The Omaha Sunday Bee NEWS SECTION THE WEATHER. Fair; Warmer PAGES ONE TO TWELVE VOL. XLIII NO. 14. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOliNING, SEPTEMBER 21, 1013-FIVE SECTIONS FORTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. TARIFF CONFERENCE STRIKES OUT SENATE DUTY ONJANANAS President Wilson Throws His Influ ence in Favor of Free Importa tion of Poor Man's Fruit. HOUSE WINS ANOTHER POINT Its Schedule on Citrus Fruits is Reinstated. CHANGE MADE IN WOOD PULP Countervailing Duty Imposed by House is Dropped. SENATE RECEDES ON HATS llonoc note of Forty Per Cent Ad Valorem In Definitely Adopted Compromise Is lienclied on Zante Currants. WASHINGTON. Bept- K.-The tariff conference committee today voted to leave bananas on the free list. After a long conference, In which the Influence of President Wilson was thrown tn xavor of the continued free Importation of tha fruit, the senate conferees receded from thlr amendment, which, would nave tm posed a duty of one-tenth of 1 cent per pound. The senate conferees also gave way as to the duty on lemons, limes, grapo fruit and similar fruits, leaving the rates as fixed by the house, based on the meas urements of packages. The senate liad iixed a flat rate of one-half of 1 cent per pound. The house rates agreed to are a Blight deduction over existing rates, Two other Important decisions definitely removed the proposed countervailing duty izalnst wood pulp and Imposed a coun tervalllng duty against potatoes when omported from countries imposing duties on like imports from the United States. The senate had struck out the wood pulp countervailing duty Imposed by the house and thei conferees today ratified that ac- Hon. Tho 10 per cent countervailing duty on potatoes, adopted by the conferees, also was a senate amendment A compromise at about 114 cents a hun dred was reached' on Zante currants, on which Greek Importers had made a hard fight The senate members also receded from tholr rates, on, hats and the house rate of 40 per cent ad valorem' was adopted. Proposal to Make Neutral gone of r AWrBs-telands LQNtsON, Sept, 20.-A projjosai io make the Asoreil archipelago ah' "International neutral sons Is being-considered by tho American, Urltlsh and - airman govern merits. 1 according to today's itahchtnter Guardian. The proposal is said" to be Incidental to the opening of the, Panama canal. The fact that German, American airt British companies have- a Joint cable sla tlon on the Islands makes free access to them of the utmost-portance. "It la proposed," says the Guardian, "that a joint treaty be arranged between Portugal and other civilized nations by which a neutral lnternat!ona zone shall be estab lished and strictly maintained !n the archlpalego. It Is- understood that all ves sels within this zone be protected against attack or eelxuroNind allowed to receive Slit Skirt Blocks Traffic at Denver DENVER, Sept. 20. Because Mrs. Dorai Funks woro a1 skirt, split up both' sides to height of which Patrolman J. H. DUnc'an did not approve, and because sucKcrowds gathered about her that traffic waa omen tartly, blocked, Magli strnte. Staple will today hand down, the first official court decision on what con stitutes "proper" dress 'for women In Denver. Mrs. Funke Is a bride of but six weeks, and came to Denver from Butte, Mont, on her honeymoon. Upon being arrested yesterday there was come quesV tlon as to the propriety of holding her, but Sergeant Barry supporten the arrest ing officer, saying: "There are two sides to every ques tlon, but when there are two tall slits in b. aklrt It is too much. We have lots of silt skirts here, but so for U has all been one elded. This being two sided there Is certainly room for argument" Mrs. Funke will contest the charge placed against her. more to establish a precedent with wWeh the court can foUow," as she declares; than to win her vindication. The technical charge against her Is of blocking traffic. The Weather For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity -Sunday fair, with rising temperature. Temperature at Omnin Yestcrdn. Hours. Dev. 5t. m 6 iu m.. if 7 a.m. 47 49 60 8 a. m... 9 a. m... 10 a. m... 11 a. m... 13 m...... 1 Pm.J. 2 p. m... 5 p. m... p. m... 6 p. m... 6 p. m... 7 p. m... K 62 M U ,. M 67 ....... 63 6 57 K Coniuarattvti Locnl Record. Wli 1S1Z. 1S1L 1910. Highest yesterday 68 60 64 SO Lowest yesterday 47 60 62 C5 Mean temprature 63 65 6S 72 Precipitation 00 .11 .18 .00 Temperature and precipitation depar turcs from the normal: Normal temperature 64 Deficiency for the day 13 Total excess since March 1 K3 Normal precipuauon u incn Deficiency or the day ....... .07 Inch Total rainfall since March 1.... 19.7 Inches Deficiency since March 1 7.28 Inches Deficiency for cor period. 1912.. 1.62 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 19U.. 14. 45 inches GARDNER HEADS VETERANS Nearest Opponent Understood to Be Colonel Adams' cf This State. ENTERED ARMY AT SIXTEEN Detroit Chosen its Meeting; rlnco for Forty-Eighth Encampment In 1014 General ISxodus fJefrlns. CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Sept. 19.-For- mer United States Congressman Wash ington Gardner of Albion, Mich., was elected today commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic at the final business session of the forty-seventh an nual encampment. Detroit, Mich., ear lier In the day was selected as th meal ing place for the 1911 encampment. Other officers elected by tho national organ ization were: Thomas it. Seward, Guth rie, Okla., senior vice commander; "Will iam L. Rowe, Plttsflcld, Mass., Junior vice commander; J. I Weaver, Morris town, Pa., surgeon general, and Horace M. Carr, Parsons, Kan., chaplain gen eral. Immediately after tho election of offi cers was completed the commander-in-chief announced the appointment of Os car A. James, Detroit, Mich., as adju tant general and Colonel D. R, Stowltz of Buffalo, N. T., as quartermaster general- Horn In Ohio. Commander-in-chief Gardner was born In Morrow county, Ohio, In February, 1845. At the ago of 18 he enlisted in com pany D, Sixty-fifth volunteers, Infantry. He served continuously from 1S61 under Buell in the army of t JU.t, tnder Rosecrans in the amy of the Cumber land and under Thomas and Sherman In tho campaign against Atlanta until dis abled by a gunshot wdund during the battle of Resaca, Ma, 1&S4. For several years after the war Commander Gard ner attended college and later was a professor In Albion college, Michigan, Ho served for five years as accretwy of state for Michigan and for twelve years represented the third Michigan district in congress. Only ' delegates were admitted to any of the official sessions of the encamp ment, but It is understood that Com mander Gardner's nearest opponent was Colonel C. E. Adams of Superior, Neb. A general exodus of veterans and del egates attending sessions of allied or ganizations began tonight. Fair weathor prevailed for the" first time during the encampment. James Ross, Canadian Railroad Builder and Magnate, Dead MONTREAL, Sept. 20. James Ross, millionaire railroad builder, died here to-day of heart disease after a two weeks' Illness. Ho w"as"65 yearsNjld..;, ' V i , J Colonel Ross was one of the dwindling group of railroad bulldersahoe names TYero linked with tho construction rf tho transcontinental ratlHaa, the Canadian Pacific. v Ho was born in Scotland, came to America in 1868, -when ho -Was '20 years bid, was Identified In his early career with the "Wisconsin Central, and, on coming to Canada, was appointed first chief engineer and afterwards general manager of the Victoria railroad. ' At tho age of 35 Colonel Ross was en trusted wiUi the difficult task of building tho Canadian Pacific west of Winnipeg. Two years later ho had completed the line over the Rocky mountains, Selkirk and the Gold Range. During tho last twenty years Colonel Ross was Interested primarily in traction, power and mining operations. He ac- quired the tramway systems of Blrmlng- ham, England, In ipi. He became largely Interested In tho coal Industry of Nova Scotia and reorganized the Dominion Coal company, of which he was pr&ldent at the time of his death. Colonel Rozs was Identified with many philanthropic institutions and was a member of a large number of clubs. Among those was tho Royal St Lawrence Yacht club.- where ho was commodore from 1S36 to 1899. He owned the Glen' calm, winner of the Seawanhaka-Cor-lnthlan cup in 1S3S. Frisco System May ; -Be Placed on Paying Basis in Few Months ST. PAUU Sept. 20.-IndJcations that Mi UV(rrt TTnllnrnv HVRtitm unnn rrtnv Tia 1 Placed on a paying basis were given to- A&fc.TlSW.ra day In the hearing Of receivers Of the , H. Phillips. W. O. nomtck. Harry O. road before Judge W. H. Sanborn of tho i Parker, Samuel E. Faft, Wilfred N. Wal United States court here. "The bpera-' ta JoAh"w- Crist. U R. Handsbery, Har - ,u ,.. i, , . Tj. o.,w Vey Anderson, Edward 1j. Haker, John Hon of theroad, said Judge Sanborn, ,w. pttxton. Harry C. Burrow. n4 rtirhl "has befgaJ credit ,to the federal ro- icelvershin? The outlook is far better than i It was afew months ago. Weought to i know by October 15 whether the road will bo able to pay other than the preferred claims against It" The preferred claims are estimated at 33,600,000. 'The payment of 1132,000 to the North American company for the Joint use of terminals and yards at Now Orleans was taken under advisement by Judge Ban. born. The court refused to allow the re - i to sell 35S4.000 worth of the Frisco ceivers bonds now held by the Bt. Touls Union Trusa company as security for notes given by the Frisco amounting to more than tl,SOO,000, but ordered the receivers to dispose of the Rio Grande, railway, a subsidiary, within sis months. The request pf the receivers for an order to pay $78,000 interest to carry cer tain securities of the Sun Beheto road, a short line In southern. TexaVj was: denied by the court, wno said it waa too specu lative. The company will default on the bonds. The receivers will leave for St Louis tonight H0NEYM00NERS LODGE IN JAIL: NO OTHER QUARTERS WEST SALEM, Wis., Sept 1. "Direct us to tho best hotel," said a youthful brldegrooin, Oeorge Evans of Chicago, to the village marshal here last night 'can't do It, Mister," said the marshal, Hhe botrdlng house Is already chucK full and won't hold another. Only place I can put ye is In tho calaboose." There was no other accommodation In town to be had, so Ihe two were escorted to the town Jail, where they spent the night In one ctll, while a bibulous wayfarer lodged In the other. BEWARE Of BUSINESS SNARES, SAYS Frank H. Bristol rimands Preachers in AND1DATES to Come Whole-He rtcd Into the Ministry. NEXT SESSION FOR FREMONT Decision Reached by Methodists Meeting at Linooln, ENGLISH BORN AT LUNCHEON Thirty Ministers Form Ora-nnlantlon, Vrith llcv. 8. D. Hurtle Presi dentMay Be Chnna-e nt Walnut Hill. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Sept, aX-(Speclal.)-BIshop F. M. Bristol today sharply reprimanded preachers who deal In real estate as a side line. He was addressing tho twenty young candidates for tho ministry before htm. "A preacher cannot do In the business world what a business man can do get the better of a bargain. Tho state con siders it legal for the business man to win a fortune from another man and give him nothing in return; bankors and men of high standing In the commercial world consider It legitimate to play the Board of Trade or trado horses, but the preacher cannot do these things." Then followed tho questions, "Are you resolved to devote yoursolf wholly to God and His work?" and, "Are you de termined to employ all your time In the employ of God?" In consenting to which these young men bound themseivea to conduct no outside Interests. IjooIc After Children. The second question whlchj the bishop dwelt on was: "Will you diligently In struct the children?!" ' "Becatfso If you do not, you will be a total, failure- as a preacher," he said. "In this age, we recognlzo tho spiritual, intellectual and physical caro of tho children of greatest Importance If I could have my way, every child baptlied should bo recognized as belonging to the church until he does something which should keep him out I would keep down tho bars for tho chil dren. Tho church authorities who let In a drunkard with a wasted life behind him. who has been hallelujahod Into tho church land turns away tho child saying ho Is too young to understand, are criminally in tho' wrong." Houso to houso visiting was empha sized by tho Bishop as tho 'most impbr- taht part of the preacher's work. 1 ,...LJ. . "I'eopjo are tired, of preaching today," he said. "Thoy want somebody to visit with, them in their hbmbs", to know" their lives, their Borrows, tribulations ana love, to help them hold -to tho broader visions times of darkijesd. They want a preacher who wilt get, acquainted with Ills people.. You men. may . not become Et cat preachers, but there is not ono of you that cannot coll on folks. I do not see how you can preach great sormons unless you Know yqur people; how you can deliver the message they need unless you bury your life In tho lives of your people." Objects to Tobacco. Bishop Bristol said that although leniency was being permitted In the use of tobacco In many circles that as lonJr as he Is in office, he will require all prooaticmng preachers to promise as gentlemen and Methodist preachers, to wholly refrain from the uso of tobacco. "I will not ask you young men If you are using tobacco now or If you havo ever used It, but If you have, go out now and turn 'the hoso on your mouth and your conscience. If the time ever comes when j you feel that you can appropriately kneel beside a dying woman, with your clothes reeking of tobacco; if the time ever comes when you feePthat you can take a new born babe In your arms, yIth your breath foul with tobacco, come to this confer ence and ask for tho privilege of taking back tlje promise you have made here, and If this is cranted. nnd hnln th rnn. ' ference." Admitted Into Conference. The following wero admitted Into full membership in the conference: Revs. William O. Horrel, William Kit ard Glbbs. All have been on nrnWinn fnr h. u.f two years and have passed the necessary''' examinations In the first two years of study. ' Those still on probation who were ad vanced to the studies of the second year tvere: Itevercnds a F. Clower, II. F. Martens, Charles E. Catlett, E. E. Penrelly, Al bert H, Eggleston. Francis J. Aucock, ! Guest and IUIp'h Miller, Thomas W. Powell was- discontinued. The Rev. Albert H. Eggleston W the highest standing grade of any preacher In the conference course of study which was 99 1-0 per cent. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Eggleston also took a trip to England this last summer. This allows a re markable record. The following men were continued tn. the course of study on. account of being absent from the state attending some Jueinoaist .theological school t R W. Button. V. B. miss, A. V. Hun. ter, W. X Ruyle, J. L McVay, A. C. , Wlschmoire and Chester C. Wlschmeir. j The Rev. W. ti. Hauiwers was advanced from the first year to the third year, having completed two years In one. The Rev. J. R. DaUgherty was received Into full membership and recognized as. aq ordained deacon from the Baptist church. The secretary of tbia conference was' instructed to send greetings ?to thaOerJ man Luthetan church coijfere&co! belQK held In th citv " The praacSera Wbc are placed on the. supermini eray relation are there an ao count of Hi health or sickness In tha family, and who are not able to take care of a paatqrato. The following aro holding that relations John Madely, D. W. Crane. V. 3. (Continued on Page Two.) R TcllMlnT Drawn for Tho Bee by TowelL SECRETARY BRYAN REPLIESJ CRITICS He Says He Will Continue Work on Lecture Platform. irivHccn i A-nar from orfley Seven Wholo jDar n4 vrart( it-Others 1 mYitti$i&.yvi' ,: Mnnflretf. , WASHINGTON, 'igefet. ' 2ft-Secrctary Bryan will coiicludo his .chattauqua, lefc .tures for the season' tonight with an ad dress at Warrenton, Vo. Jlr. Bryan .today commenting on the termination of htfl en gagements announced that ha would con tinue to lecture as long as hp remained secretary of state, whenovcr he felt there was proper occaslort and a desire to do so. Mr. Bryan Issued this statement: "This evening Is the last of the chau tauqua" lectures for this season. Tho total Income from Chautauqua lectures this year Is a little over 17,000. The net receipts after taking out the necessary expenses are something over 30.600, The number of whole week days which has been used for lectures Is, according to my recollection, seven. The remainder of tho lectures have been delivered at places near enough to this city to leave In the afternoon, sometimes as late as 3:08 o'clbck. I would not assumo that tho publlo was Interested' in these details wero It not for the fact that representa tives of a few newspapers'have regarded It as a matter of great Importance." Will, Continue to Lecture. When Mr. Bryan waa asked It he would lecture any more during his connection with the State department, he replied: "I expect to lecturo whenever I' deem It desirable or necessary to do so, and have not In the least altered the plans which were made at the time I assumed the duties of the office. The criticism that has been directed against my lecturing Is no more bitter than the criticism 1 havo undergone at otlier times and for other things during my connection with politics. "A part of this criticism Is malicious, a part of Jt Is partisan and a part of It Is based upon misinformation. Thftt which Is malicious will answer Itself, that which Is partisan will bo accepted as such, that which Is based on misin formation will cease when tho critics are better informed. Not Afraid of Criticism. "No man should enter public life )f he objects to criticism and ho cannot stay In publlo life If be permits criticisms tj4 turn him from doing what he thinks is right. He roust decide his duty for him self and" Is answerable to the publlo for any mistake he makes. I regard lectur ing as an entirely legitimate field, I lectured before I was nominated for .he presidency. I lectured between cam paigns, I shall continue to lecture anJ I shall not believe that any person whose opinion is worth having will think the less of me because I do so. This closes the lecture subject for the present" WILSON SITS IN BALCONY AT A VAUDEVILLE SHOW WASHINGTON, Sept. 1,-Preldent Wilson cat In tho balcony of a vaudeville theater tonight and enjoyed the show much more than he did a week ago, when lie occupied a sUge bos for his flrs sight of vaudeville. Before Vry ym joke was cracked the president noticed tho "crowd gazing at him and it Pjpflccl his evening. This tune he slipped quietly In .with Dr. Grayson and a secret service, man and waa not recognizee. He didn't wait for seme pictures depicting Harry Thaw's adventures In Canada. leaving as the lights were dimmed and walking back to the White House while a crowd waited around jtho White House automobile outside. When the Lid is Lifted Js---.?iL 1 H'l'H II 1 I MM II U. P. PROFITS ARE ENORMOUS Railroad Piles Up Immense Undis tributed Dividends. RELATIONS QUITE FRIENDLY Dissolution of the Heather t'acifle from llarrlmitn Lines Has. Not f rWnWfsy,,Ml.. ' 'Rnptnre. NotwUhHtsJ'alnST'ti claim that, the Vnldti KftctI(l,Rii!!foS4.l3orafthy Has jift beorf making m6ney Will street repdrtt placto quite a dlffcrant phase Upon (ho matter. They show that 'If tlhloh Pa' clflo doad'ed It could riot- onljr h'old Its stock up, but could pay an extra divi dend Of nearly 170 per share from the .accumulated surplus without a penny of the money received from the sale of Its Southern -Pacific holdings, that the Union Pacific will not pay this dividend is the opinion of Wall street, as it would be against railroad policy and would In dicate too much, and tort profitable busi ness, The executive commltteo,) tho 'road's government board, would not stand such an extravagant disbursement of money among stockholders. On hand and In Union Pacific .treasury at this time Is a total of 3200,000,000 rotlt and loss surplus which has been built up In recent years from the earnings of the road. Aside from finances the Union Pacific continues in prime condition and Is still an actlvo competitor of all other roads for Palflc coast business, notwithstand ing the unmerglng from the Southern 'Pacific, That the umnerglng unmorged it regarded as a fact, but a recent state ment given out' by President Sproule ot the Southern indicates that the twJ Pa cific roode continue to maintain the most friendly relations. In ' his statement President Sproule says; Kelntloca Are friendly. "The Southern Pacific contlhues In the friendliest relations with the Union Pa cific in the Interchange of business and in all traffic matters. "Tho Central Paclflp and the Union Pnclflo are and nlwaysiavft been as one continuous through Una fdr all purposes of public convenience and- travel. Tlile the law requires and the legal obliga tion has been reinforced by over forty years of friendly nnd successful working arrangements. Southern racing has, no differences with Union Pacific. In mer ger matters we had no ontentlons what ever with the Union Pcllc. and we have none with the government So far as we are concerned the unmerglng Is an accomplished fact and a closed Incident in which there has not at any time been the, slightest friction with our Union Pa cific friend's." Alleged Smugglers of Opium Arrested El. P4BO, Tex,, Sept. M.-Oeorge OJIr Pool, -lias "SnaKO' pool, wss urrreicu here tpduy by United HtatM officials, charge with being a fugitive fiom Jus. tlce in California Federal official Here say that rH'i Is panted ir 6an Francisco on a rharse of conspiracy to smugg' opium from Mxlco. They suy an organ ized filing has bn smuggling opium from Mexico. They say an organized gang has been smugtlng opium and sell ing It alt along the Paclflo coast aa far north as Seattle and Portland. plinuUanfrously with the arrest here f Fool, Kan ytanclsco officers arrested Tom Andrews, the local federal officials say. Pool ha recently completed terms in a United tates prison for smuggling opium. He got one senience ai m x-rso, and" one at 8an Francisco and served b'h Ur- fl'w'tsneously. BAN FRANCISCO, Sept. SiX-"Snake" Pout, anttu ,u m I'ftiO, is conniUtrod by the customs authorities here to be one of the chiefs in theoplum smuggling rlny. Torn Andrews, alias Murphy, wrts arrested here under the latter name lust Tuesday, POLICE AT HAMBURG . !DENTIFYDR. MURET Jtags lehmidt's Companion Know dkere an Arthur Hefting. BIATK GJtRTiri0 ATM XZAXXXXB t.. - L 8eknit"TclI New .Jep , OfMcere thiM4;,iit'nie tKtll it4- lessir bjck or urijioa j ersbs; ' . HAMBURG. Germaiir. Seet SO.-The police .here today Identified as Arthur llclbftig tho man now detained' In NeW York as Dr. Krnst A. Muret and under suspicion, of being concerned with the confessed murderer, Father Johannes Schmidt, in his counterfeiting operations. Hetblng was born at Nankel, In the Province of Posen, In 1BS7. lie resided at Hamburg from 1901 to 1000, posing vari ously ns a merchant and Insurance agent and a physician. He lived In about twenty different lodg ings hero. Hclblng became a member of the Hamburg Young Men's Christian as sociation Under the name of Muret and was repeatedly In trouble in the courts. Ho disappeared from Hamburg a't the end ot 1503, and warrants for swindling frauds are still out against him, both In Hamburg and Berlin. llcnth Certificates Examined. NEW YORK, Sept 20.-A1I tho death certificates filed since the first ot tho year,, 15,000 In number, were examined today to ascertain whether they included any papers forged by "Father" Hans Schmidt toconceal the murder of other persons besides Anna Aumullcr. Schmidt hag ' confessed that hn Pre parod these 'blank certificates for the' purpose of accounting for the death ot persons hopelessly sick or crippled whom ho meant to kill painlessly for their own good. He denied, however, that he had put his planJnto execution or that ha hud any victims besides the girl, por tions of whose body still lie beneath the waters Of the Hudson river. Revolvers found In tho quarters of Schmidt and of Krnst A. Muret. his dentist friend, gave the detectives today additional reason to believe the asso ciation between them was closer that: they have admitted. The weapons are alike In nearly every detail and made at the samo factory In Germany. The am munition with which ' they wero loaded Is the same make. Muret says he bought his pistol eight years ago In Germany. Tho police be lieve that Schmidt got his revolver ut the sstns place at about the same time. Beauty Squad Will Be Kept on Duty KANSAS CITY, Mo., Sept 20,-Accord-ing to an announcement today from the Board of Police Commissioners, the "beauty squad" of tha local police depart ment Is to bn maintained Indefinitely In at) effort to drive "mashers" from the chopping district A complete outfit of tha latest feminine toggery Is being gathered at police head, quarters, and tho police "beauties" will be sent out to lure and arrest men who attempt flirtation with strangers on the street RNthervlllc Man Dlsnppenrs. VESTHKRVILLB, Ja., Sept. 20,-8po-ciU-Georgo Norby, living eight miles northwest of this city, has disappeared and his relatives are fearful of foul play. He had been visiting in North Dakota and Minnesota and the last heard from him he wroto home thrco weeka ago Friday that he would be home on Monday, but hn failed to arrive and no trace has been found of him to date. A brother of the missing man left on Mon day for that vicinity to see If any trace could be- found of him. S HIGHWAY TO RETHROWN OPEN BY Portals to Ak-Sar-Ben's Big Celebra tion Will Be Pompously Un locked at One-Thirty. SHOWS WILL ALL BE CENSORED Committee of Clergymen and Sooial Board to Look Them Over. WHISTLES FOR THE CHILDREN Carload of Noiscmakers Will Be Dis tributed Among Youngsters. MAKING FINISHING. TOUCHES Final Decorntlons to Alt Be Com pleted In thtf Next Tito Days, nnd KTcrj-thlnjr Will lie In Order i for the Opening: Gone. The gates of King's Highway wilt ba thrown open to the publlo Wednesday attornoon at 1:30 o'clock. The turnstiles shall begin to click for the nineteenth year and Ulmmlck's band, up In tho 'balcony" ot tho grand arch at the en trance to tho carnival grounds, will play befitting selections. A delegation of ministers, the city com mUslonors and social uervlce representa tives are Invited to attend in' a body sA4 tho shows on tho ground the opcnn.o? day. Tho delegations- will meet at the office ot "Dad" Weaver, secretary ot Ak-Sar-Ben, on tho grounds, noar the main entrance, and tho excursion will start through King's Highway. The grounds, "higher, wider, longer" than ever, aro calculated to take care of tho crowds. Instead of ono block, tho King's Highway this year requires four blocks of "dazzling, bewildering display ot heretofore undreamed-of splendor and magnitude" There still remain nine or ten booths for Vent "Dad" Weaver sug gests that anybody who has a nice, largtt collection of purple feathers with pink ribbons should investigate theso golden opportunities. Thco booths are in cholco locations and the demand for purple feathers with pink ribbons attached la constantly Increasing. Whistles for Children. A carload of whistles was received tha other day. These whistles will bo given to children. Tho whistles aro so ar ranged that the least breath will In stantly please tho possessor, and an extra, broath, blown correctly Into the whistle, Is calculated to bring applause from everybody within a mile. A trip ,QVr thf cmlvl re-ww Satur-t day would not have fpiod one with joy. That is, t scarcely would, There stood the rows of unWdnftsd tjooth, looking about as aUradllVo as a row ejf coal shtds In the. summer time. The arch, .though almost completed, does not hardly .Inspire one with enthusiasm, But by Wednesday ah, by Wednesday! The roivB of "sheds" ' will bo all gaudy: and nn Invisible hand will reach out Into King's Highway and pull you inside. The last of tho paint shall have been applied by Wednesday, and tho four blocks, crowded with people nltnlossly headed for no where In particular. Cannot but admire the rapid ' change of those unpalnted "sheda" into alluring attractions. Bnlly-llo ISsperts Comliur "Bally-ho"experts will begin arrlv Ing the first of the week, bringing with them a largo assortment of plain ami fancy voices. As soon as the booths are In readiness, they will be fitted up In side. The various attractions that go to make up tho dozen special features of the grounds will also arrive tha first of the week, and their tejits and buildings will be placed at their disposal' BpeaU Ing of attractions, "Dad" promises none but tho better kind, nnd has spent much tlmo (n weeding out the offers of onake charmers, wild men, whlakeredladles, sword-swallowerA and so on. , Only acts that mean something, and are not "fakes," wilt be tolerated on the curi nival grounds. There Is tho Irwin Brothers' Wild West, and several added attractions in the hip podrome, and a number of other attrac tions for the grounds, such as Ibo trained horses, the smallest woman In the wprld and the Douglas County fair, whtch promises to be one of the biggest fairs held in thnnhu. Xovrn Man Ends. 1,1 fe. ROCKWBLIi CITY, la., Sept 20.-Spo clal Telegram.) Elijah George, who owned a restaurant here, committed sui cide last night by shooting. He appeared to be mentally unbalanced. Ho spent money extravagantly during the 'last few months. f Tranquil Shopping Worry and scurry, haste and waste go hand In hand. They are a, troublesome quartette and should bo avoided by all thoughtful people. You find you have a great many tbinga to attend: to tbls fall. Your house needs refur nishing, the children, need new clothes and hats and, shoea your own wardrobe needs over hauling and certain addlMonu must be made to It to meet tho demands ot the coming season. True enough, but why worry about It? Plan Intelligently your fall campaign of purchasing and your work will become pleas ure. Ilefore you buy anything-, read tho advertisements in The Bee and you will find many valuable hints and suggestions as to what the most reliable shops have to offer you. Then make up your mind peacefully and so about your buying with all tha worry eliminated. st KING SAMSON WEDNESDAY