6 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 21, 1913 FAMED LEADERS OF THE BAR lEminent Members of legal Profes sion at Montreal Meeting; COLLEGE HONOBS AM) FUNCTIONS Conferrlns of Deiirees, Iteceptton nd Surroundtnsr Scenery A'otable Features 'of the' Great Consress. Tho old and hlstorlo city of-Montreal, under the shaddw of Sit, .Royal, fur nlshcd on the first of September the citing of a great event tho Thirty sixth annual meeting of the American Bar association, a congress noteworthy In several respects. It was the first time the association bad ever met beyond. the confines of the united States. The attendance, of about 1,000 was the largest ever present, and the asso ciation had as Its Invited guests the lord high chancellor of Great Britain, the Hlght Hon. Viscount Ilaldane. who had come 4.CC0 miles to address the meet ing. Of tho 203 In the Illustrious tine of England's lord chancellors, he was the first to visit the Dominion beyond the seas. Then, too, there was represented the Buprerao court of the- United 'States, the eupreme tribunal of the forty-eight states and territories of the United States and its possession!), a representa tive from France, and many of the most distinguished lawyers of Canada. Lord Chancellor Haldane delivered his address in the Princess theater on St Catherine street. The theater was so crowded that many women In wonderful Parisian costumes accounted themselves fortunate to obtain teats In tho gal. leries.yln the center of the stage was a Union Jack; to the right, th"stars and Stripes, and on the left, In honor of JUaltre Laborl, the trl-color of Franca As men. whjso names arp familiar to alt English speaking people, cameT"hpon the stage, the enthusiasm was unbounded. There was no doubt but that the preat jfient, Frank" B. Kellogg of St .Paul, was very popular, but when Chief. Justice White, of the United' States, appeared the entire audience rose to Its feet. Follow ing came- Robert U Borden, prime min ister of Cauda, and ex-President Taft Then followed the lord high chancellor, accompanied by ex-Ambassador Joseph X. Choate. and Sir Kenneth Mulr Mao X eerie. Judge Altop B, Parker and At torney General Mclteynolds also occu t yted teats on the stage. Conferring Degrees. One of the most Interesting features of the meeting was the conferring of degrees Upon the distinguished visitors at the Convocation of Meant university. In the rooms of tho Boysl Victoria .collego, where the sessions of the association were held. The assemblage w,as a bril liant one, the ceremony unique. In the audience were the chief justices of many elates of the Union, many of the federal ;3dt, lawyers whose names have been ivcsmtny years household words among the profession, and many ladies, Includ ; lag the ithn&n of visitors from the Unltel 'Mates and the ladles of Lord Haldane'i party, whose tymi gowns lent a beau tiful touch af oelof to the scene. On the .ww ti wx wtmgm waa a Merotc-sises sUnU ot Wd( mrathcena, lewd high "aettamistotr of Canada, now resident .'$a Zxmtofi, and ex-offklo chancellor of the unlresdty, But what 1 more to the point. lrd sKrathcona Waa there himself, sttlMMMHed against his' own clo ture, and oftkoHgh ninety-five whiten had whitened his silver hair, he ad vanced and delivered a feUcltlpus ad dress of welcome to the candidates with a voice and presence which repelled any suggMttwi of the Infirmities ef 'age. Lord irathcefea, by the. way, wag the one who financed the Canadian, and Northern Pa clfle railways and helped lift Mr. Tames J, Hlll up the ladder of his fame. ' A Natalie Assembly. 1 Those horiored with degrees were lord Chancellor Haldane of Great Britain, Chief Justice Edward Douglas White of the United States supreme court; Itobtrt T Borden, prime minister of Canada! Maltre V. Tkborl, of Paris, France; ex 3Preldent 'William II. Tart. Hon. Charles J. Doherty, minister of justice and attor ney general of Canada; Joseph II. Choate -ambassador from the United States to Great' Brkatn; Hon. Elihu Root, Halted State senator from New Tork, aad. P'raaV; S. Kellogg, president oflhe United c IHa-iee Bar aweciatlon. The yrtce en h same platform of the lord ehacil5r of Great Britain and 1-orJ M commissioner of Canada, the chief jiwtio of the tlnKsd Biat. a former ycesMswi of a great republic, the prime BdAtets? d Um wvlnleter of justice of .Caaate,. the ejaW Justice of the- Province of Quebec and Joeejih II. Choate, Aaserlca's ambassador to the court of St. Junes, presented a galaxy of illus trious living men such as I believe haa never had its parallel. Lord Haldane and Chief Justice White sat aide by side, apparently cracking jokes with each other. Ex-President Taft and Prime Minister Robert L. Borden hobnobbed together. The prime minister could afford to be very magnanimous, because It was the advocacy of Mr. Taft's reciprocity 'd8- wlth Canada that had caused Sir Wilfred Laurter to step down and Mr. Borden to step up. Speeches Follow Dearer, As the candidates received their de grees, they advanced and In accordance with custom shook hands with the Ven erable Chancellor, Lord Strathcona, Chief Justice White, who Is a giant In stature, not only shook his hand, but apparently obeying tho Impulse of his heart, actually kissed It, a knightly tribute to a ven erable old age, After the format part had ended, and the several candidates had been endued with a sort of silver collar over their scarlet robes, speeches were demanded, ' Lord' Haldane said he waa astonished when In New Tork to find that Columbia college had thirty-three acres of site within the precincts of the city, but on coming to Montreal he had found almost the same extent of land In the posses sion of McQIU university. Chief Justice White said, "I used to believe that degrees should bo conferred upon men engaged in the abstractions of life In a purely scientific phase of ex istence, .but that thought In my own country has always been mitigated whan I realized that when "such a degree was I conferred upon me, nothing personal waa Intended by -the action! but that It waa : due entirely to love of country and of mankind on the part of the universities." Pausing a moment and looking at the ample folds of the red gown which en campassed him, the chief justice con tinued, "I have a feeling that I am a much better red man than I waa a mo ment ago." Mr. Borden, the prime minister, whd possesses a splendid voice and fine pres ence, had welcomed the congress In tho morning with a most scholarly address. Speaking of the cordial, relations between the empire and the republic he said; "Through a thousand valloys on either side of the boundary line flow the streams from each Country to mingle their waters In the mighty rfver at our feet. So may the ideals and aspirations of the two na tions flow In a gracious stream of friend: ship and peace during all the glorious years of tho future," a sentiment en thusiastically cheered by the large audi ence. In expressing the gratitude he felt upon receiving his degree Mr. Taft said It was somewhat in the nature of helping coaU of fire upon his head; that he had been promoted to tho position of a professor of a University; that the lord chancellor had himself once held aslmllar position. Maltre F. Laborl, the duly accredited representative from Paris to the meeting, who wilt be remembered as tho attorney who defended Dreyfus In his celebrated case, waa detained at hla hotel through a slight accident, and precedent won broken and his degree conferred upon his in absentia. When called upon, Mr, Choate said that he had hoped his degree would bn con ferred upon him In stlcntla; that he had ha4, considerable experience in tho re ceiving of degrees and had always re ceived them In alienee; that this, how ever, was not his day', it was Lord Maldane's day; that during the long years ie had spent la England he some times became a MHie doubtful whether he waa an Englishman or an American; um seme one would tread upon the carle's foes, and then, he said, 'IalwaV6 "helped hiia scream." Seetal Function The reception at tho art gallery tend crcd to Lord Haldane by C. J. Doherty, minister of justice, waa one of the most notable functions of the congress. It fol lowed a dinner which had been given to the chancellor 'at the Itlts-CorHon and was attended by about t.SOO pooplo, Th6 guests ascended the marble staircase, made a tour Of the various galleries, wherein are house.d many gems of art, and approached the dlas placed at the top of tho stairs, and were then wel comed by the receiving patty Mr. Doherty, Miss Haldane, "Mrs. . Doflerty, Lord Haldane and Mr. Borden. Lord Haldane la a man of most winning and attractive personality, and made each Pron think that he or she waa the Tar. Ocular person whom he Waa specialty pleased to( be permitted to see. Mr. Wathew Cferfr.g of Plattamouth. inter ested tne chancellor in informing Mi, own-were memsera or Hi same mil vera! ty-that of SMInburgh. Next to Lord Haldaae himself, ex-President Taft attracted most attention aa he greeted friend frost aU parts of the United State. The meeting closed with a bnout in the Roue room of the Windsor hotel, th mw successful ana brilliant in Ita hie tory of the association, with over l.SOe present, in tne absence of Hon. EHha Root, Hon. Joseph II. Choate presided! as toastmaster. The brilliancy of tne scene was I net cased by the presence of quite a number of women, who came into banquet hall for the speech making. Honors Deferred. Nebraska and many other states wished that the presidential mantle might fall ipon the shoulders of our own brilliant confrere, Henry D. Estabrook, now of New York, but after canvassing the sit uation. It waa thought best to leave the matter in a position where Mr, Esta brook may well regard it as an honor de ferred, but not lost Let me say, by the way, that no lawyer In New Tork City stands higher at the bar than doea Mr. Estabrook, and the day I saw him Judge Holt of the federal bench had appointed htm special master to pass upon disputed claims filed with the receivers of the Anaconda Copper company, in the sum of ts,ooo,ooo. Many member of the association who had known and been lntimatejy identified with Ralph W. Breckenrldge, for, many years, in Its committee work and other wise, sppke with most sincere regret of lis untimely death. Omaha in propor tion to population, had a larger repre sentation than any other single city. The meeting was one which cannot but fall to strengthen the entente cordial existing between the three great coun. tries, and no member of the association who waa so fortunate as to attend the congress win ever forget the pleasure and the inspiration of the occasion. ARTHUR WAKELET. V William Busk Quits .Teaching to Join United States Navy "Have you anything In the navy a school teacher can dor a youns; man asked yesterday morning at the.navy re cruiting oriice. 'Why, yes, if you are handy with a mop or know anything about rope, we can make a fine sailor out of you," the recruiting officer told him. "That suits me," the teacher decided. "I need exercise. Trot out the examina tions." . Bo WIIHam Busiest Lincoln, graduate of Lincoln High school and student- at the University of Nebraska, also teacher, enlisted. He went into the aervice as ap prentice seaman, and left for San Fran cisco right away. 'jVCsaSBBBBBk f E gSBBBBBBF Mm iWilHwssfflnnHs "You Will Smile" when you see the appe tite returning, the diges tion becoming better, the liver working prop erly and the bowels regular. This means health. To bring about this condition you should trys HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters It is a real safe guard against all ailments of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, and will help you to maintain health and strength at all times. HN'T FAU Tt TIT k BMHTLE I I I I I JOHN BURNS IS QUITE FOND OF SOLDIER'S LIFE LONDON, Sept 20. "Why was not John Burns made secretary for war?" Is a question British soldier often ask. When ever tho head of the Board of Works Vants recreation he goes into the country to soma military encampment and marches a few miles with any detach, ment of notdlera that happen to be on the move, consequently the soldiers all know lilm. and would like him at the "head of the War department , John Bums Is a great walker. Twenty miles a day la relaxatl6n from work for hlrrt. He la very much In evidence at all the Aldershot maneuver, and he fre quently 1 joins gome band of territorials on the march, and then after a day, or an afternoon of tramping in the country, takes a traia back to London, Apart from his fondness for walking with soldiers, and a passion for attending fires 'and advising firemen, about their work, John Burns la in these day the least conspicuous member of the liberal cabinet He, who In his former Incama- tlon'of labor agitator loved nothing' more than to raise hla voice In denunciation of the crimes of the .capitalists, seldom gets upon his feet in Parliament Some say that this Is because he is out of sym pathy ' with the advanced social reforms of the government and with home rule Certainly he Is out of sympathy with his ild time "pals" , In the ranks of labor. They cannot overlook the fact that he attends court Iff knee breeches and gold braided coat And they never fall to re mind him, since ho' haa been drawing a minister's salary of 125.000, that he once declared it was Impossible for any man to can more than $10,000 a year. NEW TORPEDOES ARE Of EXTRAORDINARY ENDURANCE LONDON, Sept. 30. The new Japanese battle cruiser Kongo, which has just sailed from Plymouth for home, is taking with It forty torpedoes of- a new and secret design. These torpedoes, a twenty one Inch weapon officially known as the V. L., are as great an Improvement upon the British admiralty's Hardcastle weapon as that torpedo was upon Its cold air predecessors. Both are propelled by heated air, but while the Hardcastle had a range of 3,09 yard,1 the V. L. can travel from 10,000 to 12,000 yards as a speed of forty-eight knots. The trials of the Japanese order were made under the personal supervision of two officers of the Kongo, and the teat were carried on with the greatest sec recy. They are catd to have been highly satisfactory. In a few weeks the company manufao turlng this new weapon will begin work on a larger order for delivery to' the United States naVy. LINEAL DESCENDANT VISITS . OLD "WASHINGTON -HOME LONDON, Bept S0.-Peorg Washing ton 'of Nashville, Tcnn., a lineal de scendant Of one of President Washing ton's brothers. Is visiting Sulgrave Manor, the ancestral home of the Washington family. An option haa been secured on the manor, which wilt be purchased by the British committee for the celebration of a hundred years of peace, aa a lasting memorial of the occasion. It is said that $75,000 is needed to complete the purchase of the property, and white Joseph O. Butler of Youngstown, 0 was here to unveil the Ohio panel of the Pilgrims' monument at Southampton, he offered to raise $50,00o of the amount on his re- rnla . fh4 B I I I I . m mm mi The British committee hopes to ralso the full amount In England and thus make the presentation of the ancient Washington home to the American people one of the graceful acta of the cetebra' tlon. ! NO WEDDINGS FOR DANISH BRIDEGROOMS THIS MONTH COPENHAGEN. Bept S0.-Th DanUh papers are Issuing warning to brido grooms under 49 years of age wt to get married-thls month. If they persist in planning weddings they may be mis- sing when the hour arrives, for this la the month when the War department Is expected to give twelve hours' no tice of mobilization for maneuvers. All n.en under 40 yeara who are liable to bear arms wilt be compelled to obey the summons, and not even a wedding will serve aa an excuse. A World of New Things at Rubel's Tomorrow this store will be decked out in its New Fall Attire and will be "At Home" to the people of Omaha. - . We will. present to the view of all the callers tomorrow, a very unusual display of new things in artistic furnishings for the modern home. All the goods that were injured, even in thelightest degree, m our ware- hmis'e fire of August 17th. were entirelv disnosed of in the verv success- f ul sale which we held immediately following the fire. Since then OUR COMPLETE NEW FALL STOCKS have arrived, together with some special purchases made for this occasion. These new goods were placed in atemporary warehouse as they arrived and will he shown tomorrow in all their completeness for the first .tune. As a result, wo are now able to present the newest, most at tractive andi most artistic showing of things for the home to be shown in all Omaha. Special Values for the Occasion There will be many splendid offerings during this exhibition weeksome very unusual values. Tho list of under priced goods is too long to mention in full, but we give a brief idea of their importance in the specials below. 1 mi MITr!! 17 PRFFIIT TFRMQ We re1uire smaller payments than any other store in IriU vll EirliJlfjS Vliill 1 1 iiTIiJ Omaha. "We arrange the terms to suit you. You can buy what you want here and pay" for it at your convemence. We aro more generous and ex tend favors and concessions to our customers that would posi tively be denied them at other stores. Wo invito you to enjoy the use of this' more generous and helpful credit service. 5-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE, IN CIRCASSIAN WALNUT FOR . . . This complete Bedrom Suite consists of five pieces-Bed, Pressor, Chiffonier, Chair and Rock er. It is made of genuine Circassian walnut; is a very fine set of furniture. All pieces are large, . roomy, massive, substantial. Mirrors are heavy French beveled plate. Special for this occasion $79.75 DAVENPORT BED "VmitoW Jk.eU.on or "T8lbM" Style. W hive this spendid Davenport made with the "Unlfold" aotlon and also in the new 'I'ullnian Re volving Seat" construction. In each case the bed is fitted with improved sagless springs with steel sup. port (you don't sleep on the upholstering.) In. each case the mattress and bedding are held securely in place when bed is closed. It Is made ot solid quar ter sawed oak, Fumed, or Early English, or Golden, or Mahogany, upnoisierea in heavy Moroccoline leather, fully guaranteed. A massive, substantial extra durable Davenport bed; tlS.OO value, now at. $28.75 EXTRA LARGE OAK BUFFET 2-Inch Continuous Post Brass Bed A very handsome and substantial brass bed, full 2-ln. posts, large fillers, guaran teed lacquer. You must sea this bed to appre ciate its value. Special ly priced for this weelc. ., Ckifftiier A roomy, 5 drawer Chif fonier, , oak finished. X splendid value at the price here quoted. Bneoia.1 for this sale only, atr- i $5.95 Here's a very massive buffet, full 5 feet long, made of quartered oak in fumed or other finishes, drawer oottoms ana cabinet interiors of bird's-eye maple, French beveled mirror, lined; drawer: very high grade Dunet, special, at fr' visitors by securing one of theaexL & 931 atwl folding cote S1.98 Genuine . Leatker Dioiif Chair XVames are made of solid oak, different finishes, rests are upholster ed in genuine leather. A very unusual value at the special price $2.59 $13.75 J J Women's Work and Crime Modern Industry Dangerous to Woman's Character BY MAUDS IS. MlKBRi Secretary New Tork Probation and Pro- officer In the night court. New York. (Exclusive Bervlce The Survey i-ress Is the trend of modern Industry dan gerous to the character of woman!" "Aa an indistinguishable unit in the Industrial hosts of today, Is she more or less anti social in thpught and deed than as an Isolated worker under the simpler con ditions of, the pastr These questions are aoked and consid- tujsd in a report which Miss Mary Conyng- ton maoe lor in imww (,stuw.u. the relation between occupation and criminality of women. I ! part of the InvestlgaUon concerning women and child wage etrners in the United States, pr-i pared under the direction ot former Labor Commissioner Charles jr. ein. miss Conyngton endeavors to give answer to the qyestlons from a studs or women offenders. The conculstcn Is that the widening of the industrial sphere of woman has not been accompanied by a proportlorikte tn creass in criminality, but as far as change is perceptible It Is toward & diminution of legal offenses. Statistics were obtained from t.229 women offenders in six different stated who had been convicted ot some offense. An analysis ot 1.533 of the .r offenders, whA had been gainfully employed, shows that 77.E3 per cent had been engaged In domestio or persoiuJ service; ia.7 per cent in m&iuf&cturtng And mechanical pursuits; 131 per cent In trade and trans port&tlon, and .64 per cent in professional ' work. Comparing these percentages wit. the percentage ot women in different oc cupational pursuits throughout the com i try as given in ti, lauieu States census for 1900, it was found that a disproportion- ate! number, varying from twice to six times its representation, come from the ranks of domestio and personal servlc that manufacturing and mechanical pur suits do not furnish , their full shore and that trade and transportation. Including all store and otflcei work, produce only a small fraction ot tbelr proportionate, share of offenders. , Inquiry as to thu earliest occupations of the offenders in C27 cases indicates that no proportion ot offenders beginning In the higher occupational pursuits fall kback into the ranks of domestio and per sonal service and a study ot individual cases shows that those , who pass from one occupational group to another remali for the most part on the same industrial plane, thus controverting the theory that any considerable number of women begin ning in the h!ghe occupations seek to conceal, their past by classing themselves as domestio workers. The great bulk of women offenders who come repeatedly into the courts or who offend In such a way as to show crimin ality are divided according to this report Into three classes moral imbeciles, men tally defective and low grade women who are In the main uneducated mentally, un trained Industrially and undeveloped morally. Because domestio and low grade factory work draw the law grade work ers, domestio. pursuits yield a large pro portion of those who violate the laws. -Tho newer occupations. It Is .reasoned, show tar less than their proportion of women offenders because they exercise upon these women restraining Influences. At the same time that there are more temp tations there are also present more safe guards against these temptations. It ts inrerrea mat so rar as increased indus trial opportunity has had any effect it has been in the direction ot greater res pect for law and that the apparent de crease of criminality among woMen is not only an accompaniment, but In part 8, consequence of their wider industrial opportunities. An inquiry In regard to the relation ship between occupation and immorality and the study of the cases of 100 women who are leading lives of professional Im morality, leads the Investigator to con clude that there Is little connection be tween occupation or want and immoral ity. As a result ot Interviewing those who work with women who have been leading immoral lives, the Investigator states that not, one person consulted gave occupational Influences ta a leading cause of immorality, and only two laid particu lar stress on them as subsidiary causes, also that not one worker assigned poverty or low wages as a direct or immediate cause ot Immorality- In the whole In- the women had been driven Into wrone doing by want Four classes of women are considered the unmarried mother, the qulry only five cases were found In which the worker lifting them believed thad immoral life, but the Importance of the girl who leaves and regains the accepted path without any, general knowledge ot her deviation, the occasional prostitute and the profeslonally immoral woman. Ot the women who had been leading profes. slonally Immoral lives, a larger numbet were employed as waitresses than In any other occupation, and the wrong doing. of the members of this group was found ta he due not- to the temptations in this oc cupation, but to the fact that the girlt were non-moral or actively . immoral Causes assigned for the Immorality ot 100 women include'betrayal and'desertloc and unfortunate home conditions; a large number ore classed as weak or vain oj fond of excitement or indolent or easily influenced, and others as moral perverts. These results are taken to show that pi downfall of women was due to causes operative long before they entered the Industrial world and that the entrance ot these women Into industry was not res ponsible for the existence of their im moral tendencies and did not furnish la the majority ot cases the occasion for their manifestation. Although the conclusions are based or a small number of cases and little data and it Is not always apparent that they are clearly deductble from the facts given, they are In general accord with the find Ings of those who have studied tho prob lem of the immoral woman closely. It li true that domestio service and low grade factory work attract the low grade work ers and that the percentage of offenders .coming from domestio pursuits is due to this rthaer than to the dangers of dom estio service. Tho occupational Influence is small In comparison with other intlu. ences in causing women to enter upon an economic factor as an indirect Influence and as it affects the homes from whlct the girls have c6me, cannot bs overlooked.