Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 10-A, Image 10

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Rare Delicacy for American Explor
ers Among Amazons.
Experience nnd Hnrilslilpa ot Map
Makers In JnnKlen, , iirnmii
nnd Hirer In Siintb
As full of thrills as nny story of polar
exploration Is the narrative of Dr. Ham
ilton Rice, the medical and scientific ex
plorer of Harvard college who has Just
got back from seventeen months of
travel In the Jungles about tho headwa
ter of the Amazon
Five years ago he finished an explora
tion of the then unknown territory adja
cent to the Uaupcs river turning up at
Jtanaos Brazil, after rumors had reached
here of his death at tho hands of fabled
white Indians. Ills companion on his last
trip was Lieutenant Von Bauer of the
Austrian dragoons.
"We reached tho Bogota tho latter
part ot January. 1912," said Dr. Rico.
"In February, 1912, I sent eleven mules
with 2,200 pounds of -freight over to Ban
3Jartln, In tho Andes, which I mado my
first base. Then early In May, I fol
lowed tho samo route that I had em
ployed In my Journey of 1907 to tho
lTapcs. At VlUoviccnclon, the first town
Thousands Aro Already Pre
paring for Omaha's Glit
tering Annual Ball.
Dresher Now Laden With
Cleaning, Repairing, and
Jtemodeling of Clothes
for the "Big"
What la the 4most talked of, most
thought of gala cvont In Omaha? For
which oven do Otnahan'e look) for
ward from ouo rear to another?
Why the glorious, gllttorlng, Ak-Ear-Bon
Ball, ot course!
Many of tho ladios participating
will naturally wear now gowns; but
just as many will have Droshor
Brothers, the dry clcanors and dyers,
clean, press and generally rojuvo
nato tho costly attlro thoy havo
been wearing at other rocont affairs.
DrGshor's $57,000 plant at 2211-13
Farnam St., Is sow an extraordi
nary busy npot, ho work naturally
Jacldent to tho coming ot wlntor is
overflowing the place; then add .to
tht Mm great number of jobs on
Ak-Sar-Bea Ball garments. The
Omaha gentlemen who will partici
pate are ,jut as particular m the
la41es, and many indeed are the full
dras auita that are pouring In here;
t IaUd for eemplete rejuvenation.
The work dene at Ir ethers, on la
dlW ball gWM, for Instance, Is noth
ing abort .of marvelous. ' Dreahers
wUl take tli daiMtWwt, filmiest, rmmC
delicately colored gown you have
and reatore It to the pink of condi
tion; it doeen't matter what idea
you have entertained about it, but
the job WILL be satisfactory if
Dreahers undertake it.
And those gentlemen who bring in
full dress suits for a rejuvenation
are going to bo elated when their
suits aro returned to them.
Plain cleaning or fancy cleaning
there Is no other concorn that
quite touches Dreshers in scope, ca
pacity and excellence of workman
ship. Phone Tylor 845 for a Dreshor
man, or leave work at the plant, at
Itreciher the tailors, 1515 Farnam
street, at tho branch in the Pompeian
Room of the Braadels Stores, or at
the new branch at 24th and Loav-
i eaworth streets.
Dreshers pay express charges ono
The Wardrobe's
Living Models
All the yew you will bo
models if you havo your
clothes cleaned at The
Wardrobe, Omaha's best
cleaners and dyers.
Wo call for and deliver
to all parts of tho city and
Phone Doug. 1729
2016 Farnam St.
Fred OWilmoth, Manager
The Dingbat
I nrr QVJtS fit C UrtJti'h .V I f Pod "TUb7 Vtl A ., ' CpAIT ;'fiftA;AA tMKf AtWAV f
way on out-of-town shipments
amounting to $3.00 or ovor.
east from Bogota on the llanos, or plains,
-Tvmade n, stop, and laid out th ground
work for n, map. Thon I continued on
to San Martin, where I stopped more than
a month.,
"Many days of bad weather prevented
pood observations but I had exceptional
opportunities to study malaria which Is
prevalent and tho disease of cattle
nnd mules, lloth tertian and sub-tertian
forms of malarial fever abound. 1 had
all tho Instruments necessary for scienti
fic htudy and examined blood smears of
between 809 and 1.000 cases.
l'nld In Kkk for Snritcry.
"I found n. man suffering from an
tli rax, and , performed three operations
on him, single-handed, reducing: his tern
nernture by soaking sheets In a smalt
mountain stream. I had to cut his arm
from his shoulder to his hand. As a
result ot this successful operation hun
dreds of cases of all kinds camo to me.
Thoso People are extremely poor.
mado no charge, but I asked for milk
nnd eggs. Would you believe It, In all
tho time I was there, flvo weeks, my
fees- amounted to six eggs and half a
pitcher of milk!
"Tiio rubber craze has made that a
poverty-stricken region. When I was
thero six years ago It was a prosperous
country and full of cattle. The people
have sold everything, gone In for rub
ber, and havo sunk down to a poor,
fever-ridden community. The town was
established almost 300 years ago, but
tliero Is still no telegraph.
"Having spent two weeks taking ob
bervatlons to finish my work of five
years ago, I found that Dr. Jaramlllo,
the commandoiitc, was about to under
take a government expedition south In
an attempt to rench tho Mesaya river,
and I accompanied him as topographer
nnd Hurg&on. We had twenty-six men,
consisting of cauoheros, or rubber gath
ciers, and Indians. Early In September
a camp was made on tho RJ.0 llllla, a
branch of tho Uaupes. It was 'necessary
to cut a path through junglo, swamp
and forest.
Wo found the Mesaya river teeming
with all kinds of fUh, I saw a man In
cno hour catch with a hook nnd lino
1W of ten different varieties, ranging
from seven Inches to two feet In length,
"I had opportunity here to study the
Huitoto Indians, rhcy are very docile
and never Intermarry. Naturally Intel
ligent, they learn very rapidly. Tho
Carljona Indians, on tho other hand, aro
raucn more fierce and warlike, and con
tinually intermarry. This nation has
been Incited from time to time by the
teruvjans to mako war upon the peace
ful Kultotos.
HtraiTKlinnr In Denar Forests.
"Wo wero In a dense forest, filled with
canos, or small streams, nnd swamps.
Wo had to continually fell trees to got
mem out or the way. The waters wero
filled with rayas. which Inflict terrible
stings, causing ulcers. The food got
scarce Tho Indians refused to proceed,
and two had to bo chastised. The party
was reduced to six. We had left behind
everything but our Instruments and ham
mocks and tho cutlasses, which wero ab
solutely necessary to cut a way through
tho Jungle. Tho rain poured down lmnviiw
all tho time. Finally. 0n November 12,
we reached the Alalu river
This was our definite goal. Wo mads
observations for latltudo and longitude,
ohristcned the place Puerto Mercedes, left
rcvarounaer trees, and started back. .
"We. were now without food, ami H.
panted, upon meeting supplies which wo
oraerea to be sent from mi ..
Sometimes we found a scrawny monkey,
sometimes a Mrt, whlafc furnished tho
wnoio rooa supply for a dav. nnr. t
found a husre Und turtle, en which wo
feasted for two days. Gradually we
threw away everything except our lnstru.
monte. Wo grew weakor nnd weaker.
Finally Castro, a giant who hnd been In
the habit of. carrying 150 pounds on his
back, camo down to motor asphasla,
"However, wo all got back to our base
alive, Ihero to find that all tho party wo
had left had fled, except . thOBe who
hndn t been able to ge away because of
raya wounds or sickness. Alt the doya
had been killed by Jaguars. However,
thoro Was plonty of food, and after two
days rest we went back to llllla and
reached Calamar in December. From
Calamar I went back to my baso at Ban
Jose, sending maps of the region trav
orsed to the Royal Geographical society
and to tho Colombian government.
"Shortly after Christmas, with two ca-
How to kp Fmc
Yung and Attractive
(National Hygienic Review.)
to fear It nor to allow one's self
to be oppressed by the dread ot
advancing years. Use only legiti
mate preventives and avoid trying
exporlmtnts with preparations not In
dorsed by physicians. An entirely jafe
and very effective way to keep the fcom
plexlon young-looking and oeautlful Id
to apply ordinary mercollzed wax at
bed time, using It llko cold cream, wash
ing It off lit tho morning. This gradually
uluoiba Vhti withered, faddj vutlole.
which la replaced by the more youthful
plnk-tlnted underskln. One ounce of
this wax, to be had at any drug store,
la enough to completely lejuveimto a
worn-out complexion.
Crow's feet and other' wrinkles, the
first signs of advancing age, may be
removed by u simple, harmless prepara
tion made by dissolving an ounce ot
powdered a&xoltto In a half pint wltah
hazel It Is used as a face b&Ui. Adver
tisement, Family-'iis Werry,
V I MAV NE CR fiEE ThbvT " r- (pll -30ST Give a J
MC ) ' PLUMBER" THE Job) . f goop WB (7
noes and seven men, I started out for j
Tollma. Leaving the Cano Clrnndo In
January, I descended for five days to th
Rio Ynlrtda. From this point we as
cended tho latter river, and on February
8 reached a beautiful waterfall over 100
feet high, which Is a break between high
precipitous hills tunning In a northeast
orly and southwesterly direction.
Country Terming; with Jnnnnrs.
"It took two days to portage our big
canoe around this fall and five days more
were spent In tho hardest kind of work,
smashing our way through to the sources
of the Ynlrlda, which we reached on Sun
day, February 10. Three days later wo
began to descend to tho river. The coun
try on both sides teems with Jaguars,
tapirs and anacondas and tho river Is
filled with rnyas. The tapirs were so
tamo that they swam around our canoe,
curious and absolutely fearless. Some
stood on tho shore whistling at ua I
shot a magnificent specimen ot Jaguar
end found Inside of It a wholo toplr.
"I carefully examined the stomachs
and Intestines of all the animals shot for
traces of diseases of a helmlnthette
origin, as some scientists suppose that
all animals suffer from some form of
worm disease. This 1 did at the sug
gestion of Dr. Lleper of the London
School ot Tropical Medicine.
"For fifty days we descended the
Ynlrtda without scetng a sign of a hu
man being. We camped on shore at
night, and (he Jaguars and tapirs would
come up and nose us at will. They
showed no fear of men. In this Journey
wo passed threo great tandales or rapids,
"The first encampment we saw was a
fishing village on the beach. These In
dians had had no contact with whites;
they do not belong to the great Tupl-
Guarant family, which extends the whole
length and breadth of tho Amazon val
ley, but probably are members ot tho
great Carlb family, which embraced all
the Indians of Venozula, Outanta and
the central, northern and northeastern
portions of Brazil,
Anionic the Autnson.
'A curious feaUtre ot this region was
that the Indians for the most part not
only lived back from the main streams,
but In tho villages were found a great
predominance of women, who from all
we could make out, wero permanent In
habitants ot their respective settlement.
while the males wero transients. This
brings to one's mind the question whether
this may not be tho district whence
come the reports so well known on tho
Amazon for two centuries of the exis
tence of a race ot women living alone
oxcept at stated periods.
"By a Guiana Indian I was taken to
a settlement of Indians living back sev
eral hours' distance from the Papanaua,
where I found n very Intelligent native
who spoke the Tupl-Guaranl language,
which would mako It sem that hero was
the dividing lino between the nation ot
that namo and the Carlbs. The Pa
panaua Indiana travel from their river
to the uppor Icana, and have a well
mado path nine mtloa In length, which
crosses elevated land flanked' on the
east and west by enormous Impassable
swamps and lagoons. By doing a lot
ot medical work I got this old Indian's
good will, and he entored my service.
"At this point tho Colombians I had,
who had become mutinous through ex
posure and hard work, wero sent back.
The old Indian had promised to get
me natives for my party, but they did
not turn up, so I had to compel him to
tako us down the river. The first village
w' reached contained one man and fif
teen women.
Amsiaii Provide HmelceA Monkey.
"From this point wo descended four
days through terrific thunderstorms. The
bed ot the river was entirely lost, and wo
paddled through the forest. Olant trees
had been Struck by lightning and hurled
across tho river. Our guldo had Raid that
on the fourth day we should arrive at a
small tgarape, which means canoe road,
anu, sure onougn, we did. Tnere we
found a settlement ot two men, some
twenty women of all ages, and any num
ber Of children. They had little or no
food, but gave us smoked monkey to
"We had left all, our supplies behind
four days up the river and had with us
only our theodolites and chronometers.
Tho two men In the town, with the old
Indian from Papanauo, nnd all tho
women In the village except two old
crones Btarted out In two canoes to bring
down our freight They got Tack In six
days with overyfhjng.
"With the assistance of tho Indians we
worked down the river further, and soon
camo wp with tho curious festivities which
go on during the wet season on tho Icana
river. The women nil paint themselves
ovor the body and head, wear necklaces
of monkeys' teeth and triangles of silver,
while the men put on great headdresses
of leathers. They have strange dances
and big drinking bouts, the liquor being
made from cassava. The musto Is played
on long fluto-llko Instruments.
"Continuing on down, progress was
difficult Wo had to go In small canoes
whose loads left onty an Inch and a
halt of freeboard. Map making- under
such conditions was nbout the worst Job
I got up against However, thero was
nothing ot eipecfal note On the way to
Rio Ncgros und San Felipe, - which wo
reached early In AugusfNow York
Polnted Parniri-npka.
' A soft answer never turns away a book
And many a man who tries to live right
gets left
The klckor Is bad enough, but he has
several advantages over the man who
whines. Chicago News,
Worry Troo!
.. .
lively Thrills Experienced by Ex
ploring Tenderfoot.
Dark Nlcht In Deserted Sheep
Camp, irlth Water Everywhere,
bat Little Fit to
To be lost on tho prairie Is no Joke
under any circumstances. To bo lost on
the prairie In the midst of a thunder
storm of tropical violence Is an experi
ence a little short of terrifying. At least
a Brooklyn tenderfoot found It so.
It was in North Dakota. The man,
with his horse as his only companion,
had started out for a trip Into, the mys
terious Bad Lands. Tho Bad Lands of
North Dakota aro at once the most
picturesque and tho most desolate coun
try imaginable. The hills In the Bad
Lands are called "buttes." They are
conspicuous, Isolated summits with pre
cipitous sides, turret-llko In their for
mation and Innocent of trees. They are
freaks of nature. Rising up out of tho
dead-flat prairie they appear in all sorts
of fantastic shapes. Seen by night they
present a particularly weird appearance.
Sometimes they look like gigantic petri
fied figures ot men and women .
In tho Bad Lands there are practically
no trees except cottonwoods, which grow
along the edges of the winding water
courses, and stunted firs and cedars In
the "draws." It was Into this kind of
a ghostly country that tho "tenderfoot"
was Journeying, his course set for Glen
dlve, n Uttlo town In Montana.
He had been riding all afternoon with
out seeing anything living except a dls-
tant section gang working on the tracks jan as now a roaring, tumbling tor
of the Northern Pacific railroad, nnd rcJJ, . . j.. .., . .,iw
now and then a Jarse herd-ot gras ne Jrf ntagvo some oatmeal crack
cattle. In and out of the buttes. first or8f and ft f of theM wero ,tll, ,eft
on one sldo of the trail and then on H(J wn8 hungry vory thrrtr,
another, wound the hurrying,, boiling Tel. no wanted to gtt somo wntcr 80me.
lowstone, yellow as Its name, and dan- where but outside all tho world was so
gerous. There are quicksands In It, andlwet tmU tnere Wfta no way of BeUlng
fording tho rlvor Is far from pleasant- dowft t0 the crcek CnsUnff about for
but the tenderfoo had successfully got- eomtl moans of gettlng out of the dilemma
ten past these obstacles, and In the late h0 ac-jed nn 0a rubber coat. With
afternoon struck a rise of ground which
led off toward a country even more doso-
late than that he had Just left.
SlRhtlwr n Storm.
Tho horse had been worked hard dur
ing tho preceding days, and on the up
lands ho suddenly gavo out. Ho re
fused to go a step further. The tender
foot dismounted and led him. It was
slow work. While ho was doing this,
he became aware hat the sky was!
rapidly taking on nn Indigo hue and a
faraway growling among the shouldering
buttes told him that a storm was brow
ing. Funnel-shaped clouds like water
spouts hung low In tho heavena.
It nrow darker and darker. East west.
north and south nothing was to be seen
save the wild hills and the roaring river.
There was no sign ot human habita
tion, not even a log hut. The tender
foot wo very young, and because he
was very young he was frankly fright
ened. His ollkskln slicker was but a
poor protection against "tho elements,
and there wns apparently nowhere to get
In out of the wet.
. A sudden, sharp flash ot lightning
cleaving the cloudbank followed by it
deafening crash among tho hills which
awakened all the echoes, did , not . serve
to allay his fears. He put on his oil
skin coat and struggled on, hoping against
hope, It semed, that he would find some
sort of shelter,' even If It were only a
grovo of trees.
Suddenly the green plateau fell away
and before him appeared a deep hasln and addled his hprse-the creek had dls
at tho bottom of which was a frontiers- apbawod ipoln and left a bed ot mud-
man's one-story log hut with a single
window and door nnd a rude chimney.
Somo rods further on 'was a long, low
lean-to. In which sheep were stabled
Between the two structures lay the bed
ot a watercourse, now dry. Back of tho
lean-to was a thick grove of cottonwoods.
The tenderfoot did not stand on cere
mon. With a grateful feeling In his
heart that here was shelter at last, he
strode to the door ot the cabin and
opened It. Within all was emptiness.
Thero were no sign of furniture unless a
rheumatic table standing on three legi
could be regarded as such. Tho onlv
other article In the placo was a rusty
stove. In one corner was a deep pile of
sheep'a vool. The wall paper was old
newspaper pasted together.
The tenderfoot unsaddled his horse, tied
him to somo stout reeds, dragged the
raddle Inside and made himself as com
fortable as circumstances would permit
Scraooly had he done this than the
rain came down, and such a storm 1 It
seemed as If the skies opened and spilled
all their contents. The roar of the rain,
mingled with tho vivid flashes of lleht.
nlng and the crash ot the thunder turned
tho howl among the hills into an Inferno.
The cabin shook and swayed as It It
would leave Its foundations. ' Time and
time again the lightning struck among
the cottonwods nnd thero was tho sound
of big trees splintering.
Water Uvrryhere.
Two hours the storm lasted. Bo thickly
fell the rain that when the door was
opened and the tenderfoot gased out It
hid the country like a dense fog. He
could not oven see his horse, although It
was tethered not mgro than twenty feet
At the end of two hours the rain
ceased, the sun came out for a brief
period and nature smiled. But the- coun-
Read This Apology
For quite some time our store
lias been torn up while work
men removed tho old Famam
street entrance to the Paxton
block. It la a great disadvan
tage to us and our customers
but, had the new 10th street
building entrance progressed
more expeditiously the build
ing inspector would have
granted a permit enabling us to
make the change In August
Bear with us a short time yet
and we'll to to reward you
with atlll better store service.
try was flooded ,and what had been the
dry bed of a creek when the storm be
i,ls knlfe ne at down and carved two
strips out or this. These he fashioned
Into rude, but' serviceable rubbers. Then
ho went down to the creek and filled an
old earthen Je he found back of the
stovo, with tutigld water.
It was vile stuff, unfit to drink. Tho
tenderfoot tasted It, spat It out and as
suaged his thrlst, satisfying his hunger
at the same time as well aa he could, by
dipping what were left of the crackers
In the muddy water. By the time he had
finished this poor apology for a meal !
was dark.
Toniln jnml Snakes.
The tenderfoot had sunk Into a half
doze when he awakened with a start
Several toads wero hupping nbout the
floor and striking against his person. He
did not mind toads to much, but when
he heard a shrill rattle In among the wool
and remembered all that lie had heard
of the dreaded dlamonaback snakes he
got up from the floor hastily and lay
down on the table, which was a very
small table, Indeed, and extremely
cramped sleeping quarters. He was not
going to take chances nnd poke amid the
sheep wool In the dark to satisfy himself
If there really was a snake there.
Tho night vworo on very slowly and It
reemed aces- before tho wldowpano rcd-J
dcnc.d with the glow of the morning sun.
and tho interior ot tho cabin -was light
once more. Then the tenderfoot, stiff
nnd sore, climbed off tho table, unhitched
U 1 V I1LJ
ENT- .
1 the Medi
terranean! Sues Ctnal,
Red Sea and Indiin Ocesa
to BorabtT and Colombo,
Including sldetrips through
India, The Holy Land and
Egypt- stopping tt Interest
Ins points in Europe, Asia
and Africa, by the
Front Nw York, Jnrr IB, 1914
93 Days $700 and up
Including short excuniou and allnccuury czpuuet.
Alto onuses to West Xnulas, X'aua-.a
Canal, Around the World, through the
Fanama, Canal and Msdtterra-oanjt-lys.
SenJor Uatlnt crab
ISO West Bandolph St., Chicago, 111.,
or local agents.
by the Blor Ad-ltor
ax girls employed by a Paris dressmaktr recently made a gown
n twenty minutes, j. ho
commenl created. To us It wasn
comment create?, to us-
Jobs In the average New Tork Fashion Foundry.
The Most Captivating of Millinery
A comprehensive display of re
productions of the most recent
Parisian Tailored Milliner'.
American creations of the most exquisite character A
little more conservative than the ultra French models'
yet all work toward what we call tho vital point of
all true fashipn practicability and reasonableness.
You're asked to fc -I CA 4-' 1 fid
see these Hats.
1518-20 FARNAM
nnd made a slow Journey down the side
of tho plateau. A little while and the
tracks ot the Northern Pacific came Into
vlow. He followed these, for he knew
that somo time or other he would reach
a railroad section house where there Is
always good cheer and good food.
Two or three miles along the track I he
found one. The section gang the Bame
ho had seen at noon, the day before, was
Just sitting down to breakfast.
"Whcro wero you during that terrible
Fill Your Pantry With Pure Foods
The Following Prices Fairly Bristle With Economy
8,600 lbs. Drummers GRAPE OLIVE OIL
?,Xland grSSfS SPECIAL "00 medium ....
bought by us at a . B..kllt- bottles, direct
special nrlce. Tlilu l. u" Baskets importation from A.
T760 to li?"."1 5SS?.0- They Irt Galllard & ' Tils -
SLelnl for this snle the finest wo have double clarified. Spe-
aP?h for 8110 seen ihls seison clat, dozen 45c bot-
Pouifd ... . 7.7. . .400 special, . bisket . .180 tics, 83.45s bottlo 300
We do our own ROASTING dally
and we use the VACUUM process to PHOPOT ATF
remove nil chaff from coffees after V-Iiuuuniu
?eeedBnftrerU & ffiTftS -
Lotus "Ankola," the acmeiof per- 3 2Co cakes for 600, or cake ..aOq
in Troma. Bean, ground or pulver- led. Three 10c can for ..,
lzed by the steel cut 'process. 'Or, can T ......80"
3 lbs., si.oo; lb 35o . .
Extraordinary Values
Coooannt OH Sonv Haskln Bros,'
No. 77; regular 50o box at . . . .400
Transparent Glycerine Soap As
sorted perfumes mado In Ger
many by Fred Mulh,ens. Regular
76o box, at 6o
Toilet Soap Special assorted, ft
10c cakes for SSo
Bono Bnd Soap Made at Burling
ton, Iowa, S IQc cakes for .,35a
CastUa Soap Finest Imported; oox
15 10c cakes $1.00
Cake. 80S and whole 7So bars 50o
Cream Silver Polish Shine n
Best for cleaning and polishing
gold, silver or glasswnre. Three
SCc dlass Jars CSo; or, jar . . -30o
Clghthosse Cleanser Armour's
Lightens housework; seven fo
cans for 35o
Wines said Liquors
Tou get the acme In purity and value here and will realize a big sav
ing by supplying ypur needs at these low prices.
One Bottle of Port or Sherry Tree To further introduce our Lotus Whis
key during this sale we will give FREE one bottlo Port or Sherry wlna
to each 'customer purchasing a bottle of our Lotus Whiskey. Lotus S-'
year od, full quart bottle, at .- .....61.00
Oordoa's Ury Oln Bottled at the Distillery, London, England. RegulMr
price 1.00: special , 30o
The wcat French appetizer, Rsg-j-lar
prlco $1.50 Speclul, bottle $1.13
White Label bottling. Regular price
$2.50. Special, dozen $2.00 bot
tle 300
Julea Vtllao & Co. direct Importa
tion fiom France. Very old vint
age. Choice fruity qunllty; regu
lar price $1.25. Special, bot 05o
Pepper Whiskey Bottled in bond
and made spring 1905; regular
price $1.60; special, at 95o
SSall or Phono Orders Promptly rilled. Douglas 647.
Drawn for The Bee by Herriman
- woaorfUi accom-
t such a. woiiu num.
.. v . -unUeM num.
storm, last night, pardner," said the fore
man, addressing the tenderfoot.
The stranger described the cabin.
"Oh, that is a deserted sheep camp,"
aid the foreman. "It Is lucky that you
found It, for It was as much as a man'i
lfe was worth to bo out In that storm'
The tenderfoot agree with him heart
ly and then he devoted himself to the
ask of finishing as fine a plate of buck
wheat cakes as were ever turned on s
griddle. Brooklyn Eagle.
Table '
Ripe Olives Sylmar brand, packed
at the Sylmar Olive Ranch In Cal
ifornia, The natural food value of
these olives has been preserved.
Dozen iOc cans 93.50; Can ...30o
Dozen 25c cans, 82.35 J Can ...SOo
Asparagus Finest California pack.'
regular 45c. Doz. large cans $3.83
Can . ..25o
Stacedonlnea Finest Imported mix
ed vegetables. Doz. SOo cans for
83.35. Can 300
Pickles Lotus pack. Dozen 15c bot.
ties 81.00. Bottle 10O
Catsup Lotus pack. .Doz. 25c bot
tle, $2.00. Bottle 18J
Strained Honoy Absolutely pure.
Dozen SCc glass Jars $2.10. Jar ISo
Qneen Olives Jumbo fruit; regu
lar 60c qt. jar 33o '
Sardines Imported and packed In '
pure olive oil, regular luc can 10a
Uneeda Blscolt Fresh baked, fix
packages for SSo
II Scotch Whiskey Macgrecor's dis
tilled by J. C. Thompson & Co.,
Lelth, Scotland; regular price
U-&0; special at juo
Tarragona Spanish Port, full quart
bottle; regular prlco 51, at ..75a
White Tokay Full qt. bottles: rosr- .
ular COc special, at 40o
Port or Sherry Gold label: full qt.
bottle; regular 75c, at 500
Oporto Port V. O. P.. very old wlno
full qt bottle; regular prlco
$1.26; speclnl, at $1.00