third conirres.
slo'nal district ' The seat was made vacant
by the death of Congressman William
Henry Wilder.
The announcement was gjven out by
a personal friend of General Miles, who
said that the general had asked him
to make publlo his candidacy. General
Miles left tonight for Governor's Island,
N. Y.
Some doubt as to the announcement
rose among friends of General Miles here,
as the general was once a Candidate for
the democratic nomination for president.
Members of his family said tonight that
he is now a republican.
NORFOLK, Neb.. Sept. 21. (Special
Telegram.) Several thousand people held
their breath yesterday when the automo
bile of Thomas Milton, jr., a St. Paul,
(Minn.) millionaire, was wrecked In the
death turn where Louis Meneghettt was
killed earlier In the week,
Milton' was warming up his Mercer,
planning to establish a track record, when
a rear wheel broke. He applied the
brakes, turning the car end for end. He
was unhurt
o. c uieson or ucnoa. Neb., in a
twenty-mllo motorcycle race had a blow
out on the last lap. He was hurled off
the track and nearly ran Into the grand
stand. Ho struck a wire, cutting a hole
through his chin.
Tha. ten-mile race went rto Oleson arid
the twenty-mile to Dan Reeder,
Harry Raslco, who shot And killed his
wife and 2-year-old son here Sunday,
was sentenced to-day to die In the elec
tric chair at the state prison In Michi
gan City January 1$, 1SH. He Is the first
Person to be sentenced to electrocution
In. Indiana, and the state will have to
purchase the electric chnlr before the
sentence can be carried out. The law
subotltutlnj! electrocution for hanging
was parted by the last legislature and
state officials refused to purchase the
outfit until It became necessary to
uso :t
her, Big Crowd
ok of Fleet on.
ships Creep Uport City and Invaders
Are Repelled.
Gather at Shore and Fire Upon the
Advancing Enemy.
Spitting llnttle of Guns, Mixed with
Skyrockets, nntl Flrlnjr of nombn,
Lights Up Scene In Ilenllstlo
Wartime Fashion.
Despite the cool breezes nearly 2,600
persons attended tho battle of Awol bay
at Carter Lake club' Saturday evening,
The celebration was thrilling from start
to finish. .
After the arrival" of tho troops arms
were stacked in front of tho stage and
an entertaining vaudeville program
given. The call to quarters was then
sounded and the soldiers turned In for
the night. Lights were turned out and
the evening went on momentarily In
peace and serenity.
- Then came the attack of the Invaders.
Hostile ships had crept Into the harbor
of Bulcrctrac and had opened fire. The
sentries gave tho alarm, bugles sounded
the call to arms and the troops rushed
to tho shore line to tepel the landing of
the enemy. Signals were flashed b'ack
and forth by the signal corps detachment
calling for hflp from the fleet In the
other end of tho harbor. The boats re
sponded at onco and, assisted by the In
cessant fire from tho shore, routed the
enemy and destroyed their ships, which
caught flro and made a vivid spectacle
as they burned to the water lino and
finally sank. . ., ; $
So it was, that Bjjlcretrao was saved
and a memorable season for the members
or carter Lane ciud was Drougut-- to a
Fireworks added to tho brilliancy of
the affair and after the last shot was
fired and the enemy surrendered the
band struck up "Tho Star Spangled Ban
ner." Tho rest of the evening was spent
In dancing.
Tho vaudeville program was full of llfo
and novelty.
First were the three Harding brothers,
who tried to outdo each other in the
juggling of Indian clubs. Competition In
ability rah high between them and they,
did some fast, clever work. Mlss'Sarah
Schneider followed with a vocal solo,
rAitmraUa," by wlnne, In which -sho
BlJ?T.S? .'SSiSSJ1
EvehilgTfno1 sbng"was ' sunc'lnT'the
opsn, air net voice, .earned jtplenafdly. A
an .encore she gave "Annie Laurie,"
Sensational vaudeville was the third
nu"mberln which tho Aerial Fredcrlchtf
lived Up to the title of their act- For
the fourth number MIsb Schneider and
John T3. Dunn sang a duet "The Passage
Birds' Farewell," Hlldach. Both voices
harmonised agreebiy and pleasingly and
the Interpretation of tho selection was
aboVe criticism. Edward Thompson then
Etve some original fun on horns and th
program was concluded with a solo, "The
Trumpeter," Alrlle DIx, by John a.
That Offer to Bryan
"to Keep Him Silent
Gets Smiles or Scowls
WASHINGTON, S:pt 21.-Specials-Official
Washington received the offer ot
the New York" World to pay Secretary of
State Bryan (8,000 a year If he would
forego his Chautauqua lectures with
mixed amusement and wrath. The re
publicans wero amused and tho democrats
were angry. Secretary Bryan himself was
plainly displeased at thet proffer, but he
flatly refused to say a word about It.
Senator Vardaman, a close friend ot
Bryan, was Impatient with the newspaper.
"It's nqne of their business," he sold,
"and I suppose Mr. Bryan will take the
Incident with, the silence It deserves. Ho
has the right to employ hla own time
as he sees fit"
"Even though Secretary Bryan feels
that he is right In mounting the lecture
platform as an attraction sandwiched
between Tyrolean yodlers and dancers,"
said Representative Brltton of Illinois, "I
believe the congress should provide for
him. The secretary, I understand, la
forced to do his own marketing and buys
provisions as cheaply as the common
laborer. This Is a deplorable situation.
It he cannot live on the salary now paid
the. of flee of secretary of state, the. gov
ernment and not a newspaper should
stand for the deficit."
Representative L. E. Pyer of Missouri
thinks the newspaper Is supergenerous.
"It's killing. Isn't It, the way that paper
wants to spend. Its money?" remarked
Mr. Dyer. "Why, it's only three months
ago that they paid Colonel Mulhall 110,000
to talk and now they are offering Mr.
Bryan almost as much to stop talking.
You, can't please some people, try as you
Saves Self When He
Jumps on Auto Hood
C. W. Graham, contractor, 724 South
Eighteenth street was struck by an auto
mobile at Sixteenth and Jones streets
Sunday afternoon whllo alighting from a
street car. Graham luckily saw the vehi
cle before it was upon him and Jumping
into the air lit on the hood of the ma
chine, escaping with bruises and several
slight cuts. The owner of the machine
stopped and assisted the contractor to
the sidewalk, driving pn at the letter's
assurance that he was all right. A. wit.
I nets of thb affair secured the number
ot tho machine, which was Nebr. 4t82S,
and 'phoned the police. Graham's hurts
were dressed by Police Surgeon C. B.
i ... . v xx w v- f r
Prom tho Minneapolis Journal.
No More Thought of Doing So, Thrtn
Committing Hari Kari.
Friends of Impeached Executive 3y
lie. Intends-to Oo on Stand and
Tell Story He Feels People
Should Khott.
ALBANY. Rant. finwirnd.. Bnlror n
broke. iho-.sllencewblohnei.has
malirtnintd since his impeachment trial
began and declared he had. no intention
of resigning and would fight the battle
to the end.
"Resign!" ho ejatjulated, ("I havo no
moro Idea of doing that than I have of
committing hari-kari."
Tho governor's formal statement that
he would not resign was not issued until
after ho - had argued at great lehtgh
with his counsel. Throughout tho case
they have been, opposed to his saying
anything for- publication. But he has
overruled them a lew times, though not
since, the trial began, until tonight
His statement follows:
Not tlolntr to Ilealflm.
"I have been advised by my counsel
not to make any statement or do any
talking,- but I have got to have my way
In ono thing. I am not going to resign
and I have never thought of doing so,
"Tho stories that are circulated are for
political effect, and no one knows their
utter falsity better than their authors.''
Counsel for governor Suiter tonight re
fused to discuss whether their client
would tako , the witness stand, but It Is
snld by clozo friends that ho has no
other thought He feels, they say, that
ho has a story .to tell that the people
should -hear,, and ho Is going to tell it.
Writ Issued.
Supremo Court Justice Cochranu lit
Hudson tonight Issued a writ of habiiB
corpus for Garrison, returnable at' Troy
on Monday afternoon.
, Tho writ was obtained after a day of
hard labor by Gilbert K. Roe and John
T. McDonough, attorneys for Garrison.
Early today they began searching for a
supreme court Justice In Albany, but
their efforts were futile. Then they bo
gan telephoning around tho atato for an
other justice.
I Inally Justice Cochrano was located
at his home In Hudson, where he Issued
the writ.
To be barred from the United States
army la the latest fate that has befallen
the picture "September Morn," The War
department says that a man shall not be
reorulted into the United States army who
has any improper tattooing on his skin,
so applicants who come to the local re
cruiting station are examined for tattoo
ing of this kind.
A sailor who said his name was Brown,
but whose first name the recruiting offi
cers never reached, swaggered into tho
station and applied. Whentho men sur
veyed the artistic decorations of tattooing
on his skin they found bashful little
"September Morn" among them.
"Rous mlt dlch," said the recruiting as
sistant, and the applicant was ordered to
get on his clothes.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Sept. 2!.-(SpectaI.)-On rec.
ommendatlon of the bar commission
Charles F. Barth, Herbert II. Busso,
Gerard Porter Putnam, Jr., and James
V. McGuckln have been admitted to
practice before the supreme court.
In the case of McShane against the
county of Douglas, covering fees for
feeding prisoners, the motion to advance
thg hearlntfhus been sustained and the
casu set for hearing at session com-
' menclng December l Appellant Is to
J file briefs by October 20 and appellee to
answer by November 20.
Tipe -
Saved by His Jumper
Catching on Spike
100 Feet in Air
HAMMOND, Ind., Sept. 21. With the
back of hs jumper caught In a spike in
the chimney at the plant of the Standard
OH works here today, Samuel Nansy, a
mason, hung for nearly ah. hour 100 feet
above, the ground before hU1 fellow work
men could rescue, him.
' Nanzv ndJohn Horak. were working
top of ihe slaok,. It gave wiy4 "For a
moment the men clung to the sWaylng
board's, then the timber to. which ilorak
was holding broke loose and he fell to
the ground,
Nanzy'a hold broko at the same mo
ment, but he only fell a few feet when
his Overalls Caught on & splko.
He was rescued, by a rope lowered to
him from the top of the stack. Horak
probably Was fatally hurt.
" 1 r
Have Stacks of Data Bearing on
Extradition Precedents.
Moving; Picture Operators Expelled
from Hooiu Where Puultlve's
Attorneys Are Holding;
CONCOnD, N. It., Sept. 21.-A mass of
information bearing upon extradition pre
cedents In Now Hampshire lay before
counsel for Harry K. Thaw tonight reudy
for presentation beforo Governor Felker
on Tuesday In an effort to defeat the
attempt to t)avo the slayer of Stanford
White returned to Matteawan asylum.
The order of the procedure of the defense
will be decided on Monday. It had been
hoped to submit an outline of tho plans
to Thaw's mother and sister, Mrs. George
Lauder Carnegie, today, but no members
of tho family, except Harry, are here.
Thero was considerable uncertainty to
night as to whether Mrs. Thaw would be
able to make tho trip hero beforo the
extradition hearing on Tuesday. She la
In charge of a physician and a trained
nurse and It Is feared the excitement sura
to attend tho proceedings next week may
make It Inadvisable to bring her to Con
cord. William T. Jerome, who Is In charge of
New York's case, Is not expected beforo
, Monday night. According to present
j plans, Governor Kelker will arrive on
' Monday from his home In Rochester. Ho
was quoted today by a closo friend as
"Now that this matter has been put up
to me I shall decide It In accordance with
what, seems to me to be my duty, simply,
solely, uninfluenced by publlo clamor, or
any other consideration.
"My mind Is perfectly open on the sub
ject of extradition, and I want full in-
j formation before I decide."
While Thaw's counsel were working to-
day In the state library building their
consultation room was Invaded by mov
ing picture operators. They wero
promptly expelled by former Governor
Stone of Pennsylvania, leader of the
Thaw forces, who deprecated the Introduc
tion of what he culls the "circus element"
Into the case. '
WASHINGTON. Sept. 21.-Beware of
freak diets and of fakers calling them
selves food experts; eat what you want
when you feel like It, giving attention to
cleanllnem and wholesome cooking.
Tils Is the official advice of the Depart
ment ot Agriculture In a warning to the
publlo Issued tonight as a .result of an
Investigation J'lst finished by government
specialists Into the operations of self
styled "experts In dietetics."
H . . .
. f
co w sJ
Letters Said to Show Lone list of
Women Under His Spell.
Detectives, from Tenor ef Missives,
Tnlulc ,Hr Victim ef Sleek
Ceremnny, ns Anna An
yiUer Wm,
In tho think 'of Harts techmidt; tile prleii,
confessing to tho murder of Anna Ati-
muller, apparently show thai on Tils trip
to this country ho was accompanied by
a woman, who believed that she was his
wife. She did not know that Schmidt
had over boon a priest, and evidently hud
been mddo to bellevo that he Was a nro-
lessor of philosophy. The letters wero
written in German. One, It was Bald,
was mailed .from Louisville, Ky.
Worn fh tnnr ist fnn Intl
tectlves believe that the woman was th
victim of a fraudulent marriage, as was
Anna Aumuller.
Nnme IVlthhMd.
After Schmidt had left tho woman in
Louisville he wrote to her, according to
tho detectives, saying that ho had ob
talned a position In one of the univer
sities in New York City. In reply tho
woman wrote rejoicing In his good for
tune, and begging him to jet her Join him
as soon as possible. It Is not believed,
however, that Schmidt over brought her
here. The natno of tho woman was with
The lotters found In Schmidt's trunk
number 200, and, according to tho dctec
tlves, throw a great deal or light on his
life. Thoy show, It was said, that a long
list of women had been fascinated by
Soldiers Fire Blanks
to Scare Pedestrians
A few soldiers returning from the
"Battlo of. Awol Bay" celebration at
Carter Lake club last night frightened
theater , crowds as the various playhouses
let out. The boys In khaki, as they ar
rived In tho downtown portion of the
city, fired round after round of ammu
nition Into the pavement toward tho
sky and at tho feet of pedestrians, who
scampered for shelter.
Many women screamed, panic stricken,
but the soldiers laughed. Their pistols
wero loaded with blank cartridges, and
they enjoyed their Joke Immensely.
Scores of persons living In the north
part of the city who did not know of
tho sham battle anxiously called police
headquarters early in the evening to
find out what the shooting In, the east
bottoms was.
CHICAGO, Sept 21. A lofl-fpot brick,
chimney collapsed and fell through the
root of a foundry today at the Deerlng
plant of the International Harvester com
pany In this city. One man was. killed
and five Injured, while many others bad
narrow escapes, as the hundreds of tons
of brick plunged through the roof.
A dozen men were working In the
moulding room and one man was re
pairing the base of the chimney when the
crash came. A heavy loss of life was
averted by the absence of the great ma
jority of the workers on account of the
Saturday half holiday.
Leon Babrowska, a moulder, was hurled
under the hugo mound cf bricks formed
by flje collapsed chimney. Tho five In
jured were caught at tho edge of the
mound or struck by falling bricks. Two
of the Injured were covered with water
when Pipes burst and only quick work
by the uninjured men saved tbem.
Ilk Wim
Meeting of the 0ccan-to-0ccan High
way Association Expeotcd to
Bring Many Enthusiasts.
Iowa's Governor, as "Well as Ne
braska's, Will Give Ideas.
Omaha-Denver Roo4 is Planned as
Part of tho Enterprise.
Scheme in r Have the Mnln Cross
Conn ivy Unnd TlirouRli Colo
rnda on fWny to the "
Count. "
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Sept 2L-(Speclal.)-One of
tho most Important meetings held In Lin- ,
coin this year will conveno Tuesday, when
tho Coast-to-Coast HlRhway association
meets with about 450 delegates who aro -expected
to bo present
Addresses by several governors will bo i
mado, besides by others prominent In thot
good roads agitation. It Is hoped that
tho affiliation of five good roads assotla-
tlons Into ono big meeting will havo th
nffect nf urlntrtnir out n Rood attendance
and nlso bring about results which will '
mean much to tho movement for better
roads, i
Tho meotlng will bo cnlled. to order by
Secretary Gcorgo Edwin Tarlsoe ot 10
a. m who is also chairman of the com-,
mltteo of general arrahgemenw, wnicn
will bo followed by tho election of a pre-j
siding officer and tho registration ot dele
The Prowrnm,
11 A. M. Report of committee on gen
eral arrangements. Address of volcome
mayor of Lincoln. Greetings by secretary
of Lincoln Commercial club, W. R Whit-
ten, and president or tno i.tneoin nmo
club. B. A. George. Appointment of com
i P. M. AiMrtfsAPM bv John W. More
head, governor pt Nebraska; J. W. Hol-i
den, chairman Iowa S,tate Highway com
mission: Thorndyko Dcland. secretary!
Denver Chamber of Commerce.
S P. M". Addresses by George W. Clarke.
governor ot Iowa,; John W. Morchead,
governor of Nebraska: Will G. Forrell.
secretary and managing director Salt
Luke City Commercial club: George Ed-i
win Parlsoe, secretary O-L-D Good Roads
association. Others to be announced.
Report of executive committee on policy)
or tna uoasi-io-uoast Jiisinvny associa
. . ,1
ROME, fiopt. 21. An Imposing; demoiHv
strdtlon In which about, 23,000 people, ln,
eluding many, red shlrtfd Garibaldlanst
and other veterans took part was held
today In colebratlon ot the capture ti
Romo by the Italian troops In 1870. A,
procession was formed and marched to
tho breach In the wall, by which the,
Italians entered. Theretho mantfestanta
wero met by tho mayor of Rome, Ernestr
Nathan, who read a message from Kin'
Victor Emmanuel In reply to grcettngsi
sont by the municipality. Hla majesty
"Tho virtue of tho Italian people and
tho valor of the army have made Llbyal
ours. Italy now calls for tho first time,
all Ita children to the polls, Including even'
tho Illiterates."
The royal message was greeted with aw
outburst of enthusiasm, which Is re-
garded by the authorities as very elgnlft
cant after the recent clerical and antlij
clerical disturbances'.
A. W. Browncll. a farmer living nearf
Scott's Bluff, was at the Merchants hotel'
last evening trying to figure his profits,
on twenty acre of potatoes which he had
Just sold for SS cents a bushel. He brought)
In ton carloads and says he saved out)
plonty, to eat and plant. His t'gurlng1
convinced him that ho had made a profit)
pf over 100 an acre on the land for the;
year Just closed.
Help the
to Decide.
Mr. Retailor, If a manufact
urer wishes to help you by
means of advertising the goods
he sella you,, ask htm to do it
in tho way you know will do
jou, as well as him, the most
and quickest good. Ask him to
use this newspaper or others of
the same character.
The thing you both want is
to got your message before the
eyes ot the people in tills com
munity the greateat number
possibly to bo Interested in
your merchandise.
Get ydur manufacturer to
concentrate hla help, if he has
any real help to offer you, Tho
best advertisement on earth la
valueless unless it meets the
eyes of a possible customer.
And an advertising compaign
that does not offer you somo
direct, concentrated help in tho
shape of local newspaper adver
tising to your own people isn't
going to be very effective when
it comes to counting results.
Retailers and manufacturers
interested in newspaper adver
tising for nationally distributed
articles aro invited to write to
the Bureau of Advertising
American Newspaper Publish
ors Association, World Build
ing, New York,