Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Image 7

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niiny 01 .lara
t y 1 1 ' i i M n i
i Wood Coat and Skirt
, itangrers dt 3 for . .06
High grade brass Pins,
I trill not rust. paper, 3o
luvyu. spools
Sew)ng Silk, r-p-ool
4-lnch Vancy Warp
Print .Ribbons oar.
gain eg u at-6
at 'a yd. i...
These offers come at the best ppssible seasonright at the beginning of fall, when
fabrics are in greatest demand. No other western storo. can duplicate any of theso offers
The Low Prices at Which We Will Sell Yard Goods WiT
,6s 1 Result in Saving Thousands of Dollars to Omaha People
18 Numbered Bargain
Squares; 18 Specials
Fancy Warp Prints.
Persians, plain and
moire taffeta rlobona
splendid valuer for
eaahes on bargain
square No.
4 at. yd...
8-lnCh fancy Warp
Prints In pretty flor
al designs, brocaded
and plain satin taf
fetas and metre taf
fetas main
yajrd. .
New Cotton Goods for Fall
You cannot afford to miss this opportunity. Como early to
the Brandeis Basement Salesroom.
Dress Forms
Full size, complete,
metal oaae. JS.oO
J?; $2.60
nlng Wax with
tile, En
:oen ..... ww
Best Brass. Dress
Makers' Pins, -lb,
Te: I0o
Bee the near Beaton Rdbe Flan- Bee the hundreds of new styles
ntls-the nbw colorings r pret- In light and dark colored percale,
tier than ever before. Flannel rnosf desirable and practical cloth
Uept. Basement for . fall Wear Percale. PePt..
See the new lirnbrdldered. Wool Basement.
Baby Flannels, ecalloped find benu See the New Vclour Flannels-
atltched. edges with the new em- ilOral and how figured designs in
brolderd Ideas Flannel Dept. beautiful Color combination .
Basement. . Flannel Det., Basement.
,,. ' , v . . Bee the rieW Plata and Checked
.Bee tho new styles In Klhder- T; .
" 1 ' 1 ulnghains -juet the thing for
garteh Cloths , at tho Gingham . sghool dresses Olnlgham Dept..
PApt.. Basement. Basement! ' """ '
Dress nanhelttte and OntlUff n&nntl
at OV4o Yard Every yard now this
keaeon and made to sell Up to 12 Ho
y'ard, Think of the many purposes
for which ybu cab. use these
fancy flannel .styles mill
able for dresses, Klmon&ti, h-0
Waists, gowns, to at yard.... UU
15c tlnn Sflnlshed Suiting at 66 tfard
"-These ever tervlceable, .popular
linen finished materials will ms.Ho
29c Cotton
at 15c a Yard
Imported C o t t 6 n
Challles Look just
like the Wool chat
Iks that are worth
76o a yard. Fancy
figured, fltrjped and
bordered effect
light and. medium
and dark cMors for
dresfces, Waists, etc.,
basement, 4
WAshablu milts And rtiRH-fe
that tUl give unusual satis
faction; a rare bargain at,
Furd...., ,,,,
2So OEnglisU Madras at 3oo, vara
Full 22 Inches wide. Ask for this
special bargain In rlnyhain depart
jnjm, -yvniie ana xancy
Stripes Instead Of 250,
Monday the sale price
Is, yard. ..................
Mercerised Kftteeft at, Yd., lBo , F
men's Eatlns and the highest krado
yard wide mercerised. Sateen, aro very
desirable tins season, ones .
eaCK'year Wo receive a lot;
hoc Woqtd be m low priti
for sush flhe tobds', M6n., yd
Berpeatla drop at la 4 0 fard The
only crepe with a guaranteed perma
nent crinKie. The new styles that aro
This is the first sate
of yard goods ever
conducted on a
gigantic scale by
any western store.
on sale Monday, will make
Ismail. A aaving of fiHo
Mt biautlfui
garmenu and the coat will he uur
yard win be possible here
wonday. . ueeiratjie,. per-
tat lengths
Bress Prints at
Ithgths Of atandari
medium add dark
day from over lo.ood
yaras, at,
yard. ...... ,.,,.....)
4Ue Yard Dis
ra prints in
that are
Fine Quality Percale at BHo YJd
You will find an aesortment
that win convince you
could no? be on pretty
assortment of eti'loa
uiat tnen
useing. On Bale
or dark
a yard.
50c to 70e Nw Fall Dre&s G66J81
plain and fancy serges, herring
bon and pencil stripes- tw6
toae whipcord; all wpol nn
French vollM, etc., at yd. u7C
1 T ' i '1 1 11 1 11 ir
Gowns and Suits
of Our OWn Resident Paris Buyer
Qir Style Exhibition Last Week
phird Reduction
suits of Such Exquisite Character Been
it Could Compare With 1 hese.
tporttd ex
8id every woman who at
8 ihat such exauisite .ntyle was
rVe will reduce the oriitinal prices
& them at once, at the very beginning
ey woman who buys a garment now.
Paqutn Arnertc&u Beauty Chiffon
Brocaded Velvet Gown, with beaded C 07.67
wafat. formerly priced at 9. at..J(. Vs.iw
Psquln 811k Broadtail Gown, with heavy
Itt black htt tunlo and real lace waist, I I 9.67
JTormerly priced at $169, at 'y-r',7. ,
allot uiacKC
beaded waist
t over flesh-coiored net, ror- QQll A 4
tnerly priced at 1149. ot
Doocet Old rose Silk Lace QOWn over white f3 33
Charmeuse and Net; formerly 126, at "
Francis Koae Crepe Chiffon a,nd white toe C7Q 33
triplo tdnle, formerly priced at Ills; at... '""'u
lAgnea Fur trimmed carrot chlifln Qowri ovr
white Charmeuse, with silver lace, formerly RR flH
priced at m. at UJ,
Felix Lake blue Brocaded Crep aawn
of tho most admired of tho simpler frocks, ACQ QQ
formerly priced at 89. at , VUOiuw
Xlaudnltz Champagne colored Charmeuse Gown,
embroidered net 'trimnted, formerly priced CfiKQR
l at $98. at v",w
.AtoApclB -Hot 6 cciftred Figured Crepe Oown.
W'lape trimmed, very effective model, for- S43a33
triv nrin("n aw mo a. si.k. &
Paul Polret Brown Chiffon Gown? oyer .Amer
ican Beauty, mink trimmed a graceful de-
rim. fnV?MrW nrlnt1 nt S9B. at
Paquln Gold embroidered French Blue Chlf- .
ion uown over oiaca winuu.,
trlcod at $1J6. at WW ,W"
Paul Polret WWW Chiffon Gown, over black
Chiffon Armura silk-very handsome cos. $33,33 v
tume. formerly Priced at $125 t.
m iily law and jit ornamenX formerly priced $79,33
i&ucet wnhVlmina Biue'ciriffon'Armure 8lik
and biaoK unarmeuse u. aQStOw
Doucet White Bl'lk Pique and black Char
meuae Gown, an extremely charming" ere J C 0 33
atlon, formerly priced at $. at v
Doucet Taupe colored Silk Matelaase BUlt. ftQQ.QQ
martin trimmed, formerly priced at JUS, at
FSnlaNavy. Broadcloth Embroidered BUlt, Cg3,33
caracul collar, foimerly priced at $98. at. .
naltz Silk Mole Coat and Broadcloth
Skirt. larsV embroidered collar, formerly J9,67
oSu'cVt Bilk lS3ult.Bbroadtaii; with ermine coV
lar and curti, formerly priced at $1, t..
Francis Itaisln colored Matelasw Coat. martin
trimmed: collar and cuffs, broadcloth akin, ft ft
formerly priced at $H&. at.............
r..,.,. nimrm.ud. anil Velvet, with Ja-
. " 7 TTSL. ' t .. 1 II.- Affti MM
Ipaneae emoroiuery. mn ur !SijZUlJ
merly. priced at $. at.. ..... .
Silk Suit, with genuine Fitch fur collar QB.QD
.n.m.Mv .ri,l at 111). St.. V
PaquinWlsterla Brocaded Wult, wlUi Kltcht
fur collar and cult's, formerly priced at $119, J79i33
Agnes-Taupo SUk' Broadtaii 'Coat, with gl Jtt
broadcloth skirt, formerly priced at $9S, at
The Newest, Richest Weaves
At Notable Special Prices
80 many women hava exclaimed ovor tha haauty of tho new dress fabrics that wo know tho more complete
showing during yard goods weak will causo a genuine sensation. A scoro of special values are offered hare.
fZA WCU CfTITINrC AWTi fAATIMs'JQ WtpTtitnlihnw is to$S quality tnlnetofhigh eharad-0t-lNVil
OUillllUO AllfJ WAIIimj ttrinauondtrfulMortmtnt. MatltM, bmadu, tolds
w(iU HtdiOrd ards, black and white thicks oS: ord and trotcn mixtd tuitinQs, yrtn and blut tffeett, tallorid tnafeWalt,
ngUMidiuuplnt, blatkaAd plain chtvtott V fnitcS, plain epoig and QO $ 1Q (1 (1 QC QC
jftineli all t0dt Mint, A trlAfjnld aaHt,n, priced aU &0mylilVmylMUmyl.VOmy&VJ
75c All-Over Prints
31ack Broadcloth
Sponged and shrunk broad
cloth, In medium Weight for
tailored suits and coats 15
pieces of new goods, worth up
to 176 yard, at a yard
$le29,na 95c
100 Piece of Garfield
Worsted Mill Serges
Tncse popular serges come la
more th&h 3d popular new
Shades. Their regular price Is
$1 a yard and they aro In great
vogue for fall wear a special
Inducement for yard en.
goods week, at, yard. . Oi7C
54Iich All Wool Dress Goods
Wsrfch $1.25 it 59c Yard
"Medlurii weight Materials, storm series,
broadclotlis, diagonals, vlipcbrlB,
Striped ad Checked suitings, pt
Mannish Tallbrod buttings, etc.,
oh bargain square No. 18, yd. , .
New $ Suitings at 79c Yard
64-Inch elegant mannish saltings, Bed
ford cords, English whlpcordfl, sebnato
pols, Molango suitings, eplngle, heavy
Tamluo cloth, Victoria suitings, coalings
and chlnehlllas, worth ffi.oo rmsi
a yard - bargain sfttiare N6. g
14, at, yard
Specially Priced 35c Yd.
Dolly Varden and Dresden pat
terns In multi-color effocts and
a wonderfully beautiful array
of designs and colorings are
hero specially priced nfi
for yard goods wook, yd.'C
Dress Goods Special
Monday in Basement
Now dress goods in 36 to 54-in.
widths, All In new fall and
winter woaves and colorings
tho values In a regular way
would bo from 66o to $1.76 a
yard specially priced for yard
goods week, oa. qqa
et, yard 07Cto UOC
A Special Offer of All Wool Ch&llies and French Flannels at 25c Yard
tfhesd aonular fabrics at dfUrsd for yard as w6ih with dots, ttritiet, floral nd Bal
kan ejfreote, Oriental and Pfesden patUrhs, all Qo on bargain square iVb 13 , at 35c a yard,
Wa hv featurtl eply. a few 6
iPK th week of this yariTgdoda so
easy reach ot moderate allowances.
. rAW or mis eofK or waives Mit mtAiioi rf tni. wnh nrha rnt- win anntvn dur.
'goods sale. This great section is mil ot extreme novtlUes tor fall and winter at prides within
n 1 1 mm a aaissin i i u i 1 1 i ici an i iiiiiishii jsu huiii 11
65.33 HW III I
'"'"" ie-;Miini..i .aii'iH.-yi .nil. -
By tho Yard on Third Floor
-feot WIS rriatea XJ.o- riser oil Cloth 1. 1H and
iea-Tie and wood er ? yard wide: worth up to
fects; w6rth up to aa. sSc a, square yard, a
SBc. at, a squSre Aye at, a squar IHr
yard,., yard...,.,.
ia.foot Wifl X.th61eum 3rlhn Matttnr 1 yard
Hardwood affects; worth up wide and raverMblei clean
.to SOo a square rt , and sanitary flour nf
yard, at, a Square hJfC coverings; Mon ZhC
yard ...,.,...,. day special, yard.... w
New White Goods and Waih Goods Sjscially Priced
regular 26c article; full
extra heavy
Fine 811k
and a
S7 inches wtdo. at. a yard.....lSV6o
assorted .Wash Ooods of high char
tCttr; linsths 1 to 20 yards and
scid up to 38c a yards silk ami
cotton foulards, printed crepe, ra
tine, voile, etc., very special, yd., so
Sexaah Wide Wfclte Mtalm SUtial
wira neavy ror pajamas, waisi
ew.t worth lbo, yi.7.., I.THe
Every woman wjll be delighted with the splendid showing & the most attwtctivtj oUftlitida
uuu . puituruH iu uww waiu gouus una whsu. gooaH m our uaaerqem.
Una New Brocaded roplia for late
fall! every wanted shade; 27
InAhA wlclft at. n vnrrf Qtth
87-Zaoh Wilt xiplttte, tor pajamas,
women's houie dreMot, undinnvix
llns, atci roush dry TieUtie nam
on selvatroi Ho value t, yd,...),oa
Bndlts Variety of White Sfovilttes
Novelty Bwles. dimities, corded clun-
ler stripes, pinu erreut, etCt zOo
vaiue at, yard, xoo
tpH KARLV 8rt6lPttnS
tlfnlted quantity of extra heavy
crepe plqna; a very popular fabrle
ior isuorcu waisu ana tircsses for
fall requlree no iron
lug I regular 8C5C a yard
value; while it lasts, at,
a yard, only. ......
Many Worth up .to $2.00, at 65c fair
Thousands of pairs of these kid gloves, mostly In
aolasp sfylts-r-not a pair worth Iqas tbap. lKand
most of them worth $1.50 and even 12.60 a pair.
Majority of them are perfect, but a few have been
slightly soiled from handling. Black, white and a
gdbd range ,of colors In overseatn or
nlaue.'Yor street or dress V
great special, on bargain square.
mam floor, at, palT.
Every Style in Shoes for Fall That' New and Popular
Dependable Footwear
Women's Full Dress Shoes at $3.48
Made of dull and tnn calfskin and euede leathers
, i . ..... ,
in blaok, brown and groyt in tho now English
low heels or Cuban hoels pdrffcdt fit-
. , i. . I i i i., . mill i mi.
ting all sizes; at, pair. ,
460 Pairs of Men's $5 Shoes at $
Tana and blacks in the best of leathers in all
styles perfect in every way. Actual
5.00 values at, pair , . , . .
Women's Satin Slippers at $2.98
Blaok and writo in eolonial effocts with cnt
steel buckles, handsome dress
slippers in all sizes, at
Women's High Class Shoes
The famous S. Wll make ot New York. Shown
for tho first time in Omaha this season. Strictly
bench made, silk fitted and the very finest shoes
for women. All sites AA to D, pr, SO S7 end 38
48 wflWrn
3.50 AMSf MM
.50 M
Our New Picture and
Framing Dept., 3rd Floor
We have Just received fifty brand new, choice
wood picture frame mhuldlngs. These patterns
are all from the famous "Art Craft Oulld" shoU.'
and are the sort one sees surrounding choice pic
tures In exclusive Fifth Avenue Art 8tores.
Inlaid Circassian Walnut, ol(d African Mahog
any, rosewood, in hose beautiful veneers so Well
adapted to dark toned photographs. Solid Walnuts
toned In grey, brpwn and black for unusual prints. '
With this splendid addition to oUr already
large and carefully selected stock of frames and
mouldings we particularly solicit the Work of those
patrons with the "unusual picture" that Is "bard
to frame." Prices less, than ordinary frame makers
charge or ordinary frames.
Munsmg Wear
Tho Finest 3nlfc Underwear Made
We are official asenta In Omaha for
this union underwebr of highest charao.
ter. We show Munsing wear In Its com
plete range 6f styles and In all alses for
women,, misses, children and boys. All
wool and fleece lined undergarments that
retain their shape.
Women's Munsing Union Suits, aU
'StSf.f"98c $3.50
Mlssea', Children's and Boys' Union
Suit", at 30J to 81.08
tVe are
official agents
makes of
for leading
Including the Famous 1j Vlda, Smart,
Set, Nemo. La Ttevo, American Lady.
Warner", Madelcne, lion Tou and It 4 O
palm OUve Soap, a
so Mulo Team Uor-
,Mb. q
IiapactlQ I'llls, 100
In bOUte,
the botUe , aOC
Manicure 11 o o f
Stick, per e
'do, at. DC
PHOTO SUPPLIES We do developing
and finishing at cut prices,
Onr Rubber Ooods Dept. on Mala Floor
In Charge of trained nurse.
60o sisa
bottle . . ,
Cas carets,
60c slse
Monday We Will Open Onr Enlarged and
Newly Equipped Department of
Boys Clothing
" Ob Second Floor Old Btore,