Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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High Grade Sheets, full size, 81x00;
mado from best sHeetlng manufae
,. tured. worth 11.25; each SSe
.Hemstitched Sheets, else 81x90, made
of stand sheeting, worth 11.60; at.
v each , , 11.30
Our Hotel Special.' slxo. 8lxt9, heavy'
weight, round thread, worth $1.00;
each .. i , t76o
Extra SpnclantL T, K, 51x90 Beam-
lens Sheets, worth $1.00; each.. .890
'Hand Bags, Minors, Brushes
Most Attractively Priced Saturday.
Ladies' Hand Bags that Bell regularly ht 5Qc
i to,$3.50 at 25c, 49c, 98c, $1.25, $1.98
l Tooth Brushes, mado to soli at 10c up to 30c, your
Our New Fitting Rooms Are Ready
And perfectly at the service of fell women who want the nicety of fit In the
corat, which Is so particularly desirable In fall dress. Kxpdrt Corsotltra
aro always In attendance.
Brasslsrti, to I1.S0 values, Crossback, nicely trimmed with embroidery, an
Kilo .,....- - 1....V...690.
X.aales and Children's Sweater Coats at Bargain Pries.
Odd Lots of High Grade Corsets, to 1 $1.60 Correls, broken linos of stand.
J 5.00 values, to clone . .. iaru manes, cuoico.. bbo
. Hasd Brashes, mado ,to boU at 20o and 25c, oa ealo
i at ...10 and 15
Mlalr Brushes, regular values from 50c to 85c, two
, lota at 25 and 50J
.Hand Mirrors, big clean up of our stook Saturday,
at ...y...t -.1 , 5tf lOtf nd 25i
Here's Wne 1 snaps ', that may iiiterest
you they're exceptional.
i 20.00 Violin' Outfit. '10.00lVlolln..l extra.aet of
I, ' stHnBsM'vloHn bo'ar, 1 leather' covered caa'e. l piece".
' 4 J , . ...J. , I 1 I I AM. . . .. . .
, roam, x.vioiiu muiq; list pneo yours m IUJ8
Bale ..X $10.00
$10.00 Violin Case, black leather covered,; carved
sides, nickel clasp hinges and lock, volvet or jilush,
lined .. 87,00
v$8.00 Violin Coso, black leather covered, grained sldos,
, good finish, imported clasps, snap $5,00
Wo carry "La Favorite" Violin Strings. Try the
now O puro sllverwound on Padua, gut. A -dandy The
kind Ysayo uses. Wo also carry "Puro Tone" strings,
rKubellk's favorites. ' -,
I Tfie iVejwr Blues in Men's Hats
.are making a hit this season; we're showing
a special lot of these new hats Saturday in
; twolots $.65 and. $2.50
Manufacturers' Sample. B;n-ts,,to,.?3.50 values, soft-or
- stiff, special' in two lots, Saturday, $1.4$ and 95h
Bora' and Children's Hats' and Onnn. nil ntvlnn nnrl
colore, values tip t6'$l, at 15 395 and 494'
(Maryland Bye Wh'iiky,. 6. years old, per full qt, 76c, per
.gallon BS.OO
GuCkenhelm'er'. Bohebly. 'CedaP Brook. Weldon Rnrlnn-n n.nd
Jack Daw whlad!es,,.all 8 years old per full qt,91.0O, per
, KMIUIl .......... .i. .. . oe.ra
iSunkist California, Orapo Wines In all varieties. The beat
In OmflJin for thn nuincv. nnr1 full nt, linn
.Pure North Carolina Bcupperndng wine, per qt 50o v.
Store Open Till 9 P. M.
Speca Sale of Fall Weight Underwear
LadlcA' Union Suits, all stylos,
special bargains at 494
Lndica' Union Suits, heavy or me
dlum, fleeced or flno Uslo; on
sato nt 984
Ladles' Outing flowns .,...494
LmltcV Silk and Wool Union Suits.
medium, wolght S1.98
Ladles' and Children's Fleeced
Underwear, shirts or drawers,
at, garmoht 254
Ladles' Cambric Gowns . , . 984
You have some Won"
derfully Broad Assort
ments for Selection in
Tailored Suits.
Vo'vp' spent, months in the most careful
selecting of the splendid stock wo'ro offer
ing now, and we're rather .proud of tho
showing, principally from two facts: First
That from tho most soverely plain to
the most elahorato designs,wo know tho
Btyles are absolutely correct. Second
Wo knot that tho quality in e,'aph garmont
will prove superior at each 'price. "Wo
want you to compare them with any suit
values anywhero at $18.00, $25.00,
$35.00, 39.75 up to $175.00.
275 Handsome Suits Manufacturer ,'sjjam
pies, in good assortments of thoT season's
most popular suiting weaves and col
orings, nlado to sell to $25.00; all sizes,
14 to 46 ; remark- - ffi A "ft " jf f
.ses r,.9iyy.
unuaren s ocnooi iiresses iis.imo a nnov
' 'oridw models . as was V over" shown in
, Omaliaat. . .$lt'$1.50, ?i.98, $2.98,
Children's Sch,pol. Coats Three very
choico values at $2.95, $3.95, $4.95
Ladies' $3.00 Silk Underskirts All colors,
Bnap at ., .$1.69
There's a Greaf Deal
More than Just Style
Embodied in the New
Coat Designs.
'-There's beauty, comfort, practicability
V, and so wide a range of assortments in both
fW design and material! that only personal
r IUUIU BJ1U111U 1I(1U 111 tUU DUlUUHUli,
Over 100 Handsome Coats shown hero now;
- every garment out in the very nowost
, stylo; qualities you'll find delightfully
superior at $10.00, $12.50, $15.00,
..up .to .. ...... s .$49.00
-Over 300 Beautiful Dresses $15;00- and
$18.00 values, all now falj stylos, in Silk
Eolionnes, Chnrmeuso, Crepes, Chiffon,
..Nets, etc., designs suitahlo for afternoon
. and ovoning
woar; special
Value you'll find truly matohloss.
Handsome Sample Pur Coats Just a few,
dtiys of tho splendid Sample Coat sale.
You savo fully 20 by buying now. A
small deposit now will hold garment till
you want it. Soo them Saturday.
IVUlflU 1U1 iuiuiiiuuu
Two choice lots of the nowes ideas
In Neckwear Saturday. .S&o and 49o
Haw Velunrs, all thrf latest novelties
aro here; choice bargain: Saturday,
yard . . aso
1.60 Chiffon Auto Veils, choice bnr
salna Bhturday .....(.. ,,B5o
ra&cy Caps 49o to 08o
New UndrwaUti, a choice line
for selection, at 49o fend 98o
Big Shoe Sale Saturday
Good dependable shoes at a saving to you
of from 15 to 25.
Back of each pair is tho Haydon guarantee.
Itfon's shoes in all leathers and the last word
in style. Shoes that are regularly sold at
$4.50, $4.00, $3.50 and $.00; Saturday our
prices will be. .$3,00, $2.50 and $1.98
Women's Shoes worth up to $&50, in nearly
all tho leathers and new lasts $1.98
Women's rubber heel Juliets and one-Btrap
House Slippers, $1.50 valuos ......$1.00
Masses' and.Childs' $1.50 shoes: $1.00'
Bojrsr and Youths Shoes, mado ,fromrLBATHBR and
nothing oIbo, all sites $1.60
Morrlom Shoes for tho sohool girl of all ages, also tho
now stylo coppor too for 'tho little chap who kicks
tho toes out in the modern shoes. Ask to seo tho
now lino of girl SCOUT SHOES.
"mon. x STETSON and PUOSSETT Shoes for men.
Tho""HonbrbUt shoo for men keepB tho foot dry
and warm In tho wottost kind of wot weather.
BSSBasss -
Special Ribbon Sale
. nibb'ons hava again cotno Into fashion and thla
promises to bo thb greatest Ribbon Season in years.
Wo aro prepared to supply your ovory deslro In Rib
bons of all classes. Seo our Bpoclal showing; ,
Panoy Ribbons. . .25c, 39c, 50c and 75c
Plain Ribbons, 5c, 7M:C, 12&C, 19( 200
Sashes at $1.00, $1.49, $2..Q0 to.$3.75
Oirdlos at, each 75c and $1.00
Braids for Sashes, yard 50c to 75c
Boltings at, yard .10c xmd 20c
Ladies' Hosiery
and QoVes
Wayne Knit Silk- Hose with lislo;
wps ana aoumo soies, i.uu quauty
at, pair 75c
Wayne . knit is a synonym- for
highest quality and tho most satis
fying service at, all prices.. .
See the line at 35c and 50c:
Children's Pony Brand Hose in all
the new numbers, all weights, tho'
best by every, test. .25c and 35c
Children' Lislo Hoso in black,. Ladle1 Light Weight Hose, lace
whita.'of tans, Trtg' special lot; i and -faacy colors,"! to" GOo valued
Saturda'af V. . V. . . .".12Mi4 special...... ...'..124
fAU-Newest Fall Styleif in Gloved Derby and,tMonaroh
brandsbd8tin j?tylei quality and servic; matehles,s .at,
pair . i: i . . i $1.50 and $2.00
Prench Lambskin Gloyea Values up tox$lK)0; on salo
Saturday in two lots $1,00 and $1.10
Ladies' $1.00 Lambskin Gloves All colors and sizes; on
sale at , .59c
Milanese Silk Gauntlet Gloves Eegular ?5o values; to
close ,....w,...10c
v ; .
-v 1 '
High Class Lace Curtains
AVe closed out from the wholesaler a big lot of choice
lace curtains at a big cash discount and Saturday and
Monday will, while the curtains from this, big purchase
last, give curtain values seldom if ever equaled in Omaha.
EUmlne Curtains with plain
centers and filet edges, mado to
sell at $6.50 pr choico 3,95
Novelty Swiss Curtain, lace and
Insertion trimmed, values up to
$6 pr., on sale, choico 82.08
Handsome Cluny Curtains with
filet lace, made to sell up to
12 pr., choice, pr..,,3.ftS
Marie Antoinette Curtains, regu
lar selling prices Up to fti.SO,
in Saturday's sale, pr., $2.95
Brussels Net .Curtains that would regularly Bell up to
$15.00 a pair; beautiful patterns, great snapB, pr. $4.95
Arabian and White
Novelty Curtains,
vals. up to 13.50 pr.,
Saturday, choico, at,
pair $1.49
All Goods in ',
Cable Net Curtains,
to 35.00 values, in
white, cream or ecru,
go on sale at, choice.
pair 92.00
N o 1 1 1 n g ham Lace
Curtains, $4.50 val
ues, dainty patterns,
remarkable bargains,
at pair S2.95
his Sale Are Guaranteed Perfect.
Six, distinctive styles; bounof with silk
velvet; very popular for.'' early "fall
Unprecedented Value 'Giving
Fall Millinery
$5.00 Shaded Plumes, $2.49
Most beautiful and desirable new colorings; 18 in. long,
9 in. wide; a plume that you'll find it impos
sible to duplicate for less than $5.00
wear; seo tnein.
White, black, peacock, royal brown,
tango, navy, taupe, etc., sell regularly
at" $2X)0 each.
$6.50 Hatters' Plush Shapes
All the smar.t, new blocks, in
fine hatters-plush,, silk velvet
faced", Tt QQ
choice at ....... ,PJ U
Children's Felt Trimmed Bfets Bed, black, brown, navy; tho new bonnot blocks
for children from 3 to. 6 yeals; regular 69o values, speoial at
Girls..Toques at 69c All
Noy colors and black; silk
and. lace faced nobby and
practical school hats.
$2.00 New Plush Shapos-With
tho popular soft crowns so
much in vogue; fine now lot,
your unrestricted Qftf
choice at .Ot
Men's Bath Robes
and Sweater Coats
Two speoial purchases on salo at scarcely
half retail worth.
Blanket Bath Robes, to $10iOQ values, in all
colors and styles; on salo at 1
$6.98, $5.98, $4.98, $3.98, $2.98
Wool Sweater Coats Eegular values up to
$7.50, all now Btyles; on salo Saturday
at $1.98, $2.50 and $3.98
Laundered Shirts
Makers' samples
values tp $1.50; at,
ohoico ...... 69c
$2 and $2.50 Values
-All now styles
speoial at $1.4&
and ,.,ti... 98c
Auto Gloves Regu
lar $3;00 values, in
blaok of tan; on
sale, choico$1.45.
Men's Wool Under
wear at special bar
gain prices Satur
Bali Mason and E-Z Fruit Jars
Pint E-Z Glass Top Jars, doz. . .X
Quart Ez Glass Top Jars, doz. ,700
2Qt E. Glass Top Jars, do&fl.OO
Pint Mason Jars dozen. 454
Quart Mason Jars doz. 60o
2-Quart Mason Jars, doz. ..... . .7Bo
. H-Pint Jelly Glasses, doz 90o
W-PInt Atlas Jelly Glasses, doz. lBo
Beat Jar Rubbers, two doz. for. 1 60
Best Jar Covers, doz ISO
Jtoot Beer Patent Top Bottles, per
dozen , 880-
New Wright Gas Iron
A $3,50 "Wow Wright" Gas Iron, the latsst aa
' tint Iron on the market, at the very low
price of 91-90
bsxbatioxjVx, Ax.unraK waxb xax
Alumlanm Ware at the Prtos of 800A
Enamel Ware,
No. 8 size heavy cost aluminum skillet, a reg
ular 82.25 value, ut
9. cup aluminum percolator $1.19
A 2-quart pure aluminum rice, holler, a regu
lar 82.25 value, at 81.21
lH-Qt lipped saucepan, worth 76c, at,.. .990,
2-qt -lipped saucepan, worth 86c, at 4So
S-qt. lipped saucepan, wortli 95c, at 680
Or set of 1 each J.9U0B
Any size aluminum pie pans ..19o
1- qt, size heavy spun pudding- pans, worth 35o
at lOo
2- qt, size heavy spun pudding pans, worth 45u
at , 39o
3- qt size heavy 'spun pudding pans, worth 65a
at , 49o
4- qt. size heavy spun pudding- pans, worth 85a
at , 6O0
Small size Berlin sauce kettles ...09o
Medium size Berlin sauce kettles fl.19
Large slxo Berlin sauce kettles fl.39
Preserving kettles 09o, 51.10, ai.39 and tut
Berlin prosei-vlna; kettles ..19, 21.59, 93.19
All cast aluminum preserving kettles
20 discount.
All can aluminum Berlin sauce kettles
8SH discount.
Special Meat & Chicken Sale, Saturday
1913 Bprlnjf Chickens, lh aoo
Hlndquartors No 1 Lamb, lb....l2Ua
Corequarters No 1 Lamb, lb SUo
Pork Bhouldors, first Rrade, lb,.13io
Pork Butts, first erado, lb 1B?10
No 1 Potltoaat, steer beef, lb.lSo-lOo
No 1 Lean Breakfast Bacon at. per
lb aso-MHo
No 1 Good Breakfast Bacon at, per
ib aoo-mio
No 1 Bex llams, lb lBHo
0,000 Pound JTo 1 Tloalo Hams Opo
' clal Saturday, lb llHo
ao lbs. Best araanlated
Sunr for
48-tb. sack beat high trade Diamond
"IS Flour -nothing flnor for bread,
pies or cake, per sack........ f 1,00
10 bars Beat-'Em-All, Diamond O or
Lenox Soap for Mo
10 lbs, best White or Tellow Corn
meal 17Ho
4 lbs. fancy Japan Rice, lOo quality,
for .330
The "best Domestic Macaroni, VermU
cclll or Spaghetti, pkg. 7H0
Toll cans Alaska Salmon loo
2-lb. cans fancy Sweet Sueur Corn
for 7Mo
2- lb. cans fancy' Wax, Btring- or Lima
Beam ,. , ....7Ho
3- lb, cans Pumpkin, Hominy, SquMh
oruleana , ., 7Hp
Advo Jell Jellyoon or .Tello, pktr. 7 Wo
C lbs. best hand picked Navy Beans
for a 5o
Grape-Nuts, pks. lOo
Bpeolalo at Butter Bepartatent
The best BUlk Creamery Butter.. 830
The beat No. 1 Country Creamery
Butter, lb , ......1 3lo
The best No. I Dairy Butter, lb. Wo
Good Farm Table Butter, lb...., wo
2 lbs. good quality Butterlna....,.8o
No, 1 quality Table Buttorine, lb. lBo
The best hlffh trade, equal to cream
ery butter, nothing' finer, b.....aSo
The best Fresh Kggs. per dozen,. Mo
Full Cream Cheese, lb. , ,. ,,Oo
The best Imported Swiss-or Roque
fort Cheese, lb. 3M
B. a Corn Flakes, pkg. ...,80
The best Tea Slftings, l, lOo
Golden Santos Coffee, lb. ........ BOo
Keufchatel Cheese, each .....30
Buy To&r Veaoaes Xow the Beaton
Will Booa Be ever
Two carloads of extra fancy Elberta
Freestone Peoohes, shipped to us to
sell for the grower. This Is extra
fancy fruit, heavy pack, rich flavor,
ripe and Juicy, Friday, per case, 70o
Bushel poxes extra fancy Bartlett
Pears, nothing finer for preserving,
per box .....12.35
New Cabbage, per lb , 3o
Beets or Carrots, per lb. Otto
Fancy Illpe Tomatoes, per lb 8Vo
S heads fresh Leaf Lettuce ..,,.. 60
Large Head Lettuce, head 7Uo
Denver Cauliflower, per lb 12H
Pays Try HAYDEN'S First Pays
Beautiful Oil paintings on Sate af Half
and Less Than Half Their Worth
Most Wonderful Bargains Ever Offered
up to
$35, at,
A most fortunate purchase alone -place ua in a position
to offer such rare bargains in high class oil paintings.
Subject are copies of work of famow artiit, finely done
on oil, canvases fitted in heavy 6x8-inch powdered gold
sweep frames. tSize of painting up to 20x30-inoh frames
aro guaranteed for 10 years and are alone worth mote
than tho prico asked for entire picture jf 0
Come early Saturday and get first choico of this
assortment of truly wonderful bargains.
Beautiful Pastels and Hand Colored Pictures in gilt and
oak frames, values up to $15.00; special, choice, $6.98
V25 discount on picture framing Saturday,
Escaped Convict Tried to Marry Col.
i Mosby's Daughter. '
Fiendish Cruelties Imposed' by Ilob-
Iters to Gain Safe CunibljxRtloO.
.' The pursuit nnd Capture.
Do you know this man! More than all
the other features, the singular eyes la
thevpholbxraph held me. They were the
eyes of a criminal egotistcrafty., clever
ryes; - with' a challenge burled deep In
them. ' Professional training has ' shown'
me how' to pick out that subtle challenge
imong a thousand pairs of eyes; .professional-
Inetlnct moves me to accept
It.- Eyen In a photograph I can detect
:he look, and respond to It ...
And, aside from all that, I Know the
man well. I knew his name, his evil
history, even his present address: For
several weeks at one period I had seen
blm dally. He was a released convict
1 knew his record, and yet j
The man who brought the photograph
to my office was pressing for an answer.
He explained it was the photograpn
of a chap with whom he was about to
start In business. For several years the
man had ted a respectable and Indus
trious existence In Philadelphia. That
much was certain. He had a little money,
intelligence and diligence. All three assets'
he wanted to Invest in a new concern
with my visitor who- was the son, by
tho way, of Colonel Mosby, the guerrilla
chjefmn of the civil war. But Mosby
had heard ugly rumors as to his friend's
past a -prison record, a-sensational "es
cape. He wanted to learn the truth.
Beyond all question, he- bad shown me
the face of Bhoebox Millers-torturer, con
victed thief, released convict I had ar
rested Miller for one particularly cruel
robbery, for which he had been sentenced'
to prison for seven years. He had es
caped to Canada; I had traced him across
the border and after a long struggle In.
the courts I succeeded In getting him ex
tradited on another charge and returned
to an American penitentiary, from which
he was eventually set free. I was not
likely to forget Bhoebox Miller, neither
bis talking young face nor his clever,
crooked eyes.
A Successful Appeal.
Tet I handed the picture back to Mosby
and flatly lied. "I don't know the man,"
I said. "You've heard he Is Bhoebox
Miller? Nonsense. Shoebox Miller Is un
der lock and key in an Illinois jail'
I have never regretted that momentary
shielding of Miller, but events deprived
him of any further charity. In another
moment young Mosby leaned toward me
confidentially and -said, his voice break
ing a little;
"This means more to mo than I'm tell
ing ypu. The man is mqr than a mero
prospective partner he's engaged to my
sister. I put it to you -as man to mail.
How much of a risk is it?"
That newa. brought me to . my senses.
Whaterver my a possible new de
cency ia Miller, there was a. ..plain and
definite duty to Mosby and his sister now.
I told the young Phlladelphlan all I knew
of Shoebox's career, and I knew a great
deal. .It was a shock to the young chap,
for the lad Uked tils' now friend and dis
counted the dark rumors. But he told
his sister the facts and dropped relations
with thd suspect -himself. For . a little
time Bhoebox Miller dropped out ot sight
His first crime .has, been described, as
fiction, In the pages of many a dime
novel, and has served . doubtless as a
model to more than one susceptible boy
before that kind ot dangerous trash was
The outlines of the plot are simple and
still form part ' of tho evidence against
Miller In the court records of Allegheny
county, Pennsylvania.
With a Party of maskfcd ruffians mi
midnight In the early 87s he broke
Into the housti of a couple named Con
ner near -the hamlet of Catfish, on the,
Allegheny road. Conners had Uvea noar
ingly and saved his money. No ono but
himself knew how much he had; his bank
was a safe ho kept under his bed. When
he found himself surrounded he wept,
but he was silent as night regarding
tho combination of his safe. Miller lighted
matches ' against his face end tho old
man flinched under the blisters, but he
told nothing.
Crueltfea of Itobhers.
Miller's quhk Intuition guided him at
(hat Juncture. He strfiedt'onnora' vlfe,;
ft frail old woman, asjnrterly as her hus-i
band, but Tess-hartyT He placed her et
in the fire, so that the flames not oniy.
singed the flesh, but ate Into It Her
shrieks were enough; Conners gave up
the combination. Miller and his accom
plices got out of the house with $21,000 In
cash among trem.
It was a huge sum for those dayj In
that country, and mutt ' have exceeded
the ruffians' expectations by thousands.
That kind of luck frequently goes to a
youf.g crook's head, and It lntpxlC4tod
Miller. I had never heard of him up to
that time, but I found a flamboyant
young man spending money like water in
the underworld of Pittsburgh, and I ar
rested him on suspicion. Wo traced his
whereabouts on the night of tho rubbery
and secured ft conviction easly Hp was
given a seven-year sentence.
Miller's escape from prison two years
later was as 'imaginatively plannod ts
Cleopatra's entry to Caesar In the Per
sian carpet It got him a year's free
dom, precious, natlve.wide celebrity
among his kind and a sobriquet that
stuck to him through life. At first he
was put to work In the shoe shop of the
prison and later In the packing mom.
Somehow he secreted hlmeelf in a huge
case of finished shpes and was thero ex
tricated by accomplices, more dead than
Miller now "Bhoebox" for life escaped
to Canada and after a long search I
found him there. Meanwhile he had ac
quired money and friends, and was ible
to put up a dogged tight against extra
dition. His maintained that escape from
prison was not an extradltablo otfcnie,
and the Canadian courts sustained that
point, eventually I secured new evidence
against him in the matter Ot the Corners
robbery, Miller having fired some shots
that night more with Intent to scare,
doubtless, than to kill. But the. chsree
of- firing was sufficient; Shoebox Miller
Was sent back to the Pennsylvania
prison, where his term was extended
considerably because of the escapadrf.
After he was released ho passed
through many vicissitudes In the Penn
sylvania cities. I kept an eye on hlrai
throughout those years, but we never,
met until a tow days after young Mosby (
had showed me the telltale photograph.
Then I was Informed one morning that
Miller was In town "looking for me."
That is an underworld phrase meaning
revenge, posslblo gunshots, an intimation
to be discreet. The criminal had heard
who had revealed the facts of his life to
tho Mcibya; ho announced he was pre
pared to "get me." I went to the unusual
precaution of arming myself and walked
to the boarding house where I knew Mil
ler was staying. One of his friends met
me at the door And told me that my
enemy was on tho upper floor armed,
furious, ready to shoot "If you set a
foot On tho stairs he'll have the. drop on
you from above,' he said,
I didn't go up the stairs. Certain death
Is not to bo, courted, even by police of
ficers In tho line of duty. I called on
Bhoebox to"come down; he answered with
a curse, but didn't shoot. We stood there
for a moment or two, neither caring to
move within range not daring. Then a
surly face showed Itself above the ban
nisters. "Don't snoot!" he cried. "I'm
coming down." Shoebox Miller walked
peacefully down the stairs.
"You'll pay for this," he said. ''You've
got nothing on me."
The mail was right At the moment I
had nothing on him. But I jailed him
nevertheless, and from the jail he set up
what appeared to bo a well-founded'
charge of persecution, influential people I
believed that my pursuit of him had pre.
vented his efforts to reform. J refrained
from telling au that had occurred!
regard for the Mosby.. ad K
charge of persecution went beyond th"
jail walls and Into the newspapers,
A hasty trip to Cleveland settled th
matter. Through Miller', relatives there
I found his wife, whom he had deserted
two yeara before. She came to Pitts,
burgh, and I brought her and Miller to
gether before his counsel. Her story
ended his charge of persecution. As sooii
oa Shoebox was released from custody
ho left town.
Shoebqx Miller disappeared completely
for many years, and I nearly forgot him.
I taw him jostle a patsenger who was
wearing a jGweled -scarfpln. Before he
saw me I had Jerked hit hand away,
down below his coat, where no one could
see us. I thought ot stopping the car
and colling an officer. Then I remetn
berod hla charge w of persecution and tho
bare possibility that' my vigilant may
have done something- In earlier days t.
very little to prevent his swing straight,
I released his wrist.
"Good-by, Shoebox Miller," I whispered;
There was no reply as he stepped to tha
street; only a dush of hatred In Als eye.
The man with the stickpin, who real
ized that I had caught a thief, upbraided
me-for letting hlra go.
"I always believe in giving a man a
chance," I said. ''Perhaps he only wanted
to borrow your pint" New TorK "World.