Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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The Modern Idea; "Good Individual Tailoring at a Lower Prlco Than
Non-Individual ItcadrMado.'
Fall Owning Announcement
1) A $7.00 Silk Vest Free With Every Made-to-Moasure
Suit Order for This Week Only
We are now showing our cpmpleto lino of Fall and Winter
Fabrics in Suiting and Overcoatings Guaranteed All Wool.
This great offer is for one week only.
Wo givo absolutely FREE a $7.00
fancy Silk Vest with every suit order.
t Ewery
N.W. Cor. 15th and Harney Sts.
Tilt Tamous "Bntv
dee Bystem" in wide
ly imitated. We nave
no oounectlon wltli
any other store la
the city and thr
fore urge yon to
eome to tit right
Scr Declares J. 1. Wootan in Convo
cation Address at lellevue.
Satire Stadent Bodr " Fucnlty
Gather la Clarke Mall (or the
Aaaaal Cemvecatlon of
the College.
The annual convoeaitou at Bollevue col
lege yesterday brought tho entire stu
Cent body and faculty with President 8.
W. Stoekey at the head, together in
Clarke hall, and despite tho rainy
weather, a number of visitors.
r. Stephen Phelps of the faculty pro
tided over the meeting and tho convoca
tion address tvaa mode by James to.
Wootan of The Boo on "The' Valuo of
''The aim of education," ho said, "la
o, develop character and fit ,mcn and
Women for the duties of llfo. The high
Met duty of life Is efflcent service, bo-
cause, that hi the prime need of life. The
value of education, then, Is In sending
men and wmkD lato the world equipped
for (l eff icleht i
"The bo4k. 'Vessel were but mftawi to
M end to b lauftereil. of course, In
de to heconiea the' end, 'lilit' a mini
trained to thMK t terms or social neeai
Ilov. E. A. Ftcdenhegcn, national
superintendent of tho order, was speaker
of the evening at tho annual meeting of
tho Society for tho Friendless, at the
Young Men's Christian association on
Thursday night. Dr. W. O. Henry read
an address on tho "Untainted Itace."
Hov. Mr. Fredenhagen lectured on the
lack at attention that was given social
Inheritance and tho. raising of children,
"It Is becauso of tho neglect of tho par
ents that many children become crim
inals. Wo mutt clear tho social pathway
for tho growing child, keep him out of
temptation. We pay moro attention to
tho breeding of some animals than wo
do men nnd It Is tho purpose of this
society to put a stop to the abuse."
Dr. Fredenhagen complimented Dr.
Henry on his paper and requested that
ho bo permitted to print it in the paper
of tho organisation, The First Frlond,
Tho request was granted.
Mrs. Charles Lobeclc nnd daughter Mar
guerite left Thursday to spend the win
ter in Washington,- D. C.
Joseph Hayden of tho firm of Hayden
Brow., has gope to Excelsior Springs for
a few days' rest.
C..H. AViseta&n. district nasseneer scent
of the Baltimore & Ohio at Cincinnati, Is
spending the day In Omaha, on hie rc-
was the really Important purpose of .the.! turn from a trip through Yollowntonn
took learning. Th high product of edu-
tetlon must meet the most withering tests
fthe worM's needs to vindicate Its value,
'All line of useful service fall within
the center of gravity In every life and
the center of gravity Is never found
within the smalt circle of selfish gain or
jlory," he said. "Education must have
a higher motive than merely, self-culture
tor selfish ends."
(National park.
Assistant Oencral Passenger Agent
Matthews ,of the Missouri Pacific, who
was at the convention of tho National
Association of Hallway Passenger Agents,
nnd who afterward made tho trip through
Yellowstone National park na one of the
guests of mo Jim roads, is in the city, on
his way to St. l.ous.
Breen Says Seven
Names May Be on
One EecalTPetition
"Oh, there Is nothing to that," sold
Jfchn P. Breen, when asked what ho
thought of the opinion ot Judge Ben
Beker to the effect that; the" recall peti
tion now being circulated against the
even city commissioners would not be
legal unless each proftoeed candidate foi
their place wa placed on a separate
yetlUon by himself, "No,, they tnAy.oH
be on one petition." said Mr. Breen, "but
at that I' rather doubt whether the recall
is' workable the way the law reads at
Kr Breen is the man that drew the
commission form of government bill un-
tier which the Omaha commission la
operating. He saya that he believes It
'was all right the way he first drew It,
but has a. suspicion that the way the law
was manhandled before It was flnall)
panptoV the recall part of St is hardly
"I believe they wilt get their petition
filled up, though," he sold, when asked
whether the circulating ot the petition
wootd result In anything definite, or
Whether It would fall through. He sold
be did not know who waa back of It
but that he had been approached on the
proposition some weeks ago.
PVarful Blnafrbtcr
of deadly microbes occurs when throat
and lung diseases are troated with Dr.
King's Now Discovery. COq and 11.00.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertise
Police authorities of Leavenworth,
Kan., nave notified Chief of Police Henry
tV. Dunn that a man found dead In
Leavenworth Is probably a, resident of
this city. The man was a common la
borer and the only identification card
waa one from the Koenlg Labor agency.
l) Dodge street, bearing the namo ot
Vf. Evans.
Detective Donohoe. after Investigating,
found that B, Reed had signed to go to
Leavenworth, and that Evans substituted
for him. Evane U supposed it be an as
vfmed name. The police have been un
able to locate. Heed or anyone who was
acquainted with either Heed or Evan.
The date when the Ad club is to en
Uriel President William Woodhe&d
C IK Aweejated Ad Clubs of America,
h s been fixed, since Frank. Bullta re
ceived a- telegram from Woodhead.
,-Utlng that e would be In Omaha on
September . He state that he will so
n a Cttcaget for the meeting of the execu
tive committee next week, lie will stop
t Otcb or W returu. The local ad
dub. proet!y wSU have both, noon and
fvontaf mestlcgs this year alternating
froes week, to week. Lantern wide lee
iuls are te Ve provide Xt taU meet
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Sept, lS.-Th
sovereign grand lodge, Independent Order
of Odd Fellows, which for more than a
quarter ot a century has been the court
ot lost resort In all matters pertaining to
the order, took from Itself part of this
power today, when It decided to adopt a
referendum In settling all matters ot
vital Importance. The question of re
ducing tho age limit for entrance to the
order will bo one ot the first to be set
tled by this method. This was practically
the only legislation enacted today by the
supremo body of Odd Fellowship, now In
session here.
This afternoon more than 10,000 dele
gates and visiting Odd Fellows went to
St. Paul as guests ot tho several Odd
Fellow lodgos- In that city.
The following officers of the Interna
tional Association ot Past Presidents of
tho Itebekah lodge were elected at a
session last night:
Mr. nose McCrosklo, Palouse, Wash.,
president', Mrs. Mae MoKlnnon, Winni
peg; first vice president; Mrs. Myrtle
Cummins, Minneapolis second" -vice
president; Mrs. L. Marsh, Vermillion, 8.
D., thlri vco president; Mrs. Martha
PrescdttcLaconla, N. II., secretary; Mrs.
Emma Talbot, Omaha, treasurer.
Two close-fisted Missouri brothers sued
a neighbor ror ma owing on a land deal.
They engaged the best lawyer In their
county neat.
The lawyer won the case. The brothers
called to see about his fee. One stayed
oiitslde and the other went In.
"How much Is It?" he asked.
"Well." eatd the lawyer. "I won't bo.
hard on you. I've known both you bova
since' you were children and I knew your
pap, i guess jaw win do about right."
Tho inquiring brother went but dated.
"Lordy, George," ho said to the one
outqldc, "I'm durn glad he didn't know
granapa, too r (Saturday isventng Post.
Persistent Advertising ia the Iload to
Big Returns.
" " " ' y .in
From Our Near Neighbors
John .Rbsenstlhl of Gretna visited his
mother here last Saturday. .
J.' 11. White and family have cone to
Indiana on a three woeks visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Qottsch have Bono
on a week's visit to Pine Bluffs, Wyo.
John Nevlni has aohe ' to Qlataow.
Mont., to register in the land drawing.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wright of Panllllon
were calling on friends hero Wedntnday.
Willis Satins? has bouicht the C. K.
Preston residence and will occupy it soon.
W. H. Davidson Is back from a busi
ness trip to Troy, N. Y and other east
ern points.
Tha Invitations ara out for the weddlns:
of Carl Olderog and Miss Llllle Graham
next weui.esaay.
TliA tre&Murr of the Plcnlo association
states that the disbursements at the last
plcnlo wore J5S3.03.
t r nih him rniurntii from his north
ern trip and will take charge ot the rail
road station next aionaay.
vm 1PiMr and fnmllv Btnnncd KB thev
were on their way from Missouri Valley
to uerlln, eo., last weanesaay.
Ford Bates of Lincoln mado Ills parents
a short visit Tnursaay. iie win anenu
the University of Nebraska this year.
TiiTnn who ha been anendlnir his
vacation here this summer, returned to
Apn Arbor, Mich., whero ho will attend
the university.
w v. and I. O. Miller have aone to
Cherry on a week's hunting trip. They
wilt be the guests ot John Miller, who
accompanied tnem.
Hereafter C. L. Rolfe and wife will
operate the telephone exchange at this
Place-. Mr. Rolfe will also look after tho
telephone lines In this end ot the county.
IVccplntr Water.
Mrs. A. C. Beach Is visiting relatives
in Grand Island.
Mtsa Marcaret Johnton is visiting
friends in Crete.
Mrs. Jvssle Nelson of Utlca la visiting
Mr. and Mrn. O. V. Boone.
Mrs. Charles Crew was taken to a Lin
coln hospital this week for treatment.
Miss Lillian Rich, who has been very
sick with typhoid fever, is Improving.
Frank Jatneson is in the western part
ot the state visiting relatives and friends.
Mrs. A. A. Johnson left this week for
Mount Vernon, 111., to attend a family
Mrs. H. M. Btylea of Pullman. Wash..
Krt (rwrnl days with Mr. and Mrs.
Tbcmaa Murtejr.
Ouy Johnston ot Johnstown. Neb., a raw dave this week with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M Johnston.
R. O. Cromwell departed Thursday for
llaiebrh. N. C, whore he has been en
gaged as Instructor In botany ii colleen
Miss "Wlnlfmd Abernethy left tbe first
of the week for a year's work at Colum
bia university. New York. She will study
domestic science.
C- C. Sherfby of Los Angeles, Cel. is
here for a few days' visit with old friends
and attending to business matters on his
farm south of town.
Clark 8. Newton and sister, Kate, re
turned .this week from a visit ot two
month with relatives and friends In the
western coast states.
Services at the Danish church next
Sunday will be attended by a large dele
ration of members -from the Lincoln
church with u basket dinner following.
Rev. William Rltodge, the new pastor
at the Congregational church, arrived
this week from, Wellington, Kan., with
hi family and Is located In the parson
age. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Tetft and Mrs. F.
H. qorder attended a Wedding anni
versary at tha hum. nf Xt- Ar.
A. Klrkpatrlpk of Nehawka, last Wed
nnd ay,
Richard, Mr. and Mr. F. J. Davis and
daughter. Doris, and Mr. end Mrs. G.
H. Olive and son. Benjamin, attended the
Moore-Leyda wedding in Pltttsmouth
Monday evening.
ChfcangoFUvlhwt.,ek n tU,n" trip t0'iurtUn WeM. 0maha
..AitntSrlKyiCIark 9!"nlon was trans
acting business in Omaha on Monday.
?hn .uye WM 1 Oakland last Week as
joe ot the corn Judge at the Burt county
Kx-County Judge Marshall of Arllng
Blalr! Sunday with friends in
George II. Noble returned last Thurs-
??yJj?m tw2 wek' visit with his nncle
at Offden, Utah,
Mrs. John Eakln and daughter Bessie
on vlsl,td over Saturday at the
Mr. and Mr. John McKay and Mr.
and Mr. John Newell were visiting rela
tives In Omaha over Sunday.
MlU Miriam Ma1! rKin...! xt J...
from an extended visit with her brother
Lueien at Worthlngton, Minn. uru",or
Rev. William Esplln and Rev. Charles
P. Lang are In attendance at the Metho-
wiitcrciica ui umcoin tnie weeK,
rMn' aTnA.Mr- .X KEdwarda and Major
J. P. White autoed to Benson and spent
Sunday with Curtis Edward and family
Raymond Cook, aon of Postmaster W.
J. Cook, left this week for Sweetwater.
Tenn.. to enter the Tennessee Military
Tony Bronsen. recently sentenced to a
Jail fine by Judge Troup, was allowed
some outdoor privileges by Sheriff Corap
ton. lie took leg bail and escaped on
Detective C. H. VenDusen and wife of
Omaha Pnt a short vacation with
his uncle, q. B. VanDueen and family ot
Blair, and his parents. D. W. VanDiuen
and wife, In Kennard.
As Section Boaa Hans 8chumaker and
crew of seven men were leaving for Her
man en an extra Job on Thursday morn
ing the gasoline car Jumped the track.
errreir oruisina; an tne men and
ousiy injuring two of them.
Irftula Pnutte- r TiTmrmn and
John Sautter left Wednesday for Texoa.
where Mr. Sautter will make his new
Swing, teeters and other nlnVrrounil
apparatua have recently been Installed
9 fcrii:
1 75
fsH rrsft""'i
for this Handsome
American DI TpppT
Quartered "
Oak Fininh Exactly Like Picture: Worth $20.00
Description Made of selected hard wood, finished in a pretty
American quartered oak, has two small drawers, one plush lined for
silverware, a long- linen drawer and a largo dish compartment, canopy
top, has French bevel plate mirror. At the price quoted above it is a
most exceptional value;, also note the very easy terms,
$1.00 Cash, 25c Weekly
Terras $3.00
Cask, $3.00
$25.00 value, three large pieces, mahogany finish fram6s, fabrl
P. Jliw t0,a ieainor upbolaterlng over strong springs, expert workman-H-Cf
lift. ship; frames are hand rubbed and polished, sale tli? CA
rW BIITIIiaifc, price . eXOeOvP
Just like illustration and highly polished.
I fkC f&r this Massive $15
ENPORTS Spo- (0 0 Cfl
daily priced... PO3&
)A Cft for Our Special
$&k.d) steel Range
Actually worth ? 3 5.00; the best
moderate price steel range ia
Omaha. Large fire box with, du
plex grate, guaranteed baking
oven, complete with UDDor warm
ing closoto, dimmed with durablo
S F COD Ifift-.IATKfnM ST.
$7.50 values
sale price
$15X10 values, heavy pedes
tal basesale a fJP
price I 9
Bbyles Says:
"Cut That Word 'Delay
Out of Your Life
.7 : . Why delay another Jay?
Boyles College
Sh- ,'Vk 'VV w
t .
H. B. BOYLES, . i.i
Pounder of Boyles' College, Omaha
Council Bluffs.
You will do that if you enter Boyles College nowl
'Yes you will!
Lot us tell you why: A good position is ..'awaiting
each Boyles, College Student just as' soon, as he or she
graduates from tho Business and Shorthand Depart
ments, or as a Telegrapher.
Wo offer you tho chance right now to prepare your
self to fill a well paid position as Stenographer, Book
keeper, Telographer or U. S. Civil Service Appointee.
"We do not ask you to wait until a new term opens.
"We aro ready for you today ready to .assign you a
desk in tho largest, most elaborately equipped, most suc-
I would 4iko to make a busi
ness man or business woman of
myself. I am years. of
age. Havo had... ...years in
sohool. 'Send particulars, etc.;
for course in business.
Name . .. ...i..-.
P. O ,...1
is now open, and you may enter now every day being an enroll
ment day here. ,
We give each and every beginning student individual attention."
There are no herd-like classes in Boylea College. ' - '
Your individual ability and personal success-possibilities, are
readily D-E-V-E-L-O-P-E-D. .
-There is absolutely no need of it! -
Just Binipiy make up your mind that .-you, will make the-next.
30 days worth $50 or $60 or $75 to you!
cessful business college in all the United States west 'of
Chicago,-if you are ready and if(you'haye made upfyoy?"
mind that1 you WILL succeed. v
It-is really up to y oii. , . : ,' ' V" '
You, have facing you the opportunity.' of being pro-'
pared for a position that is practically waiting1 for 'you
to step into. '" ' '
Don't procrastinate! '
Don't hesitate!
Don't waste a golden moment!
Just say earnestly to yourself: "I will be a SUC
CESS! I will enter Boyles College EIGHT' AWAY!"
Won't ypu do that? For your own sake?
y . IMm i-aa -
on th tchoot campus for the lowtsr simd rf-skA eifKftn1 Karn BllA IS eXDMt
ln to erect alaket ball court soon tor
tne older pupus.
County Attorney James, T. ,llci?;'i"
tended auoreme court in Uncoln Wednes-
Mrs. n. & Armstronc returned Fnaar
from Stanton, where sh has been vislu
ln- tho last week, with Mr. and Mrs. Clint
The September term ot district court
convenes Monday, September a, with
judifo lslle ot Omaha aubsttfUUnjt -r
Judse Tra1s. who la seriously ill at his
homo Ir. Flattsruouth.
The first meetlnir ot the Woman's club
TrtvK hald Wrdneadav afternoon at the
home ot ilrn. C D. Urown, the president
Mrs. E. J I. Koch ltd b. very interesting
lesson on Mexico. Arrangemenu were
. u Am a (unciieon to tie given Satur
day attemooc. for niemhent and friends
at the Seymour Ike Country dub. '
C. B. Byars returned Sunday from Hot
Sprtags. S. IV
Mrs. A. aardlner visited br.r daughter,
Ma, laasto Npyea, at imndee Saturday.
Ray Gardiner and Floyd Kopp are at
tending the University of Omaha this
Mrs, Anne Hobinson and Mrs. A. K.
Hubbard were hoppintr la Omaha Sat.
Dr. W. II. Iteed was visited by bis
brother. Will's IVsed. of Madison, Neb.,
U V . Qarey of thestate university spept
several daj with Valley friends the last
of the, week.
Edith Zwlcbel resigned nor position with
Is. K. Johnson s comectionery and la
staying at home.
Mies Iluth and Burton Whltmoro left
Monday for Lincoln. Tbey will attend
the state' university.
A. J. McDonald, who has been quite
seriously ill with siomarii and towel trou
ble, is slowly improving,
Mrs. Henderson and children of Crals
Keb., are 1sltlng at tbe home ot nor
brother. Kev. H. A. Taylor, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Warner purchased tha
Itndfented w move Into
Itay enUd the1 Present home to
farn, eouth of Valley, ni i wfll r?nt fhS