Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 2-A, Image 2

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''iJjiji Bar
J ' .have
(f sold.
Silk Hosiery
for Fall 'Wear
Good, reliable kinds
which will give sat
isfactory service.
Thread silk, blaok or white,
at $1.00
Heavy weight .silk, black or
white $1.60
Thread silk hose, lislo gar
ter top and double soles,
exceptionally good wear
ing $160
Colored top, thread silk,
with lisle soles $1.26
Silk plated hose 50o
fait lM'
kit? t Otty. -
m r - -r
twtHTlMf Ae "Whether itNss
V , .'Mm iIHihuIiii
(SYem gRaft CwroftAeat.)
ram.fTho tin step la etrsilal tm
whether the Iowa Telephone company has
v right tp operate In Des Kotow without
i franchise granted by the people were
taken up 'today In district court Argu
ment tVero heard by Judg Dudley on a
lemurrer Xlled toy the city.
W. T. Shaver appears as plaintiff in t&a
tuition. JHe says the Iowa Telephone cam
pany has ho franchise and ia not entitled
to ovna In Ies Molae without- one.
r.he cojapaay coat end it hu a right to
tare the street of the city an4 is given
thte right V the state legislature, whlofi
niewa K to erat petes public hlfa
" 'The" compary la al relying act a ruling
t tits mMk-imm mm, which kM luM
t)Mt a street teVWtety m Mm. Mm
law UuU. arive it aha richt la etwet mIm
W igfeways therefore irtvaa H the riai
A BtbaM uuasi au ftlf ir iavkUL
ra eaaFpaj aa werwwB
MXry f HkMi;
. AMH, la., St. ' K.-Secat:HAtnBa
Jocma up like a cetoseua on' the U13 Mia
ourl Valley conference gridiron. The
toyheBt-looklnff foot ball schedule an
Iowa state college toaca ever hod la con
fronted by the mbt formldable-looklpg
foot bail squad an Iowa etate colloge
coach ever had to work with. Amea foot
ball hopea aure are doing aeronautics this
Almost 100 men turned out on the call
of Head Coach Clyde Wltllami, Monday.
The number la nearly double what it wa
list year, and the quality of the material
is so high that the coaches hare a pus
tie end a Job on their hands to do justice
to themselves and the varsity.
Karly In the week. Coach Williams and
Jfcsslstant Hubbard msde a pick of twen.
Jf yeq an troablai with bekb.
4Utlau. eeblas Jolnu, uuu or eUrr
uywrtavu ot kite (Imh, sr ( la put
iMcntWu asr ( year tortttlbtra ture
tut troBMt roa sSmuM Im n
tiro in Ustlni Ut
WurMr's Safe KmIm?
smI livr Remedy
Um Koria't srUt radr tor ih jaa.
Btrt. lltr, tUASer a4 b!oo vtli 4a
lor I'M, It vUl tlp jrov (rout th Try
ftrK daxrct Br In Ui, aod Mil
by all SraU1. (o ass IL.
Mr, EJala 1MsU, list Btm fit. Mk
kill. Ji. T , write! u Mclr aos
tlnu with fcltsr troBtlo. T!i tfotor
lrrt4 w, 4 llaiUr gT nut vp M
tsttrtSl, Ose Aty y wit brouiht
Iipo tnttU c! Wsnwr's Hut KMaer
d Llitr tm4ra o4 t .commenc
Mtns it I Manse Nuk tee Jiitblj t
re f medletn It ta tcucb for
1 MudUs rt Iblt UraiM U
taiak tt wr utr m sue ts Ull Mr
orr to Mhen a tSr W be IuIbm
tiftiiiarar'i qi i inn rcra
IMI tWdaer'aad Htw Bemedy
WtaVeeea BetaeCy
i eeeupaMea
Write tor a free sample .giving f
tlanunber of remedy dasiried to ,z
Comprehensive Display
of Refined Apparel
Every Style that is New and Fashionable
THE FUR SECTION, greatly enlarged,
interesting sight. )
Fur Fashions are settled, and from day
day the newsst piecei have been arriving.
Such popular styles as Civet Cat,
Mole, Jap Mink, Eastern Mink,
Beaver, Fox, Wolf and Pony, at the
lowest prices for Dependable Furs
that Omaha has ever known.
You purchase hero "with a certainty of
correct representation of each fur.
New Suits and Dresses and Coats
taken the places
Always new
Our September Sale of
Blankets and. Comforters
ia of interest to overy ono in nood of bedding, for it means
money saved on new dependable goods. Eegular low prices
are quoted, all reductions are gonuino,
White Wool
$4.00 quality . ,$3,i8 a pair
$8.00 quality ,.$6.9 a pair
$12.50 quality, $10.96 a pair
$5.00 Gray Wool Blankets .54.29 a pair
$7.00 Plaid "Wool Blankets , ,$6.19 a pair
$10.00 Camel's Hair Blankets $8.95 each
$4.50 Gray Wool Porch Blankets $3.88 each
$2.50 Whito Wool Crib Blankets .'. .$2.19 a pair
$2,50 Plaid Cotton Blankets $2.19 a pair
T-tw fresa Mhi reneraJ mm en mU
field far the primary Varaity eleven, cen
tartar areun fwr veierana.
alaittw wtlr e taKic th-ra doll to
aifle up aHMi and le wr k ta' take
'.sfnswa.m er wliMptpea. nfm rao
M .wHaaserinwiieae a tke aW
The t4 aehedula foiiews!
September 27. OriaiMll at Orlnnell.
Oetaber . MlneteaeXa at MlnepoU.
Octebefll, eeesu , , ,
October, Uteeeurl at Ames.
November 1, NeerMk at Ames.
November K, Ceraell at Ames.
November M, low at Jowa.
November , Drake at Oe Motpes.
"Prstty" Weat, Ooraell end and Quar
ter, came here this fall and entered ea a
freshman Ag. Ha left Cornell on account
of the faculty's unoompromlslhg attitude
toward fraternities. He is assisting In
coaching the scrubs and, It Is said, has
been promised a good athleUe job after
thki year.
Naval Officers Whose
JBattlesMp Grounded
f o Be Cburt-Martialed
WAWmOTOW. Bet e.-Oa recajs-
mea4atto-H of & tieerd ct ln&ulnr. con.
Mtrraa lit by Hear Aaaairal netefcer, ceas
Wn4l, tha 8ecad eHvVston of tHe At-
aH i met In Xexleait wars. eereury
KaaM-ls today oraarea tke court-mrtlsi
af Cantata Harry A. WeM and lieuten
ant Xenjamla J. Xartaalaw, cemasander
and navlfttar, raapecttvaly, of th bat
tleship Zxiuialana, which was grounded
in Vara Crua, harbor. August eV A letter
Of reprimand has been aent to Ensign
Robert K. Aw trey, officer er the depk.
The battleship received only minor dam
age from the grounding and still is at
Vat. Crusi.
TBCUMSEH. Neb.. BenL aa.RrjanIt
The program ot the third, day of the
northeast Kansas and Southeast Ke
Vraska racing circuit. In connection with
the Johnson countv fulr. YinA in tu
xslared off here Friday owing to rain, the
norsemen leaving for Hiawatha, Kan.,
where the races in this circuit will be
held neat week.
The string of horses which raced here
this week was ths beat vr nn tM
track, and by horsemen said ta bo the
neei ever brought together in Nebraska
on a half mile track. Them mv
"fix harness horses and a number ot
Eauopers, representing some ot the best
racing blood in ths middle west
The exhibits at the fair were not as
ood aa In some years past, but were
raucA better than would naturally be ex
pected in a year of dry weather. Corn
almost as rood a ev ... ...
v t wr aa fj eaa v g
whlbttton. but, of course this waa secured
from some late lowland fields and will be
nulte the exception this year. The county
vuHiuuensi exmoji was splendid.
LONDON, Sept. M-r-The strike of the
railroad men in the British Isles waa
ended today. Officials of the companies
reached an agreement with the represtn
tatlves of the men's unions on the basis
o we reinstatement of all strikers, who
agree tb. handle all th ir.M ,iv.
the railroads are bound tp carry under
Uw Taw. ' Indications also, point to a
a,Hl.m.iif t .V.. . i . ...
on Monday,
l'trl'lGt AdverUlfagVj'tbe ftoad to
of the hundreds already
things to show you.
$3.00 Wool Comforters $2.69
$2 Silkolino Comforters $1.73
$7.50 Down Comforters $6.88
and many moro. But como and
see for yourself.
Sulzer Denies that
' He Recognized Glynn
. as Uniei hiecutiYe
' ALSANY, N. V Bpt. Jo; -governor
Bulaer denied today that he had recog
hUed, the right of Ueutenant Oovernor
ai m a ne -
utynn ,to perform the duties of acting
tioveirnor Sulser'e action yesterday in
transferring certain criminal business to
the attention of Mr. Glynn, said his
counsel, had no bearing on the question
of Sulser's present status,
The statement ot Mr. Taylor that Gov
ernor Bulser had not recognised Mr.
Qlypn came as a great surprise to the
Office of the acting governor. With the
receipt of the communication from the
governor's secretary it was believed right
of Mr. Glynn to exercise the functions
of governor had been recognised.
During this morning Executive Legal
Assistant Owen I Potter, thinking Mr.
Glynn had been recognised, offered his
services to the acting governor. Other
attaches signified their willingness to
take, orders from Mr. Glynn.
Girls Rescued from
Burning Building
ST. PAUL. Minn., Bept .-Flre caused
by spontaneous combustion In the base
ment of the Xjouja P. Dow building in
the heart of the- business district today
threatened the destruction of the struc
ture. The Janlutor was burned, probably
fatally, fighting the fire, which swept
up the elevator shaft. Forty-tire girl
employes were helped down fire escapes
and ladders by the firomen. It was de
clared that .all the K employes bad .been
accounted for.
ROMS. Eept 80. Aa Imposing demon
stration in which about 30,000 people, in
cluding many red shlrted Goribaldlons
and other veterans took part was held
today in celebration of the capture ot
Rome by the Italian troops in 1870. A
procession waa formed and marched to
the breach In the wall, by which the
Italians entered. There the manlfestants
were met by the mayor of Rome, Ernest
Nathan, who read a message from King
Yictor Emmanuel In reply to greetings
sent by the rouncipallty. His majesty
"The virtue ot the Italian people and
the valor ot the army have made Libya
Ours. Italy now calls for the first time
all its children to the polls, Including even
the Illiterates."
The royal message was greeted with an
outburst ot enthuslaism, which la re
garded by the authorities aa very signifi
cant after tbe re:ent clerical and anti
clerical disturbances.
C&appeU Business Hons Domed.
CHAPPKLU Nob- BepU S0.-(Speclal.)
The Chappell Drug company's itore
building was discovered onflr this
cyemta aooui m.xt, ana u is wpugni mat
it originated from spontaneous combus
tion from oils In tbe cellar. This store
is located In a frame row, and-for awhile
there promised to be a very costly tire
for Chappell, it being the first tire here
In twenty years. The volunteer fire bri
gade did good service and with the assist
ancs ot the waterwprks soon, had tbe
fine under control and elttlungulshed
before any great amount oftdamage was
done to the building. The stock was al
most entirely ruined by water. Tho loss
will probably total about t3,W, fully
Suit Brought at Fremont Over Sale
of 'Stock.
Former Comity Attorney Cook oC
Dodre Defendant in Action -rrlth
Others In Cose Filed by
FREMONT, Neb., Bept 20.-(8peclaU-A
suit wns commenced In the district
court of Dodge county today by Chris
Matthls In his own behalf and as as
signee of sixty-five other stockholders to
recover from Joseph C. Cook of this city,
Roy R. -Cook of Jnrbldge, Nev., and W.
S. Cook of Arlington 121,617.60, the amount
Altcged to have been paid by such stock
holders for stock In the Truo Fissure
0old Mining company and the Crater
City Consolidated Mining and Milling
company on account of representations
alleged to have been made by the defend
ants The petition alleges that T. J. Mo
Cornlck, P. J. Bwearlngen and G, R.
DlAsslnffame, residents of Novada and
Idaho, respectively, secured control of
certain Unpatented mining claims In Elko
county, Nevada, and dlsplayod samples of
high grade quartz represented as coming
from them In the office of J. C. Cook,
then county attorney, .Many people In
eastern Nebraska relying on represehta
tlons mode bought stock, believing there
were large quantities of similar ore in
sight in the mine. Visitors at the. mine
were shown valuable ore on the dump.
an alleged vein being pointed out to them.
The petition also alleges that the oro
brought to Fremont and displayed by
defendants did not coine from the Truo
Fissure property, that there was no vein
except a thin streak ot quarts not car
rying working value and that the mlno
was "salted" by placing good ore on the
dump and in the tunnel and painting a
place, on the tunnel walls with some gold
Out of the money raised from stock
sales, which was to bo spent constructing I
a mill, tt Is alleged only a small sUm
was spent building a road to tho prop
erty and no accounting ot the money was
made afterwards.
It is sold that the defendants claim
that they paid' for their stock like the
others and had nothing to do with the-,
salting. Though It had been rumored i
for some tllno that there was something
wrong with the two companies, the filing
of the petition mode a considerable sen
sation. Dolezal tt Johnson are attorneys
xor tne plaintiff.
Creighton High
is Preparing to Be
Ready for Comers
Creighton High school took th .fi.M
during the post week and Is making prep
arations ror a foot ball machine to up
hold the athletic prowess of the students
of that department n the college game.
Sidney Foley of Omaha has been selected
OS COaCh by the athlctle hnnnt. nnl tnnlr
charge of the squad Friday.
During the earlier part of the week Bill
Brennan of the 'varsitv hnd vhtrm nf
the high school boys and drilled them In
tne ruaimehts. When Foley took charge;
the men were prepared for light signal
work and he immedlatniv
them playi Tor 'their first game next;
a. ... 4 .. j-.ti i is ... . : '
wi.n innana mgn, Altnougn
the time lo short Foley hoDea to nt th
youngsters into shapo.for this battle..
The material this season is much better
and there Is a irMeh large number of
candidates, and If enthusiasm and hard
work count for aught, the prep students
will pile up a string, of victories.
There are forty candldntAn tn th tiiA
among them Relfenrath, DurhUrst, Ivtng-
non. rnuoin, juassey, Conner and Kanne.
nil cogs of lost year's maohlne. Reiren
rath, tackle, will act a captain of the
squad, while Langdon will attend to the
duties of manager. Kane, star ot the
team, who played auarterlast
Carthy, ex captain, and Powers, now on
tne varsity squaa, are among tho missing,
nut .iroley expects to develop equally good
Ptanko. Growney. Carroll.
Borr oro likely looking men for places
on the team. Stanko Is being worked at
center, Growney and Carroll at quarter,
Sowers and Barr In the outfield. Mo
Carthy looks like a good man at uard.
The tentative schedule Includes games
With Council Bluffs Hlxh. tint Nhmka
School for the Deaf. Nebraska City High
ana umuis High.
The game with Omaha Hiuh win h.
played on the Creighton field hext Sat
urday afternoon. This will be tho second
meeting of the two teams, Creighton giv
ing umana a scare last year and holding
It to a score Of II to 4. Omaha hnn
to register a victory this year.
RBNTONVIIitiE. Ark.. Sent. MLrrh
Rev. W. B. Pippin, a BaDtlit minister.
after pleading guilty here today to pass
ing a worthless check on a member ,of
hie congregation, waa sentenced to thr
years In the state penitentiary, by Cir
cuit Judge Maples. The minister um
arrested by his wife's brother, a con-
Siame, alter a chase through a half do sen
Bridal Couple Darned to Death.
BOSTON, Sept JOi-Mr. and Mrs. T.
H. Hurley, who had been married only
a few weeks, burned to death today in
an incendiary fire that swept through a
inreo-iiory uric nuuains on isast Brook
line street. There were many narrow
escapes. The Hurleys occupied apart
ments on the top floor. Repeated at
tempts to rescue them were unsuccessful.
This institution Is the only ono
Jn the' central west with separate
buildings situated ta their own
ample grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct, and rendering it possible to
cllsslfy cases. The one budding
being fitted tor and devoted to the
treatment ot noncontagious and
non-mental Ulaaaeos, no others be
ing admitted; tho other Rest Cot
tage being designed for and do
voted to the exclusive treatment
ot select mental cases requiring
for a time watchful care and spa
da! nursing, '
I uauxtun uu&a xu uiuuauu.
(Continued from Page One.)
Schank, B. B. Criffen, O. W. Ayers, B.
Gales, G A. Luce. N. M. SommervlUe, T.
M. Ransom and A. G. MoVay.
They can only hold this relation for
five years and then they must take ono
of threo relations: Bo made effected,
superannuated or located, which is to
drop from the ministry.
Henry Treyono, C. E. Campbell, F. C.
MbVay, Elmer Wilton, E. U Wolff and
G. It. Goodell will be made effected and
placed In the pastorate. One was placed
on tho superannuated list, B. W. Mn
Mlllen. Those asked to drop from the ministry
and take a location are:
D. C. HoDson. 3. S. Fax. O. F. Chcaebro.
G. II. Wise, F. E. Klrby, J. S. Davis, 8.
J. Medlln. W. F. Harper, J. P. earner,
R. J. Callow, F. A. -C. Crown. W. Q.
Fowler. J. H. Smith, It P. Kllbourn and
J. B. Griffith.
O. W, Hawley and O. B. Van Hagen
have withdrawn from membership and B.
Z. Btanbaugh also withdrew to Join the
Congregational church.
The following men wero received into
the conference on trial;
Rev. Harold J. Armltus, Frank Wil
liams. John Wesley Williams, W. H.
Gardner, Michel Plckeral, Frank E.
Sailor. John T. Greene, R. E. Martin, I
R. McGaffey, John D. Walker, Rex 'O,
Smith and eGorge A. Morley.
Next Meetlasr nf Fremont,
Fremont was selected as the seat ot
conference for the next year's session.
It Is rumored that the Walnut Hill
church, Omaha, will have a new pastor.
It could not! be learned whero the Ray.
William Boyera is slated Xor.
The bishop announced the following
Harry B. Haas from the Indlanajoonfer
ence; Frank E, Fonts from the Iowa con
ference; 8. B. Williams from the Arkan
sas conference: O. W. McCreery from the
Colorado conference.
These were transferred out:
C. R Carroll to tho Colorado conference
and J. R. Spyker to the Iowa conference.
Kacllshmen nt Luncheon.
About noon about thirty native born
Englishmen who are members of the con
ference took luncheon at the Commercial
club. Just before the meal they sang the
blessing in good old English style, which
echoed through the wholo building and
brought applause from the business men
who wero eating in the regular dining
Rev. & D. Bartle, D. D., waa chosen
toostmostcr and Rer. Frank Williams of
Royal, Neb., led off the toast list with a
short talk on 'The English Class Leader;"
Rev. W, a Sanders of Archor, Neb., on
"The English Local Preacher:" Rev. Dr.
M.'B. Williams on "Canadian Mrthodlsm"
and Rev. John CaWert of Crete. Neb., on
"English Americans." Rov. G. F. Fran
combe of Hayeiock spoke ot the organiza
tion. Folowlng this an organization was
perfected for fellowship and social time
with a get-together' luncheon at each con
ference. Tho following officers were
elected: President, Rev. Dr. Bartle; vice
president. Rev. Dr. Williams; secretary;
Rev. O. F, Francombe; treasurer; Rov.
G. It Phillips.
Preackcra' 'Wives Meet.
The Conference Preachers' Wives' as
sociation met in the Sunday school room
in the afternoon, with Mrs. W. B. Alex
ander ot Wahoo presiding.
At the evening session Dr, M. B,
Williams presided ' and Rev. Harry Q.
McCain of Topeko, Kan., spoke In the
Interest of temperance from the. subject,
"The Question of the Century," and Prof,
II. F, Carson, superintendent of the Ne
braska Anti-Saloon league, spoke in tho
Interest ot his work.
The Lincoln churches will have the
visiting preachers supply the pulpits to
morrow. St. Paul's Methodist church
will have Dr. Edward Hlslop It) the
morning; Trinity Methodist, Dr. C. W.
McCasklll; First Presbyterian, Dr. M.
B. Williams; United Brethren, Rev, Q.
M. Bine; at the University Place church
S. Ear Taylor, a layman frpm New
York, general secretary of the Foreign
MUsJonarysociety, will speak both morn
ing anu-eveniiiB.
The business ot the conference Is sot
ting well under way and It looks now as
it the conference may adjourn late Mon
day night.
Women's Federation
WiU Not Recognize
Mrs. Pankhurst
NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, Sept. 20,-The
Federation of Women's Clubs of Amer
ica wilt give no official recognition to
Mrs. Pankhurst, the militant British suf-'
frugist, when she arrives In the United
States. This assertion was made today
by Mrs. C, H. McMahon ot the execu
tive board ot the federation, which ts
now In session here. She Is a ,voter in
the state of Utah. i
"We don't believe In militant mothods
to gain the ballot," said Mrs. McMahon,,
"but we do believe In political equality
and we sincerely hone the day will come
when all women In tbe United Stateg
will have the privilege ot the ballot on
an equal footing with the men."
Persistent Advertising Is tWlWd-toi
nut Mririrn
8 Tsisiiywu
ZEIGLER Coal goes farther and
is cleaner than any other soft coal.
We guarantee ZEIGLER coal
equal, if not superior, to any soft
coal selling up to $8.50 per ton.
Wo handle exclusively
originating on the D., L. & W.
Ry. This hard coal is conced
ed the best that is mined. Ask
for prices on various sizes.
Prices on ZEIGLER and ANTHRACITE will un
doubtedly advance shortly. Order now and we will de
liver at your convenience.
Hunters Report Chickens and Yel-
lowlcgs Hero in HomDera,
Manr Famous Catches Have Been
Made In Nearby Waters-
Charlie aieti'4 Ranch
Mecca for Omahans.
The fall hunting season, which opened
on September 1, and which will close this
year December 15, If the "Weeks-McLane
bill receives the signature of the presi
dent, Is proving a fine ono from the
numerous reports that have come In from
different sections of the state.
Notwithstanding theBe favorable condi
tions, however, and the fact that all
Bhoottng under the new law will be con
fined to that tn the fall, the gunners so
far have not been overly active. This
may be accounted for by the long-continued'
summer weathor and the fact that
the new state game law has so curtailed
the rights of chicken hunters that they
are not nearly so numerous as they have
been in past years, Jt ccsts too much
money to go chicken shooting now, when
the law only allows ten birds dally to the
gun and only ten in one s possession at
any time. This, 'the sportsmen claim, ts
an unjust hardship, and they will unite
In an effort to fiavo it changed back to
twenty-five a day and twenty-five In
There is never much duck, shooting in
dulged in In. September, and yet it is In
this month that the locally bred birds
afo tho most plentiful, the easiest to bo
sot and In ths best condition. But Octo
ber and November are considered the
bona fide ducking months, and the aver
age ducker is In no hurry Just now to
get out Ha is perfectly satisfied to ex
leriment with the chicken, the jacksnlpe
and yollowlegs, all of which are plentiful
in favorable localities. ,
Manr TellOTTlears.
Dan Chase, the well known shot and
sportsman residing down toward Papll
Uon, says that there has been an un
usually big flight of yellowlegs, wlllet
and dowltchers along tho bars ot th
Platte this fall, and he has made several
fine bags. He also says that the Btubble
fields are still alive with turtlo doves,
which birds are protected, howeVer, slnco
the .first of tho month, and must not be
molested again until next July. Dan says
they have "packed" and will shortly
leave for the warmer climes of the south.
The dove and upland plover season Is
open from July to August H, and so far
as the doves are concerned, the hunters
also claim that the law is unreasonable,
and should be kept open until Novem
ber 15.
Bill Falk, the Calhoun hunting sage, re-
Ports that the upland plover lingered up
Ms way on the newly plowed fields" until
a few nights ago, when they all got up
In a bunch nnd left the country.
Speaking about the good shooting this
fall, reports from all directions say that
the chicken have not been so abundant
for ten years or more, and that it Is no
trick at all to get the llmitln a few
moments" shooting in localities where
the birds aro plentiful.
Unas Fiahtntr Great,
As to tho fall bass fishing, like the hunt
ing, It Is also said to be unusually fine,
and many famous catches havo been
made at all the nearby waters. There Is
much complaint from the true anglers
just now about the wholesale manner in
Some of your neighbors know, Because our wagons
now gather it from every part of tii city. The only
reason we keep on getting It is because people aro
pleased with our work that's self-evident-
Wq can do tho hard, disagreeable part ot your
laundry work better than you can, of course, but do
you know that, taking everything Into account, wo can
do it even cheaper than you can have It done athomeT.
Surprises you, doesn't It? Don't stop there maka
us provo it. Call ua up now; tell us which day you
' would like to have us stop (or your bundle.
SSS! For
218 So.
17th St.
The iter
which fingerling bass are being taken
nnd carried away by Irresponsible fisher
men up at Carter lake.
The law says that all bass under elsht
Inches In length, when hooked, must be
returned to the water, but there nro tew
ot the habitual loiterers about ths
famous puddle who ever put any baiMc.
They take everything they catch, A bass
ts a bass, to them, whether It Is one" or a
dozen Inches long.
The bossing In the sand hill lakes up
In Cherry county and. elsewhere Is also
roportod excellent, and the anglers are
congratulating themselves accordingly, as
the summer fishing has been the poorest
Jn twenty years. This is accounted . for,
undoubtedly, by the long siege of ex
cessively hot weather we have had. and
the total absence of rainfall
Where Thejr Are.
Charlie Metz, with a few St. Louis
friends, is enjoying the week In' tjie
chicken fields and with the, blue' wi)g
teal up on his beautiful private prese'rye
north of Cody in Cherry county. , '
Tom Flynn Is back from the Hyannls
country, where he had a Week of dandy
shooting. He says the hills ore full of
birds. 1 ' ' ,
John A. Kuhn and party will be the
guests of Mr, Charles Metz at Merganser
Lodge, Mr. Mets' domain, the. first week
of October. In November John Vteayer,
Albert Cahn and Sandy Grlswoid wjiljbe
Mr. Metx' guests for a week,, .for thj)ast
flight of the northern -ducks. .-,.'-.
B- lu Cantwell and , E. Bruce' Torks
nre the guests of Henry W. .MurphyVon
h In nnpth rt ct-M-M. m....
Joying good chicken shooting, jir. Cant-
weu nas win mm His famous jjraqe. of
imported Epgllsh setters, said to be the
two best dogs in the United Stfttea. Anil
of course they, are having capital sport.
j. ju. uman, with a couple of friends,
leaves tonight for ten Hiirwinn- in
cursion north of Dunning. Mr. Olllan lias
a rancner inena out there.
Eskimo Boy Named
For Woodrow Wilson
WASHINGTON. Rnnf SrtTif h. ......
children named after President Woodrow
vviism, prooaoiy none can boast tfhe
hardihood of a little Eskimo boy, who
was carried a mllo in a temperature of
SO degrees below sero, to be christened.
Bev. Dr. Charles I. Thomson, secre,
tary of the Board of Home Missions
of tha Presbyterian, church, wrote in a
letter received hv
day that "A baby endowed with Jhat
....... ,.. m iwa weens or age could
Stand such a trln atmnM An w-it i- 'iu.
.... r. w. . ,u .uia
world." r
Mr. Thomson enclosed a report from
Rev. D. W. Cram nt 1M, -r.-
. . . narrow,
Alaska, the most northern mission, o'f
... tnurcn, Jn wnicn Dr. Cram wrote:
Doubtless there are many other lit
tle Woodrows scattered throughout the
country by this time, but If this ono at
the farthest north doesn't i.nt,i t.. '
XL'?,: WWo. christening;
......w v.v..ujuon ianen mto account. I
am very much mistaken."
IX)UAl. Prance. Knf. frru s-i
turning a somersault In the air with an
aeroplane in imitation nt th.
formance of Aviator Pegoud, was car-
nea out here today by Pierre Chanteloup,
a French airman, flying In a biplane.
Key to tha situation-Bee Advertising.
ujg i return a
covered by insurance.
Big Returns.