Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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City Council Drafting One for Street
Car Company.
Provide Half Fare (or School Chil
dren and Reduced Fnre for
.Older Children on Lines
of the System.
i (From a Staff Correspondent.)
pE8 MOINES, la.. Sept. .-8peclal
Telegram.) The. city council of Des
Moines Is engaged In making a new
franchise for tha street car company to
be submitted to a vote of the people.
The franchise is declared to be the
most socialistic ever drafted and to con
tain many radical provisions, but today
the council took .out one Innovation, and
decided upon two others. It took out a
clause requiring payment of 1 cent for
a transfer, the same to be refunded when
the transfer Is used, and it put tn a
clause for half fare for school children
and for reduced fare for the older chil
dren. Decree In Tax Suit Filed.
' The decreo In the case' Involving the 1
legality of the tax levy for the capitol:
extension, as signed by Judge J. H. Ap- j
plegate of Guthrie county, was filed In
court today, which makes possible an'
appeal from that case to the supreme Killed by Central Train,
court. The decree provides throe majn FORT DODGE, la., Bopt Ifc (Special
things, namely: Telegram.) Probably because hit heal
1. The entire legality of tho special mill-j caught in a frog on the Illinois Central
age tax authorised by the legislature for tracks, C. I Aslop of Rockwell City, 85
the purchase of ground and erection of , years old, a farmer, was fatally hurt
visit, tn his official capacity, the stats
hospital located there. He also expects
to visit the state Institution at Glen
wood. The governor wilt make the appoint
ment of a Judge of tha superior court
of Ferry very soon to tako tho place ot
the late Judge John Shortley. Aa none
ot the lawyers there want the position Is talk ot abolishing the court.
Kenyon Feeling Out
Iowa Sentiment
FORT DODQB. la., Sept. !.-BpecUl
Telegram.) Senator W. 8. Kenyon, home
for a short period, wilt start on a trip
around Jowa next week to confer with
business men. bankers and farmers on
the currency bill. In an Interview today
he expressed the belief currency legle-
latlon will not be passed before the reru-
lar sessloa It Is too Important to be I
rushed, he maintained, and added "the I
bill Is good In some respects."
Senator Kenyon stronglr denounced tht
secret caucus system and upheld Presl
dent Wilson's Mexican policy. It Is an
abhorrent thing that our boys should be
sent down there and shot to death to
protect property of people who were not
friends to this oountry and so went to
Mexico to make some more money.
Ho declared "talk" Is the trouble with
congress and predioted rules to stop end
less discussion will be adopted.
an offtoe building tor the state,
. 2. The duty ot the executive counelt to
proceed with the purchase ot the ground
and to make contracts for purchase to bo
completed when the funds are available
i. The right of the state to Issue war.
rants against the fund tn anticipation of
Its collection .after the tax is levied.
The state will ask the supreme court
to reverse the lower court In the matter
of the Interest on the warrants. Other
wjse the Applegate decision on the main
case is entirely satisfactory to the state.
It was stated by attorneys for Rowley
today they will appeal from the decision
and seek to have It all reversed.
Object to' Knrly Consideration.
Attorneys" for Rowley and others of the
plaintiffs appeared at the state house to
day and objected to the supreme court
giving early consideration to the appeal
from the; Judge Hunter decision affect
lng the tax levy in Van Buren county
alone. They stated they wilt file other
by an Illinois Central train here. Tho
coroner's Jury found his death due to
shook and loss of blood when ho was ac
cidentally run over by the train. Evi
denes alt indicates Aslop tost his way
and was caught tn the situation that
proved fatal.
Dies of .Fall front Pole.
MASON CITY, la., Sept It, (Special
Telegram.)-Orover Wlney ot Mllford, la.,
employed here by tho Western Electric
Telephone company, broke his nsck and
died within a few minutes as a result of
a fall from a thlrty.foot telephone pol
this evening.
Iowa Km Notes.
IDA OnOVB-Whlls Tholma Carlson ot
Klron lies very tow in a hospital here
and Mr death expected any day from
pneumonia her mother died suddenly
from a stroke of apoplexy.
QLE1NWOOD Ernest Moore, who claims
that his age Is 1 years, but who appears
older, was arrested and lodged fa the
.Uj i similar suit, and continue the policy "Mi
of delay In getting at tho decision In the uushnell brought him from the coal mines
case. They claimed that tncy did not in Appanoose county.
know the attorney genera! was going to! LOGAN A good roads meeting will be
ask for advance In th case, but the at- !Sli&P JS??:
, . . . . .,. at which time I, J. Klrker of Des Moines
torney general showed letters In which wlll address tho meeting on "National
he had written the lawyers on the other Good Roads." Mr. Klrker claims that he
side every day as to what was going on ot boosting any particular road, but
. -i-, , ... .,, ail roads, A good roads meeting waa held
and gave them notice of W plm to ask at Wo0(IWn, tu(g flVenlnr.
m UftttW M VIS III
-is ; m
II iT - Wffl Sm mi 13 If x A xL mlt X
Omaha's Greatest Clothing House
for an advance. The court will hear the
Hunter case In October and probably tho
Applegate case the next month.
Delay In the Keller Case.
There Is much surmise as to the cause
of the delay which tho Iowa supreme
court has had In a decision as to the case
of Dr. Harry D. Kelley of Council Bluffs.
The case waa submitted over a year ago.
Kelley Is. held at tho reformatory because,
of another Indictment over him. He was J'ked ion good I roads! not for anf
convicted ot manslaughter tor the killing tlcujar locality, but tor the, entire state,
of a .barkeeper; In Des Moines, but ttie He was rivsn caWful attention nd about
' A , . ... .... twenty-five men Joined the National Good
jury aiso. rouna ne waa insane a. iiw umo jtf, association. Mr. Klrker will meet
of the nomicme. .ine,cour.,muBaciue. with the Commercial cluo at wooamno.
whether or not a man legally declared 1 this evening and with the Logan Ceromer-
IDA anOVE County Auditor Itlchard
Varner has received notice from Secre
tary A. H. Davison of the state execu
tive council to the effect that Ida county
must levy the special tax for state capi
tol extension as provided by the last leg
islature. Davison points out that thi
decision ot Judge Hunter applies only to
Van Buren county, where the suit was
brought against county officials,
Des Moines was the speaker before the
Commercial cum hare last evening ana
New Arrivals in
Shirts on Display Now
$1.00 to $5.00
0W for a Look at the New Fall Clothes,
the Greatest Stock in Nebraska Wait
ing Here for Your Inspection.
We're glad to be known as the home of Kuppenheimef,
Schloss Bros., Stein Bloch, Society Brand and Sophomore
Clothes we're sellers of the best clothes in the world. We'll
show you the most comprehensive exhibit of these fall models
ever gathered in one place; exclusive ideas made for us, many
new suit modelsfull English, semi-English and conservative
sack suits in all the newest weaves and shades at
$10, $15, $20 up to $40
More styles, more novelties, better quality prices lower
largest assortment to select from and Omaha s representative STETSON
HAT STORE. (If you live out of this city send us your order by mail, as we
can fill any order that is in Stetson's line.)
We are exclusive agents in Omaha of MALLORY'S CRAVENETTED HATS.
Many imported hats in Velours and Rough Felt our fall showing is com
plete and hats galore to sell from $2. 00 to $12.00.
Suit Your Boy at Berg's. We contend that you can get better values at a sav
ing of $1.50 to $3.50 on every boy's suit here. We know that our values are
unequalled in Omaha at the prices we ask for them. Your boy probably is in
need of anew suit now; bring him here and look over our new fall lines. We
show all the latest models made up of the newest fabrics, Russian and Sailor
Blouse, Norfolks, single and double breasted . 41 9 EA
styles many with two pairs of trousers OU tO w 1 &.DU
New Waterproof Coats
for Men and Women
$5.00 to $30.00
(o have been Insane at the time of the
ict could be held responsioia lor tne
Attends the Rate Conference,
A. D. Beals pf the rate department ot
the, Iowa Railroad commission has cone
to Chicago to attend on behalf of tho
Iowa commission the Important meeting
of the official classification committee
of the railroad having charge ot rail rates
ana classifications in eastern teritory.
Thp conference will be partly In Chicago
and partly In New York. The Iowa com.
mission has adopted the policy ot having
v representative present at each and
every one ot these meeting to look after
she interests of shippers In this territory.
Inspection of Urnnch Railroad.
' Commissioner Thome went to Maynard,
ta.. today to make Informal inspection
t the track on the branch line ot the
Rock Island where a wreck occurred
In July. The commission secured all
information It could as to this accident
lonie time ago and secured a promise
from the Rock Island management of
Improvement In conditions. It Is planned
however, -to make still further invest!'
latlon Into the condition of the branch
I Preparing Tsepart on Farms.
. James Wilson, former, secretary of agri
culture, . and' Henry Wallace, of this
city, have been In consultation tn regard
to', the report they will make to the
tovernor on their observations on farm,
conditions in Great Britlan. They toured
the Islands partly together and made an
extensive visit to various parts of Eu
rope " for Information of this charaotsr.
The governor has also appointed a com
mission ot three to make a report on the
agricultural needs of loWa,
Governor Clarke went to Clarlnda to
day where' he will address the reunion
of Crocker's Iowa brigade, and then
cial club Friday evening.
AM E Today Registrar Herman Knapp
had not counted the entire number of
students enrolled at the state college,
hcut two elurka at work coniDlUnJC the
ures, but it may be several days before
lie can state the exact Attendance. The
last count was Saturday afternoon, th
last of the two regular registration days,
when the total was 1,0 greater than the
f.OjS of last year. The fresliman class Is
expected to reach 1,150 to 1,209, as against
SS9 in Ult
When Soot Slat Boot.
The following Scotch tale Is one of
President Wilson's favorites:
A Scotchman waa strolling through the
market place in Glasgow one day and
close at his heels followed his faithful
collie. Attracted by a fine display ot
shell and other fish, the Soot stopped to
admire, perhaps to purchase. The-dng
stood by, gently wagjgln his tall, While
Its master engaged the fishmonger In con
versation. Unfortunately for the beast, Its tall
dropped for a moment over a big basket
ful of fine, live lobsters. Instantly one
ot the largsst lobsters snapped Its claws
on the tall and the surprised colli, dashed
off through the market yelping with pain,
while the lobster hung on grimly, though
dashed violently from side to side. The
fishmonger for a moment was speechless
vith Indignation: then, turning to his
prospective customer, he bawled:
"Mont monl whustle to ysr dor, whus
tie to ysr dogi"
''Hoot, mon." returned the other com.
Waosntly, "whustls to ysr lobster!"
Washington Post.
K Polated paravrapns.
It Is natural for some woman to act
liove based on pity Is apt to come out
In tht laundry.
Getting a husband is in art; keeping
him Is a domestic problem.
A kiss In the dark mar be a divine
spark, or it may be a mistake.
A warm friend is one who is willing
to divide bis cold cash with us.
Give the od fashioned woman the lye
and she will maka a batch of soap.
If a man has no brains there's noth
ing In his head to cause him to know it
Even It a man does have fairly good
sense he can easily write a few lovs
letters. Chicago News.
Papers Among Effeots of Schmidt
Add to Mystery.
Pkotoarrafctned Copy of Death. Cer
tlflcKte pf One of His Parishion
ers is Also Fewad.lM
NEW YORK, Bept 19. Detectives delv
ing further Into the past of Hans Schmidt,
tHp priest who murdered Anna Aumullcr,
sought today to fathom what waa In bis
mind lsst April when he photogrsphe4
the death certificate of Robert Smith,
one of his parishioners.
Photographs of this certificate and of
blank forms Issued by the Board of
Health were found In Schmidt's trunk.
The find led the police to believe that the
priest either was making preparations to
dispose ot the Aumuller girl or planned
other murders. They questioned hlro
about this certificate today, but his an
swers gave them little Information. The
priest has evinced a tendency to answer
all questions with the declaration' that
he was directed in his acts "by God and
To tho belief that . Schmidt planned
other murders, the police are more In
clined to the opinion that he was laying
plans last April to be rid ot the Au
muller girl. They say that a skilled forger
like the prisoner would have been able to
have the bodies Ot the victims buried in
any cemetery by tilling out counterfeit
blanks and forging the signatures. They
believe that Schmidt caused the blanks
to bs photographed' In order to obtain
exact copies, so that he might have du
plicates struck off in blank.
Another Woman In Case. C
Inspector Paurot announced today that
he was looking (or another woman In the
case, He gave po details ot what her
connection with the matter might be.
Tho only other wQman whose name has
thus tar besn associated with Schmidt's
Is known as Helen Green, from a letter
found In Schmidt's trunk, In which she
said she could not live without him. Her
name was not signed to the letter, but
the address and a telephone number led
Se Sunday Paper for Particulars
aaaiaBaaaaaaaaaaaBr itMisaBBsssnssssMsasswMMsaaaBaBaaBWMWBlBBMMBBaT
the police to an apartment house where a
woman by that name had lived until
about month previously. There Is was
said that she had gone to Chicago and
that several letters hod been forwarded
to her, none of which had come back.
The finding of the photographed blanks
In Schmidt's trunk caused the detectives
to dig deeper Into the past of Ernest
Muret, the self-styled dentist Implicated
with Schmidt In counterfeiting. From
"London came reports that Murot had
been a fugitive from Justice since April
X, 1S11, when he was charged with having
falsely represented himself as Dr. Ernest
Stein, a medical practitioner. Thus far
Muret has denied alt knowledge of tho
manner In which Anna Aumuller met her
Despite protestations of both Schmidt
and Muret, the detectives are convinced
that they are relatives, and today Issued
a report from Asohaffenburg. Germany,
Schmidt's native town, to the effect that
Muret is really Adolf Mueller, Schmidt's
Disposal of Bodies possible,
Co-operation between a skilled forger,
having in his possession accurate copies
of burial blanks, and a criminal versed
In medical matters would mako possible,
the police point out the murder and dis
posal of many victims without detection.
The photographs found In Schmidt's
trunk are those taken of the health de
partment certificate Issued for the burial
0( Robert Smith, 03, who died of natural
causes last April. As a priest, Schmidt
visited htm twice before he died, tho last
time administering extreme unction, and
officiated at the funeral, How ho got
possession of the burial certificates Is
not clear. Mrs. Smith said that so far
as she knew it had not been taken put ot
the house. Both sides of the certificate
had been photographed. The photog
rapher who did the work for Schmidt
ssld that the priest was In a hurry for
the picture and fretted when he was told
he could not have them for twenty-four
Dr, J, A, Jenkins Gets
Chicago Pulpit Call
Rev, J, A. Jenkins, pastoi of the St,
Mary's Avenue Congregational church,
hap received a call frpm the Warren
Avenue Congregational church In Chi
cago. The new pulpit offered Rov. Mr.
Jenkins is the second largest In Chicago
In point of membership. He has not
definitely decided upon Its acceptance
and will confer with the church board
of his present charge before giving his
Miss Ida Rcld and Clarence H. Ray
mond, .both of Omaha, were married op
Thursday at 2:90 p. in. by Rev. Charles
W- Savldge at his study, Ml Brandels
Theater building. They were accom
panied by Frank Reld, brother of the
bride, and Miss Edith M. Vernon. They
left for Denver at i p. ra.
over a
Hard I.nck,
negroes, after having disputed
certain woman whom they both
admired, decided to settle the matter by
a watermelon due), the winner to have
the woman.
Each prepared himself and appeared
at the appointed hour. When the melons
were consumed It was found that the
larger negro had devoured the greater
number The future bride, having wit
nessed the duel, wrote the following note
to the winner;
"Dear Mr. Washington: I admire your
courage, but have decided to marry your
opponent, realising my Inability to Tfip
port any one with such an appetite as
yours,"-Rations! Monthly.
Golnir ilotr,
George F. Baker? the noted financier,
was for many years Mr. Plerpont Mor
ten's close friend, and in analysing. Mr.
Morgan's success Mr. Baker onn said
to a New York correspondent:
"He was not the Impetuous, headlong
man of action he has been pictured. He
acted, but ho acted deliberately. He once
gave me this advice advice which he al
ways himself followed;
Charming New
Fall Millinery
ore showing an unusually chqrming as
W sembly of exquisite fall millinery, repre
senting the newest and best ideas obtainable
for styles in dress and tailored hats. Correct'
ness and individuality are assured when you
select your hat at BERG'S You will bo charmed
with our splendid exhibition of autumn styles,
and we extend a cordial invitation to have you inspect them at
your leisure. Take elevator Second Floor.
Woman is Shot in Neok and Two
Men Are Killed.
Beer Party in San Prnnclsco
flarnae Is Interrupted -Sinn
Sought by Officers E
tranaed from Wife,
SAN FRANCiso. eept. ifc As the cll
max of an all night joy ride Mrs. Kate
Coulson, S3 years old, was shot In the
neck early today and probably will die,
while George Kovaclf, night watchman in
a garage, and William Acker, chauffeur
of the car, were shot dead. The police
are scouring the city for A. R- Coulson,
proprietor of a hatchery and feed store,
who Is the husband of the wounded woman.
Nobody saw or heard the shooting.
About 4 o'clock this morning Jack Ricks,
night watchman In a neighboring garage,
heard uncertain footfalls outside his
office window and found Mrs. Coulson
barely conscious. She told her name,
uttered that she knew who shot her
nd lapsed Into unconsciousness.
' Ricks followed the trail of blood to tli
Atlas garage, a block and a halt away,
and found the bodies ot the two men.
Uottlrs of bj:cr,' some ot them opened
and partly empty, showed how the party
had bsen engaged when Interrupted,
Coulson was estranged from bis wife,
Tho Pavorlto Job.
Some time ago, so ran the story, an
esteemed citizen, who held down a gov
ernment Job, came home on a visit and
passed around among his envious con
stituents. Much talk, ot course, and nat
urally the conversation led to the visit
or's particular line of work.
"You are looking fine, Jake!" greet
fully remarked one of .the constituents,
ordering a pretzel, "Your new line seems
to agree with you."
"Yes," smilingly admitted the job
holdor. "It might be a whole lot worse."
"By the way, Jake," continued the con
stituent "how many peopjo work in your
"I don't know," was the smiling re
joinder of Jake, "but roughly guessing, I
should say just about pne-tmrd ot them."
New York Sun.
"Mind reading? Nonsense!" said Haw
kins contemptuously. "Nothing In It! I'll
Klvo you $10, Jimmerson, If you'll lead my
mind right now. What am I thinking?"
"Why," said Jimmerson, eyeing Haw
kins keenly, "you ars thinking that mind
reading Is perfect nonsense, , that there
Is absolutely nothing In It and that there
fore your $10 are perfectly safe."
"By Jovel" cried Hawkins, paylnr up
like a gentleman. "That's wonderful,
Jlmmersonl You got It exactly. How tha
dlokens do you do It V 'Judge.
A Hot Weather Yarn.
The root garden, lifted twenty stories
up towards the stars, was swept by the
breezes of a thousand electric fans.
Palms rustled, Ice tinkled, syphons
gushed and De Wolf Hopper, his resonant
voice easily audible above the silvery
inurlc ot feminine laughter, told a, hot
veather yarn.
"Mrs. Blueblood von Blueblood," h
laid, "wu dissatisfied with her fourth
rran, nd resolved accordingly to dis
charge him.
"So, the other meriting, -as the fourth
man. In his shirt sleeves, dusted the ball
room with a huge feather dustor. Mrs.
Blueblood von Blueblood opened hostili
ties with the remark.
' 'Slmcox. I am dissatisfied -with yo'a.
You haven't done a thing tho whole
, " 'Haven't done a thing? cried Slmcox.
hurt and Indignant 'Haven't done a
thing, oh? Well, ma'am, Just you lay
your hand on the back of my shirt cj
tween the shoulder blades and that'll
show you If I haven't done a thing f "
New York Telegraph.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
No Headache
can withstand the
soothing action of
R romo-Z7ra
Instantly relieves pain and corrects the causes Nerve
Strain, Indigestion, Constipation, Biliousness. Take this
safe, pleasant rernedy avoid habit forming ; drugs.
Remember the "ZJTHIA"
At Druggists 10c, 28c, S0c and $1.00 BROMO-L1THIA CO, Philadelphia, Pa.
for reflection.'
' " Nw Ynrlr If. 11