THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 21, 1913 v ... WEDDIH6WERESTS.QGIETYJ Many EngaffcmentsAnn.ouBOtd and numerous AUiuran wcutungs. BUMMER CLUBS CLOSE BOON Mont of Them Will Complete Their Hummer Activities Before AU Snr-Den Week MIHtnrr V WeditlnK nt Bort.qrook. Soclnl Callemlnr. TUESDAT Closing danco at Happy Hol low; Mrs. Oeorgo H.-R.rlspy, luncheon at the Field club; Mm: ChaHos (Joss, .luncheon at Field club: Mr. F H. Klnr, luncheon at Field club; Mr. V IL Cook, luncheon ot Field club; meet ing of Prairie Park Needleoraft club, dinner dance ot Carter Lake club. WEDNESDAY MUs Floronco Wver. brldBe party at the Field club; wedding of Miss Bess's Gibbon, daughter of Mr. Ella Gibbons, to Mr. Patrick Phalen at St John's Collegiate church; dinner danca at Field club; dinner danc at Country club. FHtDAY-Clonlnu dinner dance at Sey mour Lake Cduntry club. BATUIUJAY CloslCR -dinner dance at Field club; danco at Prairie Park cuib; dinner dance at Country club; dinner dance at Carter Lake club. Engagements and weddings are of peclal Interest and many large and In teresting woddlnga are to be celebrated this season. An engagenie'ni of local Interest Is that of Mteg flhlrjey, Castetter daughter of Mrs. F. M. Cattetter of Blair, to Mr. George Warren Donaldson of Lincoln, Ths weddlnjr will take place In the early winter. Miss Caetotte'r has been, much sn tertalned In Omaha, where sqe has -a 1a rye circle of .frJertSiha. much beauty tuid chj-rrn and ( has nerved as maid of honorat he. tdrcMtttibSi bail on two or three occ'astoiiS.' ' The engagement J-,annoUnfed of Miss May O'Drlen, ,dauh,ler of k Mr. arid. Mra Thomas O'BrienVtp Mr. James H. Hanley, private secretary to Congressman C O. Lobeck. The weddln&.wUI ,bp wjotaatfteibbcn 28 at Bt Ceclila'a pro-cathedral. Afr a wedding trip the young i)Mfrit"4jj4c;t to spend part of the year In Washington, Summer Clubs Oloag 4-: - . -4 The closing dates for most of the sum mer clubs have been definitely decided,' most' of thein ,belng oloted ' before the. Ak-tear-Uen' festivities. Happy Hollow Is the first to close and will have Its last dinner dance this sea tttflVthls' evening. Many large dinner parties will be given and about 800 res ervations for dinner have been made by clute members. TljyjKWlll be .anpylnor mftl dance1 Tuesday" efenlng,' when light refreshments will be served, and this will close the season for thls-club. Next Saturday venln?yB b lh lMl dinner dance at the Country club, but It will keep'iplPfctC until JanUaryTfoj'n. formal affairs?- Nei year's eve the club. will probably .close' for. three months The Omaha Field club will close next Saturday evening with a dinner dance, after which only the grill will be open for the golfers. The Beymour Lake Country ctus will cloe next Friday evening with -a- nner dance. p, Th Carter Lake club plans to keep 99m for, a few w?ks kmer,, the ct date ef(etelMf 'h Wt '. " Mr, XAhr Monmm, Jr.,H ftwem from Wete,,.., Mm Mifcsfnan aM. chlMron anther punaUi 'Mr, m& Mrs. i Tntm MmK expected next, Tues- oay. Mra, F. i Johnson aad children are mxpcteH today frofn. OgviMtilt,' M.r they tave t summer home. Mrs. Horry Brram o,f Chicago arrived .Thursday and la the guest of her parents, Kr. and Mrs. -A. ,; Tuker, until Sunday venln. ' ' " Bishop and Mrs. A. U William Arrive Saturday Stnf their summer.' Iwjme tat Richards landing. Ontario. Mr. OrUfSn, sister of the bishop, and Miss Lepnore Williams cams Wednesday. " Mr. andMra,, $pm K.JIaramer -atutj Mlsa Hanfmer' arrived home. WeMieedayT from Wlf-whe feJ if rs. T. J. Mackay ' and Miss TOftancr' y'lfackay arrived home Thursday from a evmmr at AlexasdrK Timt'fe' turn was delayed by Mrs. Mackay mis fortune In Brealirtrr peri ari; iiseVeralH east can be removed'. In 1ai!o(h,er' .wee4t Mlas Eleanor ai&cxar win return ,10- asrs. 1 Vomers' school In Washington, Qjitofcer,B. r ' Mrs. E C. McShane -jVRvea .'ChurUvolx " Joday and will be hew Tuesday, Mr. ,and ,M.'r., WY X Burns,, Who ave ben In Wyomlri lov two weks, return tqday. Mrs. Frederick Lake and small daugh- " tarlM.', returned from 'IfHwaukee. -where Mrs. Ltko visited her father and brother. XtrMtam Travelers. D-v nd Mrs. Henry 13. Lamer salted from Hjunburg for home after two months abroad. They spent most of the Urns in Vienna. Mrs. Arthur Remington and Mrs. S. II, Wheeler, Jr., plan to return from 23urop In November. nr. and Mrs. J. (P. Lord landed In New York last Saturday from a summer .abroad. Dr. Lord reached Omaha Tues day, Mrs. Lord remaining In Chicago to visit her daughter, Mrs. Vaughn, before coming home; Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgess and sons. Charles and Lewis, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kounto and their' children and Jlobert Burns landed Wednesday In New York from Europe. , Mr. ahd Mrs, Bur- xess are eSPtcted home Sunday, having left the two boys at St. .Paul's' school. Mr- and Mrs. Kountxe wilt remain east a few dayB. Their son Benman also en tered St. Psur! and thetr.daughter Elea nor has returned home, Mr. an4'Mr;'.PWH' Kelly .arrived Saturday from a summer In Europe. Mr, and Mrs..W. X-'Bursts; traveled wth Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, stopped In Chi. cago and 'tl-'achr Omaha Thornday, Csvr&Iry Wedding. A pretty wedding Saturday evening was that f Miss Marlsnjjjenifina55$fer ot Major and Mre. mWift Xitfir'lf'ourUi United State Infantry, to lieutenant Bben Swift of the Eleventh United States cavalry. " 7k .estetnony took, plac at o'cVjck. at tha home of the brides parents at Fert Crook, Rev, Thomas J. Mackay of 1 All Saints church officiating. 0 The rooms were beautifully decorated in rjs In -.cavalry.. yellQW sbs.deSf and wr Hghtid wltb, yellow "candles. The bride, a brunette of unusual beauty, wore an ' xftuMte weddta: gown, a Lu- wjfn court tram, tne opiy trtmmlng was duchess Jar. She wore a Tell o real liiree- rl ' ? " ' ; lace and carried a shower ' bouquet of orchids and lilies of the valley, .The .maid of honor as Miss Ethel Elliot of Minneapolis, who was' gowned In yellow charmouso and carried yellow rosee. lllttlo -Miss Edith Fnrnhamj daughter cf Lieutenant and Mrs. Clarence Farn ham, was flower girl. She wore a dainty lace llngerld frock and carried a basket of yellow rose! buds. , Lieutenant 'Berton Read, Eleventh Mffied States cavalry, served as best man, 'Following the ceremony there was a re ception for the guests, when Mrs. Frunch .wasasslsted by Mrs, Clarence Farnham,, Irs." Qlendenninff and Mrs. Youngloff of iManuia. P. I, Xtoutenant and Mrs. Swift left last evening for a wedding trip to New York and Washington, D. C, after whlehHner wilt go to Fort Oglethorpe, Oai, where Lieutenant Swift is stationed The. bride wore atravellitk suit of dark Mue, trimmed with imttia,l.ada hlacltv4- yAt,- c.:- " , tj - It was originally scanned to nav,e a iw-M military envrph wMr. but o.wlng t&' so "many officers being on the Mexican border, the plans wore changed, and. only relatives afcd a few IktlMat friends In the army were present. , , lleturninf to Collepe. aaiss xrma uross win leave ine latter part ot the month to resume her studies at the1-Unlvefdty-Vf -Cliljogo. Miss alary Qtfford, daughter of Cr, and Mrs, fllffQrd, loft, Sunday for the Hill side school In Wisconsin. Miss Alice Qldeon left Friday for Lin coln to jenter the Uplyeralty of Nebraska, Mr, Qeorgo Chapilne of Lincoln is visit- lntMfpr f,wi "daya i wlthfjMr, Casper Blackburn. Both ar students atefths npdis'rayt 'dcad1r.VKnd' return tho first of October to resume tneir studies. "Oflir; aeBBhgle't&li JswlSWJr., of Fort crook, is entertaining' a couege "xneas, Mrr-Cla.ude,Seehorn, ot Spokane, Wash., who arrived Tuesday, and who will, leave with Mr. Swltxer for tho University of Michigan, where 'the? will resume their uuies. ; AtSeymoir Lak 0UKtry Cltli. , Mttif inne parties were g.ven ;ti day evening at the olub. Among these en tertaining were Mr. and Mrs, W B. 'Chsok; who-hsk as."' guests: Mr. attn Mrs. K, Buckingham, Mr. ami Mrs. II.. C. Culver. , Mr. and Mrs. ft. U McCullougb, Others wh.o had dinner parties at the club were, Mr. IL b. Wlndhelm. who had twenty-five guests', Sdl Degan, eight; Jamos 1. .Begley, two: Dr. K, L. D Lanny, three; Donald J. Burke, twoj W. P. Padkln, four; James P. Sullivan, fours D. C. Dodds, six; J. F. O'Leary, four; R, 8. West, four; E. A. Rose, ten) H. Bald, six; Robert Parks, four) BRIDE OF THE WEEK WILL MAKE HER HOME IN OMAHA. MRS, It ANDRBASON. Brides of the Jatm TTrlpn, six: John Pa mitt, six; Dwlght Powell," four. Saturday evening the; stockholders save a dinner and entertainment. Among other reservations for Saturday evening were, Mr. A T. Said, who had. three guests! R. D. Phillips, nines K. F, Worley, six! It, M, Lord, seven! C, E. I'arans; five; J, S.iWhlte, twp; Charles Vollmer, fouf; R. 15. Sunderland, three. The Woman's club ot Papllllon took dinner at the club Saturday evening. Places -were laid for twenty. At Hapny Hollow. -no closing cinner dance at the club was well attended. Mr. and Mrs. 33. O. Hamilton had as thojr guests at dinner! Mr, and Mrs. J. P. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Robort Trimble, . Mr. .and Mrs. L Slbbernsen, Ajr, and Mrs. T. L. Combs, . Mr. andJIra, Thdmas Fell, MISS Neldlff of Pltt1mi-orh ' P . ,'Mr, Albert SJbbornsen, . , ' Ir. W. Morris McKay. With Mr. aild Mrs. W; D, Wllllama weres , ' ' Mr. and Mrs. II. N. Wood,, Mr and Mrs,C.-N. Robinson, Judge and Mrs. Irvlnf. Baxter had as guests: 1 Mr. and Mrs. W, J Beebee, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Fltoh,, Mr. and Mr. Howard. , Mr. and Mrs, Tunnecllff. , LiWJth Mr, and Mrs. T, C (Van Buren, were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strelght, Dr. and Mrs, W. it. Sherradln, Mr. und MS-3. A, D, Marriott. ' Dinning with Mr. and Mrs. G B, Hay ward Saturday evening were: Mr. and Mrs. Raymdnd Hayward, Mrs. William R. Bowen, Mrs, E, W. Stores, Mr. Myron Hayward. Members ot the Dundee Thimble club and their husbands, took dinner at the club Saturday evening. Places were laid for twelve Colonel and Mrs, J, ML Banister had aa jgvieste at dinner Saturday evening; - Mr, and Mrs. George D. Darr, Mr, and Mr. O. L. Bradley, Judge and Mrs. Howard Kennedy. Dinner reservations for Saturday even ing were made by A, IX. Ralph, who had four guests; J. B. Adams, eight; B. B. Webster, twenty; W. B. &elt, six; I Mrs, Spencer, eight; T. W. Blackburn, twelve; C C. Georg$, four; Edward Phelan, four; W. A. Leet, four! R. IS. iLaverty. four: Miss Lora. V- Nelson, H. K. Burkett, two; Charles Harding, six. At the Field Cluh, Mrs. Charles Goes will entertain eight een at luncheon Tuesday at 'the club.,Mra George B. Baker bad twenty-five and Mrs. F. H. Cook, eleven, iStr. and Mxa. E. A. .Htgglaa, enter talned at dinner Saturday evening, when their gueeU were: ... . Miss Olga Btori, Mxa Louise Lody, M. Louis rTtqrx, . Mr George Starr. Mr. and Mrs. II, H. Fish entertained twelve guests at dinner In honor ot Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Julian ot Lincoln, Neb, Dinner reservations for Saturday 'were made hyJ. B. Rahtn, who'bad twelve' gutsts; T. A.. Ewlng.i draJL' 8. Sua msnn, three; George laverstlck. two; John Lavelle. four; O. W. Platnsr, six teen, E. C. Van Buren, seven; Simeon Jones, four. At the Country CluV. - Among .tpose. entertaining ,atha cluh Saturday evening were. Mr. A J. Beaton, who had six guests; Mils Erna Read, eight ; W. J. Connell; E, A Cope, tour: R. L. Huntley, four; George Prinx, four; O. C. Rdlck, fpurj O. B. Yost, eight. Mr- Caspar Otfutt entertained twenty Autumn ' I j'jl at dinner Saturday for his guests, Mr, Theodore. Brantley bf Helena, Mont., and Mr, Donald Flskin'of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Cnidurntt n t a r t n. t n ti at dinner Saturday ovehlnr when. their Bursts were jup ana Mrs. w. E. Rhoades, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Caldwell. Mr. nnrl air a. uurxe. EntertaintYiMita . . A' linen shower 'was glvn Thursday anernoon m honor of Mrs. JsJfJ. Rappley at tne home of her mother, Mrs. W. T. Schneider. Mr. aiitl "Mrs. T, J. Rappley will leave September 2S for the west, where they wilt make their hqme. Those present were: Mesdames HI C. Tlmme, . E. .Paulsen. O.. Sharp, 'Kmmerick, Misses I Grace' Schneider, . Lois Johnson. Messrs? B. A Berllnghof, W. M. Pardee, . W, J, Cuslck, ,F, O, Timme, II. H. 'Johnson." MImah jLena Tlnwne, taiaie Timme, Peterman, ueorge r-araee, Wllburt RnlmcMar. r. . Russell Schneider. mr. ana Mrs. w, u'. Hcnneiaer. Mr. and Mrs. T, J. Rappley. " A miscellaneous "shower was given Mrs. David Marlon, nee Miss Hasl Hotf, ot Florence at the home ot Mrs. O I Alt stadt Tho afternoon "was 'spent with cards and about fifteen were present Tho Mazda society gave. Its of the season at ArmbjrusVa hail. Thurs day evening. About 390.. weret present Shower for, Sride. a linen shower was given at thbojae, of Mrs. ..William fichnotAer.T.hiiriiv-ft. ernoqn for Mrs. . Theqdore Rappeyl,pee week's hrMs rr ,nH lrm ' ffannlA.. ,m) ieavo next weeic to make their future home In California. Those present were: Mesdft.mitfi Mesdsme- W. J. Cuslck, H, C. Timme, H, II. Johnson, y. C Timme, Kt C. Carter, Theodore Rappley, William Schneider, Misses. Peterson. .a a'auisen. W.M.Parflae, Earl Berllnghof, C. Sharp, Emerlck, Misses Elsie Timme, lena Timme, ABireMoa-Xvaas Wedding. , Mies Mary Evans, daughter ot Mr, and Mrs, J, B, Evans, and Mr. .Harold Hall were married Wednesday eve ning at the. home of the bride's parents by Rev, J, W. Morgan, pastor of tne Presbyterian church at .Churdan, la,, and grandfather of tho bride. Mrs. IL J. King played the Lohengrin TAILORED SUITS Reasonably Priced era. si I have Buccestf- JJBmWk. fully solved the HP f difficult prob- '"'"B&r le& at producing tbsDlghest grado m pf work at, minl- mum coat, and: M give. my patroilij BBSS , 1. 1. . a me, iuo ucuoiiia or H my economy Thl"B ejCBlalns why my, prices are bo moderate and wh .ore celre better TtJl uetf at my estab Usluaont. Your trial order J re spectfully b6Uc' ited, and I In vito you to call whether yon .aro rejldyf to .bu'y or1 cuted oIiMKi'Wem. Ue, by men -tall- I rs under my personal Supervision, 5 mus sNvnnr arasua. ana supsrtor workmanship, Bora aat SMf. wedding march and Miss Mae Sorensen sang '.'I Love You Truly." The brlOe wore a gown of white voile over white messallne trimmed with Vene tian lace. She carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses. Miss Carrie Andreasen. cousin of the groom, was bridesmaid and she wore a gown 6f white Vrtepe Te cherie with pearl and shadow lace trimmings. Bhe carried an arm bouquet ot pale pink, asters. Mr. J. Carl Evans, brother of the" Bride, was tha best man'. Mr. and Mrs. Arfdrcasen wlll make their homo In Omaha. Among the out-of-town guest were nov. ,spd Mrs. J. W Morgan and" Miss Bessie Morgan of Churdan, Ia' Luncheon Tarty. Mleses Mona and Florence Itosslter en tertained at luncheon at their homo Sat urday. Covers wore laid for twelve. A mound of white carnations" waa. Used as the centerpiece. Those present were: Misses Florence Dow, Jean Dow, Amy Zschan. Grace Dauds, - Helen 'Carmody, Marie Carmody, Marguerite Savage, Madeleine Owens, Florence Itosslter, Mona Rosslter. uertruae May, Claire May, At Brownell Hall. The former students of Brownell Hall' entertained at a dancing party Saturday cvenlngnt the Halt for tho new students coming In this year. About 113 pupils were present. The nineteen Benlors ot this year assisted Miss Johnson and the faculty during the evening. Pleasures East. The N. W. club was entertained by Mrs. Louis Oldfield on Wednesday after noon. All members were 'present but one. I Mrs. W. JC., Price will entertain the club on Ostptier 15. . A. yfJn;Ue. party was given Thursday evqnink. In! honfn- of Miss Eleanor Fruh wjnftrwrlhday, at-Jier hoVmv lie .North Weqy.( It th;. fdmes ohd musia turnlshed Tlje guest list IncYuded: Mlsiv- Misses Eleanor :ruhwlfth, Beatrice Swanson. "Freda Stenner. CharJltiXrte. Kate Fruhwlrth, Frances Fruhwlrth, Edith Vernon, Bertha Vernon, "DoVothy From, ' Messrs. -Harold Gorham, Cmrl-ron, Charllo'areen, AVlnfleld Oreen, KJmr Eflrnan, Ralph Dunn". - Alvlna feH61ti acrtrude roki . iBathllda'Pottfitoh. Mesars. " John Holland, Francis Burke,.' Charlie Drngoo, " Francis Cosey, Mark Dragoo, Arthur Beck, . eaunaers. Jack Griffith, A... pleasant evening- was Bpcnt In- music, games o'nd dancing at a surprise ?arty given In honor' of Miss Eleanor Btrasser, at her home, Wednesday oven- Ing. ht fancy dancing of Mr. Hughes ahd Mr,. Bureell was a feature of the evening. Those present were: - MljSe9-r Misses---Irene' Donovan. Lvdla Watkowlcx, R'eanor Strasser, May Rogers, Mear.r Anton Panuska, Roy Norrls. . Arza Alexander, Martin Strasser, Llnnle TJudmler, Helen Tuma. Bossle Tuma, Amy- Parr. ' Motsra ; William Hughes, fus Bitrrell, Frank Tuma, William Donovan. William Von Drimkn Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Moore, Mrs. K. Strasser. o-Workers Meet. inursaay evening the memhers or tha coworkers' adult Bible class of the Hans com Park Methodist Sunday school, about elwhty-seven, were given a reception by the class, president, Dr. Jennie Callfas, and the class teacher, Mr, W. B. Peake, at the home of the former on Thirty second avenue. As the guests entered the parlors they were tagged-with slips of paper' contain ing their names, to facilitate acquaint anceship, A delightful evening was spent with games and music, consisting ot soles, quartets and choruses. - Those assisting were Mr. and Mrs. Wat son, Mrs. Myers, Miss Ethel Yost, Mr. Chapman and Mr. Underbill. Those desirous of Joining thts class of ladles will receive a cordial welcome at FIRST REAL FALL HATS ih.MisiW II ilufi i in i ' I mil- ii lI , I' i amff AMAZING MILLINERY FACTS SMI II I j I I 1 350 Hat on display at $5.00. Not to be duplicated elsewhere at -$10. Our shbwiag is wider ever. Hundreds pf Hats that are exclusively Butler Hats on Sale at $2.50, $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00 A complete line of PRACTICAL HATS worth $4.50 to $0.00 C , on jiaj e. at . v W MISS BUTLER mum 1512 Douglas FIRST DOOR EAST OF EMPRESS THEATER 14 the Sunday school session at 9:15 Sunday morning. Matinee Party. Miss Rose Cotfman entertained at a box party at the Orpheum matinee Bit urday. Her -guests were Mrs. Frank, L. Haller, Mrs. Fred Thomas, Mrs. J. M. Metcalf, Mrsi Martha Heth and Mrs. Victor Coffman. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mr. Robert F Smith la spending the You Get Satisfaction Here ; There are mnny methods of getting business, but only one method of holding it GIVE SATISFACTION. . That8 what wo give our customers when it is possible, and when we can't, give them satisfactory work we make no charge for our sorvicetf. Does that sound fair? PRIOE LIST. XiAXJIES' 1. 1ST ing and I and grssslng grassing f .60 il.oo .75 up 1.00 UU .73 . 1.60 1.00 2.00 a. 60 1.00 1.60 a. 00 a co 1,60 a. 60 X.CO 3.60 Plain Waists . , Silk Waists.. Plain Skirts .1 Plaited Skirts Skirt and Drop Jackets, short length, lined length, un'l'd uravenettes These prices are as low as first class work can be done. You can take tho list and figure just what, it will cost to clean or dye 'your' clothes before seeding them in. Every body pays tMe sa!me price and all get a square deal. Some garments, such as fanoy dresses, elaborate cos tumes, etc,,' cannot be listed, as they, aro clmrged for ac cording to the amount of work on each garment but you will always find' our prices reasonable, and the work the bqst to be had in Oiiaha. : ' ; Our autos foabn),all parts of the city, also Dundee ahd South Omaha. Phone us. THE PANTORIUM "Good. Cleaners and Dyers." 1515-17 Jones Street. Phone Doug. 005., N. B 'Vo return charges on out-of-town business when the order amounts to $3 or more. Send by Parcel Post or Express. Interior Decorating W. G. Colling Co, Inc. rhE?ugia 3268 1903 Famam SALE OF arid more attractive than CIT-PftlCE WALK-OVER THE SHOE FOR YOU (Hir display of Wlk-0?rs ia import ant to all to whom fashion is important. Tliey appeal to those who understand and appreciate Tootwsar Style and to those who want to inform themselves in in regard to the New Sftoe- Faihions. Walk-Overs feet the styles for Shoes. Let your 'next pair be Walk-Overs Ft MEN Ft WOMEN Walk-Over Boot Shop week In New York at Hotel Martinique. Mrs. Leltoy Hubbard of Chicago has been the guest for the past week of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bald. . . Mr. Edwin M. Partridge has returned to the University of Nebraska at, Lin coln for his sophomore year. , Miss Mabel Allen leaves September 2 for Baldwin college, Bryn Mawf, Pa., a preparatory school for Bryn Mawr college. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Fell have re- r (Continued on Pago Three) J , h T i. MEN'S I.IST (Dry or Steamt Clsanlng dualling aadSyting and Pressing Pressing Cnlts ...... Coats ...... Vests Pants Overcoats .. Ulsters, h'y Gloves . . . xreostles . . I .73 .60 .60 1.60 8,00 .16 .10 $3.50 1.60 .73 1.00 3 BO 3.00 We are equipped for the prompt execu tion of Interior- Decoratiye work in all its branches. Original sketches to meet individual re- quirements will, upon request, "be proi duced by expert designers.) Drapings, I?urniture, Upholstering, Inr, terior "Woodwork, Cabinet taking, Wall j Paper, Painting . v-; J; 250 Sample Hata no two alike; all smart original models -r worth $10' aa and $12.50; now on sale $vaUII 31