Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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fllooRed for a Time and Enriched
Border Literature.
foe Malhntton, lkc Cooler, mil
Leeds and Major llnaeldorp
Fashioned Some Weird
These Arc the regions ot the Joyful He.
Here sprang end flourished the Major
Hateldorps, the Joe Mulhsttons, the Isaac
Coolers end the Bill Leeds. These have
their myriad Imitators who tin tor the
tun of It. Joe Mulhatton, ot whose death
I have heard rumors, but ot which I havo
obtained no confirmation, wm In his
prime the greatest sourxx 01 amusement
and excitement at given periods In nil
the country. Now, no one questions the
tact that there are more good, honest,
generous and Well-meaning and right
living men pro rata In the west than
there are In the aft. The west Is no
place for the human skunk, but even the
meanest man who needs a little neigh
borly help will find H In every commun
ty where the east would turn him the
cold shoulder almost invariably. Yet
these admirable people love Joe Mulhat
ton and Imitate him.
Hot since Baron Munchausen has there
been a. man to rise to such heights of
mendacity as Mulhatton. lie was born
lri Allegheny City In ml, spent' his boy
hood in Louisville, but his young man
hood, the fcal period of hi a training, was
pent in the west. , a commercial
traveler he was always successful and
was marked for bin business honesty,
but going here and thero over the coun
try he delighted In duping large masses
ot the population with a long succession
of astounding tales. Ills early stories
were told to fellow traveling men, who
spread his fame fir and near. Inter
national fame did not com to him till
In 1653, when the newspapers of the con
tinent as we)t as of the United Slate
copied a story from the Louisville Cour.
ier-Journal. which stated that James
Guthrie- ot Shelby county, Kentucky, had
Imported from South America a largn
number of husky monkeys and had
trained them to brealc hemp, weed the
garden, pick tobacco worms and do gen
eral farm work. 80 great was Guthrie's
success that his neighbors, seeing tho
place ot the slave laborer now filled,
were sending tor carloads of monkeys
from Amasonas. The sobor, solemn Lon
don Standard, under the caption of "The
New Labor Problem," devoted a column
and a halt ot pondcruus dscuasion to
the matter.
Some MtiWiattonUrns.
In ISM there appeared a story from
Atlanta, a a., tht appeared slmultfc
piously in Westetn papers to the effect
that a central Georgia farmer drove a
down geese Into his cotton fields every
morning with water-filled gourds about
their necks. Bach gourd had a hole In
the side. The geeee weeded the cotton
patch and drank from each other's
gourd. As long as It was daylight and
they hW out they did excellent work,
stow mystery connected with the w.iier
hW tfewn to their tasks, Amatlng as It
it, weotern paws still print accounts of
farmera m j-eeaote atutrtcts, wfio HavlMf
heard Mm lU for the first time, tried
out th rimt,
Oswa. swsir an "pavM-.'MdMiaiton
Mrimk oSI at CI JttneMon, Teaa.,
ap r two weeks the town had a great
fetopt, free which It has ever recovered,
la tt (m fill the pMfs with an1 ao
eomt of a ficaMlo ijwtee-r which had
talk ki a Parnate part ot Texas. It
WtHlah a Maalcaa'a house and kilted
!ht., people. Six M colleges actually
sent aaa fe-r some time maintained
searching expedition. In 1(18 ho dlM
Oveed Mono lakd near Virginia City",
Vtv.t which bloadmert the hair and akin
at all persons who bathed in It con
fsteaUy, Thers fe In that country to
4y A large cjlony of negroes and others
who traveled there and were never able
to get away. On April 2i, U9t the St.
Loala Glob.mocrat reported a large
erfy of scientist)) in Mexico as havlna
discovered n sort of tree Called the' arbor
alaball, which ca'ught birds, wild cats, etc,
fa tact, anything that aoueht its
ranches-folded the vUtltns to Us heart
ana devoured them
Again expeditions, costing hUndwds ot
thousands of dollars, set out and then the
story was traced to Mulhatton. man
trial far murder In Hhreveport, U.,
4lrph4 Mm an sftsr of tl.W an
hearrlum to come e-n and arrets ie
jury. Tha Judge, hearing qt the -maeer,
'efftpe to suspend court till Mulhatton
could arrive, and In the Interim the chlot
witness died and the prisoner went frJe.
In 1909 Mulhatton had deluded the world
to such an extent that the delusion came
home to roost and he was committed to
the Arizona Insane asylum for ft short
time. Alienists flocked to him from )very
direction and pronounced htm sane, b-t
since then he has been more careful.
Montana' I.nnnli maker.
Major Itaceldorp, who lived at Basin,
Mont., kept the wet In a gale of laugh
ter for years. Ills chief work Is memo
rialised In the annals of the Royal Gee
graphical society of London, being p.irt
ot a highly scientific paper read hf Hlr
Mountjoy Fltimaurlce, from which 1
quote a paragraph:
"We have Just passed through a part
of the west where the changes of the
temperature are of amoxlng euddenn-i.
I am Informed by one of the cltlsens
here that five years agr, an Immwse
flock of wild ducks settled upon th
bosbm of a smalt lake when the thar
mometer stood at 60. At daylight rort
morning the thermometer had fal'en to
B below freezing and the ducks wt
frown In. Moved by a common tmp'ilse
they attempted to rise and after a fw
moments they were In the air, carrying
with them the rosen lake. H Is one of
the moit marvelous occurrences which
has come under our notice."
Ike Coqlcy was forced Into fame a a
liar. One day bercre It was time to shoot
deer Cooley was out In the mountains of
Colorado, and meeting up with a stranger,
fell Into talk.
"This Is a fine hunting country," said
the stranger, looking at Cooley's gun.
"Yes, Indeed. I shot a buck yesterday
that weighed close to 209 pounds."
"That was a fine one, but do you know
whom you are talklhg to V
"No, can't say as I do,"
"Well, I am the chief game warden of
the state of Colorado,"
"Oh-ura-ycs, yes," said Cooley, a bit
kliaken for a moment "But do you know
who you ore talking to?"
"Not an lde-at least, not yet"
"Well, you are talking to the biggest
liar In the state ot Colorado."
That story flew on the wings of the
morning, and toon Ike Cooley had & repu
tation that he decided to live up to. Ills
tales cannot be repeated here, but their
quality and nature Is attested to by the
fact that Captain SoUtliworth, his next
door neighbor, a devout church-golnx
man, moved suddenly to California, glv
ing as Ills reason that lie loved and i4
llenred tho Bible, but he could, not credit
tho punishment of Ananias and yet con
tinue to live where ho could look out any
day and see Ike Cooley walking around
alive and wall. New York Telegraph.
Adenoids Are a Menace) to Children,
Babies and young children must be
carefully watched for the growth of
adenoids, which epoll the mental and
physical life of a child. They usually re
sult from a succession of colds and throat
irritation, and their presence Is so pro
ductive ot harm that many school boards
have an examining physician to detect
them. The condition that cause them
.may be easily avoided by careful parents.
Quickly and thoroughly cure alt colds
and throat Irritations by the use of
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, and
adenoids will not develop. All dealers
The SapreMte Test.
, "What makes you think that you realty
lova me?" she said,
Jhflught far.a momenUhafora H
fMm. and then h aa-ldt .
. ' am willing to button you up your
nu wm 1x11 u your me.
"That la something; but Is It atlT"
"I am will na to let our hnii b run
by strangers. ;and that you should ever
iBinnui in enure ignorance 01 US man-
"Rather good. Anything elseT"
"I am wilting that we should have no
children, so that you will be able to
go to KUro whenever you want to, en
terrain your friends, and not be tied
sown." .
"Qoodl Aut Is that allT"
"Is this nt enough?"
And she doubtfully replied
, "I suppose t ought to be, but I was
In hopes that you would eay you were
willing to have ma wear, anything X
fileaiod all the rest of my lite, no mat
er how really ridiculous it was.'' Phila
delphia Ledger,
That Dream Han,
A Vienna professor I credited with
saying that dreams are usually wlsh-fuU
flllments. Maybe so. What about that
childish dream in which tho ferocious lion
corned bounding along behind you, and
you run aa boy never ran before, and
the Hon closes the gap little by little,
and then all of a sudden your lega grow
limp, and your muscles turn to water,
and your feet ft ay out, and the lion
leapsand you awake with a yell, It
you-j vole uat paralysed, an everybody
In the liouae wakea with your
Why should you wish a lloa oa, yaur.
The firofeaeer doeaa't sy. Ctv4M
Plain Dealer,
WM. L. HOLZMAN, Trees.
AN Opening of importance to the
men and young men of Omaha and vicinity.
Saturday we present for your approval the largest and most
complete stock in the west of Fashionable Apparel at Moderate Prices.
We respectfully invite your in
spection of this wonderful
showing of new fall merchan
dise,, and direct attention to our re
cently completed store Omaha's
most modern and best equipped ap
parel establishment.
Here's a store where real ser-
nice is the keynote and where
your complete satisfaction is
guaranteed at all times. Gome, be our
guest Saturday, the latchstring is out;
we'll enjoy showing you through the
Greater Nebraska.
Men's New
Fall Suits
A most exceptional showing of high grade
clothes that stand in the, forefront of ready
tailored garments. Rich imported and best American
weaves. The season's smart styles, colors, g $ "'j
sBaBasar BasasaK
Young Men
Fall Suits
best ready-to-wear fall suits at.
Wonderful range of styles a galaxy of de
signs heretofore unknown in young men's
clothes, Distinguished English and semi-English
models from the tailor shops of America's leading
stylo creators. These remarkable suits will m t r jsW
make this store headquarters of the west for M to jT
young mon who demand best clothes at. ......
Overcoats P?16'. variety md Ape?Gifc
n . tailoring a new standard
JKc&lSlCOCttS of overcoat and raincoat
satisfaction will greet you here. "We've noyer
before known a lino to equal this showing.
Overcoat JUinootita
$10 to $40 $5 to $20
Boys' Good JSfiX
LrlOtilGS quality at every price
mokes our boys' shop a center of interest for
discriminating buyers of boys' clothes.
School Suits Overcoat
$2 to $10 $2.50 to $10
Formal Opening of Our New Furnishing Goods Dept. Saturday
Yfsfiors to our opening will see -a complete rearrangement of, place, to Shop. The advantage in trading herewill be evident to all. '
. burmam floor. A iriuch more convenient jgroupihg of depart-A wonderful ati newTsKpVijig of, fall merchandise will greet you Jiore?.
efitBtcoupled with a now equipment, of fixtures, making an ideal Saturday. ' Come and inspect" thisj handsome store' and stock.-
. Omaha greatest showing of men's t
shirts, neckwear, hosiery, underwear
and correct droBS accessories, ondj a
,very Complete stock of Trav.eling.vv
G6ods." : ." -4 . :' -
Fall Hats
- We're headquarters for the celebrated JoHn
B. Stetson hats and many other favorite lines
,of stylish headwear. Attentive salesmen
y hero; real hat service at your $ t $ tt
- connnandj.all prices ro v
Fall Shoes
Complete showing of renowned Eegal shoes
for men and a very extensive stock of lower
priced fgotwear. , Beliable shoes from world . ,
. best makers the best at . $ 50 f '$'2,s
every price O
HBMiaa Mi 111 is si 1 n 1 s 11 raa-BLasi
TJayy Saturday, September 20th
You cure cordially invited to attend
our Fall Opening Saturday where a
feat of good Wearing Apparel will be
shown. Everything to outfit the en
tire family in the very newest fall
and winter styles.
Order Your Fall Suit,
Hat or Coat Tomorrow
A masnUlcent Btaowing of new
fall Suits, Coats and Millinery,
Come tomorrow.
A style show pt tho newest
styles la dependable Suits and
Unman Barometers More Nswtrssi
Than the Mechanical
Much has been written on the relations
between weather and disease, and In
medical literature tuerw is no lack of
carefully drawn qurves showing tho vary
ing prevalence ot particular Uieases,
the rlto and fall of mortauiy, etc., side
by side with others. Indicating the march
of one or more ot the meteorological ele
nients. There Is, however, one phase of
this subject that has been strikingly
Deflected. Many human beings are no
toriously sensitive, not merely to the
weather of today, but also to the weather
of tomorrow. Arthritic, rheumatlo and
neuralcto patients need no barometer or
weather map to tell tliem when bad
weather Is approaching-, Old wounds give
trouble at such a time, and members
i Ions since amputated reassert their
' power to cause pain. These phenomena
' are bo well known that It would be
sheer fatuity In any sclentlfto man to
deny them, merely because he cannot
i understand them, yet strangely enough
; they have been tho subject of very little
systematic investigation.
' A special ase under this general head
Is the extreme sensitiveness of some per
sons to the approach ot thunder storms.
The pathological condition uxoerltnced by
such persons before a thunderstorm
must not be confused with ordinary
dread of thunder and lightning. In faSt.
this condition often comes on before
there are any ordinary Indications ot the
storm's approach; and the symptoms
commonly subside before the storm Is
, over. Attention was called tq this condL
I tlon some years ago by Dr- O. M. Beard,
In Beard and Rockwell's Medical ana
Surgical Electricity, and it was given
the name of "aitrophoblo." Cases of its
occurrence are. however, familiar to at.
most everybody. The symptoms of the
I complaint, seem to include all kinds ot
nervous manifestations, going on quite
I often to estrsme nausea and physical
j prostration.
One turns raturally to German litera
ture for the elucidation of almost any
scientific question that (tea oft the beaten
track, but In this particular case without
much satisfaction. It Is true that W.
Hellpach's unique book, "Die Qeopnychl-
schen Erachelnunten" (Lelpi!?. 1J11),
Blves quite an elaborate account of astra
phobla (without calling H by name), but
this, work raises many more questions
than It answers. Other German writers
have dealt with analogous problems. For
esample, II. von looker 'has attempted
to explain the physiological effects often
felt before the arrival ot the Swiss
foehn. as due to tho ragld small fluctu.
atlons-of the barometer. Finally, In
Zeltschrlft fur Balneologle tor January
15 and February I last, there Is a most
suggestive article by Dr. Martin Farkos
of Budapest on "WetterfUhlen." The
author has been Investigating the aches
und palps ot the inmates of a home for
old soldiers However, these questions
remain obscure. There is an excellent
opportunity here for some original-work.
-Sclentiflo American.
rissnae ot Scnrplon Omeiasa Revo
lotions a Cemetery Pro-moteri
Whatever the limitations placed upon
life expectancy In Mexico In these restless
days tho Mexican scorpion still holds the
record as official executioner of the re.
public, rour thousand persons are re
ported to die each year In Mexico from
the atlnga of scorpions.
There are several varieties of scorpions
In Mexico, some ot them exceedingly
venomous and .others little feared. In the
neighborhood of Teplo the virulent, ten
turls gracilis abounds, but It Is UUe
known about the mure northern state
Sonora. It on8 ot the most venomous
creatures in the world.
In the small city ot Duraiteo scorpions
are perhaps more plentiful and mora dan
serous than anywhere else In the republic.
Kera the climate la humid, and torrid-it
It In the "Utrra callente"-and It Is esti
mated that more than 1W.00O tdorplons are
killed each year, with no appreciable ef.
feet on their numbers.
A scorpion resembles a diminutive,
lobster. Some specimens are eight inches
long, though the average length la from
two to four Inches. The claws closely
rescmblo -ry lobster's; with them the
scorpion crushes Its prey after disabling
It by .means of a sting.
The body ot a rcorplon consist of sev
eral segmented joints, the last five or
more narrowing down to form the tall,
which curls up forward over the body
and terminates In the stlnr. Thin hn.i.
neseltke appendage Is a horny, sharp
Pine cental alns two little openings which
"" me veaom giana WlthM the
ell of the last segment. In striking, the
Scdrplon gives the tall a rapid lashing
motion forward la advance of the body
and Itterallv a.dmlnlra
. . ..,r4.wv,,M,u
Injection of poison, or rather several In.
juuoa, igr u usuauy stings repeatedly
when it does strike.
Jn color scorpions vary according to
environment. One ordinarily colorless or
translucent will assume a brown or
blackish shade lp dark surroundings.
Scorpions live In the crapks of the sun
baked clay, under stones, In the chinks
of the adobe huts and In the cracks
In the plaster of old frame houses. They
prey upon spider and other night War
audng insects, A spider, stung by t
scorpion may be observed undergoing
convulsions before death just as animals
or human beings do.
Unless sleeplnr cots are mil .r--. a
and the supports Immersed In cans of
Kerosene or carooilo acid-water evap.
orates too rapidly--the prowling scorpion
may find its way beneath the bed covers
and sting the restless child. By nature
It is a nocturnal pest. in Mexico every
one takes a peep in the toe of his shoe
twfora dressing u the morning; to assure
himself that no undesirable clUven is
hiding there.
Contrary to common belief scorpions
never commit suicide by atlnglpg them
selves td deatb-t least not In Mexico.
In fact they seem Immune, to their own
venom. Two well matched specimens wilt
battle to death If eopflneo In a Jar,
stinging each other repeatedly, yet the
ylctor does not die. K tears hjs antagon
ist into smalt pieces -with his claws and
voraciously devours every trace of the
vanquished foe. And the cannibal thrives
op the dlt-Nw York Sun.
"' " 1 i
Hta Kxease.
Xeoky yuh. B rudder Bagusl" severely
said good old Fareon Banter, on a re
cent Monday morning, f What was de
'cadon for yo' sturbfn' de whole cons' -egatton.
last night by snawtln' dat-uh-way
and den gltua' Up and trompln' oufn
de church wld all de toroctty of a. blind
"Uh-weJl, to tell de troof. Pahson," an
swered the culprit, "1's amphibious."
"Wtia-what's dat yo' speciflesT Yo is
"Amphibious, tab. I walks in muh
New York's Sheriff WMI Hare ione
of It aa a Crime Cor- .
Sheriff Julius Harburger of New York
county sees the sure advancement of civ-Wr-atlon
In America. When .the sherfift
of Nottingham held his job In England
that was even before Harburger went
Into politics-he armed his deputies vim
blunderbusses, which the said deputies
occasionally would discharge In the dl
reetlon of Robin Hood and other law.
less persons. And then In the days ol
the Spanish Inquisition there was ons
Torquemada who used to put the screws
on helpless victims of his anger, even
aa "Boss" Murphy has put the screws on
Mayor Gaynor.
But none of this for Sheriff Harburgei
ot New York. Civilisation has advanced,
na even in mi grapple with bomb thrw
ers and "midnight assualnt" fc a.
pot favor corporal punishment, although
ne oeueves electrocution is all right. The
sheriff received & letter from Mrs. Mary
Scott Rowland, who lives at the Hotel
Savoy, London, In which she suggested
that the whipping post waa about the
best deterrent of crime. But th. .v...i..
disagrees wtlh this viow.
"Civilisation Is advancing In America,
e replied to Mrs. Rowland. vt
land It Is retrograding. I am not a, be.
jiever in me wnippmg post, but In educa
tion. It Is abhorrent to thlnV i..u..
on the back should purify the Individual.
we are not in the days of Torquemada.
We hear occasionally of ivmhin. 1.
America, but In the next decade we will
reao 01 outrages committed as of tho
past, but not chronicled where th search
light and sunshine of progression has left
Its Indelible mark.
"No whipping post for me, nor for our
country. Perpetrators of crimes wl go
on, but checked, and while have but
four more months in the shrievalty ballj
wlck, I -will after that enter n fi.trf
where my dealings will be with dead ones.
wnerc eiecino tasnes might reausclun
apd bring to life good aoul, wiio have
been seekers of contentment, longevity,
and purty.New York Tribune,
Persistent Advertising Is the Road t
Big Returns.