THE OMAH StNDv BEE: SEPTEMBER 23, 1913 Women's 25c All Linen Handkerchiefs. 15c Free Lessons in ART EMBROIDERY BEGINNING tomorrow, Monday, In our art noodlowork section, MKS. SCinVAUTZ will give freo lessons In art embroidery of all kinds, Including crochet, eyelet, French and punch work. The only requirement!) Is that you buy your materials here, lessons dally 2 to 6 P. M. Tou aro invited to Join tho class. QPFfT A I f For MoDl,ay wo oKer a Pocinl purchaso of women's nil ul iVlriL Hnon hand embroidered hemstitched handkerchiefs, one corner acsigns. unrno assoruneiu ior bo iccuon. Hpiondld 25c Monday, very epoelal, your choice each values, n JK Wonderful Sale of Silks 15c --o " wa x ,i wo ui iiAc Twy rawest ciiiu. itiost jc avorea weaves, colorings ana r'at- r , . . v cio ui o, vjinji i ijlcvi vuerea to x ou ax a xvemarKaDie saving XI sain thill 'ft Rtirr fr janf n tinw lurrli tr-nfnr rrtnvV fnt irnlni : nr i i ... i i . ... uuiu Yiiiuii woiu uiieieu ui an unucrpneo ior one reason or. anotiier, Keeping everlastingly at it until this great assemblage was brought to il ft Sale 01 UnilSlinl mn.imit.1ldn. Thorn nv ttri n vmf f nnlnra An'.r, t... 1 11 t , nir mnrlrnf I rrvn nml fn nn1 ivtnlMtt 14- it ,r : uwu uuu unutucr uioro wnioii were onerea at an unuerpneo for one reason or. another, keeping everlastingly at it until this irreat gether for your choosing, beginning here Monday morning. It's a sale of unusual magnitude. Tliero are tints, patterns, colors, designs by the hundreds -the very creZ of the w?d meres every mvorcd weave, In tho season's smartest anil tnot tloslmfiln nninrinrU i . AlP.. 'ch silks nro Intended and tho best part of It nil Is" tUo fact that ' ' IffiZd'Xir ln fift1 ?. tho juu vu uv-jiuiii. uy Baring nuvaniages tiint aro sitnpiy unmatchaulo. I .y T i TTt , , V, ..... ...... ... yitn. uuu tuuuso Jk- i&JL lJt A.i5t WCW S911KS 39c1op 75c Fancy Prqtty plain shades of poplins, EC figured crepes, mcflsallnes and ovor ono hundred stylos of fancy Loulslnes and mesaallnes In neat strlpqs and pattornBTAn exceptionally pretty assortment ind excellent values at 7Gc; In thlB sale Monday, 3'ard aoc $2.50 Crepo Motoor, $1.95 All silk crepe meteor, 42 ins. wide and in every shade of tho season. Tho regular $2.50 quality; sale price, per yard , $1.35 $2.50 Black Oharmcuse, $1,79 tsiaclc cliarmeuso, full 42 ins. wide, a splendid value at tho regular .price, $2.50. Mon day very spe cial at, per yard, . . U7 In this lot are Included plain messallnea In a wide range of shades, figured foulards In 'how colorings, corduroys, 27 lnchoa wldo ln new shades, striped and checked Loujslncs. fancy striped mcaaallnea aqd taffetas. Regular 1 to jl.26 qualities, at yd. OOc $1.79 Si. 25 to 1.50 Fancy Silks 89c Beautiful new-silk poplins, 36 Ins, wide, corduroys, black mes sallnes, pnone velvets, boule vard velvets, brocaded velvets, and wash silks, 24 to 30 Ins, wldo In all the very newest shades of the season.- Reg.$1.25 to $1.50 qualities, Mon. yd. 80c 8? 91.50 to $2.00 Silks at $1.19 Including silk and wool meteor, all shades, silk poplins, silk brocaded popllna, silk crape chiffons, silk marquisettes and black satin duchess, 36 to 44 lna. wldo. All the newest shades are represented. Regular $1.50 to $2 qualities, at the yard 81.10 $2.00 to $3.60 FANCY SILKS Monday at $1.49 PFflAI f Brocadted charmeuso, all shades, all silk crepe do. chine, brocaded crepo Ml IjVIXILi. meteors, tiioiro poplins, plain poplins, brocaded poplins, ' m g canton crepes, plain channpuso, printed crepe de chine, flowered chiffons, 1 All nnd sntin duchess, 36 to 44;inches viae, $2.00 to $3.00 qualities, per yard, W "TrV $1.75 Linen Napkins at "98c T INEN" Lunch Napkins, 14-inch size with JL- hemstitched border. Regu lar $1.75 values; Monday sale pricct doaon KiMdUS, If till 98c Dresser Scarf 8 and Stand Covers with em broidered' odgo and floral design. OQ COo values, Monday, at $5 Bed Sets, $3.98 Embroidered color ed bed sets, largo sizo, Marseilles spreads, scal loped edge, pillow throw to match, rfQ CkQ. at pO0 $2.00 guilts, $1.19 Mars o ill os 'crib quilts, bluo and 1 pink with animal; and alpha- not (losign, IZ.OO val ue, Mon day . . . . $1.19 Pretty Trimmed!' HATS THE Iioubo ior gonuino mDlinory gales.wid ramtcklefis value's, 0 o'm b and be convindv-.on day 8,.hiirp we Vill place on', sale' 1,000 trimmed. hats, -ttio wonders of the millinery trade at prices that aro simply astounding. Three prices $5.00,$7.50 and $10.00 You eahnofc find such hats for so little money elsewhere. $3.00 tango Crepe, $2.49 Tango crepo in a beautiful assortment of designs, 42 ins. wide. The regular $3.00 quality; sale price, per yard , J. $2.49 $10 to $15 Brocaded Velvets $8.50 Brocaded silk Velvets in pat tern lengths, splendid selec tion of designs and oolorings Worth $10, $12.50 and $15 yd.; Monday. . uuuu A Remarkable Sale Monday of Exquisite EVENING GOWNS An Opportune Time to Secure a Charming New Creation for the Ak-Sar-Ben BaU Other Social Functions Scheduled For the Near Future- I rrr eu,v,D M1 " uAquisue creniions ot an mcuviqual.and distinc- , X .tivo character. Many of thorn nro copies of thd season's smartest imported models. We used them as show pieces in our exposition of last week, and . as they have served their purpose we are willing to dlsposo of them at a sacrifice. $79.50 Evening Gowns, $55.00 ' Black bpdded tunio over whi,to jcharmeuse. Black velvet ribbon. ijund waist framing loop in front. ' sleeves', black chiffon nnH'whiia.AMi !bead tflmming. 1X9.50 ypluo.,., 9pp '4115!00 Evenine Gowna. 's74.R0 Blacki charmeuso silk with beaded..! ?;et overdape, with train. White silk not slqeveB and yoke. . $115.00. value,, in this sate. am m m IT. V? "y "v i.n mpre a; bbuiuu ........ '. . Jftnn.llO ?'-Tt t , . S89.5U Kvenlne- Oown nf PinV ofkfix'A m.i tro,uu , j'MMftAttwW Canary chiffon, .for , v.'TMfl 50 , , - 4?.50 Afternoon-Gowns, blaok crona inoteor. for .u .?a ka-' '. $69.50 Evenmg aowns, $49.50 Melrose brocaded crepe witli-long draped , panel in ba'cfi, slashod in front. Bodlco of black not ovor whlto ..lacei Rhinestone trimming; d j a rff $00.50 ,valuq 4i? .QU $125.00 Ivenlno; (wnii,-I79.5D Purple beadQd chiffon. tuhicoer white crepe. Short efeeves ot over white, chiffon, Skirt draped U.ffotit. and BlMhwUtraiaj J12E.00 afc7sfi ff A value .......... ...... ASf.OU. ' i20;b0 'l&vsnfnir a6ynswlthlicitujafeVrHea'' High Class New Fall Suitss Authoritatively Correct .Styles n ffi in Great Asxartment at ... . &0. iU ACH exnresa during the past, few dnya has brought In the noweat and most advanced modola in FaU SuUa.. the showing for Monday comprises aiPtho" newest fabrics, all tho newest colorings and dozens upon doxensof tho moat boautlful and effective styles wo havo over shown at this price. You'll find tailored suits and dressy aults. You'll act quickly, for tho values are the beat in town at tho price jnsea au tno $25 ,z j iff mmi 4 THE NEW "SPORT" COAT A very attractive showing of this popular style for autumn wear. Wide range of fancy mater ials, in white, melroso, f Ar green, brown and grey ylll 10 yi9 i - mm a ffKe MIERNS Jor 'October include iRcnew RUEHEFUMJNCE DRESSES co3uff oirifiiwiffhe complete wiiCioul one of itcse mosiaracefuf and tfoittnjul styles j OcfoberJfictoriattffeview Patterns frJllaaazine now on sale at our PATTERN COUNTER- Tfec Pictorial Revww Pattenu Allow fur all oeanm and are tha only ptterna having cutting and construction guides. 25c Wash Laces at 15c WASH laces in shadow, cluny, yenise and oriental. "Many designs and widths, lor trimming waists and underwear; values up to 25c, special for Mpnday at, yard. . I5c Persian. Bands and tions, inany widths to 596, yard 69c Allovers, 39c Allover laces for waists and yokes, In shadow, cotton Cluny, oriental and fancy Nottingham, 18 to 22 inches wide, values to 69c, yard ....... Laces, new comblna and designs, values 10c 39c 50c Val. Laces, 35o Val lace edges and in sertions, many of them match sets. Oerman and French "meshes, widths . to 1 inches, values to 50.c, tho yard 35c 59c fcottoh piankets at 39c SPECIAL! ' Cotton blankets, size 40x- 60 inches, crrav fonlyygood.weight, well worth 59c 85c Cotton BlaBkctH, 05c CQtton bjarikots,' site 45x72 inches, In tan or gray, regu lar pried j85c. Bale h C price, per pair OOC ' Cottoa Blankets, $1.10 Full sizo cotton blankets, In gray, tan, whlto or fancies regular $1.39 val- 19 ue8, sale price, pr. . . J 1 Heavy Blankets, $1.00 Extra heavy cotton blankets, double bed size, 66x72 inches, grays and tans, ape- tf i qq P J. 39n clal, per pair Sllkolino Comforters, 91.50 Comforters, 72x78 Ins., white cotton vXillod, s'lk ollne covered, tied or $1.50-$2.25 A D1NNERWARE Sale Sensation includ- Oc Wool Nap Blankets, $1.08 Fancy plaid wool nap blanketB, extra hoavy, very uuiiy, alzo C0x76 Ins., sale 98 ywco, pair...4JA 1,000 odd1 pieces of dinnerwaro, dontestio porcelain, beautiful pink spray design, includ- w x -."v-wu, , Dico, piuii-a, piutiers, covered aisnes, sugars, cream ers, covered butter dishes, open vegetable dishes and gravy boats. Embracing values of I9e to 75o; your choice Monday, each. . 100 PIECE DINNER SET MONDAY FOR $10.00 A new opon ptoek dinner waro pattern, whlto with gold, beautiful shape: fhU.5aVu.y.anplec.0. or nHmbor of D,ece8 ou wan and always replace them. To introduce tho pa,ttorn wo otfor a set of 100 pieces for. . . $10 $20.00 Dinner. Seta, $14.85 .German china, 100 pieces, delicate spray dosign $20 value, Mon., set $14!5 $30.00 Dinner Sets, $19.85 Gorman china, 100 pieces, delicate spray design. l Q 85 $30 value, Mon., Bet H JL7 $15.00 Dinner Sots. Sft Rft Best domestio porcelain, sev eral aesigns. 100, pieces, An 8S worth. $15, or ....... 3Q. CAPIT0LC0AL The Coal Diat Gives The Beat Results CAPITOL COAL is from the famous Zoiglor Mines of Illinois. It's BOOT LESS, NO CLINKKRS und practically SMOKELESS. WE GUARANTEE IT SUPKRlOtt to any soft soal at S8.50. Order toaay ior mo special Buraifler price win be for but a few days. uiuru, iuu. . . Qeaulao at special Bummer $6.50 Hcranton Hard Summer Trices, Coal CLOSING OUT THE GROCERY T O MA T OES. Special Qft can OU CQUN, Sweet, Country dentl. man ( i. can I 10 FLOUR, Ex celHtor pat. B $1.40 WAX BEANS. Cupltol brand can U PEAS. Early ce: var I Oo HO MI N Y. I 7U ! SALMON, Cap- MACK EREL, (M a rahall's per can ... VINE OAR, Quart On bottle BAKING POWDER. Cap! IOI, 5-1D. can STOVE POL. lSIl. Knotuellne. Per Qn can W COFFEE, Drakfa4t, 2-lb. can. per JC. Cap! 69c P I C A L ILI, nt-d Hot Chop. Chow Chow, : no YEAST FOAM, special, per n package..... M PEACHES 4 or .Api'lents. Capl tol. npevtal prluo. E 20o TEA, Choice of ?onry,r..35o COFFEE. Can- Itol, per ni. pound fctu BLUING. Quart C. PICK LINO, CLOVES, Cln n a mon, pepper, mustard, alttplce and ringer, cround in cans, apodal ft - . per can. . BUTT ER, Capitol brand. l'lt. A a "lie. Jft RAISINS. (Not PHff....."fu RWiiiT1 spninsj f! I. H X fsf H Lilt Largo ' Cn r.Jlj mt aiitrnJZttAHi Jr ach number a I - rwi-Jv. Tn - mi. 1 TT I I LA VICTOIRE CORSETS THE LATEST PARISIAN MODELS PHE easy, willowy step which shows no A trace of stiffness or effort, the long, clinging lines of the skirt wiich give ,the appearance of slenderness aro dependent entirely upon the corset which has bu3t, waist and hip lines in just the proper pro portion to each other. Nowhere in the whole world havo the makers of corsets so carefully worked out these proportions as in Paris, nor do any vwiuia kuuw ho wen now to manipulate the . i , proportions to produco truly wonderful figure effects. How well we know that the appearance of a gown can be multiplied rwo-ioid or entirelj' destroyed by -the fimiro. and carriage of the woman who wears it. LA VICTOIRE CORSETS will do much for tho womaSVho lacks the perfect lines of present fashion and will give an erect, stately carriage with wonder iui ease to every wearer. eHf The Price $450 $12 WAR SHORN OF ITS GUTTER Ue4iee fo y Boalneta Protiuaitloa WWek HolAa o rUet .for Heroes, s 7bo Klorr, th port, and the romance f Var aro il-ai. Heroes ..-e out of i!t. Kiey nterlVip vllh team play. Patina '4ra will lej;K, apply for ewpJeymeni mywbpre 'ln i.t an army and a ny tlM ewiy (,niyi.. ic th aoarhtlsh' ..'it turn oi- !Mr tr.tmy. A'ar k U.iiit- ft bMatt u m,i;V fTiaat M c depirtment ntsre, - jtaVhH iOrkin Bros., 16th and Harney torlea aro 9 tlio rcleotlat, tha jnechan. Iclan. and tin. - readier to the lsbota tory. the vard Index and the telephone. "Whllo 1 rvi the chief of staff 0. the long: duiancc lh evening-. 1 wW iwk him to Ktvo you a pasa to 90 with I he army," aald Uje prlro minister of But. garia. Jn the mldat of the war of the Balkan alUa agalnat the Turk. It was aa simple a matter aa the New. Ytfrk office of a corporation ealllnar up Us Boat on of Her. BtiHitt. the chlet lit taffaa not at tu front. H manasd the war wltfeout vcr hflnc ecar a batUa. Surrounded by hl dapartmont heads and experts, bo was lu a town wnl to the rear 'of tho nrniv t h 1 point of tila wires, whoro any vltaV'llfllo, tentrai:" would iniUnt;y reach him Bravery alono did not win tor the allies. The Turks also vrert brave. But their concern went to war wlth1 lMd lock among- the board of directors, one set of orders from the president ant an other ret from the cciuril manager, ttio plant In dlaropalr, tho shipping- depart ir.ent on a strike, stock heavily wattitd. and ahort-term notes lue .n a pou'.-i. with call money at 100 Der cent. Av army Is a creat tnduatria) corpuni t'on which moves most of IU blanl wheels and legra. Its f mictions are the meat Jnclualve and conipW of uuy cct pcraton. and It should be the nioat up. to-date. Other corporations cot their re sults from month to month a'l 5"? to year in profit and loss. The are lh tokch with the teat ot aulas. An army Btts Its real teat only In vrar. A Private corporation miv twt r.ut if dato and keep on fioln' business for a ....v HI.J 111, IJi?kJK(7. Ul dalnlng- Improvements and Itttlnx offlca aeai wood conunue to sum th wheels, hut no army and no n.vv can h un. pmereealre and stand ibe trial of war. wnaievtr new invention appears, you Will find tha fishtlnB fs.ces of iha wnrM the first to use It If It has any possible application In their prof-wUn. Tho moat dramatic moment in military hlatory occurred when a ar- man military dlrlslble fcal .if, descend In France because of engine troubft. The Frii'nch officers hail iuian -w tt, , ' . V c German mystery and found, to thslr do- ; - light, that It had not a sngle appliance that waa not already known through the hidden proceaaes of the French Intelli gence, service. Therefore, tho military corporations demand the ablest detec tives, lS0t long ago the Diana at our r battleship, the Pennsylvania, not to men tion tno Plans of a. new ls.lnrh gun, disappeared from the Navy depart- ment. no plana for the first Dread nought, which the British navy tried Its btat .to keep secret, were In dmmuIim nr every,. first class European navy before Its keel waa laid. Th" ? uthe0 pun. was not so good a. ,h SL"13 In the nJ.,,.i fT00 M tne BVench. .cor, oFrZl ' f - With Canets. wh8" The Sa w.f armed with Kruppa, Thera ta. Wero martial roraanCo , perSg a or In assembling h e.a ffun mour. -d ' V" TrU.n5 "!! !: n